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AS59: Showtime/Barbosa/SHIT vs. The Empire

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Last week, we saw King Constantine create a dangerous group alongside the likes of Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen to form the Empire and take down the World Champion in the process. However, they weren't indestructible as Barbosa & SHIT came to crash the party on Aftershock to take the two men who attacked them after their classic match at Unscripted. General Manager Vance Bateman has decided to put these 6 men together in a match to help blow off some steam prior to All or Nothing.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 5th February. Extensions as per thread.
Constantine moves away from the camera, backing up with every further step but never losing eye contact with the recording device that lies before him. Finally, Constantine comes to a halt as the rest of his torso falls into frame. With a look of sheer exhaustion and fatigue etched upon his features, Constantine allows his chin to drop down to meet his his chest. For a moment, the silence is deafening as The Power Trip remains motionless. Slowly but surely, his head begins to rise again, his fiery green eyes soon resuming their relationship with the camera. Constantine attempts to speak but a sudden and debilitating lump in his throat scuppers the idea. After a moment to compose himself, the King seems ready to address his Empire.

Constantine: In this message, I speak directly to the fans of WZCW.

The speech of Constantine seems quite laboured as he presses on with his diatribe.

Constantine: What you know -- or rather, what you think you know of truth, could not be further from accuracy. What you know as real could not possibly be any further from illusion.

The perplexing words of The Power Trip are further reinforced by the sudden tear that begins to form in the corner of his right eye. Without hesitation, Constantine removes a handkerchief and wipes the moisture from his face before it can roll down his pale cheek.

Constantine: With this message, I am to enlighten you and illuminate the truth. Although some may not be ready to accept it, it is something that everyone must hear.

Constantine quickly tucks the handkerchief back inside his breast pocket and remains silent for a second; quietly and carefully pondering his next words.

Constantine: One week ago to the date of this recording, my world was shattered. What should have been the best and most successful era of my life, became the single most gut-wrenching and agonizing moment I shall ever come to live in.

The Power Trip hesitates once more, his slow and deliberate pace reinforcing the strange and intriguing feeling of his words.

One week ago, I was diagnosed with Spinal Degeneration, a condition that will slowly tear away all function in my spine and leave me as a shell of a former man. Soon enough, this condition will take everything from me. Everything that I have worked tirelessly to achieve and earn will be gone in a matter of years.

Suddenly, the words of Constantine seems packed with venom but no less heartfelt.

Constantine: At Meltdown 83, I finally bested Showtime David Cougar in a tag team match. With Steven Holmes by my side, we crushed the pathetic heroes of the masses. Holmes and I routinely and rhythmically took apart the elected paladins of WZCW's new age. Holmes and I brought Showtime David Cougar and Triple X to their knees before delivering a deliberate and resonating blow to their careers and livelihoods.

A slow and intimidating smile begins to emerge in the corner of Constantine's mouth but is quickly removed as Constantine presses on.

Constantine: And with that knowledge -- that power at your disposal -- you could have raised Steven Holmes and I up onto your shoulder, proclaiming us as your Champions. You could have reversed this entire corrupt and broken system before it was too late...

The Power Trip lets out an exasperated sigh as he dips his head in silent though.

Constantine: But you failed.

Constantine lifts his head once again, his brows now arched downwards in an angry and determined show of aggression.

Constantine: You could have stopped this whole process from becoming the snowball effect that it now promises to be! You, the WZCW faithful, could have saved the product that you know and love! And thus, the blame for what happened to Showtime at Meltdown 83 rests upon your weary shoulders.

The darkness that encompasses Constantine lends itself to the maniacal and menacing words that spew from The Power Trip's mouth and a self-satisfied grin begins to crawl onto his face.

Constantine: And as The Empire did the dirty work that no one had the courage to carry out, what did the huddles masses of WZCW's most faithful fans choose to do? You spit at us! You threw trash and insults at us as we mercilessly did what needed to be done. You see, not long ago, I planned to take the slow and precise route to the World Heavyweight Championship. By working hard and obtaining your support, I thought that a World Championship sot would eventually be my fate. But where did that get me? On the wrong end of a beating from The Elite Steven Holmes. And just when I needed you the most, you turned your back on me. You left me to rot and die in a shallow pool of my own blood and despair.

Constantine again pauses in a vain attempt to allow himself to cool down. But the emotion of the moment has overcome the Power Trip seemingly.

Constantine: And now, with the startling and sudden realisation of my own mortality, my time for a slow and precise build up has been eradicated. And once again, when I needed you the most - - When I needed someone to rely on and pick me up when I was down - - you turned your back on me once again.

Yes, what you have come to know as the truth is not what it seems. For it was not too long ago, that Showtime Cougar was one of the most menacing and comprehensively deceitful members of the WZCW roster. He lied, he cheated and he clawed his way to the top using his guile and cunning to manufacture the opportunity. And now, he sits atop the mountain, ever in your graces, staring smugly down at those who are willing to question his authority. And yet, you still don't see it. You don't see how overwhelmingly devious the man you call your Champion actually is. It was only last week that Showtime David Cougar used his contract to aide his own goals and ambitions, turning it against me and my own to get what he wanted. Showtime David Cougar is a liar and a crook. And what's more, he's got you all falling for it...

Constantine's once pale cheeks are now burnt red with anger as particles of spit fly out his mouth with every venomous syllable that passes his lips.

Constantine: But now, my dear David, we have illuminated the darkness that surrounds you. We have raised a candle to the decaying morals that have hauled you all the way to the top of this company and shown you for what you really are; a scared and wounded animal that is frightened for the fate of the World Heavyweight Championship that you have around your waist.

You see, whilst you have crawled through the grass of WZCW like a snake, an army has been moving against you and your kind. An army of men who have seen you for what you really are. But you were too blinded by your own hidden lusts and desires for glory to see it. You were too wrapped up in your own success that you never dreamed that such a movement could be facing you. But your failure, will be our success.

Suddenly, a blinding light illuminates the area in which Constantine was standing alone. Beside him now, the focussed and intense faces of Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper. Constantine turns to his head to each of them in turn and receives a slight nod of the head from both of his companions. His head swivels back round to face the camera once again, the same prevalent fire in his eyes.

Constantine: And now, I send a message to anyone who would stand alongside such a man. A man who has comprehensively kept you down in the mid-card of WZCW. You need only look at Ascension 58 for proof of this. Showtime has aligned himself alongside the decision-makers in WZCW; allowing him to craft a contract that aides his success. He has deprived you of any realistic opportunity to take that gold from around his waist. What's more, he has climbed all over you to reach his goals. But as he stands alone against an army with momentum and right behind it, he calls for you. He calls for any who are ignorant enough to overlook his carnivorous actions that have taken him to the top.

Constantine closes his eyes now, the ringing of his vicious words still casting a lethal shadow over his announcement.

Constantine: Barbosa and SHIT, I do not blame you for your actions. I do not blame Barbosa for ambushing The Empire last week and I certainly do not blame you for climbing into bed with someone who would promise you anything for your loyalty. But deep inside your guts, you must feel what I feel; you must see what I see. Showtime David Cougar is a fraud and a manipulator. He will use and abuse you until you have outlived your usefulness and then he will forget about you, your actions long forgotten in his mind.

Constantine suddenly opens his eyes again and subsequently raises his arms in a welcoming way.

Constantine: But it's not too late for you. You can turn on the mass manipulator that calls you his team-mates one day and his enemy the next. By joining The Empire, you will have your success. You will have your glory. All I require of you... Is nothing. Precisely nothing. Leave Showtime Cougar on his own at Ascension and you will have taken steps to creating a fairer and more opportunistic company. But stand against us and we will destroy you. For what we are campaigning for cannot be stopped, it cannot be undone. Our will is iron and our strength is resolute. At Ascension, the power of The Empire will fall upon it's enemies with crushing devastation and that is a promise.

Constantine allows a brief smile to appear once again before the camera cuts off.​
"What have I done?"

"What have I created?"

Circling the box in a gloomy room, running his hand along the side of the wooden crate, the white haired scientist stopped and leaned on it, resting all of his weight on the side, his slight frame not even causing it to rock. His gaze is not attracted by it though, instead his focus is gripped by a reflection, of himself, barely visible in the half light in a dirty cracked mirror not fit to hang on a public toilet wall.
He stared for a while, running his hand through his wild white hair. Looking at the person staring back at him.

"It was a necessary evil Gustav," he said, calmer now, "think of Lyndsey. Think of Mother," breathing deeper, using his hand to smooth his wild hair, he continues, "he did it to himself, you are just playing the role he needs you to play. You just restored him," he stops, "restored him to what?" A small pause, "restored him, to his factory settings, haha." The small, high pitched outburst of laughter quickly silenced by his free hand. He continues breathing heavily.

Finally regaining his composure, and perhaps losing patience at the same time he slammed his free hand on the side of the box, three times, hard.

Eventually a reply was heard, the front crashing down as S.H.I.T emerged and turned the corner to where he was stood, the scientist would have thought it didn't look pleased to see him, but that was the face it always had. It just looked worse in the murky light, yes, that was it.

"I've had the call," he said, a touch higher pitched than he would've liked.

S.H.I.T nodded in the affirmative. The scientist stopped leaning on the box, even now he didn't like to show weakness in front of this thing.

"I think you can probably guess." He said after a pause.

No answer. To which Gustav rolled his eyes. The scientist filled the space.

"You're against Empire."


"Just you."


"Against the three of them."


He raised his dark, bushy eyebrow as high as it would go. "Three on one," he said, "tornado rules, all at once."


He cocked his head curiously, the Machine mirrored his actions.

"Okay, I lied. You've got team mates," he finally admitted. A trick of the light certainly, but it looked like the Machines expression darkened.

"Showtime." He said.

Pause. Nod.

"Aaaand Barbosa..." He said, wincing as the name left his mouth.

Pause. Fist clench.

"Look, that chapter of your life is over," he said, wondering even as he said it what madness possessed him to use the word "life" instead of any number of possible alternatives. "You remember your time as one of Ty Burna's apostles?"


"They, you, were a unit. WZCW's best and brightest assembled to stop you and you won. Remember?"


"Why do you think that was?"


S.H.I.T destroyed all opposition!

He put his hands on his hips, this might take a while. "Because you were a unit." He said.

Questioning cock of the head.

"Well," he flustered, "perhaps not entirely," he conceded. "Still, you all, well most of you had a singular purpose, whereas you're opponents were only after revenge or personal glory."

Head remains questioningly cocked.

"Look, the roles are reversed now. Empire are the unit with the singular purpose and you are the ones seeking revenge or personal glory."

The match is three vs three!

Got him... It... "No, its three vs one."

Barbosa, Showtime, S.H.I.T vs Ale...

"EMPIRE!" He shouted triumphantly, holding up a singular digit on his hand. "Which is more powerful? Three? Or One? He said, the shouting causing him to gasp for breath.

Three! Came the instant, logical reply.

"One!" Came the instant, correct reply. "They are singular of purpose, whereas you are divided, divide and conquer." He said, catching his breath, "One is more powerful."

S.H.I.T's head levels out. Its fists slowly un-ball.

"Good, I trust that snake Showtime as far as I can throw him, but you must attempt to get on his page, but more importantly Barbosa's page, believe it or not he is your truer ally, see this or you will be divided and destroyed."



Logic wins the day. Yet, its.. His reaction to Barbosa, illogical. No emotion. No hate, but yet.

Why am I helping him so much? Surely I should just let him run loose. IT. Let it run loose.

But I've seen what those other Men are capable of.. I am in a position to stop them, to make them fear the unknown, what unknown goes "bump" in the night.. And there is nothing more unknown than the thing in that box.

He sighed.

"Get ready, old friend, you've got an Empire to destroy." He said and turns and comes face to face with the mirror again, just for a second, he could've sworn the eyes staring back at him were red, but cold, and etched on his face a snarl of pure hate. Gasping he takes a step back, seeing his true self, white hair and moustache, dark bushy eyebrows. He turns to S.H.I.T.

"But first, destroy that God Damn Mirror!"
* Upturned seats and tables, cards and chips were strun all over the floor. All were coated with a thick layer of dust; dust that also formed a choking cloud hanging the air.

In the middle of this mess sat a contemplative Barbosa.*

Barbosa: Fun.

That was how Barbosa has described the massacre that had overtaken both he and SHIT at Unscripted. The nurse he had confided in had been shocked at such a pronouncement, especially given how she was in the process of cleaning and bandaging up the myriad wounds he had accrued in the course of that match.

However, it had not been a pronouncement made in jest, with the aim of illiticing shock or bravado.

It had been the truth. He had spoken of fun because it had been fun.

He had visited here recently, in the prelude to Unscripted, worried about how he would feel after his quest to inflict destruction upon SHIT had ended. He had worried about feeling empty and directionless once more.

Instead, he had had fun.

In the past, he might have dismissed such a frivolous notion as a distraction. But instead, the war with SHIT had revealed something to him. All the direction he needed was to continue having fun. And it turned out that he enjoyed wrestling. Enjoyed the fight.

Perhaps Dr Rivers should add some form of non-sexual sado-masochism to his list of disorders for part of him truly hopped that his 'fun' with SHIT was far from over.

And from his next match, it seemed that he had little to worry about in that regard.

Not only was SHIT a part of it but so was the WZCW champion, his next challenger and that challenger's minions - minions that Barbosa had an explosive score to settle with.

Now, Showtime had already taken advantage of Barbosa's dirty work on the biggest stage of them all and gone on to dominate the world title scene virtually ever since.

It would not be as big a problem to see him do it again as they were on the same team… or at least it should not. However, Barbosa could not state categorically that Showtime taking advantage of his destrcution again would not irk or even provoke him…

Then again Showtime had proven himself clever enough to let good sense override his pride and need for the spotlight so he should stay out of his way. He certainly did not need to be looking over his shoulder for Barbosa when he would have his hands full with the 'King.'

Ah, Constantine.

In the past, part of him would have commented on how, despite the seeming conflict of nomenclature of 'king' and 'empire', Constantine's most famous namesake and others had been regarded as both.

Now though, while they had never crossed pathes before, Barbosa only looked at Constantine in contrast to himself. The King for a Day languishing at a station he perceived as being below him - Barbosa had been that way once. Perhaps he still was. The only big difference was that the current king was far more willing to exploit others.

Both Bowen and Cooper had been disgruntled, angry even, at their lack of progression and had taken to blaming that on higher ups not wishing to have them advance. Whether true or not, Constantine had used that to his advantage and now had a cadre willing to help him achieve his ultimate goal.

Although why he had not just used the briefcase the same way Barbosa had escaped him.

Something else that escaped him was why exactly had the Empire targeted both him and SHIT. Neither of them had anything to do with the WZCW title and had just finished butchering each other.

Did it really make that much of a statement blowing up two competitors who were already in pieces? Were they really that desperate to get noticed?

Well, Barbosa would make sure that they got all the notice they wanted and he had already proven what could happen to the Empire when they squared up to a fresh and healthy Barbosa.

Yes, he would have his fun with the Empire.

And if SHIT or Showtime decided to have another go at testing him, he would have his fun with them too.

It all tied together nicely.

Speaking of Ty, it appears as if there really is someone as deluded as Kravinosa Barbinoff, he should have business cards made up.

Drake Callahan
Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire.

"Turning any setback or slight, imagined or real, into a vast, insidious conspiracy against me."

Est. 2009

Does he really think that El Califa Dragon and Ty Burna are one and the same? Just because they use a similar move?

Sure, Ty could have lost 50lbs in his time away and taken to using a mask to hide whatever scars littered his face from his last match.

*Barbosa looks to his own burn-scarred right arm.*

But how exactly would he have dropped three inches in height? Lived in a box for months?

It was clearly nonsense but just to be safe, Barbosa would keep an eye on that developing situation. Ty Burna was in no way above using such distractions and manipulations to get what he wanted and if he was to return, Barbosa would be one of the first in line to square up to him.


However, there was something else besides the Empire, SHIT, Showtime and Ty that was attracting his attention. Something that was really bothering him. Concerning him even.

Something that accounted far more for his presence back in the poker room than anything else - that change in demeanour. When he had shuddered and then snapped at Stacey Madison, it had been a momentary loss of composure.

A regression even.

That was why he was here. To check that this recess was still abandoned; its former occupants still banished.

And aside from the disturbances caused by his presence, the cloud of dust filling the air and the righting of the chair he now sat on, it was in the same shape that he had found it weeks previously.


However, that did not fully assuage his suspicions. His lack of caring about direction and his general expressiveness and clarity of thought could also be taken as different behaviour from that which had predominated in the previous months. And when added to that outburst, Barbosa could not helped but be wary.

But there was nothing else that he could do about that now other than keep himself, and whatever else, distracted by his campaign against the Empire and its King and whatever SHIT still had in store for him.

*With that, Barbosa stands up from his chair and walks towards the door. However, before leaving he looks back over his shoulder with a look of some concern. He quickly shakes it off though, replacing it with a smirk.

Barbosa: Time to have some…

*Before finishing his sentence, Barbosa exits through the door, slamming it behind him.*


*Barbosa opens his eyes. Again, much like at Unscripted, he is sitting in his locker room, preparing for the upcoming match.*

Barbosa: …fun.


*The slamming door leaves the poker room dark and empty, much like it had been for the previous year since its impromptu evacuation. However, this time it is only for the briefest of moments.

So forcefully was the door slammed by Barbosa that it rebounds open ever so slightly, allowing a small chink of light into the room. Initially, it seems to have done nothing aside from providing the slightest illumination of the wrecked, dust-covered room. However, suddenly, the silence to be broken.*

The scene begins as Alex Bowen enters the front door of Justin (Reverend to those common people) Cooper. His once dirty and hardcore exterior is now replaced by a well cleaned and social man of success. Immediately Bowen begins to make his way around the apartment, sighing as he does so. The first port of call for Bowen is the lounge room and as he approaches the sound of a television increases.

TV: IT’S TIME! Five rounds for the CFU Light Heavyweight Championship of the world.

Bowen continues to make his approach.

TV: Introducing first the challenger … fighting out of the blue corner, this man is wrestler and holds a record of 1,000,000 wins and zero losses. Fighting out of West Linn, Oregon, CHAEL-

Click. Bowen has grabbed the television remote and abruptly turns the TV off.

Cooper: Hey, what the hell happened to my television?

Bowen: Dude I...

Shocked Cooper spins around in his chair and throws his arms up in the air.

Cooper: Don’t take me Jesus! Spare me, take Alex instead.

Bowen smacks Cooper across the back of the head with the television remote. Knocked for a loop Cooper falls off the chair and lands on the floor. He looks up with his eyes open and finally sees that Bowen is indeed in his house.

Cooper: When did you get here? I was nearly robbed by some thugs. You can’t trust anyone these days.

Bowen: What do you have in this apartment worth stealing? It’s a couch, a fridge and a television. You’ve got nothing else.

Cooper: Not my fault I get paid nothing. This company has held me back for years you know. I’m like an eagle and they’re all falcons. Everyone knows eagles are better than any old falcon.

Bowen: Yet you’re always in suits.

Cooper: Not anymore, I’ve cut back on that. I plan on signing with that retro clothing label Hike. I heard good things about their stocks last week. Stocks are very important Alex. Like super important, so very important. If we had a scale for importance you know stocks we be on the top of that thing.

Bowen: You know it’s shit like this that distracts you from the match right? If you stopped focusing on stocks and clothing deals we could be fighting for the titles at All or Nothing.

Cooper attempts to nip up, instead he crumbles right back down to where he was on the floor.

Cooper: I’ve fought for the titles before at All or Nothing and it’s not all that exciting. Believe me when I tell you we are not missing out. Let Saboteur and Saxton beat those two pretenders and then we’ll scoop up the leftovers.

Bowen: You should know by now that Alex Bowen doesn’t just scoop up the leftovers. I’m the guy that squashes people into the leftovers and then throws ‘em in the trash where they belong. It’s the thing I’ve been doing for years and it’s the thing I’ll do to S.H.I.T and Barbosa at All or Nothing.

Cooper: Give me a minute.

Cooper gets to his feet and exits the room while rubbing his backside.


Five minutes have pasted and Bowen is sitting alone in the lounge. Looking discouraged Bowen begins to search for his missing tag team partner. He goes up the stairs and stands just outside of Cooper’s bedroom door. Sneakily Bowen places his ear up against the door and listens carefully.

TV: Another takedown for the challenger! We’re into the third round and so far the champion has been taken down 47 times. This is pure dominance over the man they call crumbling stumbling Jones.

Cooper yells out in support of the challenger.

Cooper: Yeah no stupid triangles tonight.

BAM! Bowen busts into the room with a massive shoulder charge. The door hangs from the hinges and Cooper is scared shitless.

Cooper: Did you forget about me telling you I don’t get paid anything? I’m struggling at the moment because of those idiot falcons and the numbers not adding up.

Bowen: We’ve got things to discuss and you’re once again focusing on less important stuff. Showtime Cougar, S.H.I.T and Barbosa are probably discussing plans to take us down right now.

Cooper laughs wildly.

Cooper: Showtime Cougar has never planned for a day in his life. The guy’s a joke and apparently I’m the only one that sees it.

Bowen: He’s the World Champion…

Cooper interrupts.

Cooper: You think that means anything? Plenty of guys have been World Champion and they haven’t deserved it. They never worked for it and Showtime Cougar is just another one of those guys. He’s the “top dog” of a yard that holds nothing but kittens.

Bowen: Kittens?

Cooper: S.H.I.T and Barbosa are kittens. Oh yes they are. They like to try and roar about the power they have but deep down those two are just a bunch of crackpots. Just silly children who find themselves in a main event spot they don’t deserve. They’re leaches trying to grab onto us and suck our talent away.

Bowen unbuttons his suit and moves closer to Cooper. He now sits on the ground, in front of his television, drinking a can of soda.

Bowen: Seriously though Justin we need to go and see John about our match this week. A win over Showtime, S.H.I.T and Barbosa will truly show our power over the rest of the pathetic roster. They can’t come together like we can Justin, we’re more powerful in a group than ever before. Not only can we see our future but we can change it.

Cooper: I’ve always told those people I would be a part of a revolution.

Bowen: Exactly! This is our chance to change things. We’re not just playing around anymore Justin. Last week we let the world know who the hell we are. Last week we stepped into the ring and made an impact. We have shown the world that Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen are good enough to hang with the top guys.

Cooper jumps to his feet and raises his fist proudly.

Cooper: We should be the top guys!

Bowen: That’s what a victory this week will make us. We will be the top guys if we can beat the three goons of good. We, together as one, can bring forth a new experience for the masses. The Empire will stand together and crush those who dare speak out against us. They will not survive; The Empire will reign down vengeance.

Bowen’s words show a strong belief in the alliance that has formed between Constantine, Bowen and Cooper. He believes in the common cause shared by all three men and while the same cannot be said entirely for his tag team partner, Bowen stands as the perfect man to change that.

Bowen: And we…

Instantly Bowen’s face begins to turn red as he realises that Cooper has done yet another runner on him. The former mayhem legend spins around and heads back for the lounge room where this cat and mouse game began.


Cooper: Three minutes! Three minutes to go! Come on dude, finish him!

Visibly frustrated Bowen walks in front of the television and blocks Cooper’s view.

Cooper: What are you doing? This is THE fight of the year! Crumbling, stumbling Jones is just three minutes away from losing. Get out of the way!

Bowen doesn’t budge.

Bowen: Our match this week is much more important.

Cooper: Of course it is but the thing isn’t happening within the next three minutes is it? Now move out of the bloody way!

Bowen: Fine. Watch your little fight thingy.

Bowen moves out of the way but as he does so his foot gets caught on the power cable and it snaps into two pieces. The television shuts off and Cooper screams out in horror.

Scene opens inside a large building. The camera is focused in on Showtime David Cougar's assistant, Allan Lewicki. He can see about the top half of him as a white object larger than a table is covering just above the midsection of his lower half. Some people walk around behind him and there's the small sound of chatter heard in the background. Allan looks at his wrist watch and breathes a deep sign before the silence in interupted.

Intercom: Personal from Housewares please go to the refridgerators for customer assistance. Personal from Housewares to the refridgerator section please.

The camera shots shifts to a side view where he see Allan Lewicki standing in front of some refridgerator's. Bent down on the ground in front of him in the WZCW Champion Showtime David Cougar. He is looking at the width of a very large fridge when Allan speaks up.

Lewicki: What are we doing here? I thought you recently purchased brand new appliances for your home?

Cougar: I have and they are way better than this piece of crap, but that's not why we're here. We're here to do some research.

Showtime stands up and looks at the depth of the new fridge in front of him. Allan again looks down at his watch and speaks up.

We have to be at the arena in less than an hour. The show is going to start without us.

Allan, look at me, I am the WZCW World Champion. Without trying to sound too cocky, I am the Show.

I don't think there was a way for that not to sound too cocky.

Housewares personal: Uhhh... can I help you guys with something?

Showtime stands up and looks at the grungy looking, thirty something year old who still probably lives in his mom and dads basement.

I certainly hope you can, this fridge model, where is the box that it would be transported in. I would like to see it.

Uhhh... they'd be in the back room, but we can't let any old customer just go to the back room.

Well I could understand that if I was just any old customer, but I'm not. You may have seen me on TV, I'm Showtime David Cougar.

The Housewares worker looks at Showtime and shrugs.

Good enough for me. Come'on.

He turns around and starts walking and Showtime and Allan walk behind him.

I'm sorry, you didn't really jump out of your socks at the mention of my name.

The worker rubs his arm along his nose to wipe away some of the mucus and speaks.

Look man, I don't care if you're Alec Baldwin famous or Stephen Baldwin famous. I'm looking to get fired so my parents will stop asking me to move out. I don't watch a lot of TV, I play a lot of online games. My mom might have seen you on TV. She watches a lot of day time talk shows. Are you like a third rate Maury or someone?

Allan snickers and Showtime speaks.

Well I am the host of a variety talk show, but you wouldn't see me at the same time as Ellen or Dr. Phil. Plus, I’m also the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Oh yea, I used to watch WZCW lots when I was younger. I was a huge fan of guys like The Crock, Doctor JGlass, Krayzie Jackson, and Funkay B. Goode.

What a horrible sounding era. Well they are all gone and I'm the new champion.

Alright man, well the boxes are in here.

The three men step through the doors into the warehouse back room. They walk over to a large pile of folded boxes.

Can you pick one of these up and open it up for me.

The worker groans at the work he's being told to do and picks up one of the boxes. He unfolds it out and stands it up on the ground. Showtime takes a tape measurer and measures out the box.

Yes this one is of the correct dimensions. Could you please put it over top of your body?

Are you serious?

It’s for research.

The worker looks really annoyed. He mutters some stuff about being too good for this job and slowly puts the box over top of his head. The box covers his head all the way down to just above his knees. Showtime paces around the box, looking it over a few times before settling in front of the man. Showtime cuts two arm holes for the man inside and then looks up and down at the box.

I think we’re done here.

Allan goes to leave, but then Showtime kicks his foot out and hits the boxed man, knocking him onto his back. The man lies on the floor, still inside the box, and kicks his legs up and down, unable to pick himself up or roll over.

Showtime! What in gods name are you doing?

Learning a bit about my partner S.H.I.T. and the advantages and disadvantages of teaming with him. As you can see, the width and size of S.H.I.T. allows me to hide behind him and surprise our opponents at any point in the match. Not only that, but the width of his body allows us to simply lie him on top the smallest opponent in the match, Justin Cooper, who will not be able to kick out at all. He should be the main focus of our teams attack.

Because he’s been red hot of late and exploding all over the net?

No, because he is small and loud mouthed and will be easiest for S.H.I.T. to pin. Even a wrestler like Bowen or a worn out Constantine would still have trouble kicking out of a S.H.I.T. pinfall attempt if he was placed correctly on him, but Cooper will not be able to kick out at all. I’m no mathimatician, but I think the numbers speak for themselves. As you can see, the one downside to S.H.I.T. body shape is his difficulty getting back to his feet. However the real S.H.I.T. shows little problem with that, so I don’t think it will be a concern.

Showtime goes to leave before Allan stops him.

Wait, we can’t just leave him like that.

Showtime sighs and nods his head. He walks over to the man trapped in the box and reaches out with his hand. However, rather than lifting him to his feet, Showtime pulls out a pen and signs the front of the box and places the pen down.

There you go buddy, the autographed box will allow you to play all the World of War Craft you want while to go on workers compensation or something.

Showtime and Allan walk out of the back area. An employee sees them leave, but recongizes Showtime and smiles and waves. Showtime remains polite with this one and signs him and autograph before continuing with Allan.

So are we ready to get going now?

Well there is still one matter I’m grappling with.

Showtime and Allan pass by the electronics department. Showtime stops in front of a TV. On it is a very familiar face.

Yes, what you have come to know as the truth is not what it seems. For it was not too long ago, that Showtime Cougar was one of the most menacing and comprehensively deceitful members of the WZCW roster. He lied, he cheated and he clawed his way to the top using his guile and cunning to manufacture the opportunity. And now, he sits atop the mountain, ever in your graces, staring smugly down at those who are willing to question his authority. And yet, you still don't see it. You don't see how overwhelmingly devious the man you call your Champion actually is. It was only last week that Showtime David Cougar used his contract to aide his own goals and ambitions, turning it against me and my own to get what he wanted. Showtime David Cougar is a liar and a crook. And what's more, he's got you all falling for it...

Constantine's once pale cheeks are now burnt red with anger as particles of spit fly out his mouth with every venomous syllable that passes his lips.

Constantine: But now, my dear David, we have illuminated the darkness that surrounds you. We have raised a candle to the decaying morals that have hauled you all the way to the top of this company and shown you for what you really are; a scared and wounded animal that is frightened for the fate of the World Heavyweight Championship that you have around your waist.

Showtime shuts off the TV and stares at the screen in deep thought for a minute. Just then a sales associate in the TV department approaches Showtime and Allan.

TV Sales Associate: Yes sir, that TV is a really beauty and is on sale right now. It would make a great addition to basement or gaming room.

Actually, he has this same TV in his master bathroom.

Ho ho, well why don’t we see about adding some surround sound to that TV. Or maybe one for the secondary bathroom. You can never have too many TV’s, that’s what I say.

Showtime smirks at the crafty salesman.

You’re pretty good at your job. A lot of people have a general dislike for salesman such as yourself. They feel they can’t trust someone who is out to squeeze as many dollars as they can out of the customers to pad their commission pay. How do you combat that stereotype.

I exude confidence, I tell them exactly what they want to hear, and I deliver it all with a smile and a sign of respect.

You see Allan, I have been doing exactly those things and yet still there are wrestlers in the back who still don’t trust me when I say I’m a changed man. Heck, even my own teammates have shown signs of doubt.

It’s your past reputation Showtime. You could be a saint for the rest of your days and there will still be those people who can’t let go of the old you.

He’s right you know, just look at Ray Lewis. Most NFL fans love him, but there are those who still can’t forgive him for what he did years ago. So what can I do to help you walk out of here with this brand new TV.

The sales associate smiles at Showtime and Allan.

Save it for then next person whose path you cross. Thank you for your honesty. Come on Allan. You said something about us running behind. Now I’ll have to let them know it was because you took me out TV shopping.

Showtime starts to walk off towards the exit doors. Allan shakes his head and follows close behind as the scene ends.


Scene reopens in the backstage arena. Showtime looks dressed to compete and stands beside Johnny Klamour as he begins his interview.

Klamour: Showtime, in a few days on Ascension 59, you will be teaming up with Barbosa and S.H.I.T. to take on your All or Nothing challenger for the WZCW Title, John Constantine, and The Empire. A lot has been said over the past few weeks about your past and the type of person you once were and now claim to be. Would you care to defend yourself?

Showtime: Johnny, I don’t need to do any explaining or defending of my past actions. I have admitted them, I have accepted them as part of my past which has lead to the person that stands before you today, no which has lead to the champion that stands before you. I can’t make everyone happy and I certainly can’t change the minds of every individual who remembers the snake that I once portrayed in that ring. I’m not trying to rewrite the books and cleanse my soul for all eternity. I’m out here to wrestle and since I am currently the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, I must be doing a pretty damn good job about it.

The fans, the majority of them, they have looked beyond my questionable past and they have accepted the person that I have become. They support me and they cheer for me. Every night I step into the ring and I give my all for these fans. They are the ones I do this for and I think from the reactions I get from them each and every night show that they believe that I am changed, that I am a better person that I wa before. My opponents, when they try to stir up the past and bring it to the forefront, they are doing so because they are jealous of what I have and what I have accomplished. I am World Champion. I accomplished that, I didn’t steal it, I didn’t cheat for it, and I certainly wasn’t handed the belt either. I won it. I worked for it. I deserve it, and I’m not about to lie down and hand it over because some politican is trying to make me feel bad.

Bustle... Reliability... Honour. Those are just words I've added to my vocabulary. They aren't a cach phrase I've lived by for the past 7 years. I’m not a saint. I never was a good person. I’m an entertainer, I’m a performer. I do this every night for the people who continue to support and cheer for me. Constantine, he’s only doing this for himself and he blames the fans for not supporting him. He sits here and cries victim and yes he was the victim of circumstance years ago. He wants an appology from me, I’m sorry that life inside WZCW didn’t work out quite as well for you. I’m sorry you ended up becoming road kill on my way to the top of WZCW, but I am not sorry that I am champion and I won’t be sorry when I defeat you at All or Nothing. I’m putting it all on the line against you and you can bet that you’re going to have to put up the fight of your life to take this belt from me.

As for Ascension and our little six man tag team match with your little minions, I understand my partners concern. I’m not going to demand that everyone trust and love me now, but they need to understand I’m not out to run down a few more people’s lives. I’m out there to win and entertain these fans. I have a goal and if it means working with my two partners to do it, than that is exactly what will happen. S.H.I.T. and Barbosa, I know they most certainly will be able to handle Bow and Coops. That just leaves me to dethrone King, and you can beat on that Jack.

It’s Johnny.

I’m not talking to just you Johnny. I’m talking to Jack Cohen, I’m talking to Jack Ripper, Jack Sprout, Jack of Jack and Jill, Jack of Trades, Hugh Jackman. I’m talking to all of them and you know what, I’m talking to everyone out there watching right now. My name is Showtime, and I am here to be the best. Now watch how it’s done.

Showtime walks off camera and leaves a stunned Klamour standing there as the scene ends.
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