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AS59: Mister Alhazred vs. Sandy Deserts vs. Celeste Crimson vs. Ricky Runn

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Number One Contendership for Elite X Championship - Contested under Elimination Rules

Sam Smith has demanded that the company find someone to face him for the championship and prove that he is the best Elite X champ in history. Similarly to how Smith's opponent came about for Unscripted, Bateman is hosting a Fatal Four Way under Elimination Rules to determine the new number one contender who will be competing against Smith for the title at All or Nothing. This will be the second time Mister Alhazred will be involved in this familiar match whilst Ricky Runn and the Fairy Glitter Armageddon are walking into something new. Either way, whoever wins this match will be getting the title shot but the involvement of a tag team could get a little nasty... or interesting.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 5th February. Extensions as per thread.
We are backstage with the mostly-respected and long-time WZCW reporter Leon Kensworth who is doing an exclusive WZCW.com interview segment (as it says on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen) with "The Sandman" Sandy Deserts who appears to be in casual clothing and a smile on her face. There is really nothing going on behind them apart from a couple of workers in the distance sitting on moveable boxes having an inaudible conversation and it is very quiet, which is due to most of WZCW.com pieces taking place after an event has finished with the crowd leaving the arena to go home.

Kensworth: "Before we get this interview started, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to stay behind tonight on Ascension and going this for the fans of the WZCW Universe who will be going on WZCW.com to watch this interview."

Sandy smiles.

Deserts: "It's always a pleasure, Leon."

Leon returns the smile.

Kensworth: "That's good to hear... unlike what happened to a promising WZCW rookie known as Isabel Stone and someone you have vowed to pursue until she gets what she deserves for injuring a personal friend of yours, Steven Kurtesy, ever since you made your debut within the company."

Deserts gives off a small chuckle at the mention of her "rival."

Deserts: "If I can be perfectly honest here..."

Kensworth: "Sure."

Deserts: "... suffering a serious neck injury is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone, including someone young and, dare I say, talented like Isabel Stone. She's got all the potential in the world to become one of professional wrestling's finest and it is unfortunate that she has to go out this way. This wasn't Ricky's fault in the slightest as these things do happen in this business and he shouldn't be blaming himself. This was simply a case of bad luck and maybe to the same degree, Karma coming around to get Izzy."

Leon is taken back by these comments.

Kensworth: "These are quite calm words for someone who seemed to be out for "Izzy's" blood."

The word "blood" is uttered out of Sandy's mouth softly and silently, proceeded by her shaking her head with a half-smile.

Deserts: "Being out for blood wouldn't be the phrase I'd use... avenging someone that I truly care about is more adequate. The Professor is like almost family to me and has been one of the only people in my life that has stuck by my side ever since we first met. He was the one who reached out his hand when I hit rock bottom and helped me get back to where I am today. Something that kind is something you will never forget and I owe my life to him. So you can imagine how I'd initially react when Izzy crushed Kurtesy's throat, putting him on the shelf and making him unable to speak. After what happened to Izzy though and slowly taking it all in by evaluating the situation, anything that I do to her would be utter cruelty. Hopefully, a neck injury to herself after injuring another person's neck is pain and ironic enough for her to repent and changer her attitude. As long as she stops being apart of a nightmare and start becoming part of a dream, then I'm happy."

Leon nods in agreement.

Kensworth: "Well now with Isabel out of the picture where the rumour was that the two of you were going to square off against each other in singles competition, what do you see for yourself in the near future?"

This very simplistic question causes Sandy to ponder for a moment, trying to think of the best answer she can give in this situation.

Deserts: "Since my debut, I've been directly involved with another good friend of mine, Celeste Crimson where all of our matches have been tag team related with the two of us on the same team. The "surprise" match at Unscripted sparked our interest in becoming the first ever female tag team and we've decided that the WZCW World Tag Team Titles are our goal but we lost our opportunity in the Battle Bowl and I assume the next chance we get at those titles would be after All or Nothing once we crown ourselves new champions... but hey, the unpredictable Roulette Rounds are coming up as well as the Lethal Lottery so anything could happen when All or Nothing subsides."

Kensworth: "What about plans for All or Nothing?"

Deserts: "As long as I get to go out there and compete, I don't care what match I'm part of."

At that moment, the WZCW logo flashes on the screen as Kensworth turns to face the camera.

Kensworth: "Sandy Deserts, ladies and gentemen."

We end the segment with Sandy and Leon smiling towards the camera.


It is a bright and sunny day in San Francisco. The view from the hospital window shows no clouds to litter the beautiful blue skies and the trees are swaying elegantly in the wind. The surrounding area appears to be all about hustle and bustle with people on-the-go, making the most out of a day like today... well, most people it seems. The room that this particular window which shows the lovely outside world happens to be in the Professor's room where Sandy has been staring through for what almost seems like forever. The only reason why she had been staring out a window and not focusing on the Professor was because his attending doctor had been discussing options for his inability to speak. It wasn't that this particular discussion was interesting to her, she had a lot going through her mind after she had found out what her next scheduled television appearance would entail for WZCW. Sandy had been in deep thought about this until the door of the Professor's room got closed louder than normal with a tap on her shoulder to snap her out of her brain.

Sandy turned to the Professor who had been scribbling away at his paper that he was temporarily using to communicate with everyone until a decision was made. Sandy put a smile on her face, awaiting what he would ultimately decide even though the conversation had taken place in that same room. He showed her the piece of paper which read:

I've opted to stay silent, Sandy.

The joy and excitement quickly washed away from Sandy and turned into concern and shock for the Professor, who wearily smiled at her when he saw her reaction.

Deserts: "May I ask why?"

As fast as he could, the Professor gave her an answer.

I want to try my hand at completing the vow of silence like many dedicated Monks have done in the past.

Sandy seemed a little... confused by this response.

Deserts: "Don't you think that's cheating since you literally can't talk?"

The Professor looked at her for a second before putting his index finger up, indicating to her that his next response may take some time. As he was writing down on his paper, she took a glass of water sitting on the bedside table and took a sip before putting it down. The professor finished what he wrote and revealed it to her.

A vow of silence is achieved by not communicating at all. I'd like to attempt this by spending some extended time at the monastery with my Master. I'm sure he'd be glad to have me back. I hope this decision does not upset you.

Sandy looked at Professor with a friendly smile and went in for a hug. She was squeezing a bit tight for his liking but it wasn't like he could alert her.

Deserts: "Nothing you do can upset me. You can get annoying and frustrating at times but never can you make me upset. You know me: I never stand in the way of people achieving their dreams. If your dream is to study the highest levels of spirituality then I support your decision, even if it does mean not seeing you as often as I do... because my dream is to see you live life to the fullest again without issue."

She let's go of the hug and the Professor is relieved: any longer and he would have started to suffocate. He put down a response on his notepad.

Whilst that has been the kindest words you've said to me, don't you have any aspirations of your own?

Sandy seems a little confused by this, causing the Professor to tear off a page and continue writing.

Wrestling aspirations... like challenging for the Elite X title, a question you avoided answering when you got here.

The look on Sandy's face as she turns away tells the story. The Professor puts a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. She turns around putting his hand back down on the bed.

Deserts: "A match against Sam Smith at All or Nothing would be a lovely "Two Birds with One Stone" reference. Not only is the match for his prestigious Elite X championship but I'd get to gain a small amount of revenge from the nightmares that him and Rush have bestowed upon Celeste in the past, as well comments about women in general... but the problem is that I'd have to go through Celeste to get there..."

The Professor sits up in his bed and gets his response ready.

Is Celeste your only problem with this match?

She thinks for a moment.

Deserts: "Well... when I look at the other two candidates in the match, they've got nothing much related to me: Alhazred has been attempting to get a title shot for weeks now and has fallen short of achieving his dream whilst Runn has had a nightmare of a solo career. Ever since his tag team broke up, he has fallen from Heaven to Purgatory... the same could be said with Alhazred after the Chaos imploded on itself. Both men have essentially been in limbo and cannot seem to escape. Any former Chaos member means nothing to me and I do not feel for them so for all I care, Alhazred can stay put. Runn... he's a good kid and although the accident he caused put away Izzy for a long time, I don't think now is the time to be focusing on dreams."

The Professor holds up the same page as he did before but he has scribbled out the first two words, switching "is" and "celeste" around, removing the question mark. Sandy looks at him and nods politely. She looks down for a while until he taps her on the shoulder, showing her an answer.

If you had to go through me to achieve your dreams, I'd forgive you. As good a friend as Celeste is, I'm sure she would understand if you went after singles gold.

Sandy goes to say something but he scribbles down more of a response.

When Celeste enters that ring, she is a competitor. She thrives on competition. This week, you are her competition. Maybe, you should give her some because as a friend, that's what she would expect from you.

Deserts: "I understand but I'd feel like I had betrayed her should she get eliminated prior to Alhazred or Runn being eliminated. If this match was one-on-one between her and myself, I wouldn't be worried give my all in that match as that would be what she'd want. In a 4-Way... it's a bit more difficult to achieve."

The Professor looks at her with a stupid look until he quickly writes:

Why not work as a tag until you have to face each other? The other two might force an alliance to combat the two of you being a tag team anyway.

Deserts: "True..."

More writing by the Professor whose hand is getting noticeably sore.

It's time for you to stop worrying about others and go out there to achieve your own dreams. Go for that Elite X title and show to the world what the Sandman is capable of and how dangerous you can be if you become a nightmare. Smith needs to be taught a lesson.

Deserts lets out a laugh at the Professor.

Deserts: "How are you so still so charismatic without your charming voice?"

He chuckles silently back.

It's simply Kommon Kurtesy.

Sandy slaps him across the arm, laughing louder than before with the Professor having a smile on his face. After the laughter subsides, she wipes her eye.

Deserts: "Just because you said that horrible, horrible pun... I'm going win that Elite X championship and smother you with it so you don't say anything like that again."

He gives her a blank look.

I won't say anything.

Sandy realises what she says and she bursts out into laughter, leaving the Professor to roll his eyes and give off a bit of a smile. He looks out the same window that she did, seeing the lovely day outside and getting lost in that world for a moment until Sandy gives him a kiss on the check and a hug.

Deserts: "Thank you."

She releases the hug as the Professor grabs her hand and they share a special moment together, staring into their eyes with a smile on his face. He let's go of the hand to write one more note.

You go girl.

Sandy gets up and grabs her things, chuckling at his remarks. They have one last goodbye as Sandy leaves the room as the nurse comes in to give him lunch. She walks down the corridor and mutters under her breath.

Deserts: "C'mon Sandy... show the world that this old girl has still got it."
The sky was covered with overcasting grey clouds the second day of our trek up the mountain. I had a rare few days off from WZCW and I had intended on spending the time relaxing and letting my body rest, but my girlfriend Patricia insisted that I accompany her on a wild and crazy expedition to the woods of Northern California.

After some begging and pleading along with the puppy dog eyes, I had relented. ‘What the hell,’ I thought, ‘becoming wild and crazy was the only way to relax.’

What I hadn’t realized was that Patricia’s idea of an expedition consisted of rock climbing up several large cliffs from camp to camp. My body was sore enough as it was, but I wasn’t going to be intimidated by a couple of measly cliffs. The first cliff we scaled had been small, a mere thirty footer; Patricia was an expert climber, and as I belayed I watched with baited breath as she lead with grace, placing spring loaded camming devices as she scaled.

That was the motherly instinct in me; the fear that I felt whenever I watched someone doing something dangerous. When I did something dangerous, I rarely cared about my own wellbeing. That was the way that I had always been. Looking back on my career in WZCW, I made plenty of risky decisions which landed me in plenty of hot water – but did I care? No, I trekked on.

It took an hour to scale the formation with all of our gear; and as we hiked to the next location I looked up at the next cliff in exasperation.

“Surely you must be kidding,” I said looking over at my friend. The cliff must have been close to one hundred feet tall; and since it was my turn to lead I wasn’t quite ready to take the kid gloves off.

Patricia laughed, “You’re not scared are you Celeste? It’s tall, sure, but glancing at all those openings that you’ve got I’d say it’s going to be a piece of cake. Look, there’s a big cluster of rocks off to the side, and the route is clearly straight up once you pass the halfway point.”

I scowled, threw my backpack on, and clipped myself to the anchor, “I have a kid you know; don’t blame we for being cautious.”

She laughed again and continued to push my buttons, “Don’t pull the ‘I have a family’ card on me. You’re just being a chicken. Chicken! C-ch-chicken!”

She began flapping her arms in an exasperated fashion while I just rolled my eyes. Perhaps I was just being soft. My career had been rather stale since I wasn’t granted my match with Rush at Unscripted. I had put everything that I had into trying to convince the audience that I deserved another shot. Instead Matt Tastic was granted the opportunity, only to come up short yet again.

I walked towards the wall and began to climb; the dark clouds above were starring ominously down at me and I began to have mixed feelings, ‘I swear Patricia, if it starts raining while I’m up here I am going to give you the biggest wedgie that you’ve have ever felt next time I’m belaying.’

I inched my way up the rock, placing points of protection wherever I saw fit. Heights weren’t normally a problem for me, but looking down as I climbed higher and higher was making me dizzy. I wondered if I was going soft.

‘What have I been doing with my career lately?’ I thought as I attached myself to another protection point.

‘Fairy Glitter Armageddon; the real reason why Sandy and I formed a team wasn’t just to try to take the tag team division by storm – we were solidifying our bonds. Nothing lasts forever though, I can understand, but friendships are hard to come by.’

I made my way to the center of the cliff, forcefully wedging the camming devices into any tight, stable crevices that I could find. The wind suddenly picked up around me and I felt my nerves softening. Softening just like my reputation. I used to be intimidating, and now I was nothing more than a punching bag for the up and comers. I felt ashamed. How many times did I have to put my eggs in a single basket only to keep failing repeatedly?

‘Even though I failed to stop the Apostles of Chaos when I returned, I felt like I accomplished something by asserting myself as dominating force. But now I’ve fallen so far I don’t think I can recover.’

A strong gust of wind hit me so hard, I slipped and nearly lost my footing. I could feel the slack in the rope tightened; even if I fell it wouldn’t be far.

“Are you alright?” I heard Patricia call from below.

“Yeah, the wind just caught me off guard,” I replied.

I gritted my teeth and pressed on. Thrusting my left hand forward, I reached up and groped around for my next footing. I stood up and tried to push myself forward, but another gust of wind pressed against my body and slammed me against the face. I felt myself falling…

“Dammit! Be careful Celeste!”

I could hear Patricia beneath me cursing up a storm as I tried to right myself. I reached forward and latched onto the rock again. I had another flashback of a few days ago. Sandy and I were standing Dave’s office discussing business, when the big guy dropped a bomb on us. A Fatal Four Way at Ascension where the winner would be granted a future shot at the Elite X title? How absurd.

‘That was my initial reaction. I was still so arrogant that I believed that I should be handed everything; truthfully I know my place on the card, and it was currently towards the bottom. I know I have to climb my way back to the top if I want to succeed again.’

Climb forward – what an interesting metaphor. Was it ironic that’s what I was attempting to do now?

‘Patricia you sly, sly devil; was this your plan? To try and motivate me?’

But did I even want to be motivated? Was I content with being a loser until it was convenient for me to pull out an easy win? I was putting my eggs in one basket again. I looked up and I could see the route on the cliff that Patricia had described earlier – it was a large outcropping of rocks with many footholds but it was slanted, and getting there was going to force me to alter my current course. I twisted my body the best I could; my shoes digging into crevice to my right, trying to gain traction. Looking forward I saw my next target – a handhold to my right. To get there I’d have to spin and reach behind me; a contortion that seemed ludicrous to me. Looking down I quickly lost my nerve.

“What’s the holdup grandma?” Patricia called from below.

“This isn’t easy you know!”

“Well you may want to hurry it up,” she called. “Those clouds don’t look friendly; I think it’s going to rain soon.”

‘Fantastic,’ I thought as the wind picked up again.

My fear of trying to reach for that handhold mirrored my fear of wanting to go forward with my career. I was so content on playing it safe I’d fallen almost completely out of public eye.

‘I’m afraid that I just can’t cut the mustard anymore; my career has been long and I’ve got plenty of good memories, but am I at the end of the line? If only I could reach out and grab my destiny – it’s so close.’

I took a deep breath and tried to steady my nerves; I looked ahead and eyed my target. I placed my left foot forward and launched myself off the foothold. I turned my body 180 degrees, and with a mighty yell I reached behind my back to grab that handhold. I felt myself slip, and on instinct I turned around, my body contorting, as I pressed myself off against the rock face. I didn’t have a foothold so I dug my feet into the cliff and did my best to right myself.

“Holy shit! I can’t believe you made that you crazy bitch!”

“You’re not helping!” I screamed as I tried to find my bearings.

A Fatal Four Way for the number one contenders spot for the Elite X title? I wondered if Sandy felt the same way I did. But I doubted it; which all of the pressure the strain of avenging Steven was putting on her, my friend was going to push herself as far as she could go. And if she succeeded in winning, was I going to hold her back?

‘Sandy, I’m sorry if I haven’t been as enthusiastic as you have been in the last couple of weeks. I’ve been wallowing in my own self pity. If I’m not willing to put my pride on the line for you, then I don’t deserve to be your partner. We’re fairies; and fairies can’t be beaten.’

I launched my body forward and lunched for the next handhold. My hands clawed against the rocks, my fingers bruised and bleeding. I couldn’t stop; I had to push forward. I tried to navigate the slant in the rock face as best I could. I managed to step around the worst of it, but I found myself dangling between two valleys. I wedged another piece of protection into the rock wall and anchored myself to it before performing the splits as I grabbed upwards to the next handhold.

“What is this, the circus?” Patricia yelled below.

I ignored her jab and pressed forward. I could see where the rock face began to stabilize smooth in front of me. It was exactly as Patricia had described – the route continued straight up towards the top, but the cliff began to flatten making handholds and footholds scarce. I felt like Ricky Runn trying to be as nimble as I could.

‘Ricky’s going to be one of my opponents. The kid has heart, but like me I wonder if he’s scared of trying to go forward. He hasn’t really done much of anything since Austin Reynolds retired. Are you satisfied with your position on the card Ricky, or would you rather go forward? I don’t think that you have the heart to defeat Sam Smith – he’s not a man that should be underestimated.’

Every time I faced off against Sam Smith I never took the match seriously; not because I didn’t respect him, but because I felt as though I didn’t have anything to gain by beating him.

‘But I realize that I shot myself in the foot because every time he defeated me his reputation grew. Now he has nothing to lose by taking me seriously, or treating me like a joke. And this is your dilemma as well Ricky Runn - is this the path you want to take? To defeat Sandy and I and go on to face an opponent you may not even be able to beat? I don’t think you have that resolve, junior.’

The wind began to blow once more as I closed in on my final stretch on the cliff. Suddenly I saw the worst thing that any climber could possibly see. Looking up I saw a lightning bolt dance across the sky. I swore out loud and looked down to my friend. Once we both reached the top it was a mile and a half to the camp. I wasn’t worried about Patricia, as she could climb much faster than I could; but we were going to get soaked during the hike. As I continued to climb, I thought about the last man in the match.

‘Alhazred; we’ve got plenty of history don’t we? Even though I’ve beaten you in the past I know that you aren’t the same lackey that did Ty Burna’s dirty work. You’ve gone toe to toe with Barbosa, and became a massive thorn in SHIT’s side. I can’t afford to underestimate you.’

I heard the thunder. The sound penetrated my eardrum and made me jump. I started to panic. Patricia began shouting at me from the bottom. Hurry your ass up; hurry your ass up. I began to work like clockwork picking my targets as best I could. The cliff was much larger than I thought; it must have been three times larger than the one we climbed earlier. My heart was racing; this was my step forward.

‘Why should I be worried about trudging forward? It’s a natural progression for someone like me. If I can climb this cliff I can win at Ascension. Sandy – you may be like a sister to me, but as your big sister it is my job to put you in your place. I want you to follow me the same way I followed Steven. Ricky – this is your chance to prove yourself, but my star has always shined brighter than yours. You were never able to stand on your own two feet, where as I have. And it’s time I took another chance. Alhazred – you won’t get the best of me this time; and if you are seeking redemption you won’t be able to find it.’

I felt the first few raindrops hit my face; I was almost at the top. Ten feet to go – I felt the wind pressing my body against the rock face. Five feet to go – I jammed the last camming device into the cliff and anchored myself to it. Three feet to go – I could hear the thunder roar in my ear. One foot to go – I reached up and pulled my body over the edge of the cliff; the rain pouring down my neck.

‘At Ascension I will win the right to challenge Sam Smith and I will start climbing. Sam – you are the edge that I must reach, the peak that I must conquer. It doesn’t matter what type of obstacles you put in my way; I will defeat you, take your title, and put you back in your place.’

I tied off the rope and anchored it as Patricia began to climb. She looked so graceful; even with the wind against her body, the rain on her face, and the thunder in her ear. It was as if she was dancing up the cliff.

‘I won’t underestimate myself anymore. I am done feeling sorry for myself. I want to experience that success again, and I will take it by any means necessary.’

We gathered all of our gear and began our rapid trek to the camp. Living life on the edge; experiencing life like there was no tomorrow. That’s the kind of person I really was, and the type of person I wanted to be once again.
The camera pans in to Ricky's travel bus. A bus he once shared with his teammate, and friend Austin Reynolds, but now the bus is shared between Ricky, Austin, and on occasion Yoko, Ricky's translator. The bus was on the road on its way to the next show, and Ricky had closed himself into the bedroom in the back. While Yoko and Rob sat at the lounge sitting across from each other. Aside from the radio playing by the driver, there was a grim silence between them all, while Ricky sat alone in his pity and regret, Rob finally croaked to Yoko.

"He's really taking this whole thing with Izzy, hard..."

Yoko simply let out a sad sigh with her eyes looking over to the locked door. She then looked back over to Rob and said sadly.

"Well I can't really blame him, that poor girl. Rumor has it she might not be able to walk again..." She then looked down at the table, and croaks. "You should go talk to him. I mean, I've only known him for a few months, he's known you since you two were kids. Surely he'll listen."

Rob looks over to Yoko with a confused expression on his face and shakes his head.

"No no no, not a good idea, even in a good mood he would hardly listen to a single word I say. It is best just to give him some space and let him sort it out."

Yoko disagreed with Rob's assessment and says a little louder, but still dim enough not to be heard by the Daredevil.

"I hope you're joking Robert... I haven't known him for long, but from what I have seen, Ricky needs more than space, or quiet... he needs someone to dust him off and tell him it is alright." She then looks down and quiets herself a bit, worried Ricky would have heard her. "He told me, that he knew that he wasn't too good at much of anything other than being stupid. So he decided just to be good at being stupid. You know what that tells me, Robert?'

Rob sighs and shrugs his shoulders. "Hopefully it tells you he owes me a new bonsai tree."

Yoko's face closes together like she bit into a lemon, her eyes glared over to Rob. The agent could feel the glare burning through him and holds his hands up in defense. "Okay okay... but what do we tell him? Hey man, I'm sorry about that Izzy thing, but good news, you have another match against two girls for a match against Smith at All or Nothing. How does that feel champ?"

The irritated look on Yoko's face melts away back to more worry. She had forgotten that Robert got the news of Ricky's next match. The fact he had to compete against two women and a seemingly a Sociopathic Mister Alhazred did not bode well as news to break to the Daredevil too soon. Her hands cover her face before rolling down. She then stood up and started walking to the door. Rob's head tilts to the side and looks over confused, he didn't need to ask where she was going, Rob knew full well what her intentions were.

Yoko reached the door to the master bedroom, she knocked on the door and waited for some sort of response, or hopefully for the Daredevil to open the door with his signature smile. However that was not the case, the door remained closed. After enough waiting, Yoko after a bit of waiting decided against letting Ricky stew alone in his misery.

What Yoko saw when she opened the door was what she expected. Ricky was sitting on the bed alone, by his side was an opened laptop. Ricky's hands were in his long hair, his head dangling in front of him. Yoko made her way carefully next to Ricky, her hand stroking his back, his body was stoic as a statue. Ricky then muttered under his breath.

"I... I nearly killed her, Yoko. It was a mistake...I."

Ricky now frustrated goes and grabs the laptop by his side and pulls up a tab, pulling up a wrestling website, showing a thread that had the video of the incident on Ascension, trailing down to the comments below it. He pointed out each one and said to Yoko.

"Look at what this one guy named JAss wrote. I think Ricky got a hard-on after breaking Izzy's neck, and look at what this guy named Rainbow Fat wrote. Watch yourself in the match, Ricky may kill you or get an erection or both."

Ricky closed the laptop and threw it to the front of the bed and said frustrated. "What the hell do they think this is, a sick joke?"

The frustration caused the Daredevil to stand up and walk around the room taking in deep breaths with his hands balled up into fists. He laid his head against the wall and said more to himself than to his friend in the room.

"I didn't mean to do it, you gotta believe me."

Ricky was then slowly approached by Yoko, she kept a safe distance and said to Ricky, her voice more encouraging and far more braver than before.

"Ricky, I believe you. I know you wouldn't have done anything to hurt anyone like that, but you don't need to worry about what those people said about you on the computer. Accidents happen, and you of all people should know you can't let this accident haunt you."

Ricky turned around, he placed his back to the door and said to Yoko, his eyes filled with an odd mix of defeat and sadness.

"This wasn't an accident, dude. An accident would be suggesting no one was at fault. I signed up for this match, so did Izzy, we both knew the risks, and now Izzy would be lucky if she could wiggle her toes, let alone return to wrestling. It just isn't fair... it isn't fair I can continue to make these mistakes, and survive them. A year ago at Unscripted, I got lucky and I survived what could have been a career ending injury at the hands of Showtime. At Kingdom Come it was a damn miracle I came out of it alive without breaking my neck from my jump off the ladder to the outside, and Unscripted this year, my vein almost popped like a balloon. Time and time again I survive while everyone around me either loses their careers or worse. It isn't fair!"

Ricky then crossed his arms over his chest and looked down and said with a depressed breath.

"It just isn't fair."

Yoko sighed and looked down before looking back up and saying to the Daredevil.

"You are looking at this all wrong Ricky. You can't look at this business and see what's fair, and what's not. You can't expect anything given to you by paying your dues or earning your keep, and you definitely can not hold yourself accountable for Izzy. You're a survivor, you're a scrapper, you have more tenacity, and more drive than anyone at anything. You don't let injury, or what anyone says stop you from accomplishing what you want. If I had half that edge you have, I would do everything, and anything to put that incident behind me, and focus on changing the entire image about you. You are Ricky Runn, you were one half of the longest reigning tag team ever, and if you win your match this week, you have a chance to add the Elite X title to your resume."

Ricky's eyebrow cocked up, curious to what she meant. Yoko took that as a code to follow it up.

"At Ascension next week, you're in a Fatal 4-Way for the number one Contendership for the Elite X title, and I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but along with Mister Alhazred you're facing both Celeste Crimson and Sandy Deserts."

The original shock that Ricky had got when he heard he was wrestled a girl had grown numb to the Daredevil, though hearing the names of the girls caused him to sigh and look up to the ceiling of the bus. Ricky looked back over to Yoko and said to her.

"Wow... that is unbelievable. Do the same people who made the boner jokes book the shows?"

Yoko was a bit quizzical at the comment and tilted her confused. Before Ricky continued.

"You know, most people would be scared about the idea about a tag team in a fatal 4-way match like this. They will want to work together, and try and take out Mister, or me before they can just focus on who is the better woman. It is a sound idea, and I can't blame them for doing it, because if I were in there shoes with a tag partner, I'm sure we would do the same thing. It works all the better considering that Alhazred is about as predictable as a headless chicken."

Ricky looked out the window of the bus, his eyes looking out to the darkness of the long stretch of road they were passing by. The Daredevil looked back over to his translator and spoke with a bit more pep in his voice, however still carrying the gloomy overtone.

"I'll do it, I'll win at Ascension, and I'll win because I have nothing to lose, I will win because in the end, Celeste and Sandy are not going to break up their team over a chance for the Elite X title, and I will win because while Alhazred is killing baby giraffes, I'm wrestling gorillas."

Yoko giggled a bit then asked.

"Didn't that gorilla knock you out and you ended up getting banned from every single Zoo in the country?"

Ricky's stoic expression finally broke into a chuckle and commented. "You know I'm still surprised that I wrestle a gorilla, and I get banned from Zoo's, Mister kills a giraffe and people think I am the one that went bananas."

Then, there was a bump in the road, a bump that made the unbalanced Yoko tumble into the hands of her employer. Ricky caught her and the distance between them was closed. However, instead of moving away, or composing herself, Yoko stayed in his arms, and looked into his eyes, the two shared a stare, a stare that was then broken up by Ricky with a clearing of his throat, his face turning a different shade of red and said softly.

"I think we should go back to the front and tell Rob I'm going to compete next week."

The petite girl blushed perhaps an ever darker shade of red than Ricky and backed away and headed out the door, with only a simple nod to Ricky, unable to speak from her bashfulness, and instead of heading into the middle of the bus to talk to Rob, she headed straight to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Ricky sighed and composed himself, wiping his face, hoping that maybe it would take away the color from his cheeks.

The camera pans out, and it returns to a WZCW houseshow in a small town in the Mid-West of the United States. The fans were previously treated to a match that had left them roaring with energy. With a mic in hand, Ricky heads out to the stage, his theme music plays over the PA system, and the crowd erupts in surprise. This would be the first time Ricky had spoken in public since the incident against Izzy Stone.

Once inside the ring, Ricky looks around the crowd, his sunglasses covered his eyes and his lips remained a tight poker face, not wanting to get offtrack or drift off Ricky began speaking into the mic.

"At Ascension, not only did I see one of the more serious sides of this business, but the rest of the world saw what happens in the ring is very, very real, and I know that Izzy wasn't the most liked character, or the most beloved by the fans, but in the end, she was out here doing what she loved to do, as a fellow wrestler, I respect that, and Izzy, if this finds you someway, I just want you to know personally. I'm sorry, and I hope you return to full health soon."

The crowd cheers and applauds Ricky's apology to Izzy, he waited for the crowd to quiet down before he continued.

"That night, that night after Ascension, it left me thinking. It made me think about my career, it made me think about what I have done, how far I have came, and how far I need to go if I want to ever have my name listed with the greats that been in this ring in the past, and present. If I stopped here, what would I be known as? The sidekick to Austin Reynolds? The man who rode the coattails of a fading Main-Eventer? Or the man who's dangerous do or die style lead to hurting someone far more than I could have ever imagined I was capable of doing? No, I told myself, I yelled to myself that I wasn't going to do that to myself. I wasn't going to let one mistake ruin my future, ruin the way you guys saw me. Mark my words, Ricky Runn has learned how precious, and how important it is that I make the time I have in this ring count. Because no one can know when your time will be over."

The crowd then starts to chant Ricky's name boldly. He gave the crowd a few moments to let out the energy before continuing. He removed the sunglasses from his face, revealing the intense look in the light blue eyes of the Daredevil.

"Next week on Ascension, despite the incident with Izzy, I was given an opportunity to face Smith for the Elite X Title at All or Nothing. However, if I want it, I will need to go through three other superstars that want the chance to make history just as much as I do."

A more amped up Ricky now removes the stoic look on his face, now looking more intense, and focused.

"At Ascension, you will see a new Ricky Runn, at Ascension, you won't see me as the "Tag Team Specialist" or the "Sidekick" or even the "Reckless Monkey." You will see me as the winner of a Fatal-4-Way match between the Fairy Glitter Armageddon and Mister Alhazred. Alhazred and I come from two completely different worlds. Yet in this ring, we have accomplished much of the same, granted our methods may have been a bit... different. Regardless, he and I were both Tag Team Champions at one point in time. Since then, neither one of us are able to get our teeth into the singles division. He's used his wits, and his smarts to gain an edge to make up for a lack of size. I made up my lack of actual wrestling experience with a relentless barrage of aerial attacks. Wit's and smarts can only work for so long until everything you try, and every little scheme you can think of comes crashing down on you."

Ricky's eyes looked around the arena, and they found a Fairy Glitter Armageddon sign in the crowd. Ricky points to the sign and continues.

"Sandy Desserts and Celeste Crimson, two names I never thought I would be sharing a ring with. Both Desserts, and Crimson have had to do whatever it took to carve their name into this business. They have paved the way and blazed the trails for future female wrestlers in this business. Desserts wanted revenge for what Izzy had done to their mentor, Kurtesy. Sadly it seems her plan for revenge is short-lived. Then we have Crimson, Celeste, who is pretty much my polar opposite. She has a family, she has worked hard her entire life, and earned a nasty reputation for her submissions and her ring work. Yet, despite this, she has had little success when it came to winning a title, any title. When these two joined, I had them as underdogs to win the Tag-Team Tournament, and even though they lost, the boys in the back saw something in them to give them a match for the Elite X Title. Something that I can not underestimate. Because if I let those two out of my sight, I will be tapping out faster than pet animals when they see Alhazred at the petting zoo."

The crowd gets behind Ricky now, cheering loudly. Now the intensity in the arena was palpable, he climbed onto the turnbuckle and shouted into the mic.

"Look out WZCW, Ricky Runn is no longer the curtain jerker, or the Tag Team Has Been! I'm bringing a whole new energy, and a new focus that you have never seen before! Alhazred, Desserts, Crimson, not even the freaking Grim Reaper will stop me from getting to Sam Smith and his title!"

The camera began to zoom out, and fade out, the chants the crowd was making become dimmer and dimmer, before the scene ended.
A bustling, run down city somewhere deep in South America. The streets are dirty and the buildings are broken down and falling apart. The street is half paved half dirt from wear and lack of care, they’re slightly damp from the showers the night before. A White Van speeds down the street, weaving through the poor children playing in the street and vendors trying to sell their fruits and other wares. Alhazred is in the driver’s seat and Fats is in the passenger. Fats is holding on to the door for his life as “Birthday Song” from 2 Chainz blares out of the van’s speakers.

Alhazred: All I want for my birthday is a big booty ho!

Fats: Can you please drive a little slower? You almost killed a few kids back there.

Alhazred: We have no time for these little cretins Fats, we have important work to do.

Fats: You still haven’t told me why we’re here. Is this where Missy is?

Alhazred: Is that all you think about Fats? There is more to life than Missy.

Fats: You could have at least asked me if I wanted to come. It’s hot as hell and I don’t even know where we are.

Alhazred: If I asked you, you would have said no.

Fats: Did you have to tie me up and blindfold me before asking? I had flashbacks of when you water boarded me.

Alhazred stomps on the brakes and the van comes to a sudden stop, Fats goes forward and slams his head against the dashboard. The van has stopped in front of a convenience store.

Fats: What the hell, man? A little warning please, I think I have a concussion.

Alhazred: Shut up, we’re here.

Alhazred turns of the engine and gets out of the van, Fats follows him. Alhazred is wearing a stained, white Runn Reynolds Runn T-Shirt with the sleeves cut off and floral Hawaiian shorts. Fats is wearing a Power Glove to the People tank top and a camo shorts. They head into the store. The items in the store all have Spanish labels and look to be outdated. Alhazred walks up to the counter where an old man with a grey beard and glasses is tending.

Old Clerk: How may I help you sir?

Alhazred: I need the power of love.

The old man rips off his sunglasses and looks around the store. He hops over the counter and makes sure there are no other customers. He turns the open sign to closed and locks the doors. He gets right into Alhazred’s face.

Old Clerk: How do you know about the power of love?

Alhazred: Let’s just say a little birdy told me.

Old Clerk: Birdy told you?

Alhazred: Yeah, he did.

Old Clerk: I told him not to tell anyone. Anyway you do know the price has been raised in the last few days, Valentine’s Day is close.

Alhazred: Money won’t be a problem, I assure you.

Old Clerk: Alright then, let’s see the money.

Alhazred hands him a lunch bag. The clerk counts the money fast than pulls a small vial out of his back pocket. He hands it to Alhazred.

Old Clerk: Use it wisely.

Alhazred: I intend to.

Alhazred is standing in front of a large chemistry set. Beakers and vials of different colored liquids and gas cover a table. A small Styrofoam cup sits at the end of the table with a funnel over it. It is slowly dripping a pink liquid into the cup. Alhazred is wearing protective glasses and a lab coat. Fats walks up behind him holding a turkey sandwhich.

Fats: Want a bite?

Alhazred rips the sandwich out of Fats’ hands and eats the whole thing in a few bites.

Fats: I said a bite!

Alhazred: Quiet, it’s done.

Alhazred grabs the cup and holds it high in the air.

Alhazred: Do you know what this is Fats? Do you know what kind of power this drink yields?

Fats: Is it like a love potion?

Alhazred: It’s a love potion on crack. That vial I purchased in South America is the liquefied ovary eggs of the rare Agami Heron. It is the world’s strongest aphrodisiac and I have combined it with the hair of both Sandy Deserts and Celeste Crimson to create a focused version of this love potion.

Fats: How did you get their hair?

Alhazred: Oh I have a collection room down here. I collect a bunch of things from ladies I wish to bone and stash them in a frozen chamber.

Fats: That’s creepy.

Alhazred smiles and nods for a few moments.

Alhazred gulps down the cup, crushes the cup and wipes his lips.

Alhazred: I can already feel the power flowing through the veins of my penis. I can feel the magnetic pull of Deserts’ and Crimson’s lethal lust for me. Soon they won’t be able to eat, they won’t be able to drink, they won’t even be able to think about anything but fornicating with the Mad Professor himself.

Fats: That’s a great strategy, now when you face them in the Fatal 4 Way they won’t want to fight you, they’ll just want to have sex with you!

Alhazred: Fatal 4 Way?

Fats: Didn’t you know about the Fatal 4 Way to fight Sam Smith for the Elite X title at All or Nothing?

Alhazred: Umm… of course I did! But now I get to kill two stones with one bird. I get to bang two women and get my revenge on Sam Smith. I’m going to strut down to the ring in a robe and walk around them. I’ll slowly take my robe off and thrust my pelvis in their direction furiously. When the bell rings they’ll be so mesmerized by my gyrating hips that they’ll fall to their knees and become my slaves. Then I’ll order them to lay on top of each other and I’ll lay on both of them, getting the 1…2…3 while dry humping them at the same time.

Alhazred closes his eyes and begins thrusting, licking his lips.

Fats: What about Ricky Runn? He’s in the match too.

Alhazred stops thrusting and stares at Fats. They both burst into a fit of laughter that rages on for what feels like an eternity. Alhazred wipes his eyes.

Alhazred: Oh, that’s a good one Fats. Like anyone thinks Ricky Runn is a threat to anything but women’s necks.

Alhazred shakes his head and returns to thrusting as the scene fades to black.
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