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AS55: Justin Cooper (c) vs Sam Smith - Elite X Championship

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
There is no rest for the wicked as the new Elite X Champion (Justin Cooper) will be slated to defend his championship against the Number One Contender (Sam Smith). Both men have been doing quite well recently, taking out everyone else who stood in their way of gaining a championship shot. This match will be rough as Cooper won't be looking to drop the title so soon whilst the pressure is on for Smith to gain back his title, becoming a champion like his ally Rush.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 24th October. Extensions as per thread.
The scene begins inside of a car with Justin Cooper in the passenger’s seat and Iris in the drivers. Iris has both hands firmly placed around the steering wheel while Justin is excitedly holding a handful of twenty dollar notes (Australian of course).

Justin: Are we there yet?

Iris: Not yet.

The boys turn a corner on their journey.

Justin: How about now?

Iris: I’ll tell you when we get there.

Justin: You’ll forget.

Iris: Believe me I won’t.

Justin: This is a very important day Iris. I’ve been waiting for this game to come out for months!

Iris: What’s it called again?

Justin: IT’S HALO FOUR!!!

The extremely loud scream from Justin frightens Iris and he has to slam on the breaks. The tires slide along the road and a high pitched screech sound to echo across the road.

Justin: What are we stopping for? The shop could be closing at any moment! Get movin’ kid!

Iris: Don’t ever yell like that again while I’m driving. We could have crashed.

Justin: You shouldn’t ask stupid question then.

Iris: We could have died!

Justin: Stop being so over dramatic.

Iris: How would you like to be shaking hands with Jesus instead of defending your Elite X Championship this week?

Justin: I can’t miss my match, it’s really important. Sam Smith is going to try and take my title from me.

Iris: That’s right Sam Smith is-

Almost instantly Justin falls asleep when Sam Smith is mentioned.

Iris: Wake up Justin!

Justin: Are we there yet?

Iris: How could you fall asleep at a moment like this? We’re talking about your first title defence with the Elite X Championship against Sam Smith and-

Justin falls asleep again.


Iris punches Justin in the thigh. Suddenly Justin wakes up and throws a wild punch in the air which misses everything in its way.

Iris: How could you possibly be falling to sleep?

Justin: You know that guy I’m facing this week?

Iris: Sam Smi-

Justin covers Iris’ mouth with his hand.

Justin: That’s him. Well I’ve been doing studies and it turns out that his level of boringness is over 9000! I’ve discovered that whenever his name is said at least seven children around the world fall to sleep.

Iris: That can’t be true.

Justin: Believe me it is. Look I’ve even got a list of facts revolving around the SS Boring.

Justin pulls out a list which is basically a small piece of notepad paper. It doesn’t appear to have anything written on it.

Iris: This has nothing written on it. What’s the point of having a list which is blank?

Justin: I couldn’t write a list because every time I started to think of him I started to fall asleep.

Iris: You’ve got to be kidding me.

Justin: I don’t like the way you’re approaching this Iris. This is serious business. Sam has got a big advantage going into our match this week. If he can put me to sleep then he could dance his way to victory. That’s not going to be fun at all.

Iris: We better focus then.

Justin: I’m always focused.

Iris: Sure you are.

Justin: You’re mocking me?

Iris: I don’t think you’re taking things seriously. The guy is a former Elite X Champio-

Rudely Justin interrupts.

Justin: Highlight and underline the word FORMER. He lost the title and hasn’t done anything of note since. It's a joke that he's even getting a title shot this week. How does he get a match with the greatest thing in professional wrestling? I've got lines of people wanting to face me and somehow this fool gets the nod. If he didn’t have his cuddle buddy Rush by his side then Smith wouldn’t be anywhere near my title. If anything this is a token title defence.

Iris: We’ll see how token it is when he beats you.

Justin: Have you not been listening? I thought we established that he sucked?

Iris: No we didn’t, you just decided to think he sucks.

Justin unclips his seatbelt and exits the car rather quickly. Iris follows and rushes across the road to catch up with Justin.

Iris: Touch a nerve?

Justin: I have feelings just like everyone on this planet. You don’t have to take cheap shots all the time.

Iris sighs.

Iris: I’m sorry. I went too far and I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

Justin smacks Iris across the back of the head with a sharp slap.

Justin: Don’t be such a girl. Come on now, we’ve got a game to purchase.

The duo enter the nearby game store and immediately realise they have to join a long line of customers all looking to buy the new Halo 4. It’s not a prospect that’s on the radar for Justin; instead he cuts right to the front of the line. He ignores all the people yelling at him to get to the back and bluntly tells them to shut the hell up.

Store Clerk: Next.

Justin and Iris step forward while receiving extremely negative phrases from the other customers.

Store Clerk: How may I help you today?

Justin: Halo 4, I want it.

Store Clerk: Alright then, it’ll just take a moment.

The store clerk types away at his computer. He then reaches down under the desk and pulls out a copy of Halo 4. It’s still got that new game sell!

Store Clerk: I’ll just need your special order ticket and we’ll be good to go and you can take this home.

Justin looks very confused.

Justin: What? Code? The hell are you talking about? I only want the game.

Store Clerk: The release of this game isn’t until December; this is for people with special order tickets only. If you don’t have a ticket then you’re going to have to leave.

Justin: But I want the game now.

Store Clerk: I take it you don’t have a ticket then?

Justin: Obviously I don’t have a stupid ticket. I just want the game. You’ve got the bloody thing in your hand so just give it to me!!!

Silence comes over the store as Justin screams at the store clerk.

Iris: You wanna settle down a bit?

Store Clerk: I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Iris: Oh fuck.

Justin: WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T GIVE ME THE GAME? You’re holding it in you fucking hand! I can see the damn thing!

Store Clerk: Please don’t raise your voice at me. I’m going to have to call the police if this continues.

Iris: Yeah I’m really sorry about this.

Justin: Don’t say sorry to this idiot. He’s a bloody fool for not giving me that game. I could kick your ass right now if I wanted. I’m the Elite X Champion of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. I’m the messiah of professional wrestling. People will be writing books about me one day. I’ll have my own version of Fifty Shades of Grey! People will be having deep sexual thoughts about Justin Cooper through the power of text!

Iris facepalms and cannot help but shake his head at the antics of Justin.

Store Clerk: Look I can’t help you today. Come back in a few months and I’ll be able to sort it all out for you. I can put you on the waiting list for the game but other than that you’re going to have to go home without it.

Justin: You may have a badge that gives you power in this store but I have a championship title which makes me a celebrity.

Store Clerk: I’ve never heard of you.

Iris: Please tell me you didn’t say that?

The store clerk has no idea what he’s getting himself into.

Justin: You haven’t heard of me? I’m Justin Cooper you nitwit! I’ve got a car full of pancakes mix that could feed a village of children. I’m making more money in one night then you are in this entire year. I’m the fastest rising star for 2012. Nobody has done the turn around like I have. Do you know who I am now? Huh? How about now?

Store Clerk: I’m calling the police.

Iris taps Justin on the shoulder.

Iris: I suggest we get out of here before he can call the police. It isn’t going to look good if you get arrested just days after winning the title. I’ll be waiting in car for you.

Quickly Iris heads for the car the boys arrived in however Justin looks to be in no hurry even as the store clerk hangs up and phone.

Store Clerk: The police are coming and they’ll be here in five minutes.

Justin: Well that’s just great. Why would you go and do a dumb thing like that? Now I’ve got to run and I’m not getting to be able to play my game tonight.

Store Clerk: You were never getting the game.

Justin: Shut up you’re putting me to sleep…

Suddenly a light bulb goes off in Justin’s head. It’s like a revelation for Justin who has a huge smile on his face while staring at the store clerk.

Store Clerk: What is it now?

Justin: Do you watch professional wrestling?

Store Clerk: No I don’t.

Justin: I guess this should still work then.

Justin steps back and yells at the top of his lungs.

Justin: SAM SMITH!!!

BAM! The store clerk and all the customers in the line collapse. All of them have entered a deep sleep just like Justin did when Sam Smith was mentioned by Iris back in the car. It’s a genius plan by Justin who follows up by leaning over the stealing the copy of Halo 4! He’s ripped it right from the hand of the unconscious store clerk! With his bounty in hand Justin runs out the door laughing wildly. He approaches the car parked across the road and signals for Iris to fire it up.

Justin: Get moving Iris, the cops are coming.

Indeed sirens can be heard in the background as Justin enters the car. He holds his stolen copy of Halo 4 tightly in his hands. The Elite X Champion looks at Iris, who has started driving, and points to the front cover of the game.

Justin: You gonna’ be red or blue tonight?

As usual Iris isn’t impressed at all by his friend’s antics and he simply doesn’t answer. The duo head off in their car as the scene fades to black…

Or so we think at first but we suddenly flash back over to the game store where the clerk has recovered.

Store Clerk: Arrr, what the hell? Did I just get robbed by Howard the Duck?

The scene fades to black.
Running always seemed to clear my mind, even if everything rushed back the second I took those running shoes off. The only thing I could hear was my feet pounding against the ground, and the only thing I was focused on was what was directly in front of me. That was likely the only moment that my mind wasn't racing a million miles an hour. It was liberating.

It didn't matter that I was probably going to put myself to sleep with a cocktail of pills and alcohol tonight and that, even then, I'd stare at the ceiling of my bedroom wide awake, for what seemed to be an eternity. It didn't matter that the only person who I'd ever truly loved had deserted me when I needed her most. Nothing mattered, except the task at hand.

This is the realization that finally occurred on one of my nightly runs. I slowed to a brisk walk and split off from the small dirt path I'd been following on my run. Sticks and leaves crunched under the weight of my feet as I approached the edge of the hillside my path had been weaving up. I brushed a thin layer of powdered snow off a rock and plopped down onto it to take a small break.

My knees and back throbbed, so I instinctually reached into my pockets for painkillers. I pulled out a small sandwich bag and tossed the few pills it had housed right into my mouth. I couldn't go on like this for much longer, but this last week had taken its toll on me -- both emotionally and physically. Sure, I looked to be in maybe the best shape of my life, but it was a facade. The tasking match I'd had with The Masked Gentleman was the least of my worries, really. Finding out that Chelsea had finally had enough of me and that I was basically alone had a much greater affect on me. I had been prepared to give her anything she wanted, to do anything she wanted, but she dismissed me. It was hard to cope with, but it left me with only one focus: WZCW.

Rush and I were poised to make a real impact on WZCW, but I had to win my match against Justin Cooper first. Cooper was the only thing standing in between Rush and I controlling two of WZCW's championships. Our voices would have to be heard then. For once in my life, I wouldn't be an afterthought.


There were mere minutes between me and my match against Cooper. I stood next to Leon Kensworth and fielded questions about my match.

Sam, you have a chance to become a two-time Elite X Champion tonight. Is there anything you would like to say to Justin Cooper before your match?

I took the microphone from Kensworth's hand and gave him a slight shove out of the way.

How does it feel, Justin? How do those ten pounds of gold around your waist make you feel?

A small grin crossed my face.

It's funny, I remember exactly how I felt when I won that title. It was the best feeling of my life. I was on top of the world when I won it and I was absolutely shattered when I lost it. The feelings of despair, helplessness, and disappointment I felt when I lost that belt to Steven Holmes were overwhelming. That's only because I'd actually earned that title, though. I'd fought for it for weeks and become one of the most decorated Elite X Champions in WZCW's history, something I'm sure you strive to do as well.

So, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news here -- though, I'll enjoy every second of it -- but you shouldn't get used to hanging onto that championship much longer. Your one week reign will go down in history, but only because it'll be the beginning of something much greater. Once I take that championship from you, I don't plan on giving it up until I can put the World Heavyweight Championship around my waist to replace it.

I paused to scratch my cheek, rubbing up against my short unshaven stubble.

Cooper, I am the first true test you've ever faced. You won the title because Overlast mailed it in and left the company, you just happened to be the next in line. If not for that stroke of luck, you'd be back in that circle jerk of a mayhem division. You get by on facing scrubs, but I'll expose you. You'd rather get into your whacky adventures about pancake mix than train for a match. That won't get you by against the best this company has to offer.

I've left a stream of bodies in my wake recently -- Tastic and Celeste fell to Rush and I, The Masked Gentleman was forced to tap out against me, hell, I even had a part in getting Black Dragon the hell out of here -- and I would love nothing more than to add your name to that list.

There can only be one Elite X Champion, Cooper. See you out there.

I forced the microphone into Kensworth's chest as I walked away.

Ladies and gentleman, Sam Smith.
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