AS54: "Showtime" Cougar vs. Barbosa

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Following the closing moments of Ascension 53, Vance Bateman has decreed that not only a World Title contract signing will be taking place to officially book the World Championship match that Callahan and Showtime agreed to but both men will be having the choice to pick each other's opponent. For the main event of Ascension, Showtime's opponent is Barbosa, a man who has encounter the former World champion on numerous occasions and who has recently gotten himself into some trouble alongside Alhazred and S.H.I.T.

Deadline 19th of September, 11:59pm Central Time. No extensions allowed
Clean up on Aisle 6. Clean up, Aisle 6.







*A drugstore clerk walks around the corner of Aisle 6 only to be met with a floor scattered with disguarded pill bottles; a mess being added to by a customer who is inspecting the ingredient list of each different bottle before shaking his head and throwing the bottle over his shoulder to the ground.*



*The clerk picks his way through the bottle-strune floor to approach the customer.*

Eh… sir?


*However, this time the *rattle* comes even quicker as the disguarded bottle hits the clerk between the eyes.*

Sir, you really cannot be wrecking our shelves like th… Wait, are you Barbosa? Former WZCW Champion, Barbosa?

*Barbosa steps back from the clerk and the shelves and aims a look of suspicion at him.*

Barbosa: Who sent you?


Barbosa: WHO SENT YOU?

My manager.

Barbosa: Your manager?

*Barbosa looks around somewhat frantically.*

Barbosa: Ty! Is that you, Ty? I know you are here. SHOW YOURSELF!

No, my manager in the store sent me to help you with your choice of product today.

*The look of suspicion does not depart from Barbosa's face.*

I am a big fan of WZCW and of you in particular. I was there the night you cashed in the King For A Day briefcase and became champion. That was incredible.

Barbosa: You need to get out more…

*Barbosa focuses in on the clerk's name badge.*

Barbosa: …Marvin.

Is there anything I can help you find, Mr Barbosa?

Barbosa: Do you have anything containing benzoylmethylecgonine?

I am sorry. I do not know what that is.

Barbosa: Alpha-methylphenethylamine? Lysergic acid?

*Marvin continues to look non-plussed with a hint of star-struckness.*

Barbosa: What kind of chemist is this if you know nothing about drugs?

Perhaps if you told me what you are hoping to cure then maybe I could tell you what we have.

Barbosa: I want to cure the tedium and directionless of silence. I want the voices back!

*Throwing his hands up in the air in remonstrance, Barbosa knocks over even more pill bottles.*

There is no need to get agitated, Mr Barbosa. I think I know what you need.

*Marvin turns his head in the direction of the counter and shouts.*

I am going on break!

*Marvin leads the cautious Barbosa out the side door of the store into an alley. There, he produces a small pouch and hands Barbosa a rolled cigarette before lighting up himself. Still sceptical, Barbosa puts the cigarette up to his nose and gives a sniff. A look of realisation and almost shock appears on his face.*

Barbosa: You want me to blaze up a doobie?

That makes it sound like you are from the 50s and you were just looking for some harder drugs in the store but yes, it will make you feel a lot better.

Barbosa: What about the voices?

Well, some studies have suggested that its misuse can lead to interested chances of developing schizophrenia.

Barbosa: I would still rather break something instead of inhaling that poison. Or someone.

Won't that get you in trouble?

Barbosa: Hmmm… I have been in enough trouble for tearing apart non-combatants. Priests, interviewers, by-standers, you name it. But then again, this is a secluded alleyway with no cameras around, no witnesses and I do have an excellent lawyer…

*Marvin quickly understands Barbosa's meaning, causing his unfinished cigarette to fall to the ground and him to back away slowly.*

But… but…you… you are advertised as facing Showtime Dave Cougar on Ascension.

*That does nothing to stop Barbosa' advance and he soon has Marvin pressed up against the wall.*

Barbosa: So what? He cannot provide me with the direction I need. He is not Ty Burna. He is not even SHIT or Alhazred. Showtime is unimportant as is his little game with Drake Callahan.

But it was him that benefitted the most from your unfair ejection from Kingdom Come. He pinned Dragon after you massacred him and even went on to win the title.

*Barbosa thinks on this for a brief moment; a moment broken by the PA that can be heard through the open side door of the store.*

Clean up on Aisle 6! Clean up, Aisle 6!

Barbosa: I never did get to fully 'congratulate' Showtime for taking advantage of my KC handywork in our tag match a few weeks ago and he would definitely provide more of a challenge than a drugstore clerk. The modicum of revenge and pain might even be enough of a distraction to tide me over to Apocalyse where I can beat the information of a more permanent solution out of that gloved computer geek and the cardboard automaton.

*Barbosa releases his grip on Marvin.*

Barbosa: And I could get away with brutalising him because we are having a match. No point in taking unnecessary chances.

*Barbosa steps back from the clearly relieved Marvin.*

Barbosa: Now, I believe Aisle 6 needs your attention. Someone has mad an awful mess there.

*Marvin quickly moves to re-enter the store but before he does, a moment of madness seems to overtake him.*

Mr Barbosa, I will be at Ascension tonight and I was just wondering if I could get a backstage pass for the show?

*Barbosa stares a hole in the clerk.*

Barbosa: I just gave you a pass.

*The PA system blares again.*


*Barbosa gestures towards the open door and Marvin quickly scurries away. Barbosa then walks up the alleyway back towards the main street.*

Barbosa: I better catch a taxi if I am to make it to the show on time.

*Something stops him in mid-stride.*

Barbosa: I suppose if the voices were still around, one of them would say something like "It's Showtime, Dave Cougar!" But that just sounds awful.
Scene opens with Showtime David Cougar and his assistant Allen Lewicki walking down a long hallway. They stop in front of an elevator that opens with a push of a button and walk inside. Showtime hits another button and the elevator closes, sending them slowly downward. Showtime
turns to his assistant.

Cougar: So were there any problems bringing him in?

Lewicki: Actually no, there were no problems at all with that.

The elevator comes to a stop on the 5th sub floor and opens. Two guards stand on each side of the entrance way. Both guards check over Showtime and Allen and then allow them to proceed.

So he went willingly?

You could say that. When we found him he was just staring at a wall. He didn’t respond to anything we said to him, he just stood there staring.

They walk up to a door with a hand scanner to the side of it. Showtime places his hand on the scanner and a green light shines from it and the door opens.

So we tried to escort him with us, but he wouldn’t budge. He wasn’t trying to prevent us from moving him, the crazy thing was he just wouldn’t move from where he was standing. We were able to put a straight jacket on him, and then we slid a hand trolly underneath his feet and wheeled him down here.

They walk up to another door with a different scanner on the wall. Showtime removes his shades and puts his face in front of it. A small circle opens up and scans his eye. The door opens and they continue walking down the hall.

So then you had no problems getting him down here.

Well... almost. When we got him here and loaded him into the cell, one of the guards started talking about a toy robot he got his son for his birthday. It was one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen.

Allen it couldn’t possibly have been that bad.

Showtime... we’re very lucky we didn’t have to buy that boy a new dad instead.

They come up to another door and another scanner. This one is in a bowl shape, protruding out from the door. Showtime reaches downward and Allen stops him.

I got this one boss. Thinking about the... incident... has created the sudden urge to.

Allen steps in front of the scanner. A ‘zip’ sounds is heard and soon after the sound of water pouring into a cup is heard. The light turns green and the door opens. Showtime and Allen walk into a large dark room. Spotlights shine on the very middle of the room where a large dome shaped cage is positioned. Spotlights shine on Showtime and Allen as they walk towards a cage. A card greets them and offers his baton as Showtime removes his coat.

Showtime you are not seriously thinking about going in there with him, are you?

Allen it’s what I have to do, I owe him that much for you practically kidnapping him. Besides Allen...

Showtime looks around and then whispers to Allen.

I’m the star of the show here. The security guard... he doesn’t even have a name in this story. This guy will think twice before writing me off.

The look on Allen’s face still looks grim, but he nods his head. Showtime refuses the weapon from the guard who unlocks the cage and opens it. Showtime slowly walks in and tell them to close the door behind him. The camera zooms into the ring and the man they have put in the cage is none other than Barbosa. Showtime runs his thumbs along his fingers in nervousness, but walks slowly away from the cage and paces around Barbosa.

Sorry about the whole kidnapping. You’re all probably wondering why I brought you here, then again you may have not even considered it yet. It has little to do with our upcoming match up, although the match up fits timely in with the situations that we are both in. Drake thinks that by picking you he has picked someone who is powerful in the ring and strong enough to tear both our bodies apart. I don’t doubt that at all, in fact, my neck still stings a little at the thought of our first encounter at Lethal Lottery.

The reminder of Lethal Lottery 3, which Showtime still won in the end, drew no acknowledgement from Barbosa. Not the slightest grin or twitch of muscle, which worried Showtime, but kept him on guard and at ease.

Truth is, I couldn’t be happier with the opponent that he has chosen for me. My career has been on shaky ground since I won the WZCW Championship, hell since Drake came into my life. If I am going to get back on track, I need to do it with a big statement. I gave Drake the opportunity to prove himself a great champion by facing a former champion, and he did me one better. Not just a monster, not just a former champion, but the closest thing we have left in WZCW... to Ty Burna.

The mention of that name draws a slight twinge from Barbosa, but otherwise no reaction.

Me and Ty Burna, stuff of legends. For the longest time there was none more powerful than Ty Burna. Now... there are some who are, and I’m looking at one of them. You and I have had a few physical encounters, never a one on one match before though. I’ve been looking forward to a match with you for a while because I enjoy fighting against dangerous odds. I want to compete against the best and beat them. My story in WZCW is far from over and Drake Callahan isn’t going to take that away from me at Apocalypse or at Ascension. Barbosa, if Ty Burna is never to return to WZCW, than someone has to take his place, someone has to be that intimidating force. You could be that chosen one, but for now you are still a dangerous and powerful opponent, and when I meet you at Ascension I will show Drake that his plan will backfire after I survive and win before the biggest match of his career.

Showtime stands in front of Barbosa. He has not reacted to much of anything Showtime has said. Suddenly both eyes look up from Barbosa’s downward posture and stare directly at Showtime, as if asking ‘are we finished yet?’ Showtime pauses and then continues.

Like I said Barbosa you could be like Ty Burna. I certainly wouldn’t mind another powerful rival to face in my career. There are parallels to both your careers. You caught the attention of a lot of people when you first started here. You were one of the fastest rising stars in 2010, just like Ty Burna was in 2009. And the following year for both of you was when you guys finally broke out and won the World Heavyweight Championship. You guys also share similar trends after losing the WZCW Title. Ty Burna fell into a slow decline that saw him lose more matches in 6 months than he had in over 2 years prior. And you as well have been consistently losing more than you were before winning the title. The big difference thought is Ty Burna held the title for over a year, you held yours for 17 days. What happened Barbosa? Everyone gushed about your work, everyone saw what great potential you had in the ring when they put you by yourself in the ring against a turmoil of tag teams, where you beat one team and looked the next in the eye saying ‘More’. You shot straight up the ladder and had a World Title match in only your second PPV appearance. The star of the show lowers his glasses and takes notice of something like that Barbosa. He says I want to fight that bull if that means winning my oscar, if that means showing off a broken bone from working on the set, if that means working my absolutely hardest that I have to to win, than yes I want to face that guy. That guy didn’t win that night, but we worked on his craft and yes when the right role came about he cashed in and took his crowd, but like a flash in the pan it was all done. And now... there are other people that have become the new fast rising talent in WZCW. One guy that comes to mind that has quickly risen from Aftershock to Main Event is.....S.H.I.T

The very end of the ‘tee’ just comes out of Showtime’s mouth when a hand firmly grasps at his neck. Barbosa is pushing Showtime against the cage wall, tightly holding the neck. Guards are about to run in and Showtime waves them off with his hand meekly. He looks at Barbosa with a calm fear in his eyes, knowing that he could and believing that he won’t. Barbosa tests that theory as he continues to chock at Showtime. Barbosa stares menacingly at him and turns his head a slight bit.

Barbosa:... in the ring.

He lets go of Showtime and backs up slowly to the centre of the cage. He looks at Showtime and then tilts his head towards the cage door, as if saying get out now while you still can. Showtime does take that as his sign to leave. He gets to the door and then turns back to Barbosa and nods, drawing no response back.

Sorry again about the kidnapping. Next time... I’ll text you.

The guard hands Showtime his coat and he quickly throws it on as the spotlight follows Showtime and Allen as they make their leave. The last image of the room shows the guards slowly enter the cage with a straight jacket, nets, and weapons for defense. The camera goes back to Showtime and Allen walking down the hall.

So what was the point in this impending lawsuit.

No lawsuit... I don’t think any lawyer would represent him. The point Allen is to light a fire under that man.

Mission accomplished there.

Barbosa is an formidable opponent, but it means nothing to me if I’m not getting the best. I want Drake to see me beat someone he doesn’t even think he could beat, let alone me. My career was not going to end in that cage, it’s not going to end at Ascension, and you better believe it’s not going to end at Apocalypse verse Drake Callahan either.

Showtime walks away from Allen who soon follows, but not before getting one last sentence out.

I sure hope so. My life depends on next months paycheck.
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