AS53: "Showtime" Cougar vs. ???

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The main event slated for Ascension this week will be "Showtime" Cougar taking on a mystery opponent as per orders of Vance Bateman. The General Manager says he has a surprise in store with Show's opponent, who will be very pleased once he finds out. Bateman also stated that if this person holds a championship then the match will be for that title.

Deadline: Wednesday, 5th of September (11:59pm Central Time)
Showtime vs The Unknown​

Scene opens inside a small studio. Showtime David Cougar is being interviewed regarding his career and his future in WZCW. The person interviewing him, the setting, the topics, none of it is important as every interview and questionaire that he has done since last Ascension has felt, looked, and been almost exactly the same. The same questions being asked, the same speculations regarding his future, the same theories on the outcome of his feud with Drake Callahan. Even now... as Showtime sits waiting to speak as the interviewer talks on and on endlessly about the careers of Showtime and his maybe opponent Drake Callahan, Showtime appears to be finally showing signs of disinterest. His thoughts now go overtop of the interviewers monotone voice.

Cougar: It never ends with these people. Interviewers. All try to sound smart and ask the tough questions. None realise that the very same questions they are asking have already been asked before. Either in a previous interview or by some internet fan boy who thinks he knows exactly what’s going on. This guy maybe perhaps the most boring of them all. Not a single bit of creativeness to his delivery and choice of questions. It’s like he copy and pasted the questions I answered from my last interview. Correct that, it’s like he copy and pasted the questions... and the answers online readers posted. Literally, he’s been talking for minutes straight, giving as well as answering his own questions.

“Showtime...” the high pitched whining voice of the interviewer exclaims, “during the opening of Ascension 52, you declared to the whole world watching that if you couldn’t beat Drake Callahan that you would retire from WZCW, possibly forever.” “However...” he continues, “later that night you were pinned by Drake in the Main Event Tag Team contest. Now you might tell us that there were other people in the match and that the outcome was not necessarily in your hands...”

It was in my hands. As the star of WZCW, every match that I am in ia my hands to win. The amount of side attractions that happened to fill out the match had nothing to do with it’s outcome. I lost the match, but the outcome means nothing to me; because it was not the match I wanted. People don’t get that I am only concerned about one match and one match alone. The idiot continues, never giving me the moment to answer.

“But we all know you couldn’t have won that match even though you were trying. It’s the way wrestling is... people come in and make a big splash and then they fade away or sometimes stay longer than they should and ruin their career.”

The man continues not missing a beat or allowing anyone to defend themselves. I should’ve known when the show is called ‘No Defense’ that this is the type of interview I would be recieving.

“The fact is that your declaration on Ascension was just a way to boost ratings for your eventual rematch. Drake Callahan has pinned you in three consecutive matches that you have been in with him. Now two of them, as you may use to defend yourself, did include multiple participants, difficult as that is to juggle for anyone of your age...”

Is he serious? Calling me old. Judging by the receding hairline and pot bully on this guy, he’s probably been around 50 years old since he was 20.

“But the fact remains, Drake Callahan has beaten you in three consecutive matches. He has revitalized his career and looks almost unstoppable of late. He is the future of WZCW right now, and with every week that he is champion and every week that you continue to lose, he is continuing to eclipse your long and storied career.”

At this point in my career losses mean nothing. I have held every championship and I have defeated every single wrestler ever worth mentioning in WZCW. I don’t need to defend myself against this sleazy scum, but it is time to shut him up before he really starts to offend me.

Showtime puts his hand over the microphone of the interviewer. He takes the mic off the stand and calmly snaps it in half, a feat that does impress the interviewer. Showtime finally speaks.

There... now your listeners are saying ‘Thank God' someone else is finally getting a chance to speak and save your dead air time.

The interviewer reaches for Showtime’s mic to defend himself, but Showtime keeps it from him.

Sorry there Friar Tuck, it’s about time your fans heard the sound of a real star and not some depressed, overweight, jealous hack, who never had even a thimble full of natural athletic ability so he took a sport disc jock position to bagger and talk down those who posesse the abilities that he long desired to have. You can call me down until your viewers have all but deserted you, but the fact remains you only wish that your were half the star that I am. Drake only wishes he was half the star I am. Maybe then he wouldn’t feel so bad that someone of his status is relegated to Ascension even after winning the biggest prize in this company, the WZCW Championship. Drake is upset that no one is taking him seriously as champion, that no one respects him yet. He has to earn that respect to get it. Drake can claim to have beaten me as many times as he wants. Until he beats me as champion, until he defends his title successfully against a former world champion, he does not have the respect of these fans, or the boys in the back, and especially me. All Drake is is a whiner.

At this point in my career, with everything that I have done and accomplished, my career does not need any sort of defending. I don’t care if I go on to lose every single match that I am in WZCW, my name will still be stamped first ballot when I am accepted into the WZCW Hall of Fame. The only match that I care about winning is my rematch verse Drake Callahan. He can beat me in tag matches, fatal four ways, six pacs, lumberjacks, spelling bees, or beer drinking matches. They don’t matter because the only match that matters to me is the one on one world title match that sooner or latter, when he pulls his head out from between Max Powers ass checks, he is going to have to accept. And when he does accept, there won’t be a sympathetic Showtime there, feeling bad about once almost ending the great career that Drake was destined to have back in 2009. The only person that will be there is Showtime, holder of five different title belts, main eventer of every single WZCW PPV; Showtime... a champion with nothing left to lose and everything left that is worth fighting for that is here in this match with Drake. Pride, honor, retribution, I’m taking them all back.

The interviewer gets off his seat and reaches again for Showtime’s mic, which he pulls back and just keeps out of reach from the stubby arms of the interviewer. Exhausted, the interviewer shouts out his final remark.

"Showtime..." he tiredly puffs "this week on Ascension your opponent is... well we don’t know who your opponent. We do know that if it is a champion the title will have to be defended. What are your comments on the situation?"

My comments? Really... you actually want to know what I have to say. Well first off... I’m not at all upset that this match happens to be taking place on Ascension. Whatever show Showtime is on, whatever match he is in, that’s the main event right there. I am what the people pay to see and I deliver time and time again for them. Drake Callahan feels that because he is champion they should all respect him. Respect has to be earned and I have earned the respect of all the WZCW faithful and will continue to perform for them until the day the curtain falls on me. As for the possibility of my opponent being Drake, let me tell you, I know for a fact that it won’t be him. I know for a fact his agent would never let him do. Despite the advantage that Drake would have in me not knowing my opponent, I know for a fact that he doesn’t has the balls to agree to face me so soon. When Drake is ready to climb out of his safety bunker, then he will challenge me. And if he has any brain cells left or if he lets his agent do the thinking, neither is likely, he will want to accept my challenge at the next PPV, Appocalypse, and boy let me tell you that name is a perfect backdrop for what will happen in our match. As for who my opponent on Ascension could be, the return of Austin Reynolds? Maybe Hiraku Susumu, Stan Rogers, Wilhelm Wunderbar, Max Karzai, The Seven Drawfs, Colonial Clink, it could be any of those guys, or somebody unexpected. It doesn’t really matter, because all that matters to me is my one on one shot verse Drake Callahan and putting on a show for these fans. At Ascension, when I walk in and face the unknown, I’m going to try to pretend for the slightest moment that the person I’m facing is Drake Callahan. And for the sake of my opponent, they better hope the real Drake is watching, because only he will be able to stop what I am prepared to do to them.

Showtime tosses the mic to the interviewer. He purposefully tosses it high so the interviewer has to reach up and subsequently causes him to fall backwards off his chair and onto the floor. Showtime chuckles as he gets up and leaves. No one can talk down on his career and not be poked fun at as well. The only person that Showtime was interested in hearing talk though, was a silent champion, clearly waiting for the right moment to silence him.
The scene opens high over a stormy cityscape, with torrential rain, forks of lightning and deep rumbles of thunder that cast a dark aura as the city drowns in the storm. The panorama swings round to reveal a number of skyscrapers, towering menacingly over the city and piercing the dark horizon.

“There is a destiny for us all. It places its hand on each of our shoulders like a caring parent. But it can hold us down, becoming a great forceful weight upon our shoulders.”

The rain continues to fall, soaking everything it touches and obscuring any details. Thunder continues to growl ominously and another flash lightning strike to a nearby tower lights up the area, enough to show what the camera may be focussing on and where the voice is coming from.

“This force can lead us to the top and take away our feet, placing us at the nether reaches of greatness. Destiny is a power, stronger than any muscle that you possess. It negates the body and controls all with an unseen touch.”

We see a gothic style building with roughly sculpted creatures crouching intently, hung off the side of the building. On one of the highest ledges close to the roof, there appears to be two figures unusually close together.

“What is your destiny? What would you do to have it in your hands? Would you wield it as a weapon to wreck those in your path? Or you could take care of it and follow it like a good book, the best kind of book, to allow you to change your very future.”

As the camera moves in further, it becomes clear that one of them is human. The camera is almost level on the ledge now and moves closer all the time. Despite the terrible visibility, the camera can pick up a small amount of steam appearing from the figure as it exhales. A loud male voice can be heard.

“If you allow it, Destiny can drive you to insanity. If you are weak, it will demand too much of you. You have to be strong and take control of the hand that you are given. It is too easy to look back at defeat and say that it was not your time, that success was nice while it lasted, that your time will come once more.”

The figure swings inside the nearest window and into a darkened room. Multiple lightning strikes hit once again in rapid sequence and the flashes begin to reveal the briefest outline of the space. Countless items are crammed onto shelves and then an untidy desk is in the corner but in the same instant, all detail is lost to the shadow of the night. The figure lumbers towards the desk and lights a candle. The small waxy beam of light casts a yellow glow around the small space whilst also showing the giant hulk of a man who lives within this space.

“Those are the words of a weak soul who is incapable of maintaining control of their own destiny.”

The giant pulls out a chair from the desk and sits down. His proximity to the light shows him in real detail for the first time. His face is obscured by a large dark blue mask that has black trim and he wears a large black jacket. He shuffles back to take the sodden jacket off before leaning forward and grasping a crystal ball from the desk. He leans in and covets before continuing his rasping tones.

“The Grand Mystique is coming out of the shadows to take hold of WZCW’s fate and shape the future of the company. The first name on the list is someone who claimed destiny as an ally en route to his Grand Slam. David Cougar, when you finally achieved the dream that you chased so hard, you let that prize go with no fanfare. How is that fair? How is it right that when you achieve your lifelong dream, that career Grand Slam and the achievement, the blaze of glory that follows you through your career comes to an absolute stop? When you needed fate to guide you to the Promised Land of greatness, it abandoned you. You may not know it but there is one simple reason.”

He puts the crystal ball back where he found. He then reaches into a drawer and pulls out a set of cards. When he starts dealing the cards, it’s clear that they are tarot cards laid out in front of him. On powder blue cards with red borders, we see stark images such as Fortune, Death and Wish.

“It’s because you are not destined for true greatness. You are going to be remembered as the man who achieved his goal but never lived up to his potential. It is time to reveal the Hand of Prophecy that will drive this home in the ring in a way that you will never forget. The pain that I am destined to inflict on WZCW is going to begin with the man who once stood atop its peak and will be remembered as the nearly man.”

He starts to shuffle the cards, moving them with increasing pace. He sneers as he does; his devious intent begins to come clear.

“Showtime, soon enough you will have the sympathy of the roster behind you because they will all be grateful that you are the chosen to be the first to lay at the mercy of destiny.”

He throws the entire pack of cards at the crystal ball before picking up the polished sphere. He lifts it up to his eye level, tilting his head and swivelling his wrist, moving the ball in the flickering candlelight.

“Because you will be left lying when Ascension ends, there is nothing but truth to this. When you look back and your career is described in history, the Grand Mystique will be known as the one who begun your endgame.”

His palm flattens and in a smooth but powerful motion, he pulls back and fires the crystal ball against the wall above the naked flame. The shatter sends glass flying across the table. Just above the candle flame that dances as glass flies across it, a special kind of card is stuck to the wall. We see a photo-realistic image of a sweaty David Cougar, left ear planted to the mat with a painful grimace on his face. Over his platinum blond locks and squashing his right ear and cheekbone to the mat is a large black boot.

“David Cougar, prepare for the Big Bang that is going to snap your neck and drop your body in acid; your career is about to end.”
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