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AS53: Mick Overlast vs. Justin Cooper

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Logan Burnside will accompany Justin Cooper to the ring.​

Mick Overlast, the man who recently defended his Elite X championship against the former champion in a two out of three falls match, will be set to take on one of the mentors for the new program, Justin Cooper. He'll be demonstrating to his mentee Logan Burnside what it takes to fight a champion and win the title. However, this match is strictly non-title.

Deadline: Wednesday, 5th of September (11:59pm Central Time)
Mick Overlast: Wow, it's only 12:30...

In actuality, the alarm clock on the nightstand reads 12:32, but who's ever exact when telling time?

Woman: I should get going. I have meetings all day tomorrow and...

Overlast turns on the lamp next to the bed and rolls over to face the woman laying next to him. He plants his elbow into the mattress, pushing his upper body up so he could look over her. She doesn't return the eye contact, continuing to look up at the ceiling fan that spins above them.

Overlast: Take a shower if you need to.

The woman simply nods, rolling toward the edge of the bed and sitting up. As she goes to stand, she almost turns her ankle thanks to the stillettos she wore to bed. She takes off the shoes and gets to her feet, walking to the bathroom without saying a word, her eyes looking down at the carpeted floor. Her wedding and engagement bands briefly sparkle in the dim light provided by the lamp as she moves into the master bathroom without saying a word.

She closes the door and Overlast puts his hands behind his head as he lays back down. The water comes on, leaving Overlast alone with his thoughts.

I really am an asshole.

A few hours ago, I was sitting at the bar at Primanti Brothers, enjoying my usual cheesesteak sandwich when a woman walked in and sat down a couple stools over from me. Without anyone between us, I began to make conversation with her.

She said she's in town on business; I said I do my business seemingly everywhere but here. She said she works in the human resources department for a fairly large corporation; I said I work in sending the incompetent in her direction. She told me she misses her kids deeply; I told her I'm glad to get away from them. She mentioned her husband works long hours to give the family a good living; I mentioned I only have to work weekends to support myself. She said there was something missing in her life; I said I have everything I could want and that I was one of the best in my field.

Three drinks later, she told me she was staying at the Holiday Inn Express around the corner. I told her she'd make it back before the bars close.

Overlast chuckles softly to himself as he goes over that moment in his memory.

So to sum up, there is some hopeless schmuck hundreds of miles away who put his kids to bed earlier tonight, completely unaware that his wife just had an extramarital fling with the WZCW Elite X Champion. I highly doubt that this little secret would escape the four walls of this bedroom, but could you imagine the backlash this would cause if it did?

The people would tell me that karma would come back to bite me in the ass. They'll point at this event, at how I brought Triple X's past to light, and even at the little speech I made at some cemetery in Miami and they'll say, “Mick, you're gonna get what's coming to you.”

And I'll simply laugh at them. Why? Because I'm above karma.

When I was younger, I was a pushover. I tried to be everything to everyone. I was the one people looked to when they wanted something, ranging from relationship advice to help with algebra homework. I was the shoulder my crushes would cry on. I was a model student, a hard worker, a son that my parents boasted about.

But I never 'got what was coming to me' then.

Nothing changed; people took me for granted. Slowly, I began to turn and realize I was never going to 'get what I had coming to me.' No good was ever going to come from the good that I did. It was then that I wised up and started doing stuff for me. And as long as I stayed smart about it, fate would never catch me because I would always stay one step ahead.

I stayed a step ahead of Triple X at Ascension, as I outsmarted him yet again to pick up the victory. All the physical gifts in the world mean nothing without a strong mind to help put them to good use. He learned that the hard way; maybe it was the years of hard drugs and booze that eroded his mind. Triple X was a champion for a long time, but it doesn't mean he was a good one. I, on the other hand, don't plan on giving this title away. I may not be the strongest guy on the roster, and I know damn well I'm not the fastest, but I am the brightest. I can't, and won't, lose.

The sound of running water stops, and the woman emerges from the bathroom a moment later, wrapped in a towel. She starts to gather her clothes and get dressed. Overlast sits up a little and watches her, not uttering a single word.

This woman is going to go home and make extremely passionate love to her husband for weeks, primarily out of guilt for what she did here tonight. Her husband will revel in this, thinking it was something he did, when it was all my doing. And as I lay here, I shudder to think what would've happened if I was still that crying shoulder.

I'd probably be in her husband's position, oblivious that my wife is cheating on me with some stud 15 or 20 years her junior. I'd be working those long hours and getting nothing in return. I'd have little direction in my life and career, much like Justin Cooper, a guy I broke into this company with and faced off against several times before. While I was rising up the ranks of WZCW, his precious little cult was crumbling to the ground. Now, I have a title belt around my waist, while he's been relegated to working with some rookie who won't last a month in this organization. Fate caught up to Cooper because he wasn't smart enough to avoid it, and now he's paying the price.

The woman looks in the mirror and fixes herself up as best she can so she doesn't return to her hotel looking completely disheveled.

Just like I used my intelligence to exert dominance over this housewife tonight, I will use it to crush Cooper at Ascension and prove to him, his lackey and everyone watching that I am a very powerful man and will stop at nothing to get what I want.

The woman puts on her shoes and goes to leave Overlast's bedroom when he finally speaks to her.

Overlast: Next time you're in town, let me know.

She just glares at him, a blank expression on her face. She shakes her head and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her as she lets herself out of his house. Mick grins and lets his head hit the pillow again. He shuts the lamp off and closes his eyes.

I really am an asshole. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
A mentor is someone who will guide you to being the best in the world. A mentor is someone who will do anything to see you succeed. A mentor is someone like Jesus who cared for his pupils and only wished for them to become better. It’s a challenging job to be a mentor and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

I am a mentor and a damn good one at that. I’ve been given the chance to teach a young one what it takes to be a star in this federation. They gave me Logan Burnside but they could have given me Mick Overlast. Some people actually think he’s a champion… what a load of crap! He’s a fake, he’s a fool and he’s walking around with a gold belt that should be mine. He believes that he’s this mighty champion because he beat a drug addict. Nice job kid, next time try the homeless shelter for some harder competition. I’m sure, if given the chance, I could defeat that stumbling, bumbling, shaking and baking runt named Triple X. He’s not a guy that is going to have movies made about his time here. If anything they’ll hide the fact that a drug addict was given the chance to hold a title. It’s a shame that such a prestigious championship has been disgraced and is now in the hands of a child.

You can’t walk around this company like Mick does. He thinks people owe him something. We owe him nothing. Before Mick goes around demanding stuff I suggest he beat someone with a little more experience. I suggest he try beating me. I’ve been here since 2010 and nobody has challenged more top talent then I have. I called out everyone and nobody would face me. I’ve called Bowen out for an age but nothing. If Mick wants to send a message then come a fight me. Prove yourself against me and then you can start making demands. The time for talk is over Mick, the time for put up or shut is now. I’ve been waiting far too long for this chance and I’m not letting it slip through my fingers. When you can’t run anymore what are you going to do? When you can’t hide anymore what are you going to do? When that bell rings at Accession what are you going to do?

We open in a mock classroom that has been constructed in a backstage room at Accession 53 by Justin Cooper. The classroom consists of several chairs and desk with a blackboard up the front. The blackboard is blank and the desks are all empty with the exception of two which are occupied by fellow High Society member Iris and mentee Logan Burnside. Both Iris and Logan do not look assumed by the situation they find themselves in as Justin strolls around out the front of this classroom. Unlike most days Justin finds himself dressed as an old school teacher with a pair of big glasses, ugly brown pants, a white button up shirt and a bright yellow tie.

Justin: It’s finally time for our final lesson of the day boys. You will not need notepads for this and no pencils. Just listen and you’ll get the message.

Slowly Justin begins to walk up through the rows of chairs toward Iris and Logan.

Justin: Now as of last week I’ve been named as you mentor Logan. I’ve been named as the man who will sculpt you into a superstar for the future. With me by your side success is guaranteed! So what’s our next move toward you claiming victory and a title shot of your choice? How are we going to go about this journey?

Suddenly Justin flicks out a long steel pointer from his pocket. It’s nearly a meter long and has a small metal ball at the end of it. As teachers do Justin whips the pointer down across the desk which makes a long bang!

Iris: Careful with that thing!

Justin: Be quiet Iris, I know what I’m doing.

Iris: What is it exactly that you’re doing? Why are we here? What’s the point of you dressing like an idiot and pretending to be a teacher? How the hell is this supposed to help Logan for his match this week?

Justin: Please raise your hand before asking a question in my classroom!

Iris: You’re not a real teacher!

Once again Justin whips the pointer down across the desk and almost clips Iris’ finger tips.

Justin: I will not be disrespected in my classroom. I may not be a teacher of English, history, geography or even the simplest of math but I am a teacher in the art of success.

Iris: You’ve got to be kidding me right?

Justin: No matter what others say Logan I want you to look at me as a life coach. Consider me to be your guide to moving up the ladder in WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. Think of me as your shining light toward championship gold. I’m like the wise old man and you’re the eager to learn boy from the Karate Kid.

Iris: He’s not black though.

Third time is the charm as Justin brings his metal pointer down across the hand of Iris. It’s a very hard shot that causes Iris to jump up from his seat clutching at his hand.

Justin: How dare you bring that ridiculous movie into this classroom.

For a moment Justin places the pointer down on the desk as he reaches into his pocket to retrieve a piece of paper and a hen puts in down on the table and slides it toward Iris.

Iris: What’s this?

Justin: Before this lesson ends I want you to write out “I must not talk about terrible movies in class” at least fifty times. I’d get to work Iris because time is running out.

Iris: B-B-B-B-B-But…

Justin: But nothing! Put your head down and do your work while I speak with my rookie. We’ve got some serious business to take care of.

While Justin walks over to Logan we can still hear Iris mumbling.

Iris: This is so stupid.

Unaffected by Iris’ taunts Justin moves on. He now stands in front of his rookie, Logan Burnside, who doesn’t look all too pleased. Logan’s head is down on the desk and appears to be sleeping rather than listening to what Justin is saying.

Justin: Hey! The time for sleeping is over Logan. We’ve got a game plan to figure out. How are you going to compete this week and win if you’re not listening to your mentor?

Logan: I’ve been listening and so far you’ve said nothing about my damn match this week.

Justin: That’s because I was just getting to it. Look this week you’ve got to face Scott Williams. He’s in this program and of course he’s got Matt Tastic as his mentor. For any other rookie this would be a tough match but since I beat Tastic last week than it shouldn’t be too hard for you to win this match. Tastic isn’t able to win anything outside of the mayhem division so surely his poor rookie isn’t going to win a match if it doesn’t involve weapons. You’re better than that; you have what it takes to crush that little fool into a million pieces.

Logan: I do like crushing people.

Justin: Great, we’ve found some common ground. With that kind of attitude we are certainly going to win this program and become the future tag team champions of the entire world!

Confusing comes over Logan as Justin finishes that sentence.

Logan: Who said I would be going for the tag titles?

Justin: Excuse me?

Logan: I never said I would be going for the tag titles. I’ve got a lot of thinking to do when it comes to picking what title I want to challenge for after this thing. I’ve always liked the look at the Elite X Championship that could be something for me to go after.

Justin: But I’ll be Elite X Champion by the time this program ends. You’d be fighting me for your title shot. I would hate for you to work so hard and then fail because of me.

Logan: What makes you think you’re going to be champion by the time I win this thing?

Justin: I’ve got a match with Overlast tonight and while the title isn’t on the line I think it’s safe to say that a victory would make me the number one contender for the title. Once I beat Mick Overlast tonight then I’ll finally get my one on one match for the title that I’ve wanted since Kingdom Come. The wait will be finally over for me Logan. The time will have come for all the haters to bow down and kiss the ground I walk on. They’ll be watching me say…

Justin takes a short pause for dramatics.

Justin: Beatin that pussy up fo sho yo.

Logan: What?

Justin: Nothing, just a bit of street talk I picked up on my travels. Anyway the point is that this week is really a huge deal for the both of us. With me gaining the number one contender spot and you getting a big win in the program it will put us at the top. This week we can finally say to everyone that we are the pair to watch. Not Titus and that idiot or Ricky and his doodle poodle. This week will can let everyone know that this program is solely about Justin Cooper and Logan Burnside.

Logan: I like it a lot Justin.

Justin: Of course you do. Plus with you by my side this week I bet Overlast is shitting himself. He fears you Logan; he knows that nothing he can do can stop you. You’re a tough son of a bitch that Mick can’t even think of being. He’s probably huddle up in the corner of his little cardboard apartment. Fear is a terrible thing Logan and I know Mick is full of it.

Logan: He doesn’t have any backup does he?

Justin: No of course not. He’s too stupid to figure out that some help could be good for him this week. Unlike some of us Mick isn’t the brightest tool in the shed as he likes to go on alone. He doesn’t like to talk to the other boys and what not. I don’t like them either but you’ve got to shake their hands from time to time and Mick just refuses. He’s an idiot and the entire locker room thinks the same about him. He doesn’t have a friend in the world and after this week I’ll make sure that I position myself to take the last thing he has in his life. I’ll make sure I’m set to take the Elite X Championship from him!

With that said Justin looks over toward Iris and he is still trying to finish his lines. A slight smile appears on Justin’s face before he turns back to Logan. After a quick nod of the head both Justin and Logan get up and leave the classroom as it is match time. The final shot is of Iris who just manages to finish his lines before we fade to black.
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