AS52: Matt Tastic/Scott Williams vs. Justin Cooper/Logan Burnside

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Several weeks have passed since the Redemption PPV. Matt Tastic competed in his first one on one PPV match since last November. A battle against the man who later won the World title. After both men pushed each other to the brink, Matt sadly faced defeat again. But a loss in nothing new. And Matt's spirit remains as strong as ever. A valiant performance against an opponent willing to do anything to win and a large stage like Redemption were just what Matt needed to ease up on his troubles...


Our scene opens with Matt Tastic doing push ups with the aid of a bench backstage at an unidentified arena. In ring gear, it seems he's getting ready for a match. Alisha seems to be nowhere in sight.

Mr. Tastic, Chuck Myles is looking for you. He wants to see you.

Matt stops his push ups and drapes a nearby towel over his head and heads off. His face indicates no real concern about seeing Chuck Myles despite the lack of leadership in WZCW right now. He walks in and sits in a rather lousy looking office.

Ah, Matt. It's been a while. Glad to see you after such a long time. Hell, I'm glad to see someone who won't threaten my job for once.

Good to see ya too...... I guess.

I have a job for you sent by the board of directors themselves. It's an interesting one.

Does it involve flying again? I hope not. I've been getting airsick lately.

No. Not at all. It simply involves your match this week. On Ascension.

OK then...

See, it was decided that you'll be in a tag team match.

Would you just tell me who I'm facing?

OK then. You'll be teaming with Scott Williams to take on Justin Cooper and Logan Burnside.

Matt's facial expression shifts to a confused one.

Wait... What? I'm facing who now? And I'm teaming with... Wait, what?

I'm sorry if this feels like a step down, but this is actually....

No no, I don't have a problem with the match. It's just that I don't have the slightest clue who you mentioned. Like at all. Ar-are these guys new?


You want me to test them.

You and Justin Cooper.

You mean that guy has been here already?

He's a former Mayhem Champion.

That.....That doesn't impress me.

But you're a 4 time Mayhem Champion.

Dude, Doug Crashin is a former one time Mayhem champ. You look at the list of 1 time champs and it's HUGE. You look at the list people that have held the belt more than once and well, there is quite the difference in numbers.

So you don't know who Justin Cooper is?

Not even a fucking clue. Or William Scott.

Scott Williams.

Right. Is he's the other guy I'm facing?

No, he's your partner.

Who's the Mayhem champ then?


But wasn't he the other new guy?

Dammit, no! Logan Burnside is!

What? Who the fuck is that? You're making these names up!

I'm not!

Then who's my partner?

Scott Williams!

Who's the Mayhem champ guy?

Justin Cooper, dammit!!

But I thought it was Ace Stevens.


Chuck gets off his desk in rage as Matt cowers into a near fetal position on his chair. His face is a mixture of laughing and being somewhat scarred. He's pretty much corpsing.


.......theeeeeen.... Who the hell is Logan Burnside?

...ugh.... Justin Cooper's partner.

OK. But what about Ace Stevens?

Chuck just drops his head hard on the desk. It's a very loud thud.

You know what? I don't care anymore. Go out there and just beat up whatever is on the ring that doesn't have a striped shirt or dress clothes. Just leave me alone. You're giving me such a headache.

Matt bounces off the chair in total excitement. he claps his hands before going on a total tangent.

YES! It's gonna be awesome. I'm gonna go Deliver Kickassery all over them. I'm gonna take that one guy and I'm.... I'm gonna knock his head onto the other guy. Yeah. And my partner. When the other guys are outside, I'm.... I'm gonna take my partner and.... And gonna throw him. Yeah, I'm gonna freakin' throw him! *clap* SUPER-SAIYAN! *clap* *clap* *clap* SUPER-SAIYAN! *clap* *clap* *clap* SUPER-SAIYAN! *clap* *clap* *clap*.......

Matt walks out of the locker room clapping and chanting on. Chuck drops his head on the desk again releaved that he left.


Redemption has gone and left behind a bunch of unanswered questions. So much has happened since the pay per view and everyone is so excited about the new day that is upon us. It’s frantic backstage as officials rush past looking for their uniforms. It’s not even show time! One man who isn’t over excited about the new day is one JUSTIN COOPER. This man doesn’t have problems like title defences running through his mind. He doesn’t have stuff like running the company or dealing with multiple personalities to handle. Justin has better things to do such as figuring out how to work a phone! The trials and tribulations are going on backstage at Accession with IRIS, in a casual jeans and shirt combination, standing by.

Justin: Are you sure this thing isn’t broken? Its lights aren’t even flashing or anything.

Iris: I’m positive it isn’t broken. I just got this thing yesterday.

It’s safe to say Justin has no idea about the latest gadgets. He looks confused as Iris clicks away with his phone.

Justin: Just one more question.

Iris: What is it?

Justin: Where are the buttons?

It’s not his fault he doesn’t know how to use a touch phone! The very inconsiderate Iris shakes his head while Justin looks confused. The novelty of the phone has worn off for Justin at this point. He jumps off the crate he was sitting on and fixes up his freshly ironed purple suit. It’s absolutely fabulous! Justin’s gaze no longer focuses on Iris; he’s become bored of his good friend. Now it seems that Justin has found a new point of his focus. Standing to the right of Justin is fellow wrestling star LOGAN BURNSIDE. The big monster stands with his back to Justin as he prepares for his upcoming match. Justin looks freaked out by the appearance of this huge man. From behind Justin points and laughs at Logan … making sure he doesn’t see him doing so of course. It’s not something Justin would do in front of the big man or would he?

Justin: Look it’s a wild gorilla! Someone call animal control a wild beast is on the loose!

This time Logan hears what Justin is saying and he slowly turns around to face his teaser. Logan is not a guy you want to make fun of but Justin must have missed that memo. The messiah continues to poke fun of Logan’s appearance by getting down low and grunting like a gorilla.


Justin is off his rockers right now with laughter but over to the left Iris is trying to get the attention of his friend.

Justin: Is your mother in Planet of the Apes?

Iris: Um… Justin.

Justin: Give me a second Iris. I need to get this stupid gorilla back to the zoo before someone gets hurt.

Iris: This is really important.

Justin: Not now I’m busy. If you want to join in then go find me a banana. This thing looks like it needs some food.

Iris: You shouldn’t make fun of him Justin.

Justin: Why not? What’s he going to do to me? It’s not like I need him or anything. He’s not my tag partner for this week.

Wait for it…

Iris: It’s funny you say that because-

Justin: Wait! Please don’t tell me…

Slowly Justin backs away from Burnside and he returns to the side of Iris who is holding his touch phone.

Justin: Don’t tell me he’s my partner this week.

Iris: It’s you and him versus Matt Tastic and Scott Williams right here tonight. Apparently management sent out a message to everyone about what they were doing tonight.

Justin: Where the hell was my message? I didn’t get a message from management!

Iris: Did you check your emails?

Justin: No but…

Iris: I told you to check them each day. See what happens when you don’t? Things like this happen and now he doesn’t look very happy with you.

Justin: That’s how he looked when he got here. He’s not the most attractive fellow.

Iris: Is that how you treat all of your tag partners?

Justin: Most of ‘em.

Iris: Ever thought about being nice to one of them?

Justin: Nice?

Mockingly Iris rolls his eyes towards Justin. Iris then places his right hand on the shoulder of Justin and leans in close to his ear.

Iris: I didn’t think so. Now listen, we can’t keep going this way Justin. If you want a shot at the Elite X Championship then I suggest you go over there and get on his good side. You can’t win this tag team match by yourself.

Justin: I hate it when you’re right.

Iris: Do you want the Elite X Championship?

Justin: I do indeed.

Iris: Then go ahead and convince that man to work with you tonight.

It’s a tough situation for Justin Cooper tonight as he has to convince a guy he just called a gorilla to work with him. Step by step Justin inches toward an angry Logan who is still standing in the same spot. With an awkward silence coming over the scene Justin gives Logan a soft fist bump to the arm. The love tap gets Logan to shift his gaze over to Justin who looks terrified by the task at hand.

Justin: Logan … how you doing? I understand we had a little misunderstanding earlier. Now I know you aren’t too happy with but you gotta’ understand I’m a nice guy. I get along well with people. I’m a true people person. I’m sure, if you give me time, we could become the best of friends. So want do you say, partners?

Justin extends his hand to Logan in the hope that he will receive something back. Unfortunately he gets nothing as Logan just stares a hole right through Justin.

Justin: No? I get it, you’re mad. I would be to if someone was making fun of me because of the way I looked. It’s a tough world out there Logan and guys like us have got to stick together. Did you know that Matt Tastic was the guy that came up with the idea of calling you a gorilla? Yeah, that sneaky devil was running around backstage talking about how you should be in a zoo and what not. I was shocked Logan. He’s a bully and you shouldn’t take that from him. I know that I made a few jokes but it was all peer pressure from him. Tastic was getting everyone to pretend to be gorillas in the locker room and these sheep went along with it. It was like a year seven drama class except these men were half naked. It so sickening that I left and came out here to clear my head. Believe me Logan, I would never have started such horrible games like that. It was all Matt Tastic and his little group of buddies that were poking fun at you.

Justin glances over to Iris for some encouragement before continuing.

Justin: With all the bullying that goes on around here I try my best to stay clear of it. I’m not one to poke fun at someone backstage. You and I are one of the same Logan. It’s an image of difference that causes fear for these men around here. They fear us because we are different. Tastic pokes fun at you because he sees that you are better than him. He can see that in just a few months you will have done more than he has. It’ll only take you a few months to achieve what that dope has in years. Just look at you!

We flick over to Logan Burnside who is a fierce and dominate man. He towers over Justin and has to look down to make eye contact.

Justin: You’re a force that Tastic and Scott Williams cannot stop. They won’t even try because they know you’re an animal.

Oh no … Justin’s made a mistake!

Justin: Damn it! No you’re not an animal. Logan you are a man. A man that cannot be stop by two weaklings like Tastic and Williams. They fail to see how a man like you will crush them within seconds of battle. Williams is new and unable to comprehend what stands before him. He doesn’t see the power, the control, or the problem that is waiting for him tonight. You are more than Tastic has ever had to deal with. I’m smarter than anyone both of them have ever faced. I’ll be standing by as you work to destroy and I’ll come in to finish them off like a good partner does. I’ve got you’re back tonight Logan and I hope you’ll have mine. We can and will win this match. If we win tonight then I’ll be right on the doorstep of a title shot at the Elite X Championship. I mean who else is there? Nobody else is going to step up so why not let me have a shot at Overlast or Triple X. Whoever walks out with the gold this week should have to defend it against me. You help me win tonight and I’ll make it worth you troubles.

Justin takes a step forward and is rather close to Logan right now.

Justin: You help me win tonight and after I win the Elite X Championship I’ll grant you first shot at my gold. No matter when I win it you will get the first shot if we win tonight. That’s how much I want to win. I need this Logan. Help me and I’ll reward you greater than anything that management could give you. It’s a chance of a lifetime and I’m offering it to you tonight. If you cover Williams and take the rookie down then I can focus on Tastic. I’ve got his game plan covered. I know all about Tastic and how he used to be some big deal in the mayhem division. I remember those days and now he’s just a failure in a crowded main event scene. I feel for guy. He lost to Rush and now he’s stuck tagging with Scott Williams in a match he can’t win. It’s a pretty big fall from grace don’t you think? Of course you do and believe me everyone else does to.

With that said Justin backs away from Logan before calling Iris over to the scene. When Iris arrives Justin moves next to him while staring across at Logan. The new force in professional wrestling has remained silent throughout this entire process. He hasn’t muttered a signal word tonight in response to what Justin has been saying. It’s unusual for a superstar to be so short of words and even Justin is a little suspicious of the ongoing silence he has received. With only minutes before their match Justin once again extends the hand to Logan.

Justin: You help me and I’ll help you Logan. What do you say? Are we partners or what?

After hearing everything Justin has to say Logan finally makes a move as he accepts the hand! Justin is overjoyed by the response … however his large smirk so vanishes as Logan pulls him in and wraps his hands around the collar of Justin’s suit. Justin is freaking out as Logan looks at him with terrifying eyes that could kill.

Logan: I could crush you. Don’t get in my way tonight pathetic boy.

Logan makes it clear that he isn’t a friend of Justin and will not be have drinks with him after the show. With the clock ticking down Logan releases his partner for tonight and walks off down the halls of the backstage area. He leaves Iris to help Justin back to his feet as he struggles to catch his breath.

Iris: You ok?

Justin: Yeah, I right. It’ll take a lot more than that to keep down.

Iris: Come on, we got to get you ready before your match.

Together Iris and Justin make their way down the hallway as the scene begins to fade to black with their backs to us.
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