AS51: Steven Holmes vs. Steven Kurtesy

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The main event of Ascension will feature a former rivalry rekindled as former World champion Steven Kurtesy will take on his former partner Steven Holmes in singles competition. A year has gone past since the two last wrestled against each other but Holmes has found himself in a similar situation as last year by attacking his partner, so going against Kurtesy shouldn't be something unfamiliar territory for Holmes. Will Kurtesy be able to take down the ravenous Holmes or will the Elite one finally defeat the professor?

Deadline is Tuesday, July 10th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Our opening is an unorthodox one as static dominates our eyes and our ears. It is loud and painful in nearly equal measure, but mercifully it ends as we cut to the closing moments of the main event from Ascension 50 and the World Heavyweight Championship battle between David Cougar and champion Steven Kurtesy:

“This is extremely dangerous for both men but this is what you have to do to become World Champion!”

Kurtesy realises his predicament and tries to find a way out with strikes but Cougar is determined and fights his way to the top rope. Both men stand precariously on the top strap which wobbles beneath their collective weight. Cougar tries to hit the Final Act but Kurtesy tries to stop it but he can’t, Cougar is unyielding in his efforts until both men go flying through the air and land with a crash as the Final Act brings them crashing to the floor with authority! Slowly, Showtime gets his arm across Kurtesy and he uses his leg to hook the limb of the champion! 1...........2.................3!!!

“He’s done it!!! David Cougar has finally achieved his dream!!”

“Congratulations Showtime!!!”

Your winner and NEW Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD, SHOWTIME DAVID COUGAR!!!!

Cougar is handed the World Championship and he clutches it to his chest in the centre of the ring.

Suddenly the image is frozen, a split second after Cougar reigns supreme. It’s a fleeting image. One of Steven Kurtesy, crushed by the loss of his championship. We slowly pull-back as a maniacal laughter is heard bellowing out, this now the dominant presence in our scene. Having pulled back, we see a roaring fire in an open fireplace and a grand armchair where the source of the laughter originates. We’ve seen all of this before and it become soon apparent that we are currently in the home of one of WZCW’s most diabolical residents; Steven Holmes. Our view changes, seeing Holmes sunk into his chair, very comfortable, a television remote in one hand as the other dangles over the side. He is dressed in his evening wear, complete with robe and ever so comfortable slippers.

Holmes: Pathetic isn’t it Steven?

Like a great mantis, Holmes sits, elongating his limbs. His feet stretch far in search of warmth from the raging fire, while his arms weigh on the chair’s own arms. The fire reaches great heights, thus creating drastically caricatured shadows, turning everything into an exceptionally gothic creation. Even the portrait Holmes has of himself with the Elite Championship is shrouded in shadow, giving it a dark mystique.

Holmes: One year ago you I was trying to destroy you Steven. I tried to bury the legacy of the Crashin Movement in one fell swoop and defeat you. I tried twice. I failed twice. It was only after these shortcomings that I began to tap into my true nature and embrace my real self. Only then did I begin to journey to become the man I am today. In defeat, I claimed victory. I would establish a destructive, deadly partnership with...someone else, and claim my birthright; the Elite Championship. I slaughtered countless fools, including Big Dave. I became a marathon man, lasting from the second entrant position in Lethal Lottery to the final three men. I engaged in a blood feud rivalled by few, equalled by none.

As Holmes catches his breath following the recap of his year in WZCW, he can’t help but smile, knowing that while he’s had a busy existence; it’s the simplicity that’s keeping him entertained.

Holmes: After all was said and done though, after all the speeches on fear and the bloodshed, after all of that, it all boils back down to one simple thing. After a year of me rising higher than ever before, and you my dear boy doing the same, we find ourselves at the same crossroads we did twelve long months ago. Finally we find ourselves face-to-face once again.

Holmes now changes his sitting position. He recoils his legs, slowly moving them to a more recognisable shape. They now form a ninety degree angle more commonly seen. Holmes then shifts his back into a more upright position. His perfect posture matching the shape of the chair. And finally, Holmes works on his arms. He turns them one hundred and eighty degrees, before folding them inwards. Now more compact, Holmes resumes his dialogue with the television image of Kurtesy.

Holmes: I became a darker, twisted human being, bent on ushering in a new era of destruction and pain. I craved the barbarism and the madness. I relished squatting in the epitome of terror. Heck, I’m not sure why I’m talking in the past tense; I still relish all of that! It’s who I am. I have embraced my true nature and it has taken me to new heights I previously had not achieved. While you are my opposite. I am dark, the devil incarnate perhaps, you are heavenly, a saintly figure, not unlike some sort of guardian angel.

Now, Holmes rises out of his armchair. He shuffles himself towards his fireplace, his television still frozen on the image of Kurtesy.

Holmes: Steven Kurtesy fought the demonic and dastardly forces of evil in the good name of WZCW, slaying the evil Apostles of Chaos and their master Ty Burna, and in the midst of the chaotic aura, claiming the World Heavyweight Championship. It was only through you Steven that WZCW was not plunged into darkness. The moon did not bloody and the sun was not blackened. You the great saviour Steven Kurtesy. I laugh at that pathetic notion. You are far more comparable to the Saint, Jude.

You see, Saint Jude is the patron of lost causes. You thought you had defeated the storybook villain. You thought you had vanquished the “big bad wolf”. You thought it was all over, but you should’ve known better Steven. You’re fall has begun, and with it, a new era is shortly beginning. As you writhe in embarrassing pain, much as I did at Kingdom Come, you realise that a dark dawn has arrived. “Showtime” David Cougar is a man who defeated you, but he is not the man who shall end you. No, that is me.

Holmes reaches his fireplace, resting his cold hands on the edge of the fireplace. The heat envelopes the hands, but the flames never touch him. His shadow is cast all over the gargantuan room. It’s shape is like that of a monster from a Brothers Grimm tale or some sort of equal gothic fantasy. Whatever it is, it is diabolically evil.

Holmes: We are rapidly approaching something that I have sought to achieve for such a long time. It began to take form with my victory over Ricky Runn last week and its true nature will become apparent through my supremacy over you Steven. And then its completion will arrive in the form of a win over the war machine that is...that is...

There is a forced delay as Holmes struggles to utter the word. That name burns a hole in him and he will have to force it out as if it were a profanity. Then, he finally does it.


It’s a lot louder than intended and echoes like a haunted scream in the dark. There is another pause, before Holmes continues.

Holmes: I speak of course Steven, about Redemption. We are so near the event, and I so nearly have my own personal redemption. I have destroyed those who would dare stain my glorious coronation, and you fall next. My former brother in arms. You shall fall as a sacrifice. You’re fall will signify the turning of the tide as Ty Burna struggles with his own self emotions, a new master of chaos shall rise. That is me. I will assume the role of dark overlord and I will start by doing what he could not; I shall defeat you. You shall be cast aside. And then, I can finally and fully focus on the man who stabbed me in the back.

Holmes’ face drips with sweat. The salty liquid oozing off of his face, and dripping into the raging fire below. Holmes uses his heated hands to wipe his brow, before turning to face the screen of the television.

Holmes: The final thing that blocks my path to the glory and the grandeur I was born to achieve is a beast of a man. I have described him for months on end as a war machine. He described himself as a snake tongued beast. I of course refer to...Constantine.

Holmes swallows hard as he slips the name in.

Holmes: John Constantine was so similar to you Steven. He was. He had so many aspirations. He had so many dreams. He wanted to go to so many places and achieve things never before seen in this company, just like you Steven. You made it happen, and maybe one day he will too, but there is no way that this faux monarch shall achieve it at my expense. Nay, he shall feel the fiery anguish that he decided to put me through at Kingdom Come, only he shall feel it ten thousand times greater. I am not someone who takes betrayal lightly. Steven, you’re aware of that. After all, I stabbed you in the back. My betrayal of you was a natural occurrence though. What I engaged in was evolution. What he did was destroy my moment in the sun, and as such, I shall destroy him.

What happens at Redemption will be a beginning and an end. It will mark the end of a long era in my career that started with my betrayal of you Steven. It will mark the completion of my redemption. I shall finally defeat the demons who taunted me about my past for years. It will also mark the start of the era where I finally achieve omnipotence. I will begin to finally ascent to the top of Olympus where I will be greeted by the God’s as the future of WZCW. I shall reach the summit and I shall be rewarded with the Heavyweight Championship of this World. My shadow will be scast over WZCW and I will create a new era, in my image. Redemption is coming Steven, and you play a grand part in it. I shall see you at Ascension, and perhaps beyond...if you make it.

The television blips out of existence, killing the image of Steven Kurtesy that had been burned there for so long. Holmes then collapses back into his chair, again allowing himself to be swallowed by the enormous furniture, ending our scene.

It's not the most pleasant of experiences to go through, especially if you're on the other end as an observer or simply listening. I've seen many people come through the doors of my office looking for some way to deal with the pain that comes with losing something close to them. It could be a friend, a pet or even an object containing a priceless sentimental value... but all of them can take its toll on a person. It's hard to put into perspective what something truly means to a person until its taken away from them forever, unable to be apart of their lives. Sure, some people find a way to forget or even replace what's missing but there will always be the "hole" left behind that cannot be completely filled. I can relate to those who've lost something not because of my empathetic qualities or training to become a psychiatrist but due to myself being in similar situations. I've had my childhood ripped away from me and struggled during my most of my teen years; I've had people who were my friends where I considered them family turn a cold shoulder... I've ventured through the rough times before and it does hurt. However, through these journeys I've learned that you must not dwell on the past and look forward to the future, thinking about what there is to gain rather than what has been lost. I've never seen or spoken to my parents since my early teens but because of what happened and not wanting others to feel my pain, I decided to turn my life around and use it to help others in need. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have become a psychiatrist nor would I have ever had the confidence to believe in myself to achieve something like becoming a professional wrestler.

And now, here I stand in my own personal locker room of the biggest company in the world, recognised by millions across the globe as a professor of psychology and top-class competitor. I've got my personal merchandise and a plethora of clothes to choose from when it comes time to donning the ring attire. To say that I'm proud of myself for getting to this point in my career is an understatement, despite suffering the loss of the World Heavyweight Championship only moments ago. It's a title that I thought I would never let go and do my very best to keep on me but to look on the bright side of things, I was apart of history tonight. David finally realised his dream of winning the one title he's wanted since day one but couldn't achieve until tonight. He's become the first ever Grand Slam champion, winning every title in the company and solidifying himself as a future Hall of Famer. Show might be a little crazy or arrogant but a competitor such as himself deserves to hold the strap; he's earned it.

As I pack the last few things into my sports bag and exit my locker, I see the celebration between the superstars and the new champ: handshakes given; photo's taken; and congratulations spread all around. A sight like makes me happy that I am still able to find good when something I've cherished has been lost. I just hope for Show that when the time comes to feel the same thing I do, he'll be able to bounce back mentally as good as I... leaving the premise with a smile on my face: not looking back, not saying goodbye.




There has always been something about standing on this wooden platform overlooking this majestic view at the monestary that makes me feel like I'm at my happy place. I'm not too sure whether its because I'm a man who loves nature, or the fact that the wind gently brushes past my cheeks gives me that sense of comfort, or its because I love staring into space in peaceful areas. Whatever the case, this is my dream location for pondering the deepest of thoughts that normally I'd never be able to discuss mentally with myself. It's amazing, Master.

And that is the reason why most monasteries are built at such high altitude, professor. Whoever infers that its for physical endurance or being away from society would be kidding you.

I always loved talking with the Master. No matter what happens, I can always share a laugh with him. Nothing ever bothers the Master the way things normally get me concerned. It's something one day I wish: spiritually numbing my brain from human thought.

It's good to see that being defeated and taking a step back in your journey hasn't affected your sense of humour. That's an excellent quality to have.

When you've dealt with the people I've had to help, you build an immunity to all the bad things. This was one of the reasons I sought out to joining the monastery. You've had to have a fair share yourself, right Master?

The Master pauses for a moment, continuing to look out at the view. A smiles appears on his face: the same sort of smile that usually transitions away from small talk.

I'm just hoping that one of those won't be you.

I respond with a laugh to show how untrue that statement was.

You shouldn't worry about me, Master... well, I know it is your job to take care of your students and make sure they do not go down the wrong path but I am completely fine with what's happened. I was not the better man when I stepped into the squared circle and I lost the title. David was a true warrior that night because his determination to win the belt was higher than my passion of remaining champion.

And what could that be, Professor?

A difficult question... why can't these get any easier?

I'm not really the person to ask when it comes to what Show is thinking but I think the fact of becoming the greatest competitor of WZCW would've been on his mind to fuel his determination.

That is why I was asking you what made your passion inferior to another man's determination.

I smile at the Master but it does not phase him. He wants a verbal answer.

The main thing that keeps popping up in my mind was that he really want the championship so badly and with the things that Show accused me of... dwindled my passion of keeping hold of the title. I mean, if I can defeat Ty who had more fire in his eyes in taking the title off me than Show, then a defense against David shouldn't have resulted in a loss. You could almost say that I wanted Show to win so he can realise what its like to feel the responsibilities and the burden of being the greatest warrior in the world. Its not that I let him win, its just I was more focused during the match of what would happen if Show won rather than defeating him.

So he got into your head, becoming a distraction?

I'd say Show would be classified as an obstacle, a hurdle that I need to jump over later or a bridge that I need to cross in the future. He's got himself busy with the man he's had more history than I could ever have and the same man he accuses me of not focusing on more: Ty Burna. To tell you the truth, it did make my blood a little hot when he came out and told me that I didn't do enough to stop the Chaos when I clearly did everything I could. I stopped Ty from becoming champion and now he's spiralling the company out of control to the point where he'll make irrational decisions and eventually lose everything. What has Show done to stop the Chaos? Absolutely nothing and he knows it too... and now that he's defeated me and has to go up against Ty with control in the palm of his hands, he'll now know what its like to feel what I went through...

So your plan is working then, despite it being rather unorthodox?

Not really, Master... I've got to revisit the past and go through something I've previously done before as well. I have to face an old friend of mine, someone who I trusted for many months and someone who I could have considered a brother; facing Steven Holmes. We've been through some rough times together, even facing off in a submissions count anywhere match and having myself get my head bashed onto an unforgiving concrete floor. We took each other to our limits and I walked away as the more superior warrior. I eventually forgave and forgot Holmes, continuing down a path of enlightenment and trying to spiritually cleanse myself. My partner, however, didn't take the loss lightly and took his own journey but instead of starting anew, he embraced all of the darkness that surrounded him and became a vicious person. The things he has accomplished could be considered remarkable; winning the title he's always dreamed of holding and lasting nearly an entire Lethal Lottery match to showcase his endurance... but the dark side he has unleashed against men like Big Dave and Constantine are something only a mad man could enjoy.

Holmes was never a mad man who enjoyed blood being spilled, pain being inflicted and or fear being instilled into others... he became that man because he chose to take this path because of my actions. The loss he suffered at my hands affected him so much that he has gone on a rampage. In essence, I feel as if the blood that has been on his hands have been shared upon mine and although I've dealt with that part of my life, one more match against Holmes where I get the chance to cleanse myself again of his actions is all I need to continue. Showtime and the World title can wait for because I have a legally binding clause in my contract that allows me to face Show once more for the title... but a chance to revisit the past and clear things up once and for all doesn't come every day. I hope Holmes is ready for me because I am definitely ready for what he's got planned for me. He's tried getting redemption over me once before and it didn't work, now he's trying again not only on myself but his other former partner Constantine... I hope he's ready for one last visit from the good doctor.

I really do, Master.
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