AS51: Mayhem Rules: Ace Stevens vs. Derek Jacobs - Mayhem Title

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
In an unconventional move, Ty has decreed that the Mayhem championship match will be defended on Ascension instead of Aftershock this week. However, it still doesn't changes Ace Stevens' opponent Derek Jacobs who won the match by winning the first ever Relay match. Will the bodyguard continue his winning streak and capture his first title or will the comedian continue his title reign until Redemption?

Deadline is Tuesday, July 10th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
1. law the wilful and unlawful infliction of injury upon a person, esp (formerly) the injuring or removing of a limb rendering him less capable of defending himself against attack
2. any violent destruction or confusion

Rain falls over the cemetery as people gather at the double grave. All wearing suits, carrying umbrellas, and all oblivious to the giant of a man standing in the rear. Derek Jacobs is seen trying to make his way through the crowd, looking very confused.

The Reverend: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

As the preacher speaks the words to the famous Bible passage, Derek sees two caskets begin to lower into the ground, mesmerized at the proceedings. Something feels off though, like he can feel someone staring into his soul. He turns around, and he sees a Young boy standing there in a hospital gown, bandages on his head, arm in a cast.

Young Boy: Why didn’t we die, Derek? Why was it just them?

As the young boy speaks, blood begins to flow from the wounds on his head. Almost unconsciously, Derek begins to feel his own scalp. He pulls back a hand red with his own blood.


Derek (to himself):Jesus…what the hell was that? WHO the hell was that?

As Derek gets ready for the day, he checks his email, where one is waiting from his mentor, James Parker.

[email protected]: DJ, Awesome Job on ascension! You’re finally starting to turn heads for all the right reasons, and you’re the new number 1 contender for the mayhem championship. You’ve came a long way, man and I’m proud of you….and I know your mom and dad would be proud of you too. You’ve got one hell of a challenge waiting for you though. Ace Stevens may be a comedian, but he’s no laughing matter right now. He’s been on one hell of a roll lately, you saw the damage he inflicted to Marquel at Kingdom Come to regain the mayhem title, and he brutalized Steamboat Ricky last week. If he can beat the man that created the mayhem championship, he can do anything. Well, almost anything…You’re unstoppable right now Derek. Meet me at the old warehouse on 42nd street. I want you to cut a promo on Ace, and we’ll put it up on for the whole world to see.


Inside the old warehouse, Derek meets up with James. After a brief handshake, James gets to the business at hand.

James Parker: Like I said in my email, great job last week earning a shot at the mayhem champion! I know you can beat that chump, but you can’t take him lightly. You’re gonna be in for a major fight Derek. This guy’s dangerous.

Derek Jacobs *smiles* Yeah, but he’s no Dr. Pain. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve for him.

James Parker: Good. That’s exactly what you need. You need to have an advantage over him, which you do. You’re one of the most physically imposing guys on the entire roster. You need to use that to your advantage. You also need to gain a psychological advantage over him. That might be a little more tricky though. He’s been acting pretty fearless in his actions as of late.

Derek Jacobs: Just roll the camera James.

James shows Derek where to stand when the camera rolls. In front of Derek, James has put a table with various weapons. Three notable ones are a fork, a staple gun, and a spiked baseball bat. Derek looks impressed at the various “goodies” James has laid out, and he smirks in his reaction.

James: You ready DJ?

Derek: Yeah, I’m ready.

James begins filming Derek and gives him the thumbs up to begin to speak.

Derek: Ace Stevens, mayhem champion of the world. I really must say, I’ve been a fan of your work recently. First, you beat a wannabe rapper on the grandest stage our business has ever seen, Kingdom come. You beat him so bad, that he hasn’t been the same since. Just last week you took out a surefire hall of famer in Steamboat Ricky, the man that pioneered the division that we’re standing on the top of. But for everything you’ve done, I’ve done something better. First, I go from being on the abyss everyone calls Aftershock to being on meltdown and ascension, breaking peoples bones as I go along. Then, I use my brains and my body to win the first ever Relay match last week, a Match that I pretty much dominated. And for my grand finale, I take a wannabe tough guy comedian who looks like he should be an extra in Grease and I turn him into a bag of blood and bones. How am I gonna do that you ask? It’s simple. ( Derek picks up the fork) I could make your head look like hamburger meat with this-(He stabs the fork into the table, causing it to stick) I could staple you together like a 5th grader’s book report (He picks up the staple gun and shoots a few into the table, and then turns it to himself and pops a few in his forehead for good measure. He gets a sadistic look in his eye as he puts the staple gun down and picks up the spiked baseball bat) Or, I could play home run derby: extreme edition. (Derek begins to swing the baseball bat violently into the table, tearing chunks of it out as he pulls the bat back each time. Derek beats the table until nothing is left of it but a pile of wood.) *breathing heavily* Or, I could beat you like I’ve beaten everyone else in my path, without mercy. Whichever way I choose, one thing can be promised, Ace. I’m gonna be walking out of Ascension as the new mayhem champion, and you’re gonna be lucky if you walk out at all.

With those last words, Derek wipes some of the blood off of his forehead from the staples, and wipes it across his white t-shirt.

Derek: I’ll see you in the ring, funny boy.

James turns off the camera

James: Holy shit Derek. Are you ok? That was frickin intense. And the touch with the staples to yourself? Wow. Great job.

Derek: Yeah, I’m fine. I just got a little carried away is all. Hey James, could you tell me how my parents died?

James puts his arm around Derek’s shoulder and begins to speak as the camera fades away.

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