AS50: Steven Holmes vs. Ricky Runn

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Steven Holmes stooped to a new low last week when he fooled the world with his fake injuries to get the upper hand over his former partner Constantine. With this reveal, he has been cleared to compete immediately by Ty where he will take on Ricky Runn who has recently encountered his own problems with Reynolds. Both men will have to keep their focus on this match if either man will be looking to gain some momentum.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 26th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
A light bulb flickers from within its shade as we establish our opening setting; a dark, dim, dastardly corridor. Poorly lit, we can barely see the chairs set outside of a room of sort. It’s almost like being at school when the naughty child has to wait outside for his headmaster to discipline him. This case is similar in a way as sat on one of the chairs is “The Elite”, Steven Holmes. Holmes is sat, a grin stretched magnificently across his pale, sinister face. He still wears a few wounds of the war he embarked on with Big Dave in Arlington, Texas, but they are barely visible now, only the scars remain.

The predominant sound in this corridor is the slow, meticulous tick and tock of a clock mounted on the wall. Due to horrendous light, it can only be heard, not seen. A lesser man (or a less sadistic one) would likely have a chill down their spine, but Holmes is rather enjoying playing the little game, as his “headmaster” attempts to put the fear in him. Unfortunately, Holmes is a master of fear. As this eerie scene continues, it’s pattern is interrupted by the click of a door, one which swings open at a slow pace. Holmes turns his head to face it, the grin never leaving his face. No one comes to greet him, but he knows what comes next.

Holmes rises, getting to his feet. He moves cautiously towards the door, before finding himself stood in the doorway. The room within is a lavish, luxurious office, one that formerly belonged to Vance Bateman, and now situates a far darker entity. This being remains seated in his chair, which to begin with faces away from Holmes, but shortly upon entry, swings round to meet him. It houses the new owner of WZCW, the “Harbinger of Chaos”; Ty Burna...

Ty: Mr. Holmes...

As Ty’s “s” on Holmes hisses deliciously, Holmes’ sinks on one side, but remains quite proudly on the other. It’s a reaction of pompousness rather than anything else.

Holmes: Tyrone...

We reach almost a Mexican stand-off as neither man wishes to make the first move, potentially exposing some form of weakness. While Ty remains deadpan, Holmes’s snide smirk remains. Holmes is relishing this. After a few moments of uncertain silence, it is Ty who chooses to end this by coiling his slithering lips into a distorted and disturbed smile.

Ty: Holmes...won’t you take a seat my dear fellow?

Holmes glances at the chair that is in front of him, unsure of what action to take at first as he takes a quick look at Ty and the chair before deciding he shall indeed sit.

Ty: Good...

The slimy smile of Ty drops quickly as if to suggest he is through playing nice, even if it was for that one fleeting moment. Holmes’ arrogance prevents his positive look from dying.

Ty: Let’s cut right to the very bloody heart of this situation shall we? You surely know why you’re hear Holmes.

Holmes: Indeed. I’m sure you’re going to attempt to strike some fear into my being with a dramatic outpouring of hatred and pure, blissful anger as you tear me down for my fakery and melodramatic tactics in duping a simpleton.

As Holmes finishes, Ty leans back, a smile raised once more. A look of understanding almost from a man who no one truly understands.

Ty: Very good. I was indeed going to do that. You see Holmes, I was furious at your decision to fake those injuries and to fabricate a retirement. I wanted to punish you and was rattling around in my brain trying to construct ways to have you slaughtered like a pig within the ring. Then...then I decided against that.

Holmes: May I ask why?

Ty: Oh, but the answer is simple; I admire your warfare. As a manager, an owner and a corporate character, I was angered, but it struck me like a bolt of lightning; this is exactly the sort of thing I would’ve done. After all, it’s not like I haven’t lied to others in order to gain me a stronger foothold in a rivalry is it? I found your particular method to be rather entertaining in hindsight.

Holmes: Ah, why thank you.

Ty: But I’m afraid this is where the mutual admiration is likely to stop.

Ty’s face once more descends into a sea of deadpan. No emotion is shown or displayed, just a dark, soulless stare.

Ty: Now that I’m aware that you are not going to be retiring and that your talents are going to be of use once more within the ring, I’ve decided I’m going to put you on the 50th edition of Ascension and make sure you get a prime opponent. One worthy of your calibre and one you are sure to battle in a match of brilliance and beauty. Your styles may clash, but I’m sure you’ll put together a marvellous sequence.

Holmes: And after all of that, my opponent would be?

Ty: Ricky Runn.

There is a pause. Laughter is almost anticipated as both men have ego’s the size of the Hindenburg. However neither man finds this funny at all really. Holmes in particular. He’s far from stupid, and while arrogant at times, he’s aware of a threat from a fellow former tag team champion.

Holmes: That’s a rather interesting match you’ve out together there. Yes, I think I like it. Ricky’s a proud, noble young warrior looking to make an impact. He’ll no doubt be trying to impress Austin Reynolds and a victory against a man even Reynolds was incapable of beating such as I would no doubt go great lengths to achieving that. Yes, Ricky should provide some fair competition and a match worthy of its place on Ascension’s anniversary show. Yes, a good choice indeed Tyrone.

Ty: Oh but it gets a bit better.

Holmes: How so?

Ty: Meltdown 75 plays host to Austin Reynolds vs. John Constantine...

Ty smiles big, assuming Holmes will likely follow suit, but for the first time since entering the office, Holmes’ grin in fact dies. Instead it is replaced with an intense look and a stern face.

Holmes: That name...

Holmes swallows hard, as if to keep some vomit down from spewing right out of his mouth.

Holmes: That name sickens me to my very core. Every time I hear it, every time I am forced to utter it and every time I am witness to it, I wish to find the sharpest implement possible and stab until the jelly oozes from the socket. That man sickens me. After I saved his career from the pit of obscurity and I gave him greatness he decided to stab me in the back like a coward and in my finest hour he cost me the match that meant everything to me. If it were up to me, I would have his head on a pike.

Ty: Sounds like you two have some issues still to resolve.

Holmes: That would barely scratch the surface. Lest we forget I’ve been stabbed in the back by allies before. Kurtesy and Crashin both fell to my feet in agony after I had my way with them last year, and Con...he shall pay a much greater price than even them. I have no respect for such cowardice from men, let alone cowardice from men of his calibre. What hurts the most about this situation is that I know, and so does everyone else, that this man is fully capable of destroying entire armies with pure unadulterated power. He’s a mighty tool for war, and I made him realise that. And after I taught him that, he betrayed me in a way which ruined my perfect moment. If not for that man Big Dave would be a cadaver and I would stand at the top of the mountain.

There’s a moment of nothingness as Holmes finishes and Ty waits to see if he’s finished. Then, a little s****** from Holmes. Then full blown laughter. Ty raises an eyebrow.

Ty: And what is so funny may I enquire?

Holmes: Well, it’s rather humorous you see, I’ve only just made the correlation between my situation, bloody and twisted as it is and that of Reynolds and Runn’s. They are allies, friends even who were together and great things came to them, much like me and...him. Again, much like my situation, cracks began to form upon the loss of gold in their case the tag team titles, in mine the Elite Championship. And now Reynolds is trying to motivate Ricky to snap out of his funk and get serious, almost as I did with the war weapon.

Somehow, I suspect that this will end in a similar way to my situation...though I wish them luck. My assault of unbridled rage upon Ricky will hardly help matters, but then again, it really isn’t my business. I wish to pray upon the poor boys fear when he stares up at me and quivers with fear before I give him the worst beating he shall ever endure or experience. He can run, but he cannot, and will not hide.

A broad smile returns to Holmes and Ty observes, his eyes narrowed somewhat. There is silence for a moment before Holmes ends that.

Holmes: Well then, if that’s all I shall take my leave.

Ty: Yes, I think we’re done here. You can go.

Holmes stands to his feet and turns to leave as Ty turns his chair to face opposite the door again. As Holmes reaches the door, which has been open the entire time, he realises something else.

Holmes: Actually, it’s rather funny, I missed another correlation between my situation and someone else’s. Yours in fact Tyrone.

Ty turns his chair round at a high speed, a quizzical look on his face. Holmes doesn’t turn around, merely addressing Ty with his back to him.

Holmes: You had an ally, and apprentice even and what did he do? He stabbed you in the back at the precipice of your career. Kingdom Come IV should’ve been your crowning glory; instead it left a bad taste in your mouth. So what did you do to the boy? You punished him and want on a destructive path for all to see...or I assume that’s what’s about to happen, especially with that barbaric construction hosting your match this week with Barbosa. I too shall embark on a path of death and apocalyptic tendencies where none in my path shall stand a chance.

Ty stews, not saying a word, but his anger obvious even to Holmes.

Holmes: You and I are a lot alike Tyrone and you shouldn’t forget it. You may control WZCW and be the greatest star this company has ever produced, but I am not a man to be trifled with. I can be a powerful ally or a powerful enemy, and don’t you forget it.

Ty: Never turn your back on me again Holmes...and watch it from now on because if you dare attempt to speak to me like that ever again I will place your head on a pike and not Constantine’s, understood?

Holmes: Loud and clear sir. Loud and clear.

Holmes exits the room finally, a broad grin stretched across his face, knowing he’s maybe gotten a little under Ty’s skin. Ty sinks back into his chair; a little smile entrenched on his face, knowing that Holmes was at least a tiny bit right. They are a lot alike.
Kingdom Come….Kingdom Come was the pinnacle of all the effort, all the hard work, all the blood, sweat and tears, all the marbles, all of the lights, the fruits of their labors all the hard work Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds have done ever since they formed as a tag team. The two were so different, yet so similar. They shared a similar style, but yet fought so differently. Their personalities clashed at every end, and the come from two different ends of the world. Yet these two came together and formed the best tag team in company history. They ended the curse that was laid upon every team to ever hold the tag team champions. They held the title the longest in company history, and they also defended it on a regular basis. Runn Reynolds Runn gave both Ricky and Austin a kick in their career. Austin was off his heels after failing to capture the world title. While Ricky Runn was scratching and crawling his way out of the jobbers rut he found himself in. Together, Runn Reynolds Runn made a once faulting tag team division into the strongest it had ever been. Tag teams were climbing over each other to get a shot at their titles. But that accomplishment was also their downfall. Almost like a Phoenix, Runn Reynolds Runn promised rebirth to the division. Two enhancement talents and formed them into one of the most dominant teams in recent history thanks to the labors of Ricky and Austin. And it also gave birth to Strikeforce, the same team that had finally dethroned Runn Reynolds Runn as champions. And like a phoenix, Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds have been left in the ashes. Only one question remains. Who will rise from the ashes of Runn Reynolds Runn and runn wild on WZCW. The young, promising Ricky Runn, or the former Elite X champion with a neck being held together by a few paperclips and bubblegum?

“This is the stupidest idea you have had in a long time, Ricky. I think this actually beats partying in Vance Bateman’s office.”

Robert chips as he looks about Ricky’s apartment. The apartment has been changed drastically. For one, it was cleaned up and organized. Several football posters can be found scattered across the walls along with a giant England flag hanging on the wall over the couch. The coffee table was replaced by the dining table with several seats. The table had cups, and a tea pot in the middle of it. The T.V that would usually be playing ESPN, Extreme Motor Sports, or just be on his Xbox was playing some football game from the Euro 2012. Ricky is seen in the kitchen, doing his best trying to cook tea...Yeah, cook tea. Robert is still awe-struck at the door entrance and shakes his head. Ricky looks over the counter in his kitchen and says happily.

“Oh there you are Rob. You’re just in time for the tea party!”

Robert closes the door behind him and looks about Ricky’s newly decorated apartment. He looks over to Ricky and says boldly.

“Well Ricky, when you texted me saying there was a party at your apartment, I thought you meant a Ricky Runn party…Not a tea-party. And why are you putting the kettle in the microwave?”

Ricky looks over his shoulder and shrugs his shoulder as he closes the microwave door and clicks “Popcorn” He walks out of the kitchen and says with a smile.

“Well as you can tell, Austin and I are not getting along so well ever since Kingdom Come. And I figured since those Euro soccer games are on, we can sit everyone down and discuss it like good ole English gents.”

Robert tilts his head and nods curiously.

“Uh-huh…So other than me, who exactly did you invite here?”

“Well, I invited, Austin, Dom, Hayley, Mikey, Rose, James, his lady friend, and Steven Holmes.”

The palm of Robert’s hand meets his forehead as he says confused.

“Why are you inviting Steven F’n Holmes to your tea party you do know the only person he likes is the person in his reflection, right? Remember what he did to Mikey, hell, remember what he did to you when you and Austin faced him on Ascension a long while ago? The man is ruthless, and he is resourceful. He can and will do anything to make sure you won’t be able to win this match…And considering what happened with you and Austin during his match with Howard you have to account for him interfering with your match.”

Ricky simply nods his head and takes a seat at the table. He looks over to his agent and says confidently.

“Well that is what this tea party is all about Rob. I’m going to try and patch things up with Austin so everything can go back to normal and we can get our titles back. He needs to see we were always going to lose the titles. But we need to focus on getting them back…I just wish he would have taken the loss better than he is taking it right now. He hasn’t responded to any of texts or my calls. I’m starting to get worried he doesn’t want to get his rematch with Strikeforce. “

“Well to be fair Ricky, I think he thinks you are taking the loss like a grain of salt. Austin has a lot of pride in what he does, and what he has accomplished. When Mikey of all people climbed up the ladder and took the titles, that really put a dent in his ego. Maybe if you show Austin you are ready to take things seriously again he will simmer down and get back into tag-teaming .”

Robert looks at the set-up in Ricky’s apartment and then looks over to Ricky and says seriously.

“And you think a tea party will fix that?”

“Robert, you are seriously underestimating the English and their love for tea. Hell, after this tea party, Austin and I will best bros again. And Holmes will have a change of heart and will finally have a smile on his face. Because lets face it, Steven Holmes, and his old friend Constantine are in a same situation as Austin an I. Granted, Austin and I had a way more awesome team. But these two were old friends who turned on each other and are no heated enemies with one another. Hell, even the fact that Constantine is American like myself while Holmes and Austin are about as English as you can get. But I don't want Austin and I to end up like them. I'm hoping this tea party will let us get everything out in the open and start over. ”

The microwave dings loudly to indicate that the tea was done. Ricky smiles and stands up and goes to the microwave and looks through the window to see the kettle. But as Ricky goes to open the microwave door the glass kettle explodes inside the microwave. A sharp shard of glass pierces the microwave window. Ricky walks away from the microwave and says to Robert.

“Rob, remind me to go out and buy a new microwave…And to take some tea making classes.”

Ricky sits down and shakes his head as he recovers from his near death experience. Suddenly a light bulb goes off in Ricky’s head as he says loudly.

“I got it! Ascension is do or die for Runn Reynolds Runn! At Ascension, I will be facing Steven Holmes, a man that Austin couldn’t beat. If I can beat Holmes, I can show him I’m still serious about this business. If I show him I am still serious about this business, we can best bros again. Once we’re best bro’s again, we are back on the saddle in becoming tag team champions. Once we’re back on the saddle in becoming tag team champions. We will face Strikeforce and take our titles back!”

“And what if Austin doesn’t want to be tag team anymore? What if Ascension was the point where Austin has burned all his bridges with you? What then Ricky? Will you still face Holmes with the same amount of gusto as you would when you were teaming with Austin?”

Ricky sighs and looks down at the table. He never really thought about the day Austin and Ricky would no longer be a team. He knew the day was coming, but he was hoping it would be on their terms. Ricky never wanted the fallout Austin and him are having. Austin publicly blasting him for his match with Mikey, and on Ascension Ricky caused Austin to lose to James because he went out to check on him. A failure of communication can end a legacy that Austin and Ricky put on their backs. After some thinking, Ricky looks up and says seriously.

“Even without Austin, I will beat Steven Holmes. Holmes is a tough son of a gun, I can’t take that away from him. But I am whole different person than my partner. For one, I’m younger, I’m faster, I’m bigger, and I’m stronger than Austin. Everything that Austin can do, I can do better. I jump higher, I’m bouncier, and I can throw a harder kick. Holmes is not facing a man who is in his twilight years of his career. He is facing me, someone young, someone hungry to make a statement. Someone who is not afraid of taking the ultimate risk to win against a sadistic madman, that someone who is a daredevil. And who exactly is that Daredevil?"

Before Ricky can finish his long-winded speech a knock is heard at his door. Ricky gets up to answers the door. As he opens the door he sees his good friends, Mikey Stormrage and James Howard. Mikey's eyes widen brightly at the smell of fish and chips and quickly heads to the table. James takes a few steps inside to see the decorations and shakes his head in disapproval before walking right back out.
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