AS50: Relay Match - Mayhem Title Shot Next Round

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
This the part where I'd normally put the match description but even I don't know what a "Relay" match is so I can assure you that this a new concept we are introducing and it will be very intriguing, as well as the following participants will be taking part in this new match type:

-Stevenson Marquel
-Jack Skinner
-Johnny Scumm
-Joe Mason
-Anderson Styles
-Darren Bull
-Derek Jacobs

I may or may not post match rules, depending on how secret and mysterious we want to be: but the winner faces Ace Stevens for the Mayhem title next round.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 26th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
We see a young Derek Jacobs walking in a hospital corridor. He looks to be trying to get the attention of the nurses in the hall, but he can’t seem to get anyone to talk to him. Finally he comes to the end of the hall where he sees something that makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up. The chart at the end of the bed says “Jacobs, Derek”

Derek Jacobs: What the-??

As he steps into the room, he sees a young boy, around the age of 11 lying in the bed with various tubes and wires running to machines. They seem to be keeping the young boy alive. Suddenly the door flies open, and a man and woman come into the room, ignoring Derek.

Man: Such a shame that he was in that crash. He’s such a good kid. Have you heard how his mom and dad are?

Woman: No, I haven’t heard anything, but the Dr’s think that they’re not going to make it. What’s going to happen to poor Derek if his parents die?

Derek’s alarm begins to blare, waking him from his dream. Derek looks shaken by the dream of his past, and goes to shower and get dressed for the day. After getting dressed, he checks his emails.

[email protected]: DJ, Great job on Meltdown! You went from being the Curtain Jerker on the C team to the curtain jerker on the A-team! HA! In all seriousness, you’ve really began to show your talents, and I think that Ty Burna has taken notice. You’re going to be competing on Ascension this week in what’s being billed as a relay match. It’s an eight man match, and your opponents are:
Stevenson Marquel
-Jason Armstrong
-Jack Skinner
-Johnny Scumm
-Joe Mason
-Anderson Styles
-Darren Bull

Now I know that you might be a little pissed, but here’s the kicker. The winner of the match gets a Mayhem title shot against Ace Stevens in the very near future! This could be- No, this IS the opportunity that you need. Be ready to go at 3 PM. We have a flight to Vegas. I have an appointment set up for you that might give you an edge.

*To himself* What the hell does he have planned for me now? Vegas? Am I gonna gamble myself into shape for this thing?

A short time later, a limousine pulls up in front of Jacobs’ apartment, and James Parker pokes his head out of the sun roof.

James Parker: DJ! Hop in, hop in!

Derek Jacobs: James, how the hell could you afford this thing? Where is it taking us?

James Parker: It’s taking us to the airport, Derek. We’re getting flown to Las Vegas on a private jet, all paid for by the man you have the appointment with.

Derek Jacobs: Who is it? Who do you have an appointment with?

James Parker: Don’t worry about it, DJ. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!

*6 hours later*

Derek and James arrive at a very prominent office building on the Las Vegas strip. After riding the elevator to the top floor, they step off and begin walking down the hallway.

James Parker: This is the place, Derek. Does the name over the door look familiar?

Derek Jacobs: Oh my God….you have got to be kidding me.

The name over the door reads James Baker.

Derek Jacobs: This guy held the Mayhem title twice, as well as holding the tag titles. He's done something in the company.

James Parker: Why else do you think I made an appointment with him?

Derek Jacobs: For the hell of it?

James Parker: Haha! You're funny. Come on, lets go. This guy's patiently waiting for us.

Derek and James open the door and walk into the office. The office is much larger than the entire place where Derek lives as it has a lot of posters, championship memorabilia and much much more. In the chair at the desk is obviously a male although his face isn't seen yet.

"Yo, who are you guys and what you doing in my office?"

James Parker: I'm James Parker and the man beside me is Derek Jacobs. Remember, I made that special appointment with you concerning Derek's upcoming match."

The chair turns around, and it is indeed James Baker although he looks much different from the last time he was in WZCW. Black hair, a nice scruffy beard, more tats up and down his arm, but he wears the style of clothes he did in both of his runs there. He looks at both Derek and James and nods his head.

James Baker: Alright, have a seat gentlemen.

Derek and James both take a seat.

James Baker: From what your homie tells me, you are competing in a "Relay" match with seven other competitors - and the winner of the match faces Ace Stevens for the Mayhem Championship at either the next Meltdown, Ascension or Aftershock. Hope I didn't get that wrong?

Derek Jacobs: You're correct.

James Baker: Interesting. I take it that it's under Mayhem rules, no?

Derek Jacobs: To be honest, I don't know what the rules are. I'm sure there has to be some type of Mayhem rules added to this thing, but other than that... we are being kept in the dark about this.

James Baker (thinking): I see. You're in luck though because although I am busy with paper work and a whole bunch of other shit - I'm gonna help you out of the generosity of my heart... well I'm not really generous but you get the point.

Derek Jacobs: Yeah. So what do I have to do to beat these guys, and what do you think of them?

James Baker: Hmm! Well first, I don't believe any of your opponents are anything special so we have that out of the way. As to how to beat them? I think even you know that answer but I'll still spell it out for you. You have to take no prisoners. More likely than not, this match is every man for himself. No friends, no allies, no nothing. And if you have to use any dirty tactics which should be legal in this match... then by all means do so if it's going to get you the win. As much as I respect the fan base, this is not a popularity contest. You do it by any means necessary and I hope to hell you have that in you for the much tougher competition you'll be facing later on down the road.

Derek Jacobs: Unbelievable! I knew this crap all along. What a wasted trip.

James Baker: You're obviously not getting it. Use that in your match and when you get that Mayhem title shot - by all means do it against the champion and YOU will become the Mayhem Champion in no time.

Derek smirks as he likes the words of him being Mayhem Champion.

Derek Jacobs: Sounds intriguing. Once I become the champion, I will definitely be a better representation of the division than you ever were.

James Baker: Is that so?

Derek Jacobs: Did I stutter?

James Baker: Obviously not, but I've already been there and done that. I'm one of the longest reigning champions in that division. You can thank me for even resurrecting that damn belt from the dead. You look and sound like generic meat head three thousand and if you continue to be that way... you are going to amount to jack and shit when it's all said and done.

Derek clinches his fist as he wants to hit something, maybe even Baker himself. Baker smirks and speaks once more.

James Baker: I'm sorry James that it had to go this way, but I've said all that I needed to say to your friend. We'll obviously talk later. Now if you two can show yourselves out. That would be great.

Derek and James go to leave, but Derek has one more thing to say.

Derek Jacobs: One more thing, Baker. Despite your off base opinion about me. I'm going to be more in WZCW than anybody can even imagine. So when you watch the television, be prepared to be proven wrong... and then we can have a second meeting. Meeting is definitely adjourned, asshole.

Derek and James leave the office while Baker just shakes his head and goes back to doing his office work.

*A short time later*

Back at the hotel, James emails Derek a link to where he sees the following posted.

Rules of the relay match:
In this instance, 8 men will compete in the match.
The match will be 25 minutes long.
2 men will start the match from inside the ring, whilst the other 6 will start the match from outside.
The roles of the men in the outside of the ring is to ensure that any man thrown from the ring is placed back in the ring... By any means possible.
Outside of the ring, anything is legal. If you are thrown from the ring, weapons can be used against you by those on the outside only.
In side of the ring, weapons and chokes are illegal.
The 2 men inside the ring will wrestle to a finish.
One a competitor is pinned, he moves to the outside of the ring and a new competitor takes his place against the victor.
This happens on a cycle that will become clear at the time of the event.
The last man to pick up a pin fall in the allotted time is the match winner.

Derek stands up and walks to the window overlooking the Las Vegas strip. He begins to speak to himself.

Derek Jacobs: James Baker is a made man right now. Money, Cars, an office in the biggest building in Vegas. And it all started with the mayhem championship. That belt has been the stepping stone from everyone from Steamboat Ricky to Ty Burna, and now it’s time to add my name to the list. Dr Pain is about ready to start giving out some serious medicine. And mom; dad, I just hope I can make you guys proud.
Scene begins at Malarkey’s, a bar in downtown New Orleans, Louisiana. Joe Mason is seen sitting at the bar itself, across from the bartender, with Tony and an untouched drink sitting on top. The bartender sits and watches Joe for a while, then grins when he notices Joe has no desire to drink his liquor, and so leans up against the bar in an attempt to strike up a conversation.

Mind if I ask you something, bud?

Not at all, sir, go right ahead.

Why’s a big athletic guy like you going to sit in a bar and NOT drink? You ARE an athlete, right?

Joe hesitates as he relives his WZCW debut match at Aftershock 10 in his mind.

Mason looks over his shoulder and ascends to the top rope.

Serra: Matches are won and lost in the blink of an eye up there. Let’s see how it pays off for the rookie.

Mason seems to stall upon hearing the cheers of the crowd as they anticipate a high flying move. The split second hesitation is all it takes as Jacobs latches his hand onto Mason's throat. The rookie struggles but it no match for the power of Derek Jacobs. He choke slams him down hard, hooks the leg, 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Derek Jacobs!

...No, I’m an architect that is unemployed at the moment. That and I did just eat before I got here, and I wanted my stomach to settle before I took in any alcohol, so…

The bartender, obviously not satisfied with this explanation, cuts Joe off.

Listen; I am going to walk away, let you make up a better lie, or else tell me the truth, when I get back, alright? Be back in a bit, bud.

The bartender then walks into a room in the back marked “Employees only.” Joe heaves a great sigh of relief and prepares to stand up, only to notice a familiar face sit down to his right.


Joey? Fancy meeting Joe “No Alcohol” Mason in a bar. Where have you been? I haven’t seen you since the Kingdome Come pre-show.

Joe again relives his loss to Derek Jacobs, this time shuddering.

Jacobs latches his hand onto Mason's throat. The rookie struggles but it no match for the power of Derek Jacobs. He choke slams him down hard, hooks the leg, 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Derek Jacobs!

I don’t think I can go back to WZCW, Mike.

What are you talking about, bro? You did great! Though I do have one question… you went to the top rope, and… you just stopped. What happened there?


It appears obvious to Mike that Joe is thinking too hard about the match, and thoughts aren’t coming to words as a result. Joe continues to stutter inaudibly until Mike speaks up again.

It’s okay, Joey, don’t break a circuit. Sorry I asked. People make mistakes, though, Joey- it’s a part of life.

Please stop calling me Joey. I’m 28 years old; I’m not a child anymore.

I’m sorry. Listen, man, you’re human. Is somebody forgetting something from Architecture?

What are you talking about, bro?

Let’s just say we were building some sort of standard structure. What do you do if you connect two bricks incorrectly?

Well, you take them apart and redo it.

Exactly. What you’ve done is connected two bricks incorrectly. You just need to take them apart and start again.

Joe sits quietly as what Mike says sinks in. after a few minutes of silence, Joe shoots up out of his seat and starts pacing around it, similar to the way he did prior to his match at Aftershock 10.

You know what, Mike? You’re right! Not everyone can win their first match, but they sure as sugar can come back and start a win-streak! And that is exactly what I will do!

Mike stands up, grabbing Joe by his upper arms and forcing him to sit down, as everyone in the bar is staring at Joe as if he were a complete imbecile.

Sounds cool, but let’s start our win streak a bit more quietly, alright?

Mike then checks his watch and stands back up.

Well, it’s getting late. I’ll catch you later, bro.

Mike walks out of the bar just as the bartender returns. He leans up against the bar the same way he had before.

Heard you getting excited out here. Now, I will ask you again: why’s a big athlete like you sitting in a bar to NOT drink?

That wasn’t what you asked. You asked why a big, athletic guy like me was sitting in a bar and not drinking, and then asked if I was an athlete.

I knew who you were the minute you walked in, Joe Mason. Saw you on the Kingdom Come pre-show. I’m still waiting for my answer.

Yes, I am an athlete. I was here to sit and sour, but I don’t need to anymore. What I need to do now is get ready for my next match in WZCW; let’s go, Tony.

Joe picks up Tony, thanking the bartender for his assistance, and walks out of the bar. Scene cuts off.


Scene picks up the following night, where Joe Mason sits in his locker room with Tony, lacing up his boots, when there is a sudden knock at the door. Joe gets up to open it, almost jumping back in total fear at the sight of the person there. He looks the man up and down; about 5’10”, short brown hair (though some of it had grayed), a clean-shaven face, and wearing an immaculate suit. Should his hair be a bit darker and he had a goatee, Joe mused, he would look just like his stepdad Doug Davis, who he last saw 10 years ago. Joe’s thoughts are shaken out of his head as the man introduces himself.

Howdy, Joe Mason.

He sounded a lot like Doug also, but the southern accent was much too thick.

Can I help you?

The name is Richman. David Richman.

David extends his hand for a handshake, to which Joe rather reluctantly follows through.

I’ll have you know that you just done shook the hand of a billionaire! I own Richman Oil, Inc.

Okay… why are you here, Mr. Richman?

I am here to propose to you my management!

Well, I appreciate it, but I don’t need-

David suddenly screams out a loud “HA!” and enters a catlike karate stance, cutting Joe off, before continuing his offer, much to Joe’s confusion.

Listen, Mr. Mason. I’ve been part of this business a good while, and-

You just said you were an oil baron.

What, I can’t do two things with my life? Just let me finish, son, please!

Joe cocks an eyebrow and stands in silence a moment before heaving a great sigh and letting David into the locker room, who wastes no time in explaining his offer in full detail.

As I was saying, I’ve been around this business a long time. What you need Mason, is exposure. You got the look. You got the skills. Even if there is anything that needs work, I’ll help you in any way I can. I can build you into the winner you are, and the best part is, I won’t charge a dime. I have enough money anyway!

David then laughs a loudly-resounding guffaw from his non-existent gut, much to Joe’s disgust.

So, what do you say? Mason-Richman Connection?

David then extends his hand, awaiting Joe’s answer. Joe looks over to Tony, back to David, and then clears his throat to speak.

Can I consult someone before I make my final decision?

Of course, Mason.

Joe then walks over to Tony to consult him, but first peers out of the corner of his eye at David. Ordinarily, one would give Joe a weird look or laugh at him for talking to his best friend; instead, David stood professionally, showing no sign of emotion.

What’s your opinion, Tony?

I like the idea of you having a manager, Joe. Like he said, you need exposure, and he can get it for you. I say get all the help from him you can; it will benefit you later.

Joe thanks Tony for his thoughts and walks back over to Tony, shaking his extended hand.

Mason-Richman Connection it is.

Good; now, first things first. You are aware of the Relay Match, correct?

Yes. Six other guys are involved in it as well as me. You have Stevenson Marquel, the former Mayhem champion and some ex-convict; Jack Skinner, a former magazine writer who has no business in the ring; Johnny Scumm, a ridiculous psychopath; Anderson Styles, who is more bark than bite; Darren Bull, a Hollywood star wanna-be; and then my old friend Derek Jacobs, who cares more about the money than the actual wrestling art. And then there is me.

You are aware how important this is, right? You can get yourself a Mayhem Title shot.

I know, and though all of us involved deserve it, though even slightly, it is I who will walk out successful, as I am the only true wrestler out of this bunch. I may have slipped in my match with Derek Jacobs, but that won’t happen again! Joe Mason is a new man!

At the mention of Joe's match with Derek Jacobs, David seems to shudder a bit, but keeps his cool.

Well, I am going to see if I can’t fill you in on more details about the Relay Match. I’ll be back soon, Joe.

Scene ends as David slowly walks out of the locker room and shuts the door, head hanging low.
Backstage after his second loss to Triple X and after Ascension has come to a close, Johnny Scumm isn't looking pleased. He's looking annoyed, agitated and worst of all, upset. His father is looking on as Scumm attempts to battle with his emotions.

No! No! No! Again?! Two times now... two losses. What is it I have to do to stop Triple X from overpowering me? I put everything I have into both matches, but I can't do it!

Scumm's father puts his arm around his son, in the hope that he can console him after his defeat.

Son, look at it in a different light. You're still, technically, a fresh, young & new superstar here in WZCW. Maybe, you've not reached the level of somebody as Triple X. You can sure keep up with him, but maybe you're not at the right time to beat him. You've been working your way up ever since you got here, but it could just be a case of too much, too soon right now.

Are you trying to say that I'm not ready to be on the level as everyone else in this Company? 'Cos I am! I just want to prove myself... I mean, give me Triple X once more, with the Elite X title on the line and I guarantee you this time, I'll take it from him! As much as there's a mutual respect between us, I can't remove myself from wanting some kind of championship gold! Look, Dad, all I've ever wanted since I came here was some kind of credibility. Every week, people call me a liability, because I get put into some of these "big" matches, but never manage to pull out my finger and get the win I really need. I need to prove every person out there that doesn't think I have what it takes that I do.

I understand what you're saying, you really need to earn a title match to prove yourself once more and then finally, you need to win a Title. Once you've got all of these things in check, people will really start to buy into you. Most people in the crowd cheer for you week after week, every match you take part in, but the people backstage, the people who really judge you... they'll be the ones that start to believe Johnny Scumm really is a threat to them.

At this point, a Member of WZCW Staff comes over to the men and attempts to talk to Scumm.

Excuse me, Mr-

Wait, can't you see I'm in the middle of a conversation? Give me a minute, sorry. Dad, you're making perfect sense to me. I get that what I need to do is earn everything I want in this company. Having you by my side has been the greatest thing to happen to me ever since turning up at the doors of WZCW, as much as you might not know it. It may have been a short amount of time and I may be yet to pick up a win with you around, but your presence, having you around makes me feel so much more confident. Now, lemme find out what this guy wants, maybe Triple X wants that one last match.

Scumms turns around to the WZCW Employee, who had leant himself up against the wall, pretending not to listen in to Scumm's conversation.

Right, now it's your turn. Stop acting so innocent, I can tell prying ears just from that smug look on your face. A man can't have a private conversation anymore?

Woah man, I'm sorry! Something just sounded interesting so I though I'd have a listen. Now, you've already kept me from letting the other guys know, seems like Darren Bull's headed off to party after a win so shocking, 10 people were taken to Hospital suffering from Heart Attacks and Stevenson Marquel is nursing some injuries that Ace Stevens left behind on him tonight. Anyway, let me get to the point here. Vance Bateman sent me looking for a few of you guys, he wants to see you in his office before you head off tonight, he has big news. However, it looks like its just gonna be you & Bateman now 'cos well, everyone else seems to have disappeared.

Big news? I know when that man says "Big news" he usually means that there's something that's going to compromise my position and make me look stupid. Ah well, lets get it out of the way I guess. Scumm turns around to face his father and call over to him. Dad, this guy says that Vance Bateman wants me in his office, you gonna tag along with me?

Scumm's father walks towards him, while starting to talk at the same time. Yeah, sure thing son. What's all this in aid of, something interesting?

Apparently, Bateman's got "big news" for some of the guys, but it looks as though I'm the only one finding out tonight.

Both Scumm & his Father begin the walk around the backstage area to Vance Bateman's office.

Big news eh? If you hadn't mentioned "The Guys", I would've given it a shot at being a match against Triple X, or something big. But Bateman implying that there's a few of you, I don't know, seems a bit fishy.

What are you getting at Dad? A handicap match with both my hands tied behind my back?

Ha, Johnny, grow up! I'm talking about something that merely involves a few more guys than you'd like, in some sort of convoluted situation that makes every man go more than crazy for winning.

Urgh, just the kind of thing I didn't want then? Seems like people know how to push my buttons. Aaaand with that, look where we are. The office of Vance Bateman. I've seen this place more times than I'd have wished to.

Scumm knocks on the door. He can hear someone inside, knowing very well that its Bateman.

You want me to wait out here John?

It's up to you, but it'd be nice to have you in there. Y'know, just in case I need some support.

Right then, let's see what he wan-

At that point, Vance Bateman opens his office door. He has a large smile on his face as the two men stand, not knowing what to expect.

Please, come in. Have a seat. I've got big news!

So we've been told Bateman, so we've been told.

Both men sit down as Bateman approaches his chair, but instead, decides to sit on the edge of his desk in front of both Scumm and his Father.

Gentlemen! Thanks for coming. I see you're the only two that got the message to come and see me, so we'll make this quick. Next week, Johnny Scumm, you're a guinea pig in WZCW's new experiment. You're going to be in a Number One Contender's match, with a never before seen match type, that we're trying out live on Ascension next week!

I'm interested. This sounds pretty good Bateman, I like your style... for once. Right, come on then. What is it?! A match where both men are strapped into Zorbs and have to wrestle the other man out of the ring?

Johnny Scumm, your "intellect" never ceases to amaze me. No, we've come up with a match that is going to take a whole 25 minutes of air-time this week on Ascension. We've given it the title... "The Relay Match".

This is WZCW Ascension Bateman, not the 2012 London Olympics. We wrestle here, we don't run.

HAHA! You're hilarious Johnny!
Bateman glares at him sinisterly. Not. A relay match has some very, intricate rules. I'll tell you them in a minute, but first, I'll let you know who you'll be going up against in the match. As well as you, there will be another 6 men in this one, making it a 7-Man Extravaganza!

Greaaaaaaaat. A match that totally puts me in a disadvantaged position and makes it ten times harder for anyone to win. Just what I always love! Who am I up against then? Come on Vance, bring it.

Right, first up we've got Stevenson Marquel.

Marquel eh? A guy I've never taken appreciation to, but he's been through the wars. 25 minutes you say? Can he even last that long?!

Well he may not even be that involved, but we're back on that later. Your second opponent is Jack Skinner.

Skinner? He's a great guy, but what the hell has he done recently that even makes him remotely decent? Come on, two down and four to go, who's next?

Let's go for the next two then, Joe Mason and Anderson Styles.

Couple of new guys eh? Nice to give them a chance, but I thought there should be at least one threat to me in this match.

Next we've got Darren Bull. I know you're a big fan of his right?

Don't make me laugh. He's not a wrestler, he's a bad fighter, borderline alcoholic. That's what he should be calling. Party badly, wrestle worse.

Harsh words there Johnny, he did win tonight. Finally, we've got Derek Jacobs.

Another new guy right? He seems to have enlisted James Baker to help him work his way up quickly. Well, Baker was never exactly much in this Company, so I'm assuming, unless Jacob sees some sense and ditches Baker, he'll be stuck down below forever as well.

Again, harsh words. You really don't think much of your opponents, do you? Anyways, before we get into the nitty gritty of what this match consists of, let me tell you what the winner gets. The winner of the first ever Relay Match, taking place on Ascension, will become the number one contender to the Mayhem Championship!

I had a feeling you would say that. This time, this shot is mine. Nobody has a chance in hell, at all. I said to my Father earlier on that from now on, everything I want in this Company, I'm going to do my damnedest to earn it. Now, I suppose you can put me out of my misery and tell me what the rules of this match are?

I sure can. So obviously, 7 of you in the ring at once would be pure madness and nobody would know what the hell is happening. So that doesn't happen. Two people start off in the ring at one time. When someone makes a pinfall, the person pinned leaves the ring, but DOES NOT stay out forever. Everytime someone is pinned, they leave the ring and swap over for someone fresh.

Right... that sounds totally confusing. I'm sure it'll all make some kind of sense on the night, that is how we do things here right? Make sense about two minutes before match time?

Yep, that's exactly how we do it Johnny. Now, lets get to the rules. The nitty gritty so to speak. The two men inside the ring fight under normal match rules. They use a weapon, they'll be disqualified and someone will take their place. Outside the ring though, its a bit different. If you get knocked out of the ring, those guys have to put you back in there, no matter how they do it. Outside of the ring, its... MAYHEM RULES BABY! They can use weapons, they can do whatever the hell they wish.

Well, that's certainly different Vance. 2 sets of rules, I know which I'd prefer to be involved in, but it means being without the chance of a Pinfall. I just have one problem with this and erm, pardon my French but, how the fuck do you decide who wins this?! The guy with the most pinfalls in 25 minutes or what?

That's a good idea, but no. The last person who scored a pinfall when the bell sounds at the end of 25 minutes is the winner! That person will then face Ace Stevens for the Mayhem Title the following week!

Well Mr. Bateman, you've certainly knocked the ball out of the park this week if I say so myself. This is possibly one of the most interesting matches we've seen in a while and I can give you my utmost guarantee that I, Johnny Scumm will be walking out the winner not just on Ascension this week, but when I face Ace Stevens for the Mayhem Title the following week. Thanks for your time Vance, it's been... strangely enlightening.

Ha! Thanks, I guess. I'll see you at Ascension Scumm, best of luck to you.

Scumm shakes the hand of Vance Bateman and leaves the office, along with his father. Both men stand outside the door, Scumm and his Dad looking a lot happier.

Well, that's some strange news. One of the weirdest matches I've ever heard of as well Son. But you can do it, I know you can. If you phase everything out and just focus on what's happening in the ring, you can win this and the Mayhem title match, I have all faith in you.

Thanks Dad. I want you to be at Ringside for me again, supporting me in my match, but its Mayhem on the outside, take care of yourself. Please.

Johnny, I'm an old man. First off, those guys wouldn't think of touching me and secondly, I definitely know how to look after myself. I'll be there, don't you worry and when you win, I'll be in that ring, raising your hand instead of some official. We're in this together now, all of the way.

We are in this together indeed Dad. Scumm puts his hand out, his father grabs it and they shake, turning into a hug. I'll see you at Ascension, let's do this.

Both men leave and walk in opposite directions, waiting for Ascension to come and the first ever Relay Match to take place.
"The money is mandatory" -Tupac Shakur, All Eyez On Me, feat. Syke.

The scene opens, and the former WZCW Mayhem Champion, Stevenson Marquel is shown sitting on a stool across from the slightly smaller WZCW interviewer, Leon Kensworth. Stevenson stares nicely at Leon, and Kensworth smiles and nods back.

Kensworth: Stevenson, are you aware of the up coming relay match that you are competing in this round for the WZCW Mayhem Title.

Marquel: Leon, brotha', I am. I am aware that if I'm going to get another shot at Ace Stevens than this is a must win match for me, and I'm going to have to do all that it takes to win this must win match. Leon, if I want to know what it feels like to hold that gold up, and know that feeling it is to be a champion, than I know what I'm going to have to do in this match. Leon, this match is more than big for me. Look at what I'm doing to prepare for this match, just focus on my goal, and reach it. Doing this interview is messing up my focus, and look what Ace Stevens is doing with this Mayhem Title. He's getting interviewed by magazines, and going to comedy clubs. He is in WZCW for the fame and not for what is really important, and that is the fans, and the title. The WZCW Mayhem Title means nothing to Ace, where it shows how hard I have worked, and all of the focus I put in to getting that title.

Leon Kensworth stares in to Marquel, who smiles at him. Leon returns the smile, and Marquel then stares in to Leon's eyes, waiting for what Leon wants to say.

Kensworth: I understand. Do you have a certain strategy going in to this relay match?

Marquel: My strategy, brotha', my strategy is to win back the WZCW Mayhem Championship. Is that simple enough for you? I want to show what a true champion is, and how Ace Stevens represents what WZCW shouldn't be like, and how he is just in it to try to get his comedy career back on track. Ace doesn't even want to wrestle, he wants to try to be a comedian again, and that's not what a champion is about. A champion is about a person who goes to the ring, and performs for the fans because, that person wants to perform for the fans. Champions are champions because, they are focused on both winning, and holding on to a title. That is not Ace Stevens. Leon, I really want to stay focused on this match, so I'm going to cut this interview off a little short. Thanks for really interviewing me though. I really do enjoy talking to you. I really do appreciate it.

Marquel gets up off of his stool, and walks over to Leon's stool to shake Leon's hand. Kensworth and Marquel shake hands and hug, as Stevenson starts to walk away from Leon. Stevenson then turns around, and gets close to the camera, and stares at it.

Marquel: Here's a little rap,
Ace Stevens, come to the ring during the relay match and I'll be sure to slap,
You right across your face and beat you with a lamp,
Ace, you're really a bad champ.

Marquel continues to stare at the camera, as Leon comes up behind him. Marquel puts his arm around Leon's shoulder, and Leon does the same, as the two stare in to the camera together, each knowing that to get the WZCW Mayhem Championship back, Stevenson Marquel is going to have to earn it, in a relay match.
The scene starts off in the backstage area of AS 49. We get see Darren Bull coming back from his match against Hunter Jackson. He is still sporting his new sunglasses and his trademark smile. He heads over to the locker room where he grabs a moist towel and puts it in his bleeding lip. Darren Bull remains there with towel in hand for about another couple of minutes until he reaches for his bag. He grabs out his phone and reads a message from his father. The message reads:​

Hey, son just saw your match. You put on one hell of a match out there. I knew you could beat that Hunter Jackson guy. I want to inform that I’ve schedule you to be in a radio talk show. You probably remember the host of the show, Bruno Starz. The time for the appointment is at 4 p.m. I’ll see you when you get home.

After, reading that text, Bull lays down on the bench on where he sits to think about the last time he was on Bruno’s talk show. He reminds himself about telling Starz a lie about a fake marriage.

After, thinking deeply about what can occur on Starz’s show; Bull gets up and puts on a white collar shirt. He checks one more time for any blood on his lip, before putting on his glasses. He proceeds to head towards the door, but stops to look at his father’s message and looks purely disgusted at the sight of it. Instead, of putting his phone back in his bag, Bull just simply throws it in the trash and walks to his car.

After, one long ass trip home, Darren Bull has arrived home. Outside, his house is Chris who looks to be concern. Chris hurries up to Bull’s car, before he can get out.

What do you want, Chris? You should know better than anyone that when I arrive I want my personal space. This better be important.

It’s about your dad. You see earlier today, a man came over to ask for you. I was going to handle it, but I was busy with something else, so your father… well he…

Just spit it out.

He looked very drunk and threw a huge hiss. He nearly knocked out the guy out cold.

Wait, did you ever see him go near my storage room?

Yes, I did. Why you ask?

You fool, all of my vodka, wine, Bud Lights, Coors Light, were in there.

Chris hurries up and goes check on Darren’s storage room. Meanwhile, Darren goes to check on his father. He finds him sleeping on the floor of his father’s room. Instead, of leaving him there to nap, D.B. wakes him up from his slumber.

Get the hell up, you hippie!

Jake gets up from the ground. He has drool all over his mouth. He tries to get up by grabbing his blanket, but when he pulls it bottles of alcohol come dropping down and breaking on to the floor.

Chris then comes over to check on the mess and tells Bull his dad did in fact take the alcohol. Darren then tells Strongz “No really? I had no idea.” He then stares at both men for a couple of seconds, before he leaves the room. Both Chris and Jake look confused as to where Darren left to. However, it doesn’t take long before D.B. returns to the room once again.

So, you think you can be free from prison and start drinking like nothing ever happened? Look you crazy old hood, take a good look at this piece of paper and tell me what you understand about it.

Jake takes a good look at the paper and immediately realizes that is the document from his release. It scans through it a bit and sees a highlighted part that reads:

“If the defended will be given a monthly urine test. If he/she were to fail this test then they will be taken back to jail or met with even worse punishment.”

Wait. So, if I were to take this urine test now then I would be back to jail?

Jake starts to get a very worried look on his face. He gets up from where he was and moves away the glass bottles in order to move around much more clear.

You did these to me. It’s your entire fault, Darren.

Really?! How is any of this my fault? You’re the only one to blame for your own idiocy. I actually help you out.

How have you help me out with anything?

You really want to know the answer?

Yes because I will tell you the truth as well. To me you have been nothing more than annoyance of a son. I’ve tried to help you out on any possible, so we might get along. But, no! You have to be the arrogant prick and think you’re better than everyone even your own father.

Oh really?! Let me get something cleared here. I am the one taking my own time to handle you and that’s the reason I haven’t gone or thrown a party since you got here. I been the one responsible to make sure that you stay clear for at least one year. So, I turn out to be the annoying one. Have you heard or looked at yourself?

Both of the Bulls keep on arguing and interrupt each other when they get a chance. It feels like they might sort out to body-blows and even stood so low into cheap shot on one another. It looks like Chris is also feeling the heated fire between his bosses.

Shut the hell up! You really can’t go five minutes without yelling, screaming, shouting, or anything like that.

Father and son stop for a moment and think of what Chris just said. They soon realize something and that was that Chris was right. So, they then decided to fight once more. With all this bickering it looks as if Chris is about to lose his cool. However, he then seems to have thought of something and leaves the room. He quickly returns to the room and sees that the Bulls are still at it. Instead of waiting for things to calm done, which probably won’t, Chris uses a rope he brought with him when he left the room.

The bodyguard man grabs one man at a time, but he makes sure the other one doesn’t leave the room. Once he has the two men down in the ground in a very strong knot, he puts them in a couch where they try to fight threw the knot.

Chris, I order you to release me from here at this very moment.


You teach him, Chris. Now, can you please let me go as I clearly haven’t done anything wrong?

No way.

Both of them look quite shock at the responses Chris gave them. They have never heard Chris give either man a no for an answer. Chris then makes sure there is no way they can escape the knot.

Okay, the reason I have captured like live prey is because you guys are getting on my last nerves. I hear you guys fight everyday and every night. At first, you two were real quiet and I never heard a peep from you two. However, that all changed when Jake decided to give you, Darren advice on your match.

You know I don’t like to be told what I have to do.

Well, it did help you out. Didn’t you win? Then we have you, Jake. You are mad for what reason? After all, you were the one who killed Darren’s mother.

I never meant to do it. And why am I telling you? It’s not like you’re a family counselor.

Yeah, I actually agree with him. We don’t need to be listing to you.

Chris knew that they were right. He had no real power over them, but then he had a plan.

I might not have any real power over you, but I can keep you here.

You wouldn’t.

Test me. I can keep you here and you can miss that big radio show. Not to mention, your huge match this upcoming week.

Fine you win. What do you want us to do?

First off, I want you two stop arguing so much. Secondly, I want for the both of you to attend a family therapy session.

You can count me out.

Then, I guess you’ll really enjoy freedom on this couch.

Ugh, fine count me in.

Glad you agree to my terms.

Chris starts to untie both Bulls. Once, they are released from the ropes both look at Strongz for a moment. They then look at one another and each put out their hands.

The scene reappears at a familiar building. We see a car come along and stop ahead the parking lot of the building. Out of the car comes Darren Bull. He looks very nervous to be back here after last time.

I might as well spill it out. The night after Kingdom Come, I’m actually getting married. No further questions on that please.

Bull walks in to the famous and beautiful “104.1 Wild and Crazy Station” building. Once he steps inside, he automatically is greeted by a much younger female than last time.

Welcome. I guess you must be WZCW’s very own, Darren Bull. You arrived early by like 5 minutes.

Well, I see you must have heard of me.

Yeah, I remember listening to you last time and thought to myself I wanted to be just like you.

Oh, really.

Yeah, you made me want to be a famous comedian.

In an unpleasant tone of voice Glad I could help you.

Hold on one moment please. Mr. Starz segment ended early, so you can go in. It’s still the same way from last time.

Okay. Thanks.

Darren starts to walk down the hall. He looks at all the doors he passes by. He then starts to get some sweaty palms. He then finally sees the door of none other than Bruno Starz. His door looks the most luxurious door out of all them.

Well, here I am once again.

Darren walks in and sees Bruno waiting for him to come in and grab his seat. D.B. walks over and grabs a pair of headphones. Once sited down, D.B. starts to get comfortable as Starz gets the signal that they are on.

Welcome everyone back to your favorite radio station of all-time. I am here joined by a man who was not too long ago here and has decided to join us today again. He is the man with a great deal to prove this upcoming week on Ascension 50 that man is, Darren Bull! Now was that introduction or not?

It sure was one hell of an intro.

No problem and if you ever need a personal intro guy just remember I’m your guy.

You know I will never forget about you, my man.

Thanks. Now, I just want to ask you something real important.

Darren is close to sweating from all the stress. Shoot.

How have you been since last time we met? Cause I notice you are no longer with your old pal, Joe West.

That’s right. He isn’t here anymore. You see the following AF after we were here we had a match. After, I took him to the limit he quit the business and left with that loser girlfriend of his.

Did you beat him?


Well, it doesn’t matter because I heard you won last week.

That’s true. And after I beaten Jackson, he also hit the high road. Because you see I showed them that I am real competition. That they couldn’t hang with me and they were so embarrass they took the choice of leaving WZCW.

That is pretty impressive. But, before we can get into anything else I want you to answer some Twitter, Facebook, e-mails, and phone calls.

Sure. It’s no problem because I always get asked question every day.

Okay. The first question comes from @Jared378. Now his or her question is how do you prepare for a match?

I would so much love to answer that question, but you must see that every wrestler’s methods are different and giving away my special training will help out my opponents this week.

I can’t agree with you anymore on that. Now for our next question. This one comes from Dorothy Apples. She asks that if you could face anyone in WZCW who it would be. Now that is a nice question.

Anyone? I would say the winner of the World Title Match. That way I can beat down on a World Champion. Next question please.

Well aren’t you eager this fine day. Fine, I guess. The next question comes from a long time listener. This one comes from and [email protected] it reads: “My question to D.B. is how he feels his momentum will help him out this upcoming week at AS?”

My momentum is what half of my opponents don’t have, so I got something positive in my corner.

Darren can see a very anticipated look on Starz face.

It’s the end of fan mail and that means it’s time for some serious questions.

There can be a heavy breathing heard from Darren’s microphone. He is now on a new level of nervousness. Now trying to dodge the question he doesn’t want to be asked.

First, I want to hear your thoughts on this match. Do you know who you will be facing against or what type of match it will be?

Well, before I left home I got an e-mail of my opponents, but not one for my match type.

Don’t you worry about that. I actually got my hands on the rules of the match and everything. You should have checked

Well, I want to hear it man.

First your thoughts on your opponents.

First, we have Stevenson Marquel. The guy is a former convict to start things off. Not only that, but he has been given numerous chances at Ace’s title or should I say my future title. Why does he deserve it more than anyone else? You know what weakness I’ve notice he has and that is he has weak lungs. So, he can’t catch me in the match. Than we have Jason “The Cinderella Man” Armstrong. He calls himself the Cinderella Man because he is living the dream. Well, come AS his fairytale will come to end. One of his weaknesses is he loses focus when angered. Meaning if I or someone else angers him, he for sure will lose this match. We also have Jack Skinner. The man has been nothing since breaking up with the man I beat last week. Just like him I’ll send him to loserville.

For some inside on your thoughts, I’ll reward you with some match info. The match is called the “Relay Match”. This match will be 25 minutes long and two men will start inside the ring while the other six are in the outside.

Anything else?

Keep talking and you will find out.

Next up is someone special to me, Johnny Scumm. I remember him and me had a good twitter fight. However, he seems to thing he knows everything about well he doesn’t. I do know this, the guy has been handed opportunity after opportunity. Yet, he always seems a way to lose the big time match. Who says it won’t end the same? His weakness is his right arm. It’s weak and I can simply apply a submission on that arm and it’s over. Now we have ourselves Joe Mason. The guy quit and now gets a match, but who cares he’ll still lose like the rest. He has two important weaknesses and those are, he won’t expect an ambush, so he will be helpless from an attack from behind. The second is he doesn’t have experience with extreme matches, so why would he want to be a Mayhem Champ? We also have Anderson P. Styles. The guy can easily be outmaneuvered by my speed.

Nice. Okay as promised here is more info. If one guy gets thrown outside then there will be weapons allowed. However, if you are inside the ring you can risk a DQ.

The following guy has momentum as well, Derek Jacobs. Yet, the guy can’t use his brain right unless there is money involved. He also can perform a high flying move, is not all that fast, or can keep down his cool.

Well, here is the last piece of info for you Bull. Now if one of the guys inside the ring is pinned then there is a rotation and the winner will be the man with the last pin after time is up. Sounds simple right.

I don’t care, but there is one opponent I haven’t mention and I’m terrified of him.

Who is that?

Darren Bull. The next Mayhem Champion. I don’t care Ace Stevens about your comedy, because on AS 51 or MD 76 I will be crowned the new champion.

With that the transmission to the radio station gets cut off.​
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