AS50: Mick Overlast vs. The Beard vs. Masked Gentleman vs. Justin Cooper

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Ascension will be playing host to a Fatal Four Way where the winner of this match will become the #1 contender to the Elite X Championship with the title match being contested at Redemption. Cooper, Overlast and Beard have recently escaped the tag team division as their partners have either disappeared or been attacked and will get a chance to compete for a singles title. The Masked one has been beating various wrestlers on Aftershock and recently made an appearance on Ascension, with his performance impressing Ty enough to include him in this match.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 26th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
I can hear them following me. Their feet hit the ground time after time as they chase after me through the misty forest. It’s a dark night, just like most I suppose, but tonight is a little different. I’m running. But from what? We’ve been discovered or even worse, leaked. Someone has given up the position of the High Society compound and now they are coming. It’s a high level assault coming our way and tonight could be the final night I remain as the leader of this group. This could be it. I could be finish. It’s strange to think that things could be over after tonight. I’ve come so far in such short time. I push forward through the shrubs of the forest and find myself now on the outer edge. Still I hear them moving forward and they’re fast, faster than me at least. It doesn’t seem to matter at this stage as I come to the end of the forest and now find myself looking at my society. Only thing is that the entire compound is up in flames!


Everything is on fire and my people are deserting me. It’s a horrible sight to see everyone leaving but it’s understandable. Buildings are crumbling, it’s terrible. With all of this happening I’m still being chased and standing around isn’t going to do me any favours. I turn around and see the flashlights of the agents peeking out from the thick cover of the forest. Without thinking I run toward the society compound and in turn the fire causing it to crumble. As I crawl under the fence I notice that most of the people have managed to escape with one or two making their way down the main road to safety. It appears to be just me at this stage and the agents are only coming after me. It’s a man hunt and I’m the prey. They are coming fast as the first group jump the fence I went under. I continue forward and duck behind a house that hasn’t fully fallen yet. It’s unstable but makes for a decent hideout for the moment. I begin to catch my breath when all of a sudden a helicopter flies over the top and ropes drop from it! Quickly agents begin scale down the ropes and the invasion continues!

I set off once again, looking for a place to hide from the incoming agents. All looks lost until, through the smoke and the fire, I notice Iris running toward me. His clothes are ripped, burnt and covered in ash after surviving the fires. He slides over next to me clutching at his arm which is now a dark blue/purple colour. Iris can barely hold his head up and is in a huge amount of pain.

“We gotta’ get out of here.”

I look back toward the sky as the agents hit the ground and unhook from the ropes. They pull out flashlights and pistols as they begin to search for me.

“Not before I grab something first.”

“Have you not noticed what is happening? This place is down Justin, we need to go.”

“Listen, this can’t wait. I need to get something.”

“This place is being raided Justin, nothing is worth risking our lives.”

“You have no idea.”

“About what? Where do you need to go? Why do you need to go?”

“You know that well at the bottom of the hill?”


“We have to go there.”

I looked to Iris and it was clear he didn’t have much faith in me. He had no idea why we had to go to the bottom of the hill, all he knew was that I wanted to go there. I waited to hear him disagree but it didn’t happen.


Knowing our goal Iris and I moved from our cover and quickly toward the well. We dodge the beams of light coming from the flashlights as the agents continued to search the ground. They were moving in as they had covered ¾ of the compound already. It was time to move and I knew it. I was desperately pushing Iris to move faster. It was difficult to ask the man to do anything more as his arm slung down like deadweight beside him. It was clear to me that Iris was hurt. He needs medical attention but that didn’t stop him. He continued to follow me and would probably do so until the end of the world. This was the closest we had ever come to that. It was like the world was coming down right on top of us and we could do nothing to stop it. I could see the sweat running down bm face each time we brushed past a flame. They were wild. It was crazy to think we were moving toward them. But I had no choice. This was something that needed to be done and this was the last chance to do it. After managing to evade any protest from the incoming agents, Iris and I stood at the bottom of the hill. I turned to him, Iris was out of it, he was down on the ground leaning against the well while clutching at his arm.

“We can’t stop now.”

I’m not too hot myself at the moment. I’ve taken in a lot of smoke from the wild fire and I’m struggling to catch my breath.

“I know it’s hard but we gotta’ keep movin’.”

Iris staggers to his feet and rests up against the well. Its top is covered with a large plate with the two letters HS in the middle of it. Iris doesn’t say a word at this stage, he just simply nods. Over my shoulder I can see that at least one of the agents has seen our position and he pulls out his phone to contact more. I place my hands on the plate covering the well and begin to push. It’s not moving at first but soon enough it begins to slip away. Pushing, pushing and some more pushing does the job. No time can be wasted, I step over the top of the well and down into the middle. Inside of the well is a ladder which goes all the way to the bottom. Iris and I begin to climb down it. While it is rather easy for me, considering everything that has happened, it is not as easy for Iris who cannot use one of his arms. We reach the bottom of the well and push forward through the dark watery trenches below. It’s cold and I can’t see a damn thing beyond a few inches. I try to feel my way around using the walls but insects that run around at night soon see me pull my hand away.

With it being pitch black I stumble over and fall to the ground. Water splashes in my face from Iris’ footsteps. Unaware of where I’m down Iris steps on my hand.


Iris swiftly removes his foot.

“Oh sorry.”

I get back to me feet, holding my hand as the bones may be broken.

“It’s fine. Keep moving, I think the end is right up ahead.”

That was a lie. I had no idea where the end was but I didn’t want Iris to know that. He had put a lot of faith into me even with not knowing just where the hell I was taking him and now we were basically lost. Luckily the well isn’t a big place; it’s just really hard to move around. We only have one way left to go and soon enough we reach a dead end. I’ve never been so happy to see a dead end in my life.

“Damn it! A dead end. What do we do now?”

“We’re here.”

It’s dark but I’m sure Iris looked confused.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. This is it. Get ready Iris!”

Iris stepped back as I placed out my hand. Suddenly a small camera popped out from the top of the brick wall that was before us. It moved up and down and scanned us. After doing that it went away. I was puzzled as to why the chamber had not opened. Then it hit me. I stuck my hand out in front, placed my left foot behind me and my right firmly in front, my fingers were spread out, the darkness surrounded me as I finally yelled at the top of my lungs.


Like an earthquake the tunnels of the well began to shake and the wall in front of is begun to crumble before our very eyes. It was magnificent as small pieces of light shot through with each crumbling brick. One by one the bricks disappeared and soon enough the wall was no more. Nothing stood between us and my goal. I could now see into the chamber and for the first time ever Iris could see what the purpose of the High Society was. We walked in, I went first. I ran my hand against the wall until I felt the old light switch. With my finger I flicked it on and the room slowly revealed itself. As each light turned on I could see Iris beginning to truly understand what he was a part of. The room we stood in was filled with large computers, test tubes, futuristic weapons and cryogenic chambers. This room was the entire point of the High Society. The cult was just a cover up for this underground operation run by Special Forces of the government. It started back in the late eighties and has progressed ever since then. It was like something out of science fiction movie, something you would see on television. Iris was shocked but I knew he would be even more shocked when he asked some questions.

“We have no time to look around. Start smashing this stuff up.”

No response.

“Iris… Iris… Iris!”

“Yes. You… say something?”

“This stuff needs to be destroyed before those guys following us find it. They cannot get their hands on our work.”


“Just grab something and start smashing stuff hard.”

I got nothing from Iris after that. He just went to work and started smashing the stuff like I asked. While Iris did that I made my way over to the super computer. It was a big old computer covered in cobwebs. It looked like it hadn’t been used in years. The webs hung down the front of the machine and covered most of the viewing screen. I began to peer around the room once more. It had been years since I entered the chamber and being back inside set of a bunch of distance memories which I thought had been forgotten. My hand ran across the large black keyboard as I brushed away a few of the cobwebs in front of me. They were thick and sticky. Even after all this time the computer still worked to my surprise. Thousands of files flashed before my eyes. Some I had seen, others I had not. Some of them dated back to the early sixties which was hard to understand considering that the chamber and the society had only been operating since the eighties to my knowledge. The time flew by as I searched through the database. I took whatever I could. I managed to download and transfer several files from the computer. I was in a total dream world until Iris alerted me to something sinister.

“Justin! I can hear them; we’re in for it now.”

“Quickly run to the back and open the hatch. We will need every advantage we can get.”


The two of us rushed in different directions. Iris went to open the hatch at the back of the chamber which allows us to escape and I made my way over to a section of the chamber Iris had not smashed. This little section contained the most important pieces of the puzzle. This section contained the test tubes. More importantly a substance inside the tubes called “HS26”. This substance was the driving force behind the creation of the High Society. It was this breakthrough that saw the government begin what now they seek to destroy. This “HS26” is a substance that causes a change in appearance for whoever takes it and an increase in strength, speed and performance. It had been in the works for many years and it was only during the last five years did any real results appear.

“So much trouble… just to get you.”

I held in my hand a tube of “HS26”. It is blue in colour and has a very watery texture. Slowly I turned my head toward the side table. On top was a needle. With my right hand I picked it up. I ran my finger along the side of the needle and pricked it at the top. A drop of blood fell to the ground. With the needle in my hand I placed it in the tube and sucked up all the substance that it could take. The rest of it I threw across the room. With the needle full I placed it against my vein and pushed it in. Not long after piercing through did I see several agents at the entrance of the chamber. I hurried. Pumping the “HS26” into body knowing exactly what would happen. The fluid ran up my arm and instantly I could feel the change happening.

“Halt! Nobody move.”

That was the voice of my long-time rival Officer Tate. The man had been chasing me for years. Yet to succeed obviously.

“Everyone hold your positions.”

I could hear him talking but I couldn’t understand a damn thing he said. The change was happening. I was transforming into something different. My skin was no longer a light tan rather a bright white shiny texture. A lot of my muscle began to turn to fat or just disappear completely. The agents in front of me were terrified at what they were seeing. It was like a monster was taking over. I had completely changed.

“What the hell has he done?”

If only he knew. I collapsed forward and went to one knee. The substance had taken a large amount of energy to accept into my body. I was fighting to get up but I had little left in the tank. Officer Tate moved forward, pushing past the smashed computers all around. He stood just metres away from me.

“What have you done?”


I puffed aloud.

“Tell me Justin! What have you taken? What’s happening here?”

“Officer Tate it would seem that once again you have failed to see the big picture.”

“Big picture?”

“Yes, the big picture. I’m sure you came down here thinking of capturing me. I bet you thought this was going to easy.”

Tate stood with his hand grasping his pistol as I rose to my feet.

“What’s next?”

“You’re coming with me Justin.”

I laughed.

“Am I?”

He lifted his pistol.

“You’re not getting out of here Justin. You’ve done wrong. We got the entire placed surrounded. Your people have left Justin. Nobody is here to help you. Just give up and come with me.”

“Come with you?”

I shook my head and brushed my hand over a nearby table. Without Officer Tate seeing I picked up three little black balls. They happened to be smoke balls.

“Do you know what I do Officer?”

“You take advantage of people. You control them. You take innocent people and make monsters out of them.”

“I also wrestle.”

Officer Tate didn’t seem to know much about wrestling.

“You know with the ring? It’s a very simple concept; in fact I’m in a match this week. Maybe you could come and see me?”

“No wrestling in jail Justin.”

“I don’t know why you keep thinking I’m coming with you Tate.”

I moved around the table and across the room. I peered around the corner and saw Iris sitting near the hatch. He was waiting for me to escape with him.

“Anyway I have a match against three guys. The Beard, Mick Overlast and some mask guy. Now I know you what you’re thinking. This doesn’t sound too exciting. But there is more! It’s for the number contendership to the Elite X Championship.”

About time I got another shot.

“You’re not going to be winning anything Justin.”

“Why not? I think I’m going to win this match Mr Tate. I’ve worked hard. Plus I got this stylish new look.”

“You look like a freak.”

“I’m hurt. Seriously you just crossed a line.”

I couldn’t help myself, I started to laugh.

“Kiddin’ mate. Relax Officer. We friends. We cool. Now I don’t agree with this doubt you have in me but I’ll accept it. You just need to watch this week. I’ll beat Beard, Overlast and new guy that has a mask.”

“You’d do a better job of convincing me if you knew the guy’s name.”

“I have trouble remembering what Iris’ name is, I don’t have the time to go around meeting all these new guys. The fact is I’m on a little bit of a role at the moment. I nailed Joseph with the Final Verse this past week and now I’m my way to Redemption. I will be the number one contender to the Elite X crown Officer. Not you or any other haters are going to ruin my night.”

“You’re not going to get there Justin. I’m not going to wait around all day. You coming with me right now!”

“Nah. I don't think I will be coming with you today Officer Tate. I'm just so busy with everything going on at the moment with wrestling. This four way match is going to be a big step for me Tate. It could be life changing me friend. Just think about this for a moment. Picture me standing on the top rope holding the Elite X Championship at the end of Redemption. Can you see it Tate? Close your eyes and think of me defeating Triple X for the second time.”

I crossed me fingers behind me back because I wasn't totally telling the truth. However Officer Tate will never know that.

"For the second time I will defeat the man who calls himself X on the big stage. Not only will I capture my second title in WZCW but I will once again show just how powerful the High Society is. Like no other man alive today I always rise when needed. You think that I'll be coming with you? It isn't happening Tate. I've got bigger fish to deal with and it starts with the three little boys I face this week. All three of them have a weakness which I'll use against them. I'll give Beard a little trim, I'll beat Overlast like I did last week and the mask guy... well... I'll... punch him in the mask. Yeah, I'll do that."

Tate looked very angry.

“Hands in the arm now Justin!”

“OK… wait… just wait a second. You see I had a little vision of what I wanted to say before this ended. Do you mind?”

“What do you want to say Justin?”

“Say hi to the kids for me.”

Tate moved forward but was shocked when I threw down the smoke balls I had picked up earlier and the entire chamber was covered with smoke. It was impossible to see and Tate could be heard screaming at his troops to move. I had little need to be able to see as I knew exactly where Iris was standing. Together we made our way through the hatch and away from the people who had hunted us down all day. I closed the hatch behind me and blocked any chance of Officer Tate coming down after me today.

It would seem that I had gotten away again. The image of my new found smile burning into the mind of Officer Tate.
The close sealed volume of its mystery.
Time wandering onward keeps its usual pace
As seeming anxious of eternity,
To meet that calm and find a resting place.


The Beard slides his cell phone across the table and releases a stressful sigh as Emily pops out from the kitchen carrying a beef roast soaking inside a juice of carrots, onions, and red peppers. She sets the meal down as The Beard turns around and grabs a bottle of Merlot from the wine rack. He pops the top, unenthused as he pours two glasses.

You seem stressed babe, what’s up?

I’m finally off Aftershock and I have a huge match on Ascension, a fatal four way where the winner goes to Redemption in a match for the Elite X championship.

That’s amazing, I’m so proud of you. This is the biggest match of your career; it is ok to be stressed out. You’ll do fine though, I have faith in you.

Second biggest match babe, second. Nothing will ever top the TLC at Kingdom Come. I just wish the outcome was different. I just wish Talent would pick up my calls, I could use some match advice.

You’re still on this? I’m sorry but you need to move on, you are like a high school girl who is suffering her first breakup. I know you and Talent became brothers and it is eating you up. But did you ever think the same can be said for Talent? He is a family man and it has to be eating him up that he can’t talk to you.

Emily sips at her Merlot as Beard sits there pondering.

Lets talk about your match. Four men, one Elite X title match.

First there is the new guy, The Masked Gentlemen. He’s small, but he has a lot of spunk. Great character too.

He’s been on fire right?

Indeed. Then there is Justin Cooper. Former mayhem champion and he’s one cocky son of a gun to boot.

Emily starts eating her dinner as Beard continues on.

And then there is Mick Overlast, my scheduled opponent on Aftershock.

He never got to fear the beard. Now it will be three times the beard and three times the fear.

Beard smiles and nods as he finally takes a bite of the dinner prepared. The Beard takes a swig of his wine as Emily continues.

This is finally a chance to realize your dream. Destiny has the stars aligned; a win on Ascension gives you the opportunity at the Elite X championship, you get your name in the history books.

E'en the small violet feels a future power
And waits each year renewing blooms to bring

You know it is sort of a sweet irony Em. I finally get to Ascension and the term is so fitting. The opportunity is there for me to take and unlike Kingdom Come, this time I will grab hold and I won’t let go. Justin Cooper will know, Mick Overlast will know, The Masked Gentleman will know, the whole wrestling world will know! The power of the beard will finally ascend to the heights that can’t be dreamt. All the mottos, all the poems, all the bottles of wine, crazy adventures, bumps, and bruises are for this. Everything has led up to this moment and this could be the last moment I get. If I don’t win here am I seen as a failure? Will anyone see The Beard as a guy who is going to seriously wreck it up when he gets in the ring? All that I’ve worked for and everything Talent has taught me has brought me to this day. Ascension will be the rise. The rise of the beard, the rise of one man with a beard so nasty you can’t help but be stopped in awe. No one will fear something that isn’t a success, a success that can only be achieved with victory. Everything is on the line. My relevancy, my career, my beard. All comes crashing down with failure, but with victory the beard will rise!

To the rise of the beard!

Glasses of Merlot clink as the poem being read in the background comes to a halt.

And surely man is no inferior flower
To die unworthy of a second spring?
We open up to the scene of a garden outside of a mansion. A hedge is being carefully trimmed by an elderly man. Despite his age, he is rather tall at 6'6" and rather muscular. Suddenly he receives a message from the pager on his belt. Upon receiving, the elderly man puts down his hedge clippers and gloves to return to his normal position, as the butler. He heads up to the room of his employer, Le Gentleman Masque. He opens up the door to see the one known as The Masked Gentleman staring at a chalkboard. The Gent turns around, and throws a piece of chalk to the elderly man's hand.

The Gent: There you are, Sir Liam Banks. I require someone to write on the chalkboard whilst I think to myself about how I shall do this.

The elderly man named Sir Banks stares at the chalk with a blank stare.

Banks: Pardon me, sir. What are you talking about?

A smile comes across The Masked Gentleman's face as he slips one of his trademark calling cards into his butler's breastpocket.

The Gent: I'm glad you asked, Sir Banks. You see, I understand contendership for a title such as this doesn't work unless I'm able to put in the work, and put in the work I shall do. To do that I must solve an equation that nobody has yet to crack, to solve for X.

Banks: ...beg your pardon, Sir?

The Gent: Well Triple X has had quite an outstanding title reign, however it appears nobody has been able to truly understand how to solve the equation of ending his title reign. As such, I shall do so by 'solving for X'.

The butler, still confused, heads to the chalkboard anyways, scribbling down on the chalkboard as a pacing Le Masque Gentleman tells him to add to it.

Banks: Well then, sir, how should we start?

The Gent: Let's start out with the man I get a shot at, Sir Triple X. However, due to the fact he also holds the Elite X title, it would be three X + X, therefore four X.

Banks: Not X to the second power plus Three X, sir?

The Gent thinks to himself, spinning his cane around before resting it back on his shoulder.

The Gent: Questionable, however for the sake of keeping a simple equation, we'll keep it at just Three X plus X.

Banks: Sire, with all respect, it's painfully obvious that math isn't your strong suit.

The Gent: No offense taken, Sir Liam. We all lack knowledge, as it is impossible to truly know everything. Now then, let's review upon the opponents who I'm facing. My first opponent is none other than Mr. Mick Overlast. He weighs in at 235 pounds, a good 70 pounds on me. From what I know of him, he is offended by people he feels are "silly". While I don't consider myself "silly", he might, so he'll likely see myself as a massive target. Luckily, I will have a clear advantage as he will not expect me to take this profession as serious as it may seem that I do. I work out and practice my moves every day. Anything I wear? it's simply to throw off an enemy and to show that I am not one to hide my previous life....and frankly? I think it looks dapper and mysterious. What do you think, Sir Banks?

Banks: Indeed, sir.

The Gent: Splendid. Then, we shall sum himself as a 235 divided by two, due to the fact I consider him to be the second biggest threat to myself obtaining a title shot.

Banks: The first?

The Gent: We shall get to him, my next opponent is none other than a rather nice gentleman, The Beard. 285 pounds. Much more than Butler, yet unlike Mick Overlast, has the least amount of experience, other than myself in the match. While I consider him the most friendly, and most Gentlemanly of my opponents, I would not let that fool you, for he is a man of great strenth, a strong and powerful warrior regardless of experience. To an extent, he reminds me of of the biblical tale of Samson, the man who grows strength from his hair. However, due to the massive height and weight difference, he may underestimate my abilities. While he is not a force to be reckoned with, I'm afraid simply due to his own lack of experience, he would only be 285 divided by 3.

The Masked Gentleman Masque turns around to face the back of his butler to check up on the status of the equation.

The Gent: This brings me to my final opponent, Justin Cooper. 240 pounds, a weight inbetween that of my other two opponents, and he has the honor of being a former Mayhem Champion. Add that all to the fact that HE is the one who had been here the longest out of any of my opponents. His downside? The man is an absolute psychopath. I've been to prison for the majority of my teenage years. I've seen men of his stature and how they function. Regardless, despite that, his experience and the fact he's had a title history puts him for now at the top. To sum him up in an equation, it would be 240 plus 1 times 4 for managing to hold it for 4 consecutive shows.

Le Gentleman Masque stands up on the chair for emphasis, as he points to his butler with his cane.

The Gent: As for myself? Well, I'm the lightest and tied for shortest being at 175 pounds, but In my time here, I've managed to defeat a man with The Beard's height and weight in my first match, has beaten a man who's been here longer than Mick Overlast in my second has and managed to almost beat in my debut contest for Ascension a man who's been here longer than anyone in my match this week and obtained an accomplishment himself in the form of winning the King for a Day briefcase. While it will all come down to the man himself, from my number, which would be 175/4, you'd think out of anyone I'd be the least likely man to win the Number One Contenders match. Is that correct? ...May I see your board, Sir Liam?

The Masked Gentleman steps from off his chair, after finishing his speech. His butler casually steps away from the board to show the equation as '4X= (235/2) + (285/3) + (240 + 1 * 4) + (175/4)'. At that moment, The Masked Gentleman smiles as he wipes off the board from the equation his butler has been writing down to once again, his butler's confusion.

The Gent: I mean no disrespect, my good Sir Liam. This was but a test. The truth is that numbers do not matter. You could look at it as I've only been in three matches or I win two-thirds of all of my matches. You could look at it as I have not faced off against these men before or they have never faced off against me before. It's all subjective, but I know this. Determination, strategy and endurance are the deciding factors in my match. I cannot be discounted simply because I am the smallest or the one who stayed her the least, for it's all just a number. I've come to set out a path for myself in WZCW, and I won't let a meaningless setback such as my height, weight or lack of experience put me down as I can still pack a punch and if anything, that just makes me a harder and more unpredictable target.

Banks: Sire, I hate to be rude but may I attend back to my gardening duties?

The Gent: ...Why yes. Yes you may. Just know that I need a sparring partner for later on today, so if you don't mind, could you be ready in my personal gym by one a.m.?

Banks: Of course, sir.

The Gent: Wonderful. It's time to bring class to the Elite X Title.
Jack Cohen: So can you believe this is the 50th show of Ascension already?

Cat Connor: Nope. Even more, I can't believe I've put up with you for nearly all of them.

Cohen: You're funny. I'm going to have to get you a present for your 50th show. Something special – straight from my heart.

Cat gets a queasy look on her face and shakes her head.

Connor: Thanks, but uh, no thanks, Jack. A...handshake will do just fine.

Cohen: Oh, come on, Cat! You'll love it!

As soon as Cohen speaks those words...


Cohen: Yes!

Connor: Ugh, not this again!

Mick Overlast strides out onto the stage, dressed a little more formally than his prior appearance, sporting a black suit with white pinstripes. He doesn't stop on the stage, instead choosing to walk right down to the ring as the fans already in attendance at Ascension 50 voice their displeasure at seeing him.

Cohen: What do you mean, “not this again?” You weren't even here last time Mick came out!

Connor: I heard enough about it from Seabass. I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this.

Overlast gets into the ring and asks for a microphone.

Connor: I know you have a massive man-crush on him, but can you tone it down a little bit, please? It's worrying me.

Cohen: Shut up, Cat, he's about to speak!

Overlast waits for the boos to die down a little before speaking.

Overlast: I'd like to introduce everyone to the lovely ring announcer here on Ascension, Miss Serena Anderson! Could you come into the ring for a moment, please?

Connor: Serena?

The fans awkwardly applaud for Selena Anderson as she gets up from her chair at ringside, knowing that Overlast butchered her first name. She looks around, unsure of what's going on. She gets into the ring amid some cheers, carrying a microphone of her own.

Overlast: Yes, Serena Anderson, everybody!

Anderson: It's, uh, Selena. With an “L.”

Overlast: Serena, Selena, who gives a damn? I do have something I want you to read, though.

Overlast hands Selena a folded sheet of paper and smiles as he waits for her to talk. She opens the sheet and shakes her head.

Anderson: But –

Overlast's grin quickly transforms into a scowl as Selena begins to protest.

Overlast: No buts. Read the damn thing now.

Selena clears her throat and forces a smile onto her face before reading what's on the paper in her hand.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the future WZCW Elite X Champion, Mick Overlast!

The fans don't take kindly to this, jeering loudly as Overlast smiles and waves at them. One fan in the nosebleed seats uses this moment as a cue to raise his “TROLLVERLAST” sign.

Overlast: Thank you very much, Selena. You may leave now. But I do want you to commit that phrase to memory because you'll be saying it regularly in the weeks leading up to Redemption.

Overlast grins at Selena as she leaves the ring, then turns his attention back to the fans who are looking at him.

Overlast: Now where were we? Ah, yes. You know, I don't actually know why I'm smiling. Actually, I should probably be a little pissed off. Two weeks ago, I kicked the Beard's ass all throughout this ring and picked up a decisive victory. So you all could imagine my surprise upon finding out that he's part of this Fatal Four-Way Match tonight. However –

The crowd interrupts Overlast's train of thought to cheer in acknowledgment that the Beard has a chance to win an Elite X Title shot. He arches an eyebrow, looking none too pleased that he was cut off.

Overlast: I love how you people continue to root for a loser like the Beard. I mean, doesn't it bother you that no matter how hard you cheer your little lungs out, you will never see this guy win? And the biggest thing is there's no reason for him to absolutely suck as a wrestler. He's built like a behemoth, is ridiculously strong and even has an intimidating beard! But you know why the Beard sucks? It's because under that rough exterior is a gigantic teddy bear. In fact, the Beard is softer than the ice cream that this heffer in the front row is gorging her fat face with at the moment.

Overlast points a large woman out to the fans, who respond by booing him loudly and relentlessly. The woman's face turns red as she looks around and sets the ice cream down on the floor, a tear streaming down her cheek. Overlast just chuckles.

Overlast: You all know it's true! So instead of being mad that I have to face the Beard, I welcome it because I know I'm going to beat his ass once again. Now let's –

Overlast's attention is caught by a young man in the front row yelling obscenities at him. The man has his hand on the shoulder of the woman Overlast made fun of earlier.

Overlast: Oh, you're talking to me, sir? You got something you want to say to me?

The fan continues to yell at Overlast, who nods in return.

Overlast: Here, let me give you a chance to say it to my face.

Overlast takes off his suit jacket and sets it down in the center of the ring, then gets out of the ring and goes right up to the man. The fans around him start to stand in anticipation of what could happen.

Connor: Someone needs to stop this before it gets out of hand!

Overlast: What do you have to say now, tough guy? If your little -- I mean, big friend lost a couple hundred pounds, I wouldn't have made fun of her. In fact, I probably would've taken her home tonight!

The crowd jeers even more, some even going as far as to flip Overlast off. The fan has gone silent, looking intimidated now that Overlast is in his face.

Overlast: That's exactly what I thought. All bark, no bite – here, I'll have the guys backstage come out and give you a mask and you can take the place of the Masked Gentleman tonight. He sticks up for the ladies and for what's right, but when it comes down to fighting, he does what every other Frenchman does – he runs away like a pansy. Sit down and shut the hell up, Pierre!

Overlast motions toward the man as if he's going to hit him, and the man flinches. Overlast laughs and shakes his head before getting back into the ring. He picks up his jacket and slings it over his shoulder before speaking.

Overlast: You know what the best part of coming down here and talking to you is? I can get whatever reaction I want out of you. If I want you to cheer, you cheer. If I want you to boo me like there's no tomorrow, you do just that. And as I showed right here tonight, if I want your pudgy asses to cry, you...will...cry.

The crowd is on fire, booing Overlast as he points at the large woman, who is getting out of her seat and making her way up the stairs. The man with her glares back at Overlast before following her out of the lower seating bowl.

Overlast: I have you all in the palm of my hand. It's like I'm Justin Cooper, except I'm actually able to back up my talk with what I can do in the ring. It's such a powerful feeling; it makes me feel...elite.

Overlast drops the microphone and stands in the center of the ring. He extends his arms and tilts his head back, his music drowned out by the boos raining down on him. He savors the feeling for a few more seconds before straightening up and leaving the ring, a wide grin on his face as he makes his way toward the back.
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