AS50: Mayhem Rules - Ace Stevens vs. Steamboat Ricky (Non Title)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
With the newly created Relay match contesting the next person to face the Mayhem champion, Ace Stevens has been placed against a Mayhem veteran and legendary competitor Steamboat Ricky as a tune-up match under Mayhem Rules. Although Stevens has the youth and the title on his side, Ricky was the man who invented the championship so he knows a thing or two about Mayhem. Prepare yourselves for an intriguing match where it will feature Old School vs. New School antics... and weapons.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 26th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
“Ladies and gentlemen” says the voice, the Brooklyn accent only slightly evident. “Please welcome ‘the American Hero’, ‘Mr. M.S.G.’, ‘Brooklyn’s Favourite Son’... ACE STEVENS!”
The previously silent arena fills with a cacophonous mixture of jeers and music as Bruce Springsteen’s “Born In The U.S.A.” plays loudly through the P.A. system. Amidst it all stands the Mayhem Champion, Ace Stevens. Back turned to the assembled crowd and fist-pumping defiantly to the beat of the song, Ace is trying his hardest to be the superstar he always dreamed of being.
The music continues as he makes his way down the aisle. The crowd are still showing their disapproval vocally as Stevens combs his hair and adjust his leather jacket in the most overtly conceited manner possible. As he approaches the ring he demands that the nearest WZCW official give him a live microphone. The gentleman duly obliges, and Ace enters the ring to address perhaps the most hostile crowd he has ever faced.
“On the forty-ninth edition of Ascension, I shocked the world. Well, maybe not the world but I shocked Stevenson Marquel, that’s for sure. I then proceed to shock Jason Armstrong. And by “shock” I now mean “beat with a metal pipe”. You guys get that, right? When, and only when I had got the job done, did I waltz to the side of the ring and grab this: my old friend.”
Stevens holds up the microphone to his face, an expression almost approaching admiration comes across his face.
“I put this microphone to my lips and with every word dripping with truth, I pleaded for better competition. I pleaded that the powers that be give me a real challenge. There’s only so long I can routinely beat phony-ass gangsters.”
The crowd boos loudly in the wake of this disparaging, arrogant remark against the fan favourite, Stevenson Marquel.
For the next few days after Ascension, I felt like the guys running the show were on my wavelength I thought they were really going to give me a challenge. The great Ty Burna even contacted me personally, telling me that I he had a special opponent for the greatest Mayhem champion that ever lived, A.K.A. me.
And so this week, on Ascension, I am pleased to announce that I will face... Steamboat Ricky?
Ace lets out a long, exaggerated sigh.
“Really, guys? That’s who you’re going with?” he asks, while looking towards the stage, and by extension, the backstage area.
“Give me Barbosa. Give me Holmes. Give me anyone but a fat-ass pirate with understanding of personal hygene. The guy sweats scurvy.”
Stevens readjusts his hair after his small outburst, and returns to a more palatable tone of voice as he gently rest his arm on the microphone stand next to him.
“Y’know, it’s funny because I bet you’re all thinking the same thing. “Oh, I bet Ace doesn’t know the Ricky was the first Mayhem champion... I bet he doesn’t know Ricky loves hardcore wrestling, etc, etc”, but I do. I know that he was the first guy to hold this. But it’s kinda ironic. ‘Cause I’m gonna be the last guy to hold it. Ya’ see, THIS IS MINE FOREVER! No one can take this away from me, and no one will...
The crowd erupts as the pirate-flavoured heavy metal track bursts out of the arena’s speakers. Steamboat Ricky is here!
Or is he? The crowd reaction decreases considerably as it becomes clear that this has been a set-up by the Mayhem Champion. This reduction in cheers gradually turns into boos as a rather obese man in a pirate costume comes from behind the curtain and makes his way to the ring, mimicking Steamboat Ricky in the process. Ace is in fits of laughter now as the 'Imposter Ricky' enters the ring looking like the world's least convincing Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator.

"Steamboat Ricky! How wonderful to see you, bro!"

"Aaaarrrrr!" he says in his best attempt at a pirate impression.

"Yeah, yeah. So hey, are you looking forward to our match on Asenscion?"

*"Right. Okay. Um... are you scared that I'm going to beat you down so hard that you turn into a real life skull and crossbones?"

"Aaaarrrrr!" he once again replies, with the same enthusiasm and misplaced optimism as the prior responses.

"Okay, and this is my final question: am I the greatest Mayhem Champion of all-time - suprassing you, Matt Tastic, Alex Bowen and, of course, 'Brooklyn's Favourite Scumbag' Stevenson Marquel?"

The final answer is delivered with more jubilance and enthusiasm than the previous ones, signifying the finale of that little segment.

However, Ace isnt quite done. As the fake Ricky prepares to leave, Stevens pulls him back.

"Not so fast, Ricky. One more thing..."

Catching the paid actor off-gurad, Stevens delivers an incredible slap to his large, sweaty face.

Tears look about ready to start streaming down his face, and his large gut continues in its quest to burst out of his barely-authentic polyester tunic.
“You said you wouldn’t hit me!” the fake Steamboat Ricky retorts quietly, in a pitiful attempt to stay in character as the man from Tortuga.
But now It appears as though the ‘character’ of Ace Stevens dissipates slightly.
“Sorry, man. Sorry. I got carried away... and I’m... look, I’m sorry. You can go. And I’ll pay you double.”
The portly ‘pirate’, satisfied with the apology, leaves the ring. But as he bends down to exit through the ropes, he is hit with a vicious knee to the head. The victim of Ace’s heinous actions falls to the outside floor with an incredible thud. So hopped on the adrenaline of knocking a relative strange unconscious, Ace returns to the microphone – more vicious, urgent and biting in his delivery than before.
“You see? You SEE?! They never see it coming. Never. And on Ascension, I’m gonna beat up a pirate – just like that pirate – on live TV. Steamboat Ricky - just like that Steamboat Ricky - isn't going to know what's hit him. And the same damn thing goes whichever unfortunate son-of-a-bitch actually wins this number one contender "relay" match. If Stevenson Marquel wins, he will lose. If Jason Armstrong wins he will lose. And then there are some other people in that match, but I can't remeber their names. Come on. Who can? The fact remains that whoever wins, will be setting themselves up for a fall. Literally."
As Ace puts his microphone back on its stand, he wraps up his speech in a way only a stand-up comic can.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you've been an audience and I've been Ace Stevens: the eternal champion of Mayhem."

With a microphone in one hand and a championship belt in the other, Ace Stevens leaves, confident and content with a job well done.
The following RP is brought to you by:


Do you want some pirate-inspired bodybuilding supplements that use ONLY ingredients either already banned or soon to be banned by the FDA? Do you like ingesting WD-40? Then look no further than Gasparrrrrrrrri Nutrition!!!!

Practice Makes Purrrrrrrrrrfect: New Charter School For Feline Training

*knock knock*

Steamboat Ricky is shown standing at the front desk of Practice Makes Purrrrrfect. He begins speaking to the receptionist.

Welcome to Practice Makes Purrrrrrfect. Are you here for a class?


Excellent! What's the cat's name?

Steamboat Ricky.



Pirate? I'm unfamiliar with this breed.

Yarrrr!!!! It be the best kind of breed!!

Oooooook. Age?

Yarrrrr...I be sensitive about me age lass.

Sir, are you trying to enroll yourself in the class?

Well, of course I am. This place is for cats, yes?

Yes, sir. It is.

Then I'm in the right place, then! Especially since this is a charter school. We seafaring lubbers know a bit about chartering ships!!!

Sir, this school is for cats.

Aye! And my name isn't Ace I'm in the right place. This is a new school, right?

Yes, is.

Good. I'm more of an old-school guy, myself. I like using barbed wire, flaming baseball bats and hurling myself off of enclosed steel cages into Spanish announce tables. But contemporary hardcore wrestlers aren't as interested in the Spanish language. And since I'm fighting the current Mayhem Champion at Ascension this week...I thought I would see what the "new school" had to offer! Yarr!

Sir, you are still not considering that this is a school for cats.

That's right! And I'm a pussy!


Yes! I am definitely a pussy. So can I go back to the classroom now?

Sir, if you are not a cat or if you do not have have a cat with you, I cannot allow you back in the classroom.

What the hell! I am a pussy, dammit! My name is NOT Ace Stevens. And according to his slogan...if my name is NOT Ace Stevens...then I am a pussy!!!!! Now let me back there...


*Security grabs Steamboat Ricky and escorts him out of the building.*

Fine! I don't need your stupid school anyway! We pirates be doin our learnin on the seas anyhow!!

You take that slogan far too literally, homes.

Oh shut up, El Guerrero.

Instead of trying to learn new hardcore tactics...why not just bring old school to Ace Stevens?

You mean...deliver a Spanish Announce Table to Ace Stevens' doorstep??

Ummmmm....not exactly. I meant, just get back in touch with the part of you that innovated the Mayhem Division.

Yarrrrr!!!! Good point El Guerrero. I'll start on you!!!

If you insist. Just remember that Alex Bowen could be around any corner waiting to ambush you.

*Serious look* be right lad.

...but for now...I be shovin some plank up your arse.

Completely ignoring the fact that El Guerrero is undead, Steamboat Ricky grabs his spare Spanish Announce Table from out of his pirate ship on wheels and attempts to capture El Guerrero to put him through it. Scene fade...
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