AS50: Chris K.O. vs. James King, Alex Bowen, and S.H.I.T.

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
After Chris' constant defiance for Ty's plans, the Master of Chaos used him as an example to everyone else as to what happens when you stand in Burna's way. To further inflict the punishment, Ty has decreed that the remaining loyal members of the Chaos will be taking on K.O. in a handicap match on Meltdown. Despite the position that K.O. is in, he has burned a lot of bridges with many people so assistance is not to be expected. Can Chris survive or will Chaos dominate?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 26th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Dripping wet, the robed figure closed the door to the outside world behind her, you could tell it was a she, hiding your gender is a very difficult thing, it is all betrayed in movements, even the sound of breathing, which was very heavy at this point, perhaps out of exhaustion, more likely out of fear. The storm had really picked up a few minutes ago, the closer she had got to this location, almost as a forewarning, but she knew better, the creature in this place had no such powers. Even if it wasnt "only Human."
Serafina looked around in the gloom, the many holes in the roof didn’t help at all with keeping the storm out, the rain dropping through to splash on the wooden floor below, she positions herself in the driest spot she could, near the corner. It was very dark inside, the holes in the roof would’ve let some light in normally, if the storm clouds weren’t covering the moon and stars tonight.

“What kind of freak would live in a run down church?” She wondered aloud.

Her rhetorical question was answered. It was the eyes she saw first, and soon illuminated was the rest of the figure which had been watching all the time, but was only now visible since her own eyes had become accustomed to the gloom. As if knowing that it had been noticed it stepped closer and made itself more visible, its usual snarl in place but contriving to show some hint of curiosity. It was holding a book, which as she looked closer she realised it was a thick, leather bound Bible.
The other figure took another step closer, she stepped back instinctively, right into the wall, there is no way further back and the robot was uncomfortably close now.

How did you find this place? It asked, its voice showing no hint of annoyance, fear, or any other Human qualities.

“I got. . . help,” she said, trying not to allow fear to over come her completely.
The machines reply was merely a nod, a question had been answered, and that was satisfactory, it wasn’t inquisitive by nature.

It looked back down at the book, it was on the last page, a few seconds of what can only really be called reading it closed the book and dropped it on the floor, a complete lack of respect shown to the Holy text.

Your business?

Serafina had known what she wanted here, but in the face of the Bible reading robot she had come entirely unstuck, it had shown no signs of attacking her so far, but she could remember, on Ascension, that without a second thought it had helped tie her and Chris to the Chaos symbol and had left them hanging in the air in the middle of a packed arena. But while the others had shown enjoyment, S.H.I.T had shown not a hint of remorse, perhaps this was workable.
It stood and watched her, patient as the grave, as silent as the. . . grave.

“I’ve come about. . . Chris,” she said, unable to take her eyes from the dropped book.

Another nod.

“Please?” It was a question, a desperate question, any one could tell, it was her asking this thing not to hurt Chris, not to get involved, but she wasnt begging, she hadn’t been reduced to begging.

The machine tilted its head to the side. S.H.I.T does not understand! That was it, any one could tell what she meant, but the robot was not any one, an explanation was necessary.

“Don’t hurt him,” she mumbled, still staring down at the book, using it as something to focus on, anything was better than that unrelenting stare.

It took another step forward, walking right over the dropped Bible. Almost face to face with Serafina.

Why? It asked.

She had come prepared for this bit, the strange man who had told her the robots location had told her the angle to work.

“Because it isn’t fair,” she pleaded. “Please, you have done enough damage, cant you see that?” She held up her hands, showing the robot the damage done to her wrists with the bindings on the Chaos symbol. “You have sent your message, leave it to James and Alex, he’ll have it bad enough with those two, don’t get involved as well. Please!” She said, finally looking up at the thing in front of her.

S.H.I.T cannot! It said, all the while looking at the damage done to her wrists. It hadn’t enjoyed that moment, but it wasn’t sorry either, it had been told to do it and it did. S.H.I.T had seen it merely as a gesture of power from Ty himself.


S.H.I.T has been instructed to destroy Chris K.O! It must be done! A loud thunderclap follows this last statement, both occupants look upwards.

How dramatic!

“Why? By Who? Certainly not Alhazred, he's gone. He must have seen the light, like me, like Chris. It was him you took orders from, why must you continue?”

Alhazred had instructed S.H.I.T to take all orders from Ty Burna, that instruction has never been repealed! It must be done!

“Don’t you have any free will in there?” It was a last gasp, desperate attempt to appeal to some sort of Human nature. “He only sees you as a tool!”

He sees all of his Apostles as tools, the difference is S.H.I.T knows this fact. The others have deluded themselves into believing this is not so, James King believes he serves Chaos, Alex Bowen believes he will be rewarded, Alhazred believed he would be free. . . Is there anything more pathetic than a person that believes it is something it is not?

Serafina refrained from answering that question.

“Why the Bible?” She asked, curiosity is a funny thing.

S.H.I.T glanced at the Bible behind it.

S.H.I.T wished for a better understanding of control mechanisms!


Ty Burna controls his minions with Chaos, the promises of rewards and riches, all for living how it is demanded. Perhaps this religion of Christianity would prove insightful as to how Humans are controlled!

“Does it?” She asked the machine, feeling emboldened, it is still standing shrouded in darkness, but it almost seems like it wants to talk.

Affirmative! It would seem that if there is a promise of something more, the weak willed Humans will follow whatever inferior criteria you set for them. It would appear that Humans fear their own demise, as such they are promised with the reward of an afterlife in return for living their lives as dictated by another!

“That is a good thing surely? It teaches love and respect,” Serafina had been a long time Apostle of Chaos, these words didn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

So long as the ones to be loved and respected also follow your criteria! History has proved this, the Crusades, the other atrocities committed in the name of religion! Religion. It seemed to hate the word. Chaos would appear to be simply another branch of this, this control mechanism.

It looks up from the Bible, switching gears to the matter at hand.

The answer is Negative! Chris K.O will be destroyed, you may leave!

“I may leave unharmed?”

Do not mistake this for mercy, your destruction is neither ordered, nor necessary!

“If it was?”

Look at your wrists!

This seemed to spark something in Serafina.

“Chris wont stop! He wont give up! He’ll fight you until the end!”

The machine gives her a long, almost appraising look.

You may utter as many cliches as you wish, it will not change the course this is heading! It said flatly.

You say he will never give up? S.H.I.T is unrelenting!

You say he will fight until the end? S.H.I.T is unrelenting!

You witnessed its actions at Kingdome Come, you saw what it did to Titus, to Celeste! Even with Chris K.O attempting to stop it, S.H.I.T succeeded. With its allies defeated or working against it, S.H.I.T succeeded!

S.H.I.T is unrelenting!

You may leave!

With a final defiant glance, she walks out of the door. The machine watches as she exits, tall and proud, more so than when she had come in, more so than it had ever seen her before. If it were capable of respect then it would now certainly feel more for Serafina, able to come back from her recent trauma, able to confront one of her attackers, it is a shame that her time here was wasted.

It certainly raised its opinion of Chris, whereas before S.H.I.T considered him the worst among the indoctrinated it appeared that he had been showing remarkable free will for a long time now. If naïve though, obviously not learning enough about his false allies to realise how dangerous they really were. S.H.I.T considered that Chris had probably not taken the machine seriously, at Kingdom Come that had been his downfall, that had been the downfall of the entire company.

Still, whatever its opinions on Chris and Serafina, it means that they are on completely different sides now, enemies, that is all that matters. That is all S.H.I.T really understands.

It glanced down at the Bible again, its attempts to understand this religion no different from its attempts to understand Chaos, it was met with colossal failure. As something that has been controlled then all it can see is the control mechanism for Humans, rewards and promises in the future in exchange for servitude now. It had tried to understand because with Alhazred gone, and S.H.I.T being heavily responsible for putting the company in Ty Burna’s control it would find itself dangerously short of allies should it break away from Chaos, much like Chris, no one would try to help it if Ty decided to tie it to a Chaos symbol, and no one from Chaos would help it if the WZCW roster tried to gain some revenge.

It was certain that the Apostles of Chaos needed it, why else had Ty let the machine have the pinfall in their last match? Was it his unique way of showing the robot some favour, some reward for its actions? A method to keep it on his side perhaps? Or maybe he was merely sending a message to the roster, look how dominant we are. Still, S.H.I.T was certain that they needed it, but for the first time it considered that it might just need the Apostles if it was to survive the possible retribution.

It would leave this church now, the storm was allowing no natural light in and it was surrounded by darkness. Its work was done anyway, it had read and come to understand to the best of its ability, and there was only three days to go before its handicap match against Chris K.O. It knew its allies Bowen and King would be ready and it couldnt let the side down, not now.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

???: Christopher!


A shriek echoes through the dark screen as it slowly muffles into silence. The camera filter is cloudy, but we see a shaky shot of Chris K.O. and Serafina bound to opposite sides of a chaos symbol. It spins slowly as Serafina sobs.


The camera finally becomes focused as we get a zoomed-in shot of Chris’ face. The impact from the Consecrated Banishment that he endured only minutes ago has finally worn on his forehead. A stream of blood has trickled down Chris’ face and off his chin. A little creek has gone off path and dumped into the cracks of his lips.

Serafina: Chris!

I, uh-

Chris tries to speak, but he can only spit out the blood that is in his mouth. He looks down and sees several security men as they scurry the remaining audience members out of the arena. The building is almost empty except for a few camera and security men.

Serafina: Why is no one helping us?!

Serafina sobs at the end of her words and begins to fidget violently as she tries to loosen herself. Even if she were able to, the fall would most likely break something on her small frame. The sound of crying fills the empty arena, until a defeated voice speaks up.

Chris: They are probably afraid...

Serafina’s face perks up and she gives the only contorted smile that she can manage to create.

Serafina: Chris! Thank god you are alright!

Chris: Don’t worry; I don’t think Ty is stupid enough to kill someone on live television. However, I would have never dreamed that he would push the limits this far.

Serafina: *sniff* Why is no one helping us, Chris? *sniff*

Chris looks down at several ring workers who seem to be almost ignoring them as they spin high above the ring.

Chris: Most likely threatened, or just afraid in general. Ty may even have them all blackmailed. I wouldn't put it pa-

Chris groans as he shuts his eyes.

Serafina: Chris? Chris, what is the matter?

Chris reopens his eyes as blood continues to drip out of his forehead.

Chris: It’s alright. Just a head-ache.

Serafina begins to cry again, as Chris hopelessly lowers his head. However, his depressing trance is broken when an unusual up-tone surge in Serafina’s voice sounds out.

Serafina: Chris! Look!

Chris begins to focus on the area down below, but he quickly realizes that he can’t see what Serafina sees on the other side of the spinning chaos symbol. Instead of asking what she is looking at, he patiently waits for the symbol to turn. The motion seems like an eternity, but the length of time is worth it whenever he sees the sight that Serafina got to see first.

There they are, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Steven Kurtesy, WZCW Legend, Titus, WZCW Elite X Champion, Triple X, Matt Tastic, Ricky Runn, Saboteur, Action Saxton, WZCW Tag Team Champions, Strikeforce, Johnny Scumm, and The Beard.

Kurtesy and Titus stand in front of the group as Kurtesy looks up at the rafters. He nods and suddenly the chaos symbol begins to lower. Chris looks up to see if he can find who hit the switch, and he is able to catch a sight of a silhouette that appears to be Ian Crawford.

Typical Ian. He always wants to work behind the scenes.

Serafina gives a whimper of joy as Chris gives a small half-smile. The symbol continues to spin as it lowers and by the time it gets back around to where Chris can see the group of men, they are walking towards the ring. Finally, Chris feels his feet touch the floor, but he is still bound to the wooden structure. Kurtesy, Titus, Triple X, and Strikeforce have now entered the ring and they quickly begin to untie the two. Chris feels the release of the rope as he drops to his knees. His arms feel like jello as he feels hands grab underneath his two arms and lift him up. Kurtesy and Triple X are the helpers and he thanks them with a faint smile. Suddenly, he feels another pair of arms around him. Serafina has rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Chris finally regains strength in his own arms as he embraces her.

The scene abruptly transitions as we see Ian walking down a hallway in the arena. He has a stern look on his face as he strides across the floor. Suddenly, he stops as a figure stands in his way. The sound of clapping hands echoes in-between the hallway walls as Ty Burna steps into the scene. He taunts Ian’s stone-faced demeanor with a wicked grin.

Ty: Bravo, Ian.

Ty ceases his clapping as he steps closer to Ian.

Ty: You successfully helped young Christopher take away a large portion of my bank, but surely you of all people know I can easily access more.

Ian proceeds to take off his glasses and cleans them with a rag that he has tucked inside of his suit pocket.

Ian: Come now, Ty. Who do you think you are fooling? I know that you are on your last leg now. Yes, you may now have the compa—

Ty: Yes! I do have the company! A company that pulls in quite a lot of revenue. It will not be long before I refill what little I lost.

Ian puts his glasses back on as he shrugs off Ty’s comment.

Ian: Please, Ty. Do you honestly think crucifying your employees will increase your profits? Trust me, you are running this company to the ground.

Ian shakes his head in disgust as he begins to walk past Ty, but he quickly finds his back against the wall with Ty’s grip firmly on his arm. Ty’s wicked grin has now turned into a sour burning scowl.

Ty: You may not be an employee of this company Ian, but that does not mean I can’t erase you just like I am going to do with Christopher.

For the first time, Ian has lost his calm demeanor. A sweat begins to break out on his forehead.

Ty: However, I came here with no intentions to taunt you, but to make you a deal.

Ian: A deal?

Ty: I want it back.

Ian: The money?

Ty: To hell with the money! Money fades and is only a temporary treasure, what I want is what is rightfully mine.

Ian swallows his own fear as he speaks up

Ian: My alignment cannot be bought or persuaded any longer.

Ty looks angry has he, much surprise to Ian, releases him from his grasp. Ty begins to walk away, but stops to look back.

Ty: Bring it to me by the next Ascension Ian, and you will be greatly rewarded.

Ian gives Ty a disgusted look as he turns to leave.

Ty: Oh yes! One more thing Ian. Please deliver this message to your new client. Next week, he will compete on Ascension once again-

Against the three men who helped Ty bind Serafina and I to the chaos symbol. Ian told me what Ty had said, and everything else that went down in their brief encounter. Bowen, James King, and S.H.I.T. will be my opponents at Ascension 50, but Ian and I will discuss that later. The most interesting part of his encounter with Ty is what Ty wants. And if that is what Ty wants, then that is what he will get at Ascension 50.

We have now transitioned from the arena to a polished-up elevator. Chris, Serafina, and Ian are all standing quietly as the device descends. Serafina has her side pressed against Chris, as he comforts her with an arm.

I am lucky to be standing here.

The scene cuts to a shot of Steven Kurtesy and the rest of the roster helping Chris up the ramp at Ascension 49. Blood continues to pour out of Chris’ head.

That unity the other night is something that I cannot simply ignore. For so long I promoted the unity of chaos and the combined strength of those that only want to destroy. Now, I have seen the other side. I have seen a beauty that has been buried in the coal... Damn, this elevator floor is shiny.

Chris looks down at the floor and smirks at his own reflection. He looks over at Ian, who seems to be giving him a confused look.

Chris: It’s really shiny.

Ian: Hmm?

Chris: Never mind.

Chris loses eye contact with Ian and carries on his thoughts.

On most occasions, I would only be taking this elevator to the top floor. You see, Ian knows about my sleeping problems in any place that is not a hotel. So, he thought it would be smart to just buy a hotel (The Marigold, to be exact) with our new found wealth, and place my living quarters at the top in a penthouse suite. The suite is decorated to bits, and while I couldn't care less, Serafina seems to be intrigued by the amount of throw pillows and random tapestries. Her true personality has begun to show over the last few days. At first she was rather shaken up by the crucifixion incident, but now I think she feels safe.

Chris looks around the small room and rests his eyes own a downward arrow that is currently lit up.

Down. Yes, why would be going down if I live up. Well, another bonus to The Marigold is that before Ian purchased the establishment, there were several management meetings held underneath the hotel. Ian mentioned that he thought wild executive parties went on down below, but he saw much more potential in the floor. He decided to have it remade into a place for WZCW business. Mostly a single room, which he conveniently named the situation room.

The scene transitions as we see Chris and Serafina following behind Ian as he spreads his arms out.

Ian: Here it is. The situation room.

The room’s wall and floor is a whitish-grey while a long stainless-steel table rest in the center of it, with several stainless-steel chairs. A projector screen is mounted on the far wall, and hanging lamps dangle from above.

Ian: Sit.

This is it. This is the place where Ian and I will continue the plan. This is the place where Ian and I will continue to pick apart Ty Burna’s mind and try to slowly release his grasp from the WZCW. This is whe-

Serafina: Ian!

Serafina slams her palms down on the table, which catches Chris, who is sitting next to her, off guard. Ian perks up a few chairs down.

Serafina: How come you have not gotten Chris out of handicap match? A 2 on 1 might be understandable, but how can Ty just put him in a 3 on 1? You are his manager, do something!

I have told Serafina mostly everything about what Ian and I had been doing since the Lethal Lottery, but I think she is still confused on Ian’s role in all of this. I never really thought of him as a manager, but more as my version of Alfred if I were Batman. Ian has no pull in the WZCW, and definitely not with Ty Burna. Definitly not now.

Chris: I’ll be okay.

Chris reaches over and brushes the back of Serafina’s hair as she looks at him sadly. Chris leans in closer and looks into Serafina’s eyes.

Chris: I promise.

Serafina begins to melt and leans in for a connected lip-lock. The two of them share a moment, before an intruding cough by Ian that breaks them up.

Ian: Business.

Ian nods and Chris responds with his own. Ian pulls out a remote and clicks on a slide on the screen.

Ian: As Serafina has already stated, at Ascension 50 you will take on James King, Bowen, and S.H.I.T. I have kept rather quiet on this matter, but I am curious. How are you planning to overcome this obstacle?

Chris: Well, it doesn’t look like a winning situation.

Ian and Serafina both look surprised as Chris studies their faces.

Chris: These three men are what is left of Ty’s militia. Under his wing, I cannot expect a fair fight in already unfair circumstances. But I saw something that goes beyond circumstance. I saw a light while I hung on that chaos symbol. I saw a light standing at the top of that entrance ramp. I was surrounded by light as I was removed from the symbol and while I floated up the ramp. This same light has been present in situations where King, Bowen, and S.H.I.T. have all fallen. So, I am going to have to borrow some of that light this upcoming show.

Serafina looks confused.

I have said before that S.H.I.T. and Bowen are bound beyond my doing, but King is another story. In my opinion, he is the wild card in this match for me. If only I can reach him and share with him some of the light that I have embraced. He was there when I first saw it. At All or Nothing, against Kurtesy, Saboteur, and Saxton. Maybe he saw it too.. No, it doesn't look like a winning situation, but that does not mean that I am going to lie down. No, there is too much work that still needs to be done. There are too many people that need to be protected... If these three men are what I must overcome to step closer to slaying Ty Burna, then so be it. But, I won't give up on King. I know that good still resides in him

Ian: The light… a protector... a savior... I like the concept of that. In fact, it fits in perfectly with what I have for you.

Chris: What?

Ian: You see, Ty has long been the symbol of darkness in WZCW, but now it is time for someone to truly be the symbol for good in WZCW. It is time that someone takes it upon himself to be that figure. He must become the protector and guard of the company. If Ty Burna is the dark tyrant, then you must become The White Knight.

Ian clicks a button on the remote and the projector screen lights up with a brilliant piece of equipment.

The cameras fade in right after Ascension, James King, Alex Bowen and S.H.I.T are walking behind their master Ty Burna. The camera is pointed right at the face of their leader, a semi smile is across his face. He puts up one arm and motions for his men to leave. King and S.H.I.T walk past him, but Bowen remains behind. Burna shakes his head, and turns around to face his last Apostle.

Ty- I thought that was pretty clear, Bowen. I would like to be alone for now.

Alex- Just one question, Boss. Steamboat, when is he mine? We won that match. I paid my due. I was also right about K.O. When are you going to give me what I want?

Ty reaches in and grabs the collar of Bowen's shirt. He ruffles it up in his hand, and pulls the former mayhem champion closer. Bowen has fire in his eyes, as he looks straight into his masters eyes.

Ty- You have to start lightening to me, I understand what you want. But you've disobeyed me. Do you deserve that match?

Alex pushes Ty's hand off of his shirt and steps back. Pointing a finger at the harbinger of chaos.

Alex- I didn't disobey you.

Ty- I told you to stick to the plan.

Alex- And I did, I helped win that match. Who cares if I beat up Ricky before hand?

Ty- Because you could have been injured, and that wouldn't have been sticking to the plan. Thank your lucky stars for that match ending the way it did. Because if it didn't, you wouldn't be getting a match with Steamboat Ricky.

Bowen smiles an evil grin, and shakes his head.

Alex- Everything always goes to plan with us boss, when do I get him? Next week, I hope?

Ty- No, I'll let you know when I want to. But first, you will get something else. More revenge, next week S.H.I.T, and King will join you on Ascension.

Alex- Who now?

Ty- K.o, rip him apart...

Ty turns on his heels, and walks down the hall. Leaving a half smiling Bowen alone.

Alex Bowen and David Bowen are sitting in front of the old city hall In their hometown of Montpelier ohio, this motley pair looks way out of place in this area. David is uncomfortably sitting on what has to be one of the smallest benches known to man. Bowen sits on the grass, slowly pulling up anything that is in arms reach. Taking his time to make the area around him bare.

Alex- It really hit me, last week what Ty said, David. I really don't have to much behind my name. How did this happen?

The seven foot plus monster shifts himself on the seat to face his smaller brother, he shakes his head.

David- It isn't how it happened, it's how does it end? I have no problem with you being with Ty, but Alex. Take what you want, you've earned it.

Alex- He gave it to me... I just have to wait a little longer.

David- How are you sure he isn't playing mind games with you?

Alex- Because he wouldn't put up with half the crap I pull, I basically do what I want. He wants me on his side, more than he wants me against him. I like having the boss to back me up. But hell, David you know me. I've got a score to settle with Steamboat, and with Ko.

David- Hanging him across that symbol wasn't enough?

David sarcastically says the last statement, while shaking his head and putting up and empty palm.

Alex- No, it's not enough David. The small stuff I pull is child's play compared to what he did. We won that match, but Chris turned his back on all of us. If we just turn a blind eye to stuff like that, we won't be in power anymore. I'm just trying to teach an old man a lesson, Ko was trying to stop Burna's power bid. Even with me knocking out two people, that would have been a hell of a mountain for S.H.I.T to climb. If Crimson would have pinned him, Ko would have just laid down for her. Women... always messing with our heads.

David- I guess I see your point, Alex.

Alex- No one ever has an excuse to do that, and she got what she deserved. So will Chris, it's the people like him that make me sick.

Alex slowly gets up, he brushes the dirt and grass clippings off his pants. Walking a little bit away from David, he points out into the air. Pointing at the town he grew up in. He's left it many times, but in the end he will always know how hard he had to work to break away from the small town mentality.

Alex- How many people that we grew up do what I do? How many people just sorta died after school? They are just robots in this town? K.o was gave a gift, an opportunity, and he just threw it away. It's the people like him that just throw something great away that need to be taught a lesson. Never give up a good thing, I didn't die in this town like everyone else did. I worked my ass off to get where I was. I'm in the biggest wrestling company in the world, in one of the most dominate stables ever. I will not let some punk just run out on us, he wont make me look like a fool.

David- What about Ricky though? I thought you hated him, why are you going after two people...

Alex- Who said I hated him? Who really said that? I never did, truth to be told. When I started here he was my hero. I had been doing the same thing he was for so long. It was just amazing to see someone on top of the game like that. That was almost five years ago, look at him now. He's nothing, he's not Steamboat Ricky. He's just someone who should have hung up the boots a long time ago. I re-invented myself, I'm in better shape. I can keep up with all the young kids. Put him in a match with Ricky Runn, see how quickly he passes out from trying to keep up with that kid. He left the game, and it left him behind. I'm sure he's still a tough old bird, under all the gimmick. But that's something I don't need. I'm one hundred percent pure bad ass.

David is still sitting back, he has his head bowed a little bit scratching the side of his head. Finally he leans back, crossing one leg over his other. Trying to grasp everything his brother is saying.

David- So on one hand, you have a kid who you hate. Because he gave up what you gained?

Alex- It's not that I hate him, I just hope he learns to breathe through a straw. He needs to do the world a favor; he needs to pull his bottom lip over his head and swallow.

Alex smiles at his brother.

Alex- I don't mean any disrespect, but I hope he is buried alive. His world is about to come crashing down, everyone he loves will suffer. Ty can just go ahead and keep my checks, I'll enjoy doing this. This wont be a wrestling match, this will be an ass kicking.

Daivd- How are you my brother again? I mean look at me, most of the time I'm pretty calm. But you are go, go, go all the time. Always wanting to kick someones ass. You really are like Dad, more than you think. Do you want this kid dead? Damn, Alex.

Alex- Oh, no I don't want him dead. I just don't want him anywhere in this company. He doesn't deserve that.

David looks confused, his eyes are wide and he is kind of slack jawed.

David- So he doesn't deserve a job, because he left your group?

Alex- Are you with me, or against me?

David- With you, but I don't see the big deal in just letting him go.

Alex- Because he's a tiger licking his wounds, he hasn't gone belly up yet. If we let him sit back and brood, he will come and try to destroy us.

David shakes his head again, slightly rolling his eyes. His brother, was always more into wrestling, always caring about every little detail. David wrestled, just to wrestle. In Davids mind, Alex might as well be running a cock fighting ring. He knows that his brother left real wrestling behind a long time ago, but that's what the fans want. Alex is just sucked into this whole situation, like he always is. David is done arguing.

David- We now have Steamboat Ricky. God you are strange, first you hate the guy. Now you tell me he was you hero?

Alex- We are men of the same trade, David. Why wouldn't I idolize him? When I came into this company, he was really the first big hardcore wrestler. That's what I really wanted to be. In the end, I became so much more than him. I became the best, something that he could never do. He left the hardcore behind, he left it in the dust for better times. His Ricky world order, and his lackluster world title reign killed everything that he built up. When he left that division it started to fall apart. Killjoy helped build it back up, but it really didn't come into the light until I came back.

David- Do you really think you have what it takes to beat him? You could have the Apostles help you.

Alex- I don't need anyones help, he can pick the match. But no one knows mayhem more than I. He might be in a match with the new mayhem champ this week, but I'm going to show Chris what real Mayhem is. When we really meet, we will steal the show. No one will ever see another hardcore match like we will put on. My match this week is about retribution, my match with Ricky is about who is the better man. When that match happens, it will be a real first. Hardcore icon vs. Hardcore Icon, no two men have ever done what we will do. This will go down.... in history

David looks taken back, he's spent years with his brother. Taken beatings alongside of him from their abusive father. He is taking notice, dark times are in store for Steamboat Ricky. The look in his brothers eyes scares the mountain of a man.
The scene opens up in a small park. People walk their own ways past a small pond with clear water and a few fish. Across from the pool is a bench occupied by a man in a black sweatshirt. The man looks at the area surrounding him, then focuses on the pond in front of him.

This area is the perfect representation of what WZCW used to be like.

He lifts his head up and James spreads his arms, motioning to the park. He smiles as he continues talking.

James: This area has what people believe as “Order”. They believe that, although there is the small chance for something to happen, nothing will. The calmness of the area is what saves them.

The Apostle rises and walk towards the pond, while people go around him when he crouches down at the edge of the water.

James: But, there is always that small part, where the Chaos grows. There as a fiasco a while ago when a small child fell into this pool and nearly drowned. There was a huge debate on if the park should be closed. In the end, it wasn't, but there's still that chance that it will erupt. That's how WZCW was before Kingdom Come.

James rises and walks back to the bench, but instead of sitting, he continues around and rests his hands on the back of the bench. He surveys the park and the people going their separate ways, and the former tag team champion chuckles.

James: Now, the Chaos has already started to spread in the blood of WZCW. And Lord Burna will only make it intestify until he once again claims the WZCW title.

???:Are you the only one who believes this?

James starts, as he turn to see a man has approached him. The man has on a brown jacket, and James glares at the newcomer as he walks around and sits on the bench.

James: What do you want?

The man looks up at him and give him a warm smile. A smile that looks very familiar.

???: I just want to talk. Is it not a father's duty to know what his son is doing?

James sighs as Richard continues to look up at him. The Apostle walks around to the side of the bench, but doesn't sit down next to his father.

James: Well? You're the one who asked to talk.

Richard chuckles a bit, while James continues to glare at him. The elder King eventually looks up at his son and motions for him to sit. Apparently realizing that he's not getting anywhere, the young one does sit, but does not remove his stare.

Richard: Care to elaborate on your comment earlier? I don't feel you are correct in saying your “chaos” has already spread.

It's now James' turn to chuckle as Richard looks on.

James: You don't believe it? Look at what happened last week. Mr. Showtime Cougar, exploding on Mr. Kurtsey. Something that doesn't happen that often, does it?

Richard shakes his head at James' example, while James' glare has left his father for the first time.

Richard: I've always found that Showtime would do many things if people would talk about him like you are. I'm still not convinced that you feel that.

James returns his glare to his father, a different look in his eyes.

James: Still don't believe me? What about Mr. Reynolds lashing out on his partner? What about Mrs. Crimson's sudden mood change? Believe me, the Chaos is spreading, and it will not stop.

James' now stone face is staring directly at his father, who just smiles and stands up. He turns back to his son, and shakes his head.

Richard: Apparently Mr. KO didn't think so.

James shoots up and gets into his father's face, pure rage now painting the Apostle's face. Richard has a somewhat amused look on his face, as he takes a step back.

James: First, don't EVER say that name to me again. He is a traitor to what made him the force he was. The Chaos made him strong, and now he's back to the pathetic little waste that he was. And, at Ascension, he will get what's coming to him.

James takes another step forward, getting back into the face of his father. His face is turning a deep shade of red as he becomes more enraged. Richard is starting to look a little concerned about the situation.

James: I will make sure that Bowen is the destruction machine that he has always been. I will make certain that S.H.I.T will be the emotionless monster it was programmed to be. And I will, personally, make sure that Chris KO doesn't leave that ring under his own power, or step foot into a WZCW ring again!

James' face suddenly becomes calm, then he smiles. Richard looks more nervous at the change of his son.

James: And second...

James suddenly rushes in and grabs his father by the coat, and pulls him in.

James: If you ever approach me again, I'm going to make my own little brand of Chaos.

He releases Richard, who loses his balance and falls into the pond behind them. James chuckles and walks off, as people rush in to help and the scene fades.
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