AS5 - Ty Burna vs. Rush (Mayhem Title)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Having an impressive run so far in the WZCW, it's no wonder that Rush finally has a title shot as he takes on the Mayhem Champion Ty Burna in his first defence since winning the belt at All or Nothing.

Will Ty's Mayhem reign continue or will Rush show the champion that he's more deserving to hold the belt under Mayhem Rules?

RP Deadline is Tuesday October 20th, 23:59 EST.
The video feed cuts to a black screen, a small flame begins emitting in the center of the screen. The camera zooms out slowly, revealing Serafina holding the small flame in her hand. She wears a long flowing cloak with the hood concealing her face. She looks up at the camera and smiles before blowing the flame towards the camera. The flame bursts onto the screen, dancing along before it cuts to black once more.

Serafina: It is said that man lives in a sun lit world, a world he perceives to be reality. However, there is an underworld that is just as real, but not as brightly lit. A tormented poet, who with one verse could take the sun away and make his vision of Hell so very real, and yet unknown to all around him. A scene of endless torture and surreal pain, it comes alive with the mere stroke of a pen. If man were to use such abilities with tools greater than the pen, what would this world be like for all those that turn a blind eye to the shadows that surround them at their every turn?

The video focuses in on Ty standing in front of a desolate and damaged church. He holds his hand behind his back, his head his lowered and a crescent moon can be seen hanging low in the sky behind the church. The sound of a raven cawing can be heard in the distance. The Mayhem Championship can be seen hanging from a hook in the wall to one side of him, a lit lantern on the other. Ty raises his head and looks towards the camera.

For so long the Autumn nights have peaked my interest. While the colors and festivities are bright and wondrous, Autumn also has a cold, unforgiving side. You see, while the young and naive are out enjoying the brisk evenings, those that have seen the true evils of these nights are busy toiling away, ready for the grand celebration of Samhain. The night where darkness and the shadows are fully embraced even by the common man, the night where those that are fully entwined with the shadows grow strongest. Even now, I feel myself becoming more powerful as the nights grow longer.

He closes his eyes and leans his head back, taking a deep breath before exhaling slowly. He then reaches over and slides the Mayhem Championship off the hook, resting it on his shoulder.

It is such bad timing on your end Rush to have to face me here and now, for I feel like making a proper sacrifice to the Dark Spirits that raise me up during this time, and Vance Bateman has fed you to me. Do not be angered at me for what I will do to you at Ascension, be angry with the sniveling worm Bateman that sits in his office, quivering, believing he has actual power to do anything in WZCW. What he fails to realize is all I do is pull the strings. The marionette strings have been sewn into each and every one of you, it is merely at my discretion what scene you puppets will enact for my amusement. And when I feel the time is right, your strings will be snipped, leaving you cold and ravaged by your own insignificant egos and intentions. None of you ever see the big picture, what is right in front of you, the despair and ruin you all fear.

Ty grabs the lantern and makes his way into the church, the camera following. Inside are pews, broken into pieces, stained glass shards scattered across the ground, and shredded books/bibles strewn all over. Ty makes his way to the Altar, but instead of a cross, there is a large silk scroll of a black and red Chaos symbol covering the back wall. On the Altar sits the Ouija Scroll and a large chalice of red liquid. Ty lowers the lantern onto the Altar and opens the Ouija Scroll. He takes the chalice and raises it up briefly before pouring the red liquid over the Ouija Scroll. The liquid trickles down, surrounding specific letters as Ty suddenly flashes a wicked smile.

As I expected, for all those that believe good can triumph over evil, a dark secret will be revealed in due time. Rush, you are simply outmatched at Ascension. You think walking into this match is more than a Mayhem Rules match, but I will show you that it is much much more than that. You have fought quite impressively against your previous opponents, however you have not met someone like me personally. The tag match on Meltdown last week, how did that feel watching on, desperately trying to stop the inevitable as I choked out the partner Fate had chosen for you? And now, the question is, how does it feel knowing the inevitable will happen at Ascension? What will you do to stop Fate from cruelly giving you no regard, allowing me to stand over your broken body, still the Mayhem Champion?

Ty raises the Ouija Scroll as the red liquid begins dripping down onto the Altar as his voice deepens.

The Ouija has spoken Rush! You know that your failure will only to seclusion and the haunted feeling you had when your own brother, your own flesh and blood, turned on you. And for what Rush? Why did he turn on you? Was it envy, materialism, why did he decide to turn his back on someone so close to him? That doubt still clouds your mind Rush, and perhaps it is time someone crushes that doubt, and make you become stronger. I can be the person that does that Rush, but a fair warning, I am not one to sit and take notes while you breakdown, no Rush, I am the one that will break you down in every possible way. The baptism by fire will begin at Ascension, as first your body will be broken, your will and your mind will be shattered immediately after. So now it is up to you Rush, will you continue to hide away in seclusion, allow the events of the past to eat away at your pride, eventually leaving you with nothing. Or can you stand up and prove to yourself that you are worthy of defeating those demons?

Ty lowers the Ouija Scroll and stares dead into the camera, the lantern light beginning to wane. His irises turn red as the smile from his face disappears.

As far as that pathetic worm David Cougar, his anxiety and paranoia will be his undoing, perhaps it is karma finally catching up to his boisterous and outlandish claims of dominance over me. I have far more important issues to deal with then listen or worry about him accusing me of kidnapping Celeste, or tying him up during his WZCW Title match at All Or Nothing. I have proved my innocence to the insolent police, and above all, the constant questioning by that annoying pest Myles. Cougar, I suggest you distance yourself from the hand that feeds you, if I have my way there will no longer be a hand there for you. I must say however Cougar, that your latest attempt at a talk show was mildly entertaining, it's good to see that your talk about not fearing anything has finally shown to be a farce. Now Cougar, at Ascension we are both scheduled to be there, I want you to watch closely as I dissect that overgrown bull Rush, and I want to take notes on how your punishment for your transgressions will play out.

The light on the lantern finally gives out, leaving the church in darkness, except for the faint light from the crescent moon.

Our final meeting will come Cougar, I can promise you that. But I have further goals to reach before I deal with you. As for you Rush, you will not take away this talisman of Chaos off my shoulders, no, rather I will instill in you the true feeling of Chaos and Mayhem.

The wind picks up suddenly, and clouds cover up the crescent moon leaving the screen totally black.

Chaos burns in all of us.
Yet some of you deny its allure.
I will be the one to bring out your insanity
and pull the strings tighter around your neck
The play has reached a crescendo,
the actors downfall is soon to come.

Suddenly static cuts through the feed, getting increasingly louder before the feed cuts out once more.
The doors to the arena have yet to be open to the general public. Only WZCW wrestlers, management and backstage crew have gained access to the building for tonight’s wrestling event.

The ring has been properly set up in the middle of the open floor, surrounded by thousands for folding chairs for the fans lucky enough to be that close to the action. Metal barricades have been constructed to protect both the wrestlers and the fans. The entrance ramp has been erected and the lights have been hung over the ring.

Inside the ring, there are two director chairs set up beside each other. One chair holds Leon Kensworth, while Rush fills the other with his massive frame. In front of the chairs is a solitary camera mounted on top of a tripod. A camera man peers though the lens and sets up the shot. Leon on the left, Rush on the right surrounded by the backdrop of empty blue plastic arena chairs.

Camera Man: Mr. Kensworth. I’m ready to start recording whenever you are.

Leon and Rush straighten up in their respective chairs and perform one last check of the mics that have been clipped to the shirts.

Leon Kensworth: OK, thank you. He looks at Rush. Ready?

Rush gives Leon a smile nod. I’m ready whenever you are.

Leon Kensworth: First of all Rush, I want to say thank you for allowing me to have this exclusive sit down interview with you.

Rush: No worries Leon, anytime.

Leon Kensworth: Let’s start from the beginning. You have been here in WZCW for only a couple of months now, but you have quickly become a big hit with the fans and are one of the fastest rising stars in WZCW. How has your time been here?

Rush: So far so good Leon. Everything is going just as I had hoped they would. The fans have been nothing but good to me since I arrived here so I just go out and try to return the favor to them in the ring.

Leon Kensworth: You have only been pinned once since you arrived in WZCW, that of course being to Celeste Crimson in your very first match. More recently, you pinned her at All or Nothing. What’s next between you two?

Rush: Every time I step into the ring with Celeste, I have what I consider some of the best matches of my whole career. I have done everything that I could within the tag-team division in a past life. When I got to WZCW, I began a new chapter in my life as a singles wrestler. I have set out to silence doubt that is surrounds me when it comes to if I can get the job done by myself. I belief that so far I have been showing that I am the real deal in wrestling and I can operate alone. Celeste, whether it was her intensions or now, has helped me prove that.

I can only speak for myself, and I know that Celeste seems to have a lot on her plate at the moment, but I would love to go one on one with her again to see who’s star shines the brightest.

Leon Kensworth: Speaking of your “past life” as you call it, what can you tell me about that?

Rush: What’s done is done Leon. Let’s just say it’s a lot easier to watch just one back then there is watching two. I have been done with tag-team wrestling for a while. Obsidius unfortunately found that out last week on Meltdown where I physically showed up for the match, but mentally I was no where near the ring.

Leon Kensworth: This week you will be making your debut on Ascension facing Ty Burna for his Mayhem Championship. What are your thoughts about that?

Rush: Apparently Leon, there seems to be a battle being waged here in WZCW.

Leon Kensworth: You mean between Titus and the rWo?

Rush: Not at all Leon. To be honest I don’t care about the rWo’s self-righteous cleansing of the WZCW. Until they get me involved, I’m putting my focus elsewhere. I’m sure they don’t want to bite off more then they can chew so I’m confident that they will take their fight elsewhere.

Leon Kensworth: Then I’m confused Rush, what battle are you referring too?

Rush: The fight between good and evil. The war between light and darkness that seems Ty Burna is trying to descend upon here. This war is in the early stages and at Ascension I get the opportunity to put an end to it before it really begins.

Leon Kensworth: It almost sounds like you are overlooking Ty.

Rush: Leon, The only person I overlook around here will be Mr. Baller. Both Leon and Rush smile and share a small chuckle. Ty and I started in this company at the same time. And out of the two of us, he is the only one to have the touch of gold around his waist. And not only that, he’s had it twice.

I’m no spring chicken when it comes to the wrestling game. I have wrestled all over the world and done things in the ring that have never been seen before. That being said, I didn’t want to walk into a Heavyweight Championship match on day one. I’ve said since I got here that I wanted start at the bottom and fight for my way up and that’s exactly what I have been doing and what I will continue to do by winning the Mayhem champion.

There are too many things riding on this match for me to even consider overlooking Ty Burna. But this title is only the small picture.

Leon Kensworth: What is the larger picture going into this match? [/color

Rush: Saving WZCW from the darkness that is Ty Burna.

Leon Kensworth: This will be your first match under Mayhem Rules. How will your preparation for this match differ from your past matches?

Rush: Well as tempting as it is, I can’t just go around hitting people in the heads with trash cans… even though Trevor Steele has been begging me to all week.

Leon begins to chuckle before he quickly realizes that Rush wasn’t joking.

Rush: I’m what many have called a renaissance man in the wrestling world. There really isn’t anything that I can’t go really well, and that included hardcore matches. I’ve had my fair share of brutal matches, I’ve lost a good amount of blood and have had countless stitches. Everything that Ty Burna is capable of bringing; I am capable and willing to take. Anything for the greater good Leon.

Leon Kensworth: Again Rush I would like you thank you for taking the time to do this interview and all the best this week on Ascension. Any last words for your opponent?

Rush: Recently I made the self discovery that I am in control of my own destiny. Only I can control the path that I walk. Ty Burna has yet to forge his own path. He is too heavily dependant on a simple board game to see that only Ty Burna is in control of Ty Burna.

This week on Ascension, Ty Burna I promise that you will feel the mayhem and you will a rush that you have never, ever experienced before. And just like the light against your darkness, I will overcome.
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