AS5 - Milenko/Obsidius vs. Kyle Christensen/Marcus Chambers

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Despite the loss on his return from suspension, Milenko looks to make an impact once again by teaming up with Obsidius to take on the team of Kyle Christensen and Marcus Chambers. Will either team make a strong statement towards the Tag Team Champions this week?

RP Deadline is Tuesday October 20th, 23:59 EST.
The Camera turns on and we see Cory sitting in the waiting room of a shrink's office. It's obvious he's uncomfortable and doesn't want to be there but before he can get up and leaves the receptionist calls his name and tells him he can go into the Doctor's office. Cory gets up and slowly walks into the inner office. He looks around a notices the doctor sitting behind a desk sitting in a plush chair with another one on the other side of it. The Doctor looks up from is paperwork to see Cory standing there. They stare at each other for a bit before the doctor tells him to sit down.

Dr.:Hello Cory I'm Dr. Brooks. You came to see me because WZCW management told you to come talk to me. You've had one match since you got back from suspension and you lost that pretty quickly

Cory just sits there the entire time staring at the doctor not saying anything for a little while.

Cory: To be honest with you Doc I have a hard time opening up to anyone every since I was living on my own when i was 13 I had to rely on myself for everything.

Dr. Brooks nods his head while chewing on his pencil.

Dr. Brooks: Lets start with that, why were you on your own at such a young age?

Cory stirs uncomfortably in his chair before he answers.

Cory: My mother was out late one night and someone decided to beat and rape her. Nine months later I was born. My Step-father couldn't handle the fact that his wife was raped and because he couldn't take it out on the guy that did it he took it out on the person who reminded him of it every day, me. I got beat, locked in a closet under the stairs and routinely starved. I had 2 brothers who spent most of their time out of the house so they were never there to help me. As for my mother she never stopped it because deep down i know she felt the same way he did.

Dr. Brooks looks so surprised and disgusted but keeps his professionalism as he talks.

Dr. Brooks: And this went on until you ran away when you were 13? How come you didn't go to an authority figure or a teacher something along those lines?

Cory gives a small self deprecating laugh as he answers.

Cory: I never went to public school, I was "home-schooled". By the time i was 13 I had enough so I left and never looked back.

Dr. Brooks wrote notes down on a piece of paper for a few minutes while Cory sat in the chair feeling very uncomfortable.

Dr. Brooks: OK Cory let's fast forward a bit and talk about why you joined the WZCW Roster.

Cory answers without looking at the Doctor like he is ashamed of what he is saying.

Cory: I joined for revenge. When I learned my brother Alex joined I just lost it, I wanted to make him feel the pain I was dealing with my entire life up to that point. I messed with his head for weeks before I destroyed him at Kingdom Come in a Juggalo Death Match. After that Alex left WZCW and I was just there. I won the Mayhem title beating Eric Derf and beat Grand Mystique to retain my title. Then I faced Drake Callahan and everything went down hill.

Dr. Brooks writes more notes and Cory sits their quietly waiting for him to say something.

Dr Brooks: What do you mean when you say everything went down hill?

Cory sighs as he looks up and answers.

Cory: I lost and kept on losing. The numerous rematches I got for the Mayhem title and every other match I was in. No matter who I faced I always lost and i couldn't stand it. Finally it got to the point where management suspended me and when I came back I lost another match!

Dr. Brooks Writes down a few more notes and then looks them over for a few minutes before he starts talking again.

Dr. Brooks: Cory I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that because of the Abuse and Trauma you suffered as a child you have what is called Multiple Personality Disorder. When things get tough and hard for you to handle This other personality, Milenko, takes over and does what you can't. The reason you've been losing all your matches over the last couple of months is because you were fighting with Milenko as much as with your opponents.

Cory sits their in silence as Dr. Brooks tells him he has a serious Mental Disorder.

Dr. Brooks: And now for the good news. The fact that you are sitting here talking to me makes me think that you are fine. All you need to do is take this medication and you will be fine.

Dr. Brooks takes out his prescription pad and writes a prescription which he gives to Cory as he gets up from the chair.

Cory: Dr. Brooks I just wanted to thank you for everything.

Sometime later, at the WZCW corporate office building…
Obsidius is shown just getting off of the elevator. His cell phone buzzes, but he decides not to answer it, shoving it back into his pocket. He steps into the lobby, where he spots Milenko reading a magazine near the front door.

”Hey, Morales…” he whispers, looking up from the page.

”You talking to me?” replying, reaching in his jacket pocket.

”Yeah, wanted to run something by you.”

”Who are…”

”Cory Bowen.” Milenko states as Morales takes out a tootsie pop unwraps it and puts it in his mouth, ”I wanted to get together with you on your wrestling.”

”Yeah,” (hesitantly) ”trying to cut back on cigars. Now you said my wrestl…

”Yeah, yeah... your technique is all wrong, that’s why you’re losing key matches.” interrupting him again ”You’re in luck… it so happens that I need a tag partner, and you need to get some wins behind you. Now, you’re good, but I can make you better. I may not have been winning matches lately but I've been around the block a few times and I know things work around here.”

”And how do you propose to make my… technique, as you say, better? By tagging with you, I’m just supposed to magically improve my skills? You haven't even won a match in over 2 months, how am I supposed to take you seriously?”

”Well let's just say I've changed since my suspension a month ago Cory stirs uncomfortably and quickly takes a bottle out of his bag and pops 2 pills, you know you’re not as bad as some of the boys in the locker room say you are.”

”So, since you seem to have all this in hand, who are our first opponents?” Morales scoffs, looking out of the lobby doors, into the parking lot.

Well, I just got back from the Doc… forget it, it doesn’t matter. We’ve got Christensen and Chambers.”

”You got us a match with those two?” Morales chuckles.

”It doesn’t matter!” Cory says with passion in his voice, ”With the two of us on the same team there is no way we can lose”

”Ooookaaay…” Morales says cautiously, ”I'm still a little nervous about teaming with you but I'm willing to give it a shot. Now about this team of ours”

”Oh, we’ve got time to work out the details.” Cory replies, placing his arm around his new tag team partner’s shoulder. ”Right now, we need to train. Get some communication established in the ring.”

”Well, I just came in to finalize a few things, but I’ve got a gym across town…”

”Great, let me grab my bag!” opening the lobby doors, for them to walk through. ”We can talk strategy along the way… like for example, did you know that Chambers drags his left foot just before he’s about to throw a punch?

”Really?” Morales asks, shocked.

”Oh, that’s not all! Did I anyone ever tell you about the time that Christensen…” (whispering).

The camera fades, as the two walk of towards the parking lot, laughing.
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