AS5 - David Cougar vs. Blade

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

With all eyes on the Lethal Lottery, both men are looking to make an impact to give them a boost going into the Pay Per View. No doubt both men are motivated to pick up the win, but will emerge victorious?

RP Deadline is Tuesday October 20th, 23:59 EST.
Blade is wandering around arena which is hosting the latest WZCW Ascension episode wearing his usual attire. He crosses paths with Leon Kensworth, who's holding a mic, gathering interviews.

Leon:Hey Blade, what's up?

Blade shoulders Leon and keeps walking as if he didn't notice anything.

Leon: What's wrong with you?

Blade stops, raises his head, and slowly turns around, wearing a tired expression on his face. He takes off his shades.

Blade: Me and my destiny aren't on good terms at the moment.

Leon looks at Blade like he has three heads.

Blade: First, David Cougar loses his title mere weeks before I face him. Then Karnage comes so close to winning the world title mere weeks before the match I will inevitably have with him. I mean, come on!

Leon: What are you talking about Blade?

Blade: My stupid destiny keeps screwing me out of title shots!

The crowd cheers and laughs. Blade, looks up and grins.

Blade: Ah, my people...

The crowd goes crazy.

Leon: Well, Blade...

Blade shoots an offended look at Leon

Blade: Was I talking to you? Are you one of my people? I'd be embarrassed if you were. Look at you, you look like you should be selling encyclopedias door to door. Don't interrupt me while I'm addressing the masses.

Blade looks up, looks puzzled then looks down again.

Blade: Are you happy? I forgot what I was gonna say.

Blade looks up again, listening to the crowd cheer.

Blade: Should I get rid of this moron?

Leon, suddenly looking alarmed, looks up and shakes his head in a frantic manner. Blade looks at Leon and smirks as the crowd cheer wildly.

Blade: Y'know what, your haircut looks like it costs two dollars, so here's a fiver. I'll look after the mic, just get lost for a while. Can't have you breathing near me while I talk to my opponent.

Leon's head droops, as he slowly wanders off.

Blade: I want change, too!

Blade turns back to the camera and smirks.

Blade: Hey Cougar... You. Are going. To lose. I know what you're thinking, who am I to say that to you? You're Showtime! One of the best Mayhem champions ever. Actually you weren't that great, but whatever... My confidence isn't coming from my opinion of my own ability... Quite the opposite, it comes from your opinion of your ability. Think about those who I've beaten. Celeste, Murfish, Baller.... Do you see something they all have in common? That's right, they all thought I'd be easy to beat, that I'd be a walk in the park... And, funny thing is, they all lost. Crazy, huh? So go ahead and do your witty little speech about how I pretend to be good when I'm really not and how you'll wipe the floor with me. I won't be listening, I'll have fallen asleep from boredom, so go nuts! Just keep in mind this... Last week, I came closer to beating a main eventer than you have in your entire career. I can take you down, Cougar.

Blade closes his eyes, and lets out a deep sigh. He his eyes snap open again. The crowd listen intently.

Blade: Baller, you're not even worth my time anymore. You can't even beat people less talented than me. So I'm gonna say leave me alone for good, or I will humiliate you.
Hmmm... I have a feeling I'm forgetting someone... Someone who I was supposed to address...

Blade looks around, thinking. He spots a young boy crying to his mother about how the ice cream she bought him is too small as they look for the main area of the arena.

Blade: Oh yeah, Karnage!

Blade grins and looks back at the camera as the crowd laugh.

Blade: Well Karnage... We are moving closer and closer to our inevitable showdown. The showdown that's been 3 months in the making. And every week, every time I see you in the ring, I look forward more and more to our match. Because every week, every time I see you in the ring, you show me one more weakness, one more flaw that I can take advantage of. Last week you showed me that while you can dominate opponents, you're so easily outsmarted. Whether someone gets you while your back is turned or they simply distract with something shiny, it's a flaw you will never be able to fix. And I'll make sure that it causes your downfall....

The scene fades.
Backstage at WZCW studios we see Showtime David Cougar standing alone in dressing room waiting to begin his first episode of The Show since before All or Nothing. He still looks suspiciously nervous and routinely looks around the room as if waiting for someone. Finally the door opens and Chuck Myers enters.

Myers: Hello David, glad to see you back at the studio. I tell you the place just isn't as busy around were without you. Your band leader is a fine replacement for a few shows, but damnit every joke is followed by a drum string.

Cougar: Don't worry Mr Myers, it feels good to finally get back into things. Last Meltdown went really well for me. I easily demolished that over rated loud mouth Marcus and showed my viewers that my entry into WZCW main event is not something that can just be tied down. Oh and sorry about your windshield by the way.

Don't worry about it, that egotistical windbag has had it coming to him. To tell you the truth I've been looking for a reason to withhold his pay cheque since he's been coming into my office every week claiming about racial prejudice holding him back or some load of crap. Besides it looked really good on camera hey.

Oh it did sir, you'll see. Now before I go out there, your one hundred percent sure that Ty is not here in this building?

Dave, I just talked to Serafina fifteen minutes ago. Her and Ty are already at the site of Meltdown 30, many many miles away, so there is no way that he will possibly be able to interrupt your show.

I know sir, I'm just really nervous... about the show. There has been a lot of bizarre occurrences happening lately in WZCW and I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong. Celeste hasn't been seen from in quite some time and I have a good hunch that Ty has something to do with it. Couple the fact that Ty seems to have a personal vendetta against me makes me quite worried he might try something at any moment.

Dave, we've been through this before with Leon, the police are looking into it and she will be found. As for Ty, we have questioned him and his alibis have all checked out. Now let's not worry about Ty anymore, let's focus on your show. Tonight we're going to ease you back in. Your guest will be Johnny Klamour tonight and I want you two to talk about your match this week with Blade and your thoughts about AON, stick to wrestling. Let's show these people the confident Showtime David Cougar they know, who's here to tell the mainevent that their big rating superstar has finally arrived.

A smile curls up on David's face. The door opens and the theme music for The Show can be heard.

You got it boss. People are going to remember this show for a long time.

Announcer: And now ladies and gentleman, it's time for The Show. Now here is your host, Showtime David Cougar.

The audience applauds as David makes his way on stage. He waves at the audience, who seem to be relaxing his nerves and building his confidence.

Hello, yes, thank you all for being here. It's good to come back here to all you wonderful viewers after my much needed holidays. Now... wait... what's this?

David looks back to see curtains covering a painting along the back wall.

Now I wonder what this could be. Why don't we pull on this rope to reveal what this could be. What do you all say?

The crowd cheers as David grabs the rope and pulls it down. The curtains fall to reveal a picture of David smashing Marcus Chambers head through the limo windshield from last Meltdown.

Ohh, well Chuck was right, that was a good shot. And the pictures not that bad either.

Audience groans a little as the drummer plays a drum string.

Marty. I heard you made nothing but those kinds of jokes while I was gone and I'm very disappointed.

Marty: I'm sorry Mr. Showtime. I got those joke cards from your drawer marked A-material.

The audience chuckles this time as the drummer does another string.

Very well, now on to the show. Tonight's guest has been here before and if he had a nice pair of boobs, he probably get just a few more interviews. Ladies and gentleman, Johnny Klamour.

Klamour walks out on stage and shakes David's hand. David then leads Klamour to his chair as David takes his seat behind the desk.

Wonderful to have you here Johnny. So what is it that you do for this company seeing as how you average about one interview a week.

I like to think of it as payed flex time. Mostly I've been working more backstage with Vance and Chuck. The young girls can run around and interview all the wrestlers they want. The boys here would much rather stare at their chests than sit down and listen to some real wrestling insight.

Right you are Klamour. You are without doubt the most under-appreciated backstage personal in this company and always welcome to dispense your wisdom on this show.

Thank you, now I want to ask you a few questions about...

ah ah. Johnny. Showtime does not do interviews, not for pretty bombshells, not for old guys who pick up girls at twenty-four hour casino buffets. We are here to talk about wrestling. I'll be the one asking the questions to my guest. Now how do you feel about my match with Blade.

Well Blade had some pretty strong words to say about you. Not my place to comment on whether I support what he says or not, but he strongly believes that we will mop the floor with you.

You know, I used to have a lot of respect for Blade. Coming in I thought he had among the best potential of the many people who have won contracts in this company in the past several months. He didn't care what the fans thought and went out there and performed to the best of his abilities. Then, he started caring about what the fans thought and sold out everything that he claimed he was. He is not a rebel anymore, he's just another class clown desperate to be liked by somebody.

Blade thinks that because the fans like him that he can talk the talk with Showtime and predict exactly what I'm going to say. Blade doesn't know who I am or what I am now capable of. Blade I don't need to tell you the one thousand three ways why I am better than you or why you are no where near in my league, we only have five minutes to talk about our match. No, you seem to think of yourself as a hot knife, a big shot, you want to make this into a dick measuring contest, it's on.

In your time in this company you've beaten the likes of Celeste, Murfish, and Mr. Baller. You've beaten an abducted female wrestler, a recently released superstar and a man who has yet to record a win in this company. Collectively the trio have not won any matches in months and hold a grand total of zero titles in this company. An impressive bunch of losers you have there. Your next claim to fame is surviving a match with Lars Reidar, a main eventer, and something you retort I've never done before. Well excuse me for not being impressed simply by "not being pinned", and no disrespect to Mr. Reidar, Vengeance, Kum Ba Ya, or whatever his name is, but he has NEVER won any titles here in WZCW. My record against main eventers is what it is due to circumstances, circumstances being I've had one match, one match after two I already had that night, where I went into the ring against every man deemed worthy to hold that WZCW belt, and were it not a bizarre twist, I would've showed them all why I'm the Show of this company and walked out of AON champion.

My record you see speaks for itself. I've beaten two former champions in Drake Callahan and Milenko with relative ease in matches that they thrived in. I've pinned the current Elite X champion Zander Young before, and subsequently ended the career of Chief Anoki at Civil Revolution. And what's more, something that is on your mind that you are determined to do. I've beaten your former partner, Criminal Karnage, as well. Let me ask you this Blade, how do you expect to beat a man who's already climbed to the top and conquered the mountain that you are only trying to reach. My record is unmatched by yours, I've beaten among the best that this company has thrown at me, while your success has come from nothing but the scraps. Blade when we walk into our match at Ascension, you'll be bringing a knife to a gun fight, and we all know how the outcome of those fights go. Your name will just be another stepping stone in the rise of this show's true main-event superstar, Showtime David Cougar.

Strong words Show. Now about AON...

Suddenly the lights begin to flicker. And angered look appears on David's face as he grabs Klamour by the collar.

I thought you said that Ty wasn't here.

He's not, honest. I have no idea what's happening.

Show yourself you coward. Come out and face me.

The lights go completely out. They turn back on after a few seconds. The room is empty now except for David. The TV's show grey static and about 1 out of every 5 lights are on, releasing only a dim flicker that leave the room cast is a cold grey light. The entire set of The Show is torn apart and wrecked, as if a bar fight had ensued. David calms himself and takes a seat. As he does the lights go off again, but just as quickly as they went out they come back on and Klamour is now sitting in the chair beside David. His clothes are torn and his face is dead white. Suddenly his eyes open and his pupils are blood red. He talks with a demonic voice.

Did you think it would really be that easy. That you could just turn a blind eye and wish it all away. There is no escape. Your personal life, your professional life. Wherever you go I will always be there watching and laughing.

What is it that you want?

Hehe, I don't want anything except to watch you suffer. What you see before you is what the future holds for you. I could crush you right now, but I enjoy seeing the struggle that you are putting up and the eventual madness that will follow.

That's where you're wrong. I will not falter, and I will defeat you Ty.

Ty? Haha. Ty has more important things to do than crush an insignificant pest like yourself. You can try and fight Ty all you want, but Ty is not the answer. He is but the fixation you have at the moment. The real problem lies deeper and in your pursuit of it, you fall down into the dark pit that will consume your mind and your soul.

I will fight you, and if I die trying so be it. The star of show will not disappear or turn over to the dark side. I won't rest till I expose you to the entire world.

Klamour begins laughing a mocking laughing growing louder and louder. David leaps and grabs him by the collar again, yelling at him to stop laughing.

David... David... David...

David shakes his head and looks around the room. The set of the Show is intact. The people are back in their seats and all lights are back on.

How much time just passed?

Umm ten, no more than fifteen seconds. We've been sitting here the whole time. You must've been just staring off into space.


David gets up and begins to leave the set.

David where are you going?

I have to leave now. Johnny meet me after my match at Ascension, I'll explain more then.
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