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AS47: Runn Reynolds Runn vs. Kings of Hate (Tag Team Titles)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
In a move that has stumped many of the WZCW Universe, Bateman has declared that Runn Reynolds Runn will defend their titles in a tune-up match against the Kings of Hate. Although they lost their chance to compete at KC for the titles, Bateman has given them one last chance to make the card and it is for all the money: take the titles or be left off the card. Can Joe West and Darren Bull be able to find a way to defeat the champions or will RRR continue on to Kingdom Come as the defending champions?

Deadline is Tuesday, April 17th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Ricky is standing in the backstage of a rather large press event that was being held outside the hotel Ricky is staying at. He is wearing his usual attire in a T-Shirt and Jeans. His eyes covered by his sunglasses while backstage hands are buzzing around him. Ricky is standing across a petite Asian girl dressed in a formal suit with glasses to boot. She is holding a smart phone, taking time between looking down at her phone and back at Ricky.

“So whenever I say something, you are going to translate it for me?”

“Yes, Mr.Runn.”

“And I can say anything and you will repeat it, just in Japanese?”

The girl nods her head and says in a nod.

“Yes, Mr.Runn. I will repeat everything you say verbatim.”

Ricky grins and says in wide smile.

“Mr.Runn is a new one, I haven’t heard that one like, ever. Just call me Ricky, that is what my friends call me.”

The girl couldn’t help but smile and look up at Ricky. She puts down her phone and raises her hand to shake.

“Okay, Ricky. My name is Yuki, Yuki Kumiko.”

Ricky gladly takes her hand and shakes it.

“It is awesome to have you aboard. So other than Japanese, how many other languages can you speak? You don’t know how much of a pain international travel is when you have no way of asking a Russian where the bathroom is.”

Yuki smiles a bit more and begins to count on her hands.

“Well I can speak English, Japanese, Polish, German, Spanish, and French very fluently.”

Ricky eye’s open wide at the long list of languages and says with a surprised look on his face.

“Wow…That is quite a lot…Any other useful knowledge you have off the top of your head?”


Before Yuki could speak, Ricky’s music plays loudly at the entrance to a luxurious hotel in Japan. A stage was set up with a giant T.V Screen to let fans that can’t get a good few of Ricky to see what is happening. Speakers were also set up to ensure everyone in attendance can hear everything. A few thousand Japanese turn to the booth to watch Ricky give his announcement to the fans. Yuki then sighs and says over the music.

“Looks like they need you out there knock them out. I will be right behind you.”

Ricky nods and pops his neck. He walks out of the curtain and looks out to the waves of fans, now at their attention. They begin to cheer his name loudly, he smiles and waves back to the fans. Before he sat down at the desk to speak, Ricky grabs his tag team title belt and raises it high, and then screams loudly.

“Konnichiha, Japan!”

The crowd then begins louder cheers Ricky then calms down and sits down at the table. He places his tag title in front of him. Yuki then makes her way to the press table and sits down next to Ricky. Ricky leans forward on the table as he gazes out to the crowd. Ricky then pronounces into the microphone.

“Hello hello, damn. It really is an honor to be here tonight. I always wanted to visit Japan!”

Yuki than spoke after Ricky, resaying every word in her native tongue, her eyes focused on the paperwork that was laid down in front of the desk. Despite being a translator, she was still nervous of big crowds. But at least she is not the center of attention.

“Now on Aftershock, Reynolds and I opened up the show. Hoping to give the fans a huge announcement, this is news we have wanted to share for the longest time now. But it seems anytime we want to spill the beans, we get clowns like the Sons of Destiny trying to muddle in.”

The screen above Ricky begins to play footage from Aftershock. The crowd cheers after the scene shows Runn and Reynolds hitting their finisher on Hammond.

“As you can see, Reynolds and I don’t clown around when it comes to making sure you guys get your monies worth. And did you guys enjoy us sending Hammond to the ER?”

Ricky looks out to the crowd with a slightly nervous smile as they didn’t react to him. But after Yuki translated, the crowd erupted in cheers. Ricky sighed in relief and wipes his brow. He looks over to Yuki with a smile and then turns back to the crowd.

“Well guys, before we were rudely interrupted by the Clowns of Destiny. We wanted to announce our stipulation for Kingdom Come!”

The crowd gets excited from hearing “Kingdom Come” the crowd then cheered louder to Yuki’s translation.

Ricky smiles and says loudly.

“Does Japan want to hear our stipulation for Kingdom Come!? “

The crowd explodes in reaction to Ricky words.

“I can’t hear you…Does Japan want to be the first to hear the stipulation for Kingdom Come!?”

Ricky looks over to Yuki and gives her a encouraging smile. He leans over and whisper to her.

“Have fun with it, the crowd here love us. Don’t be afraid to get loud.”

Yuki let out a nervous giggle and then said a bit louder, but with a hint of nervousness.

Ricky smiles and places both his hand on the table and shouts loudly.

“There we go! That is the energy I crave! That is the energy that powers the RRR express! At Kingdom Come, the Triple Threat Tag match between Strikeforce, B.L.T, and of course, your Tag Team Champions, Runn Reynolds Runn will be a~”

Ricky stops for dramatic silence. He waits for Yuki to finish translating as the crowd is deafly silent, waiting for Ricky’s words.




Once Yuki translated Chairs, the crowd absolutely imploded with cheers. Ricky grins at the frenzy he set the crowd with his announcement. Once they simmered down, Ricky continues.

“As many of you know, at All or Nothing, Austin Reynolds and I faced unfavorable odds in a match that almost everyone thought we would lose. We weren’t allowed to use our highflying moves, and we had to make two submission experts tap out. We had to play their game in order to win, Mind over Matter, they designed the match so it would completely bore the fans. They wanted to get rid of Runn Reynolds Runn and move on. But we didn’t take no for an answer. We bit down, put our backs to the wall, and this glorious moment happened. "

Ricky then points up to the screen as a still photo of Austin and Ricky celebrating in the middle of the ring after their win at All or Nothing. The crowd gives Ricky applause and continues.

“We defied the odds, took caution to the wind. And gave you guys the best damn match we could. Why does this little history lesson matter to Kingdom Come you ask? Well because Reynolds and I are not Mind Over Matter. We are better than that, we want a match that will put the crowd on the edge of their seats. We want a match that will steal the show and be a staple in the WZCW Tag Team Division. We want a match that will prove that Runn Reynolds Runn is the best Tag Team, ever. No exceptions. We only want the best, the best for the division, the best for the company, and the best for all of our opponents. Everyone has a chance to grab the gold. Imagine that, Stormrage and The Beard battling at the top of a ladder? Not a good sight for anyone under them, that’s for sure.”

While Yuki translates, Ricky stands and begins to wobble, his hands extended out to imitate Beards and Stormrage’s rather large statures. Yuki broke up in giggles during her translation while she watches Ricky. Ricky gave a hardy laugh to the mic. He then puts on a more serious face and goes back to addressing the fans.

“Well that is if Reynolds and I make it to Kingdom Come. This week on Ascension, we are in a matchup against Darren Bull and Joe West, the Kings of Hate for the Tag Team Titles.”

The crowd begins to boo when Ricky says the Kings of Hate. A translation wasn’t needed to understand how much the crowd couldn’t care for the Kings of Hate. Footage then begins to play on the giant screen showing Joe West being rolled up in a pin by T.L.T. The crowd cheers at the footage as Ricky puts on a surprised face.

“Now Austin and I are fighting champions, we want to prove that we deserve to keep these belts on our shoulders, week in, week out. And luckily for us, and for the Kings, Bateman felt the same way. Ascension will just be another highlight reel of Runn Reynolds Runn. Another night to prove we are the best tag team WZCW can offer. Hell, the best tag team that the world can offer! We won't back down from a challenge. And that is what I am hoping the Kings can give us. A challenge! ”

The crowd now begin to boo the Kings of Hate Not afraid in showing Ricky how they feel about this matchup.

“Now now, Japan. Just because they’re not the most winningest team, or the most dominant team, or the most high-flying team, or the strongest team, or the more technically sound team, or the…Can their anything that can be said about these two?”

Ricky shrugs his shoulders to further express his cluelessness on ways to worry himself for the Kings. Once Yuki finished, Ricky continues.

“Now these two were in a place where I was when I debuted in WZCW. Young, dumb, full of potential, but more importantly, looking for anyway to break away and become a big star here in WZCW. And like me, they saw the Tag Team Division as the means to do that. But there is one thing that separates me from West and Bull. When I saw my opening, when I saw that moment, I took it I threw caution to the wind and did everything I could to make it happen. Every match, win or lose, I would grow from it, I only became better. Even today, I still strive forward with nothing but the thought of improving on my mind. And as a result, everything I am involved with has improved. The Tag Team Division has never been better, Austin Reynolds has a breath of fresh air in his career. And I have been enjoying it all, my highs, and my lows.”

The crowd cheers for Ricky as he enters a more emotional moment in his press event. Ricky removes his sunglasses to show his bright, blue eyes and continues.

“Now the Kings of Hate have a ton of ability to do the same. But they are too busy at each other’s throats to see that. How can you be a tag team when you can’t stand the sight of your partner? How do you expect your partner to have your back when you are worried about the next insult they have for each other? When Reynolds and I started as a team, sure we had our bouts. But who wouldn’t in our position? Reynolds put me, a rookie under his wing and trained me. He protected me, and he believed in me. He believed I can be his partner and win the titles with him. In my young life, I never had enough people believe in me. I rarely had anyone who would dust me off after a bad night and got me ready for the next one. It is something you can’t ever replicate or duplicate this…This trust Austin and I share. It is the main reason why we are champions. And it is the reason why teams like Mind Over Matter and Kings of Hate fail. They don’t trust each other, they can’t trust each other.”

Ricky looks out to the cheering crowd. He looks over to Yuki and sees she is stressing to keep up with him. He grabs his water bottle and signifies she can take a breather if she needs to. She shakes her head and looks back to the crowd. Ricky smiles at Yuki’s tenacity, he never met anyone who could speak two different languages, let alone keep up with what he is saying.

“And Joe West, this is a guy who obviously has some deep personal issues he tries to hide under this tough guy persona. It bugs he thinks walking shooting insults at any and everyone in the backstage will make him cool or make him untouchable to the rest of us in the locker room? Hell, my Twitter my feed is constantly flooded with West using fourth grade insults on pretty much every Superstar that logs on. It doesn’t make him tough, it doesn’t make him cool, it just makes him annoying. He gives everyone he tweets a reason to beat him, and which they do in fine fashion. And his buddy Darren Bull isn’t any better. At first, he walked around the back, thinking his flashy smile and his money would put him in the good graces in the locker room. He didn’t know he would have to earn his spot by being able to back up his strut in the backstage with his ring-work. But he has failed numerous times to impress anybody. And once Bull realized that, he fell into the same antics as his buddy, West. His twitter account has caused more facepalm’s than this cheesy metaphor. “

The crowd laughs after Yuki translated what Ricky said. Ricky smiles and continues.

“Now, I am no humble guy by any means. I am proud of what I have done in this business. I am more than happy to shout at the top of my lungs Reynolds and I beat Saxton and Saboteur on Meltdown. I am proud enough to get in the face of guys like Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast and hold my title high after beating them, fair and square in the ring. It is who I am. But it is something I have been able to do because I can back it up. The Queens of Hate can continue to type away on Twitter or walk around the back without a single ounce of class to others around them as much as they like. But they will need to learn how to back it up if they plan on taking the titles away from Runn Reynolds Runn. While they’re at it, they will have to learn how to work as a team. And after learning how to work as a team, they can take a few moments to see how stupid it is that two of the biggest jobbers in the business walk around as if the World Titles are hanging around their shoulders. Clowns like these couldn’t make the cut beating the Shaolin Jacks, or B.L.T it bugs me to no end that the brass think the Kings deserve a title shot.”

The crowd cheers loudly at Ricky’s words. Suddenly, an agent walks up to Ricky and whispers in his ear that his time is up at the press event. Ricky nods his head and says with a sad look.

“Oh my, look at the time. Well, Japan, it looks like this press event might be over, but I’m not leaving Japan until Ascension. I will be exploring the Country and seeing the sights. If you’re down for autographs and photos, bring your cameras and bring your Markers. I’m here all week! “

After Yuki translates, Ricky music begins to play. He then climbs up to the table and holds his title and says loudly.

“Gracias, Japan!”

The crowd laughs at Ricky’s enthusiasm, even if he didn’t use Japanese to thank them for showing up. Ricky climbs off the table and leaves to the back of the curtain. Ricky smiles and makes his way to a quiet part of the hotel. He rests against a wall and takes in the silence. The Daredevil might enjoy adrenaline and the roar of the crowd. But nothing helps put his mind to ease then silence. Rachael appears suddenly in front of Ricky.

“Wow Ricky, you kicked ass back there, you had the crowd eating out of your hands.”

Ricky gasps and takes a deep breath and looks down the halls of the hotel. He then took out his phone and held it up to his head. Just to make sure no one thought he was speaking to himself.

“You know you got to quit jumping in like this. It still scares the hell out of me.”

Rachael giggles and moves to sit next to Ricky.

“Well it is not like I get to choose where I pop up, I just do. Soooooo.”

Ricky looks over to Rachael and says curiously.

“Sooo what?”

Rachael grins deviously and says with a smirk.

“Who was that little cutie that was translating for you?”

Ricky rolls his eyes and says with a gentle smile.

“She was my translator. Nothing else to it, okay? “

Rachael giggles and says with a smirk.

“You always have a thing for smart girls.”

Rick smiles and says with a sigh.

“That I do, that I do.”

There is a long silence between the two before Rachael spoke up again.

“Have you had any dreams since last week, any involving Reynolds?”

Ricky sighs and wipes his face and says defensively.

“Are we really getting into this again?”

Rachael rolls her eyes and replies.

“Well Ricky, you know I only want what is best for you. And getting betrayed at Kingdom Come is something you can do without. Or what if he betrays you at Ascension?”

“Rachael, Austin isn’t going to betray me, period. We are going to beat the Queens and we are going to go to Kingdom Come where we will steal the show.”

Rachael sighs sadly and sits next to Ricky and says in concerning fashion.

“Ricky…What if Austin is the only thing holding you back from winning the world title?”

Ricky cocks his head and says disgusted.

“Rachael, I am a cocky son of a gun. But I don’t think Austin is holding me back from winning a world title.”

Rachael leans and says softly.

“Think back to the Lethal Lottery. You were absolutely on fire right out of the gate. You could have easily outlast everyone. But you had to get the win for your tag title match at Lethal Lottery. And where was Austin? He didn’t save you from elimination. Think about it Ricky, Austin is slowing down, his mileage is starting to show. You need to break out before Austin buries your career.”

Ricky snarls his teeth and stands up, now upset and begins walking back to his hotel room.

“I can’t believe you’re being serious, Rachael. That is…Why would you…I’m out of here.”

Ricky then walks off from the hotel hallway. He goes to the elevator. Once inside the elevator and the doors close, Ricky takes in a deep sigh. Could he ever betray Austin, and spit in the face of everything he stands for all at a chance at glory? Rachael was right about one thing though. Ricky was not at 100 percent for Lethal Lottery like most of the participants were. And if he didn’t have a match beforehand, he could have won the whole damn thing. That could have been big for Ricky. Wait, what is saying? Austin has been there for Ricky since day one, hell. He wouldn’t have been in Lethal Lottery if it wasn’t for Austin. Ricky couldn’t betray Austin, could he?
Leon Kensworth yawns as he looks out of the window of the suite. The flight out had caught up with him but coming to London was a trip that he would never turn down, no matter how brief it is.

“Where the hell is he then? This was supposed to start at eleven!”

Johnny Klamor shouts as he enters the room. He also looks worn out but he bustles about in his own way before taking a seat in the front row. Leon rubs his eyes and takes his seat a couple of rows further back just as Austin Reynolds emerges from behind them all. He strolls to the front and stands behind a plinth on a raised platform.

“There is a very special reason why I have asked you here today. As you all know, Ricky Runn and I are in one of the headline matches at Kingdom Come. A triple threat tag team match. A match that traditionally appears directly before the main event of the evening. It’s only right that when the tag division is thriving like it is now, that we have a spectacular match to go alongside it. We have the talent in the division to have one of the best matches ever.”

He leans each hand on a plinth that contains a handful of tape recorders and mics. Behind Austin is a board full of WZCW logos, including the one for Kingdom Come IV.

“But first I would like to thank my tag team partner and one of my best friends. Ricky has represented the single biggest investment that I have made in wrestling in the last twelve months and as WZCW Tag Team Champions, we are reaping the benefits.”

“Hurry up Austin, we got a plane to catch!”

Johnny Klamor, front and centre, inimitable and impatient.

“OK Johnny, keep your wig on. Runn Reynolds Runn will be defending our tag team titles in.....”

Klamor snorts and interrupts him.

“Hey, wait now. That’s assuming an awful lot on your part isn’t it?”


“Of course I’m serious, I’m Johnny Klamor, I don’t joke!”

Austin smiles politely.

“So you think we will lose to the Kings of Hate?”

“I think you need to take them a lot more seriously than you currently are.”

Austin stands back a little before addressing the stand again.

“Johnny I learnt a long time ago to take every opponent seriously. I don’t like being underprepared so I’m more than ready for the Kings of Hate. I’m very aware that Joe West and Darren Bull are probably a lot better than their dismal record suggests. I also think that they are likely to better in a team than they are separately.”

Leon Kensworth stands. Klamor looks at him grudgingly and Austin nods to encourage to speak.

“Both West and Bull have shown immense confidence on Twitter since the match was announced and Ricky has been equally vocal. You seem relatively muted on the matter.”

Austin smirks.

“I’ll do my talking in the ring thanks. Ricky probably won’t appreciate me saying this but he has one thing in common with West and Bull, he can be a loudmouth who speaks before he is able to back it up. But he will back it up, he knows how to get it done and they don’t have the know-how or the experience. When these Princes get a win on pay-per-view or even just a credible win full stop, I might just be impressed. In the meantime, I’ll back it up when I face them from across the ring and I’ll remind them that they are not good enough when they have been knocked out for the three count. Just like Scott Hammond.”

“You enjoyed taking out Hammond didn’t you?”

“Hey, shut up already and let him announce the damn match.”

The tension between the two interviewers is clear.

“There’s something undeniably pleasant about removing a particularly toxic thorn from your side. Hammond isn’t good enough and never was. Putting him out of the picture for good was a nice experience.”

“Austin, I guess you better get on with it.”

“Nah, it’s only Johnny Klamor. Now, how were your flights out to jolly old London Town? Not too jetlagged to stop any sightseeing I hope?”

Klamor storms out of the room, mumbling to himself about how this wasn’t worth a seven hour flight


Klamor stops at the door to the expansive room that the press conference is being held in.

“Triple threat tag team match at Kingdom Come, TLC. First one in company history.”

Klamor hurries back to the crowd of seated journalists, all of whom now seem very interested as a hushed buzz is clearly audible. Austin smiles at the reaction that his revelation has created; even Leon is hurriedly scribbling and texting at the same time. Klamor stands directly in front of Austin.

“I assume this was your idea?”

“Of course, I’m the Ratings Winner and I plan on going to steal the show in Dallas. I went to Bateman who signed off on it. I’ve been assured that even Ty was intrigued by the idea.”

“Presumably because he and I think that you have signed the death warrant to your career.”

Austin chuckles again.

“Because of my neck right? Yeah I’m sure Ty figures that he doesn’t have to worry about me any more once I’m done in this match.”

“Exactly. I mean, Ricky won't be OK with this? You going to leave him high and dry afterwards.”

“Of course he is. I mean, he is up for this. He knows this business is dangerous and the risks involved in this match are potentially career-shortening but the potential for the match is too good. We are risk takers after all so it’s irresistible for us.”

“What about your neck?”

Klamor deliberately steps in front of Leon.

“Specifically, you released a press statement earlier in the year that stated you would be retiring after Kingdom Come to have neck surgery and pursue other interests. You confirmed as much in your Lethal Lottery interview with Seb Cohen.”

“Not that I have to explain myself Johnny but that is on hold.”

“Good on you Austin, backtracking on your word like that. Against medical advice and all.”

“Actually, the doc’s OK with it. He says that if I can protect myself as I would normally, as I have been in recent weeks, then the match can pass without incident.”

“Except it’s not going to pass without incident is it?”

Austin winks charmingly.

“Of course not, it’s Austin Reynolds in a huge match at Kingdom Come. What do you think is going to happen?”
It’s a slightly cloudy day in a suburban part of Chicago. Joe is inside what seems like a very expensive mansion. He’s sitting on the couch in the family room looking through family photo albums. Then suddenly the doorbell rings. Joe gets up to open the door to the disappointed and angry face of Maria carrying a briefcase.

You don’t seem very happy.

Should I be? Once again you lost Joe.

Maria enters the mansion as Joe closes the door behind her.

Thanks for the encouragement Maria, really gets the positive juices flowing.

I’m not here to help your self-esteem Joe. I don’t like being associated with losers. And after what happened on Aftershock you and Darren proved that you were just that.

Maria slams her briefcase onto a table in the living room.

How are you even living in this gigantic place? You’re basically a rookie who has won one match.

Well if you must know my father passed away recently and he left all his possessions to me. He was the president of a very successful corporate company.

Oh…..I’m sorry to hear that. When did he pass?

About a couple of days before my last match I believe.

Why didn’t you tell me?

I thought our relationship was strictly professional.

It is, but if you ever need somebody to talk to….

I don’t need a shoulder to cry on I need a manager, did you call Bull and tell him to get over here?

Yes, I did. He didn’t sound too happy to have to come over here.

Tough luck, if he and I are going to continue being tag partners we need to get on the same page and become a cohesive unit.

Oh I’m glad to see your finally taking some of my advice to heart.

Glad to see you’re almost as much of a smartass as I am.

Maria chuckles slightly

Joe I have to ask, with all the money and possessions you now have, why would you want to be a professional wrestler?

Because it’s what I’ve grown up loving, and while my father is now gone I might as well use his resources to help better my career.

How does your mother feel about this?

My parents were divorced when I was two. My mother could give a damn about my father and honestly so could I. And honestly Maria I don’t feel comfortable talking to you about this, it’s not why I hired you.

It’s technically what you paid me for Joe. I can sense that you’re a mixture of sad and angry and I need to make sure you don’t hurt any of your future competitors due to you losing control of your anger.

Look I am fine, I have tons of money, cars, I could basically buy any women not that I need to because let’s face it I am Joe West.

Sigh, and for a moment there I actually felt sorry for you Joe.

I don’t pay you to know what you feel Maria.

Well you sure as hell don’t pay me for you to lose matches now do you Joe?

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

Can you go get that?

But that’s not what you’re paying for me for.

Clever, very clever.

Joe walks to front door and opens the door to an angry Darren Bull.



Would like to come inside my humble abode?

Not that I want too but I guess we have to talk about our match at some point.

Bull enters as Joe closes the door behind him.

Would you like something to drink Bull?

What? Like that cheap propel garbage? Yeah I think I’m good.

It’s a lot better than drinking alcohol all night and then finding yourself the morning after next to a man.

You know what West! What Bull?!

Screw you Joe, at least I didn’t lose two weeks in a row.

I was the one keeping the match alive F.Y.I

If your definition of alive means down for the three count than oh yeah definitely.

You know what Bull I don’t need this, maybe we should just stop being a tag team.

Oh my god! We get it! You two are so cool with your clever comebacks, your cocky jackasses who hate each other. You both are like a bunch of little kids going back and forth over who wants to ride the swing set. Now Darren Joe invited you over here so you both can finally bury whatever hatchet you two seem to have for each other. Separate you two are nothing but the same damn type of wrestler that comes into the WZCW every day, you don’t stand out. Together you two can make your mark and become successful like teams such as B.I.A or Mind over Matter or even the current tag team champions Runn Reynolds Runn.

How did you know who those people are?

I did my research unlike you two. Now I suggest you do just that over you two are going to continue going nowhere and continue to be laughed and mocked in the WZCW.

West and Bull look over to each other.

You know she’s right Darren.

Whatever, like I’m supposed to forget all the vicious things you’ve said to me.

You've had your own fair share of hurtful words Bull.

Oh look at that, both your feelings are hurt. I thought you were the Dr. of Disrespect Joe, the Best of the West. I thought you were the Destruction Darren, Hollywood rich kid who gets what he wants. Real easy to dish out the pain and verbal abuse but you two losers can’t seem to take any in. Want that to change? Then shake hands right now and stop acting like immature brats.

Maria then storms her way to the kitchen living the guys in the living room and begins to pour herself a glass of wine she got from the cabinet.

God, you know this is the only time I’ve been driven to drink on the job by my clients. I hate you two with a passion and I’ve only known you for a week.

Joe and Darren then begin to get a puzzled look on their faces.

Quite a manager you found there Joe.

Yeah, I heard she was blunt and brash but I guess I had to see it to believe it. You maybe think it’s that time of the month? (Joe mumbles to Darren)

What was that Joe?


Darren begins to chuckle

You know, you’re not that bad of a guy Joe.

Neither are you man, neither are you.

She’s right isn’t she; we’re more alike than we think.

I don’t exactly think we share the same kinds of daddy issues.

You’d be surprised.

What do you mean?

Uh, it’s nothing. Look, let’s just agree to get along for the sake of us hopefully making to Kingdom Come.


West and Bull then knuckle touch.

Maria comes back into the room with the bottle of wine in one hand, glass of already poured wine in the other.

You two finally bff’s now?

Well I wouldn’t say that, but I think we finally realize what you’re saying is in our best interests.

Good now let’s see who your opponents are this week.

Maria finishes of the glasses of wine in her hand as she opens up two folders from her briefcase.


What is it?

You guys have a tag team title match this week on Ascension against Runn Reynolds Runn.

Wait, you’re joking right?

Nope, (Maria pours herself another glass of wine) maybe they heard your dad was dead Joe and decided to pity you.

Your dad’s dead?

Yeah…it’s not a big deal, look we have to focus and prepare. We have a tag team title shot. This could be big; you have to get us prepared Maria.

Oh now you want to be Mr. Seriousness and well informed. Well you know what, do it yourselves. I have the information on the desks. I think it’s about time I relax for a while Mr. Money bags.

Are you drunk?

Your damn right, now get to preparing boys, you have a very tough challenge at hand.

Maria then walks off into the hallways of the mansion, using the walls to hold herself up.

Well, I guess we should get too it then Joe.

West and Bull each pick up a separate folder of information on their opponents.

So our first one is Ricky Runn, he’s from your neck of the woods West, Chicago. He’s got pretty sharp senses and instincts, he’s a daredevil. He may even be quicker on his feet than us man.

That doesn’t scare me; you live by the high risk you die by the high risk. I’ve seen people like Ricky Runn all the time back in high school, he thought just because his dad gave him tough love every once in a while he feels putting his body at risks doing stupid stunts will finally make his pathetic little father care about him. Those kinds of people are called attention ****es, doing anything and everything possible just so somebody will look at them. My dad didn’t give a damn about me; did I go around jumping off buildings hoping someone would care? No, I toughened up, and I had to deal with way more screwed up things than Runn can ever imagine…..

Um….is there something you want to talk about Joe?

Oh…..no, anyway Runn will screw up sooner or later and one of us will be there to make him pay for it. His in ring style is all glitz and glamour till yours truly makes him take a ride on the West Airlines.I think the person on this team we should be worrying about it this Austin Reynolds guy.

He’s got insane high flying ability maybe even better than his sidekick; he won a three stages of hell war against Constantine last year at Kingdom Come. He's got tons of experience here in the WZCW.This guy is the real deal.

Whatever, he barely can play the power game. He’s also got a huge ego just like us, except his ego causes him to focus one guy. Not exactly the best thing for a tag team match now is it. I’ll just make sure he’s fixated on me and you can take care of Ricky.

I don’t know man, Reynolds seems above our pay grade.

Have you seen this mansion? You could retire today man. I bet Austin nor Ricky has ever been this close to fortune this great.

I mean come on Reynolds likes to call himself the ratings winner but it looks like his student is the one bringing in all the fans. He’s out doing his own mentor, and let’s be honest if Ricky’s getting better than him he can’t be much of a problem for us.

Both West and Bull begin to laugh.

Hey, I just wanted to let you know it’s no big deal you got pinned last week.

You mean that?

Yeah, we gave it our all, we must have done something right anyway for us to get our rightfully deserved title match.

You know what you’re right, I feel as though ever since we’ve been a tag team we been obsessed with trying to prove ourselves to everyone and trying to live up to other people’s standards.

We’re the Kings of Hate: Joe West and Darren Bull. People should be lining up to impress us. Runn Reynolds Runn might be a successful tag team right now, but their just obstacles we must overcome. Obstacles that WE WILL overcome, I hope Austin and Ricky can run because the beat down we are going to lay upon them is going to be so bad Ricky’s dead mother is going to feel it beyond the grave.

We have the advantage; RRR is looking past us and worrying more about the teams they will defend against at Kingdom Come such as Strikeforce and BLT. And rightfully so, but we need to take advantage of their cockiness pull out possibly one of the biggest upsets ever.

Totally man, we all know Austin is going to drop Ricky like old news as soon as he can get back in the world title hunt anyway.

But we have to get serious though, this isn’t going to be easy, and it just might be our last shot at even being on the KC card.

Your right, let’s go find Maria; god knows what she could be doing.

Joe and Darren begin walking through the hallways

So your dad just left this all to you?

Yeah it was his last ditch effort to try mend our estranged relationship.

I take it you don’t like him very much?

It’s just not something I’d like to have on my mind when we have a huge title match to prepare for.

Wait, I think I found her

Joe and Darren slowly move into one of the many guest rooms in the mansion to find Maria who they can only assume is unconscious with a bottle of wine in hand slowly leaking on the floor.

What happened to being professional?

Even the most level headed people can lose their cool sometimes.

You think we caused this?

Doesn’t matter if we did, she doesn’t like to have to coach losers, and we don’t want to be losers. Let’s win those tag titles at all costs, not only for us, but for her.

Deal, but damn….even knocked out she looks pretty hot. What do we do with her?

Well we might as well call it night, she’s not waking up anytime soon.

How about we don’t, you were nice enough to invite me here. How about I return the favor, I know this pretty cool night club downtown from here. We could get some ladies, chill and maybe take your mind off your dad and our loss.

Yeah….that sounds nice.

Joe and Darren leave Maria lying on the bed and make their way out of the mansion and into Darren’s car. Driving off as the sky darkens.
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