AS47: Matt Tastic, Constantine, and Drake vs. Rush, Brad Bomb, and Mr. Baller

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The stage has finally been set for the KFAD Elimination Chamber at Kingdom Come with Drake Callahan being the final competitor to qualify for the spectacle. All six men will be taking each other on a 6 man tag team match as an exhibition as to what could happen at the event, as well as allow Constantine & Tastic a chance at retribution for Rush & Bomb's assault last week. The only thing that remains to be answered is which team will be able to work together the best and leave with the victory?

Deadline is Tuesday, April 17th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
March 26th, 2012 – Two days after Meltdown 70

Rush sits alone in his living room, sitting nearly frozen in position as his entire body leans forward towards the television. His lower body at the very edge of the seat cushion as he continues to study the screen, his eyes studying every little detail that he sees. It’s unknown exactly how long he has been watching the television, but the few traces of ice cubes that float on the top of a glass of water, and the puddle of condensation that surround it indicate that it has been a very long time since Rush’s attention has left the screen.

No matter how many times he watched it, he still couldn’t understand what he was watching. The same ten seconds of footage from Meltdown 70 on a constant, repeating loop and it still didn’t make sense. At first he thought all of his jokes about his vision and hearing failing due to his old age had finally caught up with him and were playing a cruel trick with his brain, but now he was certain it was real.

What first began and a simple learning routine, became instinct. Without diverting his eyes from the television, Rush’s thumb moved to the rewind button on the TV’s remote. He waited for a specific moment before pressing it down for exactly four seconds, restarting the same clip that he had been watching once again.

Blade rolls out of the ring and looks under the apron. The crowd explodes as Blade pulls out a steel ladder.


VANCE BATEMAN: Where the HELL is he?

Bateman paces near the wrestler’s back entrance of the arena where Ascension 47 is being held in a mere matter of moments. He constantly checks his watch, his anger and stress level increase with each passing moment. A silent Becky Serra stands nearby, a cellphone in her hand, afraid to say the wrong words that unintentionally make matters worse for the man who has been under constant stress for months. Vance stops and turns towards Becky.

VANCE BATEMAN: Where the hell is Rush?

BECKY SERRA: I’m not sure, no one has heard from him since last week.

VANCE BATEMAN: All WZCW wrestlers WILL be at the location of any WZCW event no less than SIX hours before the event is scheduled to begin. It’s in all of the damn contracts! Ascension starts in 40 minutes! Call him again.

Becky selects redial on her phone and waits patiently as it begins to ring. Almost by magic, the heavy metal door to the arena opens and Rush appears, silhouetted by the brighter, natural light outside. Becky hangs up the phone as Bateman power walks towards Rush unimpressed. The door closes loudly and latches shut as Rush enters the building wearing jeans and his new WZCW shirt that reads “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.

VANCE BATEMAN: Where the hell have you been? You, like the rest of the roster were supposed to be here over five hours ago. You competing in a six-man tag and you casually walk in with less than an hour before the bell rings? Unacceptable! Go get your gear on and don’t you ever show up late to an event again without notifying me. Get your shit together, Rush!

Bateman storms past Rush leaving him with Becky.

BECKY SERRA: … He’s got a lot on his plate dealing with the whole Ty Burna thing… and Kingdom Come is right around the corner…

RUSH: Never before have I ever been late for an event and the first time I am, no one even asks if anything is wrong, or if I’m OK. All Bateman cares about is his little show.

Two years ago, I nearly died for this company and while I was recovering I had my eyes opened. I realised that life was short and everyone should take advantage of that and life it to the fullest because once it’s gone, it’s gone. Not everyone gets a second chance like I did. You need to seize your opportunities.

Nearly two weeks ago, my eyes were opened even wider. I witnessed firsthand how savage and selfish human nature really is. As hard as people will try to deny it and pretend it’s not true the only thing anyone ever really cares about is themselves. They’ll stab their own mother in the back if it furthers their needs and their wants. Everybody can try to hide it, the fact still remains. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, Becky. The world is full of selfish pricks and fakes.

Unsure how to react, Becky continues to stand in shock and disbelief and she listens to a side of Rush that she has never heard before.

RUSH: For all Bateman knew I was dead at home with another heart attack, but all he cares about is making money off of my name. He had no concern whatsoever for my own personal wellbeing, it all about his show and the all mighty dollar. You both make me sick.

Becky’s eyes widen in surprise and an almost silent gasp escapes her lips when she hears Rush include her in his final sentence.

RUSH: Please. Don’t try to act surprised by this. You’re the worst offender in this entire company, Becky. Look at you! Fake dyed hair. Fake bleached teeth. Fake tan. Fake boobs. Tell me who’s all of that for? Nobody but yourself. Instead of donating your money to charities and people that really need it, you horded it all for yourself for vanity reasons. I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time talking to you right now, when my real issue lies with the fans.

Rush walks away leaving Becky standing frozen and completely speechless after being mistreated by the wrestler. Rush turns down a corridor, begins following the signs that have been strategically placed throughout the backstage area directing wrestlers to the entrance ramp. Rush ignores the greetings that he receives from his coworkers who remain unaware of Rush’s new and drastic change in mentality. When Rush finally reaches the black curtain at the Gorilla Position, he doesn’t pause before pushing the curtains aside and stepping out in front of the view of the live crowd as they watch a dark match between two local wrestlers

The audience remain oblivious to Rush’s appearance until his music begins to play as he is already half way down the ramp. The crowd explodes with cheers for the first time in the match as Rush makes his way to the ring. Rush walks up the stairs and the two wrestlers in the ring stop, realizing they have been interrupted without notice. Both men, unsure how to react, do nothing by look at Rush as he walks on the apron along the outside of the ropes before stepping over the top rope and into the ring.

Without warning Rush kicks one wrestler in the midsection and quickly lifts him in the air in the power bomb position. Rush runs halfway across the ring before connecting with the Rushing Powerbomb, leaving the unknown talent laying in the center of the ring. Rush walks over towards the announcers and asks for a microphone.

RUSH: Last week, some might say that I sucker punched Matt Tastic after our tag-match. Right now, some of you might be thinking that I just attacked this kid for no reason. Rush points to the unknown wrestler in the ring, who is being helped out of the ring by the man who was just his opponent a few short minutes ago. The truth is, Matt Tastic and this guy just happened to the in the wrong place, at the wrong time. It didn’t matter who it was, Matt Tastic, Mr. Baller, Constantine, Titus, Celeste, Kurtesy, I would have done the same thing to anyone. But when I punched Matt Tastic…

I wished it was YOU! Rush points to a random fan in attendance.

Or YOU! Rush points to another fan.

Or YOU! Or YOU! Or YOU! Or YOU! Rush continues to point at fans at random.

For years, I have literally let my body break down for you! Longer than any other WZCW superstar! My blood and sweat have pooled inside of wrestling rings around the world for you! I returned to WZCW after suffering a life-threating heart attack and open heart surgery for you! And how do you treat me? Like a piece of meat.

Two weeks ago, I competed in my very first singles match since my return. I fought Blade in a brutal and bloody Last Man Standing match. Half way through that match, Blade reached underneath the ring and pulled out a ladder…

And you cheered.

You cheered the man that took me out of the business for two years. Not only did you praise the man who nearly ended my life, you wanted him to do it again. You wanted my blood spilt for your sick entertainment. You didn’t care about my health or the damage that the ladder would cause me. Over thirty years of my body breaking, and my blood spilling still wasn’t enough for you. You want more and you’ll keep screaming for more until there is absolutely none left in me or the rest of the locker room. You all make me sick! You disgust me! But what’s even worse, is that I’m disgusted with me. I disgust myself for allowing you to manipulate me to do your bidding and it ends now.

No longer will I be your puppet, or your dog who is constantly seeking your approval. I’m done with it, and I’m done with all of you. For thirty years I’ve put you first, and what has it gotten me? Instead of World Heavyweight Championships around my waist, I’ve only got a scar on my chest.

Tonight Brad Bomb, Mr. Baller and I team up to face Matt Tastic, Constantine and Drake Callahan. Every competitor of this year’s King for a Day Match in the ring, trying to work together to earn their team the victory and gain some momentum going into the biggest Pay-Per View. I’ve been around long enough to know that momentum doesn’t mean much going into a match with five other competitors. Tonight’s tag-match is more of an opportunity to scout the opposition for Kingdom Come, including my partner’s tonight. All five men have a weakness and I fully intend to find it and exploit it, both in the ring, and in their personal lives.

Tonight’s winning team consists of Mr. Baller and the skyscrapers of WZCW Brad Bomb and myself. Brad Bomb is young and despite getting pinned and causing our loss last week demonstrated he has heart and potential but a complete lack of guidance, awareness and control. Mr. Baller continues to try and convince himself that he’s not the loser that he was when he first joined. But he is. I know it, you know it, the locker room knows it, and deep down he knows it. But he’s smart enough to evolve far enough to see that he doesn’t need to work for your seal of improvement. If Mr. Baller wants to add a win to his record tonight, I hope he’s smart enough to stay out of the ring and let his partners do all of the work. If he wants to continue to drown in the losing ocean he’s currently stranded in, he can wrestle the entire match. I certainly have no issue staying out of the ring and watch my five Kingdom Come competitors destroy themselves over a match that has no bearing on the King for a Day end game.

That’s exactly what I realize now; there is always a bigger picture. No longer is my mind clouded with worries of not entertaining you and giving you want you want. It now has become what I want. After thirty-one years, it’s time I put myself first and use my experience, strength, power and durability to achieve MY goals. It starts by winning tonight, and it ends at Kingdom Come with me holding the briefcase high in the air with one hand, and give you all the middle finger with the other.

Rush releases the microphone from his hand and lets it crash to the ring. A small smirk crosses his face as the cheers he received when he first entered the ring have been replaced with a chorus of boos. He steps over the top rope to exit the ring and then drops to the floor before returning up the ramp and to the backstage area.
As I come around, the lights of the arena blind me. I don't know how long I've been out for but my eyes are sore in the harsh light coming from high above. My senses begin to return to me as I allow my head to fall onto my cheeks side. Screaming fans look at me, yelling things in my direction. There is only ringing in my ears as my groggy facilities impair me. Suddenly, a wave of noise floods my ears. I can barely think as the noise almost deafens me once again. Chants of derision and opposing support conflict and create a flurry of noise that infiltrates my brain. It takes me a moment to adjust to the surroundings as the events that led to this moment slowly creep back into my thoughts.

I crawl onto the apron, my legs are heavy from a devastating and tiring match. Inside the ring, Tastic and Rush stand at opposite corners of the ring. I see a look on Rush's face as he stares down one of the men who bested him only seconds previously. Suddenly, his hand clutches his chest. The look of agony is his eyes frightens me as I struggle to hold onto the apron that supports me. Rush falls to one knee as a feeling of sheer panic grips me. Given Rush's history, a collective drawing of breath grips the arena. There is a deafening silence as the referee makes a dash for a small bag resting on the ring steps. Tastic has a frightened look in his eye as he bends down to check on the old man. There is a blistering swell of noise as Rush tags Tastic with a shot that sends shivers up my spine and Tastic to the canvas

I roll onto my side, my hands are shaking and can barely support me as I make an effort to get to my feet. There is pain all over my body like I've never experienced. I reach out towards the ropes with one hand as I use the other to drag my lifeless body towards them. With a boost of energy, I reach the bottom rope as more details of the events that happened only moments ago spring back into my mind with blistering reality.

A sense of anger crosses my mind as Tastic rolls on the canvas clutching his jaw. Rush gets to his feet and smiles towards the crowd. I've never felt anything like the reaction that surrounds him as a sudden overwhelming boost of energy embraces my body. I slide into the ring, my hands are tensed together as I feel the anger building up inside me. Rush catches my silhouette in the corner of his eye. There is a small stand-off as we look each other in the eye. There is a look of shock and worry in his eyes that fuel me on as I throw a heavy punch in his direction. It connects and I feel another one rock his jaw. His heavy arm thrusts a punch my way and it connects on my cheek. I feel the pain of the shot throughout my body but the adrenaline pushes me on. I throw some more punches as Rush gets rocked. The crowd comes alive as trade punches and as I get the upper hand. I feel their energy, it drives me onwards. I pick him up, my back begins to scream internally and is mirrored as I let out a yell of my own. I hold the big man for a moment as a beautiful chorus of support engulfs me. I've never felt anything like it. It's strong, it surrounds me.

The same emotion from the crowd that powered me into lifting the 360 pounder off of his feet and holding him in position drives me to my feet. There is silence for a moment as I rest against the turnbuckle. I brace myself for the booing that is likely to come my way. The booing that has come my way for so long now that it seems like second nature. I wait for it but it doesn't come. Slowly, a wave of support begins to build from the back of the crowd and towards the man standing in the ring. I hobble out of the corner as the support grows louder. A ripple of applause forms now as I feel a warmth in my body.


It's soft at first but I can hear it.


It's louder now and seems to have built momentum as it makes it's way down the rows of people. My name is on their lips and my energy is being fuelled as the chant grows and grows until it has reached the front rows. Their support overwhelms me. I feel a strange feeling in my gut as I look around the fans who chant my name so readily.


Suddenly, a low blow that catches me unawares. The pain echoes through my spine and up into my mouth as I release it as a yell of agony. I drop Rush immediately as the adrenaline surges again. Rush drops to the canvas as I turn to see Bomb, the man who had been covered for the loss. There is a opportunistic look in his eyes as he hoists me up. I look into the crowd and take a sharp intake of breath as he forces me down to the canvas with impact. I lie on my back as everything goes dark for a moment. Booing. Merciless booing.

Chanting, all the time. Chanting for me. For John Constantine. I turn around to find Matt Tastic limping up the ramp. He, too, had been savagely attacked by Bomb and Rush as they looked to make a statement heading into Kingdom Come. And a statement is what they had made. Maybe it was my own fault for trusting two men, who it seems, were not worthy of that trust. Two men who could not take their defeat with a pinch of salt and leave the victors alone to their spoils. Nevertheless, the crowd has seen through them and have elevated me in their regards. I take one last look at the masses before rolling under the bottom rope and onto the ramp.

My feet are unsteady and shake with uncertainty as I slowly make my way up the ramp. People throw their hands out in my face in an attempt to touch me. I know that a year ago, I would have died before I would have touched their hands but something has changed in me. Something definitive, something major. I reluctantly slap a few hands, wary that I may fall over at any second. Against my better judgement, I turn on the stage. People clap their hands in appreciation. It's like a rush for me. Something I have never felt before and perhaps will never feel again. I try to hide my appreciation as I turn towards the curtain, away from the chaos, and into the dark...

* * *

“That's just not good enough! John Constantine is the man of the moment, do you get me!?”

I sit on the medical table, a blonde haired nurse palming the small of my back. Every now and then, she hits a spot that must have been damaged as Bomb got the better of me. The pain that shoots through me like a bullet and I can't help but wince visibly.

“You listen here! Not only is John Constantine the number 6 man in all of WZCW according to the Fabulous 15, he is one of the most dangerous men on the roster. You seen what he did out there. He lifted Rush, a man-mountain off of his feet. And if it wasn't for his tag team partner, Rush would have hit the canvas harder than Picasso!”

Every part of me wants to leap up from the treatment table and land a punch to the smarmy jaw of the man on the phone feet away. But my body is exhausted. I haven't felt pain like that in a very long time. But Bomb and Rush are a devastating duo, no doubt about it. They really showed their mettle out there tonight and I'm showing the scars as a result. I glance in his direction and our eyes meet for a moment. His bravado and confidence falter for a second but he quickly reclaims these “qualities” and turns away from me.

“No! You don't treat me as if I'm just another nobody! You'll treat me as if I am Tom Forbes! You treat me as if I am the best damn agent that this country has ever seen. You treat me as if I can bring a world of pain down on your life if you don't make this happen.”

I wince again, this time as Forbes continues his tirade. If I had only realised that I had sounded like that when I joined WZCW and beyond, I might have thought twice about being such a pretentious imbecile. His manner makes me cringe with sheer embarrassment. A smile creeps across his face as he hears something from the other end of the phone that strikes his fancy.

“Bingo! That's what I wanted to hear. The Power Trip will be happy to hear that. And when he becomes the WZCW Heavyweight Champion, he won't forget the people that put him there, don't you worry about that.”

Forbes closes his flip phone over and beams a wide smile towards me as the nurse finishes up her inspection of my back. He stays quiet as I stare straight through him. He allows the nurse to put some pills into a cup and hand them to me. I throw them back in my mouth and swallow before taking a drink of water. He signals to the nurse to leave the room before closing the door behind her.

“Good news, Trip! Not only did I get you in the latest publication of the WZCW magazine in a segment about Kingdom Come, I managed to get you a match against the people who put you on this treatment table.”

I go to speak but he quickly cuts me off.

“There's just one thing though. That maniac Vance Bateman insisted that Mr. Baller and Drake Callahan be added to the match. Now, I know how poorly you feel right now but this is a good thing. You get your revenge and you also get to size up the competition for King For A Day. I know, you don't have to thank me.”

I allow the silence to engulf both myself and Forbes as he closes his eyes, waiting for a thank you that will never come from me.

“I don't like you, Forbes, I've never liked you. You've been assigned to me as a PR representative and that's bully. But don't stand there with your shirt and tie as if you mean something to me. I'm better off on my own and that's the way I like it. I don't need you and I don't want you.”

Forbes slowly opens his eyes as I finish my thought. He seems shocked and disgruntled somewhat. Again, he recovers himself as his trademark smile begins to creep onto his face again, His delusion knows no bounds.

“Listen, Trip, I know that we don't really see eye to eye. But you've never been to the lofty heights of WZCW and that's where I'm going to put you. You don't realise that what's been normal for you in the past has been getting you nowhere. Yes, you've been in a couple of high profile matches but without proper representation, you're going to fester in the mid-card for the rest of your career. I can see it in your eyes, you're hungry. You're hungry for success. You're hungry for the fans who chanted your name to follow you to arenas. Most importantly, you're hungry for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship and I can get you there.”

His words hit me like a 2 by 4 to the head. He's right. I try not to show it but he senses my weakness and presses on.

“You've got a match this week against everyone that you're going into Kingdom Come beside. You get the chance to size up all of the opponents that you'll face in the chamber in King For A Day. You know who they were going to book you against this week if it wasn't for me? Johnny Scumm! Now, you and I both know that is no good for you. They're trying to bury you, John! They know their favourite for the match and it isn't you. You need someone like me to challenge these things. Instead of coasting through against Scumm, you're going to build so much more momentum destroying 3 of the men who will stand against you in a matter of weeks at Kingdom Come. Admit it, you need me!”

I won't admit it and he knows that. But he is right again, a match against Scumm wouldn't do anything to further my cause and build momentum towards Kingdom Come. I need the fans to see that I have changed. I need them to see that I am ready to be their champion. More than anything, I need them to see that I am ready for Kingdom Come and anything that is thrown at me.

“All right, Forbes, here's the deal. You can hang around and work behind the scenes. When you get me to a Championship match, I'll admit that I need you. Until then, get back on your phone and make sure that every preparation is made for Ascension next week. I'm going to have to be at my very best to go over those 3. They're dangerous. I want every match of theirs scouted. I want you to make sure that I have everything laid out for me until Kingdom Come. If you keep up your side of the deal, then I promise you'll have another Champion to add to your CV.”

I see another smile form in the corner of Forbes mouth as he extends his hand towards me. I reluctantly shake it.

“Excellent, Trip, you won't regret it. The first thing we need to do is get a strong publication out there. Something that covers your back from what went on out there tonight.”

I think for a second but the only thing that strikes me is honesty.

“Listen, Forbes, I'm not going to lie to you. Over the last few weeks since I beat Big Dave, I have barely slept. I keep thinking about the Hell that awaits me when I walk into that chamber and the doors close behind me. I shake with worry when I think about the pain that is going to grip my body when myself and 5 other men put our careers on the line to get one chance at the Heavyweight Championship. The only thing that keeps me going, keeps me moving forward, keeps me believing... Is that the 5 other men who will step in there with me will be feeling the exact same thing and multiplied. No one is a on a roll like me right now. Tonight, Rush and Bomb showed me how scarred the thoughts of King For A Day have made them. They tried to take advantage of Tastic and I's good natures. They showed me that they fear walking into the cage with me. They showed their hand before the cards were finished being shuffled. I'm confident, Forbes. More confident than I have been. I'm going to do it. I'm going to win it all."

Forbes laughs a little in my direction but he believes me.

“That's what I like to hear, John. Keep up that level of belief and I'll have you a Champion before you know it”

I smile faintly as the painkillers begin to take effect. He echoes my smile and walks away. I am confident. At Ascension, I will show just how serious I am about winning the Heavyweight Championship. At Ascension, Rush, Bomb and Baller will get exactly what is coming to them, the thought alone warms me.​
“Brad! Brad Bomb! Can you answer a quick question?”

“What is it Becky?”

“I was wondering if you could explain your actions of and those of Rush after your match tonight?”

“I cannot speak for Rush but for me, it was about defending my ‘partner’ and taking up an easy chance to get one over on Constantine… is that all?”


“Good. See ya another time.”

We see Brad Bomb leave the backstage interview area of Ascension, leaving Becky Serra to scout for another interviewee. Brad walks off and into the locker room. He grabs his towel from his bag and heads for the showers.


The next thing we see is Brad at home. He sits lurched forward on the sofa, his eyes glued to the TV screen. His hair is shaggy and he’s wearing sweatpants and a blue hoody. Next to him is his sports bag, passport and flight tickets. He checks the time on his phone and sighs. He picks up his remote control and begins to play a clip over and over from last week’s Ascension.

Bomb recovers and from behind low blows Constantine. John turns around and Bomb lifts him into a powerbomb position. Detonator connects. Rush and Bomb stare at their fallen opponents and then slowly leave the ring together.

I was wondering if you could explain your actions…

“The question has plagued my mind for the past couple of days. I keep replaying it over and over. Each time looking for a complete answer, yet never finding it. Why did I do it? Why did I low blow Constantine? Why did I subsequently lift him up upon my shoulders, spin him 180 degrees and leave him lying with a Detonator? Why did I do it? Why was that my thought process? Why was that the action my mind deemed necessary to take?

My answer was sufficient enough for Becky but not for me. Simply to get advantage over Constantine? No, no, no! We still have a couple more weeks before Constantine. An advantage would be nullified by the time we enter that Chamber, when all this finally means something. These weeks of tag team matches, partnering up with future foes to tackle other future foes. Having to coexist with one another to gain that mythical thing known as ‘momentum’ as we head into the biggest event of our calendar year. The mere notion that our performance in that maniacal structure can be helped by ‘momentum’ is laughable in itself.”

Brad rewinds the video again, watching his Powerbomb on Constantine over and over.

“And so the question arises again – could you explain your actions? I keep looking for the answer based on that very moment but I know that truly the answer lies elsewhere in the match.”

Brad rewinds the tape once more, this time to just after Rush had attacked Matt Tastic.

Constantine enters the ring and appears unamused by Rush’s performance. The two begin throwing punches and John is beginning to get the upper hand. Constantine lifts Rush off his feet and holds him in a Fallaway Slam position. The crowd cheers on the impressive feat of strength by John…

“The answer lies in the fans. They cheer for Constantine but not for me? What does Constantine fight for? Himself? He has no goals or ambition. He just wants success. Same as us all really, heck even I want success but I want it to come at the expense of Ty Burna. A man just slightly less maniacal than the Chamber I’m going to be placed upon. If I can survive that experience then I know that I can beat him. I will stop him for the fans. To set them free of Ty and his darkness. That is my goal but yet the fans, they don’t care.”

Brad turns the TV off, his head weighing heavily on his shoulders and a frown upon his face. He sits and wallows on the sofa for a moment.

“That’s why I did what I did. I did it because I had to make the fans care. They have to care for me. They must. My goal is for them to be set free and if I have to rustle a few jimmies along the way, I will. Success will always come at a price; such is the way of life.”

As Brad wallows some more, he is interrupted by the sound of a buzzer. He looks over towards his door and when the buzzer goes again he gets up and answers it.

“Ok I’ll be down in a minute.” He grabs his bag from his sofa and turns off the lights.

“If Becky had time for a second question, it should have been ‘would you do it again?’ My answer? Yes. Yes I would and I will do if given half the chance this week. Once again me and Rush will face off against Johnny Boy and Matt Tastic, only this time, Mr Baller and Drake Callahan are thrown into the mix – whoa what a shake up!”

The feigned excitement is evident across Brad’s face as he leaves his flat, pulling his bag with him. He gets into the elevator towards the street level.

“We get someone who chokes more than Constantine and they get a drunken lout who’s on a slight roll. Not that it matters as I know Baller has talent when he wishes to utilise it and I know me and Rush have the strength to carry him if he doesn’t. And if that fails? Well Rush could just suffer from some chest pains again…”

The ding of the elevator goes off as Brad exits on the ground floor of his flat. He gets off and greets the awaiting taxi driver. As he leaves the concourse, the scene ends.

Drake Callahan collapses in exhaustion on a bench, resting a weight bar on the supports. He pants heavily, covered in sweat.

“Not bad. You’re improving.”


Joe raises an eyebrow in his direction.

“You feel hurt?”

Drake groans deeply again, but says:

“No. Just…exhausted. We’ve been at this for hours.”

Joe shrugs his shoulders.

“Oh. My mistake. I thought you wanted to win at Kingdom Come. Become a world champion, all that. I guess I was wrong about all that, hm?”

Drake sighs and wipes his brow, struggling to lift his arms. With extraordinary effort, he sits upright on the bench.

“You know that isn’t true, Joe.”

“Really? Because you’ve been acting like it.”

“It’s just…”

“Just what? You want to go out drinking instead? You want to waste your life away in some bar?”

“That sounds lovely right about now, actually.”

Joe smacks Drake in the back of the head.

“Hey! I was just kidding…”

“I’m not. Are you serious about this or not?”

“You know I am. It’s just…”

“What? It’s too hard?”

Drake shakes his head.

“No…it’s exhausting but it’s…it’s just not the way I did things before. I always went off drinking and partying and then just walked in and won, you know? I used to laugh and joke and mess around with Becky and that was enough. And now it’s training all the time, and thinking, and being professional, and…I’m worried.”

Joe chews on nothing for a moment, staring Drake dead in the eye.

“So you think you had it right the first go around? The one that ended with you on the streets?”

Drake runs his hand through his hair.

“I don’t know. This is how you’re supposed to do it, I know that…but it just feels off.”

“Work that out on your own time. You want me here, or not?”

Drake shrugs.

“Yeah. I think this is right, Joe, I just need to…I don’t know, think. Get drunk. Whatever.”

“It’d be useless to tell you I want you to cut that out, right?”

“That’s where I draw the line, Joe. That’s everything I am. Maybe things are different now, but a drinker is what I was, and what I’m always going to be.”

Joe looks like he wants to go on, but bites his tongue and shakes his head a little.

“Whatever. It doesn’t seem to be hindering your performance…that much, anyway. Maybe I can get you some sponsorships, or something. I’ll think about it. Anyway. We’re done here for today.”

“Really? I thought you wanted to go till four.”

“We are. Just not in the gym anymore. I’ve gotten everything useful I’m going to get out of you here. We worked your body out, time for the brain.”

“That sounds worse. You’re sure we can’t go for a run? Lift boulders? Climb Mt. Everest?”

“You shouldn't be giving me ideas. But, no. It’s time to think.”

Joe curtly gestures for Drake to follow him into a small nearby room with a few chairs in it. He gestures for him to sit, and they both do so.

“So. King for a Day.”

He lifts a hand. As he counts off the names, he lowers his fingers one by one.

“Rush. Baller. Tastic. Bomb. Constantine.”

Drake nods solemnly. Joe turns his back to him and appears to think it over for a moment. Drake looks around for a moment, then subtly slips a flask out of a hidden pocket in his clothing. He unscrews the lid and takes a quick drink as Joe continues to stare at the wall.

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

Joe continues to stare stoically.

“It’s going to be the most difficult match of my life, I know that.”

“Well, great job, sunshine, how’d you work that one out?”

“Well, that degree from Princeford comes in handy every so often.”

“Princeford, eh?”

“The finest research university this side of New Connecticut.”

The barest hint of a smile appears on Joe’s face, though he doesn’t turn around.

“You uh, went to school there, did you?”

“Oh, no, I just drank a lot there. Wound up with some guy’s diploma, though. Strange night, that was. Craziest party of my life. Giraffes, mangos, absinthe, all of them in places they certainly haven’t got any place being. I woke up three days later, clutching a diploma, sleeping under a newspaper in the park. I had a phone number on my arm, but when I called it, all I got was an Italian gentleman yelling into the phone.”

Drake shrugs.

“Anyway, I’m a certified psychologist, and I’ve got someone’s diploma to prove it.”

He takes another deep drink from the flask and empties it. He pats down the rest of his body and turns up another one.

“Alright, psychologist, so tell me: how do you read your competition?”

“Well, Rush kind of lost it last week. I think he’s upset about, y’know, being so old.”

“Brilliant deduction, Doctor.”

“Oh, please, Joe, I never finished my PhD. It's my greatest regret.”

Joe snorts and shakes his head.

“Carry on.”

“Like I said, he’s old, and he’s had a heart attack, and uh, that probably means he isn’t doing so hot in general. So he’s angry. Problem is, he’s also big, strong, and probably the most physically intimidating guy in the match. He’s got almost a foot and over a hundred pounds on me. So…I need to find a way to beat him.”

“Wear him out. He’s big, but he’s not slow. Evade him, wear him out, get his heart pumping. He’ll get gassed ,and you can move in. I want you try that this week. You have a rare opportunity here, getting to scope everyone out before things get serious.”

Drake nods.

“What about Baller?”

“Baller’s arrogant. Uptight. Thinks too much of himself. Probably stems from a small –“

“Whoa, there.”

“- a small family. What did you think I was going to say?”

“Uh, nothing.”

“So, it doesn’t seem so tricky to me. I can outwrestle him and go toe to toe with him for agility. And I’ve been bulking up in here, so…all I really need to do is get in his head a little bit, take him down, and hurt him.”

“Good. Good. Listen, though, don’t show him the Last Call this week. It might be your only choice against Rush or Bomb, but Baller, you can take him out some other way. Don’t give him a chance to scout you more than you have to.”

“Good idea.”

“Bomb, then?”

Drake shrugs and sneaks another drink from the flask.

“I got nothing on him.”

“Didn’t you watch the tape I sent you?”

“I may have gotten distracted by the latest episode of My Little Pony.”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“Listen, you laugh, but the mystery of Pinky Pie’s cake was VERY serious. The most compelling drama of the season. It deserves a Tony.”

“An Emmy?”

“That too! I’m glad you understand.”

“Damn it, Drake. Bomb’s obvious, if you had just watched the damn tape. Can’t handle agility. Go at him with your aerial moves and he’s cake.”

Drake rubs his chin. “Seems too easy.”

“Watch the tape, and you can tell me. What about your partners? Tastic?”

“Complicated. He wrestles a lot like me, so…I don’t know. We go in there classic style, see who the better man is. It’ll probably help with this match, since we have a similar style.”

“He has a weakness. Cares too much about what people think of him. Always needs to be impressive, have the last laugh.”

Joe turns around to catch Drake drinking deeply from the flask. He grins sheepishly and stashes it away, while Joe looks on disapprovingly.

“Kind of like some other idiot I know.”

“So, uh, what about Constantine?”

“A control freak. King for a Day is going to be hell for him.”

“How do you figure?”

“It’s six guys, flying around a cage together, all of them trying to sneak the pin in. That’s when you have to take him out – when it’s chaotic. He won’t have any idea what to do with himself. I guarantee it, he’ll try to isolate someone, focus on them, but he’ll get too wrapped up in them and you can take advantage. Probably with your favorite move.”

“The double reversed inverted 360 rotated inward flux gogoplata special?”

“What…I don’t even…a roll up, you nitwit, a roll up.”

“Oh! Right, that too.”

Drake beams and dusts his shoulder off.

“I won a title with that move, you know.”

“The gogoplata special?”

“The what?”

“…Never mind. This week, avoid Constantine. I don’t want you working with him anymore than you have to. He’s going to be breaking you down, dissecting you with every chance he gets. Don’t give him the chance.”

Drake nods.

“Well, that’s about it.”

“One more man in the match.”

“Eh? Did they make it seven?”

“You, numbskull.”


“I want you to analyze yourself. Honestly.”

Taken aback, Drake takes a moment.

“Uh. Well, my primary weaknesses include my dashing good looks, my charming smile, and…”

A withering look from Joe stops Drake dead in his tracks.

“Alright, alright. I’m the smallest man in the match. You happy?”

“Good. Which means you need to turn that into an advantage. Fly around. Enjoy yourself. Don’t get caught up in wrestling too much if you don’t have to. Use it as a second option. Under no circumstances should you let yourself get trapped in a fist fight with someone too big for you, which is most everyone. Anything else?”

“Sometimes I see something shiny and I get distracted…”

“I’ve noticed. So focus, pay attention, and don’t think about those damn ponies.”

“But Fluttershy is my spirit guide…”

Joe throws up his hands.

“Alright, we’re done here, get out.”

Drake smiles and leaps out of his chair.

“Great. I’m only 45 minutes late to meet Kate.”
Tastic rises to his knees and the ref raises his hands. Rush has a mad look on his face and looks as if he’s about to punch Tastic when he suddenly holds his chest with his other hand. Tastic and the ref turn to see Rush as he slowly gets down on his knees and then falls onto the mat still gripping his chest. The ref gets over Rush and ask him if he’s okay. Tastic pulls his hair looking worried.

Connor: Folks if you are just tuning in, Tastic and Constantine just won a tag team match and their opponent Rush looks like he may be having a heart related issue. This appears very serious.

Rush is swinging his arm and the ref soon realizes it’s for his black bag he left on the stairs. The ref goes to retrieve it. Matt bends down over Rush and to make sure he’s okay. Rush reaches up to touch Tastic. He then sucker punches him right across the jaw. Tastic is floored to the mat as Rush gets up, showing no signs of any heat failure.

Connor: What... what did Rush just do?

Rush stands over Tastic and then lifts him to his feet. He tucks Tastic’s head under his legs and then lifts him high up, Rushing Powerbomb. The ref is back in the ring yells at Rush to exit the ring. Rush pushes the ref to the side as the crowd is now booing loudly.

Cohen: I’ll tell you what Rush has done CC, Rush has gotten one up on his King for a Day opponent with an impressive display of acting.

Constantine enters the ring and appears unamused by Rush’s performance. The two begin throwing punches and John is beginning to get the upper hand. Constantine lifts Rush off his feet and holds him in a Fallaway Slam position. The crowd cheers on the impressive feat of strength by John, but he suddenly drops Rush as Bomb recovers and from behind low blows Constantine. John turns around and Bomb lifts him into a powerbomb position. Detonator connects. Rush and Bomb stare at their fallen opponents and then slowly leave the ring together.

Connor: John and Matt may have won the contest but no doubt Brad and Rush sent a message to their King for a Day opponents.

The scene opens backstage as an injured Matt Tastic staggers across holding his jaw in agony.

Matt: Ahh... Dammit!!

Matt continues to stagger on ahead towards the locker room. He sits by a bench with Constantine next to him with a glum look. Alisha bursts in worried for Matt.

Alisha: What happened?!

Both Matt and Constantine hand Alisha dirty looks over her angstful question as they essentially lick their wounds.

Matt: Kinda obvious what happened, ain't it? Rush played us. He played with our emotions and Bomb sucked our carcasses dry.

Alisha: But...

Constantine: Just when you think you know a guy. Damn...

Matt: Well... Onward. Alisha, who won the last spot in the Chamber match?

Alisha: Drake. Drake Callahan. Why?

Matt: Because he's our tag team partner next week. And Baller is joining Brad and Rush. I just can't get rid of that guy, it seems.

Constantine: I hope things go smoother then than tonight.

Matt: I hope so. I'm not so sure my jaw can take a trip of Deja Vu.

Matt get's up and grabs his bag. He puts a wet towel over his head while Constantine and Alisha look on.

Matt: There's not much I can do other than wait for the next Ascension. I've got a promotional gig at Japan in two days so I need to get on a plane ASAP. Clearly things aren't gonna go smoothly, but there's just not much I can do. Listen man, if you wanna talk to Drake, go right ahead. I've got no problem with it.

Constantine: You sure are putting a lot of trust in me.

Matt: Hey, you had my back last week. Why continue to complicate things before Kingdom Come? None of us are on some grudge match. That's where our actions matter. Not attacking each other after matches. I fully trust you, man.

Matt tells Alisha to go and the two head on out. Matt pats Constantine on the shoulder as they walk out as Constantine seems to lighten up a bit.


Matt and Alisha find themselves a day later at the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, Japan. Matt is set to do a press interview with Japanese talk show host, Hiroku Takashima. Known for being rather serious at times despite his comical demeanor, Matt appearing on his show is definably good publicity for WZCW.

Hiroku: Konichiwa, mothafuckahs!!! Welcome! Welcome, to Tokyo Tonigh! I yo hos. Takashima Hiroku! Tonigh, I have very speciar guess. Prease welcome to show, WZCW supahstahr, Tastic Matt!!

Matt comes out through a curtain to sit with Mr. Hiroku. Despite the odd linguistic patterns and such, Matt is very excited to be visiting Japan for the first time in his life. A fan of anime, martial arts and many other of Japan's customs, Matt fells enthusiastic about the experience.

Matt: Thanks, thank you Takashima-san. I'm very glad to be here.

Hiroku: Oh. White boy know about honorifics. That very goohd. So tell me Tastic-chan, how goes life in wrestling?

Matt: Fun as hell. I tell you, I am having the time of my life just going out and putting on a show for the people to enjoy.

Hiroku: That great to hear. How your jaw? Did pain go away?

Matt: Not a damn bit. I tell you, that Rush is really a tricky ol' bastard. He had me worried for a bit and then he cheapshotted me.

Hiroku: That guy acted like a regurar ass****e, huh?But ter me. How come you truss Constantine? That guy used to be noting but troubre.

Matt: Think of it this way, Takashima-san. Most Pay-Per-View matches are made due to grudges the wrestlers hold against each other. But for me, I have not been in one of those since the days I wore a mask. Nearly half a year ago. I've been in nothing but matches with a unique price in the end.

Matt strokes his sore jaw a bit.

The #30 spot in the Lottery, the actual Lottery, and now King For A Day. No grudges, no steam to blow off. Just a price and chance to give the fans a show. But here comes Rush and makes a senseless fuzz. He lost. He's mad because the fans didn't "care" about him while he was gone. It's a dangerous sport and we take our chances. Rush suffered and so did we as we watched a man collapse in the ring in agony in what was supposed to be his defining night.

Hiroku nods approvingly.

Rush wanted to come back and we welcomed him back. He then toys with us just for a cheap shot at me. I'll be honest. If he collapses in that Chamber, I'll just safely pin him and roll him out of the way. Health, morals and all that jazz aren't my concern. We aren't his babysitter. Now, as for your question, I trust Constantine because he clearly doesn't wanna trouble himself with all this senseless crap. He just want's wins. No "statements" necessary. He sees there's nothing to gain from that kind of stuff. But then again, it's clear people don't learn. Look at Baller. A few weeks ago, at Aftershock, I beat him. After the match we were attacked by a bunch of guys who wanted to make a statement for Lethal Lottery. I got out. On the other hand, Baller tossed everyone else out. The result at the PPV? I eliminated Baller. It's more than clear these "statements" are wastes of time and effort. Not that Rush, Baller and Brad would understand.

Hiroku nods yet again at Matt before speaking up.

Hiroku: I see. That very nice. It clear, you set on winning and nothing moar.

Matt: No, Takashima-san. I'm set on putting on a solid performance. King For A Day is a chance for us who haven't gotten our shot to show why we deserve it. There's no reason to fight among ourselves in the meantime and cripple our chances to grab that spotlight. It's why I trust Constantine and I hope Drake feels the same. As for Brad, well someone should tell him that being tall doesn't make you great. If that were the case, Yao Ming would be better than Michael Jordan and we all know that is not the case.

Hiroku: That great speak. Great plug for your match, Tastic-cham.

Matt: Why thanks Takashima-san. It means a lot to me. But before I forget, my job here is to promote WZCW.

Hiroku: You not done?

Matt: Let me tell you about a girl named Celeste Crimson..........................

Hiroku: BOING!!

The fight between what's right and whats best continues for Matt. The question remains if Drake Callahan can be as trustworthy as Constantine. Despite the grief over the aftermath of the match, it seems even the victors themselves have forgotten they won. Can Matt and Constantine pull themselves together and repeat their success with Drake Callahan coming along for the ride this time? Will Baller make a difference as well?
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