AS46: Triple X vs. Mick Overlast (Non Title)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The newly crowned Elite "X" champion has finally reverted the old name back the title and is set to start off his reign against the upcoming Son of Destiny Mick Overlast. Both men had an impressive showing against their opponent's last week and will be looking to do the same this week. A victory for Overlast here could mean a future championship shot at the Elite X title and a victory for the champion would probably shatter any chance of that match happening until after Kingdom Come. Only question is: how badly does Mick Overlast want this victory?

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
Overlast: It's not over, boys! It's not over by a longshot!

Hammond: We're coming for those titles!

Mick Overlast and Scott Hammond stand on the entrance ramp and yell out in the direction of Runn Reynolds Runn as the tag champs are on their backs in the ring, having just taken shots to their heads with their own tag title belts. It's the night of Ascension 45, and Overlast has just been defeated by Ricky Runn. The Sons of Destiny go through the curtain and to the back, where they are greeted by Vance Bateman and Chuck Myles.

Bateman: Mr. Hammond, may we have a word with you real quick?

Hammond has a slightly worried look on his face as he turns to Overlast. Overlast leans in and whispers to Hammond.

Overlast: What's going on?

Hammond: I don't know, mate.

Myles breaks up the whispered conversation.

Myles: Hey now...don't be making any plans to escape. We just need to sort things out with Scott here, and then you two can go on your merry way.

The four men start to walk together when Bateman turns to Overlast.

Bateman: Sorry, Mick, but you're gonna have to sit this one out.

Overlast: What do you mean, Bateman? Hammond's my tag team partner. The least you can do is let me sit in on your little meeting.

Bateman: No can do. Just wait outside the office until we're done.

Overlast stands in silence as Hammond walks toward the GM's office, flanked on either side by Bateman and Myles. Overlast goes to shower, then walks to Bateman's office, standing outside of it impatiently to see what could possibly be going on. Moments later, Hammond emerges from the office with a defeated look on his face.

Overlast: Tell me you're not fired.

Hammond: No, but I AM deported.

Overlast: Deported? What the hell do you mean, deported?

Hammond: I had some problems getting my visa situation straightened out. Now I gotta go back to London until it's worked out.

Overlast: You're kidding. Kingdom Come is just around the corner! How the hell are we going to get back at Runn and Reynolds? How long are you going to be gone for?

Hammond: Hopefully not too long. We'll take care of business when I get back, mate; trust me on that.

Overlast sighs dejectedly and shakes his head. He and Hammond shake hands and Hammond walks out of the arena. After Hammond moves out of sight, Overlast reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, dialing Blade and putting the phone to his ear.

Blade: I take it you just found out?

Overlast: You mean you knew before I did?

Blade: Yeah, they called me while you two were out for your match. How the hell did you lose to Ricky Runn?

Overlast: Cheaply. He had to roll me up to get the win. We took care of them afterwards. But now with Hammond being gone, I don't know what we're going to do. Kingdom Come will be here before we know it.

Blade: Don't worry. You guys will be fine.

Overlast: How're you feeling? You took some nasty bumps last night.

Blade: Sore, but nothing a few days of rest won't fix. As for how I'm feeling mentally, I've done a little thinking. I have something I need to get off my chest.

Overlast: What do you mean?

Blade: You'll find out soon enough. I gotta go.

Blade and Overlast end their call, and Overlast blankly stares down the hallway, wondering what his future holds.


A few days later, while entering the gym for training, Overlast is stopped by Rebecca Serra on his way to the locker room.

Serra: Mick, can I talk to you about this upcoming week? It's for the website.

Overlast sighs and sets his bag down, glaring at Becky.

Overlast: Make it quick, Becky. I got a lot on my mind and I need to take my frustrations out on something.

Serra: That's kinda why I'm here.

With that, she signals for the cameraman to start filming and begins conducting her interview.

Serra: Thanks for logging on to I'm Becky Serra, and my guest at this moment is one of the Sons of Destiny, Mick Overlast. Mick, it's been quite an eventful week for you. You and Scott Hammond failed to help Blade up before the 10-count in his Last Man Standing Match at Meltdown, then you lose to Ricky Runn at Ascension, and finally, Hammond gets deported until his visa situation can be worked out. How are you feeling about all of this happening in such a short time?

Overlast stares straight into the camera for what feels like an eternity, then turns his head to face Becky.

Overlast: Frustrated, Becky. Runn Reynolds Runn has been a thorn in my side for a while now. To lose that match to Ricky Runn, to be pinned for the FIRST TIME on WZCW TV? I'm furious. This is NOT the way this was supposed to work, Becky. Hammond and I should be tag team champions; Blade should have won the Lethal Lottery...or at the very least, earned his way into the King For a Day Match. Then, to cap it all off, later that night at Ascension, after Hammond and I knock Runn and Reynolds out with their own belts, Hammond gets shipped back to London, leaving me to fight this battle on my own.

Becky: How do you feel about being on your own for the moment? And what about Blade?

Overlast: I've thought about it a bit, and it's not entirely a bad thing for me. I made my name in this business as a singles competitor before joining the Sons. I'm very comfortable being on my own. I think I'm even better working for just me. As for Blade, he told me he has something he needs to tell the world, but he wouldn't let me in on it. I guess we'll all find out together at Ascension.

Becky: Speaking of Ascension, you're in another singles match, this time against the new Elite X Champion, Triple X.

Overlast: Triple X. You know, Becky, Triple X kinda reminds me of myself when I first started here. I've beaten up the jobbers and climbed the ladder, just like he has so far in his career.

Becky smirks a little as she begins to needle Overlast on-camera.

Becky: Not as much as Triple X has for himself, though. He started after you and won his first singles title, while you failed to capture the tag titles at Lethal Lottery. He also had the moment of the Lottery, while you didn't make much of an impact on the match.

Overlast tries to hold back from lashing out, a pained look on his face. He bites down hard on his bottom lip, angrily glaring at Becky, knowing she took the upper hand in this interview.

Overlast: You're right, Becky. He has done a lot in the little time he's been here. He stunned the crowd with his jumping around and flipping and whatever he did in the Lottery match, and then he ended the reign of Steven Holmes and put the X back in the Elite X title. The fans love him for it. But you know who DOESN'T love Triple X, Becky? Triple X doesn't love Triple X.

Becky's smirk turns into a frown as it looks like she knows what's about to come next.

Overlast: Triple X doesn't love Triple X because he knows he has his demons. He wants to be a role model for the little kids, but what parent wants their kid to idolize someone who toyed with drugs and alcohol? Maybe...maybe one day, Triple X hopes to find love. But how can he trust can the family of any woman trust their daughter or sister with a man who killed his last girlfriend? Huh, Becky? How can any girl willingly sign up to become the next...Abigail...Park?

Becky gasps a little as Overlast smirks.

Overlast: What, you didn't think I knew that? Didn't think I'd find out? I do my research; I watch what goes on around here. Let's face facts here. Triple X is NOT the man everyone thinks he is. And Xander, if you're watching this, just be prepared for what I'm going to do to you at Ascension. I'm going to expose you as the fraud that you are. You can't run from your past, and you certainly can't hide from your destiny, Xander.

Overlast pauses for a moment, as if he's contemplating something.

Overlast: On second thought, maybe destiny is the wrong word. After I beat you at Ascension and eventually take your Elite X Title, it won't be destiny. It'll be more like karma...and I'm sure your precious Abi would agree.

Overlast snatches the microphone from Becky's hand and slams it on the ground before storming off. Becky looks at the camera, stunned.
The harsh sunlight beats down on a bright and warm morning, as Triple X jogs down the sidewalks of this weeks’ host City of Ascension. He approaches a low wall and, instinctively, hops onto it, balancing on the narrow ledge, continuing to walk towards the end where, ever the showman, he leaps off into a somersault, landing back on his feet and flowing back into a jog.

Xander Knight. Triple X. Elite X Champion.

He sees a tree, runs up to it, takes a step on the trunk and flips himself into a corkscrew, landing back into a jog.

Never thought I'd be saying that so soon. Confidence is one thing, but this is a god-damn dream.

X spots a lamp post, leaps and swings on it, into the street, running to the other side.

I mean, beating a guy like Steven Holmes. Thats something I'll never forget. Hell, it's all I've been able to think about, it's been tough to focus on my next match.

He ploughs forward, leap-frogging a mailbox, dropping into a roll, back into a jog.

Mick Overlast. He was about not long before myself. Got himself noticed, now he's with Blade and Hammond. Sons of Destiny, huh?

X turns a corner, and crosses agin. There, a stepped entrance to a local park lies, the gate half-open at the bottom. Because X can't even contemplate using stairs normally, he leaps down from the top step to the floor, breaking into a role as he lands. He grabs the closed half of the gate, and spins himself over it.

If he's hanging around with a guy like Blade, that makes him two things. Tough, and VERY bad news. I need to focus on him. He's dangerous. And if I lose to him, he's gonna be gunning for the title. Hell, who am I kidding; if I lose to him, EVERYONE will be gunning for the title. My title.

My title, huh?

X jogs some more, until he finds a bench under the shade of a large tree. He sits on the bench and takes his bottle out of his backpack, but finds it empty. Before he can look to see if there's a water fountain nearby, he sees a hand outstretched from in front of him, holding an unopened bottle of ice-cold water. He looks up from the familiar hand, to find an all-too farmiliar face.

Frank! Long time no see.

X and Frank shake hands, and Frank sits down on the bench. He's wearing dark-blue jeans and a pale, sky-blue shirt, with the sleeves rolled up.

Good to see you out of Arizona for a change.

Well, it’s been a while. Figured you’d appreciate a friendly face with all this travelling around.

Frank, I’m a grown man. I’m not twelve.

...your hair's blue Xander. Your opinion is already invalid.

They both laugh. Back in Phoenix, Frank and X would meet up every month or so. Since travelling to become a wrestler, other than the odd phone call, their meetings had been sporadic at best. This is the first time in two years that they’d met face to face.

Frank looks down, then back into X’s eyes.

So, how are you doing?

Ahh Frank, seriously, you have no idea how good life is! I mean, I’ve been to Japan and Mexico, I’ve wrestled in some great matches, and now I’m in the worlds premier company. AND I’m Elite X Champion! Me! A champion! Life can’t be better, man. This is the best I've felt since...well, you know.

X looks back at Frank, who is still burning a hole through his head.

Of course, that’s not what you meant, is it?

I just want to make sure-

Yeah, okay-

No, I’m serious. I just want to make sure-

Jesus christ, Frank, it’s been eight years-

Xander, just listen-

Frank, I don't need a sponsor anymore, and a sure as hell don't need a shrink.

Yeah, I've heard that before. I remember saying it right before my relapse. You wanna wait for that to happen, or just keep ignoring me?

There's a pause. X turns and looks down to the ground, almost insulted that Frank would even go down this path, yet conflicted with the knowledge that he's just trying to help.

Xander, I just want to make sure you're okay.

And I'm telling you, I'm fine. Look, I know where you're going with this, and you're wrong. I know I'm going up and down the country, getting my ass kicked, stuff like that. I know how easy it would be to drop back into my old life. But Frank, I love this. Love it. I'm not gonna throw away all of that, just for some...quick fix. I've wrestled for four years, Frank. I haven't broken yet and I'm not gonna break now. And yes, Abi's anniversary hit me hard. Always does. But she's the reason I'm still going. As long as I think of her, I don't break. Simple. I can't let her down. And winning the Elite X title would've made her happy Frank. I know it.

Franks expression hasn't changed throughout this. But, finally, a smile breaks into his face.

I'm sorry, Xander. I just...I worry. I see the stuff you do in the ring, and I can't help worrying. I mean, Your match last week-

Ah, my match that I became Elite X Champion!

Yeah, well, you took a pretty big ass-kicking before the win.

Oh, thanks!

I'm just saying. Looked painful.

X looks back down.

Yeah. It was. Doctors checked me over though. A fair bit of bruising but, I got the win, didn't I?

That you did.

X stares at Frank, knowing there’s more to come.


I just hope you know where to draw the line between winning and your own wellbeing. Winning isn't all that matters.

Isn't it?

Frank sits there quietly stunned; he doesn't quite know how to respond to X's retort.

Xander, I knew Abi and her family like I know you and yours. I'd like to think I know you guys quite well. She wouldn't want you to throw your life away over being the best.

This isn't just about Abi. X's voice has risen to just underneath a shout now. Do I want to honour her? Make her proud? You're damn right I do. But I need this. Not just wrestling, but winning. Performing is a blast, I love it, but winning provides the biggest buzz of all. Besides, I have my fans to think of. They wanna see me win. Can't really disappoint them, can I?

Xander, all I ask is you take care of yourself. But… I’m proud of you, boy.

Frank pats X on the back. He looks at X, and suddenly realises the conflicted look on his face.

Oh no, I know that look.

What look?

That. There. That look. What’s the problem?

X turns to Frank, and takes a deep breath.

I just…I dunno. I can’t help thinking…


…that I wouldn’t have won without Big Dave’s help.

Frank slides closer, and puts his arm around X, full paternal mode kicking in.

Xander...the circumstances are only part of the story. An important part? Sure. The most important part though? Let me ask you something; if you went on to hold that belt for over a year, would anyone give a crap about how you won it?

X stays silent, mulling the thought over in his head.

What's happened has happened, and was always meant to. Were you fortunate? Sure as hell you were. But don't waste this gift you were given. Use it. Besides, if I remember correctly, Holmes had that bastard Constantine at ringside, right? So it was only fair you had someone backing you up.

A small, weak smile has appeared on X's otherwise melancholy face.

Worry about making it count. You got that?

I got it, Frank.

Good. Glad to hear it. Remember, you deserve that belt. Don't think anymore of it. Think about the guy you're facing next.

Way ahead of you. X stands up. Some of the happy-go-lucky demeanour has returned, though X is seeming far more serious than usual. Overlast's going into this looking to prove himself for a title shot. He's gonna want to prove a point. Just as well really, because I wanna prove a point too...

X runs behind the bench to the large tree behind, and runs up it into a graceful backflip, landing on his feet.

...that I'm the best damn risk taker out there. That's why I'm the Elite X champion.

He turns to Frank again, who now has a broad smile on his face.

Thanks for coming down, Frank. I gotta go. More training and stuff.

More of that stupid flippy stuff?

You don't know anything about modern culture, man.

They shake hands, then embrace, and Triple X begins jogging onwards into the park.

Hey Xander!

X stops and turns round.

It's okay to miss her. You just have to channel it right. You know that, right?

X laughs. Ask Overlast after I've kicked his ass. Ask that bozo if I'm channeling it right.

And with that, X turns, and jogs on into the sun-filled open green, looking forward to the path that lies ahead.
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