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AS46: Rush and Brad Bomb vs. Constantine and Matt Tastic

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Four out of the five qualified King For a Day participants have been paired randomly together in an exhibition tag team match so that these man can slowly prepare for each other once the big day comes. Considering Holmes and Tastic have never gotten along, will Constantine be able to trust Tastic and visa versa as well as Rush and Brad Bomb teaming for the first time, unfamiliar about each other's strategies... but more importantly, who will be able to gain the first amount of momentum?

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
Blade strikes the back of Rush repeatedly to keep him down. Blade locks his head and goes for a DDT. Rush pushes Blade backwards and the two drive into the turnbuckle, breaking the hold. Rush grabs Blade and sets him up for a Powerbomb. Rush grabs the waist and lifts Blade up. Blade reaches out and frantically tries to grab the top rope. His fingers latch on, but the strength of Rush pulls Blade away from the ropes as he goes flying through the two tables on the outside. Rush lands on the floor just short of the tables and the corwd is now the loudest it's been all match

Cohen: This can't happen... where are Blade's partners?

The ref begins to make his 10 count.


Overlast and Hammond run out and try to help there leader. Rush is quickly on him and three men begin to brawl.


Rush is trying to hold his own but is exhausted from the match.


Overlast and Hammond have finally worn down Rush and move to grab their leader.


Overlast and Hammond grab Blade and almost have him standing.


The bell rings and Hammond and Overlast drop Blade as they are in disbelief.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Rush!

Copeland: What an unbelievable match we have just seen. More than 2 years in the making and both men gave everything they had here tonight.

Cohen: Well Seabass I am mortified that Blade is not advancing to King for a Day I will agree that we have just seen a brutal encounter that these two men will not soon forget.

Hammond and Overlast help Blade to the back while a few refs come down to check up on Rush. Rush holds his chest but assures them all that he is fine. Rush raises his arms and the crowd chants his name loudly.

Rush continues to make his way from the ring to the backstage area, high fiving the occasional front-row fan as he walks down the aisle. Before disappearing to the back, he pauses for a moment and turns around to face the ring. He smiles as a look of relief crosses his face. Rush would never admit it, but he was always worried about his first match back, and even more so when it was revealed to be a Last Man Standing match against Blade, the man he has shared the most history with in WZCW. Rush turns his head to the live audience and even though he looks at one specific person in attendance, he speaks to the entire crowd.

RUSH: I told him. What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.

With no effort, Rush pushes back the black curtain separating the live crowd from the backstage area. Once he is confident that the curtain has closed and he is no longer in the view of the audience his body quickly begins to buckle. Rush bends over and places his hands on his knees, preventing his body from falling further. A nearby backstage worker runs over to offer any assistance. He allows Rush to use him as a crutch to stand up straight. Beads of sweat flow down Rush’s face as his chest and shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath. Rush, relying heavily on the help of the stagehand, walks over to a waiting table covered in towels and water. The unnamed helper gently guides Rush to a steel chair beside the table before handing the old wrestler and tower and bottle of water. Rush show’s his appreciation in the form of a help before reassuring the man that he is OK. Hesitantly, the man leaves Rush’s aid and returns to his original job.

Rush opens the bottle and immediately drinks half of it without thought. He pours the reminding water over his head, allowing the cool temperature of the water to run down his head, neck, shoulders and back before crashing to the floor. He uses the white towel to partially dry himself of an equal mix of water and sweat. He places the towel across his shoulders before reaching for another bottle from the table.

Before Rush is able to get comfortable in the steel chair, he notices Becky Serra walking towards him with a full camera crew. He immediately sits up straight and subtly attempts to recompose himself as his body recovers from his match. Rush is unsure what Becky’s intentions are and where this footage will end up, but he knows that he cannot show any weakness this soon after his return. He must leave no doubt in the mind of his competitors that he is still a worthy competitor and shouldn’t be taken lightly despite his age. Rush takes a few more gulps of his water as Becky finally approaches.

Becky Serra: Wow, Rush! Congratulations on your first match back. You looked great out there, but how do you feel?

RUSH: Good to see you again, Becky. I feel good. A little more beat up than usual but that’s to be expected with a Last Man Standing match.

BECKY SERRA: You make a shocking return to the ring at Lethal Lottery but you shared the ring with 29 other WZCW wrestlers. You also entered towards the end of the match. Surely tonight’s match was the real test for

RUSH: Absolutely, but I had no doubt in my mind that I was ready, I just had to convince the rest of the world and I think between the Lottery and the match I just had on Meltdown, I’ve done just that

BECKY SERRA: At Lethal Lottery, you eliminated the man that took advantage of your physical state and defeated you at Kingdom Come II, Blade. Surely you had to know that it was a matter of time before the two of you would meet again in the ring. Where you at all surprised that your match against Blade would be your first singles competition since your return?

RUSH: I was more relieved than I was surprised. Relieved that I got the opportunity to face Blade and put everything to an end. I’m glad this match came sooner rather than later as now I can focus on what’s next in my career.

BECKY SERRA: And what exactly is next for Rush?

RUSH: To be quite honest, Becky, I haven’t put a whole lot of thought into things aside from my first few matches. I wanted to kick the tires so to speak and make sure that everything held together like I expected it to. I’ve been in the wrestling business long enough to know that anything can happen and things can change when you least expect it. I try not to plan too far in advance.

BECKY SERRA: You mentioned that you’ve been competing for a long time in the ring and you are the oldest wrestler on the WZCW roster. What do you hope to achieve with your return?

RUSH: I’ve been blessed with my career and have done more than most, but I haven’t made any real impact here and there are a number of things that I hope to cross off of my bucket list.


RUSH: Well for starters, I came back because I didn’t want to be remembered by fans as the old man who had to be carted away. I feel like I now have the opportunity to make a lasting impression with today’s fans and I will be remembered as one of the best. What does a wrestler have to do to be the best? Win matches, and win championships. I’ve already begun to make steps towards achieving this tonight by winning my King For A Day match qualifier, which is a lot of stress off of my shoulders

Becoming a champion is the bigger picture. Right now, I’m looking forward to competing again. There is a lot of talent in WZCW and I hope to be able to step into the ring with all of them.

The landscape has changed drastically in two years. Only a handful of people remain from when I first arrived. Such a wide variety of talent arrived during my absence and I eagerly anticipate locking up with all of them. Guys like Brad Bomb, Constantine, Matt Tastic, Triple X, and Ace Stevens all show unlimited an untapped potential and I hope we can get the best out of each other and make lots of money together. I don’t know who my next opponent will be or what my next match is but it feels good to be back

BECKY SERRA: We’re glad to have you back as well, Rush and good luck in your match at Kingdom Come.

RUSH: Thanks, Becky. Not even a heart attack can stop me from doing what I want to do and it’s only a matter of time before the entire WZCW locker room feels the rush.

Rush steps out of the camera’s frame, he faintly hears Becky’s voice close the segment as he making his way to his locker room. He opens the wooden door and enters, walking into the bathroom as he hears the door close behind him. Rush reaches for a bottle of prescribed pills that rested on the bathroom sink. The lid pops off with ease and Rush pours two pills into the palm of his hand. He puts them into his mouth, tilts his head back and swallows them without water. Rush slowly lowers his head and observes his reflection in the mirror above the sink. He pauses momentarily before raising his right hand to his chest and slowly rubs his fingers vertically along his scar. The only visible evidence of his past trauma.

"Philadelphia. The city of brotherly love. One of the United States of America's biggest and most populated cities. Hello WZCW fan's, I'm Matt Tastic. And today, I'll give you a "Fan-Tastic Day With Matt Tastic". Asked for by the city mayor and WZCW management, today I walk alongside the citizens of this large city, filled with history, brotherly love, cheesesteaks, and many wrestling fans."


We open the scene to see Matt Tastic with Alisha on the Philly streets in jorts, sleeveless t-shirts and sunglasses. Matt has a megaphone with him. Alongside them are a few people that seem to be tagging along.

Matt: "Let's move, people. It's a big city so we have lots of ground to cover".

The crowd moves along with Matt down the Philly streets as other less aware people look on in confusion. After a while, Matt takes the megaphone.

Matt: DO NOT BE ALARMED, PEOPLE! This is only a promotional tactic. Please, go about your day! However, mind that on April 18, WZCW will present a house show at the Wells Fargo Center. Tickets are on sale at the box office. So move your butts and buy tickets! Put your butts in those seats and say I put them there, because if attendance is good, a Pay-Per-View may come next!

While some people give him an odd look a good degree of people join him and his following crowd.

Matt: Yo!

Yo yo!


How's it goin'?

Go attend a 'Z show and say I put your butt in the seat!

A guy walks into a bar and says... "Ouch".

Join in, folks. I'm mayor approved.

Eventually, Matt and the people find themselves at the Italian Market. The crowd spreads around a bit for shopping as Matt stands by with Alisha.

Alisha: Weird. I thought he'd be here by now. Vance did tell us he'd be here at this time, didn't he?

Matt: Yeah. Let me give Vance a call to see whats up.

Matt pulls a cell phone and calls Vance. After a few buzzes, he picks up.

Vance: Yes?

Matt: Boss! Tastic here.

Vance: Hey, boy. Glad to hear from you. I'm kinda busy so make it quick.

Matt: Where's Leon?

Vance: Shouldn't he be at the Italian Market at Philadelphia waiting for you and your rally?

Matt: I don't see him here.

Vance: Weird. He should be there already. He left Keystone hours ago.

Matt: You have his number? I don't...

Vance: Argh. I'm kinda busy, Matt. He's punctual. Look around, he should be there. Remember, your match and the rest of this week's matches for the shows will be emailed to him for announcement.

Alisha: Look, there he is.

Matt: Got it. I'll make the announcement here at the rally, but... Oh! Found him. See ya, boss.

Vance: Hope your match doesn't shock you too much... *click*

Matt: What? Hello? ...Boss? Vance?! Guess he's gone. Wonder what he meant.

As Matt hangs up the phone, Leon Kensworth runs towards him.

Leon: Hey! Hey, Matt! Over here!

Matt: Where've you been young man? We've been worried about you.

Alisha: We were told you would be here before us.

Leon: Sorry! I'm sorry!

Matt: Nevermind that then. You got everything set up, right?

Leon: Yeah. We're ready to start.

Matt: Awesome. Well, lets get the people.

The 3 go around handing out signs to the people at the market and as they go by, more and more people follow them. Eventually they all meet up with Leon, Alisha and Matt Tastic in the middle of it all.

Matt: YO! If I can have everyone's attention, today WZCW takes it to the streets to meet with the fans! Today, we talk to the people! All part of Matt Tastic's Fan-Tastic Tour! Come and ask whatever you'd like! Feel free to free your doubts. Also, we will give you a sneak peek at Meltdown, Ascension and Aftershock! Who's first?

A bunch of fans raise their hands but one is picked as Leon goes over to him.

Leon: Your question?

Fan #1: What's next for Blade now that he's out of the King For A Day match and has also lost to Rush after 2 years?

Matt: Damn. Hell of a question. But that's one only he can answer. His mind must be in turmoil, but he does have powerful allies by his side with his other Sons. I guess only time will tell, but he would sure fit pretty well on Team WZCW.

Fan #2: Is Showtime really a member of the Chaos now?

Matt: I doubt it. They may be both bad guys, but there's a hell of a lot of bad blood between Showtime and Ty. He's gonna have to go very far to convince Showtime to join and even so, it would most likely be reluctant.

Fan #3: If you win KFAD, when would you cash in?

Matt: A.S.A.P. That thing is nothing but trouble. The sooner you use it, the safer you are. That thing takes more casualties than that tape from The Ring. To this day, the person who's won it still hasn't cashed it in. It's one hell of a gamble and the payoff has still been small.

Fan #4: Who would you like to win at the main event of Kingdom Come?

Matt: Tricky one right there. I'd love for Kurtesy to retain, especially if Ty's team wins. Which I hope doesn't. But at the same time, if I win KFAD, I'd love to get the chance to slap some humility onto Ty. I guess it's a matter what they, and I of course, can accomplish.

Leon: I think it's time for the preview.

Matt: Well then. I think it's time we stopped teasing you. It's time to find out some of the matches that will be featured this week in our cavalcade of shows so we can go to a little photo-op and meet-and-greet.

The crowd cheers.

Leon: Well ladies and gentlemen, headlining Ascension will be World Heavyweight Champion, Steven Kurtesy versus the Chaos! Originally slated for Meltdown, Vance Bateman was able to nab the match for his show. What plans does Ty have for the Champion?

The crowd boos and the mentioning of Ty and The Chaos.

Alisha: We also fill in the last slot for the King For A Day match as Gordito, Blade, Phoenix and Drake Callahan all get a second shot at qualifying. Can one of these men avenge their loss from last week?

Matt: Meanwhile, the already qualified KFAD men will also be occupied as Mr. Baller faces the Lady of Order herself, Celeste Crimson! As for me and the rest, we'll be in a tag team match... as... Brad Bomb and... Rush team to face... myself and... Constantine? The F**K!?!

The crowd gives an awkward silence at the mentioning of the equaly awkard pairing.

Leon: *giggles*


Alisha: Well, he's your partner, you're gonna have to get used to the idea.

Matt: Crap, this is weird. Fine. KICKASSERY!!

The crowd gives a pop at Matt's cheap catchphrase drop.

Fan #... I lost count: Do you trust him?

Matt: About as far as I can throw him. Fun idea to experiment with... But I've still gotta win. So I'm gonna have to get used to it. I'm sure he must think the same.

Alisha: Really?

Matt: Well yeah. It's a chance for him to make a major impact after such a long time falling behind others. I'm sure he might get competitive with me, but a win's a win. For me and for him. I may not trust him, but his goals are the same as mine. Win. Him turning on me would deter his momentum.

Fan #x: Would you turn on him?

Matt: No. What good would that do to me? Distract me from the match like last year? But whatever. Let's start the photos!!

The crowd cheers

Leon: But we still have matches to announce.

Alisha: Ah, details.

The crowd rushes towards Matt as Alisha shoves Leon to the side to help Matt out. The nice little event seems to be a success. But with the match announced, it seems Matt has a bit of a hard time with the fact that Constantine is his tag team partner. He knows Constantine will most likely help him win, but he can't shake off past occurrences of Constantine as a wrestler or a sense of distrust towards political figures. The screen fades. In the dark, we hear Matt's conflicting thoughts on the matter.

?: You can't trust Constantine.

Matt: I know. But I'm gonna have to.

?: That's not a good idea.

Matt: Maybe not, but what else can I do? He's my partner. Not Rush or Bomb.

?: You got a bad draw.

Matt: Not really. Just unpredictable at this point now that he's on his own. Who knows, maybe he'll do what's right. We'll see later, I have a house show match with him later.

?: Or he'll screw you to get the glory all for himself.

Matt: As long as there's no backstabbing, I'll take an indirect win over any loss.


As the voices fade, the screen opens at the backstage area of an arena. Most likely the location of a house show where Matt must team with his unlikely partner. We see him walking around in his ring gear. Someone can be heard...

??: I'm nervous about it. I... I've never been in a team with the guy. I've heard stories. I hear he's into some weird stuff. I don't know if I can deal with that kind of stuff.

Matt stops by a corner once he realizes who it is and eavesdrops on him. Constantine.

Constantine: Couldn't you have gotten me a better partner? I know this Matt Tastic guy has been on a roll lately, but the guy is so different to me. I... I heard he's into cartoon porn. What if he starts talking to me about that?

Matt: I'm into WHAT?!

Matt jumps out and gives an angry look at Constantine as he drops the phone being surprised by Matt. Matt looks angrily at Constantine's misguided opinion while Constantine responds with a bewildered look. The silence is eventually broken however by the sounds of music. Matt Tastic's theme song plays indicating it's time for their match.

Matt: Damn. We'll have to talk this out later. Right now, we'd better hit the ring.

Constantine just shoots a serious but reassuring look at Matt as both guys head to the ring. The screen fades to white as they pass through the curtain.

Constantine wipes some sweat from his brow with a towel before handing the rest of his personal effects to a stage hand standing beside him. Once in possession of the items, the stage hand quickly hurries himself up a corridor and out of view. Constantine, his face still red from the embarrassment he just suffered at the hands of Matt Tastic, runs his right hand through his hair. The prospect of teaming with Tastic had been a bitter enough pill to swallow without making things worse for himself. Tastic, standing a few metres in front of Constantine, shoots another look back at The Power Trip before throwing himself through the curtain and into the limelight. There is a pop that fills the air as the curtain flutter dies down and all that is left is Constantine and his thoughts.


Constantine fills the familiar rush of adrenaline fuelling his body and driving him towards the curtain. As the chorus begins, Constantine bursts out into the arena. A mixed response from the crowd greets The Power Trip as he raises both of his arms into the air before exploding with anticipation. The excitement of the crowd builds as he makes his way down the ramp. Looking towards his partner-in-waiting, Constantine gives a slight nod of recognition. Tastic, warily, gives one in return as Constantine slowly steps into the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, ladies and gentlemen, I give to you... The team of... Matt Tastic and John Constantine!

As the announcement is made, the crowd whip themselves into a frenzy of excitement. With no previous announcement made to the fans, the very real possibility that both of these men were due to face each other seems to be washed away by something even more exciting. Excited whispers and shouts echo around the arena as Constantine and Tastic exchange a look with other before turning to face the entrance ramp again.

Suddenly, a sprightly young team of two rush from behind the curtain. Their vitality is refreshing and encouraging as their physiques tend to tell more of a story. Small but lively, they exchange a high five before running to the ring, their flowing blond hair waving in the wind. They slide under the bottom rope before rising to their feet and receiving the warm applause of the WZCW faithful.

Harrys: And their opponents, from right here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania... Max E and Rod Marsh!

Although no one in the crowd seems to recognise the local talent, there is a warm smattering of applause their energy seems to lift the crowd. The two lesser-known wrestlers shine in their moment, mounting the turnbuckles as their generic music blasts around the full arena. They salute the crowd and jump down from their mounted positions. A wide smile across their faces, they seem to be loving their time in the ring with WZCW.

Constantine shoots a look towards Tastic as they both agree that Tastic will take the first step. Constantine steps outside the ring and allows Tastic to circle the ring as The Power Trip watches on with great cunning and a genuine interest.

* * *

Harrys: Here are your winners... The team of Matt Tastic and John Constantine!

In the ring, the decimated bodies of Max E and Rod Marsh lie motionless. The towering figures of Tastic and Constantine standing tall in the ring beside them, the referee hoisting their arms high into the air. Constantine turns his head to see Tastic enjoying the fan reaction. What now seemed so warm for The Power Trip never seemed this tantalising before. He could feel the appreciation of the crowd throughout his latest match. Constantine reluctantly pulls his arm from the grasp of the referee and rolls under the bottom rope. Tastic takes one last look at the crowd before following suit, a smile etched upon his features. With every step up the ramp, more and more thoughts run through the mind of The Power Trip like locomotives.

With one last burst of energy, Constantine disappears through the black hanging curtain that he entered through only minutes ago. The cheering of the crowd dies away for a moment but then explodes into his ears again as Tastic enthusiastically appears through the curtain behind him. A stage hand hands Tastic a towel and pats him on the shoulder ar he makes his way towards a stationary Constantine. Tastic bows his head, staying away from the glare of The Power Trip. Slowly, he moves past The Power Trip, giving him a brief nod in recognition that is reluctantly mirrored by his King For A Day opponent. Constantine watches Tastic slowly trudge down the corridor in silence before disappearing round the same corner that the stage hand did moments ago.

From nowhere, an excited female voice distracts the Power Trip from staring at the empty space that Tastic has left in the distance.

Becky: Hey, Trip!

Constantine quickly turns his head to see a smiling Becky Serra by his side. Letting out a tut and an audible sigh, Constantine begins moving up the corridor. Deep down, however, he wants to stop and discuss things with Becky. To his relief, the unfaltering personality of Becky catches up with him as a hand clutches his arm.

Becky: Someone's awfully quiet these days. What happened to the guy who told me about his match with Big Dave only a couple of weeks ago?

Constantine stops and with another huff, turns back towards Becky.

Constantine: What happened to him?

Constantine lets out a derisory scoff as he allows his ego to get the better of him. He quickly reels it back in as the expression on Becky's face turns sour.

Constantine: Sorry, Becky. Old habits, you know?

Becky nods her head in understanding and gives a solemn look at The Power Trip.

Constantine: But I can see why you're inquisitive, Becky. For the last week or so, I've been moping around here like I have no idea what's going on. And to be truthful, that's the way I'm feeling. One minute I'm teaming with Steven Holmes and taking him all the way to the Elite X Championship. And the next, I'm teaming with Matt Tastic. I just don't know what to make of it all, Becky.

Becky: These are good things though, Trip.

Constantine allows a smile to cross his features before letting out a quiet laugh.

Constantine: Good? It's better than good, Becky. Not only have I loosened my affiliation with Steven Holmes, I have qualified for the King For A Day match for the first time in my career.

Becky's face lights up as her jumping off points suddenly become abundantly clear to her.

Becky: Speaking off Steven Holmes, what's happening with you two? I mean, you've obviously got some success there. Surely it wouldn't be too smart to just flush that away.

Constantine ponders Becky's words for a second, amazed that she has managed to bamboozle him with such ease. Perhaps it speaks more volumes in regards to the state of mind of The Power Trip than Becky's interviewing prowess. Still, after a moment of deep thought, Constantine begins to speak.

Constantine: Steven Holmes, whether he likes it or not, really can't survive on his own. He teamed with The Crashin Movement for months before cutting them loose. And then he has teamed with myself for a few months. However, the fact remains, that Steven Holmes has been at his most successful when he had someone to watch his back. For the last few months, I have been more than willing to play the role that he desires. I helped him win the Elite X Championship and helped him retain it too. And if you want the proof, then just look at him now. As soon as I loosen our affiliation, he loses the gold that he strived so hard to capture. But nevertheless, I quickly realised that the world is not going to wait for me. I need to be the one to go after my goals and that's exactly what I have did for the last few weeks.

Becky: Ah, yes! How about you pinning Big Dave and winning a spot in the King For A Day match at Kingdom Come?

Constantine: You know what, Becky? I am actually very proud of myself. Pinning Big Dave is no mean feat. I can count the amount of people to do that on one hand. Yet, I, The Power Trip, have managed it twice in succession. He's a former World Heavyweight Champion and the longest reigning Tag Champion in the history of this company. I know I usually toot my own horn a lot but this accomplishment really drives home the success I'm having. With a bit of luck, that can continue into Kingdom Come.

Becky: You definitely have momentum swinging in your favour now, John. Aren't you worried that teaming with Tastic is a train-wreck waiting to happen?

Constantine: Perhaps. But then Rush and Brad Bomb have no history of teaming together and no one is asking them whether or not they are worried. I guess it all comes down to me. I know that people are labelling me as the wild card for this match. They put Tastic's success rate in this match down to how I am feeling on that night. But let me put it to you like this, Becky. I am currently ranked as the 6th most promising and exciting superstar in this entire company. Matt Tastic is currently ranked at 4th on the F15 list. Together, we are one of the strongest tag teams in this company. I know for a fact that he has skills inside of the ring, I've seen them. And for all of the bravado that we waltz around here emanating, beating our chests and proclaiming ourselves to better than everyone else, we all want to be the number one man in this company.

Becky: So you're saying that it all comes down to winning?

Constantine: Doesn't it always, Becky? Matt Tastic is in a very similar boat as mine. Neither of us want to derail the momentum that is driving us towards Kingdom Come. Neither of us wants to be the guy who took a beating before one of the biggest matches of our careers. And most importantly, both of us realise that it's on us to make sure that happens. Brad Bomb and Rush are not the most intimidating of people to stand across the ring from but they both earned their place in the King For A Day match like myself and Tastic. At Ascension, I have no choice but to trust Matt Tastic and he has no choice but to trust me. Whether we hate each other's guts or have the lingering thought that we will tearing each other apart at Kingdom Come, we will be a team. You saw what we did out there tonight, Becky. We've got the promise, we just need to trust each other.

With that, Constantine steps away from Becky leaving a look of deep understanding on her face.​
The sound of footsteps echo through the stairwell as Brad Bomb is fast approaching the door to his flat, keys bumbling around in his hand. He swings open the door and is greeted with the sight and smell of Matt cooking in the kitchen. He throws down his bag, walks into the kitchen and grabs the freshly cooked pasta and walks into the living room to eat. Matt lets out a sigh before revealing a second plate of pasta he had hidden away and follows Brad into the living room.


“Hey. Sorry I hope you don’t mind me eating your pasta.” Brad shoots his friend a look, to which Matt acknowledges means he doesn’t really mind because Matt lives in his apartment rent free.

“Don’t worry; I made enough for two just in case.” Matt goes back to eating his pasta as Brad is almost finished.

“Cool. Cool cool cool.”

“So how was your meeting with Rush? You two hit it off?”

“Indifferent. He’s a lot bigger than I had imagined. It’s weird having to look up at someone. A new experience in WZCW…”

“It’s an inch difference. What difference does an inch make?”

“You’re forgetting the extra hundred pounds as well. It makes him feel taller, if that makes sense. He’s not like anything else I’ve seen in WZCW. Like me he stands out amongst the 6’3, 220 pound vagabonds who run around this place. He needs to be dealt with before he becomes a problem…”

“Dealt with? You remember you’re partnering with him this week, right?”

“Hmm? Oh yes of course I know that you blithering idiot. While this week, he’s my partner first, he remains a rival second. All the time he spends in the ring I’m going to observe what he’s doing, how he’s moving, I have no doubt that his style will have changed after his heart attack. He’s still in the process of getting up to speed again with WZCW and while a Last Man Standing match is great practise, the limits of his stamina will still be smaller than that of the rest of us.”

“I feel as if you’re spending too much time thinking about Rush and not your opponents.”

“Oh such a small worry Matt. Of course I realise just what I’m up against. We all saw Matt Tastic’s performance in the Lethal Lottery. He has the stamina that Rush needs. Still, he’s small. Myself and Rush are one of the tallest tag team combinations in the history of WZCW, let alone one of the most powerful. We shall bounce him around like a pinball.”

Brad puts his empty plate down on the table and then looks back at Matt.

“And as for John Constantine, the man chokes at every given opportunity and now it seems as if he’s had a little lovers tiff with his partner, Steven Holmes. There is nothing he can do to us and there is simply no way those two can properly co-ordinate, nobody ever can in these matches. You’re always looking over your shoulder because that guy who you just tagged in is going to trying and wail on you with their fists in a couple weeks.

This is a difficult match for us all but have no doubt about it, I will be on the winning team and I will build steam ahead of King For A Day. For you know what it is?”

“Your time?”

“Yes. It’s my time Matt. My time. My… time…”

Brad gets out of his chair and walks towards his room, all the while mumbling the same words over and over. Matt gets up and takes the plates to the kitchen to end the scene.
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