AS36: Gordito vs. Big Dave vs. Chris Beckford

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*The scene opens in an office. As the camera pans around the room voices can be heard.*

So here I am just a few short days away from Ascension 36, where I am due to wrestle in a triple threat match up against Big Dave and Gordito. It’s my first match in WZCW since returning from my injury and I suppose I’m pretty nervous about it. You were right though doc, it is how you said I’d feel before my return. I’ve got all these thoughts going through my head…Am I ready to return? Will my leg be able to cope with the rigors of WZCW life? Will the fans still cheer for and appreciate me?

*The camera pans round to a fixed position and we can see the men in the room. Chris Beckford is seen sat in a chair facing an older looking man who is also sat behind a desk. Beckford seems very casual wearing a plain white T-shirt and blue jeans. The man behind the desk is wearing a suit and seems to be content with letting Beckford do all the talking.*

And it’s not just the fans I’m concerned about. How will the locker room react? I’ve been out a few months and in that time so many new faces have appeared and I know all of those will be looking for any way to get ahead in the business. Also my competitors, I have a target on me now, as people saw what Blade did to my leg…it was a mess. People will consider that a weak point on me. I know the specialists said it was fully healed and I was cleared to compete, but I just want to make sure I’m ready to compete with the best again. The last thing I want to do is go and get in the ring with Gordito and Big Dave at Ascension and within one minute of the match someone takes a swipe at my leg and puts me on the shelf again. Doc I just want to make sure I’m doing the right thing.

Chris it’s a very common thing you are going through here and in your line of work I suppose you do have a right to be concerned. You go out there and put your life and body on the line at every event you do so I’m not going to lie to you and say a re-occurrence of your injury will never happen. It probably will happen again at some point in time, just like you could break the other leg or your arms or your back. My point is you’re just as much at risk now, as you were before your injury, it’s just something you’re going to have to get past if you want to continue doing what you do. The way I see it is that you have two options. Option 1 is to go out there and be cautious, put you at minimum risk by pulling of any dangerous moves and protect yourself by any means necessary. Option 2 is simply go out and do what I assume you did before your injury and that would be to go out all guns blazing and do whatever is necessary to win. If I had your career and your choice I know what I do. I’m sorry Mr Beckford but our time is up, I wish you good luck in whatever choice you decide to make and if you feel the need to talk more you can always make another appointment.

Beckford: Ok. Thank you Doctor.

*Beckford stands up and leaves the office as the camera follows him out of the offices and into the lobby of the building. Beckford exits the building and sits down on a nearby bench. The bench faces a busy main road with cars and other vehicles zooming past. The bench is also situated on a pavement with many pedestrians going about their day.*

It’s just nerves…..I’ll be fine…..

*After a few moments a group of teenage boys walk past*

Holy shit…Guys that’s Chris Beckford from WZCW.

Whoa, you’re right it is.

Boy3 (laughing): Probably sat reflecting on the beating Blade gave him the last time he was in the ring. Did you see how bad his leg was mangled? Blade beat his ass and he couldn’t do a thing about it.

(chuckles) you’re right. Come on guys we don’t want to be seen with this loser.

*The boys walk away. Beckford seems uninterested with their comments. As the boys disappear out of shot a younger boy comes over with his mother*

Excuse me.


My son is a big fan of WZCW and I was wondering if you’d have a few moments to speak.

Yeah no problem. How you doing kid? Who’s your favourite wrestler?

Young Boy: Austin Reynolds is my favourite.

Beckford: Really? I can understand that. He’s a good guy.

Young Boy:
I like Titus and Everest and Action Saxton but I don’t like Ty or Barbosa or Blade.

Beckford: To be honest kid, I don’t like Blade either.

Young Boy:
I remember your match with him, I was really upset when he hurt your leg. I hope you get him back soon.

Me too. I’m it won’t be too long before I’m up against him again.

Ok then son, come along we’ve taken up too much of Mr Beckford’s time.

Young Boy:
Bye Mr Beckford. Good luck

Beckford: See you later.

*The scene fades*

*Later that night*

*Scene opens with Leon Kensworth walking towards the entrance of a building. He opens the doors and as the camera crew follows walks past the reception area. We appear to be in a gymnasium as gym equipment can be seen around the establishment. Leon walks into the main area of the gym to find a ring in the middle and Chris Beckford leaping off the top rope with the Cross Country to a big blue mat. Beckford immediately gets back up and climbs to the tope rope again before again jumping off with Cross Country. He then gets up and begins running against the ropes repeatedly Leon moves closer to the ring and gets Beckford's attention. Beckford climbs out of the ring and begins walking over to him.*

Chris good to see you man, are you still up for doing this segment?

Beckford: Leon good to see you too, it’s been a while. Yeah I’m up for doing it. You want to do this now?

Yeah if you don’t mind.

Not a problem.

Kensworth: Ok. Joining me at this time on is one of two men making their return to WZCW. Please allow me to introduce Chris Beckford. Chris it’s great to see you back.

Beckford: Leon, it feels great to be back and I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring and giving my all for the fans again.

When we entered it looked like we caught the last bit of a training exercise. Have you been upping your ante with your return just around the corner?

I’ve been training harder than ever for my return to the ring. I just want to make sure I haven’t lost anything due to the injury and that I’ll be back fighting hard to achieve my goals.

Up first for you is a triple threat match against the other man returning from injury in Gordito and a man many regard as the next World Champion Big Dave. What are your thoughts on this?

Beckford: I can’t wait. Going up against these guys will certainly be tough as in my opinion both Gordito and Big Dave have what it takes to someday be World Champion. Gordito has had my back on a few occasions in the past and is a man I consider to be a friend. I know what he can bring to ring and how dangerous he can be and how tough he is. I’ve been in the ring with Big Dave before and he bested me on that occasion, he’s a tremendous competitor and had such an impressive reign as EurAsian Champion that nobody could beat him. Both of these guys I have the utmost respect for but under triple threat rule anything can happen. I’ve been in a triple threat match with Gordito before and he won it but this time I hope I can change the outcome and win.

The last time we saw you in the ring you were viciously attacked by Blade, who ended up breaking your leg and putting you out of action. You’ve come back quicker than expected but are you at 100 percent and do you have anything to address about the attack?

You know Leon earlier on today I overheard a group of teenagers talking about me and how I was a loser because Blade beat my ass and I couldn’t do a thing about it and it made me think what if they were right? I couldn’t defend myself against Blade’s cowardly attack that night and probably wouldn’t be able to defend against it in the future but does that make me a loser? I, myself have been wondering if I’m coming back too soon and risking another injury, so much so that I’ve been visiting a doctor to clarify if it’s the right thing to do. But then I saw a kid earlier and it put a huge smile on his face just to talk to me and I’ve realised how much I’ve missed that, to entertain the fans around the world. So I’m sending a message to everybody out there Leon. Chris Beckford is back and he’s 100 percent ready to light up WZCW in the only way he can. As for Blade, he’s got his hands full with Scott Hammond right now but I’m sure our paths will cross once again and at that time I’ll issue out a little payback.

Kensworth: Well Chris Beckford obviously focused on the upcoming triple threat match at Ascension 36 and good luck to him also our thanks to him joining us on I’ve been Leon Kensworth; we will see you next time.

*The scene fades*
We open to The Sludge Pit in the early morning. Jack Ruin is found behind the bar taking stock of the vast inventory of liquor bottles, checklist in his hand. The front door opens and in walks Gordito, bandaged and bruised. Jack looks over and forgets all about the task at hand.

Jack: Well look what the cat dragged in...finally out of the hospital, eh?

Gordito strolls up to the bar and and gestures with his hand towards Jack, who produces a coffee maker from under the bar. As Gordito starts the machine up, Jack reaches under the bar again and produces a mug, some cream, and some sugar.

Gordito: I know some peeps hate the hospital, but I don't. If anything, I just hate not being able to go anywhere. I hate being constricted. And the food sucks. But hey, I'm living, I'm in control of my bodily functions, and I'll be better soon. Could've been worse.

Baez really gave you one for, didn't he?

Yes, Jack. Yes he did. I'm almost proud in a way. I came up short, but there will always be other chances if I keep at it. Meanwhile, Baez is a new man, with new momentum. I'll be watching him, hoping he does something worthwhile with it.

The coffee machine starts to make bubbling noises as the water boils inside of it.

So. How long are you out of comission?

Doc says it'll be a few weeks. Nothing major, no big breaks or anything, just a lot of strain and some cuts and such. He said it's time for a vacation.

Well then, what do you plan to do with your new found vacation time.

Now that I've got the day to day operations of the bar passed over to you, I think...

The coffee maker has produced enough of the dark liquid for Gordito to pause and fill his mug. He continues talking as he adds some cream and sugar.

I think I want to move back to the west coast. It's been real out here, but between this place and WZCW I've got enough in the coffers to travel back and forth easily without needing to be based out here.

You asshole.

Jack chuckles.

You got me to move out here for nothing then?

Oh, don't be like that. Before this you were wasting away in nowheresville with nothing to do. Now you run a business and have a place to call your own that isn't a worn out party house. Besides, I'll be around. I can't bear to be away from my baby for too long.

Gordito looks around the building as he says this.

It's just that I think I want to use this time to find my roots again, and to change some things. I feel like it's time to update myself, to process everything from the last year, figure out where I've been and figure out where I'm going.

So, first stop?

San Francisco for a minute. Visit the family, the old crew. Then I think I'm going to spend some time in Los Angeles looking for some answers.

LA? Really? I figured you'd hate that place.

Southern California is always a bit misunderstood. I don't think I've ever given it a fair shot. I've always been big on the underground, on the scene below, and never on "the big time". But I'm in "the big time" now, and I think that if I'd like to survive and thrive in this kind of environment, I need a new perspective. Maybe those Hollywood types have something that I need to learn, you know?

Ok, so when do you leave?

Today. I'm already packed up. Figured I'd swing by here to let you know in person, and to tell you thank you.

Thank you?

Thank you, Jack. You being here this last year has been amazing for me. You're a good friend, a good bro, and I feel better knowing I've got you watching my back, and watching over this place. you too, Jefe. Thanks for giving me this new life. You know I got your back like you got mine. Nor Cal Hardcore for life, bro.

For life, baby.

---------------------------- 3 Weeks Later -------------------------------​

We cut to a dark soundstage. The cameras are rolling. The lights are off. Music begins playing in the darkness.


As the music plays, we are greeted by flashes of light in different colors. Through the flashes, we can see a figure standing in the center of the stage. He is bald, large, and standing with his arms crossed at his chest. The flashes of light increase in intensity and length, allowing us a better view of the figure. He is dressed in a black long sleeve button up shirt with a glossy sienna colored vest buttoned up over it. He's wearing tight dark blue jeans with bleach stains on them as well as dark purple bug-eye glasses. He is standing still, staring at the camera and smirking on one side of his mouth. Words in a font which appears to be a scribble appear on the screen in rapid succession, repeating themselves.


After these have repeated themselves a few times, a few new words are added into the rotation. These words appear larger, clearer, and stay on the screen longer, allowing them to appear as their own message.



Becky Serra is waiting backstage in front of a giant WZCW Ascension sign with a mic in her hand. She smiles at the camera as she begins to speak.

Becky: Welcome WZCW Universe, I've got a big surprise for you all tonight. Apocalypse had a lot of twists and turns for WZCW, but not many were as big as the surprise return of two superstars who were thought to be out for the long run. I'm talking of course about Chris Beckford and Gordito. Joining me right now is The Dirty One himself, fresh off of his summer vacation.

As Becky speaks, Gordito steps into frame from the right. He is dressed again in a button up shirt and vest with tight jeans and bug eye glasses. His head is freshly shaved, and he is smiling.

Gordito, everyone feared you would be out far longer after your defeat at the hands of Baez at Redemption. There have been rumors that you did a little soul searching with your time off in recovery, and the question on everyone's mind is what you were doing with that time?

What did I do with my summer vacation, eh Becky? Ha. I took off for the number one summer destination, Southern California. I was there to take in the sun and the beaches and the fresh LA smog infested air. California is my home, from the foggy coast of Eureka to the burning hot sand dunes of San Diego, and I needed to get back home to find who I am, who I've been, and who I'm becoming.

And what did you find out there, back home?

Well, to tell it all would take way more time than we have right now, baby, so we'll just call it a story for another day. But the important part is that I went home to recharge my batteries and now I'm back, batteries overcharged, and ready for whatever comes my way.

And right off the bat, coming your way is a three way match with your pal Chris Beckford, also fresh off of some time away, and Big Dave, to whom you are no stranger. What a way to make a big return, right?

You said it, baby. The three of us, we're no strangers. Why, not long ago we three came together to make beautiful music in the ring. I've battled against and with these two before, and I've got nothing but respect for both of them. That being said, I feel bad that they are the first in line to taste the new Gordito and to feel the new energy I'm bringing with me.

I've been in this kinda dance with Beckford before, and I came out on top. No disrespect to him about it, I doubt it's going to be easy here. But nothing easy was ever worth doing. I believe in myself, I believe that The Dirty Train can make it a repeat win, to show all The Dirty Ones out there that I'm back, baby

As for Big Dave, I hope he's bringing his best. I know he's probably in a bit of a rut having lost his King for a Day rights to both my boy Wasabi and that whack job nut case Barbosa. Here's hoping he's got some gas left in the tank for Ascension because I know Beckford and I will be bringing it to the max.

After that, what's next for The Dirty One?

Hmm...that's a good question, Becky. I mean, there are so many options for me right now. I could go after Baez for vengeance, I guess. But the thing is, I'm not really mad at him. I gave my all, and he gave his, and in the end he won. Nothing to cry about. Maybe he'll be spooked that I'm back. Maybe he'll want to try and make an example out of me again. Let him. He knows where to find me now.

Then there's Ty. I hear the big guy's been taking a dip in the dark side pool. Maybe he needs someone to pull him back into the light, kicking and screaming. Maybe it's time for The Dirty Train to focus on being the number one around here, and finally getting that title for myself.

Or maybe it's time to get back to basics. Maybe it's time to take it back to where it all started. Maybe it's time for someone to show Alex Bowen what Mayhem really means. I think I'd quite enjoy jumping into the Mayhem Division and showing those kids what's what.

And it doesn't stop there, Becky. The Elite X title, The EurAsian title, hell even the Tag Team titles. There are so many options for The Dirty One right now that I might not know where to start.

Gordito slaps his palm to his face.

D'oh, scratch that, I know exactly where I'm starting at. I'm starting at Ascension, baby. I'm starting at me, Beckford, and Big Dave in a three way. That's all that matters to me at the moment. I've got a heart like an atom bomb, baby, and I'm just waiting for WZCW to point me in the right direction so I can explode. The crosshairs are on those two for now, and that's all I need. It's time for The Dirty Train to get going again, it's time for me to show these people what it means to have fun and go crazy. The Dirty One is back, baby. It's time to get this party crazy-go-nuts.
Blades of grass are blowing in the wind. The scene is beautiful in a natural serenity, trees and leaves waving like dancers in a tribal routine, mountains overlooking in the fair distance. The only thing that disturbs this moment is Johnny Klamor in a jungle type of outfit puffing and panting his way up the hillside towards the gathering of trees. Upon approach he sees a large house made of wood hidden within the trees, surrounded by blossoms, Klamor takes one deep breath and paces forward. The doors of the house slide open and a bare footed small Japanese man approaches the panting Klamor.

Greetings traveller, you have come far?

Yeah…buddy…could use…some…water.

Of course, if could come this way.

The Japanese man leads Klamor to the door and inside, the man stops to stare at Klamor who enters without realising what he’s done.

If you please.

Klamor looks bemused.

Sorry, what?

Your shoes, please remove them to respect the honour of this household.


Klamor reluctantly removes his hiking boots as the man provides him with a cup of water that is rather refreshing to the WZCW Reporter, giving him an uplifting feel.

This is some good water!

Fresh from mountains themselves, there is no water like this.

I’ll drink to that!

Please state your purpose for being here. This household is for training and finding peace, I do not suspect you of being in search of either.

No, my business relies on someone who is said to be here. An English guy, bit tall, rather built, does some wrestling…

Ah, you mean Seito David. He is very troubled. I must insist you speak with the Sensei first before seeing David.

Sure, whatever.

The small man leads Klamor into one of the hallways of the house and halts him on the spot before he continues alone behind a door in front of the reporter. A minute later he returns and ushers Klamor through into what appears to be the largest room. The room is warm from the burning torches that line up the walls that are decorated in the ancient Heian art, Klamor looks amazed. He continues to walk up the centre of the hall and is stopped at a small altar where an old man is sitting in a meditated pose. Everything on the table is neatly organised in front of him, with tools, a bell and incense smoking laid out in front of him. The small man leaves as Klamor is still stunned by the sights surrounding him.


You have come far, Mr. Klamor.

Yes. How did you know my name?

The old man opens his eyes.

It is a Sensei’s business to know of expected travellers that may enter his house, announced or not. I know why you come.

Then you know it is of upmost importance that I…

The Sensei raises his hand to stop Klamor from speaking.

Mr. Klamor. Seito David has come to me in the past for guidance and he requested to have my guidance once again through troubled times. He is free to come and go as he pleases to carry out his journey, but I will not tolerate interference in his path of guidance. For he will be further lost when he needs to be found.

Is it ok if I see him now? I’ll be on my way then.

Let us talk first.

The Sensei raises up from his place as his robe drops down, giving the feeling that he has no legs but rather glides around the place. He leads Klamor on out of the room into the hall outside and guides him through this hall.

So you said David has been here before?

He sought for me in the quest to purge some demons, he took up the energy to focus his mantra to the rhythm of Tai-Chi and it brought him happiness. But when he arrived, his mantra had been lost to darkness, the focus he once had was gone.

You mean the situations with the King for a Day Contract?

Seito David currently sits as a king without a crown, he is destined for glory but he will not find it through such means. He will find glory through his own merit, as he has done so before.

The Sensei and Klamor have now exited through a door that leads to a blossoming back garden, the petals dance with such grace and elegance.

I have been sent to give a letter from the offices of Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman. They tell…

Of his upcoming battles with returning warriors know as Beckford and Gordito.

Yes…how did you know?

We may be in a distant location but we get very good internet service.

Oh I see. Has Dave commented on such matters?

Any comments he has had are only with himself. The battle he faces is not the ones that are physical but rather the battle to find peace, because darkness will consume him if he does not find that peace.

The Sensei and Klamor reach a section of the gardens where large trunk like beams stand at a fair height, where in a balanced pose is Big Dave who’s direction looks out towards the sunlit distance.


Dave drops his leg and turns to bow to his teacher, before dropping down off the beam in front of them.

Johnny. Master, if you please, I need to be excused from my training at this present time.

It is fine Seito. Take as long as you need.

The Sensei leaves Klamor and Dave be as Dave grabs a nearby robe to put on.

You’re pretty hard to find.

Maybe I didn’t want to be found.

Dave and Klamor resume the stroll in the gardens that Klamor only just finished with the Sensei.

Is this what you have been reduced to?

I haven’t necessarily been reduced to anything. I find myself in a situation that I never thought to see and the only place I found ideal was here.

But what about the company?

Just because I’m here does not mean I’ve left. I will still be competing in my matches, but my priorities between them are here. So, Beckford and Gordito?


Is there such a reason why I must face them?

There is, I was told to give this to you.

Klamor reaches into a pocket of his jacket and draws out a letter, he hands it over to Dave.

You could have sent it by owl.

But there was important…

Dave then grabs a note that sits nearby, he whistles and an owl lands on his outstretched arm. He then attaches the note to the owl’s talon and sends it flying.

As I was saying…

The owl has suddenly returned and Dave retrieves the note from talon and reads it, smirking. He sends the owl away.

Like I said.


Dave then focuses his attention to the letter that Klamor had given him; he opens the envelope and reads the information. Dave looks unfazed by the information.

This tells me nothing, just that I’m the ideal person to face Beckford and Gordito.

There is more, but even I’m not allowed to know.

So that makes it all the more better? Johnny, last time I was in a match with Gordito, I won defeated him and I was screwed out of the victory by Myles because I vacated the EurAsian Championship. I don’t feel bitter because I know I got what I deserved in that situation, but Gordito in his time has got further than I ever did and that was due to a decision overturned. If this match is important, then I have to have guarantee that I won’t be screwed out once again.

You won’t, because the match is on Ascension.

Even so, neither boss have proven to be trustworthy at times.

And your thoughts Beckford?

Beckford is a man who during my darker days, I bested him. But he was the successor to my EurAsian Championship reign; he took it to great lengths and is a different person to the last time we met. The same is said for me.

What is it Dave?

Dave is hesitant to tell Klamor.

It’s got to be more than coincidence that I would be booked in a triple threat match right after I lost the King for a Day Contract in the same match stipulation. The fact that I have to endure it all again and this time against men who have proven their value so much more since I last faced them.

But with Toyota and Barbosa, you were practically pinned by seven people!

It doesn’t make any excuse. I wasn’t good enough and I don’t know if I can be again. How can I even be considered good enough to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship when my best shot was lost in the blink of a second!

The King for a Day is cursed as you know.

It may well be, but it was my own fault the contract was lost, I became arrogant!

Is that so bad?


Dave takes a deep breath before turning away from Klamor.

The last thing I wanted out of all this was to go back to old ways and I was pushed to the limit. I was being forced to fall back into these habits and I had to decide to either stand my ground or fall into temptation. I flirted with both and couldn’t decide.

Is that why you’re here?

Yes. I cannot truly be fine until I know what the right path is for me.

Klamor stands next to Dave.

I can’t be second guessing myself when the important opportunities come, you have to fight or fly, and I don’t plan on flying soon.

How long do you think you will need here?

As long as it takes, but I will continue to compete as I said. Who knows, maybe this won’t be so bad, it’s not like Beckford or Gordito will have any advantage or targets to have when we face. It’s about making an impact. It will be a challenge no doubt, but if things go in the right direction, then maybe my time here will be spent less. We all have our injuries to deal with; broken leg; serve bleeding; loss of direction and opportunities. We come into this match as equal men, where Beckford and Gordito have the momentum of returning, we all fear future damage being done from the setbacks we suffered. Excuses can no longer be made and a victory would be something nice to see. Everything depends on me making these things happen, but I can only find the right direction mentally with the help of my master. Everything else that occurs in WZCW will be all business.

I’m sure you can do it. Sure, I may not understand the culture or the ideals you have with trying to get these interesting characters to aid you. But I’ve seen you at your best and worst, and not always for a good story or interview, I’m sure ring rust will give you an advantage.

You can never count on that.

A bell sounds, of which gathers the attention of Klamor and Dave.

It’s time to eat. Care to join?

As long as it’s not just a bowl of rice.

Dave smirks and leads Klamor on as they head inside the house with the other students. The path of Big Dave still remains open but some questions will be answered on Ascension for him, but the journey to finding himself has begun.
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