AS36: Alex Bowen vs. Ale - Mayhem Title

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Phatso gets an automatic extension due to comp troubles, he may post when he can.

Deadline is Tuesday 6th September 23:59 EST
The scene opens with Ale standing up in Chuck Myles’ office, with Myles and Vance Bateman standing about 8 feet away from him. George is leaning on the open door that leads to a hallway in the main WZCW building. Ale is in a black hoodie with the hood down, and is wearing black basketball shorts. It is 2 days after Ale failed to win the battle royal.

Myles: Angry?

Ale doesn’t move.

Bateman: Frustrated?

Again, Ale just stares right in to the two most powerful men in WZCW right in their eyes.


Again, Ale just deeply stares right at the two men in suits.

Pissed off?

Ale comes closer, and stares down Bateman, and then goes over to, and stares him down, before backing up back to where he was before.

Ale: Why do you care?

Myles steps forward, and starts chuckling.

Because we care for our employees Ale; especially you. I mean, if we didn’t we wouldn’t have put you up against guys like Ty Burna, Austin Reynolds, or Scott Hammond.

Ale just turns around, and begins to walk away, until Bateman steps forward.


Ale doesn’t listen, as he is about to exit the door.

I said wait!

Ale is about to walk out the door, until Bateman gives George a look, and George sticks his arm out, and tells Ale to turn around. Ale hesitates at first, but walks back to where he was before, only this time a bit closer to Myles and Bateman.

Have a seat; we have some good news for you.

Myles and Bateman each pull up chairs, along with an envelope in Myles’ hand, but Ale ignores what Myles just said, and stays standing.

You see Ale, even though you, Vance, and I both know that you’re not our favorite wrestler, we have been impressed with what you have shown us since your debut in WZCW.

Bateman is about to talk, but Ale cuts him off.

I have been dominant since my arrival in your company. In all of the battle royals that I’ve been in, I’ve been tripled; sometimes even quadruple teamed because everyone knew that I was the best out of all of them. Against Reynolds, I had the match won until Ty Burna cowardly hit me with his belt. Against Ty himself, I had him beat for 95% in that match, until he just got lucky. Against Hammond your “champion” Myles screwed me out of a win. While I’m beating your top guys, you push guys like Black Dragon, Stan Rogers, and Sam Masters up to the moon……

Myles lifts his right index finger in the air, and cuts off Ale.

It’s Chris K.O., Ale.

Ale looks angrier than he was before, when he tried to exit the office.

I have no idea at all what you’re talking about Chuck, but I suggest………..

Myles stands up.

You don’t suggest anything! I’m the guy in this company, and since you’ve been here, all you have done is piss me off! Well, I’m done, here Vance take this, I just can’t stand this man anymore!

Myles stares Ale down, before giving Vance the envelope, and going back to his desk to use his computer.

You see Ale, I’ve seen good in you, so what I did, I personally went to the board of directors here, and set up a very, well, a very interesting match that I know you’ll like.

George walks up to Bateman, and Vance takes out a contract. George smiles, and calls his son over to Vance. Bateman hands Ale the contract, and he smirks.

Finally, something I deserve, a Mayhem Title match.

Vance takes the contract back, and places it on Myles’ desk, as Myles stopped paying attention. Vance grabs a pen, and hands it over to Ale.

That’s right, this week on Ascension 36, you will go head to head with Alex Bowen in a Mayhem Rules match for his Mayhem Title. Just take this pen, and sign the contract, and this match is official.

Ale reluctantly takes the pen, and signs the contract; Vance extends a hand, but Ale and George ignore it, as they walk out of the office.


It is the night of Ascension 36, and Ale and George are seen walking backstage. George has his signature baseball bat in hand, and it looks like they are heading to their locker room, until they stumble upon a shopping cart. George looks at Ale, and points to the shopping cart. Ale, who is still wearing his black hoodie with the hood down, but now has his traditional wrestling trunks on, reads George’s message, and takes the shopping cart from the random hallway backstage, and the duo begin to continue their walk down the hallway.

George place his bat in the shopping cart, and after walking for about a minute, Ale looks to his right, and sees three kendo sticks lined up against the wall, and the two stop, as Ale walks over, grabs the kendo stick, and puts them in the shopping cart, as the two continue their journey down the large Rose Garden.

Ale (to himself): Bowen signed up for the wrong fight.

George (to himself): He sure did.

The two continue down the hallway, and take a left turn, and see two arena workers, one with a full bottle of water in his hand, and one with a small box of tools in his hand. Ale reaches out, takes the tool box, shoves the worker down to the ground, and puts the tool box in the shopping cart, while Ale was doing that, George reaches out, and does the same thing to the other arena worker, only instead of a toolbox, George takes the full; un-opened water bottle, and puts it in the cart. The two continue to walk down the big backstage area.

The two continue walking, and stop by an exit door; they look to their left, and see two more arena workers carrying two trash cans with them. Ale and George stop, and once the workers get close enough, Ale sticks his giant hand out, and the arena workers stop, and put the garbage cans down on the floor. Ale and George walk over, and take the two garbage can lids (one for each of them,) and place them in the cart. The two continue on, as the arena worker look both upset and surprise, as they pick the trash cans back up.

Longest reigning Mayhem Champion, too easy. Right?

Too easy.

Imagine how tired he is after that barbed wire match he just had. It’ll be like putting a bloodied Dolphin in a lake with a Tiger Shark.

It doesn’t matter how tired he is, I am going to bloody him, and I’m going to beat him.

George spots something that catches his eyes.

Look over there.

George points toward another arena worker carrying two steel chair on each of his two arms. The man is about to pass and Ale sticks his massively huge arm out, and swipes one of the chairs the worker was carrying on his left arm. The two keep walking until they walk past a cafeteria. They enter, and inside they see many people, from random arena workers, to current WZCW wrestlers. Most of the wrestlers the two see have already wrestled on Meltdown 61 the night before, and are not scheduled to appear on Ascension 36. A lot of the wrestlers turn around, and stare at Ale and George, but the father; son duo just keep looking straight, until they get to a part of the cafeteria with a sign that reads “tray drop off”. Below the sign, they see about 20 steel trays stacked on top of eachother, and Ale takes four of them.

Only four?

Four is all that I need Dad.

Ale places the trays in the shopping cart, and begins to exit the cafeteria. After the two exit the cafeteria, Ale stops, which also causes George to stop as well.

Let’s head back to the locker room, there’s bound to be something there.

George nods his head yes.

Excuse me?


Ale ignores his father’s tone, as the two make their way towards Ale’s locker room. The show is set to air in 8 minutes, so the duo is walking a little bit faster. When they finally reach Ale’s locker room, the two see Leon Kensworth walking pretty fast with a camera crew with him, and Leon is barely able to reach Ale before he opens the door, and enters the locker room. Leon sets up for the interview, and the camera starts rolling.

Kensworth: Hello WZCW fans, I’m Leon Kensworth here reporting live, and we are minutes away from Ascension 36 airing, and one big match that is set to take place on the show is Alex Bowen defending his Mayhem Title in a Mayhem Rules against Ale. I am here with the challenger, Ale, and Ale, I must ask you this. How are you preparing for this match against the very, well unorthodox Alex Bowen?

Like this, kid.

Ale reaches his right hand over, and takes Leon’s microphone, and places it in the cart. George then opens the door to the locker room, and the two enter the locker room, as George shuts the door on Leon and the camera crew.

George and Ale are now in the locker room, and George has his back to the door as Ale is looking for weapons to use in his match all throughout the locker room.

Wow, I see how you have negative feelings towards that guy.

Ale is now in the bathroom of the locker room, and the look on his face seems like he found something useful.

You see Dad, he is like a mosquito, annoying, and no matter how many times you tell him to go away, he always comes back. Same as Alex Bowen, the guy is well beyond crazy for way more reasons than one. A very good way to get rid of mosquitoes though is to use bug spray.

Just after Ale finishes his statement, he turns around, and in his hand is a full can of bug spray. Ale lifts it up high, and throws it at George, who catches it. George then looks at it, walks over towards the shopping cart, which is now near full, and places it in. We now see Ale with almost the exact same face he had after he found the bug spray, and picks an object up out of a random drawer in the bathroom, and stands up and turns around.

Another way to describe Alex Bowen, and probably the rest of the WZCW roster is just one big; giant itch. Well, one good cure to an itch is using baby powder.

Ale’s left hand has the baby powder in his left hand, and he removes his thumb to show the baby powder logo on the bottle. Ale then throws it to George, and George catches it, and places it in the cart. George reaches in one of the lockers, and pulls out a string of barbed wire and a lead pipe, as Ale makes his way towards his father.

You know son, I figure that you wouldn’t mind some barbed wire, or a lead pipe either.

George begins to place the objects in the shopping cart.

All good.

George drops the items in the shopping cart, which is now completely full, as Ale and George look at all of the objects that they’ve placed in there.

You know son, I have a good feeling about this match.

George takes out the baseball bat, as Ale watches George mess around with it, before George puts it back in the cart.

Bowen has held that title for a while.

Ale walks closer to George.

He’s never faced me, or anyone close to me, so in other words, his title reign is a fluke.

George goes over to the door, and opens it, as Ale takes the shopping cart, and the two leave the locker room, with George closing the door behind them.
The camera man floats in and our Mayhem champion is setting back with his right leg propped up on the table. We are setting in a large warehouse full of small little booths are all around the Mayhem champion. They are at a small Comic Con like gathering. Behind Alex is a large black poster with the champions of Wzcw on it Sam smith is on one side with blade on the other. Stantime stands proudly to the left and right side of the World heavyweight champion Ty Burna. Someone has defaced the world champion by cutting his head off his body. Alex Bowen is no ware to be seen on the poster. He is in his usual attire with his championship belt around his waist. He has black sun glasses on to hide his blackened eyes and crusted over scabs running down his cheeks and face. But still he looks at the camera with a cocky smile and lifts up his glasses and give a small wink through swollen eyes.

Alex- Bastards forgot me....

Alex points up the the defaced poster and smiles.

Alex- I got the last laugh though. I love doing stuff like this though even though I am admittedly a tad bit sore from the pay per view I am in good spirits. I'm not gonna lie life goes on and I'm ready for any challenge.

A small group of people walk from the next booth over. One walks up to Bowen and shakes his hand. He is dressed in regular street clothes and hands Bowen a small book to sign in.

Alex- Who should I make this out to?

Man- Jackson, put whatever you want in it.

Bowen writes a small note and signs his name in grand flourish. He tilts his head up and Two more men have joined the group without a word. One is dressed in a red an black costume with two large katanas crossed over his back. Through his red mask we can see nothing. The much smaller man behind him dressed in a nice suit walks around and pushes through the crowd.

Alvin- Mr. Bowen, I have brought your partner for today.

Bowen looks up higher and hands the man his book. He leans back and points to Saboteur.

Alex- This is the guy they are sending me? Shouldn't you be on the other side? That's the hero's section.

Saboteur- What's wrong with me? Before the battle royal I was undefeated. Better than being a broke geriatric wrestler.

Alex locks eyes with Saboteur and shakes his head. He takes a deep breath and shakes both of their hands. Saboteur walks to the back of the booth and grabs the spare black chair. He plants himself away from Bowen at the other end of the table as the group walks away. Leaving only Alvin in front of the table. Saboteur waves off his intern before saying this.

Saboteur- Be back in fifteen minutes, bring me a large pretzel with cheese.

Alvin looks back and smiles at the masked wrestler. Saboteur leans over and whispers to Bowen.

Saboteur- He won't tell me ware he is going, But I saw the Transformers booth when we walked in. Don't be surprised if he comes back with a bunch of toys. His eyes lit up like a child’s.

Bowen cracks a small chuckle.

Alex- God that's sad, I only watched the movies for Megan Fox.

Saboteur- Truer words have never been spoken.... So you are this hardcore monster everyone talks about. I've never really got the chance to talk to you. But I'm glad I do know, I enjoy talking to the veterans sometimes. You seem nice enough?

Bowen looks over at the masked wrestler and lifts up his sun glasses to show his almost swollen shut eyes. He looks over the man setting next to him and smiles.

Alex- I'm not a monster, I just do what I have to do.

Saboteur looks at Bowen and shakes his head.

Saboteur- So putting people through flat screens, and taking baseball bat shots to the head doesn’t make you a monster. Regular men just run barbed wire items over other men now right?

Alex- Damn, I wouldn't call myself a regular person. But really I'm not a monster. What about yourself why do you carry the swords around?

Saboteur shrugs and Bowen continues after punching him in the arm.

Alex- What about you, Mr. big man? You have a match this week with the world champ! See we aren't so far apart, just two weeks ago I was tearing him up. I don't know if you would have much of a chance in a Mayhem match like we had. But you always have a shot in a one on one match bro.

Saboteur- This is my day off, everyone trains. But I've always took a good day off to rest up before I really hit up my training.

Bowen shrugs his shoulders and mulls that idea over in his head. Training sounds like a good idea to the champion, but he reaches under the table and pulls out a small red cooler. He opens it with a smile and pulls out a coke, but looks in and digs under the ice. He proceeds to open the can of pop with one hand and chugs it as he pulls out a bottle of Mad dog. Finishing off the coke he pours the Mad dog to the brim of the can and puts it on the table. Placing his bottle back on the ice

Alex- Ahhhh good times bud, I have a big match ahead of me to. Another day another title defense. Should be rather fun. Ale reminds me of my brother David, only a tad bit smaller.

Saboteur cocks his head to the side looking at the champion. He is taken back by that last statement.

Saboteur- Smaller?! Trust me Ale is as big as they come Bowen. He's one mean giant.

Alex- Bro size is only one thing. I've fought the best in this company, the brass are just trying to throw everything they can at me. They haven't thrown a giant and they think that will work? Jesus they are getting desperate, they will claim it's because of his hard work. But really it's just another challenge for me. Look at it Saboteur, what haven't they thrown at me.

Saboteur strokes his chin while nodding at the champion. A few more people walk by and pick up a few things off the table in front of the Wzcw wrestlers. They leave with passing waves as Saboteur is still thinking.

Saboteur- They haven't thrown me at you yet, that could be a serious match up.

Alex- I know kid, I'd love to think of that. But I have to think about this and this only. Just like you have to think about Ty. Dude I had a match a week after for my title when I was facing Ty. I lived for that, shit my title match was the last thing on my mind during that week.

As Bowen rambles on the camera backs up behind Bowen, a large black Afro comes into view as Action Saxton comes into view. He looks at the camera and shakes his head with a displeased look on his face. In his arms he is carrying a large brown box of something. Ignoring Bowen's last comment he walks up to the table and slams that large brown box right by Bowen’s elbow. Bowen flinches and sets back in his chair coolly, his black sunglasses falling haphazardly back on his nose. His nostrils flair as he meets Saxon’s eyes.

Alex- Saxton...

Saxton- Sucka..... And friend.

Alex- What are you doing here?

Saxton- Vance said I could put my movies up for sale on this booth since I'm already across the room. Gotta get that double promotion going.

Saxton backs off and flexes his peck muscles as he looks at the Mayhem champion.

Saxton- You'd better no lose to that big Sucka. That would make me look bad. You want to talk about how you can go through hell and back, well prove it. This is that time, don't give up fool. Or we will have a problem.

Saxton cracks a wild eye at Bowen before he walks away.

Saboteur- Well that was cute champ. I wonder ware my damn pretzel is. I told him twenty minutes ago to go get it. I've got you blabbering on about how I couldn't beat Ty Burna. Now I have to wait on my pretzel. This is bull...

Alex- I never said you couldn't beat him, I just said it's going to be tough. You have the right mindset going into that match. It's just something I wouldn't do. Shit, I've never really trained.

Bowen notices the can of Coke setting in front of the large brown box of movies Saxton dropped off. He takes the can and drinks out of it. Grabbing the brown box he throws it to the back of the cubicle.

Alex- I don't need to train, I'm just going to make Ale walk with me in hell. That's my way of doing things, he might be bigger than all of the people in the past but I know I can beat him. I just need to keep choping down that big oak.

Saboteur- Are you talking to yourself?

Alex- Maybe, I do it from time to time.

Saboteur- God you are crazy, you just need to calm down. Damn you are more scared of your match than I am. Why are you afraid of him, I don't think he's even won a match yet. Jeez dude, you are the longest reigning champion in your division. A dude comes in and is a few inches taller than you and you freak out?

Bowen points at Saboteur with a stiff finger.

Alex- Freaking out? Scared, what are you talking about? How am I scared? You're the one who is hiding behind a mask. I feel great, never better. I'm like the energizer bunny ninja man. I never stop, I'm just going to throw everything under that ring at him and just keep doing it. This isn't going to be a match dude. This is going to be a beat down. I'm sick of them just throwing randoms my way.

Alex in a mockingly sarcastic voice says this.

Alex- Ohhh herp derp, he face Ty Burna in a match. Lets throw him a bone and give him a title match. He very big, maybe he finally beat Bowen!

Bowen stops the voice.

Alex- How does Ale have a chance against me when I just faced Burna in a mayhem rules match. I almost had him beat in that match, did Ale even go through anything close to that in his match? Shit no, he just tried to throw him around. This is going to be more of the same in my reign. Ale needs to be wrestling sumo matches with Toyota before the show. Not getting title matches handed to him.

Saboteur puts his hands up trying to calm the champion.

Saboteur- Jesus Bowen, he couldn't even win a battle royal full of rookies. How do you expect him to beat you. You've beaten the best in your division past and present. Just beat him and send him packing. What does he have to do after this. If you beat him he has no place left to go. He can't hang with the big dogs, he can't hang with the rookies. What can he do after that. You know better than anyone how to put people out of this company. That's what you are here to do, sort the fat from the thin. Ale is defiantly the fat, you need to trim that kind of stuff to have a good show.

Just when saboteur stops talking his assistant Alvin walks up the isle winded carrying another brown box. He stops and puts the box down on the floor.

Alvin- Saboteur I got the Bumble Bee limited edition like you told me. But they were out of the Starscream glow in the dark....

Saboteur takes his whole katana off his back sheath and all and hits Alvin in the head. Alvin quickly checks the top of his head. Unsure if his boss took the long sword out of its sheath or not. He doesn’t feel any blood but a small knot is starting to form.

Saboteur- Silly boy, what are you talking about. We all know that was your plan all along. Trying to look tough in front of Mr. Bowen here! You forgot my pretzel didn't you?

Alvin looks down and begins to walk back to the front. Saboteur looks over at the champion who has a big grin on his face. The masked wrestler looks back at the box and in one motion he gets out of his chair and is beside the box. He grabs it and puts it on the table. Still standing in front of the table he starts to talk to Bowen again.

Saboteur- Well champ I need to go find that dude. You should have nothing to really worry about! Just go out there and kick ass like you do most of the time. Give it all and make it a win.

And with that Saboteur grabs his brown box and walks away down an almost empty isle. Bowen scratches his stubbed chin and ponders that last statement. He picks up the coke can full of Mad Dog and sips the drink before saying this.

Alex- Yeah.... Make it a win.

With that the camera fades out.
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