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AS35: Mr. Baller vs. Everest

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Mr. Baller continues to feel on top of the world as he chants 2-0 over Steamboat Ricky, a man who hasn't been seen at Meltdown since before Redemption. Baller has said he plans to make it 3-0 before the end of Ascension tonight while starting another 1-0 on former World Champion, Everest. Is Baller going to be continuing to "conquer" the legends of this company or will Everest put him in his place?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST
Quickly the scene opens up quit simply in the backstage area of Ascension. The camera focuses on the nameplate on a door backstage. It’s easy to see that this door belongs to the WZCW’s own legend, Everest. After a few quick seconds the one and only Becky Serra comes into the scene and we hear her ask the cameraman if she missed Everest. The cameraman tells her no as she adjusts her hair . Several more seconds pass before the door opens and Everest walks out with a pretty little WZCW publicist by his side. He isn’t really paying attention and walks right into Becky, but shows his agility by quickly wrapping an arm around her waist and stopping her fall.

EVEREST: Well, well Becky, we’ve got to quit running into each other like this.

BECKY (clearly a little stunned): uh, um yes we do. Thank you for the assist though.

EVEREST: No problem, by the way is there something I can do for you? Who am I kidding, I know why you are here.

BECKY: You do?

EVEREST: Of course, you want to hear my dead on impression of Chuck Myles again don’t you?

The publicist leans over to Everest and whispers something in his ear.

EVEREST: What, come on that is my best impression, what do you mean it wouldn’t be good for the image, the people would love it.

The publicist stands there giving Everest the woman’s death stare before Everest finally gives in and moves on.

BECKY: Well actually Everest, I’m here to talk to you about your match against Mr. Baller later. With him being 3-0 against Steamboat Ricky it seems he is out to run up some victories over our resident veterans.

EVEREST: Becky, did you just refer to me as a “veteran”? Come on now not you too! First of all let’s nip this whole undefeated thing in the butt shall we. Baller you can talk all you want about defeating Ricky and how you are 3-0 against a legend and all that but at Ascension you aren’t facing Steamboat, you’re facing me! You’re not just facing a Legend your facing a Legacy! That’s right Baller I said it, you’re facing more than just a legend, you’re looking at going one on one with The Legacy of WZCW!

The publicist smiles at Everest as he mentions the new nickname! Everest catches her smiling!

EVEREST: Alright fine, you were right it does sound pretty cool.

Anyway Baller, you come out showing off like you are auditioning for the Globetrotters or something, but the thing is after the final bell at Ascension you’ll just be my personal version of the Washington Generals. You know what I’m talking about, you’ll get a little offense in to make it interesting but in the end I’ll take you for a ride down the mountain courtesy of the Rock Slide.

People still want to call me a legend or a “veteran” as you put it Becky. No one wants to realize that I’m 32 years old, I’m nobody’s veteran, I’m in my prime and I’m already a legend so now it’s time to make the non believers and the critics realize that I’m more than all of that. I’m authoring a LEGACY! A legacy that the WZCW will immortalize in time with DVD’s and Hall of Fame inductions but that’s all in years to come right now tonight I’m going to author another chapter of the Legacy by putting Baller down beside all the other non believers. You wanted a legend? You wanted to take on a legend, well this week a legend will emerge from behind that curtain, a legend will stroll down that ramp and a legend will proceed to whoop your ass into next Tuesday but in the end a Legacy will be continued!

With that Everest glances over to the publicist who taps her watch giving him the “we have to go” look.

EVEREST: Alright Becky I’m sorry to have to cut this one short but it seems I have places to be. I’ll see you and the rest of the watching public later tonight.

BECKY: Well Everest, as always it’s been a pleasure.

EVEREST: Yes it has.

As Everest goes to leave he stops for a second, almost like something clicks in his head, we quickly sticks his head back in front of the camera frame.

EVEREST: Oh yeah Baller, just from personal experience, don’t mistake Ricky’s lack of appearance for cowardice. Ricky will re-appear when he’s ready, and probably when you least expect it and, well, without mincing words, he’s going to beat you like a red headed step chi….

The camera pans again to the publicist who is shaking her head at Everest.

EVEREST: Oh, well he’s going to beat you like you stole something! It’s not going to be to your liking Baller and you’re probably going to figure out how to spin the ass whooping in your favor like you spin those balls on your fingers but the world will see it and the world will know the truth. I just thought I’d let you know.

Everest winks into the camera and with his cool and confident demeanor calmly turns, puts his arm around the publicist and heads for the exit!
The camera fades into the WZCW backstage area. Mr. Baller just finished his “match” with Steamboat Ricky and currently holds a 2-0 record against him. Baller is seen jumping up and down the halls, as he continues his recent undefeated streak against the legend. Baller then enters his locker room, where the lights are turned off. As he turns them on, his assistant James pops out with a celebration party. However, James is the only one in the room.

James: YOU DID IT!

Baller: (Singing) I’m undefeated. I’m undefeated.

James starts clapping

James: 2-0. 2-0. 2-0.

Baller: I knew Ricky wouldn’t fight me, he knows that he is dealing with the best in the world, and is too afraid to show himself around me. He rather just hide in the little corner like the little girl that he is, then face the Baller of WZCW, the future of this company, the best damn wrestler out there.

James: You know it! Now lets get this party started!

James grabs a bottle of alcohol, opens it, and then dumps it onto the head of Mr. Baller as if Baller had just won the World Series. As the alcohol is being poured, and shots are being taken. WZCW’s Becky Serra walks in looking for an interview.

Becky: Hey Baller, congrats on your latest “victory”. I am hoping I am not interrupting anything important, as I have a couple of questions for you.

Baller: Becky this isn’t a time for questioning, this is a time for celebrating. I just beat one of the (air quotes) legends in this company. Not once, but twice. I should be handed a world heavyweight championship opportunity, but instead, I am stuck wasting my time with the scrubs of the company.

Becky: There are no scrubs in this company, Doug Crashin is long gone.

Baller chuckles.

Baller: Becky please, none of these guys are in my league, yet I am constantly held back. Because I don’t go buddy-buddy with Bateman or Myles, or any of that backstage idiots like yourself, that i get stuck dealing with opportunities wasted. For god’s sake Sam Smith is a champion right now. What a disgrace.

Becky: Didn’t he beat you at Kingdom Come?

Baller: I didn’t care about that match. On the biggest card of them all I got stuck facing that bum, in a number one contender’s match. Hell, I should be the number one contender for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship not the Elite X or Eurasian title. I threw the match. That title means nothing to me. Which is why I am going after the legends of this business. To make a god damn point. I am better then anybody on this roster, and Steamboat knows it. There is just no denying it.

Becky: Really.

Baller: Are you doubting me? Interviewers don’t doubt people. This interview is over. Now James show this woman the door.

Becky: But I didn’t even get to ask a question.

Baller: Too bad. Now James, please.

James walks up and escorts Becky out of the locker room. The camera peeks outside to see Becky Serra walk away, and as Becky is walking down the halls, she runs into the General Manager of Ascension, Vance Bateman. Becky seems to be in a foul mood after being kicked out of Baller’s locker room and not getting her interview.

Becky: Hey Mr. Bateman, how are you doing?

Bateman: Not now Becky, I got to make some matches for Ascension this week. Meltdown seems to have a stacked card.

Becky: But I have something important to tell you, and I think it can help you make a match for this week.

Bateman rolls his eyes.

Bateman: Sure Becky, let me here it.

Becky: Baller thinks that since he has beaten Ricky twice, that he should be moved up to main event status.

Bateman: Shocking, isn’t it?

Becky: He says that he is better then everybody on the roster, and that he is tired of fighting “scrubs” as he put it. That he can beat every legend or champion on the roster.

Bateman: Legend, eh? I got an idea! Baller, Everest, Ascension this week. Man how in the world am I so smart. Let Baller know, now. I got ads to go place to promote this match.

Becky speed walks to Baller’s locker room and knocks on the door. Baller opens the door and sees Becky, and has a pissed off look on his face.

Baller: What now?

Becky: Bateman says, since you want a main event status, you got Everest one on one this week at Ascension.

Baller: Everest, eh? I like it. Finally getting what I deserve, now leave me alone.

Baller slams the door in Becky’s face, as the camera fades out.


The camera fades in to an unknown location, however, several hills can be seen. There are 5 hills, the two on the left and the two on the right are all noticeably shorter then the one in the middle. As the camera continues to zoom in we can see Mr. Baller standing on the tiniest hill all the way to the left, with his basketball in hand.

Baller: Everest, Everest, Everest. Let’s take a look at the career of one of the greatest superstars in WZCW History. Just like everybody else, you had to start off at the bottom. Well liked by everybody, and then you got your chance. You worked your way passed the Mayhem division, Elite X, Eurasian titles. You slowly worked your way up the mid card just as any great superstar has.

Baller walks off of the first hill and moves on to the second hill which is a little bit bigger then the first hill.

Baller: The midcard was a breeze for you, got through that like no tomorrow. Made it look easy. I don’t even know why I am standing on this hill so long, since you got to the main event faster then I’ve been standing here.

Baller then goes to the third hill which is the biggest hill of them all. The walk up the 3rd hill however was very quick. As Baller finally reaches the top of the hill, he takes a seat, and begins to relax.

Baller: And then you got to the main event. And you never got out. Been world heavyweight champion, main evented Kingdom Come. You have been in the main event for an eternity, and for some reason, even though you are past the good ol’ days, you are still here. Everest, you are exactly like Steamboat Ricky. An old washed up has-been who thinks he belongs in the spotlight forever. And just like I have beaten Ricky the past two times, I will beat you. When Ricky decides that he is ready to lose again, and actually face me man to man instead of forfeiting like the coward he is, he will be sent back down where he belongs.

Everest you make me sick. You are keeping me away from my spot, and now that I finally get the chance to face the “legend”, I can take you out of my spot. Just like this basketball Everest, once I beat the living hell out of you on Ascension, your career will come to a tumbling end.

Baller then throws the ball down the hill, and it continues to roll all the way down until it crashes into the next hill.

Baller: And then you will crash and burn. AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT!

Baller then stands up and raises his arms in the air, as the camera fades out.
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