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AS35: Austin Reynolds vs. Hunter Kravinoff

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Austin Reynolds is edging closer and closer to the World Heavyweight Championship like never before, more so with the news that it was the Champion Ty Burna who kidnapped his beloved wife Hayley. This week, Austin Reynolds will be taking on Hunter Kravinoff, a man who was left without a title shot and in the woods thanks to Big Dave. There's still question as to whether he made it out safely but he is expected to be competing against the Ratings Winner this week. With rage and vengeance boiling inside the minds of both men, who will unleash hell first?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST
Dom is backstage at Ascension. When Austin is eventually helped behind the curtain, he rushes to his best friend.

“Austin, mate, are you OK? Can you hear me?”

Dom takes over from one of the ring crew and drapes Austin’s arm over his shoulder. Dom is surprised by how limp and lifeless Austin feels. He carefully brings him over to a nearby chair and a member of staff brings over some ice.

“Yeah I’m dandy.”

“Where does it hurt Austin?”

“...Everywhere....I’ll be OK.”

Dom’s reaction is priceless as he flings his arms out in demonstration.

“Are you kidding me? The state of your neck? And you have a concussion for sure. With your history, we are going straight to the hospital.”

“Dom. Calm down. I need a shower. I’ll go anywhere you want but just let me sort myself out first.” Dom is reluctant but Austin gives him a firm “Don’t fuck with me tonight of all nights” look. Dom reads it and backs off. “Where are Bateman and Myles?”

“Trying to speak with Ty. But all of a sudden the guy has an entourage and they can’t get to him.”

“He won’t be in the building.”

Dom kneels down to eye level with Austin.

“How do you know?”

“Because I wouldn’t be.”

“God dammit!”

“Give me a hand mate.”

Together, they limp off slowly towards the dressing room. Once there, Austin sends Dom away to get a drink while he gets into the shower. Austin is alone with his thoughts for the first time.

What happened after Ty hit Consecrated Banishment? A painful blur. He caught it brilliantly, it was like being in a car wreck. I could hear the crowd but it was like being underwater. They sounded like they were a million miles away.

These trials have become a lot clearer though. Barbosa, Everest, who next? Showtime would make most sense. But it could be Blade, Hammond or Dave I guess. Would he choose himself? I mean he didn’t just want to test me, he wants to me to be exhausted physically and mentally.

Austin needed answers and he was going to try and force it from whoever listened.

A few days later....nothing had changed. Hayley was still missing, Ty had made no contact and Austin and Dom were frantically trying to change that situation. Austin had been given a somewhat clean bill of health by the doctors but told to rest. He had of course ignored this by working all the hours possible.

On this particular day, he was leading WZCW’s group of interviewers to Chuck Myles’ office. Austin is walking ahead with Johnny Klamor trying to keep up with him step for step. Becky and Leon tag along further back.

“Austin, why are we all here?”

“Reynolds, we had a deal you pencil neck freak! You said I would have an exclusive!”

“Do I really need to be here?”

Austin stops suddenly in the middle of the corridor.

“Guys, we are in the companys’ HQ and I know you recognise this corridor as the executive wing of the building. Put two and two together. Why do you think we are here?”

“Is Hayley here? Has Ty got in touch?”

“Have you heard anything?”

Austin continues walking down the corridor, away from the questions.

“You don’t like interviewers, you have barely worked with us in the past. Why do you want us here now?”

“Guys, you will all have your answers shortly. You’re here because I will answer your questions after my meeting with Mr Myles.”

Austin reaches the office and pauses as he places his hand on the cold steel handle.

“It’ll be worth it I promise.”

Austin slips into the room, carefully ensuring it is shut firmly behind him. Chuck Myles rises from his chair and warmly shakes his hand. Austin reluctantly returns the gesture.

“Glad you could make it Mr Reynolds.”

“Chuck, I’m not in the mood for pleasantries. You know why I am here. What is WZCW doing about it?”

Chuck takes his seat again. He offers Austin a seat but The Ratings Winner continues to stand.

“Well we are in a very difficult position. Ty Burna is our World Champion. Nobody has come close to beating him and he has chosen that he is going to play these games with you.”

“OK, so nothing. I’m going to have to do it all myself. That’s all you had to say.”

“We would be able to force his hand, punish him somewhat if he wasn’t World Champion. I have considered your additional request and taken it to the board. I am waiting for their response. But I have to ask, you would essentially be going into his environment and do something that no one has come close to in the past year.”

“Yes, he’s unbeaten in forever. I get that. But he deserves everything he gets and more. He has taken the thing I treasure most of all and I want the chance to earn my retribution and do the same from him.”

Chuck sits back, intrigued by Austin’s brave and defiant stance.

“But he has said you will either get Hayley back or have your title shot? Isn’t the choice clear?”

“Of course. But I don’t trust a single word he says. I imagine he will put me through hell again this week and then....then he will enjoy picking me apart on pay-per-view like he has done with every other challenger.”

Austin is pacing across the room like a caged animal. He is desperate to get his hands on Ty and it is showing.

“There is simply no one who has been able to stand up to him. I can’t look at his recent opponents because they have been rookies who have no idea what they are getting into. Even Bowen this week, he’s a dead man walking, he just doesn’t know it. It’s not in his fault but Ty’s got all the momentum in the world.”

“I got beat by Barbosa the other week and I couldn’t finish Everest. Constantine used every trick in the book to get one over on me. Even Ale posed me issues thanks to him”

“I think we know what happened in those matches were due to external forces.”

Chuck tries to reason with Austin and calm him down.

“Well I’m sick of external forces taking control of my future. Nobody has the right to question my dedication to the cause. I’ve put my body through hell for the fans, for your company and I will continue to do it because I will not let anyone down. Come hell or high water, Ty is going to suffer for the choices he has made. It starts at TV this week and it is going to end at Apocalypse.”

“This is more than just for Hayley. It’s about fighting for the people who hate the games...the people who have been deceived by their hero. He deserves to lose a lot more than just these fans.”

Chuck nods in agreement.

“I wholeheartedly agree Austin. Until then, why don’t you go and prepare for this massive match because I want an incredible showing from you. The buyrates need to be through the roof!”

Austin is little disconcerted by Myles’ unsubtle hints to get him to leave. They make small talk and say goodbye before Austin exits the office. Klamor has sat down on the floor and is pushed out of the way by Leon and Becky when they realise Austin is coming out.

“So what’s this big announcement Austin?”

“This better be worth it Reynolds.”

Austin has a slightly crazed look on his face, partly pensive, partly devious.

“Do you guys know when I last lost a match because someone was just plain better than me?”

Klamor looks at him, with no clue as to the answer, he walks away in frustration that this miscreant has wasted his time. Leon and Becky are confused but are at least trying to figure out the answer. Austin walks away. When he reaches the door, Leon and Becky run towards him.

“Austin, wait!”

“We know the answer!”

“It was Hunter Kravinoff, Ascension 25!”

Austin turns to look at them.

“Hmmm, yeah I guess it was. Funny that.”

Austin goes to walk away but ever the intrepid interviewers, Leon and Becky catch up to him.

“So do you two know anywhere that does good tea around here?”

“Sure, why?”

“Well you two will need to keep me topped up while I do this exclusive with you.”
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