AS34: Constantine & Steven Holmes vs. Alex Bowen & Action Saxton

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The Duo of Mayhem take on the combination efforts of John Constantine and Steven Holmes. The former politician and the British gentleman will look to take out their frustration after failed attempts in pursuing Championship Gold last week. With both Constantine and Holmes getting shots in on Sam Smith and Steven Kurtesy last week, how will they cope against the combination of Bowen and Saxton, the Mayhem Specialists, head on?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th July 23:59 EST
This scene opens up with Alex Bowen setting in an office with his feet kicked up stretching back in a chair. He has his hair combed back and his Beard looks quite mottled. He is wearing a suit that can only be described as "you can put 10 dollars on a pile of shit, but when you take it off... It's still shit". Leaning back with a smoke in his mouth he has his Mayhem title around his waist. You can see a bit of shine under the Ten dollar shit suit. The door behind him opens up slowly and Vance Bateman Strolls in casually. He looks at Bowen and shakes his head, then slams the door behind him in hopes of surprising the champion. Bowen Yawns and turns his head to look at his show Gm. He kicks his feet back and sets up taking the smoke out of his mouth. Vance walks around his chair to get behind his desk. He leans forward and extends his hand with a smile to the champion. Bowen shakes his hand with great vigor and smiles as Vance begins to talk before setting down in a large plush Executive chair.

Vance- Mr. Bowen, Champ. What do you want me to call you. This is the first time we have had a set down I believe?

Alex- Alex, Or Bowen. Whatever you deem fit Boss. Let me get this off my chest before we talk. I like you, I like you a lot more than I like Chucky. So lets keep it that way.

Bateman looks a bit taken back by the statement and continues to smile a toothy grin.

Vance- Well I'm glad I have earned your respect Alex. It's a good thing to know that I'm still respected by all. But we have a small problem at hand. Who is this James Coons? Why is he coming into my office Spouting Babble about you? I don't take lightly to people outside of the industry trying to come into my office and try to tell me how to run my show. Mr. Bowen do you know how long I've been at this?

Alex- Quite some time I'd bet. But I would like to personally apologize. Dr. Coons seems to be trying to become a problem in my life. He is running his mouth about a problem he has no clue how to cure. I focus on my belt.

Alex taps his title with one long finger nail.

Alex- I have to focus, he thinks I have some giant overlying mental problem? I went to the dude one time to have someone to talk to. Thought he would be someone on the outside. Because it felt like I was talking to myself. I needed a friend because no one seems to know my Struggle, and everything I come from. It felt like I was going insane, but maybe I just really am the one who is crazy.

Vance- Mr. Bowen I understand your troubles. I really do, but this Coons has even asked me to strip you of your title. He said you aren't fit to wrestle in this company. He said you are a masochist.

Bowen takes a long drag off his smoke that is now almost down to his knuckles. He blows out the smoke and a long ash drops from his shaking hand. He curls the butt back into his hand and closes his fist in anger on the red ember.

Alex- A masochist.... is the least of his worries. He needs to quit running his mouth and focus on someone else. I have three people to worry about this week, and I don't need another.

Vance leans forward and looks at Bowen with concerned eyes.

Vance- Why three Alex, I've only put you in a tag match..... Ohhh, you must be talking about Saxton again.

Bowen shakes his head with a Duhh look on his face.

Alex- Yeah I liked waking up after our last tag match with my belt draped over my shoulders. He just won't quit, that dude is a joke and should be regulated to the comedy sections of the show. How does he keep getting shots at my belt? Did you not see our last match? They had to take that flat screen from around his head. Does he have a concussion or is he just that stupid?

Vance- He won, that’s all I can say. If you want to keep that title, then I guess you should do more of the same.

Alex Bowen looks at the head gm with a smirk on his face. He reaches back to the snaps on his title belt and takes it off and holds it next to his face. A golden shine bounces off of it and makes the champions face glow.

Alex- If I want to keep this title? I have to put my faith in a hack against two more hacks? All three of them can't cut it in the championship lime light. But I have to watch my back against all three of them now? Yeah that's real good booking there boss. Two idiots who can't win their own division's belts, and now I have to worry about a crooked Politician, and a Tea drinking Brit. Yeah....

Vance- Well if you want to complain about it I could just strip you of the title and give it to Saxton. How would you like that Mr. Mouth? You want to come in here and complain about matches, and have your idiot friends come in and bad mouth the way I run my show. How would you like it if I just stopped that goal of yours. You beat Baez last week, but that would be the closest you would come to beating his record. All this work for nothing, Put up or shut up.

Alex Bowens eyes are wide with rage looking at his shows gm. His nostrils are flared as he throws the title belt to his shoulder and stands up pointing his finger to the Gm.

Alex- Just don't be surprised when three of your non title hacks don't walk out of the show on their own power. Constantine and Steven Holmes are the least of my worries this week. They need to just go back to chasing their tails in their home divisions. Or go challenge the Nintendo nerds for their title belts. But Saxton is going to get a rude awaking this week.

Vance goes to talk but Bowen cuts him off. Fire is in the champions eyes as he leans down to his bosses eye level. He shakes his head

Alex- The only thing Saxtons lady friends are going to ask him after this week is what it was like in an electric chair. Because he is going to Ride The Lightning. Because I am the only Mayhem Specialist, I am the only thing that is hardcore in this place. Everyone else just picks stuff up and throws it at me in hopes to knock me out. He is facing the colossus, his eyes are sunk deep into the abyss. He is no David, but I am Goliath.

And with that Alex Bowen turns sharply away from Vance Bateman and makes a hasty retreat out of the door he first came in. The cameras fade out.
Constantine should have been enraged. He should have been overcome with the rage that has seen him become one of the biggest threats on the WZCW roster. But as he walked through the Ascension curtain after destroying Sam Smith, a wave of calm washed over The Power Trip. Had he won the Elite X Championship from Sam Smith? No. But he had once again proven that when outraged, he could be the most dangerous man In the company.

The ringing in his ears from booing would not subside. Nor would it subside in a few hours. It would haunt Constantine for the next few days. However, Constantine had grown used to it by now. In fact, he took a perverse pleasure from knowing that he could make any audience turn on him at the drop of a hat. The feeling he had in his ears and in the pit of his stomach gave him pleasure and signalled that he had gained the part of himself that he had lost a few months ago.

He was no longer the man who would stand in front of a congregation of people. He was no longer the character that would interrupt parties to tell people of his will. No, the true Constantine had been unleashed at Ascension that night and he would do anything to keep hold of it. As he looked down, the sweat from a hard night's efforts dripping from his brow, he noticed something else that we was going to cling to until his dying days; the Elite X Championship. The golden glimmer of it's magnificent finish reflects on his face as a smile creeps into the corner of his mouth. Deserving or not, Constantine was now in control of one of the most illustrious Championships in WZCW history and the power felt good.

Holmes: It looks good on you, you know...

Constantine shoots a look to his left as Holmes leans up against a wall, arms crossed and waiting for Constantine's reply. Constantine looks Holmes up and down before turning his back on the aforementioned superstar.

Holmes: It's not wise to turn your back on people who could easily take that piece of gold away from you, John.

Holmes stands up off of the wall and allows a smile to emerge on his features as Constantine makes a sudden stop in his tracks. Constantine turns around and looks at Holmes, the calm that washed over him only moments ago was slowly disappearing as frustration and rage began to grow inside him.

Holmes: Listen, Constantine. I know that you're in destructive place right now and maybe it's better that I leave you to your thoughts. But please join me at my estate for dinner sometime. It appears that we have a lot to talk about.

Holmes hands Constantine a business card as Constantine tries his best to look imposing. Without breaking stride, Holmes disappears out Constantine's view as he continues to walk down the corridor behind The Power Trip. Constantine flicks the card around in his fingers before slowly beginning his walk down the opposite corridor towards his dressing room, the Elite X Championship accompanying him for good measure.

Voice: John! Mr. Constantine!

Constantine turns around on himself to look at the figure of Becky Serra running down the corridor after him. Constantine lets out a grunt of discontent and continues his walk. Within seconds, however, Becky has caught up with him and stops him with an outstretched hand to his chest. Constantine stops with more than a little displeasure at his second stoppage of the night.

Becky: I hope you're proud of what you accomplished tonight! Because of you Sam Smith might never compete in WZCW again! Because of you, Sam Smith might never be able to defend his Elite X Championship! Don't you realise what you have done, John?

Constantine struggles with his thoughts for a second as he weighs up his options. The grace of a true politician indeed.

Becky: Well? Haven't you got anything to say?

Constantine: Listen, mindless pleb, tonight, I struck a blow for justice in this company. Tonight, I showed all of the members of the WZCW roster than what they have is not necessarily what they deserve. Tonight, I showed everyone that is involved in WZCW that John Constantine is a force to be reckoned with in every walk of life.

Oh, I am all too aware of what I have accomplished tonight.

Becky seems shocked at the callous nature of Constantine's words but shouldn't be. This was the true nature of John Constantine. A nature that had long since been forgotten by those who wished to challenge him.

Constantine: Tonight, Becky, I put people on notice. I showed people that when you get in my way, you simply become another statistic. Sam Smith was lucky enough to step into the ring with me and even luckier to take a win at my expense. At that moment, something snapped inside of me.

For too long, I have been edging closer to a softer Power Trip. For too long, I have been a laughing stock within the realm of WZCW and that ends now. With the Elite X Championship strapped around my waist, everyone will know that I am for real. Everyone will realise that John Constantine is the paradigm of what a competitor should be. John Constantine is the most dangerous and vicious men to ever step inside a WZCW ring.

Becky: But you didn't even win that Championship!

Constantine laughs off Becky's feeble attempts to get under his skin.

Constantine: You want to talk about people being deserving of what they have in life, Becky? Hell, if Michael Winters had even cared about his Championship, then none of this would have ever happened. If Winters had cared to stand up for what he believed in, like I do, then Sam Smith would never have been Champion in the first place. He would never have to have been put in this match and I would never have had end his career so brutally as I did tonight.

Hell, if people actually got what they deserved in this world, Becky, I would already have been the EurAsian Champion before I was screwed out of my only attempt. If there were any justice in this world, I would never have lost to Titus, Ty Burna or any of the other second-rate talents that roam these halls. More importantly, Becky, if there were any justice in this world, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you on the biggest night of my life because you would be unemployed.

Becky shakes her head at Constantine before composing herself. It seems as though it is harder for her to brush off the remarks of Constantine that it was when the roles were reversed. Swallowing hard, she appears to be at breaking point. Constantine senses this and allows himself to smile at her expense.

Becky: You know, you and your like are exactly what is wrong with this company! Yeah, I saw your little meet and greet with Steven Holmes and let me just say that you'll get what is coming your way next week.

Constantine (stunned): Is that right? And who exactly is my opponent Becky?

Becky: Alex Bowen and Action Saxton!

Becky lets a self-satisfied grin crawl across her face as Constantine stands motionless for a second. Suddenly, he breaks into fits of laughter. Becky is stunned by Constantine's reaction, the grin that lined her features, now a distant memory. Constantine continues to laugh but soon comes to a halt, a tear forming in his eye.

Constantine: I get that I just did the management a favour by eradicating Sam Smith from this company but giving me two Mayhem competitors in a handicap match is just too much thanks for me. Honestly, that destruction of Sam Smith was so delicious, that I doubt I could eat another bite of the shame of a glorified Mayhem competitor.

Constantine begins to laugh again as Becky interrupts him.

Becky: It's not a handicap match...

Constantine suddenly stops laughing as Becky's words circle around his head.

Constantine: What do you mean?

Becky: Well, you and your new best friend Steven Holmes will be teaming up against those glorified Mayhem Competitors, as you so put it. Personally, I can't wait to see Action and Alex take your attitude and make you eat your words.

Constantine is lost in thought as he thinks about his impending coalition with Steven Holmes. So much so that the threat from Becky Serra is completely lost on him.

Constantine: Yes! Steven Holmes and I will create a tactical formation not seen since the battle of Sparta. Picture this, if you will, Becky! In one corner, two down and out people that pass for WZCW competitors apparently. They are beaten to a pulp and their spirits are more fragile than glass. One more defeat for them and they could disappear from the company altogether.

And in the other corner, two men who have shown the world that nothing will come between them and their unrelenting chase to attain their goals. Two men who stand beside each other with pride, class and motivation to give this company a new shining light.

I thought it would be very hard to top what I just did to Sam Smith for sheer enjoyment and excitement levels but it appears you have proved me wrong with your little statements. Now, if you will excuse me, I have somewhere to be.

Constantine shoves past his interviewer and through the door of his dressing room.

Becky (stunned): Where!?

Constantine smiles for a second...

Constantine: Dinner.
Steven Holmes shouldn’t be in a good mood. He should be grumpy, disgruntled, annoyed. He should be frustrated. But, he is happy. Not only happy, but anticipating his next opportunity to bring himself pleasure. That won’t come from sleeping with his wife. It won’t come from enjoying a delicious meal. No, it will come from his job. He loves his job. His job is to hurt people. And this week, he’s going to hurt people, with a former foe of the stable The Crashin Movement. This week he’ll hurt people with a man of dignity, a man of class, and a man who too should be frustrated and angry, but too is looking forward to the violence that will come. That man is John Constantine.

The two men are sat across from one-another, however between them is a dining table. The two gentlemen are enjoying some lobster bisque. To their sides are two glasses filled with what appears to be wine. John Constantine has a suitcase beside him, while behind Holmes is a framed replica of his Tag Team Championship. Holmes finishes his bisque and is shortly followed by Constantine. The duo’s bowls are collected by two servants and they disappear towards the kitchen.

Holmes: Ah, nothing like a piping hot soup to prepare you for a good meal, and what I hope will be a good discussion Constantine. I hope that suitcase is what I think it is.

Constantine lifts the case up, placing it in front of him, opening it up. There is almost a golden aura coming from it. Constantine slowly takes out whatever is in the case, and places it in front of the case for Holmes to view in all its glory. It is the Elite X Championship. A grin comes across Holmes’ face.

Holmes: At last, the Elite X Championship, in the home of “The Elite”. Perhaps not in the way I had intended, but at least it’s here.

Constantine is watching Holmes carefully, monitoring Holmes who licks his lips with delight and his desire for the championship is obvious. Constantine lets out a slight chuckle, despite its volume, Holmes notices it.

Holmes: What are you laughing about?

Constantine: You want this championship. You want it so bad you can taste it, despite the delicious soup you just consumed. Well isn’t a shame that I hold it and you don’t?

Holmes: Hold it seems like the correct term, after all you didn’t win it did you? You stole it.

Gone is Constantine’s smile, in its place is a dark and sinister look. One of pure evil you could say.

Holmes: No, you haven’t got any gold to your name even though you were touted as the future of WZCW. Even though you have arguably the biggest mouth in the entire company, you never can seem to pull through when it’s needed. I on the other hand have gold adorning my walls. I’ve been to the top of the tag team division. I scaled that mountain and stood atop it, unlike you.

Constantine is outraged by this statement and stands up in disgust, prepared to leave.

Holmes: Relax; I’m simply, what’s the expression, breaking your balls? Please, take your seat Constantine.

Holmes motions to the seat. Constantine retakes his seat.

Holmes: Now, I didn’t just call you here to invite you to dinner. Let’s face it, we don’t really get along. However we are tag team partners this week on Ascension, and we both haven’t exactly had what we want over the last few weeks. Hell, in your case what we wanted over the last few months.

Constantine’s face has a sour look on it.

Holmes: I mean, let’s see, ever since you were ganged up on by the five other participants of the EurAsian Championship match at All or Nothing, my finest hour to date by the way, you’ve been on a downward spiral. You failed to best Austin Reynolds, you were outwitted and used by David Cougar, and of course you were upset by Sam Smith of all people.

Constantine stands up in protest of Holmes’ verbal abuse of him.

Constantine: Enough! Get to the point before I beat you to a pulp.

Holmes s******s.

Holmes: You’re getting angry John, ands that, to be frank, is my point. You’re frustrated. You feel disrespected by lesser talent on the roster. You feel like you should sit atop the mountain, but instead all you’re doing is falling off of it. You are sick and you are tired of it. Am I right?

Constantine collects himself and ponders the question for a moment.

Constantine: I suppose you are yes.

Holmes: Well I share the same problem. The two of us sit here with less than spectacular win/loss records, and yet we know that we are better than most, if not all. We know that we are men of dignity, men of honour, and men of class. We know that’s what we are, and yet rage boils over in you. Just look at the vicious beating you handed out to Smith post match on Ascension. I mean, I thank you for ridding us of that vermin for the moment, but it wasn’t exactly befitting someone of your ability to stoop to that destructive level now was it?

Constantine: You’re one to talk. Look at the assaults you keep dishing out to Kurtesy. That’s hardly up to your own standards now is it. After all, that simply weakens your argument for being the best wrestler in the world.

Holmes: My point exactly. We’ve let vicious, violent streaks get the better of us. We’ve let our anger seep out, and now we need to get ourselves back on track. I once said it’s good to unleash a little Mayhem once in a while, but not all the time. I know that myself and Kurtesy will do battle again, and then I will release a furious anger stronger than that of God himself, but until then, it’s up to me and to you to demonstrate why we are of a better class, and it has to start when we team against the Mayhem scum.

Constantine: Ah yes, I forgot, you despise the Mayhem division. But weren’t you saying that you “saved” the division? That didn’t work out so well then?

Holmes: I thought I had saved it. I thought wrong. I believed that men like Chris Jones, Ferbian and even Wilhelm Wunderbar had saved the division from the pit of doom. I believed wrong. Soon they left, and in their place stood wretched trash like Saxton and Bowen. Both these men are horrid. Both these men use unnecessary violence, much like Kurtesy would use with that submission hold. I will have that banned.

Constantine shakes his head, as if he’s heard it all before.

Holmes: My apologies. Anyway, Bowen believes by causing maximum damage he can be the greatest champion the Mayhem division has ever seen. What a deplorable tactic that is. Dispicible doesn’t do it justice. It’s a rotten, dirty and dreadful tactic that only serves to strengthen my point on the Mayhem division. And as for Saxton--

Constantine: Saxton is a violent criminal in essence. He’s someone who needs to be stopped before he can harm people. Sure he may save a few lives, but innocent people are hurt in his foolhardy approach to things, and this transferring to WZCW will only further damage the rotten heart that is the Mayhem division. Were you going to say something like that?

Holmes smiles ear-to-ear. Constantine does the same. Both laugh simultaneously.

Holmes: It’s good to know that someone has the dignity and class to share the same, correct point of view that I hold.

Constantine: Isn’t it just.

Holmes: Well then, I propose a toast.

Holmes grabs his glass, Constantine does the same.

Holmes: To victory with honour.

Constantine: Victory with honour.

The two tap their glasses and drink as we fade out.
Signal Panic Inc., Jr. Presents:
Action Saxton
"The Action Saxton Show!"

Hey, kids! Don’t touch that dial, adjust your set, remove your ample bottom from that couch cushion, or send nuclear weapons towards Russia, because it’s that time of the week again! That’s right, it’s time for The Action Saxton Show!

Yay! Isn’t that a super catchy and fun tune? Of course it is! It’s the kind of theme song that makes you little kids want to get up and dance, all the while begging your parents to buy the official Action Saxton-licensed merchandise!


The official Action Saxton action figure comes with everything you see here, along with Megaton Punching action! It can even steal your girlfriend, just like the real Action Saxton!

And speaking of the real Action Saxton, here he comes now! Yay!

“What the hell am I doing in this place, and why the hell are all these kids here?”

Hooray! It’s Action Saxton!

“Of course it’s Action Saxton, sucka. I was told I’d be doing an appearance on a huge TV show, and instead I’m in this weird-ass felt world and there are kids staring at me through a glass box. What the hell?”

We’ve renamed the show just for you, Action Saxton! The half hour is yours to do whatever you want!

“What I want to do is go back to my badass dojo in the mountains and train for my match with those suckas Holmes and Constantine.”

A million children and their parents watch this show, Action Saxton! Hey, kids, don’t you want Action Saxton to stay and talk about his match with Holmes and Constantine?


[size=-3]Look, Saxton, we’re paying you big bucks for this and we’re broadcast all around the country. You owe me for that time in Guam.[/size]

“Damn, fine! I’ll do it, but only this once. [size=-3]I don’t even like kids.[/size]

So, little suckas, your favorite WZCW superstar has a big tag team match on Ascension this week. Can you say ‘Ascension’?

No, babies, ‘Ascension’. Not ‘Christopher Columbus’. What the hell are they teaching you at school? Because if it ain’t Action Saxton, it ain’t right.

Wow, Action Saxton sure has a nice and sparkly smile, huh, kids?

“And Holmes and Constantine are going to be seeing nice and sparkly stars when I’m through with them. Those suckas are going to be confusing Ascension and Christopher Columbus themselves once I hit them with a dose of Black Lightning.”

Buy the Action Saxton “Black Lightning” t-shirt today, kids!

“And as for my partner Alex Bowen, that sucka only beat me for reasons I have outlined before. I still think he’s one hell of a fighter, and I have no doubt that he’ll work well with me in the match. Everybody works well with Action Saxton. Just as long as he doesn’t start rambling about how the blackness of my skin is like the blackness in his soul or some other goofy mess.”

Yay! The Action Saxton Show will return after this break!



“So, what do I do now? I told you, Red, I don’t like kids.”

[size=-3]Look behind you, I set it all up.[/size]

OK, kids! Can you tell me which tree Action Saxton’s vintage 1965 Cadillac Coupe DeVille is hiding behind?

“They can see it’s behind the middle tree.”

Well, kids, do you have the answer?

“I mean, look at it, it’s not even concealed behind the tree.”

Is it the left one, the right one, or the middle one?


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