AS34: Austin Reynolds vs. Everest

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Much like the World Champion, Ty Burna, Austin Reynolds has a mountain to climb in the form of Everest as they face off on Ascension this week. Reynolds wants to prove to the world that he is good enough to challenge for the World Heavyweight Champion so having a match against the legend and former champion looks like a good place to start. With the recent kidnapping of Hayley, will Reynolds be able to focus or will he snap and lose more than just his wife in a matter of days?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th July 23:59 EST
Three days following Ascension and Hayley, the fiancée of the Ratings Winner has still not been found following her abduction at the tail end of the show. Austin had rushed back to Chicago following the show but nothing had been heard. Austin was at his wits end and since his return, he had barely slept and was constantly organising an army of people who had been sent by WZCW in a bid to aid him.

“The bloody police are clueless! Talk to them yourself!”

He moves from one phone to his hands-free.

“Something has been missed! Go and have another look at the camera footage.”

Dominic is at the other end of the office. Busier than normal, he has had to cover Austin’s bookings, deal with his fractious temper and be a shoulder to lean on for his best friend.

“No, Mr Myles, we’ve had no luck...She was taken on WZCW’s watch, why aren’t you doing more?”

“Tell him to talk to Burna and Cougar!”

Dom puts his hand up to stop Austin as he tries to talk.

“Austin is certain that Burna or Cougar are behind this...yes, I know they were both on camera but...OK....OK we get it.”


“Ty and Cougar have denied any involvement. As far as they, well everyone else believes they have a concrete alibi.”

“Of course they do. They just happen to be forgetting about this.”

With one click, Austin brings up this video.

Ascension 33 said:
Ty: You know, typically I would come out here, brashly gloating about my latest title defense, but instead I must address something the Ouija has spoken to me. While I am not one to normally lend a helping hand to someone so clouded mentally as Austin Reynolds, I do request that he comes out to this ring, immediately.

Ty lowers the mic and turns towards the entrance ramp. A few moments pass and no sign of Reynolds. The crowd begins to boo as there is still silence from the tron. Ty shakes his head and raises the mic once more.

Ty: This is only for your own benefit Reynolds, or has Showtime already poisoned your mind with his own brand of cowardice? I can wait all day Reynolds, or do I have to go back there and force feed this omen into your skull?

Ty climbs out of the ring and begins walking toward the back when suddenly..

Showtime makes his way out with a mic in hand. The crowd boos him zealously as he raises his mic up.

Showtime: I'm sure your little "omen" Ty is warning Reynolds against taking my advice, am I right Ty? Well you can forget it. Because With his abilities and my experience against you, there's nothing you can do about us taking your World Title. So take your omen, and shove it! Reynolds won't be bothered with listening to you.

Ty stares down Showtime, rage and anger obviously arising inside him. He begins walking up the ramp as Showtime slowly backs up. Ty stops close to the top of the ramp and smirks.

Ty: Why should I not be surprised David? You stand their boasting and the moment your immediate destruction is imminent, you back away and don't fight it head on. Fine, then you can be my messenger boy. Tell Reynolds the Ouija has spoken, and tonight he will lose something he loves.

Showtime: Is that all?

Ty: There was more, but I figured a more simple message would be easier for you to remember, or should I write it down and pin it to your shirt like a good little student taking your report card home? And since you both have shown ignorance towards me as of late, the rest of the message he will have to find out for himself.

He has had this clip on constant repeat, looking for minor details, insisting that there are clues everywhere that are being ignored.

“Look need to back away from this. We have people who can do this. Take some time to catch up on some sleep.”

“I can’t sleep because I can’t help but think Ty is behind this. We all know the Ouija is a load of bullcrap, it’s how he can justify his actions but his spiel gave him away last week. But nobody seems to believe me! Surely the World Champ is good and honest and could possibly have no part in this....Sheesh.”

Normally Dom would have found that funny but now wasn’t the time laugh with Austin.

“Then focus on the next few weeks at work. Ty is testing you and you can’t allow him to get one up on you. Constantine did this too remember? Now Ty will already have a mental advantage over you. Don’t let him have a physical one as well. You can’t go into the match Apocalypse broken down and beaten up like you are now and in two weeks, it will be even worse.”

“You think I’m going to work until this is sorted?”

“Yeah...of course.”

The attempt at reason has fallen on deaf ears which add to Dom's frustration.

“No chance.”

“Well Myles just told me otherwise. You’ve got Everest this week.” Austin tries to interrupt but Dom continues. “Now I’ve cancelled all your media stuff but you still need to issue a statement about the match. I was going to do it for you but I’ve got some stuff to do.”


“No if’s or buts. I’m not asking about what you’re trying to pull with Cougar and I’m helping the best I can. Can you get this done now for me?”

Dom gets up and before Austin can object, Dom has patted him on the shoulder and raced out of the room. Austin huffs grumpily. This is the last thing he wants to do right now. He sits at Dom’s desk and reluctantly starts to type.

When people think of WZCW, they think of Everest. And with good reason; the guy is a legend, an institution, well maybe he should be in an institution for staying here so long. But he is a great. I won’t deny that

When I think of WZCW, I think of the support of my best friends and how I would do anything to help them and how they have helped me get to where I am. In the last year, I’ve gone from hot rookie to Elite X champion to being a complete wreck after Dom’s assault. I finally get past that with retribution in my favour and now somebody uses my fiancée to send a message, to expose me and exploit my weaknesses, my feelings for those closest to me.

And all this ahead of a huge match on Ascension and then the biggest match of my career on pay-per-view. It’s a huge distraction and I can’t guarantee that Everest is going to have my full attention because of it. It’s not fair to him, to my fans or to Hayley who is being held so unfairly against her will.

But I will win. I will beat him to show that I will never give up fighting. I have to show Everest that he has been replaced as the face of this company. He has rested on his laurels for far too long. He can choose to show his true ability every couple of shows. The Everest who showed up to Redemption is a shell compared to the one who laid down for Blade last week and who succumbed to Ty at Meldown 50.

But I should be fed up of every guy in the company say that about Everest. It’s the same old spiel about him. If it is isn’t somebody saying he can’t cut it anymore then someone else will say I’m obsessed and possess an ego the size of Mount Everest. We are victims of unimaginative idiots who wouldn’t know a draw if it kicked them in the face.

Everest showed that he has more in the tank than he lets on when he beat Barbosa at Redemption. That was a remarkable win and something I couldn’t achieve last week. I am obsessed, with reaching the standard that Everest has set and then going one step further to surpass Ty at the top of the company.

The thing is, at Ascension, I’m not going to be my normal self. I don’t feel that spark at the moment and I’m not carrying that ego. I simply need to win because a victory for me has more significance than just another win for him. This is my trial, a test for me to pass, all eyes will be on me and he will simply be a faceless obstacle for me to jump through to satisfy whatever games Ty has in mind.

Through this victory, a message will be sent. To Hayley, saying that I will give up anything for you. To her captors, to show that you will not win. And to my fans, for their unwavering support.

But at this time, Ty has to know that he will be losing something precious of his own soon enough. When I get Hayley back to me, nothing will stop me taking what you hold dearest. Not your trials, your mind games or Everest, one of your greatest opponents.
The last remnants of Austin Reynolds match is seen on a big screen inside a plush home office. The finishing moments flash by quickly, Reynolds colliding with Ty, Barbosa using the confusion to his advantage and finishing the job on Reynolds, 1-2-3. After a few seconds the screen goes black and the television quietly turns off. The camera pans around to behind the couch where we can plainly see a silhouette of someone sitting there, remote in hand. He places the remote on the table and stands up to reveal himself as none other than WZCW’s Everest. He begins to speak, almost like he’s talking to the blank television screen.

EVEREST: Reynolds, Austin Reynolds, it’s a shame to see you heading down the road you’ve aimed yourself at. You call yourself the Ratings Winner and the papers call you the next big thing, the next wave of superstar. Problem is Austin, right now you could really use a shot of experience. You know the type of experience that only 15 years in the business can get you.

I’m not telling you how to run your career Austin, or even who to trust but look at what you’re getting into. You want another World Title shot with Ty, yet you’re getting into pissing matches with him over whether he cost you a match here or a victory there. Think about it Austin, your girl took a bump to the head and ended up in someone else’s car all while Ty “alerted” you to the upcoming event. Seems to me Ty is getting you to take your eye off the ball.

Then there is your good buddy Showtime. The man’s been a thorn in your side for how long now? Yet he comes out once, declares his undying devotion to helping you overcome Ty’s “tricks” and now you both look at each other like you should be the leads in the remake of Sleepless in Seattle.

Come on Austin, if you want to be THE Champion it’s time to put up! I’ve seen Ty at work and the Champ is a formidable opponent on his own but do you really want to go into a match up with him having to look over shoulder at Cougar? Not a great situation to find yourself in.

Speaking of situations to be in, at Ascension you are going to find yourself in another one. The fact is Austin, I like you and I do believe that you are someone who can and will provide the future. Right now I see a guy being pulled in multiple directions. A man justifiably concerned for the well being of his lady, a man hell bent on revenge and yet there is also a man stuck between a rock and a mountain. You see at Ascension you and I are going to go one on one and quite frankly you are in a no win situation.

If I win, it’s perceived as Everest is BACK! The institution as you put it, still has some fight left. The Icon has re-emerged as a contender and you’ll be considered as the challenger who couldn’t get over a girl to focus on what he really wanted. If you win, you’ll be seen as the man who took down the has been. The man who focused just long enough to defeat a former champion. You say I’m a shell of my former self ? Sure I didn’t beat Blade last week. Even after the distraction he took the low road but got the victory. Like you said though, I defeated Barbosa at Redemption, something you couldn’t do last week, albeit amid some strange and chaotic happenings.

At Ascension Reynolds I hope you bring that drive and that focus you are known for, because after The Rock Slide claims another victim I don’t want to have to go out and defend my victory over a “pre-occupied” opponent.

It’s time to focus Austin, take it from someone with the “experience”, it’s time to return that focus to what’s REALLY important. Can you do that? Will you do that? At Ascension the whole world is going to find out!

I for one, can’t wait to find out!

With that the screen simply fades to black before the WZCW logo appears.
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