AS32: The Forgotten Powers vs. Paradyse Cruz - Tag Title Contenders

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
A team intent on righting the wrongs of Kingdom Come take on the newest team on the block as The Forgotten Powers take on Paradyse Cruz with an opportunity for the Tag Team Titles at Redemption at stake. Will the combination of King and Alhazred rise again to the occasion and get their second shot at the titles or are some surprises awaiting in the form of Paradyse and Cruz?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th May 23:59 EST
We come in to a darkened road. There is no traffic lights to be seen and the stop signs can barley be seen. We hear a twig snap, and see an exhausted James King walk through the trees. He stands there for a moment, looking around at the area, his hands in his Forgotten Powers jacket. He then walks over to the nearest stop sign, which has a noticeable dent in it. He rubs the sign, and then brings his hand up to the scar on his head. Another twig snaps, and James smiles. He then turns to see Leon Kentsworth crash through the trees, his coat covered with leaves, and a flashlight on in his hand. He shines the light around to see where he is.

Leon: Where are we?

James walks over to Leon, a grim smile on his face.

James: A place full of history for me. And if you’re wondering where anyone is, I believe you’d agree that some roads should be walked alone.

James walks back over to the road, a saddened look on his face. Leon hesitates, and then follows.

A place of history, is this where it happened?

James looks over,then walks to Leon, the sad look still covering his face.

Let me take you back two years. The day my life was restarted…

We come to the same street, but most of the trees are gone. An old Chevy pulls up to one of the signs, the occupants barely visible. The driver is James King, but he looks younger, about 18 or 19, with a little smile on his face. In the passenger’s seat is a beautiful woman in her early 40’s, laughing.

Woman:James, your stories are so funny!

James’ smile gets bigger when she says this.

That’s nothing mom, there’s tons more.

James starts to pull out, but a car comes out of nowhere from the road next to them. James tries to stop, but the car flies into them. The scene cuts to later, when the street is filled with emergency vehicles. We see James King, followed by Summer, being pulled out of the wreck and being placed on stretchers. The scene blacks out.

We come back to the original scene, with James sitting on the curb, wearing a sad look on his face, and Leon standing behind him, looking a little sad at the story told.

On that day, everything went wrong. I spent half a year in rehab after a five hour surgery. My mother lasted half that. I had nothing left. Then, one day, while I was resting after rehab, I flipped over an episode of Meltdown. I don’t remember what the match was, but I knew at that point, what had to happen with my life. I had dreamt of wrestling. It had to happen to rebuild my life.

Leon looks over at James, looking like he’s holding back tears.

Wow. I had no idea.

James looks back at Leon, then stands and walks over to him.

I didn’t expect you to.

Leon looks around the area, imagining the scene that James just told him.

Would you mind if we do an interview?

James shakes his head, and motions for Leon to continue.

This week you have a chance to face the Tag Team champions at Redemption,facing the Paradyse Cruz.

James snaps his head towards Leon, a glint of determination in his eyes.

A chance to face? Leon, the Forgotten Powers should already be the champs. Paradyse Cruz already loss to us, they don’t have what it takes to beat us. We are the most dominate team in WZCW. On Ascension, there will be a repeat performance from our first match, and we will reign supreme. Now if you’d excuse me, Leon, I must be on my way.

James walks back through the woods as Leon looks confused as we fade out.
A very young Dr. Alhazred is sitting on his bedroom floor playing with his action figures.

"Raziel, come here. I need to talk to you"

Raziel's father is standing in his bedroom doorway carrying a large duffle bag in his hand. Dr. Alhazred quickly walks up to his father with a big smile on his face.

"What is it daddy? What's in the bag? A new toy?"

"No son what is in this bag is not for you."

He kneels down and grabs Dr. Alhazred's shoulders.

"Son, I'm going to be leaving and in all likely, you will never see me again."

Tears well up in Dr. Alhazred's eyes
"But dad-"

"Don't speak son, just listen. I cannot tell you why I am leaving or where I am going but one day I hope you will figure it out and find me. And when you find me, I pray you have the strength to do what must be done."

"I don't understand Dad."

"I know son, I don't expect you too. You also need to know that you will be going to live with your grandparents up north. Your mother is not fit to take care of you on her own, mentally and physically."

"Where is Mom? I haven't seen her all day."

Dr. Alhazred's father shifts his bag so it's further behind is back, as he does a small trickle of red liquid falls off the bottom of the bag.

"That is not important son, what is important is that you live your life to the fullest and never give up on your dreams. You are an Alhazred son and Alhazred's always excel at any task handed to them no matter how great. They always give it their all."

His father stands up.

"It's time for me to go son, your grandfather will be here shortly to pick you up. They don't have room for any of your stuff so you can only bring one toy okay."

Dr. Alhazred looks at his power glove toy on his bed.

"Goodbye son, I love you and hope one day you will find me again."

His father turns around and walks away. Dr. Alhazred just stands there emotionless staring at his power glove. A loud clapping noise is heard. There it is again...


The clap is even louder:


Dr. Alhazred jets up and looks across the room. James King is standing in front of him, Richard King is to his right and a WZCW Trainer is to his left.

Dr. Alhazred: What happened? Where am I?

James King: We're in our locker room backstage. You took a Consecrated Banishment from Ty Burna, I think it may have knocked you out.

Dr. Alhazred: Shit...he really knocked me out?

Well not immediately, you almost made it to this locker room but you passed out a few steps in front of the door.

Dr. Alhazred: I don't remember any of that.

Dr. Alhazred checks his nose, some blood is coming out of it.

Holy math! Is my nose broken?

The Trainer looks at his nose.

Trainer: Noooo, it's not broken but it's bleeding pretty good and its starting to swell up. Let me take care of that.

The Trainer grabs his kit and starts to clean up Dr. Alhazreds face.

Dr. Alhazred: So I take it we lost huh?

James King takes a seat next to him.

James King: Yeah we did but no one can say we didn't put up a fight. We almost had them, I thought you had Ty pinned for sure after that Level 5. But I guess that's why he's WZCW Champion.

Dr. Alhazred: Next time I face Ty in that ring I'll give that wretched fool what he deserves; my fist buried in his face and him lying on the floor after a Triforce Combination. I promise you that.

Richard King: I think we have more urgent matters at hand.

James King: They already told us we'll be facing Paradyse Cruz next week.

Dr. Alhazred: And you're worried about that why? We already stomped those guys like goombas.

James King: Well it's to determine who will face the BiA for the titles at Redemption.

Dr. Alhazred throws the Trainer against the wall and stands up. Richard King swiftly gets up to check on the trainer, giving the Dr. the stink eye.

Dr. Alhazred: Are you serious bro? After all we've done and after getting screwed at KC, they screw us again.

Richard King: Well you did just lose and I think we should spend less time complaining and more time training.

Dr. Alhazred: Does anybody have lipstick? Because I liked to be kissed when I'm getting screwed!

James King: Calm down, this isn't that big of a deal, we'll take them out like we did last time, become #1 Contenders, storm into Redemption and kick the BiA's ass all over the arena! And Father cool it with the losing, technically this was our first loss as a team.

Dr. Alhazred: You're right King, you're right. Let's just rest up and prepare to demolish Paradyse Cruz or should I say Parasite LOSE! Am I right?

The Kings look at each other and shake their heads.

Richard King: That was horrible it's not even that clever.

James King: You've come up with better insults than that man.

Dr. Alhazred: Whatever guys, I guess I'm the only one with a good sense of humor. And um, I'm not sure if you noticed but I just got kicked in my Zelda-loving head so hard I had a flashback.

James King: Speaking of that you were talking when you were out. We couldn't make sense of any of it but it seemed like some pretty heavy stuff going on.

Dr. Alhazred stands silently for a minute, thinking about his dream and staring at the ground.

Dr. Alhazred: It's fine, it's not important. Let's just focus on our match next week. I'm gonna take a shower but I'll call you guys in a few days to train and stuff.

James King: Sounds good man, take care of yourself.

They walk out of the locker room, Richard King stares down Dr. Alhazred before leaving.

Dr. Alhazred heads for the showers as we pan down to his phone in his bag. It's a message from Mister saying: "WE NEED TO TALK NOW! IT HAS TO DO WITH YOUR FATHER!"

The scene fades to black.
Aramndo: No,no,no! YOu've got me thinking you're never gonna get this move right,Seanie...

Sean: I can get it,just give me a second. It goes Palms up, left foot,drop,right foot drop.

Armando:No,it goes Palms togehter,left foot, right foot,double left and drop.

Sean: Are you sure,cuz that's not what you said last time?

Armando: Boy, I've been using this move for years, how you gonna tell me? Just do it like I showed you and it'll make more sense.

Sean: OH OK! I thought you were trying to show me a wrestling hold. This is the dance move from Waka Waka! DUH!

Sean and Armando have taken a break from their new training regimen to practice some dance moves. There's a big beach party happening over the weekend and they are intent on using their wave of momentum in WZCW to catapult themselves into the social stratusphere. Sean has also dyed his hair a bright sandy blonde. Neither Armando,nor Sean's sisters know why.

Armando: So are you ready for this weekend,man? Everyone who's anyone is gonna be there. I heard Oprah's gonna show up on a 90 foot yacht in the shape of an O.

Sean: I'm so psyched! We're gonna step out on to the scene and shine brighter than ever before. I can't even focus on anything else.

Armando: Don't get too caught up in the festivities,now. We've still got our number one contender's match on Ascension. We lost against the Forgotten Powers last time,and I'm sure the fact that we're still kinda green isn't lost on them.

Sean: Damn the Forgotten Powers! I'll make them pay for humiliating us. Especially that James King.

It is apparent than Sean has developed an intense hatred toward James King, who probably doesn't even know it.

Armando: I can understand your anger,but why are you upset with King in particular?

Sean: It's nothing...just,don't worry about it.

Armando: Come on,Sean. I'm your partner,you can tell me anything.

Sean: *sigh* Ever since I was 14,I've always wanted to have long, dark brown hair. I've dreamed so many nights of sporting a ponytail just like King's feeling like I'm on top of the world. But I just can't get it to grow past my neck. It's so frustrating! AGH!


Armando: Is that why you dyed your hair, Sean?

Sean: Yeah...if I can't have that look I'm going with this one.I'm actually quite fond of it. I'm still going to run King through despite his glorious locks.

Armando: Whatever gets you motivated. You seem like wrestling's usually the last thing on your mind,dude. Is this where you really wanna be?

Sean:It may seem that way at times,but I've always felt I belonged in a wrestling ring. Originally I was only drawn to the theatrics of it all,but teaming with you has really put things into perspective for me. You've shown me the science and strategy behind the moves we make in the ring. It used to be just a game to me,but in all seriousness, you've given me a passion for this business that I didn't know existed within me.

Armando: You are so gay...but thanks. I enjoy teaming with you too. We've got a party to crash now, so butch up throw on your trunks and let's go!


The men arrive at the Beach party ready to make an impact. Armando is taken aback by the abundance of beautiful women,and the combination of sun,sand and waves he brought such an aura of joy over Sean that some say he was literally glowing.

Armando: Dude,when I said trunks,I meant swimming trunks,not wrestling trunks.

Sean: These are my swimming trunks,my favorite swimming trunks actually. Take a look behind us Mando.

Armando glanced back to see women left and right mesmerized by Sean's at first controversial beachwear

Sean: These trunks do wonders for my booty,man. Ladies love a nice ass on guys. Learn it. Love it.

Armando: I guess you've got your own way with the ladies after all,Cruz. DUDE! LOOK!

Their on the docks stood the towering yacht rumored to appear today,the Big O. It's massive stature nearly paralyzed all that stood in it's presence,and the tag team was hell bent on getting an audience with Oprah. Using Sean's "endowment" as a distraction,the guys were able to make their way past the hordes of adoring fans and onto the deck of the Big O. There stood the most powerful black woman in the history of black women. Witnesses say it was like staring into the sun for the first time,or being baptized into a religion of awesome. They immediately rushed over and introduced themselves.

Armando: Ms.Winfrey--

OPRAH:please, dear call me OPRAH!

Armando: OPRAH, my name is Armando Paradyse,and this is my partner Sean Cruz.

OPRAH: Well it is just so nice to see how far we've come in society that you two can join me at this party! It's nice to meet you both!

Armando: Truly,truly. So we are aspiring socialites and we were wondering how you became such a success. We would like to learn your secrets, OPRAH.

OPRAH: Honey, it's all about publicity. You two have got a wonderful look and a personalities to compliment them. You need a good publicist to get your names out there and keep your names in people's mouths. You're nobody if the people aren't talking about you.

Sean: Well where can we find a publicist that would be able to help guys like us?

OPRAH: Guys like you? Sweetie,it's 2011, every publicist in America is chomping at the bit to launch the next gay couple into the media spotlight!

Sean: Gay couple? But we're not gay.

OPRAH: But Armando just said you guys were partners.

Sean: Tag Team Partners, we're professional wrestlers, your mighty Oprahness.

OPRAH: Oh...well the whole wrestling thing is on the decline these days so you're gonna want to get your hands into other media outlets,like game shows and prime time TV spots and such. But,if all else fails, outed gay wrestlers is a brand new angle that hasn't been done. I'm just sayin' fellas, you have to go with what's in.

Armando is completely turned off the idea of posing as gay lovers,but Sean's eyebrow has been furrowed with interest since Oprah mentioned the idea

OPRAH: You two seem like you really want this so I'm going to set you up with my publicist. He's dynamite,and will get you to the top so long as you do everything he says.

Sean: Everything?

OPRAH: Why do think I never married Steadman? *wink*

Sean: Hahahaha, Thanks for everything Oprah! You'll be seeing us in the spotlight real soon!

OPRAH: You boys enjoy the party and I'll be waiting for you at the next one!

Sean: OMG! We just got hooked up by OPRAH!!!!!

Armando: Not really. I'm not sure about the whole gay lover thing. That doesn't really fly with the chicas,you know?

Sean: Once we're in the spotlight you can have all the chicas you want! We'll just call them an entourage out in the open,it'll be fine.

Armando: I don't know...but man,being on the same level as OPRAH would be pretty epic.

Sean: Epic doesn't even begin to describe...

With their new found supporter in the all-powerful OPRAH, the lofty dreams of Paradyse Cruz have risen to even loftier standards. Seeing the Forgotten Powers clearly on the edge of the horizon,the boys clench their fists and brace themselves for an explosive rematch on Ascension!
A few hours after Meltdown ended, Armando and Sean are walking out of the arena through one of the backdoors each holding a dufflebag and a huge smile on the their faces.

Sean Cruz-Great job tonight Armando! We got our first match tonight in the tag division. We our on our way to the gold that we deserve!

Armando Paradyse-That we did senor. I think we proved tonight that the new faces of the tag division is Paradyse Cruz! We our the future Sean.

Just as he said that, Vince Bateman comes out the same door the men did holding a notebook. He sees the guys and quickly rushes over to them.

Vince BatemanGreat match guys! One of the most exciting of the night. And I'm glad I caught you two. How does Paradyse Cruz vs. Brothers In Arms for the WZCW Tag Team Championship at Redemption sound?

Sounds great!

Si it does! Muchos Gracias Senor!

Not so fast guys. You have to earn it first. Let me explain. This next week on AS you will face The Forgotten Powers with the winners becoming number one contenders for those very titles.

Armando and Seans eyes get big after hearing that the will face Forgotten Powers again. You can hear their heartbeats stop and they swallow a big gulp of air and spit.

Well guys, good luck you will need it.

He turns around and walks back in the door. after he leaves the two men stare at the ground, neither speaking. Finally after moments of silence that seemed like hours, Sean breaks the silence....

The Forgotten Powers?! If we had rivals in this bussiness, it would be them.

I know Sean. They are a good team but after our loss against them, I feel like we know them. We know what strategies they use, what moves they like and when they will atempt those moves. I'm never getting hit with the Level Five again. I feel like I know them better than I know myself. They better be ready. Paradyse Cruz will win. Plus this is my third time against them and you're second. We can win Sean.

Yeah, I know what you mean Armando, we will win. We just need to stay focus.

That's right.

As the two mean nod and shake hands, a car honks it's horn and it echos the alley way in which they stand. A Dodge Nitro pulls up with the driver side window rolled down. Inside the car is Armando's woman and Sean's sister, Lissa. The two men look confused as they didn't even know she was in town.

Lissa? What are you doing here?

Lissa-Well hun, I came to see you two wrestle tonight on Meltdown. I'm so happy for you two. You deserved to win you're match. And I have some more good news for you. My friend is a DJ at 109.5 KTQM and he wants to do a segment with the two of you tommorow. Interested?

Oh my God! Sissy, I love you so so so much boogie bear. This is such a fantastic opprotunity to showcase Paradyse Cruz!

SC runs over and kisses Lissa on her forehead who is still sitting in the car. He gets in the backseat as Armando walks around and sits in the front seat next to Lissa. As he get in, she reaches over and pulls his head to hers and kisses him. Before Lissa drives off, she turns on the radio and "Friday" by Rebbeca Black starts to play.

I love this song! (singing with the radio) It's Friday! Friday! got to get ready for the weekend! Oh my God! This is the theme song of my life!!!

Armando and Lissa look at eachother and laugh, then drive off into the night as the camera fades.
The camera fades back in with Armando, Sean, and another man sitting down in a DJ booth. They are all talking and laughing.

DJ Moody-Hey everyone, DJ Moody herrrrrre and I have two very special guests with me. All the way from WZCW, Armando Paradyse and Sean Cruz, Paradyse Cruz!!!

Gratzi, Hon. We are so excited and thankful you are giving us a chance to be here.

Well guys, let's not beat around the bush. In a few days time, you lock up against the Forgotten Powers with the winners facing Brothers In Arms for the prestigous WZCW Tag Team Championship at Redemption. So for our wonderful listeners and to you're fans, here is you're chance to get you're voices heard as you can call up here at 830-529-9659 to have these two great and upcoming stars answer you're questions. Once again the number is 830-529-9659.

Within a matter of seconds the phones start ringing nonstop. Moody then pushes a button next to him and it answers a random call that is coming in.

Congragulations Caller. Say hi guys.

Hey, what's you're name?

I'm Jamie and I am you're biggest fan Sean!

Thanks Jamie. Got a question for either me or Armando?

It's not really a question but more of a statement. I think, along with every other WZCW fan I know, that you are two are a million times better in the ring than the Forgotten Powers. They are very boring in the ring. And to be honest, they are ugly and I can understand why they never have dates.

Jamie, they are nerds. One plays video games more than a Japenesse boy with no friends and the other can't remember if he is a man or a woman. And thanks for calling.

Moody pushes the button again and another random phone call is answered.

Caller you are on the air! What would you like to ask these two future WZCW Tag Team Champions?

-Hi, I'm Tori. And I wanted to ask what is going to be you're strategy against the Forgotten Powers?

AP-Good question senorita. We have been training alot as of late since the last time we faced them. To answer you're question: we will hit them fast. Our speed is way above theirs. Also I have been teaching Sean over here the art of Parkour.

I'm not as good as Armando but he has been training for years but I have gotten better with all of my moves. Parkour taught me to keep my balance so I can perform those moves to their full potential.

Wow, Guys, I hope you two win and then move on and win the titles. You both deserve them more than the Forgotten Powers and Brothers In Arms.

Moody pushes the button again. After about an hour of callers and about what seemed to be a thousand questions the is about our of time but not without one final question

Caller? You are the lucky last caller of the day. What's you're name?

My name is Michael and my question is do you two think that you deserve the titles? I mean two weeks ago you lost against the Forgotten Powers.

Armando and Sean both look at eachother with no facial expressions at all.

Championships are earned. We beat former champions last night on Meltdown. Forgotten Powers lost at Kingdom Come. They couldn't get the job done. So they shold be at the end of the line. The Forgotten powers are a great team but I don't think they know what they got themselves into. I am Armando Paraydse. I am a man who is one hundred percent man!

You don't win every match Michael. But we will continues our winning streak. We will beat The Forgotten Powers and we will go on and win the WZCW Tag Team Titles! No one will stand in our way. Not Alhazred. Not King. Not Toyota. Not Hammond. Not even Ty Burna can take on Paradyse Cruz. Our bond is larger than a team and a freindship, but brothers. Brothers who are Champions.

Moody sits there speechless as Armando and Sean look at the radio equipment each witha pissed off look on their faced. They are detirmined to win the titles. There is an intensity feeling in the room that feels like lightning striking the Earth. You can cut the tension with a knife.

Wll this was alot of fun guys. Also, for all you fans. Tommorow, Paradyse Cruz will be at Kahoma Beach at one PM, correct?

yes we will. Our afans are the reason we won't give up. they mean everything to mean and Armando. It's time to give back to them.

That's all the time we have today. Joine me next week. Until then I"m DJ Moody, with Armando Paraydse and Sean Cruz, Ciao for now.

As the radio goes off the air, the three men shake hands and Paradyse Cruz walks out the booth. The camera fades out.
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