AS32: Big Dave & Everest vs. Hunter Kravinoff & Barbosa

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Over a month ago, Big Dave and Everest were competing against each other in an intense rivalry, now they have been brought together as allies to take on the combination of Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa. Since the Lethal Lottery, the pair have been making their presence felt on both men and continue to up the anti every week. Will the former enemies be able to put their differences aside to stop the force that continues to build each week?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th May 23:59 EST
*The expected scene of the poker room opens but unexpectedly only Manic and the Catatonic are present. The latter is seated at the table whilst the former is walking back and forth but never taking his gaze from the motionless Catatonic.*

Manic: We have ways of making you talk and, by the time we are done with you, you will be spilling the beans about who you take your orders from faster than a temp in a Barstucks kitchen!

*While the Catatonic continues to stare blankly despite this threat, the door to the poker room swings open to reveal a pillar of smoke preceding the entrance of the Smoker.*

Manic: Ah goodie. Now we have a proper bad cop for our practice. We are no good at it.

The Smoker: What the Hades are you talking about?

Manic: We have been practicing our integration technique should we ever get a hold of Big Dave or any of the other conspirators.

The Smoker: Interrogation.

Manic: Yeah, integration.

*The Smoker chooses not to continue correcting his counterpart.*

The Smoker: So you think that this kind of film noir “integration” is going to uncover a deep-rooted conspiracy that has spread to all levels of the company?

Manic: Why not? Our telling the world about it has helped so far.

The Smoker: Yes, the pressure was released somewhat allowing both us and Kravinoff to demonstrate our superiority to the conspirators. However, it is not surprising that they would relent when there was no title on the line. No shot at the King For A Day briefcase up for grabs.

Manic: But would our exposing of the truth not mean that they would want to shut us up rather than not interfering in our matches?

The Smoker: No, they still enjoy a large degree of anonymity and by what they see as allowing us to win they discredit our revelations in the eyes of those who are less insightful.

Manic: But they have still added to their numbers…

The Smoker: Yes, they have added Everest to the mix in a forlorn attempt to neutralise us given that having beaten Big Dave 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring we should be getting a match for the briefcase at Redemption.

Manic: And I thought Everest was a man of honour.

The Smoker: Constant defeat and the lure of power can change even the best of men - even a veteran like Everest feels the pressure, the need to be successful and the conspirators have almost certainly offered him a way to pay off his mounting debts and bills to act as a roadblock to us all the while hiding behind claims of mutual respect forged in battle between he and Big Dave. We will just have to be extra vigilant on Ascension in case we are blindsided by some unknown assailant...

Manic: How did you become so smart all of a sudden?

*The Smoker burns a hole through the Manic at the accusation of a past lack of intelligence. Oblivious, Manic continues on digging another hole for himself.*

Manic: Ah, I bet he told you. The bent over quiet one. Now he is clever. Where is he anyway?
*His anger not yet assuaged but yet smirking, the Smoker chuckles to himself.*

The Smoker: He is going to have a talk with your good friend Munter Havitoff.

Manic: Why? Hopefully, he is nice to Hunt.

*The Smoker smirks again and this time Manic gets the inference.*

Manic: You are right. He is never nice…

*Suddenly the door to the room swings open again and the Depressive stomps in with uncharacteristic energy, emotion and exasperation. The Depressive looks at Manic and sneers sarcastically.*

Depressive: Go out there and have a little fun with your bosom buddy.

Manic: Yippeee!

*After the Manic bounds out of the room, the Smoker turns to the Depressive.*

The Smoker: The meeting did not go well then…?

Depressive: Kravinoff is more of a moron than we ever thought possible.


*The scene opens with Hunter Kravinoff walking back and forth at the Gorilla position, clearly rehearsing what he has to say at his upcoming appearance. While he is deep in Promoland, a stooped-over, shuffling Barbosa appears out of the shadows. A normal person would not have heard such a deft approach but even while lost in his own thoughts, the Ugandan Wildman is well aware of his surroundings and without breaking his train of thought or turning to face the new arrival, he knows who it is.*

Kravinoff: Hey Barbie, are you ready to make waves? Strike a blow against institutional racism and discrimination against disabilities?

*When his greeting is not returned with an excitable welcome, Kravinoff turns to face his cohort and immediately the smile on his face drops a little as he realises it is not Manic Barbosa.*

Kravinoff: Oh, it’s you…

Depressive: Good afternoon, Mr Morgan.

*Kravinoff does not bat an eyelid at the mention of his real name.*

Kravinoff: Are you ready to present our evidence to world?

Depressive: Yes… our evidence.

Kravinoff: Indeed, it appears that this conspiracy is growing and perhaps more clever than we thought. I did not think that they would let us demonstrate our superiority over their chosen royalty and his precipitous sidekick so quickly, particularly when such victories catapult the two of us into clear contention to challenge David for his briefcase.

*Looking a little exasperated at this conspiratorial chat, the Depressive seems to ignore it.*

Depressive: This upcoming tag team match certainly will be a chance to further that claim for Redemption.

Kravinoff: We really will need to be on our toes and have eyes in the back of our heads for not only are Nathaniel Grayson and David Bail firmly ensconced as in our paths but who knows who else will appear to stop us – Lee Avison, Austin Reid, David Cougar. Maybe even the scared Tyrone Blades will appear to thwart us on Ascension.

Depressive: Yes, the World Heavyweight Champion and his challengers will take time out of their preparations to stick their noses in a unimportant tag team contest that has no bearing on their contests.

Kravinoff: Yes, that is exactly what they expect us to think! Luckily, we are ahead of the curve.

*With his obvious sarcasm seemingly making no impression on Kravinoff’s paranoid obstinacy, the Depressive lets out a deep exasperated sigh, rolls his eyes and shakes his head.*

Depressive: If that is the way you want to play it, I will leave you to make a fool out of yourselves.

Kravinoff: What are you talking about? You agreed that we would stand before the WZCW Universe together and expose the conspiracy together, especially now that your jaw has healed...

Depressive: You will not be alone.

*Then before Kravinoff can inquire further about what seems to be a growing opposition to the idea of a conspiracy, Depressive coughs and all of a sudden Barbosa straightens up and a ridiculously wide grin spreads across his face before he leaps into Kravinoff’s awaiting arms.*

Manic: Okay, Hunt. Let’s go expose this travesty to the world! Our unveiling will be like a beautiful ballet.

Kravinoff: I hope you understand the gravity of what we are about to say, Barbie.

Manic: Are you saying there may be trouble ahead?

*Kravinoff nodds in the affirmative of that assessment.*

Kravinoff: But while there's Barbie and Kravi and Freud and bromance…

Manic: Let's face the music and dance!
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The familiar sound of TobyMac fills the arena at WZCW’s latest house show as the fans rise to their feet in anticipation of the arrival of the top contender for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. However after a few moments, the buzz in the arena begins to die down as Austin Reynolds is nowhere to be seen. After a couple more moments, a gleeful Hunter Kravinoff springs through the curtain with a massive smile on his face and prances towards the ring holding his Freud portrait over his head. He fans shower him with disappointed boos and jeers as Barbosa follows Kravinoff down the ramp, prancing joyfully just like his buddy and clapping his hands. After both men get in the ring and Kravinoff sets Freud down on his easle in the center of the squared circle, a production assistant hands both men microphones. As the music dies down, the jeers only grow louder. Kravinoff leans against the ropes and stares into the mass of discontent humanity with a look of satisfaction. Barbosa is countering the negative reaction of the audience by clapping and cheering which is creating an irritating ruckus with a microphone in his hand.

Kravinoff: Expecting someone else?!

Kravinoff laughs gleefully as the boos grow more aggressive.

Barbosa: I wasn’t, Hunt! I knew it was us the whole time!

Barbosa smiles and gives Kravinoff a thumbs up as the Wildman chuckles under his breath and turns to Barbosa.

Kravinoff: I wish I knew why the people aren’t happy to see us. If anything, they should be overjoyed. We’re way better than Austin Reynolds!

”You suck” chants break out in the audience as Kravinoff turns towards the audience, shooting them a look of intensity.

Kravinoff: Oh, yes. We are better than Austin Reynolds. You might not want to admit it, but the facts speak for themselves. Ascension 25? I beat Austin Reynolds. That means I should be in line for a title shot instead of him. Especially when Ty’s already beaten Reynolds. And speaking of men Ty Burna’s defeated, you know who he hasn’t pinned or forced to submit? My associate, Barbosa!

The crowd doesn’t let up with its jeers as Barbosa seems to just be recalling this fact.

Barbosa: That’s right! Ty has never pinned me, but he has pinned Reynolds! And he beat Showtime too! Why are they main event bound but not me?!

Kravinoff: Because they’re in on it, my friend.

Barbosa’s jaw drops in light of this startling revelation as Kravinoff nods warmly.

Kravinoff: Oh yes. They’re in on the conspiracy against us. Why else would Austin Reynolds put his WZCW career on the line? He knows main event spots aren’t given out on merit and that he’s already secured his spot in the Kingdom Come 4 main event through some underhanded backroom deal. He wouldn’t have dared to put his career on the line if that spot was given out on merit because we all know there is only one match worthy of such a grand stage: Hunter Kravinoff vs. Barbosa for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

The crowd loudly rejects the proposed Kingdom Come main event as Kravinoff looks down at the fans in the front row. Barbosa is smiling playfully behind Kravinoff’s back, clearly enticed by the possibility of facing the Ugandan for the belt at the biggest show of the year. Kravinoff opens his mouth to speak to the crowd but before he can, Barbosa sneaks up behind him and tickles him under his arms. The crowd goes silent, clearly uncomfortable with whatever is happening. Kravinoff playfully nudges Barbosa away before raising the microphone once more.

Kravinoff: I know! I’m excited too! But let’s save it for Kingdom Come and not give these leeches too much of a preview, Barbie.

The audience boos. They seem to think tickling doesn’t belong in the main event of Kingdom Come.

Kravinoff: And yes. We will be in the main event at Kingdom Come. While we may not get the title shot we’re more than worthy of tomorrow, the next day, or even the day after that, the day will come when management can no longer overlook us. You see, even if management insists on not putting us in main event matches, we will just have to keep imposing our will on the roster until there’s no choice but to put us in the main event if they want to get us in the ring with someone who may stand a chance of stopping us.

Barbosa begins jumping up and down gleefully as Kravinoff stares the audience down.

Kravinoff: Let it be known that overlooking us has started a war. It’s us versus every man who dares to stand in our way. It’s a war of attrition where we will be the last men standing. And while your continued support of Austin Reynolds and the Ty Burna-Showtime Cougar epics makes you, the fans, complicit in the conspiracy set forth by WZCW management work, you and management don’t get to deny us anything if everyone except us and the World Heavyweight Champion is in the hospital. You people may cheer louder for the entrance music of Austin Reynolds than you do for Barbosa and I. But when we put your favorite stars on the shelf, you’ll have no choice but to abandon the conspirators and come around to us.

Barbosa begins is fist-pumping and shouting words of encouragement for the Wildman as Kravinoff acknowledges him with a polite nod.

Kravinoff: I invite each and every person here tonight and everyone in the WZCW Universe to tune into Ascension this week to witness the start of this war when myself and my partner and crime take on two of the men who you and management see as more worthy of the main event spotlight than us, Everest and Big Dave.

Upon hearing the names of two stars they support, the crowd roars in approval.

Kravinoff: Yeah, let’s hear it for Big Dave and Everest!

The crowd continues to rumble enthusiastically in support of two of the biggest stars on the roster. Barbosa doesn’t seem to understand why Kravinoff’s encouraging them.

Kravinoff: So since you’re such big fans of both those men, you were probably glued to your televisions last week when Barbie and myself beat them on Meltdown and Ascension!

Ravenous boos ensue as Barbosa slaps Kravinoff supportively on the back.

Kravinoff: Oh yeah. We smashed two of the biggest icons in WZCW. Yet nobody here seems willing to admit that maybe we’re worthy of a chance to redeem ourselves after the injustice we faced at Kingdom Come. Nobody wants to see us get a shot at the King For A Day briefcase.
Especially not Big Dave.

A “You both suck!” chant breaks out as Barbosa covers his ears and shakes his head. Kravinoff stands still and rolls his eyes, waiting patiently for the chant to die down before continuing.

Kravinoff: Yep, last week on Ascension, Big Dave denied us an opportunity at his title shot. He said that we had a chance at Kingdom Come but because we failed, that’s the end of that. And while that mentality is certain to keep the briefcase in Dave’s possession, he revealed to us his fatal weakness.

Kravinoff nods confidently towards the crowd as Barbosa stares with a look of bewilderment at Kravinoff.

Barbosa: He did?!

Kravinoff: Absolutely. What he showed us is his self doubt. He showed us that while he can win a battle, he’s not prepared to take the whole war. He doesn’t have the mentality to go all the way with us and he doesn’t have the grit it takes to be World Heavyweight Champion. If the day comes when he wins the belt, he’ll have to learn eventually that one victory doesn’t put every challenger in his rearview mirror. You see, if Ty Burna’s epic title reign has proven one thing, it’s that contenders don’t always go down for good after the first battle. But Big Dave would rather hide behind old victories and his political sway than learn that lesson and deal with the worthy challengers he has knocking at his door. While you and I are willing to go all out in every contest we have and secure our spots on the card, Big Dave is just fine hiding on his pedestal. We’ve got the fighting spirit it takes to go the limit. Big Dave, on the other hand, doesn’t have that drive for more. While he says he wants the big belt, his actions don’t show it. If the man isn’t willing to defend his briefcase and take on all comers and if he can’t prove he can beat anyone at anytime, what kind of champion will he make?

The crowd boos Kravinoff’s assertion as Barbosa nods thoughtfully at what he’s heard.

Kravinoff: What Dave doesn’t understand is that this isn’t like climbing the card as Eurasian Champion where you beat one challenger and move onto bigger and better things. There are only so many men at the top of the card. Barbosa and I are two of them. You don’t just get to beat us and keep on moving because there’s not that much ladder left for Big Dave to climb. Barbosa, Big Dave, Hunter Kravinoff – We’re lifers at the top. There’s no surcease. There’s no compromise. There’s no end in sight. This fight didn’t end when you beat us in the Chamber. It didn’t end last week and when we handed you your ass. It won’t end this week. This thing between us will never be over. And coming into this match with a keen understanding of what we’re involved in gives us an edge over you. While you’re on your way up, you’ve still got some seasoning to do mentally. As such, you’ll need to face us with the briefcase on the line eventually to prove that you have the take-all-comers attitude a main eventer should have. But it’s not the briefcase you’re defending against us, it will be the World Heavyweight Championship down the line. And if you can’t take all comers, either Barbosa or myself is destined to make you look like a fluke champion.

A ”Big Dave” chants start up as Kravinoff tries to continue.

Barbosa: Let him speak!

Barbosa is met with massive jeers for his outburst as Kravinoff chuckles and continues on.

Kravinoff: Sit down with your partner, David. Ask him about how being at the top of the card is a constant war of attrition with the same handful of guys. Ask him what taking the shots of the best in the world week in, week out, year after year has done to his body. Look at the lines in his face and the pain in his eyes when he walks. And then give yourself a long hard look in the mirror. Ask yourself if it’s worth the risk. Ask yourself how many hard matches with myself and Barbosa you’re willing to have. How many of our bone crushing strikes are you willing to endure for glory? And if you look at your partner Everest as a role model, think about just how many more his body is going to endure before it finally fails him. He’s a man who took all comers. Do you want to end up like him? If you're not prepared for that, relinquish the briefcase and step aside right now.

The crowd boos as Barbosa claps giddily about the prospect of Everest and Big Dave retiring.

Kravinoff: Think about it, David. You’re used to dominating men and moving on, not going to war with them for life. Myself? I’ve been at war my entire existence. I never expected skinning one lion would keep the rest of its pride at bay. In the wild, I had to keep on coming at the best every single day. I’m used to the kind of wear and tear the top tier of WZCW takes on you. And I know my partner isn’t scared either.

Barbosa shakes his head defiantly, much to the dismay of the people in attendance.

Kravinoff: But I know you haven’t thought this through. You say you want to be a main eventer and while you have skills, you’re too naive regarding what’s to come. If your partner’s body doesn’t fail your team on Ascension, it’ll be your will that breaks under our onslaught.

Kravinoff smiles giddily and high fives his tag team partner, who then immediately runs to the opposite side of the ring and starts jawing with the audience on the other side of the arena.

Kravinoff: I want you to remember one thing, David: Friends in high places won’t always be there to save you. They may get you to the top, but eventually you’ll have to defend yourself. In the wild, there are no holds barred.

Barbosa: Actually, Hunt, if something is on the endangered species list then --

Kravinoff cuts Barbosa off before he can finish that thought.

Kravinoff: And you, Big Dave, you need to be prepared to abide by the laws of the jungle if you want to survive at the top of the mortal combat you’re engaged in. Remember: No holds barred, Dave. The fight is never over.

The Ugandan throws the mic down and begins twirling as Ecstasy Of Gold starts playing on the PA system. Barbosa smiles playfully and begins twirling as well. The crowd drowns the ring in boos as a sloppy ballet unfolds around the Freud portrait.
The scene opens up in typical backstage fashion. The outside of a locker room door is seen and after a few seconds we move to the inside of a very plush and very upscale locker room. The camera pans the room for a few seconds until we see a duffel bag on the floor, it is open and on top lays an Everest shirt. Almost on cue we finally see Everest himself come into the picture. He’s pacing back and forth, sporadically taking sips from a bottle of water.

EVEREST: I don’t know about you but I am really getting sick of people calling me the “old” veteran. I’m only 32 and just hitting my prime. It’s really getting on my nerves, but anyway on to matters at hand. Ascension has once again rolled around and once again it seems that Kravinoff and Barbosa have found time to take out of their busy days of spider hunting and pirating to stick their noses in my, in OUR business.

You know at first I was kind of flattered, it seemed the newcomers wanted a piece of a champion to see where they stood. After our last encounter though, the ante has been upped. You know one on one is the man’s way of doing it, but what happened on Ascension and Meltdown, it seems the boys don’t want to play by the rules. The interference by Barbosa in my match with Kravinoff and their attempted attack on you have brought us together.

Let’s look at this from the outside. We’ve got two Neanderthals trying desperately to get the masses to believe some trumped up charge of discrimination in the company because they can’t use their own talents to get anywhere near a true title shot. I heard them rambling on and on and I’ve heard them preach like the end of the world was coming and we seen how well that prophecy played out.

The camera still stays focused on Everest as he continues to vent even though we can see someone moving in the shadows of the room.

EVEREST: Everyone knows we’ve haven’t seen eye to eye on much of anything. Ever! Fact is though our battles from before are in the past and right now a common enemy has provided us an opportunity to go out and show the world that as good as we are individually we can be just as unstoppable as a team. I don’t expect that you’ll like me or even that you’ll tolerate me but I would expect that your professionalism would allow you to watch my back just as I’ll watch yours so we can dish out some justifiable punishment to these two wannabe’s. If they are so desperate for a title shot let’s see what they can do with two people who have been champions before and know what it takes to be championship level.

So Barbosa, Kravinoff go ahead and bring your chair with you, bring your underhanded double teaming tactics as well because there will be no sneaking up on people at Ascension, not this time. When all is said and done and the final bell has rung you’re going to be high tailing it back up the ramp wondering just what the hell went wrong and I, we, will be standing side by side, VICTORIOUS in the ring! Oooohhhhhhhh Yeah!

And you WILL realize…….



With that Everest kind of lets the intensity down and much more casually looks at the figure in the shadow and says:

EVEREST: So you think it will work? You think he’ll agree?

With that the camera pans to the right and the shadows slowly disappear as the light shines over there and we see none other than………


BECKY: Well Everest, if not it could be a really long night out there.

EVEREST: Yeah no kidding.

With that Everest grabs the bag from the floor and he and Becky head out the door as the screen fades to black.
Inside a somewhat sparse locker room, there sits the golden briefcase that represents the King For A Day Contract, it sparkles under the light that comes through a single window, as the camera pans past, it notices another light that seems to be emulating from the bathroom area, it moves in to notice a single beam of light glowing down on a figure who’s rinsing his face with water, he looks up to reveal in the reflection that this figure is Big Dave. His looks complete with frustration and fear, unsure of what to do, what is capable of him, he looks straight into his own reflection.

I allowed this to happen, I allowed myself to get distracted by Kravinoff and lose to Barbosa, regardless of the fact that he did distract me, I allowed myself to be distracted and take the loss. Since becoming King, I have let them get the better of me, I have won championships before and this never bothered me, so why should it now? But more importantly, what do I have to become in order to stop men like him?

Endurance, Dave.

Dave turns to see that Everest is standing in the doorway, a long time nemesis turned into ally.

This is a day I never thought I’d see happen for a long time.

Maybe so, but I think the situation has proven that you need me as much as I need you in this situation.

And what is your assessment of the situation?

That two men are hell bent on making themselves a force to be reckoned with and are aiming at the men most likely to take them down in order to make their conquest a success. A simple ‘Canis Canum Edit’ situation.

I didn’t know you speak Latin?

I hope you’re not trying to imply I’m that old, seems like the old joke never dies with these kids.

Anyway, you’ve seen what they’re capable of, what do you…

I have also seen what you’re capable of, I experienced it first hand, remember?

I've turned away from that.

You’ve change your views on things, but it doesn’t mean you haven’t changed your capabilities or aggression in a match. As far as I knew, you always gave it your all, I saw the look in your eyes, yet when I look at them now, that spark seems to have withered. What was it Dave? What was it that took it from you? This situation? The Chamber? The regret? In this business, there is no time to live in regret when the time to act is upon you. You are in the greatest position to get your hands on the World Heavyweight Championship, and you want a couple of whack jobs to get the better of you? Is this what the man that many considered my greatest nemesis been reduced to? If I had known it had been that easy, you wouldn’t have even made it to the Chamber, let alone win it!

I know what you’re trying to do here…

Then make it happen. Look at me!

Dave turns to face Everest head on.

Standing in this room is a combination of Two World Titles, A King For A Day, Longest EurAsian and Tag reigns, Mayhem Championships, A Kingdom Come Main Event, practically everything under the sun has been done in our pairing, compare that to the equation, Two World Title shots and a Tag Title run, that doesn’t come close to what either of us have done individually and yet they pose a threat. We have experienced the gain, the love and the lost of championship gold, Barbosa hasn’t and Kravinoff hasn’t, he only lost his championship reign because he let himself get fired before he had to defend it. Do you honestly believe that either of them could take your title shot if you did put it up?



Because they’re right!

About what?

I’m not good enough to be a World Heavyweight Champion!

That is a load of bull! You are! You have what it takes to be the champion, you have to believe in it, did I ever quit when I lost to Rios all those times? No! You haven’t even had one shot at the title and you feel you are not good enough?! Dave, pull yourself together!

I can’t do it!

Yes you can!

Everest then slaps Dave hard, it fires him up.

There’s the fire there! I can see it right there. You need to remember that you are an animal in the ring, nothing can stop you. You feel you aren’t good enough, but you are! That briefcase out there stands for it and if you can’t even look at that and know you can be the champion, then you need to walk away from this. Do you want to walk away?


What was that?


I can’t hear you!


Dave’s practically boiling over and ready to strike.

There you go! Now, at Ascension, Kravinoff needs to experience something that you have and he hasn’t, he needs to experience the loss of something important. He’s never felt something important taken from him aside from his job, and if you don’t let him experience that fate, then he will continue to run riot, that is what you have to do stop him. As for Barbosa…

I know I can defeat him, and there won’t be anything to stop me now!

Everest smirks


Suddenly the phone rings from in the adjacent room and Dave is back facing the mirror, he looks to see Everest isn’t there. He looks confused but his arms are heavily tensed, he heads over to the next room. He grabs his phone and checks the ID, it says ‘Everest’. Dave smirks at this realisation before he answers the phone.


The scene fades out.
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