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AS32: Austin Reynolds vs. Ale

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Having escaped a possible concussion thanks to Showtime Cougar, Austin Reynolds has been cleared to wrestle this week and will take on newcomer Ale in a one-on-one encounter. Ale will no doubt be relishing the opportunity to take on the former Elite X Champion and World Title Challenger, could he rise to the occasion and take Austin from his perch or will the Ratings Winner be even more motivated for that final push before Redemption?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th May 23:59 EST
We see Austin and [COLOR="magenta "]Hayley [/COLOR]waiting to have lunch in a Japanese restaurant in New York. They are talking hurriedly as they haven’t seen a lot of each since Austin was on promotional work last week.

“And on the off day, they took us on a great trip around Barcelona. We went to the Nou Camp, it was brilliant!”

“Aww, I wish I could have gone with you.”

“But you hate football.”

A waiter brings over their meals. With the dish is a set of chopsticks. Austin is confused and surprised that there is no knife and fork.

“But the shopping is incredible.”

Austin sighs but laughs as she does. He goes to pick up a piece of meat but he keeps on dropping it. Hayley is bemused as he gets frustrated.

“What’s so funny?”

He keeps on trying but gets more annoyed by each attemp

“I can’t work these damn things.”

She motions for a waitress.

“Could we have a knife and fork please?”

“A ni and fock? Ok.....”

Austin keeps on trying while he waits but eventually he gives up and waits for the cutlery. He feels a vibration in his pocket and as he pulls out his mobile, he sees the screen that reads [WZCW Becky S]. Hayley notices it too.

“Why do they try and get hold of you at the most ridiculous times?”

“I think they all want that career-making interview. They still haven’t figured me out.”

Austin seems as peeved as she is. He just doesn’t like interviewers.

“They’re dumb – that’s why they are interviewers instead of proper journalists.”

“Keep eating babe. Let me go and deal with this mic stand. Won’t be long.”

Austin steps outside. As he reaches the door, he puts the phone to his ear.

“Becky, you have awful timing.”

“Austin, I was hoping I could get an exclusive comment that’s all. I am sorry if I’ve interrupted you at all.”

“About Ale right?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m not in the mood to talk right now Becky. I’ve got a big few weeks to prepare for and talking to you, any of you, is not in any of my plans.”

“But Austin...”

“Now if you’ll excuse me Becky, I’m having lunch with my fiancée, I’m picking up my best friend from the hospital and I need to figure out how to make Ale credible, interesting and relevant to the WZCW Network. Why should our fans care about Ale? They aren’t going to take him seriously and I don’t deserve their support or belief if I lose to him!”

Austin hangs up, exhaling deeply as he does.

“That broad doesn’t know when to quit.”

“I know, she’s almost as annoying as Leon.”

Austin turns around; a response was the last thing he expected. He sees Johnny Klamor, who really was the last thing Austin wanted right now. Klamor is puffing on a cigar and has a thick aviator jacket on.

“Do one Klamor. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

Klamor laughs off Austins’ bravado.

“Oh Austin, tell me how you really feel. I come here for a nice, professional chat...”

“You’re stalking me like a cheap paparazzi piece of...”

Austin points at Klamor accusingly but he just laughs it off.

“Hey, I’m better than that. I think there’s a great story behind your match with Ale and I just want to get to it.”

“A great story? Really Johnny? Look, I’ve got to figure out how to beat two thirds of a triple threat; the most dominant WZCW champion of all time and the most conniving son-of-a-gun in the company want to pin me at Redemption and end my dream of being World Champion. That's the only story I am interested in at the moment.”

Austins’ temper flares up. He didn’t like Klamor at the best of times. Being hungry wasn’t helping his mood.

“I have to get through Ale this week but I need to do it such a fashion that Ty and Cougar take me seriously. I need to take him apart and leave nothing left. Is it right? Is it fair? No but I don’t have a choice. I’ve got to put on a great match, one that shows me to be potentially great champion and I can’t wait to go out in front of my fans and entertain them like nobody in this company can.”

“Are you beyond insane? You are going to take a guy like Ale and use him as a stepping stone? He has come through the Contract Battle Royal with flying colours. He is a giant of a man, a heck of a talent and if you don’t take him seriously, he will beat you.”

“You know what? I hope he does see me as a stepping stone because I need the best test possible. I want him to use me to get on the map. Burna and Cougar are having that this week so why should I miss out?”

Klamor is surprised by Austins’ attitude. With his entry into the match at Redemption, Austin seems extremely motivated to face anyone, whether it be Ty, Cougar or Ale.

“Ale has big potential but in no world should he be given a chance over me. As much as I admire Ale, I’m going out there to finish him, 1...2....3 in the middle of the ring.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know where I’m wasting my time. This was the ideal time for you to connect with your fans, plug your match and you know, actually live up to your self-titled billing.”

“Klamor, don’t ever accuse me of deserting my fans. One reason I can’t wait to get to Ascension is to be in their presence. It’s been too long.”

“Personally, I look forward to seeing Ale rip your arm off and end you for good.”

Austin smiles and then laughs out loud. Klamor is baffled by his reaction.

“Klamor, you said that about Constantine, remember how that ended? Let me give you something for the record. I’m going to the pay-per-view with two men hunting me down in a bid to do what is needed to do to be World Champion. I don’t plan on wasting this chance like Cougar did.”

Austin goes inside and is immediately noticed by a table of fans. Austin has a beaming smile on his face as he shakes the fans’ hand and signs autographs. Klamor walks off, peeved that he doesn’t have the big exclusive that he was hoping.
The scene opens with a clock in Ale’s room reading 10:04 AM, and it’s the night before Ascension 31. Ale is just getting out of his bed as he looks outside to see the bright sun shining over the very small town of Peru, Indiana.

Ale looks at the sky in disgust as he quickly shuts his blinds. He walks into the living room only to see his cell phone vibrating, and saying one new message. He opens the message only to see that it’s from Chuck Myles.

Ale, it’s Chuck, just do me a favor and watch Ascension tonight, I promise there will be something good on it.

Ale is left standing in his living room zoned out, as he suddenly drops his phone and walks into his kitchen to eat breakfast.
The next day, Ale is seen watching Sports center in his living room at 7:35 AM, as he hears his cell ring.

(Sarcastically)O boy I really do wonder who that is.

Ale picks up his phone, and hears the voice of Chuck Myles, as Ale rolls his eyes.

Did you watch it?

Nope, forgot, my bad.

Not surprised, well guess what? You have a contract.

Ale, for the first time actually looks like he’s interested into what Myles is saying.

Speechless, well that’s what I thought, and for your first match, you’ll be facing the two of the other men to earn contracts, Black Dragon and Sam Masters in a triple threat match at Meltdown 57.

What? I have to face those chumps again? I already wrecked them twice, now I have to do it again, what’s next? Will you put me in a match with Leon Kensworth?

Ale, I said watch your tone!

Or how about me going up against mop? Would that be a good matchup in your mind Chuck? I’m sure you would love to pleasure yourself just to the thought of that right?

Ale, I said watch it, now instead of facing those two, you’ll face Austin Reynolds. Also, so you can’t complain to me after he splits your head open, it will be on Ascension 32, there is that good enough.

You mean little 190 pound, “ratings winner”, or whatever the hell that means, Austin Reynolds? Whatever you say Chuck, I’ll make sure to watch the ratings killer, I would love to see him life a mastodon like me up for a move like that.

Just complain to Vance after the match, please?

Bye, boss.

Ale hangs up the phone, as he walks into the kitchen smiling for once.

Austin Reynolds, what a little pussy. The man had to threaten to run over another man to win a match, if that was me in the 3 stages of hell match, I wouldn’t need to go into the I quit match, that failure of a politician would be unconscious after the first match, and in a hospital minutes after the street fight. You know what; I’m going for a run.

Ale goes into his bedroom, to put on a black sweatshirt, and navy blue sweatpants, as he leaves his house to go for a run.

Ale gets home 40 minutes later, and as he is about to go into his bedroom to undress, and take a shower, he sees that there is a message on his answering machine, he plays it, and to his shock, it’s his dad.

Hey son, I know that we haven’t talked in years, and you probably erased me from your life all together, I just saw a commercial for WZCW Ascension 32, and I saw that you’re in a match facing Austin Reynolds. Even though you probably don’t care, congratulations. Congratulations overall, even though I never thought, and even never wanted you to become a professional wrestler, I’m happy. Also, Reynolds is a little pussy, did you see his match against Constantine at Kingdom Come, you can tell a lot from a man when you know that he had to threaten to run another guy over to win a match. Anyways, congrats, I’m proud of you, and I love you believe it or not, and beat that chump Reynolds all the way back to England, where he came from.

Ale is completely motionless.

Dad, I’m proud of you too, proud that you’re actually talking to me.

Ale sits on the couch to close his eyes, as he remembers back to when he was 18.

Ale is 18, and he is seen sitting in his living room, watching a wrestling tape from a long time ago.

Son, listen I need to talk to you.

Ale shuts off the TV, and turns around towards his father.


Well, you’re 18 now, and I’m 50, so obviously it won’t be too long until I retire from my job.


Listen, I want you to start working at the auto shop with me, and when I retire in 5-10 or so years, I want you to take over the business.

Are you kidding me? Are you actually serious?

Yes, son. I know you’ll love it.

I’d rather dig ditches for a life than be a car dealer.

What did you just say to me! Speak up boy, I can’t hear you!

Okay, I could give 14 shits on what you have done in the car dealing business, I’m not being one.

Than what do you want to be son?

A professional wrestler……..

Ale’s dad cuts him off before he’s done.

Hahahahahahahahaha, look at you boy, you’re 7 feet and weigh 350 pounds, good luck.


All you will do in the professional wrestling world is what your mother does in the real world without me, and that is fail, and be on the verge of living on the street. C’mon son, get real what are the chances? C’mon son, what athleticism do you have? You won’t be able to fly off of the ropes, or jump the turnbuckles or anything like that.

O really, how?

Because you’re a fucking fat ass! Son what you need to do is listen to me, and get your head out of your ass, and learn how to become a successful car dealer.

You know what dad I will listen to you, I remember when I was 8, that’s just 10 years ago in case of your 2nd grade education can’t catch that, and after mom went out the door, you said to me never listen to anyone, and that’s what I’m going to do. Also, why would I listen to a 50 year old man, who has never made any friends in his life, divorced a great woman for no reason, and making her life a living hell after the divorce, and I also just learned something about you.


That you’re the biggest hypocrite that I have ever me in my life.

Ale’s dad walks up to him, and try to put him into a headlock, Ale shoves him off, and kicks his dad in the leg, and then punches him in the face, as he gets his car keys, and rides off.

(Talking out of his car window, while starting the car)
Dad, I love you, with all my heart, and I can’t say that to too many people, but it’s my life, and I’m looking forward to your reaction when you see me winning a world title, in the biggest federation in the world, see you later pa.

Ale drives off.

Dad, we've had our ups and downs, but thank you, now let’s destroy that prick Austin Reynolds, and put all of his annoying fans into their seats; with all of their mouths shut.

The scene fades to black.
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