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AS30: Ty Burna vs. Austin Reynolds

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The Kingdom has been and gone, somewhat a relief for both the World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna and Austin Reynolds who took down Showtime Cougar and Constantine on the grandest stage of them all. Now, they will compete one on one in what is to be an epic encounter, who is going to shine in the wake of Kingdom Come and will this set the fate for the World Heavyweight Championship?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th April 23:59 EST
The following is taken from an article called Kingdom Come: Aftermath in the newest edition of WZCW Magazine

Austin Reynolds overcame the biggest challenge of his career at Kingdom Come. In front of 20, 000 people in Madison Square Garden and pay-per-view audience of millions, he faced the threat of John Constantine and destroyed him in a hellacious Three Stages of Hell encounter that was the second biggest match on the show.

The chair shot to Constantine’s skull put an exclamation point on the feud in favour of The Ratings Winner. Both men are free to move to other feuds and this paints a very intriguing picture.

Constantine will be just fine, dented skull aside. He will drop into the midcard and pursue the Elite X or Eurasian championships and will continue to do a fine job with a whole ream of fresh opponents. I don’t want to see him get lost in the mix so he could find a like-minded soldier to partner him to chase Tag Team gold.

Reynolds on the other hand has been through the midcard. He could drop back and pose a considerable threat to either Blade or Winters but both men are engaged in prior feuds. Although he could have a number of great matches, he should move onwards and upwards. The main event is fresh territory and with it, fresh faces such as Ty Burna, Everest and Big Dave as well as David Cougar. Another match with Cougar would be particularly appealing to neutrals.

Ty has run roughshod over his competition. Austin has come off the biggest win of his career. It seems natural to pair the two hottest acts in the company. Give these guys 25 minutes at the top of the show and let them tear the house down.

A few days later, Austin Reynolds was rested, recuperated and raring to get back to work and driven by the thought of one thing on his mind. In one of his first days back at work, we see Austin in a dressing room at the WZCW Soundstage as he is talking to Tito and DB who he hadn’t seen since before Kingdom Come. They are talking quickly with an infectious enthusiasm as Austin recalls the details of the Kingdom Come match for them.

“So we are on top of this table which is wobbly as hell and I’m stuck between his legs then he tries to lift me up and I kick him”

“You kicked him in the nutbag man!”

Tito gestures wildly to his crotch.

“Yeah that looked so real.”

“Well I didn’t hold back back dude.”

Tito & DB’s jaws drop collectively in shock.

“You really whacked him in the...”

“Yeah...and then I hit the Killer and the table was crushed beneath us. I thought I broke my arm because of it.”

Austin lifts up his right sleeve to reveal an inflated pink and purple bruising in the middle of his forearm. Tito and DB peer over at it in awe.

“Yeah that bruise is crazy.”

Tito moves to poke it but Austin slaps his hand away defensively.

“It hurts now. Didn’t at the time. Neither did this.”

Austin takes off the small plaster on his hairline. Both DB and Tito winch at the sight of the stitches.

“Hitting that chair shot at the end was a lot more painful that it should have been.”

“So what next mate?”

Austin takes a long sip of tea.

“What do you mean?”

“Well it’s a whole year until Kingdom Come again.”

“What do you do in the meantime?”

Tito and DB surprise Austin with their interest.

“Well Dom gets out the hospital on Tuesday and then house shows before TV.”

“But is there anyone you want to face, anyone you want to go after?”

“Yeah course but I’ll tell you what....come with me outside, I’ve got a webcast to shoot for this exact reason.”

“Is that why we are here?”

Austin gives them both a blank stare as he chooses how to react.


A few minutes later, Austin is being hooked up by the small group of production crew. A make up lady tried to powder over his facial bruising but Austin pushes her away.

Austin has a camera directed at him and a laptop at his side. The director makes a couple of final tweaks and crouches next to Austin.

“OK Austin, you know the deal. Talk there, answer the question from here. It’s very normal stuff. Take as much time as you need – we have a lot of questions in already. We have lined the first few up and we will get more for you as you make your way through them.”

“Let’s do this.”

Austin settles himself into the chair and then taps the enter key on the laptop. A message flashes up with the first question.

You had a great showing at Kingdom Come III. After your performance at KC II, what did that mean to you?

Austin smiles as he is clearly content to talk about his actions at Kingdom Come.

“I’m glad it’s over but in some ways, I never wanted it to end. Nobody expected me to be able to kill the beast but I did it in his match on his terms. I made Constantine say I Quit. And now I feel like I can take on the world and come out the other side with my hand raised.”

His smile is now broad as the self-confidence that had taken a battering in the build up to the Lethal Lottery has returned with a flourish.

Has John Constantine earned your respect?

“He quit before I could run him over. He showed some smarts but he didn’t give me any reason to respect him.”

Austin raises his eyebrow ever so slightly as he sees Constantine take up another question.

What sort of impact has the match with Constantine had on you mentally and physically?

“I’m hurting still. The buzz wore off Monday morning and it was agony. But I’ve got the experience now, a marquee match on the biggest event we could imagine, going through a devastating match and I feel that I can only get stronger than ever because of it.”

The brief answers show that idea of talking about a guy who nearly ruined his career, who Austin had finally managed to put out of his life, was not a pleasant one.

Being a former Elite X champion yourself, what do you think of the current champion Michael Winters and how he has done since gaining the title?

“I thought he was smart but now I am not so sure. Winters has put a target on his back. Good luck to anyone who gets their hands on him. He’ll deserve everything that he gets.”

As Austin presses Enter again, two questions appear. It is immediately clear that they are similar.

Now that you have beaten Constantine, what are your next plans in WZCW?

What's next for Austin Reynolds? Do you hope to regain the Elite X Championship? Or do you have your eyes on a bigger prize?

“I want to face the best, to be World Champion and to main event Kingdom Come IV. I dare someone to tell me I can’t do it. I know in here” *He points to his temple* “That I can accomplish anything and I won’t stop until I am on top of the mountain.”

Austin’s words betray a clear focus and a single minded determination, typical of his character.

You're an arrogant, self-important prick. Why should I cheer for you?

“Ah it seems like the words of a disgruntled Mr Baller fan. Or a disconsolate follower of David Cougar. It’s funny though. The fans who tuned in and paid to watch me at Kingdom Come saw that I backed up my words. I proved that unlike Hunter Kravinoff or Justin Cooper, I won, I achieved my goal. I am no failure and my fans know that I am the one who deserved to be the focus of WZCW in 2011.”

“I’m cocky and a little over-confident, I’ve got a swagger and I don’t mind telling you what I think about other people.. And at Kingdom Come III I had 20,000 in the palm of my hand, chanting for me. A little arrogance doesn’t hurt anyone.”

What’s your current thoughts on the winner of the King for a Day, Big Dave?

“Talking of arrogant, self-confident pricks........next please.”

Austin couldn’t resist having a chuckle at “His Majestys”’ expense.

How do you feel about the upcoming contract battle royal? Do any of the competitors strike some fear in you?

“Oh this is too funny. If they earn a contract, it will be because they are good enough. Maybe when I face one of these guys, we’ll see how good they are. Until then they are just waiting to be another name that I can beat.”

You face the most dominant World Champion in WZCW history. Is there any way that you can surpass the countless names who have failed to pin his shoulders to the mat?

Austin pauses as he considers the challenge of his upcoming match on the main event of Ascension.

“Ty Burna is a beast. Let it be known that his spirit may never be crushed because he simply doesn’t know how to give up or how to fail. It’s a remarkable quality to have and he deserves everything he gets.”

He speaks slowly, as if to acknowledge how substantial the challenge ahead.

“Facing Ty will be an incredible challenge but this is the kind of pressure I put on myself. It’s the kind of test I want to be given and the kind of test I want more often. I trust myself to give him an incredibly tough match and test his spirit. I need to see if Ty Burna is vulnerable. I need to find out if his spirit can be broken and if he shows me a chink in his armour then I will break through it and give him everything I have.”

Austin’s words hype the match as he seems aware that he can do it better with words than action.

Even the man who has accused you of copying his entire act has fallen on the night of his biggest chance of his career. If David Cougar can’t beat Ty, then what makes you think that you can?

“David Cougar is a great WZCW superstar. But......I am no David Cougar. Showtime has forgotten what it takes to be entertaining. He neglected his public and he sold his soul, his mind to get his chance to be World Heavyweight Champion and he failed. “

His anticipation for this match with Ty is off the charts and his attitude is serious, a stoic vanguard that affronts his normally bouncy personality.

What is your game plan going into a match against the biggest cat around in Ty, any special strategy you want to employ?

“Ty is big, strong and quick but he has made a deal with the devil to keep his title. Before Kingdom Come I was privileged enough to see him at work. The greed, the ambition is admirable but at some point, it won’t be enough. But he is no ghost and can be pinned to the mat like everyone else.”

This reserved, respectful approach by Austin is unlike we have seen him at all recently. It is markedly contrasted to how vehemently he attacked Constantine prior to Kingdom Come.

“Kingdom Come was an evolution for me. I went to hell and back and I survived. I know that I have all the tools to give Ty one heck of a contest and if I can beat him once then I already have done what no man has done in recent months. That by itself will be one hell of an achievement.”

If you beat Ty, then you will earn a title shot. Do you think you can be the next World Champion?

Austin has a cheeky glint in his eye. The bruising swells slightly but he wears it proud.

“The Ratings Winner as World Champion. Don’t tell me that doesn’t have a damn fine ring to it?”
The scene opens to a quiet night at the Sludge Pit. Gordito can be seen behind the counter drying glasses, his back turned from the bar. The sound of the front door opening can be heard along with heavy steps thundering across the floor. Gordito pays no attention and finishes the glass he is drying.

Gordito: Welcome to The Sludge Pit, what can I get ya?

Ty: Crown Royal Special Reserve on the rocks.

No problem let me get that for you sir.

Gordito reaches up and grabs the requested bottle and begins preparing the drink. He stops momentarily and thinks for a moment before spinning around. The camera pans back and reveals Ty sitting there, his feet up on the bar and the WZCW World Heavyweight Title resting on the counter. Gordito smirks and finishes pouring the drink and slides it down the bar. Ty catches it and takes a long drink before setting it next to his title.

Theres only one man I know that orders that drink. So how you been Ty? The knee bothering you at all?

I figured after all the trials and tribulations we survived through Kingdom Come would be enough reason to have that drink we discussed. And yes the knee is a bit sore, but nothing serious. I caught your performance in the Chamber, a bit disappointed with the result I take it?

You could say that. I didn't get the chance to beat the daylights out of Baez, and I didn't win another shot at you and that title.

Gordito's eyes gaze down at the World Title momentarily. Ty chuckles and finishes his drink and slides it back down to Gordito. Gordito fills the glass back up and pours himself one as well.

You see the problem with that statement do you not?

What do you mean?

You mentioned getting your hands on Baez first, and the victory second. That was your first, and possibly your fatal mistake. What was it I said to you Gordito? Focus on your goal. Baez should have been a mere casualty on your warpath to the title shot. Instead you focused on your issues with Baez, and you lament the fact you didn't get to crush him, rather than lamenting that this title..

Ty taps the top of World Title before he continues speaking.

..has drifted further away from your grasp. Instead now Big Dave grasped the opportunity you have deemed as secondary. So now here you stand, unsure of where to go. What will you do now Gordito?

Gordito goes quiet for a moment and takes a drink from his glass, setting it down and lowering his head for a moment. He ponders the question for a few moments while Ty watches intently. Gordito suddenly lifts his head.

I'm not in any position to challenge you directly for the World Title again, and I have a feeling if I were to try and take the KFAD Title shot away from Big Dave, you may have a problem with it. So I'm going to get this thorn out of my side and beat Baez's ass all the way back to back alley he came from. If I get him out of the picture, then I can focus on gaining another shot at you.

Excellent. Take care of the business that's holding you back, and then focus on moving forward. You've learned well Gordito.

So now that I've got my lecture for the evening, what's your plan Ty? You made Showtime tap, everyone seems to be clamoring for Reynolds to get a shot at you. I'm sure the Ouija has already told you your next challenge.

To be honest Gordito, I haven't even bothered looking. As strange as it sounds, and as deeply wrapped into the whole situation as I am, I have decided to take the route that I will accept any challenger. Whether Showtime wants another shot, Reynolds, hell even that blow hard Constantine, whoever it may be I will be ready for.

I see. I'd see that as a good approach. Oh I forgot to ask Ty, how's Serafina doing? She'd be willing to forgive my comments a few weeks back right?

She's resting comfortably right now. She is still hurt from Showtime's attack, but she'll be back to her feet shortly. As far as your comments, do not be concerned about them. If she has ill feelings I will talk her down. But that is in the past now Gordito. We must look forward to the future. You must contend with Baez, and I will look forward to my next challenger. So, you and Beckford go out and take down Baez and Blade, I will focus my attention on Reynolds.

Gordito nods and raises his glass up.

To kicking ass and knocking out anyone that gets in our way. Even if it's one another.

Ty chuckles and raises his glass and nods. The two down their drink and Ty slides the glass back to Gordito. Gordito turns and begins pouring whiskey into the glasses.

Ya know I was starting to think you went off the deep end. Well, the deep end as far as you're concerned

Gordito turns back and suddenly Ty is gone. Gordito looks around and smiles, setting the glasses down on the bar. He takes a drink as the screen goes black. The scene fades back in to Ty standing alone atop a large house. The camera pans out and reveals Serafina sitting next to a upper floor window. She stares outside, her hand rubbing her neck absentmindedly. Ty walks down and sits on the edge of the roof.

Serafina....how are you feeling my dear?

Serafina: Better Master. My neck is still sore but I shall be fine.

Do you feel well enough to accompany me to Ascension?

Serafina suddenly brightens up and a smile forms on her face.

Of course Master! I have to go get ready now, starting with this dreadful blonde coloring!

She stands and quickly takes off. Ty smirks and looks up and out at the horizon. He brushes his hair back and takes a deep breath.

So it is, the night that would determine if I was a true champion or not has passed. And just as I had spoken of, I proved my prophecies correct. Even one as talented as Showtime could not impede my path to greatness. And so he falls back yet again, another afterthought in my path. And while I no doubt that he will want another opportunity, the one edge he had is now gone. The one mental aspect he could cling to has been shattered, and I am now the superior one once more.

Ty slowly rises and stands up once more on the roof top. He walks along the edge of the house, his head lowering and his hair covering his face.

A new chapter begins at Ascension. A new path opens and the perils diversify. The people shout for Austin Reynolds to rise up and battle me. And so they get their wish. But will you be ready for me Reynolds? You know the depths I have gone to ensure victory, a road you yourself have denied when I gave you the opportunity. This is another match for me to prove my dominance, but this is the match to prove that you are worthy of facing me for my World Title. Will you rise up and be the first to defeat me in such a long time? Or will you falter as you have previously against Constantine? This is the question you must ask yourself Reynolds. You were impressive at Kingdom Come, but I am the beast that envelopes every warrior in WZCW. I have defeated the very best in WZCW, and I want to add you to that list.

Ty stops walking and raises his head. His eyes have begun glowing red and a smirk forms once more on his face.

Are you prepared for the darkness Reynolds? While I share no ill will towards you, I must make it clear that I will not take any mercy upon you. You must bring every skill, every meaningful ability to keep up with me. I know what it took out of you to defeat Constantine. It took every effort from you to put Constantine down, and that includes the vehicle and the chair shots. I don't go down as easily, so I ask you, what will it take this time around to gain victory?

Ty begins laughing and raises the WZCW World Heavyweight Title up into the air. Clouds begin to swirl around and the sound of thunder can be heard in the distance.

I look forward to Ascension Reynolds. I know the fire that burns inside you. I've seen that drive and determination in your eyes when we teamed up against Showtime and Constantine. I made sure to give you the confidence you needed to win at Kingdom Come, and now I want that same confidence in our match. I want you to believe you can win. The belief that you are on the same level as me. While I know that you are not, I know you can be there Reynolds. You have potential to be the one to dethrone me, but not at this point. You have much to learn, more humility to discover, and the realization that you are not the best. You have not earned the opportunity to face me Reynolds. I see our match as a test. I want to see your abilities first hand Austin. You will not be victorious, but we will both find out your progress.

Ty lowers the World title and his smirk disappears. Lighting strikes down in the distance behind Ty, and the thunder becomes louder.

We have little to no history Reynolds. We battled in the second King For A Day match, neither of us victorious. Yet we have both become two of the faces of WZCW. While my path to the World Title became clear, your reign as the Elite X Champion reached legendary status. We are two of the greatest champions in WZCW history Reynolds. However, the World Title is far more elusive than the Elite X Title. That hunger becomes starvation. That want becomes an obsession. To merely be within the grasp of this belt can make drive men to insanity.

Ty raises his arms up and the lighting closes in, the thunder now deafening. Ty laughs loudly before speaking once more.

A man nearly kills your closest friend, utterly destroys another, and makes your life a living hell. Yet you did not take the necessary steps, to breed the very power needed to crush him like you should have, and yet I am lead to believe you have the will and the want to take my title Reynolds? No. You have not learned the depravity needed to become World Champion. To throw all inhibitions away, to strip yourself of every excess,and bare your soul to the very effort needed to reach my level. And on Ascension, I will deprave you of your ego and pride. Only then you will learn what is required to become Champion.

Thus it is written.

A lighting strike suddenly comes down right in front of Ty and the scene goes black.

So it shall come to pass.
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