AS30: Dr. Steven Kurtesy & Steven Holmes vs. Hunter Kravinoff & Barbosa

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The outcome for Kingdom Come saw a daunting element, Doug Crashin was fired from the WZCW. Despite these events, Kurtesy and Holmes seem to wish to keep their alliance alive as they will compete against Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa in a tag bout. Kravinoff felt hard done after a double pin shared with Kurtesy as Barbosa was heavily taken down by Big Dave in the King For A Day Elimination Chamber. Who will make the bounce back after a long night at Kingdom Come?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th April 23:59 EST
We open up with a fade-in as Leon Kensworth’s face dominates the screen. He takes a deep breath.

Leon: Welcome Ladies & Gentlemen to this exclusive interview. Before his match at Kingdom Come, Doug Crashin was informed that should he fail to capture the tag titles he would be fired. His partner at Kingdom Come, Steven Holmes put in a strong performance despite Crashin’s many blunders, but in the end it wasn’t enough. Crashin was fired and blamed Holmes but ‘The Elite’ didn’t take it lying down. He delivered the Imperial Impaler and the Aristocracy Reigns after the match. He joins me now. Thanks for being here Mr. Holmes

The camera pulls out to reveal a backstage set. Leon is sat in a large leather chair. He’s dressed in a suit. On the opposite side is Steven Holmes. There is a visible difference in Holmes’ appearance following Kingdom Come. His hair is long once more. He is wearing a shirt, signifying a more relaxed Holmes. He too is sat in a leather chair.

Holmes: Thank you Leon.

Leon: Now Steven, let’s start with Kingdom Come. The atmosphere must have been electric, walking out in front of a worldwide audience and thousands of rabid WZCW fans inside Madison Square Garden, and yet you were busy trying to keep Doug Crashin’s job. Surely that didn’t sit well with you.

Holmes: Absolutely not Leon, no. Kingdom Come is our biggest event. It’s our World Cup Final, our Gold Medal Race, or as you Americans would say; our Superbowl. It should have been the crowning achievement of my career to participate in such a joyous event, and yet I was busy trying to keep Doug Crashin’s job. He couldn’t even do it himself. He was so busy acting like a fool that I had to take control and basically wrestle the match on my own. I was a one-man army, but in tag team competition the key is to keep a good balance between the partners and to remain fresh, I couldn’t do that with Doug Crashin being my partner.

Leon: You failed to regain the championships and in the process the Crashin Movement was essentially destroyed. We all now know your thoughts on Doug Crashin the man, but what about the Crashin Movement on the whole?

Holmes: Obviously the latter stages of the Movement were poor as reflected in the incident at Kingdom Come, but as a whole experience, the Crashin Movement was a wonderful experience. I was a relative newcomer when I entered the Movement and I feel like a veteran now that I’ve left it. We were together a long six months. It was a tremendous time for me personally and I developed a great friend in Steven Kurtesy. He and I are very close thanks to the Movement.

Leon: You mention that yourself and Dr. Kurtesy are close friends now, you were tag team champions for awhile and he was even your best man for your wedding, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that you two are remaining allies, should it?

Holmes: It shouldn’t be a surprise no. We found great success as a team and although we both plan to go our separate ways, we feel we can still maintain a great relationship. We’ve both worked incredibly hard to move up in the WZCW echelon and I think that’ll be proven when we face Kravinoff & Barbosa.

Leon: Let’s talk about Kravinoff & Barbosa. They’re a pair of vicious competitors and were involved in the King for a Day match. Kravinoff was responsible for Kurtesy’s elimination and Big Dave practically had to kill Barbosa to win the match. How can you beat these two?

Holmes: How can I beat this two? That’s not the question you should be asking Leon. What you should be asking is how do I AND Dr. Kurtesy defeat these two. Obviously both are big, bad individuals, but I and Steven have something they don’t trust. There’s a bond between the two of us. Hell we’re former tag team champions, where as Barbosa and Kravinoff have an uneasy alliance that could crumble at any moment. Throw in just how mentally unstable Barbosa is and you could well see a handicap match instead of a tag team battle.

Leon: Interesting analysis. So we’ve covered the past and the present, but what about the future of Steven Holmes? What can we look forward to from ‘The Elite’?

Holmes: Well I think it’s safe to say that the tag team championships are behind me now. As amazing as it was to be a part of one of the greatest feuds over those championships, I think I can safely say that my focus now returns to singles competition. I’d like to be able to showcase what I can do on my own. I seem to be the one people aren’t too sure about coming out of this group.

Steven is talked about as a future world champion while Doug is talked about for the wrong reason. I‘ve been almost ignored so I think it’s time for me to make an impact on my own and do something that people are going to remember in the future. I want to do something that no one will see coming. I also want to prove, against the best, that I am the best wrestler living today. I will show that I am the greatest.

Leon nods before turning to camera.

Leon: Well ladies and gentlemen that’s all we have time for today. I hope you enjoyed this insightful look at the past, present and future of Steven Holmes.

The camera pulls back as Holmes shakes Leon’s hand and the lights in the set dim. We fade out.
Kravinoff approaches Barbosa and begins saying something to him, to which Barbosa nods in agreement. They shake hands, which is greeted with a chorus of boos from the crowd. Kravinoff turns around to taunt the crowd and their opponents…

The Smoker: HA! Idiot

Barbosa catches him on his shoulders and hits the Mood Stabilizer. Baez ends up motionless on the mat after the move, and Barbosa locks in the Bipolar Disorder. The referee sees that Baez is out cold and signals that Baez is out of the match.

Harrys: Baez has been eliminated!

The Smoker: Ah, revenge is indeed sweet

Kurtesy sneaks up and locks in the Hypnosis on Barbosa. Barbosa tries fighting out of it, but is fading quickly. Out of nowhere, Barbosa grabs Kurtesy’s arms, slips out of the hold, and hits the Split Personality.

Manic: No idea stealing, friend pretending doo doo head is going beat us!

Kurtesy sees Kravinoff lying prone on the ground and goes to roll him up. Both men’s shoulders are down, however and the referee begins counting for both men, 1…2…3!

Harrys: The referee has ruled both men’s shoulders were down for a count of three, therefore both Hunter Kravinoff and Dr. Steven Kurtesy have been eliminated!

The Smoker: Two for the price of one!

Manic: Awww, poor Hunt.

Barbosa blocks it, however, and maneuvers around and locks in the Bipolar Disorder.

The Smoker: High Kings Barbosa, here we come!

Dave prevents it from getting locked in too tight, and adjusts Barbosa.

Depressive: This may hurt…

He stands, lets out a yell and hits a Stamp of Authority from the top of the pod to the mat!


The Smoker: AHHH! Our face! Our beautiful face!

Both men lie prone for a moment, before Dave gets up and yells again, picks up Barbosa

Manic: No, no, no… not again!

and plants him with a second Stamp of Authority.

*Blinding white fills Barbosa's tripartite mind.*


*The white fades to black before being illuminated by the single bulb above the poker table. Depressive, Manic and the Smoker are all nursing what appears to be sore mouths.*

Manic: Why did you attack, Hunt? He is our friend! Or at least he was.

The Smoker: We had to attack him before he attacked us.

Manic: Hunt would never have done that!

The Smoker: Oh yes he would. Anyway, will you forget about that pea-brained Neanderthal? We have bigger fish to fry.

Manic: How can I? We are tagging with him again this week on Ascension.

The Smoker: Ah yes, against Kurtsey and Holmes - the Crashin Remnant. This match has nothing to do with teaming up with Kravinoff again. It has everything to do with sending a message to Big Dave and WZCW as a whole that injured or not, we are still the biggest threat to anyone.

Manic: Oh well, we will always have Ascension 28 when we scaled a mountain and slew a Titan… And Mila Kunis.

*The Smoker shakes his head in vexation before turning to the Depressive.*

The Smoker: Speaking of our injury, why exactly have you scheduled an interview when we cannot talk?

Depressive: We need to register our displeasure at being forced to start the Elimination Chamber match, put the Crashed Movement on notice and deride that villainous cretin, Kravinoff. We cannot afford to waste anytime in capitalising on our show stealing performance at Kingdom Come.

The Smoker: But how are we going to get that across without the use of our mouth?

Manic: I… I have an idea.

Depressive: I thought you might.

Manic: We could use my…

The Smoker: Stop right there. I know exactly what you are going to propose and there is no way we are going to be seen dead in public using that thing and if you so much as think about doing so I will…

Depressive: It is a perfect idea.

The Smoker: WHAT!?! You cannot be serious.

*Depressive stares back at the Smoker.*

Depressive: This is my serious face.

Manic: It looks just like your normal face…

Depressive: That is because I am always serious.

Manic: Oh… so we are going with my plan?

Depressive: Yes.

The Smoker: But why?

Depressive: Because after King For A Day, people will be too wary of us; scared even. We need to restore the frivolity to our backstage persona. Put people at ease and allow them to underestimate us again.

The Smoker: But letting Manic out for an interview could ruin our reputation.

Depressive: Do not worry. I will be providing him with the written material.

*The Smoker does not look at all satisfied.*

The Smoker: I will be keeping a close eye on this and if I think that it is going pear-shaped, I will be stepping in… Anyway, what is the point of addressing Kurtsey and Holmes if we are not cleared to wrestle with this broken jaw?

Depressive: That has already been taken care of with the doctors.

The Smoker: I still do not like this…


Stacey: I am joined at this time by the man that came so close to becoming King For A Day at Kingdom Come. Ladies and gentlemen… Barbosa.

*Barbosa slides into shot beside Stacey. While his eyes and posture suggest that he is in a hyperactive mood, his expression is almost emotionless.*

Stacey: Now before we move on to your performance in the Elimination Chamber and your match on Ascension, there have been rumours circulating backstage that you have sustained some kind of injury at the hands of Big Dave. Can you elaborate?

*Stacey shoves the mic into Barbosa's face but instead of answering, he simply shakes his head.*

Stacey: Is that a "No, you will not elaborate" or "No, you were not injured"?

*Barbosa's body language looks somewhat exasperated as he lets out a sigh. Slowly, he opens his mouth to reveal that his teeth are wired together.*

Stacey: So the rumours were true. You suffered a broken jaw at Kingdom Come.

*Barbosa nods in the affirmative.*

Stacey: And yet you specifically asked for this interview slot. How are we going to conduct it if you cannot speak?

*Barbosa holds up a finger like he has had a bright idea and reaches around behind him for something. Upon seeing what it is, Stacey struggles not to laugh.*

Stacey: Is that… a Sketch-by-Etch?

*Barbosa nods enthusiastically and motions for Stacey to take it and to read it out.*

Stacey: There must be a couple of hundred words on this. How did you ever have the time or the patience to do this?

*Barbosa points to his watch.*

Stacey: Do not tell me to hurry up! I am doing you a favour here.

*Barbosa looks exasperated and again points to his watch frantically before hold his arms wide apart and then pointing to his jaw.*

Stacey: Oh, I am no good at Charades… er… watch? Clock? Time?

*Barbosa points at her and then holds his hands wide and then points back at his jaw again.*

Stacey: Time… big time? Large time? Long time?

*Barbosa jumps up and down.*

Stacey: Ah, you had a lot of time on your hands at the hospital. Well, okay, let me have a look at this before I read it out.

*Stacey takes a few second to scan read the prepared etching while Barbosa mugs moronically for the camera.*

Stacey: This implies that you are going to compete on Ascension. How can you have been cleared by medical? I mean your jaw is wired shut…

*Barbosa holds what appears to be a doctor's note. Ever the keen journalist, Stacey grabs it hoping to get a scoop.*

Stacey: It says here that you have to wear a special protective face mask. Where is… OH!

*While Stacey has been reading, Barbosa has slipped on his medically prescribed facial attire.*


Stacey: Well, that is very… fetching. All you need is a straight jacket to complete the look…

*Barbosa's playful demeanour vanishes in the blink of an eye and Stacey is met by a fierce, angry stare. Stacey takes an almost imperceptible step backwards before Barbosa points authoritatively to the Sketch-by-Etch.*

Stacey: Okay, okay. Ahem...

"We, the should-be High Kings Barbosa, would like to draw attention to the unspeakable crime committed at Kingdom Come. No, not the two instances of attempted vehicular homicide. Not the shoddy officiating that so wonderfully took Kurtsey and Krainvoff out of the Elimination Chamber. Not the travesty of Doug Crashin being fired. Nor even the injustice of Stacey Madison not appearing at… Kingdom… Come."

*Stacey stops speaking, clearly annoyed at being reminded of her KC snub. Barbosa has a look of empathy and being the model professional, Stacey continues to read.*

Stacey: "What we would like to put the spotlight on is the fact that once again our opponents needed to commit Grievous Bodily Harm in order to defeat us.

What Dave did to us was over the line and we suppose that we should have expected it having dealt with the World Heavyweight Charlatan. However, we are not here to complain about that or the suspicion that we were made to start the Elimination Chamber out of fear for us from management. No, if such unsporting conduct is what it takes to make it to the top of WZCW, what we are here to do is serve notice to Dave, Ty and anyone else that decides to get in our way.

If you think that what you have seen from us so far has been impressive, immoral, shocking, even barbaric, you have not seen anything yet.

The guards are gone.

The cage is unlocked.

A new kind of monster is about to be unleashed and the Crashed Movement is going to be the first to feel this monster's wrath. Kurtsey got a taster inside the Chamber and that high-end furniture company Elite Holmes will be going to the Royal Wedding in a full body sling.

And Big Dave… I hope you are watching."

*Barbosa is so engrossed in listening to Stacey espouse his inner ramblings that he does not notice someone siddling up beside him and neither does Stacey who continues on.*

Stacey: "Speaking of barbaric, that leads me to Kravinoff. After months of planning, within the first few moments of King For A Day by turning his back on us, he proved that he is a bo…

Kravinoff: Oooh… nice mask.

*Both Stacey and Barbosa jump at the sudden interruption.*

Kravinoff: Hey Barbie, where have you been? I have not seen you since Kingdom Come. You missed out on helping me compose my letter of indignation to the WZCW Board about the paucity of adequate officiating inside the Elimination Chamber.

*As Barbosa realises who it is behind him he scramble for the Sketch-by-Etch before Stacey can continue the sentence. Unfortunately, in his manic delirium, he manages to drop it at Kravinoff's feet and in spite of his Kingdom Come injuries, with cat-like quickness, the Hunter recovers it.*

Kravinoff: I am sorry, Barbie, but it appears that your paperless writing device has broken. All of the writing has been erased.

*Barbosa breathes a sigh of relief.*

Kravinoff: Oh no, wait. There is one partial sentence still left… "bone headed Neanderthal with the brain the size of a raisin." What is this about, Barbie?

*Barbosa looks a little sheepish.*

Kravinoff: Oh, I see what this is… I must say I am very disappointed, Barbs. Very disappointed.

*Barbosa is suddenly very interested in his own feet.*

Kravinoff: Imagine you doing some research on Neanderthal man without consulting me. The origins of man's base instincts is a favourite subject of mine. I hope you have taken into account the recent sterling work done by Professor Mellars on the potential lack of cultural interaction between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens as well as the work of Green and Rincon to the contrary.

Stacey: Oh for the love of God…
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*As Stacy Madison cuts the Wildman off, Kravinoff turns his attention to the woman with the microphone. Barbosa lets out a sigh of relief and slips quietly into the background.*

Kravinoff: Welly, welly, welly. If it isn’t Miss “Not Good Enough To Appear At Kingdom Come.”

*Stacy shoots Kravinoff a look of pure score as the man from Uganda folds his arms and nonchalantly returns her gaze.*

Stacey: Is there any chance we can get through this interview without you bringing that up again?

*Kravinoff shrugs.*

Kravinoff: As long as you don’t interrupt me the next time the mood strikes me to throw down a dissertation on Neanderthal culture.

Stacey: Oh, no problem. The skills I’ve learned in journalism courses over the years helps insulate from that problem 99% of the time.

*Kravinoff nods with a look of satisfaction on his face, clearly not sensing Stacy’s sarcasm. In the background, Barbosa is half paying attention to the conversation as he plays with his new mask.*

Stacey: OK then. This week on Ascension, you and Barbosa team up to go against the combination of Steven Holmes and Dr. Steven Kurtesy, who will be teaming together for the first time since the Lethal Lottery. Are you prepared to take on the former World Tag Team Champions?

Kravinoff: No doubt, Stacy. Just look at the last time those two teamed up. They lost to my old buddy, Wasabi Toyota. If that repressed oaf can defeat them, then surely the star of the Pride Of Toyota will have no problem bringing them to their knees.

*Barbosa nods casually in the background.*

Kravinoff: But this isn’t just about proving I’m better than Wasabi Toyota. This is about revenge. At Unscripted, the Crashin Movement took me out at the behest of their wise, uninhibited leader. Now while I’ve commended their ability to channel their id’s hunger for domination, I knew the time for revenge would come eventually and that in a fair fight, I would slaughter the Movement. That time is here. And without their visionary leader at their side, Kurtesy and Holmes are no match for my animal instincts.

*Stacy nods receptively before moving on.*

Stacey: When the issue of trust comes up, do you feel you have as much in your partner as your opponents have in one another?

*Kravinoff looks back at Barbosa, meets his eyes, and smiles warmly before turning back to Stacy.*

Kravinoff: Of course. I trust that man with my life.

Stacey: Even after what happened at Kingdom Come.

*Barbosa gives Stacy the stink eye.*

Kravinoff: No doubt. I don’t hold any ill-will towards Barbosa over what happened at Kingdom Come. I blame management.

Stacey: I don’t know why. Order of entryin the Elimination Chamber was determined through a random draw.

Kravinoff: That’s not what I read on several internet message boards.

Stacey: Oh no...

Kravinoff: Oh no?

Stacey: Those boards are filled with nothing but conspiracy theories and speculation.

*Kravinoff chuckles heartily and shakes his head.*

Kravinoff: Stacy, Stacy, Stacy. Poor, naive Stacy… They’re not theories. They’re facts. WZCW management fears the prospect of me getting a World Heavyweight Championship match so they’ve been stacking the deck against me. At Kingdom Come, they made me start the match with my ally to put me at a disadvantage. Then they told the referee to screw me out of the match with some sort of double-pin when it was clear as day to myself and everybody else that I’d eliminated Kurtesy.

Stacey: Umm… That wasn’t clear to me.

Kravinoff: What the hell do you know? You weren’t even at Kingdom Come.

*Stacy glares with malice as Barbosa struggles to chuckle on account of his wired jaw.*

Kravinoff: This isn’t even the first time WZCW management has screwed me out of a title shot. Oh no. Back at the Lethal Lottery, you can clearly see a referee communicating with the other competitors before they gang up on me. Whoever’s in those earpieces the refs wear was orchestrating a mass beat down on me to prevent me from taking my rightful place in the main event of Kingdom Come. Management doesn’t want me anywhere near the big belt. They’re afraid of me.

*Stacy shrugs in exacerbation.*

Stacey: Okay… Let’s say, for the sake of conversation, that management is out to get you. Why? What makes them fear you?

Kravinoff: Institutional racism.

*Barbosa shakes his head disapprovingly in the background as Stacy’s jaw hits the floor.*

Stacey: You’re… white.

Kravinoff: No, Stacy. That’s racist what you did right there. I won’t be judged by the color of my skin. I’m a proud member of the African race. And that turns management off.

Stacey: I’m… speechless.

*Kravinoff nods.*

Kravinoff: I was shocked too. But this setback can’t keep a proud African man down, especially not one who’s as talented as me. I am the deserving number one contender, and sooner or later, the people will realize that it’s only right that I get my chance to gut Ty Burna like a penguin. As I barrel through the roster, it’ll quickly become apparent that I’m the African King, the King of the Jungle, and that there’s nobody else who can take the belt from Ty.

*Barbosa’s look changes to one of ire as he tries to mumble something through his wired jaw. Kravinoff smiles and nods.*

Kravinoff: Even Barbosa agrees with me. He knows I’d make a damn fine number one contender. And after I beat Steve Kurtesy one more time, it’s straight to the top for me.

*Stacy looks perplexed by this assertion.*

Stacey: Have you ever beaten Kurtesy?

Kravinoff: Of course. I beat him at Kingdom Come. I wish you could have been there. It was awesome.

Stacey: No, no, no. I mean have you ever beaten him decisively?

Kravinoff: Sure. I beat him in a tag match back at Ascension 15.

Stacey: I don’t think so. If I recall correctly, Toyota pinned Doug Crashin in that match.

*Kravinoff seems to be getting annoyed at this point.*

Kravinoff: Well Toyota and Crashin certainly had nothing to do with me making Kurtesy tap out at Ascension 19.

Stacey: But he only tapped out to conserve energy for the number one contendership battle royal later that match. A match which, by the way, led to Kurtesy doing something you’ve never done: Actually becoming number one contender.

*Kravinoff shakes his head in frustration.*

Kravinoff: Fine. Because you doubt me, Kurtesy is going to the hospital. No ifs, ands, or buts.

*Barbosa fist pumps in the background.*

Kravinoff: You be sure to visit him while he’s there and let him know that the only reason I tried to cripple him is because you doubt my abilities, Miss Madison.

*Kravinoff begins to twitch under his left eye as Stacy stares on, stunned. Barbosa is smiling widely in the background.*

Stacey: Are you alright?

Kravinoff: Oh, I’m swell. It’s everyone else you need to worry about because until people stop doubting that I used a giraffe’s neck to choke an elephant to death, it’s open season on anyone who stands in my way. There will be no question from here on out that I am a man of my word.

*Kravinoff is visibly shaken by Stacy’s doubt.*

Stacey: You know, it’s a tag match. It’s entirely possible you won’t even lock horns with Kurtesy.

Kravinoff: Then I have no problem trying my luck with Steven Holmes. If there’s one man in WZCW who needs some humbling, it’d be him. All the man has done for the last couple months is drag his feet backstage and lament how Doug Crashin, the man who helped him raise his profile, was holding him back. It’s been elite this and elite that, constantly trying to get people to listen to how he deserves a shot at the Elite X Championship. But that’s the farthest thing from the reality of the situation. The last time Holmes was tasked with fending for himself in a big match situation, Baez tied him to a ladder and put him in his place. And that’s Baez. I’m mere days removed from eliminating a man vastly superior to Baez, that being Gordito, in K-FAD. If Holmes couldn’t even beat Baez, how does he think he’s going to make a name at the expense of myself or Barbosa? Better yet, how does he think he’s going to compete with proper champions down the road?

Like most rich people, Holmes has been living in the bubble. Holmes has been living in the bubble of the tag division. And as a result, he’s been able to rationalize to himself that his lack of success comes down to his partner, be that Kurtesy or Crashin. Well it’s time for a reality check. Steven Holmes isn’t in my league and if he tries me, I’m going to wrap my arm around his neck, drop him on the back of his head, and bend his spine back until he passes out. If Kurtesy wants no part of me, I’m going to make sure his friend needs the help of a machine to inhale. And as modern medicine lets Holmes cling to life, he’s going to feebly communicate to his partner how Hunter Kravinoff made him see the white light at the end of the tunnel. One way or another, people will see that standing in my way is as close to a death sentence as WZCW management can give.

I promise you, nobody will ever overlook me again.

*Before Stacy can respond, Kravinoff turns abruptly to Barbosa and gestures for the Tripolar Superstar to follow him.*

Kravinoff: Let’s bounce, mah n*gga.

*Stacy gasps audibly as Kravinoff and Barbosa walk confidently from the scene.*
The sound of seagulls flying overhead can be heard as the waves crash along the shore. A slight breeze rustles the palm trees on such a clear sunny day. It's nothing but relaxation for one Dr. Steven Kurtesy who is laying spread out on a beach towel along the sand gathering the sun's rays with his eyes closed. He remains in this position until he hears a distant noise that sounds similar to a female's voice calling his name. Steven's inquisitive nature forces him to open his eyes and sit up, covering his eyes from the sun with his hand. His vision is blurred and tries squinting as he sees the figure slowly approach him with the voice becoming more audible. As the figure becomes more focused, it is revealed to be Dr. Sandy Deserts striding towards him in a sexy two piece swimsuit that brings a welcoming smile to Steven. She stands only a few inches in front of Steven before crouching on her knees, caressing his face. She continually calls his name but Steven just keeps smiling.

Sandy screams Steven's name that snaps him back to reality, opening his eyes to reveal themselves inside a small room with only an open window and a laptop playing meditation music. Steven is sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat as Sandy stands wearing her formal suit.

Bloody hell Steven. Did you imagine yourself to be in a comatose state? I don't know how many times I've tried to wake you up.

Steven checks his watch and shakes his head at the time. He slowly uncrosses his legs as the pain shoots through his body from the time they've been locked together.

Sandy, you do realise that I've could of had a heart attack?

Sandy helps Steven to his feet. He tries walking but his balance is shot, so he begins to stretch out the cobwebs in his legs.

Getting old, doctor?

Steven laughs.

Probably. Although I don't think this will be my last time attempting this. It's funny, throughout my career as a psychiatrist I have always suggested this as a method for those who have anger management issues and whatnot, yet I've never actually tried it for myself. I was skeptical about all this spirituality and relaxation techniques but they work... and it's interesting. Anyway, thanks for reviving me. I guess I forgot to configure my laptop not to loop around the songs. I thought I already imagined myself on a beach before.

Sandy sighs.

It's a place I'd like to be right now. It would give me chance to wear my new two piece swimsuit I bought.

Steven smiles at Sandy, reminding him of what he say. Sandy looks confused at Steven, prompting him to quickly change his expression and look away. A small smile appears on Sandy but disappears before Steven turns back to face her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

The two doctors sit together on a park bench in view of their psychiatric offices. Sandy is eating a salad focaccia whilst Steven is having a ham and cheese croissant, both enjoying the cool breeze on such a warm day. Steven goes to take another bite of his food but instead puts it down beside him. Sandy notices this but continues eating, thinking nothing of it. Steven looks over to Sandy and then back again towards his office.

This is the third time this has happened, you know?

Sandy brushes her hair back and swallows her food.

We've never had lunch at this bench before.

No, no, no... I mean what happened at Kingdom Come. It was the third time that I've entered inside of a cage match and it was the third time that due to circumstance, I was eliminated from winning the match. It seems someone up there doesn't want me to have a successful victory inside a confined space outside of dealing with patients inside solitary confinement.

Don't beat yourself up about it. You were eliminated on a technicality. Stuff like this happens. You'll get another shot, Steven. It isn't the end of the world.

I understand this Sandy.

There is a short pause between the two, prompting Sandy to take another bite.

I think Gordito might be right. I'll have to take him up on his advice... I don't want to do it but if I am to be a serious competitor here now I must.

Sandy is a little confused at the statement.

If you're going to talk to me Steven please let me know all the details.

Sorry... the week before Kingdom Come when I went to the Sludge Pit with him and Big Dave to discuss about our match, Gordito mentioned something to me that said he received from a reliable friend. Juggling wrestling with another equally demanding job can be done... but if you want to be successful and excel, you're going to have to choose only one profession.

Sandy looks at Steven weirdly.

... you mean?

Yes... it's either psychiatry or wrestling.

Sandy is stunned by the news and puts her lunch down.

Steve, you don't have to choose. You've gotten this far and made a success of yourself whilst being both a psychiatrist and a wrestler.

This maybe true but think of why I was successful as a wrestler. For my entire career in WZCW I've been a tag team competitor. I've always had partners to lean on and share some of the workload. The only times I've had to fend for myself is in only World Title and KFAD matches I've ever been in. Those two were straining enough to focus for as it was... trying to go solo and doing it every single week? My performance levels will certainly drop. I have to choose Sandy.

A long pause happens between the two with Steven trying to search for an answer. Sandy turns to Steven and grabs hold of his arm and hand. Steven looks at Sandy who is staring straight into his eyes.

I know I can't make the decision for you Steve. If I was in your position I wouldn't want anyone else picking it for me either... but if you would, just listen. You went through university to become a psychiatrist to help people with their problems and do some good for the world, and you have. You've been doing this for many years and over that time you've reached that goal. Those who were mentally insane and cast out of society live normal lives thanks to you... you even picked me up from the gutters and transformed me into a successful doctor who has been single-handedly running your offices whilst you prepared for the Elimination Chamber. That's a hell of an achievement for the both of us.

There isn't much left for you to pursue in the field of psychiatry, Steven. You still have so many avenues to explore in WZCW and working as a doctor will only hinder you. Wrestling is something you love and always will... and like you said, it's time for you to move on.

But... what about you?

I can take care of myself, Steven. Remember, I used to be a wrestler who had nothing else to achieve and it drove me to the ground. Look at me now... you've got to do the same.

Steven thinks about it for a while as Sandy continues to squeeze the hand of Steven. After a few moments, Steven begins to nod at Sandy's sentiments.

You're right Sandy... I'm at a point in my life where I am removing everything from my past that has been a negative influence on me. Whilst psychiatry has done great things for many people, it hasn't done much for me. It isn't my a big aspect of my life anymore... wrestling is, and I must pursue it as such. The first thing I have to deal with is the aftermath of the Movement with Steven Holmes and myself. He is a great friend of mine and I do not want to lose him like I lost William Teach the same time last year. I feel as if we can maintain a great relationship despite the departure of Crashin but to continue teaming would not prove to be rewarding. I want to part ways with Holmes on a high note by giving it our all against the odd couple pairing of Kravinoff and Barbosa, two men who I have dealt with in the past by using under-handed tactics: mind-manipulation with Barbosa and backstage attacks to Kravinoff. I want to repent all this from my system by finally having a classic wrestling bout where a decisive victory is made. I seem to recall Hunter and myself to not hold a proper victory over each other and I'd like to finally settle the score between us. And then... I will be able to move away from my connections of the Movement, move away from the history between Kravinoff/Barbosa and pursue a path directly towards the top. I might not have won the KFAD contract but my time to become the World Champion is coming... I can feel it.

I must not get ahead of myself. I must take this one step at a time and deal with this week. All I need to do is get through Ascension and I will be happy.

Sandy smiles at Steven, letting go of his hand realising that he understands.

I'm glad for you Steve, honestly... I hope the best for you.

Thank you Sandy.

Steven gives Sandy a hug which surprises her a bit before she returns the favour and hugs her. They end their embrace and smile at each other before staring back at the offices. Sandy takes one more look at Steven but notices his lunch sitting next to him. She slowly moves her hand towards his lunch and tries to grab it but Steven snatches it before she can get and continues to eat. She smiles at him, grabs her sandwich and they continue their meals as if the conversation never happened.
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