AS28: Ty Burna vs. Jordan Lights

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
After the shocking events of Serafina turning on him, Ty Burna looks to vent from frustration as he takes Jordan Lights, someone who's had a recent falling out with his recently suspended partner DK Wilton. Will both men get the satisfaction they need at the expense of their opponents?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st March 23:59 EST
The scene is a a gym, and there's only two people in it, Jordan Lights and Lilith.

Lilith : This week you're facing Ty Burna , are you ready for this Jordan? This is your chance to shine, to show everyone you mean business!

Jordan is running on a treadmill, dripping sweat and stops for a drink. He steps off the treadmill, grabs a towel and a gatorade and pops the cap off and drinks some. He wipes his face off with the towel.

Jordan : Lilith, you know I feel like I've been working very hard lately. I'm in a very good place right now.

He takes a sip of some more gatorade and hands Lilith the towel before walking over to the free weights. He picks up two 50 lb dumb bells and begins reps.

Lilith : Jordan, you may be in a very good place, but Ty, is not. Did you not see what happened to him last week?

Jordan keeps lifting the weights as he starts talking.

Jordan : Yeah I did see it, Serafina turned on him. It was a real shocker to be honest. Ty is in a very dark place right now Lilith, you're right, losing the one he's been so close with for years. I hope you never do that to me Lilith.

Jordan sets the weights down and wipes the sweat from his face again and he drinks some more gatorade.

Lilith : Jordan I would never do that to you, I support you and I'm here to help you always. Now are you ready for this match? Ty's going to be on a path of destruction, ready to decimate you, you need to be prepared.

Jordan goes over to the pull up bar as Lilith walks over with him , carrying a new bottle of gatorade and his towel.

Jordan : Lilith , like I said, I'm in a great place right now. With you here to guide me, I feel amazing. I haven't felt this great in months. When I step into the ring with Ty, I'll be ready for anything. You never know what to expect with Ty and I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm ready to show the world I can hang with the big boys in this company and that my time is coming.

Jordan starts to do pull ups as Lilith stands on watching him as the scene fades out.
The scene slowly opens to what appears to be a serene room, candles are lit in the corners and it is well lit. Soft music is playing from an old record player in the middle of the room. Suddenly a chair comes flying across the screen and hits the record player, abruptly silencing the music. The camera swiftly shifts around and see Ty Burna standing in the corner, his shirt off revealing his multiple tattoos. He appears to be breathing heavy as his head is lowered yet a feral like growl emits from him.

Ty: How dare her, after all I have done for her. Serafina you ungrateful ****e!

Ty grabs the nearby table and smashes it against the wall, leaving a gaping hole in it. He grabs a splintered off leg and swings it into the lit candle. The candle topples over and the broken pieces of wood begin to catch fire as Ty stands over it, his eyes glowing an intense shade of red.

Let it all burn, let the sins associated with this wretched place be cleansed in the unholy flame. They shall pay, they shall all pay for their treachery.

The fire quickly erupts within the room and soon engulfs it all. Ty becomes awash in the flames as the screen suddenly fades to black. The scene opens suddenly to Gordito finishing his interview with Becky. He nods to her and makes his way towards the locker room when suddenly the lights all go out and Gordito is engulfed in darkness.

Gordito: Seems like every arena we go to has this type of electrical problems, wouldn't you agree Ty?

Dimmed lights appear right above Gordito, revealing little if anything about his location. Ty stands in front of him, the WZCW hanging loosely from his hand at his side. Dark circles can be seen under his eyes, his skin paler then usual, and generally looks ragged.

Gordito, it seems ironic that I should have taken my own advice last week about friendships and trusting others. Even the one person who I believed to never leave my side has turned her back on me and joined the lecherous enemy I stare down. You are the only one left that seems to understand me, and while I am too proud of a man and too wary to say I need a friend right now, I merely need your attention for a few moments.

You know a phone call would work just as well rather than suddenly showing up like this. Hell you could have caught me at the Sludge Pit and we could have had this discussion over some Crown at least.

It matters not Gordito where I decide the meeting. What is important is you can be the catalyst for my revenge. You see Gordito, many see me as a mentor to you. I do not see it, but the mere fact that you are associated with me in such a manner will make Showtime want to defeat you that much more, to make one more strike with his poisoned dagger into my back.

I have every intention of defeating Showtime already Ty. Not for you, not for Reynolds, just for me. This is my time to prove I belong with the big dogs in this company.

Then I ask a favor of you Gordito, while that harlot Serafina will no doubt be with him at ringside, what I want you to focus on is crushing Showtime. I want you to take every lesson and every bit of advice I have given you, and put it all out in the ring. I want Showtime to feel what just a bit of my influence can lead to, what Serafina gave up when she chose materialism over true power.

The two men go silent when Gordito suddenly steps up to Ty and nods his head.

I don't need a mentor, I do just fine on my own. But I can't help but admit that your words and lessons have done wonders to my career. For you Ty, I will go out and put Showtime flat on his back in the middle of that ring. I'll make him suffer the Meteor of War. But answer me one thing, what is the deal with Serafina anyways?

This is neither the place nor the time to discuss such things. But what I will say is she is the last thread of humanity I could cling to. After the events of that fateful night that I survived, she was the only one that believed in me, the one person who would visit me while the psychotic doctors performed their experiments on me, while I suffered inside that padded cell, she would come and sing songs that kept me just in tune with my own mind that I could perform my escape. She was the one that gave me the reason to not fall into the savagery the Ouija possessed with me. And so I gave her the same power that courses through my veins, the power that has led me to this WZCW World Title, and the very power that will lead me to defeating Showtime at Kingdom Come.

Gordito crosses his arms as he listens intently. He nods his head and looks up at Ty.

So in other words she was the woman that held your heart, that crushed it in one moment to side with the enemy. It sounds just like a Shakespeare tale.

I suppose you could say it was a fable in some twisted way.

I was never one for old literature. I call it bullshit Ty. She saw greener pastures and simply took the opportunity.

Ty grits his teeth and grabs Gordito by the collar and gets right in his face. Ty's eyes begin to glow red with anger as his hand begins to shake.

How dare you say such things!

Isn't it just like you said to me last week Ty? Why trust even those you have known for so long? They will turn on you sooner than later, but it should not be important to you. So she kicked you square in the cajones, it's time for you to bounce back and stick it to the man who caused it. Don't put your focus on her, she will get hers. Instead focus your rage on her bread basket if you will and take out Showtime!

Ty's eyes stop glowing red and the snarl disappears as a contemplative look takes over Ty. He let's go of Gordito who promptly straights his shirt out. Ty turns his back to Gordito and nods his head.

For once Gordito, you have given me advice that I have needed. Now, come Meltdown I cannot promise I will be the same man you see here. I will be looking for blood, and if you so happen to get in the way, I cannot guarantee your safety. When this war is over, we shall have those drinks at the Sludge Pit. So long, friend.

The lights go out before the lights come on and Gordito stands in the hallway. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and shakes his head.

I thought I'd have to go through All or Nothing again for a second there.

The screen goes black once more before focusing in to Ty standing on a rooftop. He gazes out into the night silently, his thoughts consuming him. His looks have not changed since the encounter with Gordito, his eyes have dark circles under them, and his hair a mess. He closes his eyes and raises his head as rain begins falling down around him.

Cleanse me rain, for the sins of the wicked shall soon be paid for. Cleanse my soul so that I may feel no pity and no remorse for the destruction of my enemies. Their skin shall be bathed in the flames of eternal hell, and I shall be the ignition that begins the burning.

Ty opens his eyes and they have begun glowing red once more. He looks down at the empty street below him. The rain has continued to drop and soon his hair becomes completely drenched as does the rest of his clothes.

I suppose what has been done is done. If that is what you truly wish for Serafina, for the materialistic life that Showtime offers, then so be it. You turned your back on the power I offered, and you have become weak. The weak are nothing more but pawns in the greater game, and soon your time on the playing field will be extinguished. There will be no Queen in your future, and while you may have outmaneuvered me and made me believe to be your savior and knight in shining armor, it is but a set back. No, rather you have given me more fire to wield. Your beau Showtime has yet one more reason for me to meticulously slaughter at Kingdom Come, and now you will watch helplessly as your actions lead to his downfall, and yours. We were once one in the same, and now I see that it was a facade merely for the power I granted you. Just as it was when we were younger, Arianna. Your gypsy blood has shown to be coursing quite well through you, and your opportunity had arrived to put down the man who ripped you from the doldrums of your dreary life. It is with that insufferable cowardice that makes you perfect for Showtime.

Ty steps up to the very edge of the rooftop, his arms slowly raising out as the WZCW World Heavyweight Title hangs from his one hand. His voice deepens as he continues speaking.

You believe me to be forgetting my opponent on Ascension, Mr. Jordan Lights. A man who knows the frustration for trusting in someone, only to be let down. You have been chosen at a very bad time Lights, for Ascension may very well be your burial plot. I will spare no remorse for you, and the systematic shut down of your mind will be but one token of rage that I will have taken out between Meltdown and Ascension. Although you may consider yourself lucky, for what I have in store for Showtime and Serafina pales in comparison to the physical torture I will put you through on Ascension, and if you so much as have a hopeful bone in your body, you will wish that I end it swiftly. I am in no mood for distractions. My goal is clear, and my comrades limited to none. I pray for your soul Lights, for I do not know myself what type of being will show up for Ascension. I can make one promise however, it will not be the man who let Constantine believe himself to be in my class of warrior, it will not be the man who thought it entertaining enough to let Constantine hit every maneuver in his arsenal, only to making him cry out in agony to the Final Seance. No, simply put Lights I will banish you from my ring the moment the opportunity arises, and you will know true terror.

Ty closes his eyes and simply lets the rain downpour upon him. He remains in his pose, yet his feet teeter dangerously over the edge. He begins to sway back and forth almost as if in a drunken stupor. Suddenly his voice echoes out throughout the empty street.

Showtime, you have signed your death warrant, and I will no longer wait until Kingdom Come. Your life will become the living embodiment of hell, and I will see to it you anguish in every level of it. My demons no longer sit by complacent, they clamor for your head, and I will deliver it on a silver platter. I am coming for you, and my retribution swift yet everlasting.

Ty suddenly falls off the rooftop and the screen cuts to black.

Thus it is written.

The screen suddenly comes back to Ty staring dead into the camera, his eyes glowing red and the evil snarl across his lips.

So it shall come to pass.

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