AS28: Mr. Baller vs. Sean Cruz

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite the loss to Sam Smith, Mr. Baller won't be put off by the events and will take on the newest member of the WZCW Roster, Sean Cruz. Cruz and Baller both have similar backgrounds with getting into this company, how will Cruz fare in his debut match against the former Tag and Mayhem Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st March 23:59 EST
The following scene takes place in a coffee shop not too far from tonight's WZCW event. Sean Cruz, dressed in a pink sleeveless shirt that says "Evil" across the front and ripped jeans sits at a table close to the window. Two young women quickly identified as Lissa and Jeannett,two of his valets, walk in and takes their seats at the table forming a triangular meeting in the bustling coffee shop.

Lissa: Congratulations, Sean! You've finally got your WZCW Contract! I would think you would be more excited than this though.

Sean: My opponent for tonight is a man known only by the name Baller. He's a former Mayhem and Tag Team Champion and no doubt knows his way around the ring.What you see is not a look of stress or worry, but of determination. I've learned that in this business, pretty can only get me so far. I need to show the world the fierce ring warrior inside if I am to claim victory tonight, or any other night.

A waitress comes over and takes orders for the table. She is a more than noticeably attractive young lady, and Sean takes this opportunity to "appreciate" her beauty as best his eyes allow, much to Lissa's delight and Jeannett's chagrin.

Jeannett: Oh my god, Rodric, that is so rude!

Lissa: Calm down, at least he's not looking at some boy running around taking orders. Though that outfit would lead you to believe otherwise wouldn't it?

Sean: I love this shirt! And these jeans are perfect in all the right places.

Lissa: Homo...

Sean: Lissa, Lissa, never learn do you? You can't judge a book by it's cover. People have made more assumptions about me than I can remember, the only thing that matters is when I get into that ring, and all the labels peel away and reveal a ruthless warrior.

Lissa: It's just wrestling, ease up Spartacus.

Sean: But if I don't take it seriously, how can I expect my opponents or my audience to take me seriously?

Waitress: Okay we have an Ethos water.
Sean: That's for me
Waitress: Tall espresso, no foam
Jeannett: Right here
Waitress: and a small Caramel Frappe
Lissa: Mine!

Sean: So where's Alex and Nina? I thought you all went shopping together?

Lissa: Well Alex got a headache so she decided to go back to the house and take a nap but she said she would be there for your match tonight.

Sean: And Nina?

Jeannett: She's with KDS!

KDS is Nina's on again off again boyfriend, a D.J notorious for his womanizing ways

Sean: Ugh, so I guess she won't be in attendance tonight?

Jeannett: No...but we'll still be there!

Sean: I guess three is better than none
Sean takes his final gulp of water and rises from his seat.
Well I'm gonna go get ready for tonight, I'll see you girls there. Lissa, don't let Jeannett drive, I want you guys to actually make it to this one.


Sean is back at his loft and practicing his entrance routine. It is clear that appearances mean everything to him, but tonight we will find out if he has the other tools necessary to take down his adversary in tonights contest.
The camera fades into Fort Lauderdale International Airport, and as the camera zooms in to Terminal 6, which is JetBlue’s red-eye flight to John F. Kennedy Airport. The passengers are about to board, as the camera spots Mr. Baller about to board the plane. As he is ready to board, James runs into the scene.

James: Sir, why are you leaving?

Baller: I need to get away. Its time to think things through.

James: But why New York? Your in your home town, just relax, everything will be fine, you are still on the Road to Kingdom Come. I guarantee you will be on the card.

Baller: I know I am, which is why I am going to New York. I need to do this James, now please let me do my thing, and I’ll see you at Ascension next week, where I will be back to my ballin ways.

James: Alright dog. Do what you gotta do, I’ll see you in a week.

The two exchange fives as Baller then boards the plane, and heads on his way to New York. The camera fades out.


As the camera fades back in, the camera shows Mr. Baller getting off the plane, he then heads to get his luggage. The luggage carousel continues to go around and Baller’s luggage has yet to come around. Baller’s frustration continues to brew.

Baller: Come on. I have places to be.

Another round goes by, Baller is grabbing every piece of luggage, and then angrily throws it back on the carousel. After 3 or 4 times around again, Baller spots an employee of JFK Airport.

Baller: Sir!

Employee: How can I help you sir?

Baller: You can help me by finding my god damn luggage.

Employee: Sir, I’m sorry but I do not work in that department. If your luggage is lost however, you must talk to Jetblue and they get you your luggage as soon as you can.

Baller: I don’t have time do all of that. I have to go to Madison Square Garden, I am on the road to Kingdom Come.

Employee: Sir, I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. But here come with me, and I’ll take you to Jetblue’s office, and you can fill out the forms.

Baller: Whatever, lets make this quick.

Baller and the employee head to the office, and Baller fills out his forms, and then finally gets out of the airport. The camera fades out with Baller entering a taxi driving away to Madison Square Garden.


The camera fades back in with Baller walking out of his taxi and looking outside of Madison Square Garden.

Baller: Ahh here we are. The mecca of sports. Madison Square Garden. A few weeks away, Kingdom Come, the grandest stage of them all will be in my type of arena. Luckily for me, WZCW gave everybody their athletes pass early.

Baller then uses his pass to get into the arena, and heads through the backstage area of Madison Square Garden. Baller goes through the curtain and then walks down the ramp.

Baller: In just a matter of weeks, I will be walking down this ramp for Kingdom Come. I may not be on the card yet, however, it is crunch time, no more choking in the clutch. Its time to move on and win the next one. Just like all the great stars, the miss 3 game winners they look like a bum, but when they finally hit that shot they become a star again. That is just like me. I may have lost the last couple, but I am too talented to not break this streak. All I need is one win, and I guarantee management will put me on the grandest stage of them all. And when I head down this ramp, I will be doing something big. I don’t know what is yet, but I have to get here first. And that starts this week with Sean Cruz.

Sean Cruz, the rookie. Making your debut. Trying to make a name for yourself, huh? At my expense? Unfortunately, that will not happen. Instead you will be my stepping stone to Kingdom Come. And once I beat the hell out of you at Ascension this week, you can gladly watch me walk down this ramp while you on your fancy ass couch and your fancy ass plasma t.v., with your fancy ass scarf around your neck, while petting your fancy ass dog. You may be rich, and Mr. Congeniality, but I am Mr. Baller and am not blowing this chance.

Baller then stops at the end of the ramp, where the ring will be, and raises his hand in the air.

Because Sean Cruz, when I am done with you, in just a few weeks, you will see the ref raising my hand right here in this very spot, and it will be thanks to you. Now you better believe that.

Fade out.
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