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AS28: Michael Winters vs. Brad Bomb - Elite X Championship (Best of Three: Round One)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
An idea sparked from Michael Winters himself sees him now in contention to become the new Elite X Champion in a Best of Three series. Vance Bateman shortly decided that the previous EurAsian Challenger, Brad Bomb, is the man who will compete against him in this series. Who is going to get the vital first step towards becoming the new Elite X Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st March 23:59 EST
-The camera cuts to the backstage area of Meltdown 52. We the see the WZCW Doctor in front of a figure whose sitting on the locker room medical table. He hands the figure an ice pack covered in a towel and walks off, telling the figure he’ll be back to check on him later. As he walks away, the figure is revealed to be Brad Bomb, whose face is scrunched up in anger. His free hand his clenched into a fist and he keeps pounding the table with it. At that point, Chuck Myles walks into the locker room.-

Brad Bomb, hey! How’s the head? –he laughs and while doing so, Brad Bomb gets up off the medical table and walks over to Myles-

You son of a bitch, you lied to me. You said Blade wasn’t here and yet what happens after my match? I’m on the receiving end of a chair shot to the HEAD! –Bomb’s face has gone red with anger as he stares down Myles, who seems less than awash with fear-

I said I hadn’t seen him, not that he wasn’t here. Anyway, it’s not like you’d won or he’d screwed you out of the EurAsian title or anything.

True but aren’t you seemingly forgetting that just over a month ago, I returned from a concussion caused by Big Dave, who used the same DAMNED WEAPON AS BLADE! Do you not see how he could’ve re-injured me?! Unlike Blade I actually value my career, which is why you don’t find me going through packs of cigarettes like Pez! –Myles is still unfazed by Brad Bomb’s shouting and aggressiveness; instead he still has a smirk on his face that only widens as he listens to Bomb-

What Blade does in his spare time is his busine- -Bomb cuts Myles off before he can finish, this wipes the smirk from Myles’ face and instead he’s now visibly annoyed-

I don’t care about that! What I care about is what you’re going to do about it! I want Blade one-on-one next week and I don’t care if I have to go over to Ascension to do it. So I suggest you phone Vance Bateman and you get to talking before I decide to either a) go over there or make my presence felt or b) decide to take out my anger right here and now!

Look! Nobody dares interrupt me and most importantly nobody dares threaten me either! So you listen and you listen good – if you attempt either, I can guaran-damn-tee you that you’ll be out of this company and facing a lawsuit quicker than Barbosa can switch personalities! –Bomb backs off from Myles; he’s still angry but knows there’s nothing he can do about it now-

-Bomb walks away from Myles, his back now turned on the GM and instead he faces the wall with his head looking down. He’s still firmly pressing the towel onto his head as he turns head to look over his shoulder staring at the GM- What now then? –He looks back down-

Nice to see you’ve calmed a little. –he smirks- I’ll get in touch with Bateman, see if there’s any way we can organise an appearance for you Ascension. In the meantime, I’m concerned about your aggression. –Bomb turns around to face Myles- Instead of being passive-aggressive, you’ve returned to outward aggression, even confronting members of the public! It’s taken me all week to play down the affair at The Sludge Pit to the media. –Bomb lowers his head at the mention of the confrontation-

So what do you expect me to do? –he grumbles under his breath-

In the meantime, channel your aggression towards your matches and your training or find a way to relax. If get any reports of you lashing out in public again, I’ll make sure you’re a thousand of miles away from New York City. I’m glad this is sorted. –Myles walks out of the locker room. Bomb sit back down on the medical table, the camera fading to black as he sits on the table, with his head in hands-


-The next scene is of Brad Bomb on a balcony, sat down by a table, he’s wearing blue short-sleeve shirt with a plan white t-shirt on underneath and some khakis. As he looks out over the balcony, the camera pans with his eyesight, catching the full beauty of the view. The sky is clear, the sun shining, the golden sand on the beach all accompanied by the gentle sound of the waves crashing into the rocks can be heard in the back ground.

Brad gently sips on a glass of orange juice before placing it on the table next to a copy of the Daily Mail. He reclines in his seat, his hands on the back of his head. He seems at ease for a moment before he’s interrupted by the sound of Taylor Swift’s Love Story. He puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out his phone.


Voice: Hi.

Who is this?

Oh sorry, I don’t think we’ve actually spoke properly before. I’m Vance Bateman, GM of Ascension. –Bomb’s eyes light up as he realises who he’s talking- I’m calling you about a match on Ascension next week.

Are you giving me Blade, one-on-one? Is it for the spot in the EurAsian title match at Kingdom Come? That’s what I want in on. Please tell me it’s Blade one-on-one. –Bomb gets up out of his seat and now is walking round the balcony-

Well I’m very sorry to disappoint you but you won’t be facing Blade this week and it won’t be involving the EurAsian championship. However, I think I have something a little bit better for you. –Bomb stops and leans over the balcony rail. He has a confused look on his face after he hears what Bateman said-

What is it?–Bomb sits back down, taking another sip of his drink-

I’m giving you the chance to be the next Elite-X Champion. –At this moment Bomb spits his drink out over the balcony-

Ok who am I facing? –he says trying to regain composure-

You’ll be facing Michael Winters, in a best-of-three series to determine the new Elite X Champion at Kingdom Come. –Bomb quickly does the math in his head-

But what if one of us wins the series 2-0 and gets the title the week before Kingdom Come?

We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now, I got to go so good luck in the series, I’m expecting some good matches between you two. Bye.

Bye. –He hangs up the phone and then looks on awestruck about what he’s just heard. It takes a moment for it to kick in before suddenly realises he’s not dreaming.-

Wow. This is big… no! This is huge. Elite X Champion. Brad Bomb, your new Elite X Champion. Damn that has a nice ring to it. I can see it now; me lifting the belt as the fans going wild, girls tripping over themselves to get to me. I’ll be big time business. Everyone will want a piece. I could’ve even give Showtime a chance to win his title back after he loses to Ty at Kingdom Come. I’ll be the next-biggest thing in WZCW. –Bomb rests his head on his hands, the look on his face changes from one of surprise to seriousness-

But what about my opponent? Mr Michael Winters. He sure did have a good start. A participant in my Contract Battle Royale… the winner in fact. In the process he managed to eliminate me as well. Ah yes, I sincerely hope he hasn’t forgotten that. He wriggled his way out of the Detonator too… but if he’s still the same in the ring then he’s still weak to my technical prowess. That will be the key to victory, the oh-so important victory. One has to wonder though – what will his approach be?

This is a series. It’s not just about getting the one pinfall or submission, it’s about making sure you’ve got enough to win more than that. Two matches are guaranteed to happen and third is likely. Do either of us really want to go all out in the first match and give away everything we’ve got? Can we afford to do that? Sure we’re both talented wrestlers but we’re almost one in the same. Both 6ft 6” and only 6lbs weight differential. If not for my technical superiority, we’d have been wrestling twins…

So it really does come down to how confident we are with abilities. I know I have what it takes to beat him and on his day he can beat me. But this is just the start, the beginning of what I can tell is going to be a great series and create a new era of Elite X Champion.

-Bomb once again goes back to reclining in his chair, a smile on his face. The camera pans away from Bomb, once again capturing the view as it faces the clear blue sky, it fades to black.-
The scene opens the day after Ascension 27 inside the familiar St. Mary of the Angels in Chicago. The sun is shining through the stain glass, casting an array of colors through out the large room. Michael Winters is seen carrying two suitcases as he makes his way down the stairs, a noticeable limp hindering his pace. He puts the bags down beside several other pieces of luggage and takes a seat on the bottom step and starts to stretch the injured leg.

Father Fournier slips through a doorway behind the staircase, a look of concern is spread across Fournier's face as he eyes the luggage.

Father Fournier: I see the knee is still bothering you?

Winters: It's just a bit sore, nothing to worry about. I'm more angered at the fact that I blew my chance to climb up the ladder with a win over David Cougar. A win over the #1 Contender? Everyone would have noticed me then, but I let Him down. I let myself down. When will I get a chance like that again?

Winters hangs his head in frustration, another chance slipping by. Fournier walks over to Michael and places a hand on his shoulder.

Michael, David Cougar is a great athlete. He's been in the WZCW for a very long time and has all the accolades to show for it and more. Be patient my son, you are still in the beginning stages of your career and I know you will get more chances to prove yourself, not only to the WZCW but to Him. You are a talented young man with a bright future, please don't beat yourself up like this.

I'm sorry Father. It's just I've been in the WZCW for quite some time now and have nothing to show for it, this loss to Showtime just knocks me down some more and leaves me in limbo for Kingdom Come, the biggest event of the year.

Have faith my son, you will find your place.

Fournier extends his hand and helps Winters to his feet.

Now, our plane leaves in a couple of hours so we better get going.

Fournier points to the pile of luggage off to the left of the staircase.

Are those all the bags?

That's all of them.

And you have your passport?

Yes Father.

Then let's begin this journey together, the cab is waiting outside.

Winters grabs the bags with Fournier's help and they head outside to the waiting cab. They both load the bags into the trunk of the cab and pile into the backseat of the car. It's a pretty tight squeeze, Winters being 6'6 but they manage to get all their body parts in place and their seat belts on.

Cabbie: Where to?


Fournier turns his attention back to Winters.

This is exciting, even at my age I've never been there. We are truly blessed to be making such a trip.

Yes, it'll be nice to get away from everything and just have a good time for once.

A loud buzzing sound is heard through out the cab as Winters fumbles for his cell phone in the pocket of his jeans.

I'm assuming that's your phone?

Yes, please excuse me.

Winters finally extracts his phone from his pocket after struggling for a few momens and flips it open, the number is blocked.


Hi, is this Michael Winters?

Yes, may I ask whom it is I'm talking to?

Ah yes, this is Vance Bateman.

Winters suddenly tenses up, nervous from the man on the other end of the line.

Oh. Hello Mr. Bateman, how are you?

Good good. I was up all night after last nights events as you can imagine and I've had some time to think about your suggestion.

Michael's eyes light up, he'd completely forgotten about talking to Mr. Bateman in the aftermath of his bout with Showtime Cougar.

And what do you think of the idea sir?

You know what, it's one of the few ideas I've actually taken a liking to over these past few months and I've decided to go along with it.

Winters leans over and hugs an oblivious Fournier while covering the phone.

That's great news! Now I know I lost last night to Showtime but I hope you'll still consider me for the shot at the Elite X Championship.

Oh I'll do more than that. This week on Ascension you'll be going up against one of your fellow contract battle royal competitors in Match #1 of a best of three series for the Elite X Championship, culminating at Kingdom Come if a third match is needed. What do you think of that?

It's a dream come true sir! Ever since I was a kid I've dreamed of being a Champion. Every day fighting in the indies hoping to one day be in the big show fighting for a chance to be called great. Now I have the opportunity to cement a legacy in this business? I can't thank you enough for this opportunity sir, it means the world to me.

Well, you've worked hard ever since you got here and you deserve it.

Thank you sir. Who is it I'll be facing?

Brad Bomb.

Ah, a deserving foe.

Very much so. Now I have some further business to attend to, I'll see you at Ascension.

The phone clicks off as Winters grabs Fournier again and embraces him in a vigorous hug.

Well, what is it!?

My prayers have been answered! I will finally be wrestling for a WZCW Championship against Brad Bomb! My path has finally become clear and is laid out before me on the road to Kingdom Come.

This is great news! We'll have to cancel the flight, preparations must be made and you must focus solely on your training.

No, no. I don't want to cancel the trip entirely, we deserve this and I know how much you've been looking forward to it. How about we go the week after the second match in my series?

Sounds perfect, you might even be bringing a "friend" along with you.

Fournier taps the Cabbie on the shoulder and tells him to take them back to the Church.

If I can defeat Brad Bomb two times in a row, but that won't be an easy task. The man has been on a similar path as me since coming into the WZCW and it won't be easy going toe to toe with him inside the ring two times, let alone three if need be. He's had good showings against Chris Beckford, nearly becoming WZCW Eurasian Champion last week, but He has willed it that instead his path will cross mine and I am up to the challenge. I have been in the ring with some of the best this industry has to offer and I've held my own. Brad Bomb will be no different. He may not have the accolades the others do but I will treat him the same. I will step inside the ring like I'm fighting Ty Burna for the World Heavyweight Championship. Faith will guide me through these trials in the coming weeks, He will look down upon me and I will not fail Him. Brad Bomb is not prepared for what I bring to the table, a man of faith is not one to be taken lightly.

Winters rolls down the window, a smile spread across his face from ear to ear as he takes in a deep, cool breath of Chicago air.

I can smell it Father.

What's that?

Winter is coming...

The cab drives off as the screen fades to black...
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