AS25: Showtime Cougar vs. Baez - Elite X Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
As Showtime Cougar will not be defending his belt at the pay per view, he's been obliged to defend the Elite X Championship, and will do so against Baez, a man who defeated Constantine to get into the Lethal Lottery last week. Will Showtime get some revenge for his partner or will Baez put a dent in the dominance of this alliance by winning the Elite X Championship?

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
The scene opens at a gym. Baez is shown walking around the locker room area looking around room after room. Eventually he walks into one and finds Austin Reynolds sitting down on a bench with a towel over his head. It seems he just finished working out.

Baez: Austin...

Austin: Yeah?

Baez: Are you aware?

Austin: About what?

Baez: I'm getting an Elite X title shot at Ascension 25.

Austin: Yeah, I heard. Why?

Baez: You aren't mad?

Austin: Not really.

Baez: Really? Why so calm about it?

Austin: At least it's a good guy and not some scumbag like Constantine cheating his way in.

Baez: *ha ha* Even if he did get a shot, he probably wouldn't win anyway.

Austin: Right. Go on and do what you gotta do. We'll work things out afterwords.

Baez: Heh, OK. One things for sure, after I win, you get the first shot.

Austin: OK. Looking forward for a match with you. Good luck.

Baez: Sure. See ya around then.

Baez walks out of the locker room and heads out of the building. He meets up with Alisha outside of the gym and then continue heading out and keep walking across the sidewalk.

Alisha: How'd it go?

Baez: He doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Alisha: Cool. So it's you and Showtime for the Elite X title at Ascension 25.

Baez: Yup. I'm gonna fight Showtime.

Baez walks up to the camera and points to it.

Baez: Which means I'm gonna fight with the Showtime Powertrip. The Two-Man Egotrip. The Duo Of Douchebaggery. The Twosome Of... Cheap winnings and bloated egos. Here's the thing. I'm focused and back in the zone. I already beat the weaker link, that poor, ridiculous excuse of a politician. And this week, I get the dumb, eccentric, egomaniac with the rather pointless talk show. Is there a plot to that thing or does he just show up and babble incoherently? Gotta love daytime television. Making no sense and not being watched since the modern era. But unlike Showtime, I pay attention to my surroundings. I can see Constantine is just Show's shortcut. But I cut the shortcut short. Now I'm taking the main route to face Showtime. And all the bad programming in the world isn't gonna stop me from delivering Kickassery. maybe after i beat him, I can take his show and actually make something out of that useless thing. Maybe I can book Alisha to dance on a pole or something.

Alisha: WHAT?!

Baez: No, no. You got it all wrong. I meant an online... Poll. The kind where you vote. You on the page doing the Hokey Pokey.

Alisha: Idiot.

Baez: Anyway, regardless of me owning his show or not, the Kickassery will be televised and Constantine ain't gonna be able to do a damned thing about it. Or Showtime for that matter. He's gonna be on the floor taking his Kickassery like a man. ...No homo. See ya at Ascension you goofy little talk show host. 25!!

Baez shoves aside the camera as he walks off and the scene fades.
Scene opens in a dark alley. It’s night time and there is a small amount of rain happening. The camera moves towards the top of the building where a dark figure is standing on the edge of the building. He is dressed is a black costume and is weaking a mask, which hides his identity. The dark figures thoughts can be heard.

With this mask I can make a difference. I can become a symbol. a symbol of hope... of justice. A hero to people. I can be the answer to violence... a voice to those who cannot speak.

His thoughts show images of the good he can accomplish saving lives as a masked vigilantee. The words continue to be heard as the images chage to address his new thoughts.

With this mask I can hide my identity. I can do anything I want... escape from my fears... my pain. And lash it out at others. I can market my image. Make millions in endorsements. Sell out and do whatever I want because no one knows who I am.

With this mask I turn into a thug... a criminal... a druglord. Nobody will know who I am so I can get away with it. A lot of criminals could wear masks. I could start a gang... an empire. I could set out and do the very things that I once stood against. And no one would know it was me...

I can be anyone I want to be with this mask... and nobody can stop me... cause nobody will know me. With this mask... everyone will say whatever they want about me. With this mask I am everything... and yet I am nothing.

The figure looks in anguish. He takes the mask off and drops it from the building. We see the figure walking to the stairwell door.

Scene reappears inside a bar. Showtime David Cougar and John Constantine are enjoying a game of darts. A few other people are sitting near and cheering them as Showtime and Constantine drink beers, share laughs and overall look like their having a good time. The voice can be heard.

But without a mask I can just be myself. Hang out with friends. Have a good time. I don’t have to act differently or be something I’m not. I can just be me.

Showtime: And being yourself is what matters most.

Constantine: Never try to be something your not. And remember that people always want to get to know who you are and not something or someone your not.

That’s right. Never try to hide who you really are, especially behind masks. Hey John are you going to throw that last dart or what? 60 away you don’t stand a chance.

Just let me finish my beer.

John reaches down and starts to jug from his mug. He tosses the dark over his shoulder and hits a perfect triple 20 shot to win the game. Showtime is in disbelief, but instead of getting mad he enthusiastically congradulates Constantine as the fans by them huddle around. They hand them each a beer and the two men clink and jug back, laughing and chatting it up as the scene fades.

This commercial has been paid for and brought to you by The Showtime Power Trip!

Scene opens up on The Show set. The lights are a little dimmer then normal. Showtime David Cougar is seated at his desk, Elite X Title laid out and diplayed on top.

Showtime: Good evening all and welcome to The Show. I am your host, forever and always, Showtime David Cougar! And tonights episode is about someone we would normally never discuss on The Show. Someone who represents the very bottom of society, so far down that society has all but forgotten about him. Where his good friend is receiving World Title match after World Title match, this freak, who lives behind a rather intimidating mask, continues to be given the short end of the stick here in WZCW. All the hard work and pain that he has put himself through, winning the Mayhem championship 4 times, having the longest Mayhem Title reign in the history of the company, and giving up any sort of meaningful or normal life he could have by hiding his reched face behind that mask. We can excuse the fact he has lost the belt 4 times. We can excuse the fact he went almost 2 months as champion while missing his belt. Those are still some impressive feats that he has accomplished. And perhaps most impressive of them all... Baez ended the undefeated streak of Big Dave. Something I myself have never done and something I took immediate notice of.

Showtime picks up the Elite X title off his desk and drapes it over his shoulder. He gets up from his desk and paces around the stage a bit.

The fact is Baez, I couldn't agree more with you when you felt you should've been champion. You beat the last EurAsian Champion and all they could give you is a chance in that crap shoot of a match, a match where you were milliseconds away from becoming champion. That is all Chuck Myles could do for you.

Well rest assured it wasnt Chuckie who gave you this match, he doesnt have the authority. And it wasn't Bateman who wanted this match, as he thinks lowly of you. And it definitly wasn't Austin Reynolds who made this match as Austin would never defend against anybody he didnt think he could beat. Baez... it was me who petitioned Bateman to sign this match for the 25th Ascension show. Me who wanted to face the most dangerous man in WZCW. Me who wanted to take a sip from the sweet bottle of Kickassery you brag about and then smash it over your head. Because Baez unlike Austin Reynolds I don't shy away from a challenge I've never faced before. Unlike Austin I don't hide behind my ratings and my drawing power when someone wishes to crash my network, and unlike Austin I'll defend my belt against anyone I feel can give me the biggest challenge.

And at the moment I believe that man is you Baez. I have witnessed you single handedly rip apart the Crashin Movement. I’ve witnessed your refusal to give up when faced with near unsermountable odds at AON. And I’ve seen you pin Big Dave... and my associate and good friend John Constantine. John wanted me to rip you apart from ear to ear and beat the unnormal out of. I told John that is not how we should do things, that is not how the Showtime Power Trip runs. We are here to save those who feel dejected, scared, or left out by society. Baez I know the pain that runs deep inside you is far greater than any other physical pain you may have encountered.

Why else then would you hide behind a mask. Why else then would you try to be a hero to those who already have ones. Why else then would you try to befriend someone so consummed with self image. Baez I know you feel trapped behind that mask, yearning to belong in a society obsessed with image. The truth is Baez, you don’t have to run anymore, you don’t have to hide behind that mask and prove to everyone how tough you really are. I know how tough you are and I know how good you can be and that is why I have given you this opportunity, this chance of a lifetime. Baez never forget that before one Christman year, when everyone else began dreaming of Lethal Lotteries and Kingdoms to Come, that one saint bestowed you a chance to make a name, reach out and grab that brass ring and earn instant respect. One man.

Showtime stops for a moment. He looks down at his Elite X title and then continues.

But while the oppotunity has been presented in front of you Baez, it will not be as easy to take as a Mayhem Title defended 24/7. Baez I want to send a statement to the boys in the back and everyone in the Lethal Lottery, that 2011 is the year that Showtime wins it all and it all begins at Ascension 25 with you. Baez you have all the talent to be a main eventer one day, but on this day, on this year. Showtime will prevail and will walk out of Ascension 25 still champion. And from there I will go on to win the Lethal Lottery and defend my belt successfully on each and every show on the road to Kingdom Come. Beckford, Hunter, Gordito, doesn't matter because they will all bow down to The Showtime Power Trip as John and myself will rule WZCW with an iron and justified fist. And Baez you are just the first casualty along the way. I know that you will provide me with a challenge I’ve been yearning. A tough brawler who can take as much as he can dish. But the pain that you’ve been put through defending the Mayhem Title and the inner pain you’ve kept locked inside of you for years, is just a fraction of the pain and embarassment I will put you through on Ascension.

Baez I invite you before our match, to step into the ring with John and myself and remove your mask. Let the world see who you really are and let the wait you’ve kept on your shoulders be lifted off. Together we can make the world a much better place. If you refuse to join us then that mask will be the only way people will be able to indentify your mangled corpse. Merry Christmas.
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