AS25: Gordito vs. Barbosa

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Lethal Lottery Challengers will compete one on one to build up some momentum before they face the World Champion at the pay per view. Who's going to get a headstart before they take on the Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
With the strength they can get, Барбоса gets a hand on Blade while Gordito gets an arm over Phoenix at the same time, the ref is unsure what to do and goes for a double count, 1……..2…….3!

The crowd looks surprised and confused as the bell rings, the referee heads over to Truman Harrys and briefs him on the situation, Harrys understands this.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, the referee has just informed me, as Барбоса and Gordito made a cover at the same time, they have both been rewarded with the victory. Therefore your Number One Contenders are Gordito and Барбоса!

Gordito and Барбоса slowly make it to their feet still unaware of the situation, they stare each in the eyes and are about to go at each other but the referee halts them and raises both their hands in victory. Барбоса shoves away from the referee and gets in Gordito’s face. As they continue to dispute the lights go out "Blackened The Sun" starts playing throughout the arena as the titantron suddenly shows Ty Burna’s who’s standing on top of the arena’s roof with the World Heavyweight Championship.

*After the Titantron goes black, Барбоса and Gordito continue to stare each other down before the former finally smirks and takes a step back and gradually slopes out of the ring, leaving his co-victor to lap up the appreciation of the crowd as "Blackened the Sun" is replaced by "End on 9." However, both competitors remain wary of the other and despite retreating up the aisle and lapping up the audience's adulation, neither fully take their attention away from his fellow #1 Contender until Барбоса reaches the curtain.

However, once he gets backstage, Барбоса lets out a huge sigh of relief and his visage changes from one of intense concentration and borderline loathing to one approaching contentment.

Despite the show being over, there is still some wrestlers mulling around backstage perhaps preparing for some interview time or waiting for to get some treatment from the trainer. Due to his usual vicious, anti-social demeanour, Барбоса's colleagues usually gave him a wide berth but since adopting the Antipodean Princess as his entrance music and allowing his more pleasant, simpleton side out in public, some had been more willing to interact with him.

Now as he moved triumphantly through the backstage area, he was getting more admiring looks from caterers, cameramen, light operators and others members of the backstage team. Some of them even shouted out congratulatory messages… Then Ferbian, the WZCW Mayhem Champion, who must be there doing some publicity seeing as he has a match on Ascension, nods his Scandinavian brow in appreciation of the success of his fellow European and rookie. Барбоса does not acknowledge this but he does not stop to chastise Ferbian either. Usually, this kind of adulation would make him feel sick to his stomach but instead he feels something different, something strange… something he has not felt since…*


*Daydreaming, Барбоса walks straight into a brick wall… or at least he thought it was a brick wall until he took a step back. It was instead Wasabi Toyota whose mammoth, diaper-encased crevasse had engulfed Барбоса just a few short weeks ago at All of Nothing. That mountain of humanity could have taken offense at this interruption but instead he offers an Oriental bow of respect. For his part, Барбоса would have brought up their passed interaction or mocked Toyota's show of respect but instead he simply walks on, unable to shake this peculiar feeling welling up inside him.

Then Tucker Graham reached out an outstretched hand in congratulations to the new co-#1 Contender. Despite the obviousness of what Graham is proposing, Барбоса stares at the hand like he has been asked to prove the Riemann hypothesis or solve K4 but slowly he accepts this handshake. However, the pressing of flesh sparked a memory in Барбоса’s dmamged mind and suddenly he recognised the feeling he was having. For the first time in years, it was not anger and hatred, depression and melancholy or agitation and hyperactivity…

This… this was joy! Almost euphoric joy.

Барбоса was happy!

Upon coming to this realisation, Барбоса cracked a small smile but that was quickly replaced by a more uneasy look. His eyes glazed over, becoming more desperate looking while his muscles tense up. He shakes his head from side to side as if trying to figure out where he is; almost as if he was a lost child. All this takes place without letting go of Tucker’s increasingly pressured hand, who enquires as to his condition.*

Are you alright, Barbie? I know you are happy at winning but you are squeezing my “Me time” hand a little tightly there.

*However, as suddenly as they glazed over, Барбоса's eyes fill with the anger and rage that is usually expected of him although there is still a hint of confusion. He again looks around at his surroundings and then yanks his hand away from Graham, looking at it and Tucker as if both were somehow dirty.*

Get your hands away from me! And do not ever call me that again!

*Барбоса stomps away clutching his head, leaving Tucker with a bemused look on his face.*


*Another meeting is being held around the poker table. The mood seems upbeat and almost celebratory. Even the depressive seems contented.*

The match on Meltdown played out just as I predicted. Blade and Phoenix destroyed each other and we were there to take full advantage. Maybe we did not get sole #1 Contendership but that should not matter. Indeed, it may even aid our cause as it divides the champion’s attention, whether it be Ty or Everest. We can let our opponents beat the holy hell out of each other before we take advantage of the situation and capture the World Title.

However, despite beating Blade two shows in a row and earning our shot at becoming champion at Lethal Lottery, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. The Powers that Be have given us the opportunity to scout out one of our Lethal Lottery opponents on Ascension.

*The smoker grunts dismissively.*

What is the point of that? We already have what we want. Why waste time on what is essentially a throwaway TV match? We should be preparing for Lethal Lottery!

While you may think that, you could not be more wrong. We must maintain the momentum that we have built up of the past month and the best way to do that is to keep winning. And if you have not forgotten, our opponent this week is Gordito, our fellow #1 Contender…

Erm… I thought Everest was #1 Contender. He is getting his shot on Meltdown 50. Does that not make us co-#2 Contender?

Quiet you!

So for the time being Gordito will receive our undivided attention as he is the only opponent we have this week and the only one confirmed for Lethal Lottery so far.

Gordito seems little a nice guy. I think he is someone we should see as a good role model, considering his rise through the ranks.

You are not here to think. You are here to do as you are told. You are lucky that I am in such a good mood and tired from working out with our new friend over there, otherwise I would punish you for spouting such rubbish.

*The atmosphere clearly takes on an edgier feel with the mention of the crumbled heap in the corner of the room.*

Besides we have risen far faster than even this Dirty One.

You are correct but this is not the time to get complacent. If we are to beat him in a one-on-one match, proper scouting will have to done. Rather than just reading his WZCW biography or his Collectable E-card, we will need to watch videos of his matches, taking notes on his wrestling tendencies and psychology in the ring and find out more about his out of ring habits so as to adapt training to defend and counter his style.

Hmmm… yes… you did mention that this Gordito has had trouble with his knees in the past. Perhaps I should incorporate a few moves that specifically target the legs into my arsenal.

And I’ll follow Gordito around to see if I can get anymore information on him.

*Even the smoker is impressed with the manic’s suggestion.*

I never thought I'd say this but I think our manic friend here should be allowed to venture out more and act as strange and overly sociable in public as he wants - so long as he does not get us into any real trouble.

I swear I will be good!

Then it is settled. We will gather information, both first-hand and recorded and then use it to further amplify our in-ring strategy.

That is all fine and dandy but I have a slight problem with something I saw on Meltdown.

*Again the atmosphere becomes more intense, as the others think they know what the smoker is talking about. Not quite though.*

Seeing Ferbian dragged in on what should have been his day off for publicity of all things and he is only Mayhem Champion. How will we deal with that should we become WZCW Champion?

We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

*The three stand up; the meeting seemingly over.*

Are we going to talk about the post-match situation - how did he get out? Was it because we were happy at having won a title shot ? Will this happen again should we beat Gordito or win become Champion? We cannot have him out in public.

*As the meeting breaks up, the manic questions are left unanswered but the less than confident looks of all three look suggest that it is not because the questions were stupid but because they have no answers for them.*


*Барбоса is shown in a brief montage studying video tape with a note pad and pen, working out in the gym, practicing his submission manoeuvres in the ring and then, grinning inanely, looking up at a sign outside a nightclub. After he enters, the camera pans up to show the sign he was looking at…

The Sludge Pit.

What seems to be hours later, Барбоса is seen stumbling out of the Pit, still grinning inanely.*


So what else have we learned about our next opponent?

From what our esteemed colleague could gather from The Sludge Pit…

*The depressive looks towards the manic, who is holding his head still nursing a hangover.*

Apparently there has been some work done to it but you would not know it as it still lives up to the expectations of its name; despite being in his way both this week and at Lethal Lottery, we were given a private booth and treated as well as you can be in such a landfill of a place by the trashy waitresses while some garbage alternative rock.[/size]

This could suggest that Gordito is sloppy and distracted, eager to make sure that everyone is his friend. Maybe then his rise to the main event has been a complete fluke?

Nawww… hees na li at

*The depressive shakes his head.*

What our incapacitated friend is trying to say is appearances can be deceiving for it is the exact opposite that is true of Gordito. Instead of being sloppy and complacent, Gordito is fuelled by a need to compete and make himself better and willingly pushes himself to the absolute limits. Just look at his match with Ty Burna at All or Nothing. We need to neutralise the crowd as well because he feeds off its energy and adulation and any comeback could be very difficult to resist.

We will have to be at our best to defeat him. However, this need to compete can be used against the Dirty One. I think he can be lured into a kind of contest that he is not used to. He may be a former Mayhem champion but outside the ring is a perfect place to take advantage of his knees. Also, he may be an easy-going guy but should you manage to get under his skin, perhaps by attacking and berating his loyal fans, it could destroy his gameplan and concentration.

Finally, despite the finish of All or Nothing, should you manage to lock on a submission, his will to win might stop him from tapping out before he suffers injury, potentially putting him out of Lethal Lottery.

Now that you have alerted me to these characteristics and along with my practicing kneebars, Indian Deathlocks or even an Argentine Leglock, Gordito will fall not only Ascension but also at Lethal Lottery… should he make it

* However, despite the show of bravado, outward confidence and planning, the elephant in the room is again left undiscussed. The shapeless mass in the corner is shown but instead of being completely still, he is quivering – probably in fear but perhaps instead in anticipation of getting out again.

The balancing act has just become more complicated with the re-emergence of a fourth player.*

{Author’s Note: Credit to DirtyJose for the rundown on Gordito’s character}
[We open to the Sludge Pit interior. From the faded beams of sunlight creeping in through the front windows, it appears to be morning. The still is broken by Gordito coming in through the front door. He's dressed in black sweat pants and a sleeveless grey shirt, and he's carrying an empty water bottle. He closes the door behind him, and whistles to himself as he places items from his pockets onto the bar counter, including his phone and headphones, along with his water bottle. He strolls around the bar counter in a flighty, energetic manner. As he crouches down to turn on a coffee maker, he hears a rustling from the office behind him. He flicks the machine switch and a small orange light comes on as he turns around to investigate the noise. He reaches the office and pushes open the door to find Jack asleep at the desk on top of some paperwork and receipts. Gordito smiles, and then slams the door behind him shut loudly.]

Gordito: Rise and shine, sweetheart!

[Jack's head doesn't move, but his eyes open and strain to find Gordito.]

Jack: ...Get bent, Gordo.

C'mon, I even started some coffee. We've done more damage together than you could have possibly done last night, so man up and shake it off already.

[Jack still hasn't moved.]

You forget the kind of crowd this place can draw at times.

[Jack slowly sits up straight. His eyes close as he arches his neck back.]

Also, your buddies from work can make things a little...

[He returns to normal and stands up from the desk.]

...let's say they don't make for a dull night.

Psh. What's that supposed to mean?

[Jack steps out of the office and heads towards the bar. Gordito follows behind him.]

Well, first of all let's not forget you, Karzai, and Hammond at the re-opening after party...

[Jack takes a seat at the bar while Gordito heads behind it to check on the coffee.]

Not my fault that some people really know how to party. I still want to know how Karzai was able to round up a live trained Jaguar at 4am.

[Jack puts his palms to his face and starts to slowly rub his forehead.]

You know, giving me the reigns to this place was the best call you've made. Let's just not talk about how many ways getting an animal like that in here on the big night could have sunk us badly...

[Jack looks up from his hands suddenly to Gordito as if he's just realized something.]

You're still on this self-improvement kick? You don't face Ty this week, so why're you looking like you've been jogging since 5?

[Gordito has turned around with two coffee mugs in one hand and the glass coffee pot in the other. He pours out the coffee into the mugs after he places them on the counter.]

You know, getting chewed out by Ty in my office may have been the best thing to happen to me recently. I've become much more focused on my priorities. And I've become much better at prioritizing what's important to me.

[Gordito finishes pouring coffee, places the pot back on the machine behind him, and turns back around to face Jack. Jack has already started into his coffee.]

And what's important right now is showing everyone that getting another shot at the WZCW Title is no fluke. The old me didn't start training so early, and the old me wasn't enough to make it. I can't stop or rest if I'm going lead the charge towards the number one spot in the company. This week I face my other competition for that spot, Barbosa.

That reminds me, my point earlier. So there's the deal you set up with the WZCW boys where they get treated like kings around here. Well, last night Barbosa showed up looking for a good time, and boy did he get it.

[Gordito can't help breaking up into laughter.]

That guy must've been wound up something tight 'cause he sure partied like he hadn't been out in years. He was quite a hit with the girls.

That guy a ladies man? I'd have never guessed it.

Nah, Jefe, it wasn't like that. I mean I've just never seen someone so thrilled like that. When people are like that, it rubs off onto everyone around him. The waitresses loved him because he was so friendly and excited. Like, remember what it was like when you first tricked your pops into thinking you were at my place when we snuck out to see Sinker and The Suspects at The Brickhouse?

Yeah...yeah. I get it. It's weird you know...I'm usually pretty good at squaring up a person when I meet them, but I can't get any clear vibes from Barbosa. That's why he worries me.

Again? Weren't you saying he was the biggest threat last week? You got through, didn't you?

And look where we are now. I was right, wasn't I? A double finish. Barbosa wants this as much as I do, and he proved it by matching me in the end. I gotta respect that, and respecting that means taking him as seriously as I would Ty.

[Jack has already finished his coffee while Gordito has barely touched his.]

Whatever you say, Jefe, but if you want the inside scoop on the guy, I've got it.

Really now?

[Jack leans forward and cups his left hand to the side of his mouth.]

Yeah. His booze.

See now, that's some terribly insightful information right there. I may as well quit training so hard and just work on finding out how to slip him a drink at our upcoming match.

I'm just sayin'. It's the truth.

I think I'll stick to my plan, thank you.

And that is?

Deliver a PPV quality match on Ascension 25. These back to back special episodes of Meltdown and Ascension are the perfect showcase that WZCW is chock full of exciting new talent at all levels of competition. Last week, Barbosa and I showed the world that icons like Phoenix and Blade weren't safe in assuming that they were any better than us. This week, we have the chance to show them just how ready we are, and why they should make Lethal Lottery the next must see WZCW event. I don't have enough information on Barbosa, so I don't know whether he'd go for some dirty tricks to try and weaken me before our big match, or if he'd go for a quick win to try and save some energy. In a situation like that, you have to take charge and dictate the terms yourself. No matter what kind of match he's hoping to have at Ascension 25, I'm bringing the full power of the Dirty Train.

If anyone's had as impressive a run as you have recently, it's him.

Which is why I can't afford to screw around. Barbosa and I each have a huge opportunity here, one that I've had before. We can't take chances like these lightly. If I go out there at Ascension and get my ass handed to me, it gives me only a little bit of time to adapt and learn from the encounter. Right now, all that matters is him. Not even Ty is as big as factor as Barbosa is to me right now, because Ty might not even make it to Lethal Lottery as the champion. He's defending his belt against Everest on Meltdown 50, and that's going to be some serious business. That's why I want to go all out on Ascension 25.

Yeah, didn't he wallop you around a bit back this summer? In some battle royale?

Everest? Yes he did, amigo. Yes he did. But I can't worry about any of that until after their title match at Meltdown 50. All that I need to be paying attention to is Barbosa. Kinda makes me wish I had been here when he came by.

He was here pretty late. He was in quite a shape when he left.

Like you're one to talk. Anyway, I hope he's ready to go come Ascension. I'm pretty sure he will be. He has to know how big this is. One of us could make WZCW history at Lethal Lottery.

[Jack shakes his mug around where it sits on the bar counter.]

Hey! Could we get some more of that damn coffee going already. I've got stuff to finish up from last night.

And you said his weakness was booze. You're such a wuss.

That guy was not like any time I'd ever seen him on tv. He was go go go go go. Heaven help us the night he and you ever go out together.

[Gordito turns around to prepare some more coffee as Jack reaches into his pocket to grab some aspirin.]

Thanks for showing him a good time, Jack. I want them all to know that the Sludge Pit is open to them regardless of what goes on in the ring. I think most all of them could have a good time here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't such a big deal I guess. I just think that if we're going to regularly have guest from your work, we might want to get better security.

[The two continue chatting about the bar as their coffee is prepared. We fade to black.]
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