AS25: Ferbian vs. Sam Smith - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ferbian has been on a roll this past month with the capture of the Mayhem Championship. On Ascension this week, he will defend against another newcomer, Sam Smith, who's been going through a change of tones of late, will this be enough to get Smith's first ever piece of Championship Gold or will Ferbian keep his place as the Mayhem Division's lead example?

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
The scene opens to Sam Smith walking backstage at what appears to be a house show, with him he is carrying a trash can laden with weapons. Wake Up by Rage Against the Machine hits and Smith proceeds to walk down to the ring. The fans are in a frenzy at the sight of all the weapons. Smith empties out the trash can all over the ring, turns it over and proceeds to sit on it. He is handed a microphone.

Smith: Mayhem is defined as needless or willful damage or violence. Believe me, I know all about violence!

The crowd roars at the sound of Smith’s voice.

Smith: This week, at Ascension 25, I face Ferbian., the current Mayhem Champion, in a title match. I plan on imposing my will and picking up the win. Now, I respect Ferbian, but in a Mayhem Championship match… respect goes right out the window. I’ve got to put everything to the side, my morals, my conscience, and focus on inflicting as much bodily harm as I can on Ferbian.

The crowd is absolutely going insane at the thought of such violence.

Smith: Ferbian is a tough opponent, but I don’t plan on leaving Ascension without the belt.

Smith stands up off the trash can and begins to pace around the ring.

Smith: In a match like the one we will be having, you must be innovative. You’ve got to bring creativity to the match, you must think one step ahead of your opponent.

Smith points into the crowd.

Smith: All of you saw what Ferbian did last week. He used a basketball to pickup the win over his opponent, that is the kind of innovation I plan on bringing to our match. I will not allow Ferbian to make a fool out of me.

Smith bends down and picks up a Kendo Stick.

Smith: Do you see this? I have been beaten by a Kendo Stick countless times in my career, it leaves you bruised, battered, and bloody… but it also builds character. Every shot of the Kendo Stick made me respect my opponents more, it made me want to achieve the ultimate glory: To one day come to WZCW and win a title.

Smith looks towards the backstage area.

Smith: I’m halfway there, and the only thing standing in my way is Ferbian. I may be a changed man, but that does not change the fact that I will bring ruthless aggression to our match!

Smith is now very excited, his actions are extremely animated.

Smith: Be prepared for a war Ferbian! Win or lose, nobody will leave the building unharmed. You can be sure of that.

Smith shatters the Kendo Stick against the turnbuckle and drops it onto the floor.

Smith: For one night only, Ascension will become a war zone. Anything can happen in our match, anything. So be prepared for what is to come, but I assure you, fans, you will not be disappointed. You will be entertained.

The crowd is overjoyed at the promise of a good match.

Smith: This type of a match may be out of my character, but believe me when I say that I will be ready.

Smith drops the mic, proceeds to pick up a chair that was lying in the corner and smashes himself over the head with it. He has been cut wide open, blood is dripping down his face. Smith cracks an almost demonic smile.

Smith: I will bring true mayhem to our match!

His music hits again as he walks up the ramp to a chorus of cheers from the fans. Smith has his hands around his waist, he is signaling that he wants the Mayhem Championship.
*As the camera goes on, we find Ferbian sitting at a big public meeting with a lot of various investors and a few journalists, as Ferbian stands up and walks to the podium, adjusting his suit before he speaks*

I want to thank you all for coming today. As you all may know we've got various things to discuss today, anything from financials to our ever popular Q&A session.

*Ferbian takes a moment to let the crowd let out some minor applauds here and there*

Now, as you all may be wondering - Our company have been more or less on an up and down roller coaster as of late. Certainly we've had our good times with lots of activity and a great amount of revenue produced. However, we cannot look past the fact that the stocks seems to be falling everywhere, and obviously that has to impact our situation just as well. Nobody is safe from the stock value falling.

But there's no need to worry. We're not, I repeat, we're not on the brink of trouble. We've had our bad times throughout the years, every single person up here with me.

*Ferbian takes a brief moment to look around the executives and public relations people sitting next to him on stage*

As well as every single one of you investors sitting in front of me, all know that we've had our bad times throughout the year. Yet we're still here, we've come a long way and we will continue to go the extra mile to stay on top. So I hope with that information, it is bound to allow you to at least sleep peacefully at night, I repeat, there's no need to worry.

*Ferbian takes another breath, before he continues to address various other subjects set for the meeting, as about 15 minutes pass by*

And now, I would like to declare the Q&A session to begin. Now if you'll all have the respect and patience to wait around for people to get their questions answered, and for the turn to eventually come to you, I would be deeply appreciative.

*Ferbian points at the first person to raise his hand*

What do you plan on doing to change things for the better in terms of the stocks?

We don't plan on changing anything to be honest. We know that our business model is functional, and that the stock marked in general is looking bad for now, but it won't be anything that won't eventually turn around.

Alright, thank you.

*Ferbian points to another person in the crowd, who stands up, revealing to be wearing a WZCW T-shirt*

How do you plan on handling the fact that Sam Smith is gonna take your head off come Ascension 25?

*Ferbian chuckles softly, a bit surprised by the bold question*

I didn't expect this to turn into a WZCW Q&A. But I'll answer - Quite simple, I don't plan on handling it. Because it's not gonna happen. Sam Smith is a tremendous athlete and a great addition to WZCW. However, he won't be Mayhem champion as long as I have something to say about it.

But that's bullshit. Sam Smith is a much better talent than you, and he'll kick your ass across the entire Ascension 25 set, and take your championship and walk into Lethal Lottery with it.

Now, I respect your opinion sir. However I must inform you that you're absolutely wrong. The ball is in my court. Come Ascension 25 Sam Smith is gonna get the chance to step into the ring with a champion, and I'll show him that championships are earned and fought for. Not something you just get handed to you. I scratched and clawed my way to my Mayhem championship shot, and I capitalized when the time was right. It's all about knowing how to take a chance, and Baez, Wunderbar and Mr. Baller can all testify to the fact that when I see a chance, I take it. And trust me, come Ascension 25, Sam Smith will be giving me a chance, and it won't be my head that is going off, no, it will be his head that bounces off the canvas.

*The rest of the attending investors and executives sitting in the room looks generally confused, while the few journalists are taking pictures and holding tape recorders forth to get every word uttered in this debate*

Sam Smith will be a much better champion than you could ever aspire to be, don't you see that?

No, quite frankly I don't see that. Sam Smith is still young, still up and coming. Me however? I'm already champion, and all I need to do is to hold on to the beautiful Mayhem championship to remain champion. And while it sounds like a tough challenge, well so did a Fatal Fourway for the Mayhem championship, but I won. So did an one on one match with Mr. Baller, but I won. I win matches for the people, I retain my belt for the people, and ultimately, I'm a champion of the people.

Now come Ascension 25, not only will I walk in as champion. But I will walk out as champion, and go on to see what great talents Bateman or Myles has in mind for me at Lethal Lottery, or if the Mayhem champion should be getting a shot at the world title at Kingdom Come with a victory in the Lethal Lottery match. And don't you worry, I plan on putting my money where my mouth is.

*Ferbian smiles casually as the WZCW fan sits down again, as Ferbian goes on to answer the next question, before the camera fades to black*
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