AS25: Big Dave vs. Dr. Steven Kurtesy

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Dr. Steven Kurtesy naturally likes to apply his psychology when he can, and on Ascension's 25th episode, he looks to get an upclose examination of Big Dave who's been having troubling times thanks to his rival Everest. Will the good doctor continue to build on Dave's misery or will the determined one look to bounce back to get the momentum in his favour in time for the Lethal Lottery?

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
The scene is set in the parking lot where Doug Crashin is with Steven Holmes and Kurtesy after a long night on Ascension 24. They both say their partings as Doug, still with his crutch, heads over towards to his limo, signalling at his driver to start the motor. He heads towards to the back end of the vehicle and stands by the door with a window open, he expects someone to open it but nothing happens. He paces in front of the door disappointedly, until suddenly out of the window appears Big Dave who grabs Crashin by the suit

Quick word Doug?

He drags Crashin in through the window as the limo goes screeching off out of the car park.


Crashin has a bag removed from his head as he finds his hands are tied to the back of a chair while being seated in a room with only a single light beaming down on him. He hears a door creaking shut and footsteps pacing around in the darkness.

Who’s there? Dave? Listen, whatever is it, I’m sure you’re a man of reason, the Crashin Movement has done nothing to you, what do want?

The darkness gives no response.


Information, and your time. You must have realised that once word got out that I was facing Steven Kurtesy I needed to get inside his head, just like he has a way of picking people apart. But I wanted to get some feelings off my chest first.

Dave, whatever you’re planning, you can’t scare me!

There’s a slam which makes Crashin jump slightly but he still remains in the light alone.

Funny how I don’t believe you, Doug Crashin, mighty leader of the Crashin Movement, but yet, the leader has lost his way, you sound just like…Ricky!

I’m nothing like Ricky!

No? Forming an alliance with your name forged as the centrepiece, a trio of men leading a vision of restoring order to chaos and unifying the world under one banner? Sounds like the rWo and the Crashin Movement have a lot in common. Not to mention how their leader failed to live up to the reputation of their supposed “followers”.

Dave, I’m injured, I was forced out of the ring.

Funny, you seem to walk fine without that crutch of yours at times, don’t think that I don’t see what goes on behind the closed doors of WZCW, you’re insulting my intelligence with that.

What do you want?!

To give you the strength that Ricky never had, the strength and fearlessness that the Crashin Movement should be having when they run around in fear. You’re hiding behind a supposed injury, you’re putting too much of your faith that your Movement will survive on the other two men, when it’s truly one of them that carries the strength alone, and you know that when the days comes that he fails, so does your faith, it all falls apart for nothing.

I see what you’re trying to do here…

There’s nothing hidden and my plans are not to destroy the Movement, that’s another man’s tasks, my eyes are on one thing alone, it’s just unfortunate that your Movement’s greatest strength temporarily gets in the way of my plans for one night. You say you are the people who are set to create order, you’ve got the wrong idea Doug. Keeping people in line takes so much effort and I have seen that week in and week out, there is only one way for people to see you mean business, and that is through chaos. You got the idea when you started taking apart the Mayhem and Tag Divisions but there was always a plan to keep it under order. No, no, because it makes you no different or no less than the likes of Myles and Batemans, with their tournaments, banning and rulings. You could be the key to what the WZCW needs, you just need to believe it…

I do believe…

There’s a slam as Big Dave appears out of the darkness into the light, right in Crashin’s face.

NO YOU DON’T! Why do you keep repeating that phrase to the people? They’re not the ones who are meant to believe in you and the Movement, it is solely on YOU!

Dave rushes back into the darkness once again.

Now comes the time where the focus is on Kurtesy, you believe in him right? Don’t answer, because as I already said, your faith in Kurtesy is what will lead to the downfall of your alliance. You want to believe in him? Stop assisting everyone else in their matches, if you truly believe they will get the job done, you let them prove it. Ricky did it with the EurAsian and Elite X League, I was capable of getting the job done, yet when Ace couldn’t, Ricky turned his attention to another and that was where things were beginning to end, it wasn’t his change of heart that ended things, it was lack of belief in us and it strived me to go forward and do the things I did, without his “counsel” and now things are falling into place for the final laugh at Ricky’s ultimate failure when he tried to insult me.

Doug, it’s time to stand up and be a man, don’t hide behind this injury and excuses you have, take the lead by example, get the gold and prove yourself why Doug Crashin IS the leader of the Crashin Movement, not Steven Kurtesy or Steven Holmes, you! Ricky failed this because he could only invent his own championships and even fail to defend them properly, you have the potential to do more, but only if you stop making the mistakes that he did. There is plenty of opportunity to cease that moment, all it takes is motivation. Are we clear?

Yes, yes, we’re clear! Now what do you want me to tell you about Kurtesy?

Our conversation is over, you’ve told me all I needed to know…

The light suddenly goes off as Crashin starts panicking in worry until there is shuffling and silence.

Crashin regains consciousness to find himself back in his home as the radio is airing the latest ‘Power Play’ episode, he looks shaken but shrugs off what just happened like it was a dream.


Two days later, we now find ourselves at a local media store where Tag Team Champion Steven Holmes has just finished an autograph session. He’s lead into the back by security and has a quick sip of water, he heads down the corridor to kill fifteen minutes before a radio interview, as he passes a set of doors, he notices one is open slightly ajar with a red light beaming through. Holmes, ever the curious man goes to take a look and spots nothing out of the ordinary, as he’s about to walk on, Big Dave emerges out of the other door and drags him into the red light room, closing the door and locking it behind him. Holmes drops his belt and water as Dave throws him into corner of this poorly lit room.

Having fun with your fans Steven?

Holmes is rather disorientated with the recent actions.

Dave? Is that you? The light’s in my eyes…

When do you realise that you are simply not doing enough?


You’re not doing enough, it seems that your Crashin Movement is relying heavily on the shoulders of your fellow Tag Champion. You know you’re letting the team down and you don’t want to admit it, Ace felt the same way but I could see it in his eyes. He may be my friend but it was that fear in his eyes that lead to his downfall, the doubt took over and everything crumbled underneath him, leaving me to pick up the pieces and carry on for the rest of us. You may realise that Kurtesy might not cope with that sort of problem as much.

Dave stands in front of the light, forming a strong silhouette over Holmes.

Kurtesy is loyal to the cause, he wouldn’t crack!

Is that what he wants you to think? He must grow tired and frustrated of shortcomings, what is it now? Three Championship shots in the space of a month and he’s only come out with a third success rate?

He still made an impression!

Steven, if being in this company is about making impressions, then go join the comedy circle because this isn’t a game. You failed to capitalise last week against Ty Burna and Everest, you were arrogant, smug, thought you had it in the bag, and you came up short. The courtesy you and your buddies could have done was to ask me some tips how to handle them, I might have been willing enough to have provided you that information.

You lost to Kravinoff for more or less the same reason!

While there are some, but incomplete, truths to that, you don’t realise that my loss isn’t as big of a deal as it is to you. You wanted to impress the Crashin Movement, get the 1,2,3, earn that victory over Ty Burna or Everest, show them that you are just as a big fish in the group as Kurtesy. But you’re still treading water with your tail between your legs, you let yourself get pinned and be equal to your leader in terms of progress. But there’s one other fear that comes to you, the fear of losing the gold, you’re on top of the world, the Tag Team Championship in your grasp, and yet you realise that you could lose it just as easily as you won it.

Dave now crouched down in front of Holmes, his features are shadowed out except by the red outline that’s behind him.

How…how could…

Because I felt that fear once before, Phoenix and Garth Black made me feel it a long time ago when the FHD reigned supreme over the division, but where Kurtesy may be able to hide his fear, you don’t know how to contain it. You now have to rise up and prove yourself against your next opponent, you managed this once before but what you need to do is to prove that you don’t rely on Kurtesy to bail you out as your only hope, you need to take the fight and make it yours while letting Kurtesy prove it himself, just interfering for him aggravates his frustration because he has a situation under control only for you or Crashin to spoil it for him.

We stand united, we always have each other’s backs!

Dave stands up and walks back into the darkness, nowhere to be seen.

There’s having each other’s back and there’s riding on another’s back. Holmes, I know it frustrated you that the plan you had on trying to rid the WZCW of the Mayhem Championship took a mighty blow which you never got over, but that’s what happens when you set a goal that requires too many fine details in order for it to go right. What you need to be successful is to not control the system but to ruin the system, effectively turn the company into its own mayhem because that’s where you can strike best. But you need to prove it on Meltdown and Ascension that you can stand strong alone without relying on the others to bail you out as well as not expecting to help Kurtesy when you feel it, but when he needs it. You said yourself, Hunter Kravinoff and Baez defeated me, albeit thanks to Everest, but Kurtesy is more than either of those two combined, you know he could handle me without any assistance!

You’re…you’re right! I can and will rise to the occasion! I never thought you could be so helpful! I thought you just wanted to know what Kurtesy’s weaknesses were or beat me up to send a message…Dave?

The darkness leaves no answer as the door is discovered to be unlocked and opens by itself. Holmes adjusts himself, collects his Tag Championship belt and leaves the room, checking in both direction before heading down the corridor and meeting with the PR agent. Dave stands in the distance out of sight but keeping steady watch, eventually turning and walking away.

I already knew them…
Static appears on the screen for a moment before an image can be deciphered, slowly becoming clearer to reveal a singular beam of light with Dr. Steven Kurtesy sitting down with his hands massaging his lowered head behind it, only showing selected parts of his face.

Big... Dave...

A smile emerging as he stops massaging, moving his hands in a prayer type position that he uses to lean his still lowered head on.

The day has finally arrived... and to say I'm ecstatic would be the biggest understatement known to mankind. I've been waiting for this day for a very... VERY long time.

His eyes appear to be looking directly towards the camera instead of the ground.

A little bird tells me that you've been preparing for this battle, trying to tip the balance in what seems to be a psychological warfare. Congratulations Dave, you've been successful in twisting the minds of my colleagues enough to force the soon-to-be wed Steven Holmes into attaining a bodyguard rather than purchase himself a respectable suit as the groom.

Steven sits up straight as he slowly claps in the camera. He stops after a moment.

Bravo... I like the touch you did with Doug Crashin as well, kidnapping him from right under our noses. The symbolism is quite exquisite with you being able to do anything and be dominant whilst all of us stick together as a unit. Really adds the sense of urgency to the boys that we need to up our game and keep security issues tightened.

Steven begins stroking his chin as if he had a goatee.

But I'm afraid that all your efforts have gone astray there, Big Dave. You see, I'm not too sure if anyone has told you the specific details of our match, but it's between you and I. Not Doug Crashin. Not Steven Holmes. Me... Dr. Steven Kurtesy. Getting into my partner's head delivers no effect to me at all. What mental stress does that give me if you decide that you'd like to pick off every Movement member, one by one? I know for a fact it's none because, although you may be able to take advantage of a crippled person or someone who has been love-struck & busy with wedding preparations, when it comes to the good doctor...

Kurtesy picks up a mirror and shows it towards the camera.

... it's like staring at yourself through the looking glass.

He turns the mirror towards himself, smiling at the image he sees.

My career here in WZCW has mirrored yours, Dave... my entire presence reminds me of you. I know you try every single day to convince yourself I'm not from a parallel universe but let's look at the facts: we formed a tag team with someone who was like our second self; we became tag team champions and held them for an extensive amount of time; we both hold records for the exact same championship; we both became members of the most powerful force to exist at the time in the company. Yes, yes... I understand that we have our differences such as you being a successful singles champion but that will come in due time. I hear Chris Beckford is needing a worthy opponent for his coveted EurAsian championship. I wonder if there is a record need breaking for that particular title? However, I digress.

Steven puts the mirror down and looks back at the camera.

Me simply being around eats you up inside and gets inside your head mentally, because I proven to be better than you in everything you have accomplished... although you are further in your career than I and in a much more successful position, you are starting to become my shadow.

Steven moves closer to the camera so none of his body is covered by darkness. He smiles at the camera.

Your one lucky tag team title run that set records as apart of the FHD I defeated on my own. You showed the only chemistry you have is with your "brother," where as I showed that anyone in my corner can be manipulated to the cause. Steven Holmes, Doug Crashin, Barbosa... William Teach. Your pursuit to the World Championship has been thwarted time and again... yet I can win one match and I am involved in a history-making match in apart of moments that will be re-witnessed as apart of video packages here in WZCW for years to come... that could have been you Dave! You could have been a two-time World Tag Team Champion! You could have thrown Vengeance off the top of the cage! You could have cemented yourself in history even further with unfathomable moments... but, alas, what were you doing? Keeping a championship warm as you idly stood by and watched... and what happens when you finally give it up for glory? You aren't respected as much as I to challenge the World championship, so you have to remain on the sidelines as someone like your rival Everest gets the chance to challenge for the title just by winning one match... that you could have competed in!

Steven begins chuckling.

And to think that you were the one trying to get into my head?

The chuckling turns into laughter for a moment, before Steven calms himself down and lowers his head once again.

On the year anniversary that is my career and the start of my first tag team title run where I defeated a team that has never defeated I, another feat you were not able to accomplish, you and I meet for the first time in our careers... something that I believe will not be our last. It won't be a pure wrestling contest, it won't be a brawl... it's going to a battle with yourself. You, the current & frustrated Big Dave, against your opponent, the focused Big Dave of yesteryear... I will be there to pick up the pieces as you picture yourself fighting against you... and I can't wait for that savoring moment when you see Big Dave have his hand raised whilst he stands tall. Trust me when I say this, it's going to be an awesome feeling when you discover that the Big Dave standing tall is over your fallen body smiling back at you...

Steven raises his head and puts his face straight into the camera, giving a slow yet disturbing wink before smiling.

... because I'm...

A small static noises is heard and the screen flickers from Steven Kurtesy to a completely different image of Kurtesy dressed as someone familiar rapidly.

... Big... doc... Dave... tor.

A single image of Kurtesy laughing appears before the static comes into full ball as the feed cuts out.
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