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AS25: Austin Reynolds vs. Hunter Kravinoff

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
After the shock victory over longest reigning EurAsian Champion, Hunter Kravinoff now looks to get a victory over the longest reigning Elite X Champion in Austin Reynolds. Both men will want to continue getting some momentum going into the Lethal Lottery, will Kravinoff continue to impress or will Austin Reynolds put Kravinoff in his place? And will the Showtime Power Trip get involved?

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
The following promo has been paid for by The Friends of Austin Reynolds.

“I had that title back in my hands for three seconds.”

Ascension 24 said:
Showtime has his belt given to him as he smiles in victory, he has his hand raised only it's cut short as Austin Reynolds comes running down the aisle and take down Showtime, unloading with rights. He grabs the Elite X Championship and stands waiting for Showtime to get up, once up Reynolds swings the belt right in his face. As this happens, Constantine comes running down and Reynolds meets him with the Elite X Championship as well, sending him down to the floor. Reynolds then raises his hand with the belt before dropping it down and heading off through the crowd, Showtime lifts his head up to reveal it's been busted open as he looks on angrily. Constantine eventually climbs in and checks up on his partner before heading over to the nearby turnbuckle and mouths off towards Reynolds who is smiling amongst the crowd.

We see Austin in front of a backdrop of televisions. The screens are constantly replaying the belt shots on slow motion. The power of each blow is impacted by the high definition detail.

“And in those three seconds, I decimated the Showtime Power Trip single-handedly. After weeks of abuse, sneak attacks and cheap wins being snatched from me, I fought back. I showed that bullies always get their comeuppance and get exposed for what they are. Showtime David Cougar is nothing but an out of date dinosaur of what WZCW used to represent. John Constantine is an ignorant ass who is surrounded by his own delusions of grandeur. And I left them both on their backsides.”

Austin has the faintest smile on his face; more of a smirk really alongside his slightly bruised nose.

“I warned them that their dominance was coming to an end, that the times of them getting one over on me were to be forgotten and that I was planning to bite back. The car was step one, my guarantee of qualification for the Lethal Lottery was step two and Ascension was the one, which truly hit home and has left them both nursing headaches. Constantine and Cougar know now that I have had enough. The Ratings Winner is on the warpath – I am going to cancel the Showtime Power Trip.”

It wasn’t a ground-breaking achievement but he would be foolish to deny that it was satisfying at last to hit back at them.

“Karma’s a bitch, she’s on my side and she’s only just getting started. At Ascension 25, the ratings are going to be higher than ever. People are going to tune in to see me run rings around Hunter Kravinoff and be the human highlight reel that the millions of our fans know that I am.”

“I know the guy is a threat. He is smart as hell, has a clinical, killer instinct and a wild style. He showed that being able to beat Big Dave last week. Somewhat impressive. But all I see is a John Constantine. Like an elephant I remember, that Constantine used Cougar to steal a victory over me just like Kravinoff used Everest. Of course you have to finish the job but when you hate someone as
much as I hate David Cougar, as much as Dave detests Everest, distracting them for enough time is easy. Half the job is done for you by a superior player, like a hyena snacking off the remains of a lions’ hunt. The achievement is lessened by the circumstances.”

“Circumstances have taken my Elite X title but I am still WZCW’s biggest success of 2010. And prior to the Lethal Lottery I will not be held back by someone who should be in a mental hospital. Kravinoff takes advice from a painting of Freud. I think he would carry a gun to the ring if the company let him.”

Behind Austin’s confident stance, we see Hunter’s fierce grimace following his win against Big Dave. His scowl betrays the significant achievement of the match and the happiness that he would have felt. His eyes, repeated over a hundred different screens, burn ambitiously with a deep, dark fire.

“So if Hunter wishes to continue to delude himself, by comparing the world and his oyster to his interpretations of Freudian laws, then I am not going to stop him. He can say that my desire to be watched is borne out of mummy issues, that my charisma is due to some sort of Oedipus complex. I am not going to be able to stop him talking rubbish that he is unable to comprehend but I will stop him at Ascension and I will not let him stand in my way at the Lethal Lottery.”

We see the Lethal Lottery poster appear on the screens. Austin looks at it and smiles.

“I know how good I am. The fans know how good I am. I’m the one on the pay-per-view poster. The ratings prove how damn good I am. Hunter Kravinoff has a failed run in the division and two Wellness hits to his name. I’ve sold out arenas, put on clinics in matches with guys up and down the roster. His unreliability and inability to compete on the same level as the rest of us has ultimately left the tag division in control of the Crashin Movement. I’ve dragged the Elite X title to a level that no belt has in the company. Kravinoff is going to claim to the world that I am insecure and fallible, vulnerable and scared. I am here to claim to you that he is going to be wrong!”

Austin’s passion as he talks, pointing to himself, is clear.

“I am not The One Big Will or Steamboat Ricky– I don’t fear for my spot. I am not like Joseph Rios and will not suffocate those beneath me. I will elevate everyone just by being in the same ring as them. I’ve done it before it and I’ll do it this week.”

He steps forward to dominate the screen now, with his arms outspread.

“As I face you Hunter, I am feeling better than ever. The Lethal Lottery is going to be a crowning glory for Austin Reynolds – the best show yet and the next step in the journey of my career. The Ratings Killer is ready to claim a new victim. Three seconds is all I am going to need to win. Hunter, what do you have that I can’t take from you in three, two.....?”

Austin steps away as behind him, his star logo fills the screens behind him.

The following message appears after the screen fades.

The Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds will be appearing in a very special episode of the Ratings Spike on Meltdown 50. This exclusive appearance is sure to boost the ratings of this incredible landmark episode to record levels. So tune in to Meltdown 50 to see what The Ratings Winner has to say!!
Passing through the set of double doors that mark the entrance to the University of Alberta’s psychology department, Hunter Kravinoff looks attentively at the names on the door of each office he passes. On his way through the short, weaving corridors which the department is comprised of, he passes several open doors through which mundane psychological experiments are seemingly taking place: A group of kids in their early 20s are filling out questionnaires, another couple students are on computers completing the Stroop color word test, and a third group (which oddly includes Tucker Graham) is eating delicious peach yogurt. Kravinoff eventually halts with a satisfied look on his face as he reaches an office labelled “Dr. P. Toole.” Giddy with anticipation, the Ugandan Wild Man makes sure his suit is sitting right, adjusts his tie, and knocks on the door. After a brief moment, a feeble looking old man with overlong hair, a bushy moustache, and an awkward looking pot belly answers. Kravinoff extends his hand and the old man clasps it warmly.

Thanks for meeting with me, Dr. Toole. I’m--

--You’re the young wrestler who emailed me, I know.

Kravinoff beams at the recognition of the man who stands in front of him as Dr. Toole nonchalantly paces back into his office, heads behind the crowded desk and gestures for Kravinoff to take a seat on the opposite side of it.

Feel free to call me Plot.

The glee of the Ugandan Wild Man grows as he hears this invitation to address the doctor in such a casual manner, but Dr. Plot Toole remains expressionless.

Sure thing, Plot.

Kravinoff gives his widest smile as Toole ignores him and flips through some notes on his desk.

Mr. Kravinoff, while I’m not exactly versed in the intricacies of your sport, I have done a little bit of research since I received your email so I could gain a better understanding of what exactly it is you want from me.

The Classical Freudian Crusader nods and listens attentively as Toole looks up from the notes on his desk and meets Kravinoff’s eyes.

Am I correct in assuming you’re here to develop a greater understanding of Freud’s views?

The man from the jungle looks taken aback by this suggestion, mildly offended even.

Excuse me?

Remaining calm, Dr. Plot Toole explains his point of view.

Some of the rhetoric you’ve espoused about bringing the darkness out in yourself and others is very anti-social talk and, frankly, Freud didn’t support such sentiment in spite of how negative his world view was. Sure, breaking down barriers has therapeutic value, but Freud wouldn’t recommend shedding all that we know as society in favor of embracing our primal selves. It’s this sort of suggestion by you over the last couple weeks that makes me think you’ve either misunderstood Freud or you haven’t really read him to begin with.

Kravinoff considers this for a moment before repeating his sentiment from earlier more strongly.

Excuse me?!

Dr. Toole is unfazed by the change in Kravinoff’s tone.

Is that not what you came here for?

No. No, it’s not.

Well then, let’s hear what you want.

Kravinoff pauses for a moment to better appreciate the elderly man on the other side of the desk who seems intent on disrespecting him.

I’m here to gain the support of a prominent member of the academic community for my pro-Freud/anti-science campaign.

For the first time, Dr. Toole’s expression changes to that of a man attempting to hold back laughter.

And why would I want to do that?

Kravinoff extends his arms and shrugs as though to say it’s obvious.

Isn’t it obvious?

Toole shakes his head.

I’m on a roll. I’m bringing anti-scientific sentiment and belief in the legitimacy of Freud’s views back to the mainstream for the first time in decades. Every win takes me higher up the ladder and gives this sentiment a greater platform. After my win over Big Dave, what better time is there to jump on the bandwagon? I reckon you should jump on before I win the Lethal Lottery as it’s sure to be full by then.

After hearing this, Dr. Toole can’t restain himself from letting out a bellowing laugh.

Oh, Mr. Kravinoff, you’re quite the character. Quite the character indeed.

Is that to say that you don’t want to jump on the bandwagon?


Kravinoff seems perturbed by this.


Well, for one, I’ve worked hard for decades to make myself a respectable member of the scientific community. Even if there are grumbles that the methods of this community aren’t perfect, they're the best we've got, and rejecting them for a flavor of the month meathead is a great way to ruin my reputation. As such, no respectable expect on psychology would be caught dead on your bandwagon.

Second of all, even if, for the sake of argument, jumping into bed with celebrities was considered a legitimate way to conduct academic arguments, why would I invest in you?

Kravinoff looks befuddled.

I don’t understand the question.

Why would I want to attach myself to the coattails of a man who has two wellness policy violations to his name this year and has shown himself to be completely unreliable?

Because no matter what the company does to keep me down, I really am the best in the world.

Be that as it may, it’s hard to put faith in someone who can’t stay around long enough to do anything of note. Any chance of you staying around for the span of two pay per view builds this time?

I’ll call you the day after Kingdom Come with the answer to that question. Heck, I’m more than willing to come back here and set the World Heavyweight Championship on your desk as proof that I’m the real deal.

Toole chuckles as Kravinoff seems pleased with himself.

That would certainly be redemption for you after a rocky start in this company, wouldn’t it?

You have no idea.

Even so, I still don’t think you’re the man for Freudians to put their faith in.

The look of pleasure on Kravinoff’s face dissipates once again and is replaced by one of frustration.

Why is that?

Because you aren’t the greatest representation of Freud’s views in WZCW. A man like Tucker Graham, who satisfies his id by partying heartily but keeps his darkest impulses in check, is the kind of guy who Freudian’s might like. Heck, your ex tag team partner, Wasabi Toyota, would be a big hit with Freudians. Clearly he has a dark side but he’s able to regulate it through guilt and funnel his efforts towards pro-social ends.

Kravinoff looks positively appauled by this notion.

Toyota?! You think Wasabi Toyota is a better representation of Freud’s theories than I am?!


Well I think it’s you who misunderstands Freud’s views!

Kravinoff’s malice is clear but Toole remains unfazed.

How is that?

Is it not highly pro-social to embrace honesty? From what I’ve seen, everybody seems to be a fan of honesty. And nobody is more honest than me, meaning I’m both pro-social and in touch with my id. Wasabi Toyota, on the other hand, can’t touch me when it comes to embodying the ideas of Freud because he can’t even be honest with himself regarding how much he really just enjoys hurting people! No way he’s a better poster boy for Freudian thought than I am!

Dr. Plot Toole shakes his head disapprovingly.

Good grief.

Shake your head while you can, doctor, because the Hunter Kravinoff train isn’t stopping anytime soon. You should watch Ascension this week, because I’m going to be giving you and everyone else yet another reason to believe in me and the power that Freud has given me!

More headshaking ensues from the good doctor as Kravinoff grows more incensed.

I don’t know about that. My research says your opponent this week is extremely credible. You think a multi-layered fraud like you has a chance against a guy as legitimate as Austin Reynolds?

Why wouldn’t I? I can see straight through Austin Reynolds, and I see nothing that would make me second guess myself.

Just like Big Dave last week, I see a man who would rather lie to himself about distractions costing him big matches than admit to himself that he’s not good enough to survive on the top tier. I see a man who’s too preoccupied with retaining the support of his loyal fans and garnering ratings to embrace his dark side or do anything which borders on instinctual, honest, or natural. Every move the man makes is calculated towards the end of brainwashing sheep into thinking he’s exciting and worth tuning into see. He’s manufactured, phoney. The man is pure Hollywood. Sure, the lighting is good and the make-up covers his blemishes, but that realm has covered his shadow self and sucked him of all substance. He’s so concerned with ratings that he’s neglected the side of himself that he’s going to need to call on to defeat a man like me, and when he attempts to go to that dark place on Ascension, he’ll find it’s atrophied.

Kravinoff takes an angry breath and, in classic Kravinoff faction, soaks in the impact of his diatribe.

We’ll see.

I hope you do see because when I show WZCW management that a man of Mother Nature like myself can rake in ratings the likes of which Austin Reynolds can only dream of, they’ll push me harder than Shark Week, which I coincidently appeared on once.

Toole rolls his eyes sceptically.

Yeah, sure.

Have you heard the rumor that Austin Reynolds is only a draw because he politics for timeslots on the hour and half-hour?

I hadn’t. I’m not sure what you think I’ll do with that information either.

Kravinoff, growing calm because he's now controlling the conversation, playfully presses on.

Just thought you’d like to know that he’s the company’s man. People didn’t choose to believe in him, the company did. He’s a production. You think someone as fragile and manufactured as that has a chance against someone as real as me?

Toole stands to motion Kravinoff towards the door.

I guess we’ll find out on Ascension this week.

I guess we will.

They shake hands briefly, Hunter far less enthusiastic than he was when he entered the office. As Kravinoff leaves, Dr. Plot Toole stares at him for a moment wondering whether he’s just heard the words of an honest man, the excessive lies of a fiend, or the delusions of a madman.
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