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AS20: Phoenix vs. Showtime Cougar

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Two men who are in pursuit of gold will face off this week in what will be a great bout. Phoenix is coming off a strong victory against Blade in a First Blood match while Showtime Cougar made a strong display in the Hell in a Cell and will be looking to carry the momentum he had from that match to look for a victory over the Eternal One. Which of these two men will make their presence felt amongst the locker room as they pursue after championship gold?

Deadline for RPs is Tuesday 14th September 23:59 EST
The scene opens in a backstage locker room. It is dimly lit, and seems empty besides a solitary figure sitting on a bench. He is wearing sweatpants and no shirt, showing off his arm tattoos. The camera zooms in closer, and we see the man stitching up a large cut on his left forearm. He looks up, wincing in pain, and notices the camera. Phoenix’s face quickly shifts from pain to anger as he looks sternly into the lens.

Out. Now. And close the door behind you. I will call you in when I am ready for you. Do not make me repeat myself.

The camera heads outside and focuses on the closed door. After a few seconds, a voice calls out from inside the room.


The camera re-enters, and Leon Kensworth moves into frame to interview Phoenix, who is now wearing a black sleeve over his left forearm where he had been stitching before.

Ladies and gentlemen, Phoenix. First things first, how are you after that brutal match with Blade at Unscripted?

Leon stares at the left arm of Phoenix as he asks this question, causing Phoenix to shift it out of Kensworth’s sight before answering the question.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still feeling some effects from it, but trust me, I don’t feel nearly as badly as Blade does right now. It’s the nature of that type of match. You don’t feel good after it, even if you win. You just feel less bad.

Speaking of Blade, how has that match affected the partnership the two of you had seemingly formed in the previous few weeks?

We had worked together a bit, but for both of us, winning will always be the most important thing. It doesn’t matter who is in the ring with me, my goal is to cause hurt them to the point of surrender. I really don’t know where Blade and I stand right now, but that is not where my focus lies this week.

Is it safe to assume it lies instead with your Ascension match against Showtime Cougar?

Great insight there, Leon. Yes, I am fully focused on preparing for my match this week. And why shouldn’t I be? Ever since I have struck out on my own, I have been recognized as a force to be reckoned with, but not a title contender. That is no more. What does Cougar have that I don’t, beside the need for the adoration of the fans? Cougar on his best day can’t hang with me in the ring on my worst.

Him and Reynolds, Leon, they are all the same. They hide behind chants and talk segments, showing what they can do outside of the ring without having the same talent within it. I must admit, the ability both men have to feed off the adulation of the crowd is impressive. But how can Cougar handle it when I methodically punish him, removing the crowd from the equation? Can he or the crowd wake up after I paint a perfect lullaby of kicks and submissions? The answer is no.

Phoenix begins throwing items in a gym bag and preparing to leave.

This is my time to prove that championship material. And Cougar, I will prove it at your expense. Once I finish writing my sweet, sweet lullaby, there will be only two possible outcomes for you. You will either be knocked out, or tapped out. Make sure your fans stay tuned to see which one I choose.

Phoenix lifts the strap of the bag and puts it over his shoulder as he walks past the camera and out of the locker room. It focuses back on Leon, who gives a signal and the screen fades to black.
Scene opens backstage at WZCW studios. Leon Kensworth, Johnny Klamour, and Stacey Madison, are all standing in a room waiting. The door opens up and Becky Serra walks in and shuts the door behind.

Becky: Sorry I’m late.

Stacey: Well if it isn’t little sunshine, finally here after her long vacation.

Stacey when you’ve been here as long as me, and when you start taking less personal days than the Crashin Movement, then maybe management will let you take a vacation.

You want to go bitch.

Bring it on you ****...

Leon: Ladies, lets not start up a fight. Welcome back Becky, now lets just sit down and go over who we’re interviewing this week.

Johnny: Way to be a buzz kill Leon, we could’ve seen a good cat fight.

All four sit down at the table and look over the card for next weeks shows.

Can you believe the nerve of these rookies. Most of them have opted for personal promo’s and interviews with other media outlets. The cowards are afraid to have someone who’s experienced in this profession give them the hard to answer questions, or to get an easy lay from a certain Stac...

Johnny, I’m far from in the mood and I will snap your little neck. What is up with this unauthorized interview that little Ascension announcer tramp Selena Anderson did for John Watson?

My guess is drugs.

Perhaps she has a crush on him.

Everybody! Lets not waste time with who’s already done interviews this week. Let’s figure out who’s doing who and get on with it.

Ha, who’s doing who.

Stacey and Becky give Johnny a disgusted look.

Okay first up, I guess we’ll figure out who’s doing Showtime.

Leon puts his fist on the table and clenches four straws in them.

Wait, I’ve only been gone for two weeks. Has something happened that I’m not aware of.

Come on Becky, you know how Showtime is after a loss. Especially one after a big match like at Unscripted. He always is in a foul mood and snaps at everyone. I for one have had enough of his baggering, Johnny just doesn’t seem to like him anymore.

I don’t like him.

And he never returns any of my calls.

He’s found someone better Stace, let him go.

That’s it Johnny.

Stacey stands up and slaps Johnny in the back of the head.

Look, I’ll interview Showtime this week. He seemed perfectly normal last time I interviewed him after his match at Unscripted, and he was dealing with post concussion syndromes.

Okay, that ones taken care of, now lets get to the rest...


Scene opens in a backstage hallway. Becky is walking down a hall and towards Showtime David Cougar’s dressing room. Becky approaches the door. It is open slightly. She is about to open it and then she hears Showtime talking out load. She quietly peers into the room. She sees Showtime sitting in a chair, about four feet away facing a mirror.

Cougar: ...you’re not hearing me right, okay. I am the single greatest performer and the best and most exciting individual that this company has ever had. I am SHOWTIME FUCKING COUGAR and you are not going to sit there and tell me what I can and can’t do..... yea I know what's done is done, but I am not going to just sit here and let nothing be done about it. If it takes every ounce of fiber in my being... if I have to give EVERYTHING and ALL that I have and risk to lose it all then I will..... What did you say... no... that will never happen, I won't let it. Here's what I was thinking...

Becky pushes the door slightly to listen better. The door makes a loud squeak as it moves. Showtime stops talking and turns to face the door. He puts a hand up to his left ear.

I’ll call you back.

Showtime takes off his blue tooth ear piece and puts it on the table.

Come in Becky.

I’m so sorry I didn’t knock Showtime. I saw the door was slightly open and I didn’t want to interrupt...

It’s okay Becky. As a star of TV and wrestling, I understand that my private life must be open to the public. If I really wanted some privacy, I would’ve just put a cloak on or hide myself in face paint and preach about destruction... or at least shut the door eh.

Yea. This may sound completely silly, but I thought that you were alone here and talking to yourself.

You’re right Becky, that does sound silly. I was simply in a heated discussion with my agent, Trent Stonewall.

Trent Stonewall?

Yes my agent, and a bit of a slave driver I must say with all the extra promotions he makes me do. But in preperation for my show, I do sometimes sit here and practice out loud here in front of the mirror, so don’t start calling the looney bin if you see me in here alone again talking again.

Don’t worry Showtime, I’ll promise to always knock from now on.

That’s an idea. So tell me why you are here. I’m assuming an interview.

That is correct. My first question is about Unscripted. After having such a backstage influence with management on the exciting concept, what are your thoughts on the final product?

Ah the rumours have made their way to the surface, perhaps Trent did do something right. Yes, the idea to have a viewers choice PPV was originally my idea that I shared with Chuck and Vance, and I believe without question that this was one of the best Pay Per Views we have ever had here in WZCW. The media coverage, the sellout crowd, the millions of people who voted for all the matches. And yes those matches, everyone of them hard fought and exciting. And it has created a buzz in WZCW that has not been experienced before since my contract battle royale. Over ten wrestlers have signed developmental contracts and more than a handful will win real ones one this week. In fact, there were only about two things that went wrong with Unscripted.

And what are those two things?

Well first, my good friend WZCW Legend Titus, who took me under his wing these past few months and has really helped me take that next step to the main event, had his career snatched away from him, and second... and this one is a doozy... there was a particular injustice in the Hell in the Cell where yours truely...

Showtime stops mid sentence and turns to face the mirror. He looks down at his shoulder in the mirror and runs his hand over it, as if he had a belt strapped over it.

Was robbed of the WZCW World Heavyweight title that should’ve been mine.

Don’t you think that is a little extreme? You performed with your whole heart inside that ring and have nothing to be ashamed about. In fact you yourself stated that it would come down between you and Ty.

And that’s because we were the best inside that cage. Vengeance was a slow moving train that was on a collision course to doom, and Kurtesy was nothing more than a starstruck bystander hoping to not have his head kicked in. How does THAT make you feel Kurtesy? My dreams are not to be a transitional champion, or to simply be a part of the main event scene. In my profession, in EVERYTHING that I do, I strive to be the very best, whether that be having the highest rated variety talk show, or to be the World Champion, those are my goals in life. In preperation for Hell in a Cell, I trained like an Olympian. I beat Ty, Titus, Everest, Vengeance, I beat all the current and former World champions. I did everything I could to prepare myself for the destructive match that was about to come. I gave my ALL and I ended up with NOTHING.

Showtime puts his foot on the chair and pushes it over. He runs his hand along his hair to fix it up.

I’m not a man who takes failure very well. You look at a man like Chris Beckford, who wrestles with more heart inside that ring than anybody else in WZCW. And yet every big match that he is in he falls just short and ends up in a hospital gown. You don’t think that’s like a nail scratching against a chalk board for him. Yet everyday he gets up and keeps giving everything he’s got. He’s faced Reynolds lord knows how many times and yet he’s never learned from his loses or his wounds. All this bottled up rage will lead him to one day snap and seriously hurt himself or someone, and he will never get out of the middle card. Faliure is not an option for me and it never will be, and that is why I am where I am today. Because I refuse to lose, and when I get robbed like what happened at Unscripted, I learn what it is I must do differently and do it!

Becky seems very nervous. At this point Showtime has his eyes locked on Becky, as if demanding she continue with the interview.

Very well, so you may or may not be thrilled, but... how do you feel about your friend Ty Burna winning the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship?

Ty Burna is not my friend, I may have tremendous respect for him as a wrestler, but lets make it clear that he and I aren’t friends. It seems everyone already forgets how a year ago Ty was trying to form a cult following, how he was constantly digging into his bag of dark magic to torment me and cause paranoid thoughts to run through my head. And now, he’s been handed the WZCW Title on a silver platter and I, the person who’s beat him multiple times in the past few months, has to run through a tournament just to receive a shot at MY WZCW Title.

What do you mean was handed the WZCW Title? Ty was an equal player in that match like you, no friends, no allies, and he pinned Vengeance cleanly.

Ha... put all the pieces together Becky... The Dark Alliance between Ty and Vengeance, the fact Ty was aided in his victory over Titus to get into the match, the secret contract and stipulation Bateman put in at Apocalypse and Unscripted... and now this.

Showtime walks to his duffle bag and pulls out a magazine. He hands the magazine over to Becky who looks at the cover. On it is Ty Burna holding his Ouija in one hand and a crystal ball in the other. Behind him is the WZCW World Title and the headline reads

“Ty Burna is in control of his future, and the rest of WZCW better hope their’s is just as good”

So Ty got on a magazine cover? This doesn’t mean there was any underhanded work behind his victory.

Of course there is Becky. I am the most cheered, watched, and loved wrestler in WZCW. The fans have stated it, management knows it, and instead of giving me the magazine cover, instead of them letting me do what I was destined to do and win the WZCW Title, they gave it to a dark player who is going to drive a steak through the heart of WZCW. The writers screwed me out of a picture perfect title victory and now I’ll have to dig and claw my way through the competition to get my rematch, win the title and save this company. I am going to have to give ALL that I have or else we will wind up with NOTHING.

Becky is frozen as Showtime backs off for a moment. He walks over to his counter and takes a sip of water.

I’m sorry for my temper Becky. I only just received this news from Trent. To say it hasnt settled yet is an understatement.

It’s okay... I would be upset to if I thought that management and everyone else was out to get me.

Showtime looks up from his glass. He smiles a bit and then nods his head as he takes another sip.

So I’m sure you know by now your first opponent is Phoenix. What are your thoughts on your match with him at Ascension?

Excited... Phoenix is one of only two wrestlers left in WZCW that have been here longer than me, yet it feels more comfortable to consider him apart of this new wave of talent we have, like Beckford, Gorditio, Reynolds, or Kurtesy. Why is that? Because it has taken Phoenix as long as I’ve been with this company to even come close to the level that I am at. For too long he rode the coattails of Garth Black in Second Coming, For too long he fought and failed to beat Garth Black, and for too long has he been he’s been trying to prove that he is more than just a tag team specialist. Too long has now become too late for the bird that dies as quickly as he flys. Phoenix may be feeling high after his win over Blade at Unscripted, but the wing has been cut, ripped to shred, and now the poor bird is going to come crashing down. I have climbed to the top of the mountain to push down an Everest, and now I’m running down the other side, carrying with me your charred presence as proof that I am the best of the past, present, and future.

The way I see it, Phoenix will be the perfect opponent for me as I prepare to fight Ty Burna once again. They both dwell in the supernatural and dark forces, and they both think that my devotion to the fans is a hinder in any way. What Phoenix doesn't understand is the more punishment he lays on me, the louder my fans will scream my name and their devotion is the secret to my strength. I do everything I can for the fans and it is for them that I will march over one opponent after the next until I get the WZCW Title. When we are out there in the ring and the fans are on their feet screaming my name, there won’t be any lullabys that will put them to sleep, there won’t be no Final Flight or Rebirth for the Phoenix. All there will be inside that ring is a show the fans are waiting to see, and two wrestlers, one who won’t know which way is up and will burn from the lights of the main event that he is not ready for... and me... the high flying, scene making, show stealing, next WZCw Heavyweight Champion... Showtime David Cougar...

And you can send that in writing to WZCW Magazine... that Showtime will win it All... and there is NOTHING that anybody can do. Thank you Becky this will conclude our interview.

Showtime shoos Becky out of the room and closes the door behind her. Becky seems both a bit scared and confused about the encounter. She starts to walk down the hall.

Scene shows Showtime back in his dressing room. He sits back down in the chair and stares at himself in the mirror. He smirks at himself in the mirror.

Rock-a-bye Phoenix, inside the ring
When the wind blows, it's describing yourself
When the arm breaks, the Final Act will come
And down will come Phoenix, Showtime and All

Showtime laughs and picks up his bluetooth and puts it in his ear. The voice of Trent Stonewall can now be heard.

I think we may be able to do something about this. Here's what I was thinking...
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