AS20: Chris Beckford vs. Constantine

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Constantine made a call out at Unscripted and overcame the challenge of a triple threat match whereas Chris Beckford was fortunate not to be suffering from perminant damage after being set on fire in the Inferno match against Austin Reynolds. Now these two must face off, will Constantine have more to boast or will Beckford show that even after suffering from burns that he will not be easy to overcome?

Deadline for RPs is Tuesday 14th September 23:59 EST
*The Scene opens with the camera pointed at Beckford's face. We can't really make out the surroundings. Beckford begins speaking.*

Beckford: Unscripted. It was supposed to be my big night, the night where I finally captured the Elite X Championship, the night when I finally beat Austin Reynolds and the night that I finally announced myself as a major player in WZCW. The way I see it, I was more confident than ever going into the Inferno match, after months of being second best it was my time to shine and steal the show. But it wasn't to be. On the night that two great careers were ended and a new WZCW Champion was crowned, I had to settle for second place once again. I had to settle for failure.

Emotions were already high backstage. The thought that Titus' career could be coming to an end was a shock. He had been here from the beginning and as Unscripted began most of the WZCW employees could feel how tense the place was. It was a big night; Blade and Phoenix were in the middle of a First Blood match up that can easily go down as a classic. They had set the bar and the matches that followed had to equal that or surpass that bar, it was not really something you needed to be thinking about before an Inferno match. Nevertheless I tried to block that out, focus on my match, I had been in the ring with Austin plenty of times and I said to myself avoid the Ratings Killer, try to get in some offense and get him in the flames.

As Enya Stomp hit I felt calm. The flames didn't distract me and I knew what I had to do. I looked out to the crowd and the fans were cheering me on, they knew it was going to be great entertainment. Chris Beckford vs. Austin Reynolds is a fantastic match up on its own and when you add in WZCW's first Inferno match in it's entire history, you know it was going to be big. The problem was when I got in the ring and the match hit me. You have to set this guy on fire or he is going to set you on fire, gone went the thought of entertaining the crowd, gone went the thought of becoming Elite X Champion, this was about survival. Perhaps that rocked me off my game because Austin caught me in the Ratings Killer, the one move I had told myself to avoid and the next thing I remember I woke up backstage about to be shoved in an ambulance.

So here I am, back in my second home...the hospital. It's Ironic that I’m in here for the second time due to the hands of Austin Reynolds. In fact looking around this could be the exact same room I was in last time. I can't blame him this time though, I fully understand that he had to do what he could to survive and I'm sure that that will not be the last time Austin Reynolds and Chris Beckford meet. Luckily the injuries I sustained were not too serious and I should be able to compete come Meltdown or Ascension. Leon should be along shortly to tell me about that though. Lying in this hospital bed I've had time to think. Maybe this is Gods way of telling me it's not my time for the Elite X Championship. I've only been in WZCW for a few months I have years to get where I need to go, perhaps I need to take my time and pick the right battles. Just because people like Austin and Kurtesy have come from nowhere to make an impact doesn't mean my time will not come. I've decided I need more patience; I'm good enough that success will find me sooner or later.

I caught up with the rest of the PPV on DVD. I was really rooting for Showtime to win the WZCW title, Kurtesy had a good showing to say he came from nowhere, I'm sure the Crashin Movement will be happy that one of there members have talent. I kid I kid. The futures looking good for a lot of people in WZCW and with Titus and Vengeance gone main event spots are there for the taking. Ty as champion is going to be interesting, Showtime will be hungry for it and Big Dave is up there as well after ending Titus' career. For me though I'm going to see where my path takes me. I'm sorry Sam, I'm ranting on, I'm glad you came to see me as I feel like we have been drifting apart over the past few weeks. I realise that I need you to guide me now more than ever.

*The camera pans round to see Sam Remmington sat in a chair at the side of Beckford's bed.*

Look don't worry about it. It's tough here in the big leagues I understand that. The more I've seen you recently the more I've realised that you still have as much hunger and desire today that you did before you arrived in WZCW. We knew that there was going to be good times and bad times. Unfortunately Unscripted was a bad night for you and I totally understand that. Look we need to put Unscripted behind us and focus on the future. Leon's just arrived; let's find out who you’re facing.

*Leon Kensworth enters the room*

Kensworth: Hey Chris, how you feeling?

Beckford: Like I got set on fire, how you feeling?

Kensworth: Pretty good, I spoke to the doctor and he said you're all clear to wrestle this week. You'll be on Ascension facing off with Constantine.

*A smile comes over Beckford's face as Sam looks horrified*

Constantine? Not a name you want to hear when recovering from an injury.

Beckford: Don't worry about it Sam. I've been itching to get back in the ring with Constantine since he had to cheat to beat me last time out. He's been running his mouth about how he has destroyed everyone in his path, well he didn't destroy me. I've been talking about making an Impact. I could do the locker room a favour and shut him up once and for all. This is exactly what I need. I've heard what he has had to say in his ''State Of WZCW Address* on He's called out the new WZCW Champion Ty Burna; He's called out Austin Reynolds. I'm sure he didn't count on facing me.

Remmington: He is undefeated Chris, it won't be easy.

Beckford: We are in WZCW nothing is easy. But I will take great pride in being the first man to beat Constantine. Doug Crashin and Everest nearly had him at Unscripted; I know I can do this.

Kensworth: I have to get off I'm visiting some developmental guys before their first matches. Oh and by the way. Mr Baller's resurfaced.

Beckford: Didn't I kick his head off?

Remmington: Apparently not.

Beckford: Oh well that's good then. I could have sworn that some fan caught it though.

Kensworth: I'm out, good luck Chris, See ya Sam.

Damn, I guess I don't have to be worried about being investigated for his death anymore. See ya Leon.

Remmington: I'm going to head off as well. Places to go, people to see. I'll come back later.

Beckford: Ok man, See you around.

*Remmington and Kensworth both leave the room, the camera focus's on Beckford, who has an intrigued but confident look on his face.*

I'm looking forward to this.

*The Scene Fades*
In the night, a stretch limousine pulls up in a busy street. On either side of the road, very grand houses line the street. Each house has three Greek letters above the door and as the limousine stops outside a house that is infested with humanity, a very proud looking John Constantine steps out of the car. He closes the door and as Mia goes around the other side of the car to join him, fixes his suit and pin affixed to his lapel. A look of pride is etched upon his face and his eyes shine with expectation. As he walks towards the house, those who line the garden of the house step back in amazement and drunken stupor as Constantine parts the sea of people.

Mia: Are you sure this is a good idea, Sir?

Mia, these people are my brothers! They are the tremendous foundation of strength for me and gave me everything that I have today. Years of hard work was done in this house and I am, and forever will be, proud to be a part of the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity.

Constantine continues down the cobbled path as loud music becomes prevalent from inside the house. The cheering and noise that had stopped on the lawn continues once more as Constantine knocks on the already ajar door. The door swings open and reveals a party in process.

Mia: Sir, I don’t think this is a good time to be here.

Constantine: Nonsense, Mia! This must be some low-level celebration of the latest round of graduations or something equally as brilliant.

Mia: Actually, Sir. I think it is just a fraternity being a fraternity…

Constantine and Mia move inside the house, moving people out of their way as they delve deeper into the environment. As they pass the old oak staircase, Constantine stops and looks down as a body that lies motionless on the wooden flooring. A look of concern appears on his face as he kneels down to talk to the man.

(Worriedly): What has happened here, Son? Have you been attacked!?

Man (Almost gargling the alcohol): Shshsm! *Incoherent* It’sh Ron Jonstashtanine!

I am worried for this man, Mia. He is clearly delusional. If he cannot recognise me then there truly is something amiss here!

Mia: Sir, he is clearly just inebriated!

Constantine: Don’t be so silly, Mia! This is Alpha Phi Omega! We are the upper echelon of the Greek houses. These people are the President’s of tomorrow. The Supreme Court Justices of the future. These people, Mia, are the greatest minds in the country. I wi-

At that moment, the music stops and a rumble of discontent comes from the party people. Behind a sea of people, a man stands on stage, mic in hand. He looks at Constantine for a second and then raises the mic to his mouth.

MC: Alright, party people, we have a special announcement!

A cheer goes up from all around Constantine.

MC: Tonight we have a very special guest amongst us. This man has been an idol of mine for a long time and his life is a tune that we can all dance to. He has done it all and has been in the position that you are all in right now!

Another rumbling of mystery circulates around the room. Mia grabs Constantine’s arm as Constantine gives her an acknowledging smile.

Constantine: You see, Mia. They know greatness when they see it.

MC: At this time, ladies and gentlemen, I would love for you to give a very drunken welcome, to one of the most awe-inspiring men to walk this world…

Constantine begins to make his way through the crowd after straightening up his suit.

MC: Frank Smith, The world record holder for most beers consumed in an hour!

A rapturous cheer goes around the rooms of the house as Constantine stops dead in the spot. He looks up at the stage as Mr. Smith appears from a corner of the stage wearing just his underwear and a scuba mask. A look of utter disgust appears on the features of Constantine. As Constantine stands amongst the sea of people, feeling his heart break into pieces, a young girl begins to speak to him.

Girl (Without looking at him): Can you believe that someone like Frank Smith is here!? I mean, he is just such a role-model for people in our situation.

At that Constantine begins to push his way through the crowd, not caring who gets in his way. He reaches the steps to the stage and immediately ascends them. Slowly and calmly, John Constantine walks over to the apparent superstar. Smith turns around and acknowledges him before throwing his arms around Constantine. A look of bewilderment is only over-shadowed by a feeling of resentment within Constantine as the man-boobs of Smith brush against his fine suit. Constantine gives him a sharp smile before delivering the Axis Of Evil. The crowd fall silent as Constantine kicks the flimsy carcass of Smith off of the stage. He takes the mic from the MC, who is frozen with fear.

Constantine: 20 years ago, I was a member of this fraternity. We changed the face of history. We are the people who continually shape this world, from the bottom of the bottom to the top of the tree. We were the people who were chosen to mould this world into a 21st Century Paradise… But you people… You people make me sick.

The same blight that courses through the veins of WZCW are evident here and it makes me sick! You people have no idea what you have done here tonight. You come here and listen to your electro music and drink until you cannot consume alcohol anymore. Your only idea of endurance is how long you can go before the vicious ravages of alcohol poisoning takes its toll. The only pride you can take is that you were able to drink 3 kegs dry before you eventually passed out on the floor. The shame you feel when you wake up each morning and look at yourself in the mirror is all to evident… I can practically smell it off of you.

20 years ago, this behaviour would have been enough to make me burn this house to the ground and leave everyone involved within the ashes… But not today! Today the filth of this great nation is impounded and magnified in this house. The glory and brilliance of this fraternity has disappeared as a new wave of vulgarity and nonchalant alcohol consumption chips away at everything my brothers and I had built.

Yes! You people sicken me but I am not sad that I have witnessed this. You see, after my amazing victory at WZCW Unscripted, over Everest and that idiot Doug Crashin, I felt as though I had accomplished what I had set out to do. I felt as though you people would finally latch onto me and I would pull you out of this sodomy induced black hole and into the shining light of my magnificence. However, tonight I have realised that I have along way to go.

At Ascension 20 this coming week, I will face off against Chris Beckford. He is a man who represents every single one of you. From his God-awful entrance music, all the way down to his persona, he is what I detest most of all. At Ascension, my greatest piece of work in WZCW will be completed as I put the final nail into the coffin of Chris Beckford and more importantly, the behaviour that I have seen tonight. Mark my words, you people will be saved by ever-growing light! This is not the end for you! You will have a man you can lean on during times of struggle and that man is John Constantine… All of this begins at Ascension 20!

Constantine drops the mic and grabs Mia’s hand as he walks past her at pace. As they leave the house, the music begins to play again. Constantine notices this and turns around. He shakes his head defiantly and gets in the car. The pin that he wore so proudly when arriving, now soaked in the dirt below the feet of the partying masses.
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