AS19: Hunter Kravinoff vs. Dr. Steven Kurtesy

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Thriller Ant

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A current and former tag champ face off. Hunter Kravinoff was able to come out victorious against Alexander Steele and Dr. Steven Kurtesy defeated Gordito. Can Dr. Kurtesy overcome the Ugandan wild man, or will Kravinoff fall victim to Kurtesy's mind games?

Deadline is Tuesday 10th August 23:59 EST
Inside of his own office during the hours of dusk visible through the staring window, Dr. Steven Kurtesy sits in his clinical chair... head bowed in deep thought. His eyes awaken as he lifts his head, yet still pondering so. Sandy Deserts approaches him with a glass of whiskey in hand, which she pans to him. She slowly descends herself onto the arm of the chair, placing her hand on his shoulder. Steven takes a sip and begins to swirl his glass, studying it's movements.

Promnesia... the experience that makes people feel that they are repeating several events in a sequential order which could of happened in the past.. an act commonly defined as Déjà vu. This trick that has played on the mind of many victims has yet to be scientifically tested, despite the amount of instances recorded within many psychological studies. There aren't many methods of determining why these things occur and won't be available until society begins to accept other, alternate forms.

Steven takes another sip

Recently, I have been one of these victims. An image has been replaying in my head of the darkest time in my career... a time when I was spiraling downwards. I suffered an unfortunate loss to a sub-par tag team that just recently formed, something I was able to overcome in the past. And it wasn't dark for me either, it was dark for everyone. Doug Crashin needed my medical consultation to re-evaluate himself. The tag team division was slowly began to be extinct with all teams disappearing off the face of the Earth... and that one ludicrous team who took advantage of two mentally weakened men went on to become the champions representing the division.

Steven skulls the rest of the glass and gives it to Sandy, who gets up and puts it away.

I keep envisioning the man that took away my chances of inevitably reigning atop the division once again... Hunter Kravinoff. A man who is no stranger to the world of psychology. A man who takes time and studies his opponents very carefully, understanding their very nature. How they act, how they wrestle, how they eat... he essentially knows everything there is to know about anyone. Sometimes when I look at him I swear I am staring into a mirror. It's quite unfortunate that he is only but a mere reflection... an object that I can groom.

A smirk runs across the face of Steven.

Kravinoff had an easy objective to aspire to. All he had to do was study one specimen and he wouldn't have to worry about the rest. Under this mindset, he will overlook the fact that I am now not the man he once faced. I have evolved and adapted to my surroundings, eliminating all the traits that I don't need. Men like Gordito have felt my wrath and the pain that I have suffered... men like Baez are too afraid of showing their face in public because have them listed as my next... favourite patient.

Steven begins to rub his hands together.

I will thoroughly enjoy this encounter... not only won't I have to endure any more garbage wrestling matches, I will, alongside Mr Crashin, make everyone believe in the Movement... even if I have to do it at the expense of Kravinoff. We will rise to the top and I will reclaim what was rightfully stolen from me... the WZCW Tag Team Championships... a memory that I will personally see to it replays in your head forever. Mr Kravinoff, grab the best 50. caliber rifle you've got... you're going to need it when the prey will stalk the predator. The hunt... is on.

Steven pulls out his pipe and begins to light it.

When I skin you alive out there using a little bit of Prescribed Sedation and some Kommon Kurtesy... how will it make you feel?

Steven blows out a huge smoke puff that clouds the room, with Steven maniacally laughing in a soft, sadistic tone as he knows that he has to be or not to be...

... hunt or be hunted.
The backdrop to the close-up of Hunter Kravinoff is black. He’s staring off camera.

You can’t imagine the blood. The violence. You can’t imagine what that does to a child. It plants anger in one’s head to see their parents destroyed with such coldness. It also plants a seed that gives one the knowledge about just what lengths they could go to in order to take that anger out.

When I got out into the jungle and realized the apes who took me in wouldn’t nurse me forever…

Several shaky, unclear, moving images of apes and a dark, anonymous jungle flash across the screen.

…I needed to water that seed, to embrace my desire to drain things of their life. I had the option to embrace my urge to feel powerful; to feel powerful enough to dominate something and destroy its life the same way I saw my parents have their lives destroyed. It was either that or perish. I knew what I had to do.

A clip from a WZCW show flashes across the screen showing a menacing, primal scream from Kravinoff.
As the video ends, the lights in the apartment above Sal’s Pizza Shop are turned on by an excited looking Naomi Bit. Sitting on the couch facing the old projection television are Hunter Kravinoff, leaning forward with his hands folded, arms resting on his legs, and Johnny Klamor, sitting with a bewildered look on his face.

After the lights in the apartment are on, Naomi removes a DVD from the player sitting on a cabinet next to the television and turns to the two men on the couch with a look of pure glee.

What did you guys think?

Hunter smiles warmly at bit and looks as though he’s about to respond before he’s cut off by Klamor.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen such melodramatic, self-important fluff. And that’s coming from somebody in the professional wrestling business for Christ’s sake!

Naomi’s jaw drops and she appears to be experiencing a sudden spike in blood pressure. Kravinoff coldly turns and stares at Klamor, who’s shrugging and nodding his head as though what he said is what everyone in the room was thinking.

How dare you respond to the disclosure of a man who’s been denied the most essential human understand for his entire life?! How can you sit there and –

As she raves to little reaction from Klamor, Kravinoff raises his palm to indicate she needs to stop. She does without hesitation as Hunter stands and crosses the floor until he’s directly in front of her. Composing herself, she meets his eyes.

No reason to get worked up. I knew not everyone would receive my story with open arms. But I think then film is coming together wonderfully.

Bit seems appreciative of the praise.

I’m happy you like it.

Hunter smiles warmly before gesturing towards the door and touching her on the arm.

But I know you have to submit some of your new content to the local office, so now would probably the best time. No reason to let our guest cause you any further headache.

Bit glares coldly at Klamor once more before smiling at Kravinoff and heading for the door.

Great idea. I’ll only be a couple hours.

She exits the apartment as Hunter takes his seat once more and turns to Klamor.

Did you have to be so critical of her work?

She asked.

Hunter stares at the scrupulous lump of a man in front of him, trying to figure him out for a brief moment.

I’ve heard you catch more bees with honey than vinegar.

Sure, but we’re not talking about catching them in the literal sense so your expertise on the matter is rather limited.

Hunter’s stare intensifies, almost as though he’s growing frustrated with Klamor.

What, did you think I was just going to sit here and accept platitudes about positive social behavior being recited to me by a man who spends most of his time with a blubbering former assassin and a film maker whose name is an anagram for “ambition”?

Not breaking his clearly irritated stare, Kravinoff presses Klamor.

Is there anything in particular you’d like to discuss or is this what you consider an interview?

Klamor smiles widely.

Sure. There’s plenty I’d like to discuss. How about we start with why I should believe this nonsense about your parents, Uganda, and all the rest?

What makes you think it’s a lie?

What good journalist would just take your word for such a wild story?

Kravinoff looks around the room, either annoyed or nervous, scratches his head intensely, and gestures broadly in sync with his next question for Klamor:

Is there anything else you’d like to ask?

Sure. What are your thoughts on your partner’s loss to Tucker Graham last week?

Hunter settles down slightly and jumps into the topic.

Well, it had to happen eventually. In trying to set a good example for the masses and bring them justice, he’s denied his true nature. We’ve had this discussion several times, but he’s set on his current path. And really, how hard can I press him on this point without being abrasive? As cold and calculating as I am on the prowl, my grasp of the social jungle is… lacking at best.

Klamor indulges himself with a brief nod and chuckle at that last point.

But I’m not denying my nature. My strength doesn't come from the people in the audience. The seed of darkness and blood lust inside me is my strength. It’s why Alex Steele got carried away by a referee last week. It’s why the WZCW Tag Team Championships are now regarded as World Championships. Going to the places that my darkness invite me has let me pick up these small victories. It’s that part of me that’s going to burn me an everlasting place in the minds of the fans and WZCW history.

Klamor waves to cut Kravinoff off.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m not interested in your little hoax or how it ties into how well you intend to do in WZCW. Let's stop the ranting right there.

Absolutely enraged, Kravinoff lets loose.

It's not ranting! It's a truth that I need the people need to hear!

Breaking out in sheer glee, Klamor cockily retorts.

I guess you’ll just have to say it as loud as you can with your actions in the ring, kid.

Kravinoff is attempting to control himself from letting his rage take him over.

I do… That doesn’t mean I couldn’t use the extra exposure.

Klamor shrugs before moving on.

Well, don’t think this is the end of my issues regarding your story’s validity, but I do have to get through the standard question about your match this week. I’m sure you can make a well worded run out of that.

Kravinoff smiles his trademark wide grin.

No doubt. Because Kurtesy leaves me with no shortage of venom for him.

Hunter shifts in his seat to get a better look vantage point to speak to Klamor before he begins talking with his.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Think about the world this man comes from. He’s practiced in taking the darkness out of people’s world with hopes of making their quality of life better. He values this and has dedicated a great amount of his life to the study of this practice. While that makes him fit for facilitating comfortable civilian life for a fortunate few, do you think he’s prepared for a true battle against a man who needed to embrace his darkness from a young age in order to survive?

A pauses ensues.

Is that a rhetorical question?


Okay. Carry on.

The man is so busy with Mayhem division controversy and a Crashin Movement that doesn’t seem to make a lick of sense that I doubt he really appreciates he gargantuan task he’s faced with this week. He doesn’t appreciate that while he’s been having his little war with Baez and Gordito that I’ve been standing up for tag team wrestling like he never has. I plan to take the division to the top of the card. Kurtesy, consumed with a practice that is so concerned with supposed measures of normalcy, can’t possibly appreciate such an outside the box ambition, nor does he possess the tools to take this division where it needs to go. He’s a relic of days gone by in the division, and if he thinks about taking a shot at the world champs, he’s going to quickly find himself getting cut down to size. This will be no different than the last time we faced off or the occassion where I destroyed his tag team partner.

Klamor glaces at his watch.

That all?

For now.

Great. I know I’m only here this week because Leon is refusing to go on assignment with you following the blood incident, but I’d really like to handle your next couple interviews. Any problem with that?

Kravinoff looks skeptically at him.

I’m surprised to hear such interest after the way you’ve conducted yourself here today.

Abrasiveness normally gets the most revealing responses.

A brief pause ensues as Hunter considers the offer.

Yeah, sure. An interview showing interest in me can’t be too awful for my image.


Klamor responds with a dull, cocky chuckle as they shake hands and the scene fades to black.
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