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AS19: Constantine vs. Jordan Lights

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Constantine has been on fire since debuting in WZCW, tearing through anyone put in his path. Jordan Lights has struggled a bit to find his way since Max Karzai's leaving from WZCW. Can Lights get back on track by handing Constantine his first loss?

Deadline is Tuesday 10th August 23:59 EST
A muddy field is evident as a sharp-suited Constantine walks amongst the people. A beautiful woman flanks him dressed in a grey suit too. The only think that is out of place from their impeccably neat appearance is the Wellington boots that they have on their feet to keep the sloppy mud from touching their expensive looking suits. The woman, carrying a clip-board and a pen has a disgusted look on her face as she scans the area before talking to Constantine.

Mia: This place is disgusting; I can almost smell the poverty John.

Constantine: Yes indeed, Mia. You see, this is a music festival and a lot can be said for the people who decide to frequent these shows of human inadequacy. I must admit that 20 years ago, I came to a music festival. I think it was a rite of passage for me in some ways. After taking in a performance, I realised that music is the Devil’s work. Hell, if wasn’t for that music festival, I may not be the honest, upstanding member of the human community that I am today.

Mia: So then why are we here, Sir.

Because we have very important business here today, Mia. You see, people talk about music in all kinds of positive lights. They say it is the most expressionist of all the arts. It can make you sad at times and so happy that you just want to allow it to take over your whole body. The rodents flock in their masses to live in this filth for a weekend and see it as being imperative. Their minds are weak under the strain of alcohol and mind-altering drugs and that is why we are here.

We are going to reach out to these cretins?

Constantine: If they will allow us to, Mia. Firstly though, we have even more important business to deal with than these putrid existences that surround us. We have come –

At this point, a staggering drunkard approaches the two. Mia jumps behind Constantine and let’s out a horrified shriek.

Drunkard: Here, pal! You got any Charlie on you?

Constantine: I’m sorry? Do I have what?

Drunkard: Charlie, mate! Weed, smack, blues? All that good stuff…

Constantine: Ah! I see! You want to engage in taking hardcore drugs. It’s OK, Mia. You see, this man is a perfect example of someone who needs us before it is too late.

Constantine pulls Mia out from behind him and moves towards the drunkard with a very noticeably fake smile on his face.

Constantine: Hold on your hand, Sir.

The drunkard gives Constantine a look but hesitantly raises his hand towards Constantine, with the hope that he is going to be getting what he asked for.

Constantine quickly puts his hand on top of the tramps and pulls him close.

Constantine (whispering): What I have in my hand is not drugs, my good man. Rather it is something which can take you even higher than a class-C drug. It is hope. Hope that a symbol for the great unwashed like yourself can be more than what I see before me. It is hope that there is more for you in this world than perverse notions of enjoying yourself. What I have given you is invaluable…

Constantine releases the man’s hand and pushes him away with his free hand. He beckons for Mia to continue on behind him and continues to walk through the mud. Mia walks beyond the man who is looking down at his hand, shocked and lost in thought. In his hand, a Constantine business card is evident.

Constantine: As I was saying, we are here for very important business, Mia. We are here to scout my next opponent and there is only one man who will know him as well as I need to know him. Unfortunately for us, this is the only place that we are ever likely to catch him…

Something catches Constantine’s eye and a smile appears on his face.

Constantine: And speaking of such, there he is.

Constantine and Mia break into a jaunty run and join a massive crowd of people who surround someone who is out of view for the moment. Constantine begins to push through the crowd and eventually reaches the last layer of people. With one final push, Constantine breaks through the barrier of people and reveals Max Karzai. He extends a hand and as Karzai shakes it, he notices whose hand he is shaking. Constantine gives him a look and Karzai immediately knows what the subject of the conversation will be. Constantine gives a begrudging nod and after signing a couple more pieces of fan merchandise, he and Constantine go off to the side.

Karzai: Mr. Constantine… I see you have found me.

Constantine: It’s wasn’t easy, Max. You have been quite the illusive man since you dropped off the face of WZCW at the drop of a hat.

Karzai: I had things to do, man.

Constantine takes a look around and takes a deep breath in before releasing it as a sigh.

Constantine: I can see that, Max.

Karzai shakes his head and lets out a dissatisfied sound.

Constantine: Anyway, Max, I have to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind? Who are we kidding, of course you don’t mind. Here you are down here with all the little people and even you know it is a far cry away from what you were when you were in WZCW.

Karzai: For a supposed man of the people, that sounds a little out of place.

Constantine: No, Max, it really isn’t. You see, these people are weak. You don’t have to look far in a place like this to realise that they are in desperate need of an icon who can lead them into a new age and who will that icon be? Will it be you? Of course not! Here you are down here throwing yourself through flaming hoops for these people and do they respect you for it? No, they don’t!

Karzai: I beg to differ. These fans are all I have! I have given them every ounce of effort I have in my body –

Constantine: And what have they given you in return, Max? Nothing! They will use you like a tissue and toss you away when they have had enough of you. I know that you won’t like what I have to say next but this is your chance to make a difference in some way. It will be your chance to make a difference to lots of people’s lives and will give me the platform I need to reach the lost and weary of this world. Karzai, this is your chance to have a lasting impression!

Karzai thinks for a second and then nods

Constantine: Now, that is what I like to hear!

Karzai: What do I need to do?

Constantine: You need to tell me everything you know about Jordan Lights, Max! I need you to tell me everything from his shoe size to his biggest fears and everything in between. This, Max, is your chance to ensure that the fans you care so much about are being reached out to and found. When I go over Jordan Lights on Ascension next week, I will have cemented my place as one of the most key figures in WZCW and you know how much I can do from that position. I just need the information, Max.

Karzai: There really isn’t much to tell, John. Lights is a great guy. He and I had a whale of time as a Tag Team and if it wasn’t for the touring, I would still want to be a part of that wonderful thing.

Constantine: So, what you are saying is that his happiness meant nothing to you as your dreams outweighed his loyalty and friendship? That is golden, Max!

Karzai: No, what I am saying is that sometimes you have to do what is right for you and at the time of leaving WZCW, that was following my musical career. Jordan could not have been a better friend to me and supported my desire to follow that dream.

Constantine: So, the man is a leech, taking your success and claiming credit for it in the future? This is good stuff, Max. Keep it coming.

Karzai: No! You are misunderstanding me, JC.

No! You son of a bitch! You are misunderstanding me! When I asked you to expose some weaknesses of Jordan Lights, I didn’t expect a run-down of his best qualities. I asked you to give me some insight into what would help me defeat him and as such you are being wholly uncooperative. This Ascension, someone is going to get very hurt if I do not get the information that I need. Now, I ask you Max, do you want that on your conscience? You either sell out your friend or he goes the way of ol’ Yeller… Just like you!

Karzai gives Constantine an icy stare and then lands a punch to the jaw of Constantine. Constantine’s head springs back to face Karzai and both men share a look as they square up.

Let’s go John!

Constantine (To Karzai): No one is going to stop me being the top man in WZCW. Not you and certainly not Jordan Lights. Help me or not, Lights are going out on Ascension and it will all be your fault.

Constantine turns away and frog-marches Mia off into the distance.
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