AS19: Austin Reynolds & Chris Beckford vs. Phoenix & Blade

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Phoenix and Blade have shown some kind of partnership the past couple of weeks, even though it did not work out well for Blade in his match against the WZCW Vengeance. They will go up against the Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds who is coming off a victory against Jordan Lights, and the man Reynolds defended his title against at Apocalypse, Chris Beckford, who was unable to newcomer Constantine. How will this tag team match with so many combustible parts turn out?

Deadline is Tuesday 10th August 23:59 EST
Two tickets Chicago to Manchester; car waiting will take you to Leeds, good luck from there

The one sentence that accompanied Austin’s tickets came direct from Dominic and had put him on edge about the whole trip. That Chris wanted to meet wasn’t the problem. Even in Leeds, it wasn’t a big thing. Austin had spent some of his childhood in Yorkshire so knew the area well enough. Beckford has made it clear he never liked Austin and even now, why should he trust him? Austin hasn’t earned his trust yet.

And that was what this trip meant to Austin. It was hardly going to be a team building exercise but it seemed crucial to him. Blade & Phoenix seemed a cohesive unit of sorts, albeit despite a loss last week, they certainly were intent on making a statement. Austin had no intention of being their exclamation point.

And as the car that picked Austin up from the airport meandered its’ way into Leeds off the M62 motorway, Austin began to ponder how he and Beckford can work together. They are so naturally different in personality and attitude that he knew this could be an awkward relationship. Should he apologise for past actions? Did he regret it? How deep does this grudge go for Beckford? Would he dare sabotage Austin’s build-up to Unscripted?

So many questions Austin needed to ask. His mind buzzed with anticipation that he forgot that he was being driven to the famous Elland Road stadium. While it wasn’t Wembley, he could appreciate how imposing this stadium was and the symbolic reason why Beckford wanted to meet here. It was somewhere he felt comfortable, it had personal significance and was historic.

It was then he knew that no matter what Blade and Phoenix would throw at them, he and Beckford had something in common. They both wanted to achieve history and be remembered, just like the famous faces that had played on the pitch at Elland Road. They wanted to be idolized and remembered in the future. Their craving for success had led them to this point; Austin to be a successful Elite X champion and Beckford was hot on his heels, desperate to be his successor. They had beaten the paint off of each other in recent months and taken many twists and turns as they fought for contention and then Elite X supremacy.

Was it this well trodden path that was going to take them to opposite sides at Unscripted? Or to defeat at Ascension? Could this makeshift unit of facepainted manic-depressive and Irish runt end any friendship between Beckford and Austin before it starts?

The cars slows and then stops on the busy main road by the stadium. Austin can see Beckford from here, on his own and his heart races again.

Foe? Traitor? Can he get past his desire for what I have?

Friend? Ally? Talented beyond doubt, if he can keep his head on the game.

Opponent? Almost certainly at some point soon.

But as Austin approaches Chris, he sees a steely determination that he is unable to mask. And Austin knows there and then that he would not rather have anyone else on his side for Ascension.

Elland Road. The home of Leeds United football club. I remembered stories from my dad about the history of this place. The greatness of Don Revie, the controversy of Brian Clough's 44 day reign and the fantastic players that had played here. Billy Bremner, Peter Lorimer, John Giles, Jack Charlton all were heroes to the people of Leeds, heroes to me. In recent memory we have new heroes for different reasons. Dominic Matteo who scored a great goal against AC Milan. My namesake Jermaine Beckford who scored the goal that helped Leeds beat Manchester United at Old Trafford for the first time in over 20 years and Simon Grayson the current manager who has lifted us out of the 3rd tier of English football after the club had gone through one of the worst patches in their 91 year history.

We lived the dream, signed the best players and played the best Europe had to offer. However doing this nearly bankrupted the side we had to sell the likes of Rio Ferdinand, Alan Smith, James Milner and Mark Viduka. Recently I've thought about this situation a lot and compared it to my own. This week on Ascension I have to team with Austin Reynolds to face Blade and Phoenix. Like Leeds I didn't have a choice in this, I had to do something I didn't like. Could I trust him? Would he leave me to fight on my own? These were the questions going through my head as I saw Austin get out of his car, it didn't matter though the match was going ahead and there was nothing I could do about it.

Why did I want to meet him here? I thought as Austin headed towards me. All I could think about over the last few months was taking the Elite X Championship away from him but now here we are outside the home of Leeds United about to discuss a strategy for our Ascension tag match. I suppose I felt more comfortable here in Leeds than backstage at some random event and the added security of Elland Road made me more at ease. As I stood face to face with Austin I gripped the tickets in my hand tightly. I hated this guy and I remembered what he did to me at Ascension 11. I wanted to drop him right here but I couldn't, as much as it pained me to say I needed him and he needed me. Phoenix and Blade will be a formidable team and to overcome them we had to work together.

Beckford: Austin?

I offered my handshake to him and mercifully he accepted. I could see the look in his eyes. He didn't like me and knew I didn't like him. We had to quickly get past this though. We both knew Phoenix and Blade have been working together very effectively and they would capitalize on our uncomfortable relationship any chance they could. We couldn't afford to be at each others throats during the match up if we wanted a victory. We took our seats and as the match began I decided that I had to break this tension, I had to let Austin know how I felt.

Beckford: Let's get one thing straight. Me and you will never be friends. It's no secret that I want your Elite X Championship and I will do everything in my power to get take that belt from you.

Reynolds: And you have to know that I will do everything I can to stop you. Like I have done in the past.

Beckford: Fair enough. I'll tell you here and now that I will have your back in this match up but the moment I feel you try to take advantage of the situation I'll have no problem dropping you where you stand.

Reynolds: As I will with you. I know this situation isn't what either of us wanted but I'll hold up my end. Phoenix and Blade have more experience than both of us combined and we need to work together to beat them.

Beckford: We can agree on that. I've faced them both before; both men are very tough we can't take them lightly. I beat Blade in the Eurasian league and to be honest I was lucky to pick up the victory then. He's been on fire recently beating former world champions in recent weeks and near enough beating the WZCW Champion Vengeance last week. Phoenix is very good, look at his matches with Garth Black and you will see just how good he is. As a team they will be hard to beat.

Reynolds: But so will we if we stick together. I'm the Elite X Champion and I know we can be just as tough to beat. You've been in the ring with me, you know how tough I am, and I know how tough you are. Blade and Phoenix will be a big threat but I know we can overcome them.

So it was out there, we agreed we had to work together, we agreed we didn't like each other. Austin's confidence made me feel more confident. He seemed focused and up for this match up. He wasn't obsessing about teaming with me he was focused solely on the Ascension match and as the football match got into the second half I realised something. I still didn't trust Austin but I couldn't deny his talent. He smashed his way into WZCW and quickly became Elite X Champion. We have been in the ring as opponents so many times these last few months that I know what he can do and how tough he is.

The awkwardness was passing and I was getting more confident about the situation as the game was coming to a close, the Leeds United fans sang their rendition of Marching On Together and I realised the song had a couple of similarities to my unique situation. Me and Austin, we have been through it all together mainly as opponents and we have had plenty of ups and downs along the way. The game finished and we left the ground, we were confident and as Leeds United had done in the football match we had just witnessed we were going to win because at Ascension, as much as it pains me to admit it, there was nobody else I'd rather have on my side than the Elite X Champion.
Blade is striding through the backstage halls of the arena hosting this week’s WZCW Ascension show and alongside him is Rebecca Serra trying to keep up with his fast pace.

Blade: Keep up!

Rebecca: (panting slightly) I’m not a wrestler! I’m not as fit as you!

Blade: Well then, you should cut down on the cookie dough, shouldn’t you? You know I only walk this fast when it’s towards business. And this is some important business.

Rebecca: Who are you going to see? Mr. Bateman? Mr. Myles?

Blade grins as they turn a corner and walk past the merchandise stands that are currently being set up. As Blade walks past the stands he ‘accidently’ knocks over a stack of Chris Beckford T-Shirts.

Merch guy: Thanks, jackass!

Blade smirks as he and Rebecca keep walking through the arena.

Blade: You see this week I’ve got a chance to prove that I should be higher up in WZCW. I beat Titus, taken Big Dave to the limit and dominated the WZCW champion, Vengeance. And yet I’m still put up against guys such as Chris Beckford and Austin Reynolds. It’s injustice that I’m being held back, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s proving people wrong.

They enter the food court of the arena and Blade walks towards a beer stall.

Blade: Hey there. A Heineken please and... Becky, want anything?

Rebecca: Uhh, no thanks, I don’t drink on the job.

Blade: Why not? Really takes the edge off.

The man working at the beer stall fills a plastic cup with beer and puts it down in front of Blade.

Beer guy: Here you go, Blade. That’ll be one fifty.

Blade: Here. Keep the change.

Blade and Rebecca walk away, Blade sipping the beer.

Beer guy: HEY! This is a one dollar bill! Get back here!

Blade smirks as they walk toward the front entrance of the arena. Blade takes a few more gulps of the beer before tossing over his shoulder, on to a Austin Reynolds promotional poster. He stands before the entrance, gazing out of the glass double doors at the large queue of WZCW fans eager to get inside the arena. The fan at the front of the queue spots Blade on the other side of the entrance and points it out to the people around him. Many in the crowd get excited as Blade is attacked by a barrage of camera flashes.

Blade, you know you’re not supposed to interact with the audience before the show, it ruins the mystique!

Blade: I’m just looking out here because people, many people, and I’m sure a large portion of this very crowd are questioning why I’m aligning myself with Phoenix, and why I continue to do so after he accidently cost me a win against Vengeance.

Blade walks away from the front entrance and continues down the halls of the arena.

Blade: It’s because when I wrestled him, I saw myself in him and I saw him suffering the same way I am. Criminally underrated performers, stuck lower than they should be, being held back... So I put forward a proposition to Phoenix. We are going to help each other rise to the top. Eventually and inevitably, we will have to face off to see who is the top guy... But until then, we’re working together to get where we deserve to be. And that’s the business I’m attending to now. Beckford and Reynolds are the first stepping stone on our way up.

So we’re going to see Phoenix?

Blade: Who’s we? Got a mouse hidden in that ridiculous amount of cleavage?

Rebecca stops, looking annoyed at the insult, but brushes it off and keeps pursuing Blade.

Rebecca: Please let me go in with you! My job is to find out all the news backstage, and you letting me in to your secret meeting will put me head and shoulders above the rest of the interviewers!

They come to a stop outside the room labelled 294. Blade lets out a heavy sigh.

Blade: You’re lucky I pity you a little... Fine, you can come in. But don’t say a thing, Phoenix and I have a lot to discuss...

Blade opens the door and enters and Rebecca follows him in........
The scene opens in a dimly lit hallway backstage at the Ascension arena. Phoenix suddenly appears on screen, quickly walking down the hallway with Leon Kensworth tailing him.

Where are we going?

Phoenix continues walking, checking every clock that he comes across.

We aren’t going anywhere. I have some business to attend to, and it wouldn’t be very professional of me to be late, now would it?

Fine. I might as well use this time for more than just a workout. You had a pretty impressive win last week, but that’s not what the people are talking about. What happened in Blade’s match?

Phoenix continues his march, the volume of his voice varying as he turns up and down various hallways.

That was little more than a miscalculation that led to an unfortunate outcome. I know this, and I hope that I will not have to do so much explaining for Blade to understand this as well. We need to be on the same page for our match this week. Reynolds and Beckford may be competent singles competitors, but Blade and I know that the key to winning a tag team match is cohesiveness. That, and the fact that we are more talented in them, will led to us standing in the middle of the ring with our hands raised at the end of the tag match.

So will this partnership last in the Battle Royale later in the night as well?

Phoenix comes to a stop and turns to face Leon.

Blade and I are focused on winning. Period. If it is to our benefit to work together, then that’s what we will do. I trust that Blade and I are on the same page. If I find out that isn’t true for whatever reason, don’t worry. You will be the last person to know.

Phoenix turns and opens a door behind him, with a little plaque reading 294.

Wait! Are you meeting with…

Phoenix enters the room and slams the door shut behind him.


Leon turns to the camera man, shrugs, and the scene fades to black as they make their way back up the hallway.


Inside the room, Blade and Phoenix sit across from each other, on either side of a 4 foot long table. There’s an intense silence as they look into each other’s eyes, both looking determined not to break the stare. Rebecca stands at the side of the table, frantically looking from Blade to Phoenix and back again. She goes to open her mouth, but Blade immediately holds up a hand to silence her.



What happened last week was just...

An error of judgment on your behalf?

If you want to put it like that. But I’m not going to apologize.

I wouldn’t expect you to. It doesn’t particularly bother me that I didn’t beat Vengeance, destiny will bring me to the world title when it sees fit, until then my focus is on Beckford and especially Reynolds.

Well guys...

Shut up, Becky.

Becky looks hurt as Phoenix looks at Blade inquisitively for a moment, clenching his jaw, as if weighing his words carefully.

How do I know you’re not lying?


I saw your interview with Klamour about the Battle Royale. You sounded pissed. And I know that if you are pissed, you won’t hesitate to screw me over during the tag match. In fact, I kind of expect you to, I don’t trust you.... Yet.

Quite the pessimist, aren’t you? Think about it... Reynolds and Beckford also saw that interview I assume. But they can’t what’s going on within these 4 walls, this is just between us. And, uhh, Becky. Now, taking into account that I was well aware Beckford and Reynolds would see the interview with Klamour, why would I act pissed during that but be perfectly calm with just the two of us?

And evil grin spreads across Phoenix’s face as the realization dawns on him.

You were messing with their heads. Mind games, clever.

Blade smirks and nods, as the silence falls between them once again. Becky scratches her arm nervously before trying to speak again.

So does this mean...

Shut up, Becky.

She begins to look annoyed as Blade leans forward towards Phoenix.

So, what do you know about Beckford and Reynolds?

Not much, unfortunately. You?

Beckford’s weak. Reynolds is a douche.

Well yeah, I knew that much.

Once again, the silence falls in the room, as they both contemplate their opponents for a few moments. Becky clears her throat beside them.

Phoenix & Blade: (simultaneously) SHUT UP BECKY!

Her face goes red with frustration as she walks away from the table to the couch on the other side of the room.

Honestly, I don’t see this as much of a challenge. I’ve beaten Beckford before and Reynolds is the only person who doesn’t know how incredibly lucky he is to be holding that title. He’s challenged me for Unscripted, and I plan to accept that challenge and take that title.

We’re going to need another chair at this table for your ego.

Blade rolls his eyes.

But you’re right, they average performers who are lucky to be where they are now. Reynolds was lucky to win the Elite X title. And all he’s had for competition is Beckford, who’s as mediocre as they come. Hell, all he had to do was beat Scott Hammond to get the title shot. Meanwhile I was beating Ga... my former partner to within an inch of his life and you were matches Big Dave move for move...

The strategy for this one should be quite easy, they’re both similar competitors... What do you think, Becky?

Becky looks up at them, looking incredibly annoyed. She gets up and walks right past them.

You guys are jerks!

She storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Well.... That was rude. Anyway...

Blade and Phoenix lean forward and begin to discuss strategy as the scene fades.
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