AS19: All Roster Battle Royale for the final HIAC Spot

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
The 4th and final competitor in the Hell in a Cell match at Unscripted will be decided by an over-the-top Battle Royale open to most of the roster. Who will be the last man to get a chance at the WZCW Heavyweight Championship?

Deadline is Tuesday 10th August 23:59 EST

The following men are not eligible to RP for this match: Wasabi Toyota, Hunter Kravinoff, Big Dave, Austin Reynolds, Vengeance, Ty Burna, Baez, Showtime Cougar
Johnny Klamour is standing by with a smirking Blade in the backstage halls of the arena hosting this week’s Ascension.

Klamour: Well Blade, after your strong performance against Vengeance, many believe that you might just be the dark horse in the battle royale to decide the fourth participant in the Hell in a Cell match. Do you agree?

Blade: I disagree, actually. Because there is no way that I am anything other than the stand out favourite. Did you see what I did to Vengeance, Klamour? The great and mighty Vengeance, the WZCW champion, a man feared both in and out of this company, a man bigger, stronger and more experienced than me and he was.... Struggling to survive, and I only lost due to... An unfortunate mistake. I had time to play to the crowd, slapping Vengeance around as if he was nothing more than a plastic dummy feeling the adrenaline rush through my body as I felt my destiny become a reality. I ask you Johnny, who has dominated Vengeance like that? Not Titus, not even Everest. Sure, Everest managed to beat Vengeance but Vengeance was in control every step of the way. So I ask you, Klamour, am I merely a dark horse or am I the favourite?

Klamour: I guess we’ll see. But many people are wondering why you want to form an alliance with the “unfortunate mistake”.

Blade: Sometimes you see something in another person that no one else can see... I see something in Phoenix that caught my attention while I was wrestling him. It must be the same thing Garth Black saw in him when they formed the team. There is a darkness within him that can be channelled into something fierce... Indeed, if you’ll excuse the metaphor, he rose from the ashes after his previous loss to Black and soared into the sky, with his potential height seemingly limitless... So here’s our alliance. I will help Phoenix rise ever higher and he will bring me closer to my destiny... Just you watch.

Klamour: And when you end up face to face inside that ring during the battle royale? Sooner or later you will have to put the alliance aside, surely?

Blade: Obviously... You know, I have an interesting story for you. A few nights ago, I was doing in autograph signing in Boston. A fan came up to me and said “You talk about your destiny and fate and all that stuff all the time, does that mean you believe in God or a higher power?” And for the first time in my life, I was left speechless. I felt bad for disappointing the young fan, it was such an insightful question and I couldn’t answer it, but I thought about it all night, I lost sleep over it... But one day I was training outside and I saw a line of ants and I had an epiphany... You see, if there is any kind of God up there, he cannot hear us and we cannot hear him. It’s like ants trying to communicate with us. I stared at the line of ants for so long I lost track, they were just walking, going back and forth, picking up bits of dirt and pebbles and stacking them. I stared at them for ages, and I couldn’t figure out who were the good ones and who were the bad ones. And then I started killing them... I stomped on the line and they tried to escape... But all of them died except one. One was fast enough and smart enough to get away. That one ant wasn’t meant to die... But it was nothing to do with me, the higher power. It was simply because that one ant was the fittest. And that’s what life is like here in the WZCW, I’m destined for greatness because here it is survival of the fittest. And so, when I get into the ring with all the other participants in the battle royale, they will all be crushed and just like that single ant who managed to get away, I will be the lone survivor. I will be in Hell in a Cell come Unscripted...

Leaving Klamour speechless, Blade closes his eyes and smirks one last time before striding away, the back of his trenchcoat flapping behind him.
(The scene fades into a small locker room at a WZCW House Show. Scott Hammond can been seen watching some old tapes of previous battle royale's in WZCW. He studies them before jotting some points down on a piece of paper. Leon Kensworth creeps in behind him, startling Hammond as he turns around)

Scott Hammond: Jesus Leon, you ever hard of knocking?

Leon Kensworth: Sorry Scott, I just wanted to have a quick chat with you about the all roster battle royale this coming week on Ascension.

Scott Hammond: Well its good to see you too Leon. We go how long without talking and your just straight down to business aren't you?

Leon Kensworth: I was just...

Scott Hammond: Ah its okay Leon, to answer your question, this is an excellent opportunity for everyone involved with WZCW. It is at times like these that men such as myself can stand up and be counted here in WZCW. This is the opportunity that you have to grab with both hands Leon. This is where virtual unknown could write their place in the history of this great company. And I for one, am going to do everything I can to throw every member of this roster over the top rope one after another before having my hand raised and taking my place in the Hell In A Cell match at Unscripted.

Leon Kensworth: Are you not worried by the blinding star power that will be in that battle royale come Ascension?

Scott Hammond: What is 'star power' Leon? Can you define star power? Is it how 'over' someone is with the crowd? Is it their technical abilities in the ring? Because Scott Hammond has both of these things in abundance. You are looking at the greatest thinking technician in WZCW today and it doesn't matter how many of the Blades, the Showtime Cougars, or the Titus' that you put in front of me, I will out-think and out-class anyone who gets in my way of the ultimate goal here.

Leon Kensworth: Have you any choice words for the man that you could potentially face off against at Unscripted should you win the battle r...

Scott Hammond: I assume you are talking about Vengeance Leon, and yes, I do have a few choice words for the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. Vengeance, to you, I am probably just another guy on the WZCW roster. Unfortunately for you, making that kind of assumption is only going to put you into more trouble. I saw your tainted win at Apocalypse, taking advantage of the no-DQ stipulation. I guess that is what an opportunist does. For that, I cannot blame you. I would do anything for a World Title shot which in retrospect actually makes us a lot alike. But you need to understand that I am the ultimate opportunist Vengeance. And when the chance presents itself, and it will at Ascension, I am going to make sure I take it.

Leon Kensowrth: So you think you can beat Vengeance if you get that far?

Scott Hammond: Leon, I am the man who single-handedly raised the profile of the Mayhem Division in this company. I have a wealth of experience wrestling in WZCW and there is nothing that I have yet to see that I haven't seen already.

Leon Kensworth: What about Hell In A Cell. You haven't seen that before?

Scott Hammond: This is true but that doesn't mean that I am not prepared if the situation arises. Although I tout my technical experience, I am, in essence a street fighter, and I have no problem with getting my hands dirty. Come Ascension, my ascent begins and for all of you unlucky enough to get in my way, you had better start preying to whatever God you believe in and ask him for mercy, because I will not show it in the ring. Now if you will excuse me Leon, I have some more homework to do.

(Leon Kensworth signals to the cameraman with his hand and slowly exits the room as Hammond continues to study the tape)
WZCW Management received the following letter from Phoenix as a petition to be in the Battle Royale for the final place in the WZCW World Title Hell in a Cell match at Unscripted. It is reprinted with the author’s permission.

“You will hear many reasons from the different competitors as to why they are entering the Battle Royale to earn a shot at the WZCW World Title. Some will say it is their dream, others will say it is their destiny, while others will say it is to prove that they are the best in this company and in the world. Every single person in that match will have their own reasoning for being there, and their own ultimate goal that Battle Royale is a stepping stone toward.

None of that applies to me. Now, this isn’t to say that I do not relish the opportunity to battle for the WZCW World Title, because I would love have that physical reminder of my wrestling abilities. I do have that desire to have a dominant reign with a singles title in WZCW before my time here comes to an end. The Hell in a Cell match provides a unique opportunity, however, which is why I want to be in that match. Since my latest rebirth, I have found a newfound desire to punish people. I destroyed my former tag team partner and took out Matt Fox on his return to WZCW. Some would go as far as to say that I have become a monster.

And if those people are correct in saying that I have become a monster, there is only one place a monster belongs: in a cage. At this battle royale, I will destroy the competition, relishing every bone shaking impact on the floor, until I am the last man standing in the middle of the ring. I will earn that last place in the Hell in a Cell match. I will win 2 matches in one night at Ascension. I will become the WZCW Heavyweight Champion.

The scene opens up with Leon Kensoworth standing in the middle of an open field. There is a taxi cab behind him, which he rode in to get to the field. He looks at his watch nervously realizing that the longer he waits the more he has to pay. Just sa he is about to call it a day, a loud voice calls out...


Kensworth dives down onto the ground as a man safely lands about 50 feet away from him. A parachute falls over the man, who is laughing hystrerically. Kensworth gets up and brushes himself off.

Who are you and what are you doing? You could've killed me! Are you crazy?

The man pulls back the parachute and it reveals Tucker Graham, who is still laughing. He walks over towards Kensworth.

Yeah, maybe a little. Whats wrong? I didn't even come close to you! Come on! It was funny, you should've seen your face!

Graham continues laughing as Kensworth finally begins to calm down. He takes a few deep breathes before talking.

So you called me out here to pretend to try and kill me?

Graham lets out another chuckle before speaking.

I'm sorry Leon. We can still be friends, right?

Kensworth perks up.

We're friends? I mean yeah, we're still cool man.

Alright, awesome. No, I called you out here to tell you something. I'm going to try to earn that last spot in the Hell in a Cell match for the World Title.

Kenswoth gives him a crazy look.

I know, I know. It sounds crazy, but guess what, so is jumping out of an airplaine! And I just did that! Its not crazy to try to follow your dreams Leon. Its crazy not to. I have never said no to an opportunity to have fun in my life, and I don't plan on stopping now.

But the Hell in a Cell isn't going to be fun Tucker.

We must have different definitions of fun then. To me, fun is doing what you love doing. I love wrestling. I'll be wrestling in the Hell in a Cell match. To me, fun is going after your dreams. I'll be doing that in the Hell in a Cell match. The Battle Royale at Asencion is the first step for all of this. When I win the Battle Royale, I'll be on my way of making my dreams come true. I'll be one step closer to achieving my dream of being a champion.

I know I will have an uphill battle. I'm the least experienced of the bunch. I'm the smallest, I'm the weakest. But I have the desire to do this Leon. I have the desire that the other competitors do not have. I am willing to put myself through anything and everything to win that belt. And you know I'll have fun doing it.

Come on Leon, let's go get some lunch. I'll pay.

Graham and Kensworth walk off and get in the cab and it pulls away as the scene fades to black.
The scene is pitch black as we hear Jordan Lights' voice.

Lights : Tonight, I have a choice, a choice to make an impact, a choice for the chance of a lifetime, a choice to finally set the corrupt men of the WZCW lockeroom straight.

A singular light comes on and floats over head of a desk as we see Jordan Lights seated in front of a wooden desk covered with random files.

Lights : You see these, I have a file on each and every one of you, your weaknesses, your strengths, your histories. Some might say I know more about all of you then you know about yourselves.

Now a tv comes up and it begins showing clips of the WZCW roster such as Ty, Titus, Everest, Showtime, and several other members.

Lights : I've studied every file, and watched a lot of the matches had in WZCW. Now that I know the weaknesses each man possesses, I look to expose those tonight in the battle royale. Tonight is my turn to shine. I never thought that I would have a such a chance so soon. Before tonight is over the Justice shall stand tall above all as the Guilty are sentenced and realize the consequences of their actions.

The scene fades out as the light burns out.
Steven Kurtesy and Sandy Deserts are inside the arena of Ascension who are talking to each other in private near the loading dock. He gives Deserts a briefcase and directs her to go outside. Leon Kensworth sees all of this unfold and decides to check whats going on. Sandy heads on outside and Leon follows, taking a different path to avoid Kurtesy. As Deserts steps outside and Leon is close approaching the door, Steven pops out of nowhere to block his path, making Leon a little jumpy. Steven gives a smile and puts his arm around the shoulder of Leon, turning him back around the way he just came.

It's great to see you again, old pal. How's things?

Leon gets a little agitated at how calm Steven is and where he might possibly take him.

Um... I'm doing okay. How about Sandy?

Excellent, Mr Kensworth. Unfortunately, she won't be able to stay as she is taking care of some rather important business for me. Sandy is such a dependable secretary.

The turn around a corner to head down a long corridor, full of WZCW locker rooms.

What type of business?

Well, it's none of yours to say the least. It was also none of your business in taking photo's and stealing some of my things last time we met.

Leon is shocked and a little frightened.

Uh... I, er... didn't mean.

No, no... I understand. It was your job as a journalist to try and find out everything they can about a high profile news story... but something that has already been proven not to be me as the culprit? You should really try and think about this logically, Mr. Kensworth.

That piece of paper and the hand-writing on it looked very familiar and I thought...

Steven becomes unamused.

You need to think a little more. I was in the ring when the Mayhem Title was on the outside of the arena. There, problem solved. It wasn't me.


The two both stop just in front of The Crashin Movement's locker room. Steven looks intensely at Leon, something he hasn't seen before from Kurtesy.

There is no other side to this story. It was quite clear as from last week... Baez, with help from Baez and Baez, stole the Mayhem Championship from The Killjoy. He just misplaced the title... a huge misunderstanding. So now, everyone can go to their normal lives and go about everything before this whole accident ever took place.

Leon isn't fully satisfied with the answers, but he keeps himself content.

I'm guessing you are planning on making yourself a name in the Battle Royale this week, as well as re-establishing yourself in the tag team division?

Steven becomes very calm.

That is the smartest thing your brain has put together today. I'm proud of you, Mr. Kensworth.

He takes a deep breath and smiles.

It has been a long time coming for me to be able to get an opportunity at a World Championship. Every time one passes by, the good ol' Z Executives seem to overlook the Doctor. When I first debuted into the company, they decided that I wasn't good enough to compete in the Lethal Lottery match. I was pushed aside whilst my... partner... had his chance. If I remember correctly, he didn't even last all that long anyway. A wasted opportunity. Then, due to my... partner... again... I was forced to slip away my chances of entering the King For A Day match to get a chance for a contract to challenge the champion at any time I wanted. Third time will be the charm, Mr. Kensworth. I will be entering the Battle Royale and there will be no-one to stop me. The psychological mastermind will out-smart and out-think the competition and enter somewhere that I have had previous experience inside... a cage... a cell... my own inner sanctum. The pain and suffering that's trapped up there will be realised and I can guarantee you, it's going to be unscripted.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Steven gives a huge grin to Leon and pats him on the shoulder. He turns around and enters into his locker room, leaving Leon by himself. The scene ends as Leon walks off.
The scene opens in the parking lot of the central offices of WZCW. Baez is shown walking angrily and steadily towards the building in the late hours of the afternoon. He slams the door on the way into the building and goes past the information desk. The secretary lowers her head as Baez passes by. He continues his way through the hallway until reaching the office of Vance Bateman. He bursts in. Bateman comes into camera range looking a bit startled but still keeping his cool. The cameraman walks in and Baez closes the door.

Bateman: How can I help you today, Baez?

Baez: Any luck finding the masked guys?

Bateman: We have pictures and have been analyzing them the entire week. No results.

Baez: I told you people that it wasn't Jones, Kurtesy or Crashin. But you people are so good listening after all. And the title?

Bateman lowers his head in disappointment and sighs.

Baez: What are you gonna do about it? I gave Myles a deadline and an ultimatum. Rather than him finding the thief, the thief's found him. And me.

Bateman: The police has been thoroughly investigating the building and the security cameras. They have found nothing.

Baez: *sigh* This is so FUCKING FRUSTRATING!

Baez punches the table hard and cracks it a bit.

Baez: While I have to worry about my stolen title, everybody else goes along their daily lives here like nothing. I'm a damn champion yet I'm stuck attacking random suspects! Meanwhile Dave wipes the floor with any challenger he gets and Reynolds deals with that bastard, John Constantine! Dammit!!

Bateman: Don't tell me you're still hung on him being the one who did all this?

Baez: Why not! Stop and notice how his run here has stepped over mine in one freakin' month. Meanwhile I'm stopped cold in my tracks because a bunch of Kickassery fearing pissheads are making a mockery of me and all the hard work I've done for the Mayhem division!

Bateman: Then clear your mind for a bit. Find something to curve your frustrations. You've costed us a lot in a few weeks by putting so many people in the hospital and breaking equipment.

Baez: Bate, I'm a damn champion without his title. What the hell do you think could possibly "curve my frustrations"?!

Bateman: You got me there really. But you can't sulk in it otherwise you'll just be satisfying the people responsible for this mess.

Baez nervously walks around the office for a bit as Bateman looks on. Eventually, Baez leans on the desk again and slams his hands. He notices a piece of paper on his left hand and picks it up to read it. The top reads "Ascension 19 Card". After reading it for a bit Baez lowers the paper.

Baez: That's it...

Bateman: What's it?

Baez: You just said it. I'm making these bastards happy by sulking and being frustrated, when I should be out doing the best I can.

Bateman: Yeah! That's the spirit. Go out and win some matches. You're still champion.

Baez: Yep! But I don't have the proof. Therefor I am entering the Battle Royal you're having for a spot in Hell In A Cell.

Bateman: WHAT?!?!?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!

Baez: It's a nice loophole. And I can thank those thieving little bastards for it. Soon enough, I'll be the first dual World Champion in The 'Z's history.

Bateman: I can't allow that! You're the Mayhem champion already!

Baez: You will. You have no choice but to do so. You owe it to me for coming up short on this case for an entire month. Not only that, but I haven't been in real active competition. I've just been beating up suspects. What better way to stick it to those jackoff's than by winning the World Heavyweight Championship. While still being Mayhem champion, because those idiots wouldn't allow me to defend my title. Excellent!

Bateman's mouth is seen dropping as he seems unable to respond to the situation. Baez turns around to the camera and points to it.

Baez: Hear that?! I'm coming! At Ascension, I will smash anybody in that Battle Royal. Kurtesy? Put him on a stretcher. Scott Hammond? Beat him for the stolen Mayhem belt. Tucker Gharam? Who? Jordan Lights? Lost without Karzai. Blade? If Big Dave can beat him, so can I. Phoenix? He's lost to a tall midget. Enough said. I'm bringing enough Kickassery to last me all the way to the Pay-Per-View. It doesn't matter if its Kurtesy, Constantine, Ty Burna, Everest, Cougar or Vengeance. They are all going down as the revolution continues to be televised. How can I win? How will I win? Easy. I'm harder than hardcore! Master of all things Mayhem! Ruler of anarchy! The be-all-of-end -all in extreme! The soon to be World Heavyweight... Slash! Mayhem Champion. OF THE WORRRRRRLD! Johnny Dreamer ain't got shit on me. Men will fly and fall before me because the Hell In A Cell, will meet the Devil. The guy it houses. See ya Sunday, bitches. Baez is back! Ya Hear?!

Baez walks off the office while Bateman has a very wide look of shock in his face.

Bateman: Did that just happen? I am so screwed...

The feed immediately cuts and the scene fades afterward.
[We open to a parking garage. Emerging from an elevator along the wall is Gordito, wearing his ratty red robe, a black t-shirt, and torn blue jeans. He wastes little time approaching his vehicle, a beat up black Datsun 280Z. As he fumbles for his keys, Chuck Myles emerges from another elevator. He spots Gordito about to enter his car, and calls to him.]

Myles: Hey! Juan! Wait up!

[This stops Gordito dead in his tracks. He turns around to find Myles approaching him at a brisk but casual pace.]

Hold on a second there, big guy. I want to discuss something with you.

[Gordito relaxes a bit and leans up on his car.]

Gordito: I got the time, boss. Look, I'm sorry about that nonsense Jones was spitting out earlier in your office. The guy's a real pinhead and...

Never mind that now. He's hardly the first guy to blindly accuse me of anything. I trust that between you and Hammond, Jones will learn a little more sense than to be so disrespectful. No, I have something else I wanted to ask you.

Well, what's on your mind?

Do you remember your first match around here? Not that Redemption dark match. I mean Meltdown 39. What a catch that was for us, huh? Toyota is already a champion. Holmes is cutting his way up the ladder. And you, Gordito. You have already started pulling in a sizable following at the shows. The fans click with you, they dig your energy.

I do my best. I'm glad it's been working out as well as it has. I'm really living my dream here.

Good, good. Do you remember, two weeks later, when you and Baez started a riot around the ring? I was a little distracted with Bateman, and with getting things under control, but I saw your match. You've got some potential. I know I gave you a lot to handle with Jones and Hammond, but I wonder Gordito: Do you think you are up for more?

[Gordito looks a little lost, but entranced by Chuck's words. He scratches his chin a moment.]

The Dirty One is looking to make a big splash this week. I want to come out on top at Ascension, and prove my dedication to Mayhem. I don't want to turn down an opportunity, Boss, but I don't want to stray too far from my prior commitments.

[Myles is quick to pick up where Gordito leaves off.]

But that's the thing: If this works out, it'll be a huge boost of momentum for you. Gordito, this week at Ascension, we will be having a battle royale open to most of the roster. The winner will earn a place at Unscripted as the fourth man in a match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. I want you to enter it.

[Gordito laughs out loud.]

HA! You're serious?

[Gordito looks at Myles straight in the eye.]

YOU ARE SERIOUS! Oh my, this is great.

Excuse me?

I'm sorry Boss, I mean, I don't mean to disrespect the top prize in our industry. I came here with the dream of competing for that belt, of being in the spotlight of the main event. But all the guys in this company, and you're coming up to me? Why?

Why not? I want to make sure the match goes well, and that the guy going into Unscripted is going to generate buzz and draw attention to the event. You said it yourself when you said this is a time of change around WZCW. I know you've found a home in the Mayhem Division, and no one is saying you have to abandon that. But think of the opportunity to take The Dirty Train to a whole new level.

[Gordito looks to be mulling this over.]

And look at it this way Gordito: Even if you win the battle royale, but lose at Unscripted, you'll still have had the chance to show your wares against the very best in the company right now.

[Gordito freezes at the thought of this.]

That's right, a challenge. A test. The test. And all you have to do is find the energy to do two matches in one night. Now, if I've learned anything about you in your time here, it's that you can't possibly say no to that.

You know what, Boss? You're right. I'm in. You tell Bateman and everyone else that...actually, scratch that. I've got a question for you instead.


Is Klamor around here right now?


[The camera fades to black. Shortly afterwards, we fade into a hallway. The camera is moving forward, and then stops and turn to the right. There is a door with a blue star on it with the WZCW logo. Below the logo is, in bold letters, the name "Klamor". A hand emerges from the left hand side of the screen and knocks hard upon the door. After a few moments, Johnny Klamor opens the door.]

Klamor: What do ya' want? I've got a deadline and...oh god, it's you.

[The camera pulls back to reveal Gordito standing by the door.]

What, you didn't miss me Johnny K?

Don't call me that, pond scum. And no, I didn't miss you. I don't miss you. After I slam this door in your face, I won't miss you.

[Klamor goes to shut the door, but Gordito stops him with his foot.]

Don't be like that, Johnny K. Why, I'm here to do you a favor.

[Klamor tries to fight Gordito over the door, but then concedes and steps back. Gordito steps back, and Klamor comes forward through the door into the hallway.]

A favor? Let's see, I don't want a tattoo, I don't want my face pierced, and I don't want my hair colored like a freakin' rainbow. What do you mean favor?

Johnny my man, I just heard the biggest news, and I thought about it: Who I trust enough to get that news out? Who do I know that is popular enough and respected enough to give this exclusive scoop to? And I thought...

[Klamor adjusts his tie anticipating some major ass kissing.]

Showtime isn't here tonight.

That's it, get out!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, baby, I'm not done yet. So I think "I know! I'll go find my buddy Johnny K!".

Stop calling me that.

So here I am, ready to share the big news with you.

...well, spit it out.

On the next Ascension, The Dirty Train will be making two stops, baby. First up, The Dirty One will be mopping up Scott Hammond and Chris Jones in a Three Way Match. Then, he'll be coming through an open battle royale to become the fourth man in the main event at Unscripted! That's right, I'm throwing caution into the damn wind and I'm taking on two matches this week. And after it's all said and done, I will not only continue to be the hottest thing in the Mayhem Division, but I will be the surprising, exciting, dominating, and damn fine looking new challenger to the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Are you serious?

[Gordito looks over towards Klamor.]

Aw, crap, you're serious. Look kid, I know you must have a big head being the one guy around here I absolutely cannot stand, but that doesn't make you ready for even a shot at a shot for the world title.

Don't flatter yourself, Johnny K. I'm doing this for the fans, because they deserve the best match we can give them, either here or at Unscripted. And I'm doing this for me, as the ultimate test of my career here so far. Can I get to Unscripted? Can I beat the best of the best? Can I shock the world?

Honestly, I don't think you can do it, freak. I think Phoenix and Lights are going to eat you alive in the match. Oh and Scott Hammond? He's in too, so there's the chance you could lose to the same guy twice in one night! Let's not forget Kurtesy, the man who made you tap out last week. And if they don't stop you, Vengeance sure will when you foolish try to take his belt from him. But you know what? Go ahead and try. Just try and prove me wrong. I don't think you can do it!

I know, but I still love you Johnny. That's why I felt the need to share this with you now. I'm looking forward to a double date with Hammond at Ascension; I can't wait to give the two time champ a beating, times two. I heard Baez was going to be joining us too, which means this will be the third time I've fought the reigning Mayhem Champion. The first time he sneaked out the win, and the second time we were interrupted by the theft of the Mayhem Title. This is going to be lucky number three for The Dirty One. And I mean, sure, Kurtesy beat me last week, but who put his friend and tag partner through a table for the win before that? That's right, ME! I'm better prepared for Kurtesy now, and I won't let him stand in my way.

Ok, sure, you might have some points with that, but still: You're not going to make it, chump. But feel free to try; I mean, it is an open match.

Your concern and support touch me Johnny K.

For the last time, stop calling me that. And if you don't have any other favors for me, I'd like to kindly request that you GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!

Sheesh, just try to cut a guy into a great deal and this is what you get...

[Gordito turns around to leave, and Klamor heads back into his room. Before he closes the door, however, Gordito pops up right behind him and speaks into his ear.]

You're welcome!

[Klamor jumps, shouts in surprise, and slams the door shut behind him. We fade to black as Gordito walks down the hallway towards the elevators whistling to himself.]
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