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AS18: Jordan Lights vs. Austin Reynolds

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite picking up an injury last week, Austin Reynold is alament that he can compete, so he will face Jordan Lights this week, a man who got stumped when his rival Mr. Baller was decapitated at the hands of Chris Beckford. Will he take out his frustration on an already injured Elite X Champion or will Reynolds show that not even injuries can hold him back?

Deadline is Tuesday 27th July 23:59 EST
We see a man examining Austin Reynolds’ neck. He is clearly a doctor as he is wearing white coat and rubber gloves and he is pressing his neck very carefully.


“Sorry Austin. Lie face down for me please.” The doctor presses and probes his neck further. Tense moments pass and Austin lies prone, left to reflect on the recent events.

The Ratings Spike last Meltdown said:
Constantine backs out and edges out of the ring. Austin backs away and climbs a turnbuckle to pose to the crowd. Austin’s music hits as he reaches out to the fans, signalling the end of the segment. As he comes back, Constantine is back in the ring and crushes Austin with his Collateral Damage finisher! He stands over Austin without a hint of remorse on his face.

Security, officials and referees sprint from the back to escort Constantine out of the ring and help Austin who appears to be in severe pain. Constantine has a sick grin on his face as he is pushed away from ringside.

Ascension said:
The crowd boo because of the result as Reynolds is still in control of Constantine on the outside. He picks Constantine up and drags him over to the steel entrance ramp. He kicks Constantine in the gut and attempts the Ratings Killer, but Constantine struggles out of it and hits Reynolds with the Collateral Damage out of nowhere. Reynolds hits the steel back first and screams out in pain. Constantine slowly gets to his feet and surveys Reynolds rolling around in agony. Constantine is about to walk up the ramp, but he stops and shakes his head. He walks back to Reynolds and picks him up. With Reynolds barely able to hold himself up, Constantine grabs his arm and pulls Reynolds towards him, using the momentum to hit the Axis of Evil on the ramp. Constantine gets up and holds his arms up, before pointing to his waist, and signalling that he’s going for the Elite X championship. EMT’s run down to check on the condition of Reynolds as Constantine finally walks up the ramp and to the back.

Dominic & Hayley enter the room quietly. Hayley sighs in shock at seeing her beloved winch in pain at the slightest touch.

“Austin, I’m very concerned. This area here is extremely tender and bruised. I’m going to send you for an MRI and X rays. You will need to rest up and keep stress or movement to an absolute minimum until we find out the damage and how bad it is.”

“But I’ll be ready to go by next show?”

“I can’t be sure. You definitely won’t be one hundred percent and any further damage could lead to much more serious consequences. As this stands, I recommend you take a month’s break from in ring action.”

“No I can’t do it....OWW!!” He tries to resist but in his enthusiasm to defend his position, he turns his neck which causes him to scream. Dominic and Hayley rush to him. She hugs him and he leans gently into her shoulder.

“I’m not going to quit. This Elite X title is everything I have fought for and I’m finally beginning to deliver my promises. I’ve got my own segment on Meltdown, the fans are finally accepting me as a champion and people are truly seeing me as a reason to watch.

“I can only recommend Austin. I’ll have to talk to management and tell them what I know and they can make the decision once they see the scan results. Let’s get you to the hospital.”

Austin seems distracted and doesn’t visibly react to this. Of all times, this blow has to come now. This could be devastating. I can’t let it hold me down.

As Austin is helped down the corridor, with Dominic and Hayley by his side, he contemplates his possibilities.

He only has one option.

Twenty four hours pass and after a long discussion with Austin and his doctors, followed by a bad nights’ sleep, Dominic sends the following press statement to be released via WZCW.com.

“The Dominic Kay Talents Agency is happy to announce that top WZCW star, The Ratings Winner, Austin Reynolds will be present for the second instalment of his hit new show, the Ratings Spike on WZCW Meltdown.”

“And I am delighted to confirm to all of his fans who will be attending WZCW Ascension, that they will not miss out as he WILL be there to compete against The Justice, Jordan Lights. Austin is expecting a tough match against a quality opponent but will go all out to deliver another five star TV showing for everyone in the building and watching at home.”

“Doctors have affirmed that despite a minor neck injury, he will able to fight with no long term complications. However Austin was adamant that he would not lose any ring time. Therefore the Elite X champion wants to make one thing very clear to those who covet his championship. These, ladies and gentlemen, are words from the man himself.”

“The Elite X Champion will not back down and will not hide. Austin Reynolds will be in the middle of the ring, standing and in one piece, with the belt around my waist.”


One week later and twenty four hours before Meltdown, Austin and Dominic are in the building, working on The Ratings Spike for the next night. But soon they talk about events of the past week.

“That statement was perfect.”

“I know but it doesn’t mean I am happy about it. I mean I understand why but you are not seeing beyond the end of your nose.”

“And my ego is going to get me into trouble?”

“Yes!” Dom slams down his pen in frustration of his friend.

“It’s not about me anymore. It’s more than that. It’s the fans, the ratings, the show, that title. I’ve got it all to fight for and so much more.”

“You have changed Austin.” Austin begins to protest but Dom cuts him off. “You are focussed on more than just yourself. It’s refreshing I suppose.”

“Maybe I’ve grown up. This full time job, this commitment.”

Austin sits back, relaxing for a second.

“Yeah maybe but don’t forget about Hayley. You have more than in-ring business to fight for.”

“She wouldn’t let me forget her, even if I tried.”

They laugh but a knock on the door interrupts them.

“Come in!”

A blond haired man pokes around the door. It is immediately familiar to Austin despite having not crossed paths with him before.

“Hi Austin, I’m Jonny Klamor. Mr Bateman has asked me to interview you ahead of Meltdown. Given recent events, I feel this is pertinent.”

Austin looks at Dominic for a split-second and then addresses Klamor.

“Mr Klamor, can you meet me outside in fifteen minutes? I will be more than happy to give you a great interview that you are after.”

“Thanks Austin.” They shake hands and Klamor leaves. Dominic seems perplexed.

“Why didn’t you want to talk to him straight away? Seemed ideal timing.”

“I know. But I’m not going to let Jonny Klamor think he can get an interview with me that easily. Serra and Kensworthy would love this interview and Klamor gets it just because he is Bateman’s butt buddy? Anyway, you know my interviews get booked through you.”

Dom seems a little sheepish as he remembers something he meant to arrange with Austin but in the fuss of the injury, it got overlooked.

“Bateman mentioned something. You don’t normally do this sort of thing. The last one didn’t go too well and I didn’t think about it too much.”

“It’s fine. Trust me, I got this. Johnny Klamor doesn’t bother me. I’m all good and I’ll dodge his questions about the neck. I’m certain that is why he is sniffing around.”

Ten minutes later, Austin is standing next to the confident figure of Johnny Klamor.

“I’m Johnny Klamor, here for an exclusive interview with the Elite X champion. Austin, your thoughts on your match on Ascension with Jordan Lights please?”

Austin addresses the camera that is shining on the both of them. He is happy and smiling, showing no sign of the neck injury that had dominated his life in the past fortnight.

“I don’t know where to start with this guy. A tag champion when the division was undoubtedly at its peak and now just one of many potential contenders to this title. There is no doubt in my mind that we will have a great match because he is very talented.”

“He calls himself The Justice but I don’t think he will have a problem with me. I will only do what I do best and it draws new fans to our product. That’s not a bad thing in my book. Ascension will be our chance to demonstrate our abilities to a bigger audience than ever.”

Klamor listens, waiting for Austin to finish. He knows his next question and so does Austin.

“And your neck, how is that holding up after the severe beating it took last week?”

“Lights will prove a stern and competitive test but I’m as ready as I can be. I’m going to fly and move as only I can and put on a top show.”

Austin’s attempt to dodge the question causes Klamor’s brow to furrow. As a competent and experienced broadcaster, he refused to accept this answer.

“Are you concerned that John Constantine is targeting that sixteen pounds of gold? He sent you a clear message last week when he -”

“Klamor, I was there.” Austin pauses, showing he is riled up for the first time as Klamor prods his title. “I know exactly what he did to me. I feel it with every passing second. Now I don’t sweat anybody, especially a wannabe politician. However I do feel that retribution is due. I think Jordan Lights will understand that as much as anyone.”

He pauses for a second; long enough to regain his composure but enough to prevent Klamor interrupting.

“This title is on my shoulder now and I will be ready to defend it against anyone who makes it clear to me that they are good enough. I’m not going to hide and I’ve made that very clear. This belt has been held by many past champions so I am proud to hold it now.”

“And I can now say that I have found an all-new respect for fans who give me chance to perform in front of them. They have given me the blessing of being known as the Ratings Winner, they deserve all credit for putting me on TV every week by tuning in to see and making it impossible for me not to be put on their screens every week.”

“So Constantine’s campaign hasn’t worked so far?” Austin smiles, feeling composed now he has control of this discussion now.

“These fans are smart. They know that John Constantine is no match for me and if this was a political campaign then he would have been out of the running days ago. As it turns out, our business is less complicated and our fans vote with their brains. That is why John Constantine doesn’t intimidate me. I know I am better than him, the fans have shown that they see me as better than him.”

“But don’t think my mind is on anyone but Jordan Lights at Ascension. Constantine has his hands full with Beckford. I’m not looking past this week.”

Klamor’s indifference is clear but Austin is firm, with nostrils flared and broad shoulders. For the first time, he seems strong and staunchly in belief that he is standing up for the right thing. At this time with Klamor opposite him and the camera looking directly at him, he has one thought.

I’m still standing. You want some? Follow the Ratings
The scene opens to a large apartment building where Leon Kensworth and Becky Serra sit outside in an automobile.

Leon : Thanks for the ride Becky, come back in in an hour or so.

Becky checks her clock in the car, the nods and takes off. Leon walks up to the main door and looks at the panel of different apartments.

Leon : Number 10, Jordan Lights, here it is.

He pushes the buzzer as the door makes a noise for him to open it. He does so and makes his way to apartment 10. He walks to the door and knocks as Jordan Lights comes to the door.

Jordan : Come on in Leon, welcome to my apartment, have a seat in the living room.

Leon enters the room where we see a large frame holding a replica of Jordan's tag team championship. Next to it is a photograph of Max Karzai and Jordan holding the tag team championships right after they won the belts. Jordan enters the room and sits down and gives Leon a glass of water.

Leon : I see you like to keep reminders of the good times you've had in the ring.

Jordan looks up at the picture and belt then back to Leon.

Jordan : Yes, it reminds me of my goals in WZCW. It reminds me that each day I have to work hard to deliver justice upon men such as John Constantine, Vengeance, Ty, Steven Kurtesy, and even Everest. They are all walking a corrupt, injust path.

Leon has some of his water and sets it down on the table.

Leon : And what about your opponent this week? What about Austin Reynolds?

Jordan : I respect him Leon. He has done everything I have, but in a singles career. He burst onto the scene and instantly made an impact. At first he was corrupt, only caring about himself and what benefitted himself. But the fans, they love him, and he has realized this and has started to fight for them, and to entertain them. You see, when I first saw Austin Reynolds I knew he was a good man. I knew that deep down in his heart, he knew he didn't like what he was doing or what he was saying. The man is one hell of a wrestler, no, one hell of an athlete, and in our match will be a classic. When all is said and done, at the end of the match, if I'm the one victorious, I shall raise his hand too. I will show him the respect he has earned in this business, and I hope that if I was the one on the mat for the 3 count that he would show me the same respect after the match as well.

Leon and Jordan both have a drink and set them back down.

Leon : While on the topic of respect, what do you think of John Constantine? Are you afraid he will interfere in the match and cost you the victory?

Jordan : To be honest Leon, I'm hoping for it. The man is a corrupt politician who does not know the meaning of right from wrong. He uses his political prowess and abilities to make himself believe he is above everyone, when in fact, he is the same as everybody else. Should Constantine interfere tonight in the match, I'm sure Austin Reynolds and I won't be afraid to straighten him out.

Leon : Back to Reynolds Jordan. He is injured but the doctors have cleared him for the match even though he isn't fully 100%. Are you going to take advantage of his weaknesses and use them against him.

Jordan : I'm going to do what any good wrestler does. I'm going to go out there, and I'm going to wrestle the best I can. I'm going to give Austin Reynolds a match like never before. A match that not only himself, but the people, the people will respect us for.

Leon : Jordan what do you say we go grab a bite to eat and come back?

Jordan : Sounds good to me. One more thing though.

Jordan looks right into the camera in his apartment as he speaks to it.

Jordan : Tonight, and every night from here on out, justice will be delivered, and the righteous shall stand tall amongst those who use money and power to get to the top. Soon a man shall rise above the rest and enter the ring with these unjust people and shall show them the way. All of your sentences will be served.
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