AS18: Blade vs. Vengeance

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Blade seems to having a good run in against World Champions, this week he faces Vengeance, a man who is no doubt looking to vent his frustration after Vance Bateman has informed him that he will defend his title in a Hell in a Cell match. Will Blade continue to pick up momentum following his victory over Phoenix or will Vengeance see Blade as target practise?

Deadline is Tuesday 27th July 23:59 EST

CCTV footage obtained from outside Meltdown last week shows yet another shadowy meeting involving the WZCW Champion and an unidentified second man.

How dare you DEMAND to meet me in shadow. Are you not man enough to let him see exactly what you think of him?

?: Look, I had to. You know there are eyes and ears everywhere and you know our history. So yeah, it’s the shadows or nothing partner.

V: And what is so important that it couldn’t wait until next week?

?: That’s the thing... you can’t just stay on Meltdown away from him. Next week, you’re on his turf. And he’s got something planned. I mean, you’re up against Blade. Now I know he’s not the worst guy on the roster, but you can be damn sure he’s up to something given the number of guys he could have picked to face you on Ascension. I know had it been me picking your opponent, I’d be putting out the baddest guys on the roster to take you down. Either that, or I’d be finding someone that a loss would derail your title credibility and making sure people knew all about it.

V: I’m not stupid, and I know what I’m getting into. I’m expecting a trap, but Bateman is not taking what I have as easily as he things. Hell in a Cell is daunting, but there are going to be other people in there, and it will be more daunting for them being trapped in the demonic structure with the demonic career ender.

You’d best slither inside like the snake you are so no-one notices you are helping the enemy.

*end of feed*


There is a large crowd gathered outside the hotel complex where the stars of WZCW are staying prior to Ascension, the sun shining brightly through the light clouds dotted throughout the bright blue sky. The flashbulbs flash as the local and national press clamour to get a snapshot of the arriving stars, and patiently waiting for the impending statement to be made on behalf of the current WZCW champion regarding his thoughts on the upcoming pay-per-view.

A sudden gap in the crowd forms around the centre of the gathering, as the camera in position to broadcast the statement to picks out the small figure standing in the centre of the mass. Tarja’s voice projects, loud and clear for all to hear despite the noise and the apparent lack of any amplification.

Tarja: You all come to see reaction, to witness the anger of Vengeance, the defamation of Vance Bateman at his hand, but you are all to be disappointed.

You all wonder why the shadowy encounters, what the problem is, and why people continue to consult in the shadows.


Fools. Why do you insist on concerning yourself with the important issues. WZCW has been plunged into an era of darkness, an era of retribution, and soon it will be focused on one man.

Vance Bateman aims to try to undermine, to destroy the one man who has the guts to stand against him, to risk everything to attain the ultimate reward. Now that he has, Vengeance will face all comers, anywhere.

Ask yourself, would you voluntarily imprison yourself in a structure that has can end careers, with a man who has ended careers and is more than comfortable with being in the confines of steel and has destroyed those inside.

Go, look through the record books, look at the destruction of Murfish in KFAD, see the carnage and the pain inflicted.

Camera zooms in and captures Tarja’s eyes, the blue intensity piercing through the crowds

Tarja: But Vance, don’t think that Vengeance’s wrath has passed over you.

This week, the champion is on your show, on your playing field, with your rules, and no doubt you feel safe. But you make the fool’s mistake – you think people care.

My master is no respecter of person, and he will judge all according to their works. Vance, you have been weighed, you have been found wanting, and all you do to undo the very deal you made that gave Vengeance what he wanted, what he deserved, will be as chaff in the fire of his judgements.

This week, your judge, jury and executioner comes to visit, and you will not be spared his wrath. You can throw whomever you desire at him, but he will be refined and come forth as gold, silver and precious jewels, undefiled by the filth.

The loss of sunshine has become tangible, as one solitary black cloud has partly obscured the sun, a solitary beam piercing through, and giving Tarja’s normally pale skin, an almost incandescent look to it.

Tarja: And so we come full circle to the man who has been used to send a message to Titus.

Blade, you own a win over a former world champion, but we both know that win was nothing more than a statement on Vengeance’s behalf. You were in the right place at the right time, nothing more. HE defeated Titus! HE allowed you to gain the biggest moment of your insignificant career, and this week, he will show exactly why you are unworthy to hold your head up and count yourself among the elite.

When even your family don’t think you belong here, can you really expect a man who has claimed the scalps of Everest and Titus in successive weeks to show mercy on you? Maybe you should learn from the beating you WILL receive, regardless of what Vance Bateman tries, and just go.

The cloud has now completely obscured the sun, the eerie darkness engulfing the crowd

Tarja: This is the word of Vengeance, and he shall perform it with wrath and brutality.

All of a sudden, a bolt of lightning flashes into the centre of the crowd, causing the journalists to scatter in terror. Amidst the chaos, it is clear that Tarja is no longer there, as the sun begins to shine, with no sign of the cloud that had previously dominated the sky.
It’s a cold, misty night and Leon Kensworth is standing outside a small warehouse in the industrial estates of Dublin City. He paces up and down in front of the warehouse door, glancing at his wristwatch every few seconds. He quietly mumbles to himself...

Leon: Where... Is he?

He paces up and down a few more times before a BMW M6 pulls up alongside Leon. Blade gets out of the car and mutters something to the driver, before quickly turning to Leon.

Blade: Sorry I’m late. The WZCW pays me well enough so I can afford a driver, but not well enough for an English-speaking one...

Blade takes off his sunglasses, and looks up at the warehouse.

Blade: This is perfect. Come, Leon.

Blade walks forward and opens the large metal door of the warehouse before both men walk inside.

Leon: I’ve gotta say, I’m quite surprised you called me for this “Special interview”. I mean, I know how partial you are to Becky.

Blade: She’s a good girl, but this is something I wanted your help with. Just need a few minutes to set this up.

The warehouse has various crates, as well as some tools and unused packaging. Blade takes off his leather gloves and takes out a clipboard and starts to walk around to the different crates, ticking off boxes.

Leon: So this is how you can afford such a nice car, you got a night job working in a warehouse!

Blade: Very funny. Shut up.

Leon: Well... While you’re doing your preparations for... Whatever you have planned, mind if I ask you some questions?

Blade: Go for it.

Blade takes out a crowbar from behind a crate and throws it into the middle of the floor.

Leon: Well, last week you defeated Phoenix, and now you face one of your biggest challenges yet as you take on the new WZCW champion, Vengeance. Any thoughts about the match?

Blade continues to walk around, ticking boxes while answering the question.

Blade: A strange eeriness has descended over the WZCW since this man became the champion. Those who have dark, tortured souls are the ones that have started rising to prominence, the likes of Ty Burna... Phoenix... Vengeance himself... Doug Crashin... A new age of darkness has taken over and given WZCW a figurative emo fringe.

He throws down the clipboard and walks over to the crowbar. He picks it up and starts to walk to the back of the warehouse.

Blade: Follow me, Leon.

They reach the back of the warehouse where a large crate stands out. Leon starts to tremble as he reads the side of the crate: “DANGER! OPEN WITHIN A CONTROLLED AREA!”

Leon: Wh-What’s in that?

Blade smirks

Blade: You’ll find out in a moment. Now, I need to ask you for a favour. I need to attach this chain to your leg, so it’ll keep you in place.

Leon: What the are you talking about!?

Blade points to a chain on the ground. One side is welded to the floor, and Blade picks up the other side.

Blade: Nothing bad will happen to you. Do you trust me?

Leon: Not really, no.

Blade: Yeah, I wouldn't either... How about I give you 50 bucks?

Leon thinks about it for a few seconds.

Leon: Done.

Leon, trembling slightly, stands still as Blade attaches the other end of the chain around Leon’s right ankle, stopping Leon from moving 5 feet in any direction. Blade picks up the crowbar and slowly starts to walk towards the large crate.

Blade: You see, Leon, Vengeance relies on fear and intimidation to compensate for what he lacks in the ring. He tries to be his opponent’s worst nightmare, their greatest fear. Tell me Leon, what’s your greatest fear?

Leon: Sn-Snakes... Big, poisonous ones with huge fangs...

Blade smirks again.

Blade: Funny you should say that...

Blade uses the crowbar to open the large crate. The front side of the crate falls to the grounds, and suddenly, 5 large cobras come out and head straight for Leon. The blood instantly drains from Leon’s face as he stands completely still out of shock for a moment. Then, suddenly, he starts screaming at the top of his lungs.


The cobras start circling Leon as tears start to stream down his face. Blade shakes his head, the smirk still on his face.

Blade: Ok, I think you’ve had enough.

Blade walks towards Leon and the cobras. He lifts his foot and brings it down on one of the cobras. The cobra lets out large, yellow sparks as it’s crushed beneath Blade’s shoe.

Blade: It’s amazing how realistic robots are becoming these days.

Leon opens his eyes slowly, and sees the metal and wires of the crushed robot cobra. Before letting out a sigh of relief and dropping to his knees, tears still falling down his face.

Blade: You see, these robots are a lot like Vengeance. At first sight, they will strike utmost fear in your heart... But upon closer inspection...

He stomps on another one of the cobras.

Blade: It turns out to all be a ruse. Vengeance tries so hard to make himself the most feared being in the entire WZCW. But since the beginning of my career, I’ve taken these feared beings, Karnage, Phoenix, and I’ve made them human. I’ve showed they are mortal flesh and blood, people, not invincible super-beings.

Blade kneels down and takes the chain off Leon’s ankle.

Blade: And that is exactly what I’m going to do Vengeance.

Blade starts to walk towards the exit of the warehouse.

Blade: Coming, Leon?

Blade turns back around and walks back over to Leon, who is still on the ground. Blade stands over Leon on for a moment and starts shaking his head.

Blade: Passed out. Ridiculous...

Blade walks out of the warehouse, leaving an unconscious Leon behind.
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