AS17: Jordan Lights vs. Steven Holmes

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Holmes' night at Apocalypse ended with him being stuck under some steel chairs while Jordan Lights got a night of rest without a match despite interfering in the Tag Team Title match. Will the rest give Lights the advantage against Holmes who isn't 100%? Find out on Ascension.

Deadline is Tuesday 13th July 23:59 EST
We open in a car park. Leon Kensworth is waiting around, looking for someone to interview. Suddenly a black limousine pulls up in the parking lot. The driver steps out and opens the door for an attractive looking woman with blonde hair, Lisa. She is wearing a rather revealing dress and is showing plenty of skin. Leon is interested in her. He goes to approach when he realises that she’s unpacking a wheelchair. He stops. She gets the wheel chair out and some talking can be heard. No actual words can be made out but it’s clearly a male voice. Slowly but surely a figure begins to slide his way out of the limo and into the chair. It’s Steven Holmes. Holmes looks ridiculous as he positions himself in the chair. He has a neck brace on, one arm in a sling, several cuts and bruises visible on his forehead and has clearly injured his ribs also. He’s also wearing a pair of sunglasses. As he continues to adjust himself in the wheelchair, Lisa begins to push him along when Leon approaches with a microphone in hand and telling the cameraman to start recording.

Leon: Steven, Steven!

Holmes slightly turns his head but cannot turn it fully due to the neck brace. He cracks a slight smile and using his good arm tells Lisa to stop pushing him.

Holmes: Ah, Leon. A pleasure to see you.

Leon: Mr. Holmes, are you sure you should be here?

Holmes chuckles slightly before beginning to cough which causes some discomfort to his ribs. He composes himself.

Holmes: Leon, these are just precautions, I’ll be fine for my match. In fact I’ll be more than ready for Jordan Lights.

Leon: Well, can I ask you a few questions?

Holmes: Most certainly.

Leon: First off, this is all a bit glamorous for a man who apparently believes that there is a poison seeping through WZCW, isn’t it?

Holmes bursts out laughing but again has to clasp his ribs in pain.

Holmes: You think I was serious when I was with Jones? Of course I wasn’t. Crying and kneeling to him. Who do you think I am? A bloody fanatic?

Leon: Well, was anything that you said true?

Holmes: There was a grain of truth to it. I brought up the word legacy and that is what I intend to do here in WZCW, create a legacy. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but thus far I haven’t won a single match since I got here. I lost the battle royale against Gordito, I was beaten by Big Dave and Alexander Steele also pinned me. But I am still undefeated on Pay Per View! Never the less, I’m still not picking up any ticks in the win column BUT this week is when that all changes. You see, I have a cunning plan but more on that later. Back on track, I intend to create a legacy here and to do so I’m going to need to pick up some victories and make an impact. Now, I would say I’ve made an impact, after all I did take Big Dave to the brink and I was on Pay Per View this past week.

Leon: What about the rumours that Steven Kurtsey took the Mayhem Championship at the end of your match?

Holmes looks down (or at least as far down as the neck brace allows him) and cracks a smile before returning his head to an upright position.

Holmes: You think I care?

Leon looks a little confused.

Leon: Well, yeah.

Holmes: Foolish man, I don’t care. I needed to earn a little attention and what better way than by sneaking my way into a championship match, even if it was for that piece of garbage belt. I mean sure it would have been interesting if I had won the match but I wasn’t too bothered. If indeed Kurtsey did take the belt then good for him, I don’t intend on pressing forward for the belt, I intend on focusing on my own goals, and that starts this week by beating Jordan Lights. I mean come on, this guy won’t even know how to wrestle me after all he’s a tag team wrestler and I know he has Baller on the brain, and that’s not a good thing to have on the brain. All joking aside though and I have to say he may be a little tricky but I’ll beat him, after all I’ll have a mental edge over him as I have a clear goal in this match. By the way what kind of name is justice? Eh, Misa?

Lisa: It’s Lisa.

Holmes: Whatever, point is I’ll be packing ‘heavy artillery’.

Holmes guffaws at his terrible joke and Lisa also laughs, although it’s clearly fake. Holmes stops and tries to give her a mean look but can’t quite turn his head.

Holmes: I’m not paying you to laugh at my cruddy jokes alright, Felisa?

Lisa: It’s Lisa.

Holmes: (Getting Snappy) I know what it is. Are we done Leon?

Leon: Yeah I think so. But before you go, there’s still the matter of the $10,000 you owe me from your match with Steele.

Holmes looks a tad alarmed as if hoping he would forget the entire incident.

Holmes: FINE! I can’t reach my check-book, Elisa, can you get it out for me?

Lisa: My name is Lisa!


Lisa does what he asks but isn’t happy. Leon looks a little suspicious.

Leon: Say Steven, this wouldn’t be an escort you hired would it?

Holmes looks very worried and begins to sweat a little. Lisa shoves the check-book into his hands.

Holmes: Say Leon, how about I turn that $10,000 into $20,000? All you have to do is edit that part out and keep this to yourself.

Leon: But what about Frank?

Holmes: Who’s Frank?

Leon: The camera man.

Holmes: Alright, he can have $5,000 if he keeps his mouth shut too. What’s your second name Frank?

Frank: Kowalski.

Holmes writes furiously in the check-book and hands the two checks to Leon who gives Frank his check. Holmes nods as if to say goodbye and is wheeled away by Lisa.

End Scene.
The scene is Jordan Light's locker room. He is standing by with Becky Serra for an interview. She signals to the cameraman to start the interview as Jordan walks on screen.

Becky : Jordan at Apocalypse you had no match, yet some would say you had a major impact on the night. Some would like to say you cost The Ghetto Stars their tag team championships.

Jordan sits down and starts putting on his knee pads as he begins to speak.

Jordan : Becky, they've were imploding for weeks, I don't know how they honestly won the tag team championships together. They just didn't seem to click. Just look at what happened after the match, Baller attacked his own partner Baker, who was already injured. He potentially put James back on the shelf.

Becky : Luckily you were still around the ringside area and made the save for James.

Jordan starts lacing up his boots now and answers Becky as he is preparing for his match.

Jordan : Becky, I didn't make the save for James, I did it for me. You see Becky, I don't know if you remember, but Baller cost my ex-partner and myself our chance at a rematch. Baller is the definition of injustice. He is cocky, arrogant, and corrupt. There is just nothing I like about that man. There is no way he is innocent of anything, and I intend to expose that and show the world what he truly is.

Becky watches as Jordan stands up and puts on his elbow pads now.

Becky : Speaking of corrupt and arrogant, Jordan what do you think about your opponent this week, Steven Holmes.

Jordan : Well Becky to be quite honest, this man is all about injustice and corruption. He uses his money to buy whatever he wants and thinks he can get away with it. Tonight I'm going to prove that money can't buy everything , especially in this business. In this business it's about your skill and your will power, your will to go on and survive. It's about your integrity and you.This man may have taken a guy like Big Dave to the limit, but once I get done wit him he'll think that was a cake walk. Tonight he will know the consequences of his actions and justice shall be served.

Jordan begins to tape up his wrists and hands now as he continues talking.

Jordan : This world is full of corrupt, guilty people Becky, some of which are a part of this organization, and I intended to change that. It started this past Sunday with Baller, and it will continue tonight with Steven Holmes. I'm on the path of justice and things will be changing Becky! Are you ready for it?

As Becky goes to speak Jordan walks off towars the ring as his match is up next.
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