AS17: Blade vs. Phoenix

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Where Blade gave a valiant attempt to claim the EurAsian Championship, Phoenix was successful in finishing off his rivalry against Garth Black in a Last Man Standing Match. Now these two will face off to give a fresh match to the midcard area, no doubt both men will be looking to try and get closer to the EurAsian or Elite X Championship. Who will take the first step tonight to bring them closer to the gold?

Deadline is Tuesday 13th July 23:59 EST
The scene opens in a random locker room with nothing to help the viewer figure out what building or what town it is in. The room is very dimly lit and grungy looking. In the middle of the room sits Phoenix. He is on a warped wooden bench and going through a locker in front of him. Closer inspection shows that he is sweating profusely, as if he has just finished a tough workout. He turns away from the camera, and marks from the Last Man Standing match can still be seen on his face. Phoenix turns toward the camera to speak with paint smeared across his face.

Heliopolis. Mythology states that a reborn Phoenix begins its life there. From ashes back to life. From the ultimate ending to a brand new beginning. Heliopolis is more than a city. It is where heaven and hell become irrelevant. It is what is spoken of in Genesis; It is what is spoken of in the beginning.

Ever since the accident, I’ve been trying to reach Heliopolis. I knew it couldn’t be the hospital bed I was confined to after my drunken stupidity ended my life. During my time in WZCW, there were a few times when I thought I had finally arrived. The more I pushed, however, the more I realized that Heliopolis wasn’t a destination I could arrive at after only a couple days of travel. It would require me to fully transform and be reborn again.

This realization was tough for me to handle. As my personal dream seemed more and more impossible, my professional life became more and more erratic as well. The pressure I put upon myself to achieve the ultimate journey to Heliopolis caused me to falter under pressure time and time again. Then, I found the book.

Phoenix reaches into the locker again and pulls out "The Art of War." He looks upon it as a devote Christian would look upon their copy of the Bible.

In this book, I found the guidance I needed. In this book, I found my true self. In this book, I found my ticket to Heliopolis. At Apocalypse, I was finally able to shine when the lights were the brightest. I won the Last Man Standing match. I finally achieved what I had begun to believe was impossible. I was going to finally have my rebirth.

The final piece of the puzzle is what you see now. As I went through my transformation, I realized that my purpose here in WZCW has changed. I came here, thinking I had my rebirth to “save” everyone from the pain that they cause themselves.

Phoenix pauses for a second to shake his head and chuckle to himself.

But now, I have realized how foolish I was. My lifestyle isn’t what caused my pain. Life itself is pain. We come up with clever ways excuses to hide that we know this: stress, addictions, health issues, etcetera. In reality, we just can’t accept that life is pain. I now know that my reason for being here is to help people learn this lesson by being the incarnation of pain. I just finished one of my new training sessions. I have changed my style inside the ring to reflect my new mindset. From now on, my goal every time I enter the ring will not be just to win the match. I want my opponents to know that their lives are nothing but pain and that I am more than happy to deliver that pain to them.

Now that the book has been closed on my past and that I have finally reached Heliopolis, I can return my focus to the goal with which I entered WZCW: winning the World Title. The first speed bump on my road to the title is Blade. He probably is blaming the pain he feels right now on his loss to Big Dave at Apocalypse. He’s probably depressed, thinking he will never win the big one. Trust me, I know how he feels. But after I finish with him on Ascension, Blade will realize when you see that you are going to step into the ring with Phoenix, it is only going to get worse for you.

Phoenix turns back to the locker and starts stuffing items into a duffle bag as he continues to speak.

I’m here to show all of WZCW that life is pain. And if any of you don’t believe me, step into the ring with me.

He slams the locker shut and stares straight into the camera to deliver his last line as he walks past it.

Your definition of pain will never be the same.
Dave wastes no time and hits the Stamp of Authority on Blade. Dave leans against the ropes, barely able to stand after that move. He stumbles away from the ropes towards Blade. He stands over him and is about to pin him, but Blade suddenly rolls over. He grabs at Dave's legs and begins to pull himself up. Dave can not believe it. He helps Blade onto his feet and stares him in the eye. Blade flips Dave off and spits one in his eye. Dave wipes the loogie off his face and and lifts Blade onto his shoulders. Stamp of Authority for a second time. The cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still EurAsian champion, Big Dave!

Dave stands over Blade as the ref raise his arm. He looks down at Blade then goes to get his EurAsian title belt. He holds it up for the audience. Dave quickly exits out of the ring. The ref checks on Blade, who begins to roll over and struggle to his feet. Dave gets to the top of the ramp and looks back at the ring. Blade has crawled to the ropes and uses them to barely get onto his feet. He looks up at Dave, who cannot believe that Blade is even standing.

As the titantron shows the video package for the next match, Blade is helped out of the ring by the referee. They walk slowly up the ramp and backstage, where the WZCW physician is waiting for Blade.

Doctor: Blade, we’re going need to take a look at you.

Blade: No... Big Dave... I have to find him...

Doctor: Dave is gone, Blade. Now sit down, you probably have a concussion. You might even have some internal bleeding, you have to let me check out your condition.

Blade, looking angry but still dazed slowly sits down as the doctor starts to do simple tests on Blade.

Blade: This... ISN’T OVER!


Rebecca Serra is standing by with Blade in his locker room. He has a bandage around his head and his ribs are taped up, but his face still looks confident and determined.

Rebecca: Blade, Big Dave put you down with a Stamp of Authority, but you refused to stay down, even going as far as spitting in his face. What made you do some so... Well, stupid?

Blade lets out a heavy sigh and rubs his sore ribs for a moment.

Blade: Big Dave thought he was so untouchable and powerful going into Apocalypse, but I brought him down a peg or two. He hit me with his finisher, a move that has put the best in WZCW down, and I got right up. I was not going to let him enjoy his win, I was going to be defiant and piss him off until the very end, because that’s what he deserved. He beat me worse than I’ve been beaten up in my life, but I was not going to stay down for him while I was still conscious. I lost, but there’s no way in hell this is over. I saw the look on Dave’s face after I got up when the match was over, something no one has ever seen in Dave’s eyes before.... Fear. Each time we meet, I come closer and closer to beating him, and the next time we inevitably meet, I am finally going to keep him down. For good.

Rebecca: What about the EurAsian title?

Blade: It will still be mine eventually. I am going to let it come to me. Fate always finds a way.

There’s an awkward silence as Rebecca decides whether or not to continue.

Rebecca: Ummm... Right. And this week you’ve got Phoenix, who’s just come off a big win over his nemesis Garth Black in a Last Man Standing match. Your thoughts?

Blade smirks.

Blade: I don’t know who Phoenix is kidding, I really don’t. See, I heard him talk about how I’ll be hurt. Or at least, I think that was the gist, it started getting kind of emo near the end. But he is just as hurt, just as sore as I am. He was in a Last Man Standing match, the most brutal match in the world. Sure, he came out on top, but no one comes out of a match like that without pain coursing through their body.

Blade leans forward for his cigarettes, wincing in pain as he does so. He takes one out and lights it up, exhaling the smoke, which becomes illuminated by the light above.

Blade: Phoenix thinks I’m upset, frustrated, depressed about not winning the belt... Wow, he clearly didn’t do his research, did he? He clearly knows nothing about me. Cause right now, I’m more determined than ever to win that title. But I’ll admit, I’m slightly hypocritical here. I didn’t do my research on him either, because I had no idea he could read.

Rebecca stifles a laugh as Blade takes a long drag from his cigarette before continuing.

Blade: Alas, it turns out he can read. And not just Spot the Dog, he reads big boy books too, which is a funny coincidence, because I happen to have been writing a book myself over the last few days.

Blade reaches under the table and pulls out a few sheets of A4 paper, written on by Blade. The cover has the words: Meh: The Phoenix Story.

Blade: Never has there been a more apt title for a book, I think. But I’ve been working on this “book” for a few days now, and I thought I might read you some of my favourite passages. What do you think, Becky?

Rebecca: Well, Uhh...

Blade: Excellent! Now, I’ll start with a passage from chapter 8, about your Apocalypse match with Black.

Blade mockingly clears his throat.

Blade: “The referee finally reached ten, and Garth could not get up to answer the count. After the post-match chair smashing of Garth’s face, Phoenix smiled out of relief. And the crowd replied with a shrug of utter indifference. Garth had been kicking Phoenix’s ass up and down WZCW for the last 3 months. Finally Phoenix had gotten his win, but it was a cheap one so nobody cared that much.”

Blade lowers the “book”

Blade: I think that’s a very fair assessment of the events. This author is an intelligent man.

Rebecca rolls her eyes

Rebecca: Aren’t you the author?

Blade: Exactly. Now, let me read you my very favourite passage from the book. Chapter 9, entitled Ascension 17. “Blade kicked Phoenix in the stomach, hooked his arms, and delivered a devastating Halo to Phoenix. Blade then pinned Phoenix in the middle of the ring, 1... 2... 3, before celebrating the win with his billions of fans.”

Blade lowers the book again, smirking before taking the last drag off his cigarette and flicking it into the ashtray.

Blade: See, Phoenix you think the Art of War will tell you what you need to know about wrestling and our match? No. See, those two sentences are all you need to know, my friend. That’s how the story that is our match ends. Me, standing tall, and you on the mat, crushed with your emo fringe and naive dreams of title glory. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Becky, I have to finish off writing the chapter about Phoenix’s teenage years. According to very reliable source, he wet his bed until he was 17. But you’ll just have to read all about it when the fine publication is released...

Rebecca slowly gets up and leaves, shaking her head.
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